Marry Me Mendez - Neek & Nell's Wedding Ceremony

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foreign [Music] thank you I would never let a tear fall from your eyes [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] if there's a question of my heart got it it don't belong to anyone but you hey if there's a question of my love you got it baby don't worry I got plans yeah baby I've been making plans baby [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh every day you're all I think about you my mind is it's like a river and you're always bathed in the water oh I pray for you [Music] I can't believe we're here [Music] oh I pray [Music] to be married [Music] can you take me friends and family of nikonell welcome to one of life's sweetest and most precious moments the union of two individuals in heart Body Mind and Spirit we all hear today in the presence of God to celebrate the love that started 11 years ago love is a miraculous gift and a wedding is a celebration of magic and that's why we're here today to share this magic would love to take this moment and thank you all for taking the time and making the journey to ensure that they were surrounded by the love of family and friends as they make their marriage vows let us pray Dear God we pray for Shaniqua and Chanel as they enter into the sacred vials of marriage that they may live according to their promises to each other and that they may so create a marriage that is filled with joy and gentleness we pray that as they enter into the deepest mysterious and wonders of love that they are able to create a sanctuary in their hearts for each other amen we have loved in our lifetime and in this moment we're reminded that the ability to love is the very best part of our Humanity and so if there were ever two people meant to find each other meant to fall in love and men to live in their lives together in marriage those two people are naked now This Love Story began 11 years ago it was love at first sight after being apart for some time a simple notification of Nick's Apple watch reconnected these two lovebirds and ever since have been inseparable Nick and Nell for many years you may all be seated please for many years share their activities on their apple watches but out of respect never reacted to any of their notification not until Nick was notified that Nell was a two thousand two hundred percent activity for the day it definitely caught Nick's attention and of course reacted not knowing that this was a sign sent from the universe that they were both ready to open the final chapter of their love with more patience wisdom and more understanding for one another when acts what Nick loves about Nell her comforting hugs that assures her every day everything will be okay for her energy and her beautiful eyes that always gets her as I quote Nick I am filled with overwhelming Joy Nell still managed to make me nervous after all these years I get butterflies when I see her after long periods of time when we're away I generally happy words just can't measure up to what I feel when acts when Nell loves abonique well now La trust sneaks with her life she loves how thoughtful she is she sends her flower just because she's caring and loving Nick puts Savion and no before anything without regarding any hesitation as I quote now I think how we're always in sync we're literally go together like hand and gloves if she Yang a Ying or if I push she pulls and it's so also effortless they have groaned and learned that communication and listening to One Another is key their love for one another their Mutual understanding and respect has only grown stronger with time and it is evident that they will continue to enjoy life and travel the world as lifelong partners so as they say if you let something go and if it comes back to you then it's always most meant to be so Nick and now we're always meant to be you can know you're about to make promises to one another these vowels are words representing your intentions and with all our support and we're here to celebrate you but only you too have the power to make this marriage comforting now I Crystal either Mendez I'm duly authorized to solemnize your marriage according to the Universal Life Church and the laws of the State of Florida before you Shaniqua and you should know are joined together in my presence with your family and friends as I witnessed and may I publicly remind you that Chanel the woman's whose hand you hold loves you very much and in the presence of God and your loved ones I ask will you take Shaniqua to be your wife and lifelong companion faithful partner and best friend for life do you promise to honor her growth and freedom as well as your own do you accept her with all her own faults and all her strengths and offer yourself with all your own faults and strength do you promise to help her when you need help and turn to her when she needs help will you forever love her respect her and believe in her and stand by her side through whatever May comes did you guys hear that [Laughter] y'all heard that okay all right I thought y'all sizzles the hands of the woman you hold loves you very much and in the presence of God and your loved ones I ask will you take Chanel to be your wife and long life companion a faithful partner and best friend for life do you promise to honor her growth and freedom as well as your own do you accept her with all her own faults and all her strengths and offer yourself with all your own faults and strength do you promise to help her when she needs help and