Top 5 Poshest Gypsy Weddings | Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Compilation | OMG Weddings

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foreign travel and Men enforced the rules of day-to-day living when it comes to weddings they take a back seat lady trim not too much my family make it look neat yeah one man who's doing just that is 22 year old Builder Johnny who's getting married next week now three months that's about it really I have no plan at all in this it's more or less a woman women's Planet you know for everything to be okay everything to be all right Irish traveler Johnny has been joined for a male grooming session by his brother-in-law to be who's also named Johnny men prefer just not to be involved and just let the woman sort it out and do everything her way you know what I mean and that's it there's no arguments then it just makes life an awful lot easier on us which part of the day are you looking forward to the monster thinking getting drunk yeah while the lads take it easy Johnny's 21 year old fiance Cindy is in the thick of organizing her big day I never stopped going the whole day driving back and forward back and forth picking up suits picking up underskirts picking up the bridesmere dresses picking up the bridesmaid shoes picking up the Bridesmaids jewelry I haven't got my address yet haven't got my jewelry haven't got my shoes the boy bees ahead of the homeless yesterday you know woman just charges cleaning looking after the men pampering washing them feeding them you know manicure pedicures and the men massaging them shaving them and all that you know that's what women is in charge of looking after the man he's talking like that is she that's when you've seen the other day it's now four days before her wedding and like many traveler girls Cindy has some ambitious plans we need to confirm that with the venue tomorrow about the helicopter to help her have the wedding of her dreams she has hired wedding planner Gainer like we're Travelers they don't they don't sit like know how like non-travelers can have a wedding and they can they you can have a table mic and don't you have their names tablespoon with hosts they just said where they want they don't they don't do anything like that there so instead of that there I only got the names for the top table of the bride and groom and the parents and the best man and woman yeah but for everyone else's tables I just got two just loves you yeah foreign [Applause] [Music] this is the first time Gainer has planned a traveler wedding and she's been dealing with some of the most extravagant requests on the table she's having the martini glasses with the peach water with the three floating candles I did tell her that we might have trouble getting Peach floating candles because she wants photographs with the helicopter she wants she's got a fantastic dress that I'm not going to tell you what it is you'll see for yourself um she's got a massive big white LED dance floor and it's all sparkly and but she's got an owl that's going to be carrying the ring which I don't think anybody else has done for 22 year old Johnny the fun is about to begin he will soon be taking his wedding vows got two hours left freedom uh so we're gonna go wild for the next two hours we probably won't even be at the wedding [Music] wedding planner gainer's first job of the day is to feed the bridal party I mean they're not just conformance of the norm I mean I never ever imagined in my life that I have to go to McDonald's but [Music] it's the way it is hello 21 year old bride-to-be Cindy has spent weeks organizing the catering dresses Dance Floor decorations and flowers which don't quite meet her mother's high expectations the floor is not the way you thought they'd be I thought there would have been more whiter on the next one no the woman she's not on camera please stop shouting today I'm not interested I said that seven times mommy please [Music] I don't want it to be too stressful obviously think after I get dressed I can start relaxing a bit because it's just time to go along with their clay and whatever think of something you enjoy doing most oh yeah yeah I'm gone girls let's try another one [Applause] hello Dave many Travelers try to outdo each other and one guaranteed way to impress your wedding guests is to arrive out of the blue but Johnny is in danger of denting his male pride and losing his nerve it's reading it in one way yeah of course I'm on a helicopter hope everything goes okay with us how long did it take us to get there five minutes five minutes foot right down which one is fashion scene and if you're a big Daisy Johnny yep you think it's important to look beautiful for you or for Johnny yeah for me and that's beautiful like but I think it's nice to look nice for your wedding day for and then something you want to look back on for the rest of your life you're gonna look back on the photos [Music] as Johnny takes to the sky foreign Solid Ground Cindy is finding it hard to relax the wedding is being held in the grounds of a private country estate a popular venue with local footballers and soap stars [Music] thank you [Music] how was it Johnny