Gypsy Bride and Her 15 Bridesmaids | My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding | FULL EPISODE | OMG

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in traveler culture marrying non-travelers or Gorges has long been taboo but despite grievances from both communities intermarriage is on the increase if it was my advice for the people but when I get married to gorgeous don't do it don't do it because it may work for a little while but it don't last very long because two whales collide [Music] Romani Gypsy Tony Giles is considering marrying a non-traveler girl [Music] for 30 years his family have been based at a site known to locals as the wrong turn gypsies if you notice the younger ones they like their men before their time it's because they've been brought up hard they decided to do two things work or fight I'm not much of a worker as you can see if I can fight that's one good thing so I started boxing when I was eight and then it went from there to a better knuckle fighting for years to try and get money to survive otherwise what whatever chance was it for me nothing against his family's wishes Tony has moved into Danielle's house and the culture Clash has already begun onto some knackered from going out with a traveler man to be honest oh I've gone out with Golda as well pregnant hormonal glamor model gold drop will you change nappies what yes of course I will pregnant and he's got me doing the hoovering and everything I really feel sorry for traveler wives despite a long-standing distrust between the two communities Gypsy and gorger relationships can overcome adversity last year 17 year old Sam married into the Gypsy Community First of all because well I'm gone with her marriage to Gypsy scrap dealer Pat Sam won his family over by doing things that travel away [Music] what do you say to people who are watching who go she's crazy she's gonna live in a trailer I've tried it 10 months on Sam and Pat are living on a site next to an industrial estate Sam is expecting a baby boy these are those t-shirts jumpers I like fire pairs of jeans got loads I think that's quite a lot of jeans to buy for a new baby yeah if I was saying that it won't get a chance for wearing yeah I used to live in a lot of these cupboards than me you are no one can wear a lot for every day of his life sometimes if we get bored I'll just get all these clothes out and just fold them up I've been feeling upset I've just gone buying things cheers me up despite throwing herself into Gypsy life Sam is still struggling with the realities of living on a site she eats it no I don't I don't hate it and I like it but I just think it's a bit like doom and glue money I'd like it as well if there's more people my age only because they're all older than me so I'm lonely I've no friends when he's at work through the day I'm just thumbnail she wants a bath basically if I could build a bathroom you should be happy like getting the knee goes oh yeah you can go to your mum's it's not the same want me on bath [Applause] pram is next on the shopping list but as a gypsy man this is not Pat's domain thumbs up from sold on Twitter I'll pick the crumb I won't be using it well yeah don't pushing the problem I want a big cream one with our baby blue when the fruit with like ribbons and diamonds and things like that cheap cheap as possible she likes the silver gloss prawns but I think they're like Coffins on Wheels disgusting he says there's no room for it but there is three in for it I'll make you in for it Chuck him out I don't want none of these [Music] I want a cream a cream leather one I don't want this one so this is a complete waste of my day why is it always CJ you're not gonna pick one now well if you see one yeah what's going on I shut up [Music] marriage between Gypsies and non-travelers or gorgeous is rare when it does occur The Clash of cultures can prove a strain on the relationship Roman Egyptian George Webb has recently separated from his gorgeous wife and has moved into his uncle's Back Garden outside in the rain snow whatever you might go and live in a house but you ain't got no Freedom you're a rabbit Arch you know you might have all your comfort to end but you're unhappy so what's the point and you've got to do what makes you happy George was married to a gorger for seven years but his wife was unhappy with the role expected of her when you marry out or your own breed you don't know what's hit you you really don't know what's hit you she couldn't live my life she realized that she couldn't live the way I live she couldn't she couldn't do without like not flicking a switch on not without running water and I wouldn't do it again not fool the teen China George has two children from his marriage both now live with their mother my concerns is as the children get older and I'm not there to see them on the right road that they'll get more gorgeous ways in a more non-gypsy ways in them then they will Gypsy ways in them [Music] George restores Caravans for a living and his aunt and cousin are happy to help with the tasks his wife was reluctant to do can you climb and clean this wardrobe for me because I can put the mirror back on are you gonna clean or what the wind do the cleaning the men do the the earning but when I was married was a different couple of fish she used to own to give me a glass of water get them sticky bits off because I make it unlevel I never worked to like a dog I've done a lot for her I can do this here because I got a man come and look at it and I'm