turn to her when you need help will you forever love her respect her and believe in her and stand by her side through whatever May Come yes I ask that you all stand please turn around now in the spirit of joy and affirmation I want to ask your family and friends a question do you the families and friends of Nick and know give them your blessing and support this day wishing them a wonderful life together [Applause] yeah you may all be seated I thought we had a problem Nika now the formal exchange of your wedding vows is the most significant part of your wedding set or morning while they're very simple words they are and they have extraordinary meaning and importance and you'll find that as you speak them to one another that these are truly sacred promises well family and friends our couple have prepared their own vows and we will start first with Nick I have a microphone you all hear me I have a Michael are you miked up okay uh sure please thank you so much can you guys hear me all right it's just a couple of turns okay I can already tell you're going to be a I can't say the word problem [Laughter] those were the first words you said to me and it wasn't the in the best tone I just smiled thinking the same thing who would have thought we would have been standing here today bear with me guys bear with me um I was never one to dream about moments like this when you came back into my life I quickly realized I couldn't dream of someone like you because they're simply rarely exists oh God hold on all right okay Chanel I stand here today humbled honored to truly know and understand what it feels like to love and to be loved unconditionally and for that I thank you turn number one okay I often refer to our love as effortless because loving you isn't a task it's a natural feeling that grows every single day now is a great time for you to tell me if you put a spell on me blink twice if you did wow you blinked twice once I am confident in these words as I am confident in this marriage I won't promise that this will be the overrated white picket fence that everyone searches for it might be a fence made from Old Wounds tears childhood experiences fantasies dreams and pain but the difference between the two is I is the genuine love and the experience that nobody can ever take away two people working together and building their best version of their own white picket fence turn number three coming to I promise that you will never have to question my love my intent or my loyalty to our family I will always make you feel valued honor and cherish throughout this marriage I promise to be your number one fan for the rest of our lives I will be your shoulder to lean on with those imaginary tears that you don't shed okay I will be your legs when they Buckle beneath you and your strength when you think you can't go anymore lastly I promise to continue to provide a strong foundation for our son a foundation of values morals and respect I am looking forward to our future together us against the world okay okay I made it y'all hey I ain't got as many pages so I won't be here long straight to the point this is it bottom line up it is I'm trying to peek Shanika you're the most caring loving and selfless person that I've ever met the most beautiful beautiful the most beautiful part of you is your heart falling in love with you nervous yeah I am a little nervous Falling in Love With You has changed me as a person for so long I was emotionally unavailable and then you came and changed that you taught me how to love but most importantly you taught me how to be loved the love you give makes me feel all giddy inside you inspired me to be to be better and to love harder I vow to you to always respect you to never do anything that would bring shame on us our relationship our family about to always be there for you to cheer you on in the darkest times to hold your hand through The Darkest Hours like we are in this together Shanika and I promise you I am not going anywhere ever at all again period you are the person I want to come home to the person I want to tell how my day went you're the person I want to share my happiness with share my sadness with my goals and my dreams you are my person it was always you always has been you and it will always be you forever and a day I love you Shanika ain't gonna cry until I was about though having an exchange vows declaring their love for one another will also exchange wedding rings the exchange of these Rings will forever symbolize the lifelong commitment that they will make to one another your wedding rings is a circle a symbol of love never ending it is the Seal of the vows that you just have taken it will be worn on your hand as a constant reminder of the bond shared between you as married couples may we have the Rings now Nick as we use the Rings and Nails left finger please repeat after me okay now I love you no I love you I give you this ring I give you this ring as a symbol of my internal love and devotion as a symbol of my eternal love and devotion I join my life with yours in Savion I joined my life with yours and Savion no I give you this ring no I give you this ring and offer you my heart and offer you my heart my hand my hand and my love and my love Take This Ring Take This Ring and with it my promise and with it my promise that we will walk together through life that we will walk together through life as your wife and best friend as your wife and best friend for the rest of our life for the rest of our lives say that okay now as you face the ring I need left