life changing [Music] held Outdoors complete with beckham-esque Thrones The Wedding has reached new heights of originality as the marital rings are delivered by Spirit the owl [Music] to be my local weather from this day forward to death I Now Pronounce You my wife [Music] Hallelujah [Music] just when the guests thought it was over there is one more surprise we're giving them a count of three [Music] as the wedding guests hit the sparkly Dance Floor groom Johnny gets his first kiss as a married man [Music] these places how it went yeah definitely very very happy with however praise God I went the right way it went God's way and everyone's still having a good night and praise God I went it went lovely how does it work now does does he own you what's what's yeah let's face it yeah [Music] traditionally it's the men who are expected to have jobs in traveling communities [Music] however 22 year old Roman Egyptian Violet Anne has been working for five years in a budget hotel at East Midlands Airport I am very independent very independent I go get me out job I've got my own money uh Avianca but she will soon be leaving her job sacrificing her independence for the sake of a man when I get married obviously I just can't get up and go when I like I want a husband to feed I've got a place to clean up all the time what other things to worry about [Music] has lived in a house her whole life her parents were brought up in wagons the traditional Gypsy way God Almighty look at my club this is me mum sitting in the showers that's where we come from ran a stick far so we didn't want to be talking about Posh things big Posh weddings and everything look this is where we come from Miss Valerie is me a little bit of History I suppose for a gypsy 22 is relatively old to be getting married I wanted to decide to get married I don't know getting a bit old in the tooth probably they don't want to be left on the Shelf yeah spinster is it did you know he was going to propose yeah I didn't the money it's costing me already man on him I'm open for violent to make a go of it tell you the truth and if she comes back she's going to be kicked straight back to where she's come from for the first few times and made to try and make a go of it when Violet Anne gets married she will exchange her childhood home for this marital Caravan and move over a hundred miles away from her parents have you ever left me mum and dad never so that is gonna kill me I dread it and what's going to be the hardest part do you think about leaving I don't know really leaving them leaving me family leaving me the things what I've done like good to work done me out sort of stuff will you be happy yes [Music] is getting married in 10 days time to fulfill her role as a gypsy wife Violet Anne is giving up her job having worked for five years as a hotel receptionist she is about to work her last shift but not before dropping a bombshell on her boss who doesn't know she's a gypsy [Music] because I've never told one of them a gypsy when Gypsy is on the premises they always say oh the Gypsy comes in for a room do not let them in and you think oh if ever they knew I was a gypsy I'd be straight up that door [Music] I do feel proud to work in such a high place like that to handle other people's personal details and them not knowing that I'm a gypsy so it is nice so when they do find out that I'm a gypsy that they can trust some gypsies oh how busy are you today oh it's it is it I can't make out it's really busy on the floor sheet but on the system it's still saying like 31. manager Sunny has been violent Anne's boss for many years unaware she is a gypsy violets worked with us for about since 2005 wasn't it yeah it's been a long while so yeah she's always been reliable so that's been the key thing for me really so she's always deals with a guess really efficiently as well so she's been a good employee so I'd be certain you know see her go so you've got a new life to look forward to now yes a new life um going away Something's Gonna Be a bit shocked I want to tell him that I'm going to live in a caravan you are let's yell I'll tell you hey give me full body's shaking up I'm telling you I am really me I'm really shaking because I've taught you what I am I really I am you shot me there a little bit can you see why why let me tell you yeah because everyone's got the prejudgment of it of gypsies at the moment because they just like the travel is basically on there and they move on but she's been here since 2005 so she's worked hard she's like I said she's always been reliable so it's changed my opinion of chips is if if they're settled you know because I got you know in a work environment you can't have someone that's going to move on but uh like I said the reliability and saying sticking at the job is the key thing for me and like I said while it's ticked all the boxes on that with her last shift complete and the wedding approaching Violet Anne's days of Independence will soon be over I feel a bit lost really to be honest because I feel like um that's it now I've got no work I've got nothing to do so I have to get back in a routine of not going to work after five year that's going to