gonna get it sold come on the breakdown of it was she didn't want to do it look pick that off with you now pick it off I'll tell you what it's taking him a long time [Music] Gypsy Tony has been sent on an urgent errand by his pregnant non-traveler girlfriend [Music] a lot now Danielle's Waters his boat this morning five o'clock that was a nice morning to get up three weeks early as well so I'm gonna get the best thing for the work we've been told for her to do is to have a spicy curry it's funny in it I'm a pro-cage fighter I don't get nervous before a fight she's having a baby feel like a little kid hopefully everything can be all right like God on our side just hope you don't come out Ginger all right trying to get a spicy curry for the message I was pregnant it's no good looking at that I can't even read and there's not that many pictures Tony has three other children from a previous relationship with a traveler but wasn't present at any of the births Daniel wants me with a oh it's just not a gypsy thing to do it's like a woman's thing pretty much so she don't understand that low so I'm gonna have to try and compromise around this one so I've been roped into it already thank you very much when I go into labor he's not going to cope with it because he saw my Waters broke and nearly passed out so I don't know how he's gonna deal he had to hang his head out the window nearly passed out and basically threw up out the window just over a little bit of water before you push yourself hey I just stood there baby you know it was all like a little pile of it so what would you do I nearly jumped out the window two stories I head first [Music] Sam and Pat have registered the birth of their new baby boy Patrick Tom [Music] their son will begin his life in a caravan but his identity is yet to be decided it's going to be classed as a gypsy so it needs to be able to stick off for yourself because unfortunately I think he might get bullied I wouldn't have anyone calling him or anything just because at least that was a Zippo this could be building from both sides yeah my little gypsy kids that don't agree with me I didn't think that like people were bullying because like he's a gypsy or like people are playing because you know no I mean I don't think about classes of gypsy I think he will do I think he will [ __ ] you will not because he's not oh yes Jeff hard like his daddy and where's he living is he living in elves he's a bit of both mostly a traveler he's gonna be spoiled Romany Gypsy George already has two children from his marriage to a non-traveler come here despite the fact that they live with their mother George is determined they don't lose their Gypsy identity how can we get them changed look they ain't never been like brought up with clothes like that I'm not going to put my child lock in a jogging suit or think look at that all right I know he's that oh yeah you're done go and play I've got to keep the clothes because I've done it before I've gone and I've brought them loads of clothes before and I've never seen him on them again and they've told me that mommy tripped it away mummy chucked it away probably because they're too Gypsy for her two travelified [Music] [Applause] or just taking his children to Dartford Fair a traditional Gypsy Gathering [Music] why do you like bringing the kids places like here George because I don't know if I like it there's a lot of traveling children here there's a few cousins there and bits and pieces like that and find us a nice little outfits nice and close just some bits of clothes for them so I can keep in the trailer any little boys over coating yet yeah it's nice the fair is another opportunity for George to instill his children with Gypsy values it's very important for my children to come to a place like this the thing is they're stuck in this school with all the Gorges on our steak with the gorgeous seeing all gorgeous things and go just find things acceptable but traveling agency people don't find acceptable you know in the school out the school bedtime sausage beans Mash all that routine thing my children ain't used to that yeah look understand me right gorgeous that'll stay what I was on right you got people taking drugs you've got men living with men you've got women living with women you've got them get in the gyro going up the road spending it on drink the children are filthy and I'd be fed they like that like anaka I got more fat on my toe and with my children it's in their brain to be outside and be playing with other traveling children [Music] Travelers wants better things for their children the love I got from our children and never stop no matter what happens [Music] Berkshire Danielle is going into hospital to have her labor induced breaking with Gypsy convention Tony intends to be present at the birth and the lady says push just push little contracts nothing's happened I know something is going on but it's not contractions don't worry I feel like we're going to be a phase tired of waiting Tony leaves the moral support to Danielle's friend Nina Tony wants to be here in the labor but I know that he's not going to be able to stomach it there's no way he's going to be able to stomach he heaves over like a bogey how is it going to cope your child better as the labor begins there is still no sign of Tony oh I'm getting a little behind oh my God and it's gonna get a whole lot of a lot I'm 32 so is it gone now no it's just aching where are you now yeah you want to be because you're starting to piss me off now [Music] broke myself into something here we've got it and I'm stepping into uncharted waters now I'm about to psych myself up I'm hoping not too much blood and guts I think I swear to God I will say one thing that I was half emotional in the don't realize not many traveling men would see this side of it but it's intense and see why they stay away [Music] thank you [Music] yeah you're not coming Roman and Gypsy Tracy Herron is proof that marriage between Gypsies and non-travelers can work yeah and in that'll be all opened all balloons and cream all on the walls all the pictures are coming down Tracy has been married to her gorgeous husband Phil for nearly 10 years didn't you have them on your last dress lots of diamantes lots of sparkles after a low-key marriage at a registry office Phil has been saving ever since for the lavish wedding Tracy has longed for it didn't really have a lot of money at the time when we first get married so we went to the registry office had a quick wedding known which I've always said whenever we do get enough money in that then we'll do it again properly so hence the reason why she did it massive four Big Stretch humbers we've got I think you got 14 bridges in it yep they got four white horses in a carriage a big pink Carriage I think everyone drinks a little like fairy tale day I hope everything goes up perfect and I'll get that day despite their successful marriage their relationship was met with opposition to begin with it was a little bit hard to start with your dad wasn't it oh yeah like my dad yeah of course I was in the Army at the time and there wasn't a thing that a traveler would do yeah I was working on the farms and my phone would ring my brother would be like who's that on the phone just a friend [Music] [Laughter] Tracy isn't the only woman in her family to marry outside the Gypsy community her cousin Maria also married a non-traveler for the relationship soon turned sour I took my ex and his family you know I was scum of the earth and hadn't done anything wrong no you know they're spitting at me the [ __ ] you know that that hurt just because we were born and bred in the Caravan yeah in a trailer however we'd like to say it we should be proud of what you are okay you know it just it does it brings tears to my eyes because you know we're normal yeah they're the ones missing out not no one else you're worth a million to them yes you are right yeah wow Roman Egyptian George only has access to his children twice a week [Music] and he never misses an opportunity to share his Gypsy Traditions today he has set his sights on a special treat for lunch a hedgehog so where do you tend to find them you tend to find him up close right near the trunks of the trees and you've got to look that's why you've got a poke to say how would you eat it just sit and eat and man the fire while they're being cooked it's like not like a meal thing sort of thing I suppose like years ago Travis like made him as a meal it's more like a starter an hors d'oeuvre another cultural aspect George hopes to pass on is the gypsy language known as Romanus it's not used as much as what it should be used I ain't got a lot of people to talk to really the main words really is like cushy jaw gel malt attacker and what all those words mean malt means woman or young Gale um what else did I say jail means go well means bad luck waffely means bad Bach is luck well to tell you the truthful fashioned television guy thought it was like waffle de Buck unlucky to write it down and that's the worst as well what you keep hearing Gathers gathers gather they think that it means the police but it don't gather the real meaning for Gather means hide [Music] back at his trailer George is joined by some of his extended family for a traditional meal although hedgehogs have proved elusive George's last rabbit hunt was more successful last night what was George like growing up oh he was a lovely boy always was old-fashioned always because I think it was because I was brought up with old people telling the truth old-fashioned ways are going on yeah who wants to be modern just four weeks until Phil and trace's dream wedding they have run into difficulties but for some will have saved up for nearly 10 years they're doing properly and then for someone just to rip you off and take it off you I'd love to choke on it that's all I can say The Wedding Planner they've hired has gone bankrupt and made off with their savings just keep trying to get older with no contact back at all um phone numbers have been cut off tamed cut off she's a rip-off merchant that's all I can call her I'd like to give her a piece of my mind I would literally it's not fair on them it's not fair on the chilled neighbors to see the mum like it most costly of all 14 bridesmaids dresses ordered from China have gone missing until I get them you just keep thinking with days and days to go you just want everything here and to be perfect and it to be a special day in it and the day I never read and yeah it's hard okay that's my missing tissue please she's been like really tearful because you don't she doesn't know what's going to be happening with our dresses and like if they're gonna come or not you don't do that to gypsies I know definitely I would smack her I'd know I would [Music] George's day with his children is coming to an end I can't see why I can't add my children longer I've just said to the judge I said look I said I love my children I think the world of my children I said I'm a very very good dad he