finger please repeat after me Nick I love you Nick I love you I give you this ring I give you this ring as a symbol of my eternal love and devotion as a symbol of my eternal love and devotion I join my life with yours and Savion I join my life with yours and Savion Nick I give you this ring I give you this ring and offer you my heart and offer you my heart my hand my hand and my love and my love Take This Ring Take This Ring and with it my promise and with it my promise that we will walk together through life that we will walk together through life as your wife and best friend as your wife and best friend for the rest of our life for the rest of our lives all time [Laughter] just as Nick and Nell gave each other rings as a symbol of their love and commitment to one another they thought it would be appropriate that Savion would also receive a token of their promise on this special day as a symbol of their love and commitment to him [Music] save you I'm sorry here says you know the vowels are you okay he started crying are you okay all right to our amazing son when you wear this necklace never feel that you are alone no matter how near or far apart we are always right here in your heart always remember you are braver than you believe stronger than you seem smarter than you think and loved way more than you know love Dominique [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you okay sorry guys Mika know well like each of you to Bear witness as they unveil a sculpture that is symbolic of their Union a union that has been molded from pieces of Harmony Unity admiration respect and unconditional love may serve as a constant reminder of the lasting Foundation grounded in the past as they walk towards the future as they reveal this Relic with us I like to ask each of you at this moment to open up your hearts and bring your full presence into this moment nikonell as you take a moment to look at those hands and reflect on the hands and it don't change [Music] as you take a moment to look at those hands and reflect on the hands you hold may your hands be blessed may they always be held by one another may they have the strength to hold on during life storms may they remain tender and gentle as they nurture each other in wondrous love May these hands continue building a relationship rich and caring and devotion may you use your hand Four Hands to heal protect and shelter and guide [Music] is the sunrise and those brown eyes yes you're the one that I desire when we wake up love makes me feel so nice well family and friends Nick and now have now declared in our presence that they will now live together in marriage they have made special promises to one another which was symbolizing by the joining of hands exchanging of their vows the giving and receiving of their wedding rings special necklace to Savion and revealing their hand sculpture you've both joyfully committed to this Union you have come before us to pledge and loving hearts to one another and I will share a closing poem with all a wedding wish as a new life Dawns standing side by side may your hearts become one and may love abide May the dreams that you're dreaming all come true and may everything wonderful happen to you may you come to know that in love it's wise to give of yourself and to compromise to learn how to listen and how to forgive and to treasure each other as long as you live may you be as happy as be you can be in a home that is filled with tranquility but when storm arises and they cause you distress may you counter the turmoil will tenderness as you share in the laughter and the tears may you freely express your hopes and your fears may you grow old together side by side and forever and always make true love abide your mic is picking up everything me can know may you now be joined together in love for life and by the power vested in Me by The Universal Life Church and the laws of the State of Florida it is with great honor and joy that I now declare you for the first time married and partner in life in the power of Your Love you may kiss you may seal your marriage with a kiss [Applause] and with that um we're doing a closing prayer as requested by our couple so let us pray Our Father in Heaven you ordained marriage for your children and you gave us love we present you Shaniqua and Chanel who come this day to be married they said yes to you and to each other we now ask that you bless them with love and compassion and let their relationship be a great and holy adventure Guide them in a ways of deep and loving friendship that they may now cherish forever and may this marriage now receive your blessing and carry you great power we pray that you guide shaniquen Chanel as parents to raise and teach Savion love and respect and that you protect this family and keep them always in your care amen and it is with absolute Delight in front of your family and friends that I Now Pronounce You newly married unique and now [Applause] [Music] you make me happy [Music] this you can play right beside me and I won't forget [Music] I wanna make sure [Music] and now we had a good time [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] you know there's nothing nothing I would not do [Music] Before I Let You Go [Music] before I go [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Chris Mendez
Views: 163,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wedding, weddingceremony, Miamiweddingceremony, Miami
Id: X0_JhRH6G8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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