didn't understand me there's Goldie judges there's gorgeous solicitors are the gold your wife and I'm just the only Traveler the access agreement is very strict but George has lost track of time if George is late returning his children he could lose the right to see them foreign 15 minutes that's what I ate you're not lucky you like a criminal on the tag with your children come on quick run [Music] foreign [Music] terrible feel terrible for not driving yourself through that else there standing there waiting as well with the boyfriend these are Golgi right up her straight but she wanted she got what she wanted but she lost what she had another lonely night now foreign a difficult birth Tony returned to Danielle's side in the hospital their son Rudy is now six weeks old child care is considered to be Woman's Work in the Gypsy Community but Tony has conceded to a more Hands-On approach listen I'm not just a cage fighter I'm not just a pretty face look I'm a fully trained dad for kids now so and this was the first kid that I was there through the bath with and I wish I would have been there with the other ones really because it's how much emotion and everything he's put into it [Music] look it's gonna be a little cage fighter I can tell thank you definitely going to be a little cage fire Danielle is hoping the baby will heal wounds with Tony's Family Tony's mum made us this um because she makes all these um blankets and stuff and she's very spoiled boy it's important that he has a relationship with his other side of the family just as long as they treat my child how they treat the other children and that's fine oh [Music] with just 11 days to go until Tracy's wedding there is some good news at last a delivery has arrived all the way from China oh it feels like Christmas okay Rachel she's 41 inches one two three one two seven o'clock this morning we're still phoning I'm not really getting any answers but I'm pleased now they're all here it's a big weight off everyone's shoulders now yeah just when things are looking up Tracy notices there's a problem with the bridesmaid dresses in the Cinema in a bow that hits the floor no yeah the bankrupt wedding planner has failed to pay for the complete order I'd like to get hold of her important been paid for once why should we have to keep buying twice on everything yeah okay then all right then thank you very much bye well no what's the time we're not paying for him again she's getting a maid and they'll be in next week what should we have to play from again it's right there in it no I'm losing my temper now [Music] [Applause] [Music] four months since the birth of their son Rudy the culture Clash has taken its toll on Tony and Danielle Tiny's used to girls that stay at home and cook and clean for him which I do do but then I think why should you go out and I stay at home I'm not having that Tony sometimes thinks that you still Peter Pan and he needs to grow up a bit because I'm not going to sit at home looking out for the baby while he goes out the couple have decided on a trial separation it's just two different people two different upbringings people look at us they think we're all the same as not we get talk different things at the beginning of the year it was all going good new relationship new babies on the way never think of rain to the christening and just got a block on it but I love Danielle you know so hopefully things can work out okay ten years after a low-key wedding Romani Gypsy Tracy is renewing her vows and having the lavish celebration she always dreamed of nothing of those planned is it on church on time we're getting there there are 14 bridesmaids needing a full makeover have fun love you all I've still got quite a few left I'm trying to go as quick as I can to get it done just keep calm not everyone is aware of the tight schedule bend it bend it Megan because I don't like that at the minute it's looking too outwards yeah bend it right in that's it and Megan you know those bits here can you poke them up a bit as well Megan you know that bit there that curls and goes there can you bring that like out a bit Yeah Yeah but just tell them at the end of the day yeah just tell them just to get their hair done and be back here for 11 o'clock yeah tell them don't stop messing around don't panic okay all right love you bye no no put it put it back it's the day of baby Rudy's christening and his gorgeous mother Danielle has reunited with his Gypsy father Tony in time for the special occasion hopefully everything will go all right all right the celebration is also a test of whether their families will get on together my family haven't met Tony's family this is like the first day it's a massive moment the worst that can happen the pie got turned upside down or something let's hope that people can hold their temper and still to another day just not on my boy's christening Tony's children from his previous relationship are joining in the celebration what are you going to do Tone If any little boy tried kissing her are they getting knuckle sandwiches we're supposed to leave in 10 minutes I think I ain't even got change yet can someone grab Tony I've got one shoe at the moment how are you feeling about the two families meeting together for a little bit of nose I don't never get enough I've got a bit of butterflies so let's hope it all goes all right oh yeah no no what you want to do around what am I gonna do I need to go for a poo it's eight minutes two oh we're late where's the baby oh oh my God I just shut my train in the door with both Gypsy and non-travel appearance Rudy's christening is an opportunity for him to be welcomed into both communities so it's baby Rudy a traveler or a gorger then well sure Bush say he's having off and he you know that anyway but uh but doesn't matter we or what we are you what you are everyone's everyone's down from up there or we all go to I won't but anyway you know all one that's what I look at oh hopefully it all goes nice at the church then I'm ready to rock and roll in the club do a few dances show me me Michael Jackson uh at Walton bank that's it I'm ready to rock [Music] Rudy's christening has finally United both gorger Gypsy families Rudy I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen May the peace of the Lord be always with you [Music] enjoy it was good everyone's getting on with each other so happy days well I didn't even hear it to be honest I had five five bottles of volleyball no I'll do that because someone else you know not really [Music] back in Canterbury there's half an hour to go before Tracy's wedding ceremony begins I just want to breathe and just can't enjoy every bit now as the 15 bridesmaids make their way to Tracy's house news of the wedding has quickly spread through the neighborhood [Music] [Music] yes we're going to be late for the wedding if we're not careful over at the in-laws Phil's plans for a perfect white and pink themed wedding are in jeopardy it's a [ __ ] [ __ ] black one oh there's a white one two is supposed to be white one was supposed to be like a creamy Goldy color no one was a pink one don't tell me after that it's a black one oh [ __ ] yeah not unless I'm [ __ ] color blind the [ __ ] piss or what oh yeah dad Thomas at the house yeah but it's a white it's a black one not a white one which means it's a black one she said what do you mean it's a black one exactly what he says it's a black one well they know it should be right well they know it should be white she said yeah that's naughty is he right he's swearing so we've got a black hammer right [ __ ] 18 [ __ ] joke what happened to the white one you at all no thank you despite her wedding planner going bankrupt lost dresses and a wrong colored limo Tracy is finally getting the extravagant wedding she has always craved yeah [Music] foreign [Music] Tracy you have committed yourselves to each other in marriage for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till partied by Death is this your understanding of the Covenant and promise that you have made a bit louder because it is thank you [Music] you're beautiful drunk later on though can't we [Music] um it's a rare occasion when Gypsies and gorgeous celebrate side by side but today they've come together for Tracy and Phil [Applause] [Music] oh it's amazing it's not my fairy tale dream Sarah's Conte [Music] although this Union has proved that a mixed marriage can work there is still some division among Tracy's family about the two cultures coming together I think they should keep to our own kind to make obviously the family tradition going because obviously our often can feel a little is that the tradition ain't going to carry on going it's going to fade and fade away my personal thing is that you can keep your family to your family that you shouldn't mix with anyone our marriage a girl yeah but I wouldn't marry a traveler and I wouldn't because I want my marriage to work and not be a few years I've either beating or a divorce down the line what woman wants to put herself through I've been snatched because I wouldn't I mean my advice wouldn't even dream to beat me I say I'll kill him I'll be in my ways of sleeping I'll execute him in the bathroom foreign [Music] baby Rudy's christening ceremony is over and the after party has begun with both families celebrating together [Music] [Applause] a gorgeous Gypsies and guys all communicating all and they're all enjoying themselves did you ever think that would happen no I was expecting a little bit of tear up wouldn't I look a few black guys for the first time Danielle is being truly accepted by Tony's Family hot pants I only know it has been a lovely day no trouble no nothing so your last chips he's wearing all rough I'm ready I'll clear my family out there just over an hour later there's been an incident in the car park [Music] I don't even know I don't know them I don't know who they are traveler whoever it is all right as long as everyone's nice to me I'm nice to them anyone upset my family and there's one place they're going yeah [Applause] picture [Music] while adjoining of gypsies and non-travelers is still considered Unthinkable by many a happy marriage like Tracy and Phil's is achievable [Music] how does this compare to your first time because 100 times better in it yeah [Music] I've been pissed off about that all day [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 445,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: say yes to the dress, wedding town, bridal, wedding planning, wedding video, strangest wedding, big fat gypsy wedding, gypsy weddings, traveller girl, worst dress, best dress, big fat gypsy weddings, traveller community, irish traveller, traveller culture, irish traveler, gypsy wife, big fat gypsy wedding full episode, big fat gypsy wedding uk, big fat gypsy wedding episode, big fat gypsy wedding tlc, bigger fatter gypsy wedding, gypsy wedding, gypsy life, gypsy woman
Id: 2DkBd04XKI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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