be a bit um uh to do so um yeah uh just feel a bit a bit lost really [Music] it's Violet Anne's wedding day and guests are arriving from all over the country [Music] have you seen your feeling when you're walking down the aisle today oh I don't know because I've never done it before foreign [Music] yes tried to get him out of yours [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] it's a beautiful summer's day but the heat seems to be attracting unwanted visitors to Violet Anne's dress [Music] trying to kill the Flies you know it's because it's white Janet do you know what though they look like diamonds [Music] we may Worship You Now thank you a violet and husband-to-be has asked not to be filmed he is concerned that being identified as a gypsy will affect his business [Music] with the vows taken Violet Anne begins a new life as a kept woman but for now she's preoccupied with the smooth running of her big day stressed people are turning up on time but that's gypsy's ways nothing never gets done properly or anything right something always goes wrong [Music] it's the first one I've ever read ever and I want it in a raffle [Music] a new life of looking after her husband may be a challenge for Violet air she's got to work alongside her husband now and get on the best you can in life she has to do what Larry says really [Music] quickly violin's a bit headstrong but as long as Larry can handle it let him work it out between themselves thank you once the celebrations are over Violet Anne will leave her family home for the first time to live on a trailer site 100 miles away in Slough [Music] how are you feeling now were you looking forward to married life oh very um yeah hopefully yeah he goes okay yeah [Music] how do you think you've been feeling tomorrow when you're leaving home oh I don't know I'll reveal a pink about tomorrow oh I don't really want to go there I don't want to go there now because I know it would be I don't want I won't want to go really yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the traveler man becoming Godfather to a newborn child is considered a great sign of respect Paddy is Godfather to over 70 children well someone asked me to be the Godfather of a baby it's a very very big it's an honor you know what I mean [Music] Paddy has traveled over 200 miles to attend the christening of his newest God child look at this would you ever get the tornadoes paint though huh is that looking picture what is it [Music] by water and the Holy Spirit she is to receive the gift of new life from God who is love on your part you must make it to your constant care to bring her up in the practice of the thief I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit religious occasions are treated with great reverence by The Traveling community everyone looks forward to the after party the question was really good but um it took really long and is where you dance and all the cakes that you have to eat we're all gonna dance can you take really zoom in like you just did [Music] no comment not common hey Paddy the proud Godfather takes his role seriously but there is only so far a traveler man will go can we get an interview with you pushing the baby around no don't do that yeah it's not like he's espresso anything like that it's faffner you'll never see that in a travel Community you'll never see a Godfather pushing the baby on you'll never see that nothing 100 000 million year you'd never see anything like that it's just an embarrassment you just look like a joke you know what I mean trouble don't do that traveling don't do that [Music] [Applause] 22 year old Violet Anne has moved away from her parents to a trailer site on the outskirts of London so this is your trailer here yeah this is my trailer is this where you're spending most of your days where I spend most of the day like a prison on a year at the minute don't like it I hate it where I'm at can't wait to be gone misson very very much I hate being away promo now that you're gonna you live in a trailer could you not pull into somewhere near them at one point does it work like that yeah I could go near there yeah and leaves it up to Larry there where we go and where we want it and go why would you leave that to him because that's a man's job at the end that isn't a woman's job where to pull and where not to fall and what we do and what we can't do I'll leave that up to him because that is in his place to do that so is it what you expected married life yeah yeah just getting used to it now this work I never ever thought I'd miss work never but yeah I do I do miss it so what would your advice to a 16 year old bride to be be do not get married wait and enjoy yourself as much as possible and wait for as long as you can then get married really yes definitely too young to get married it's in no life he's supposed to enjoy yourself get out your system while you can and then when you get married it's time to settle down [Music] no one knows this more than dressmaker Thelma medin all the years I've been working with Travelers when I first work with them I thought it was why are they so secretive over everything why don't they tell you anything they never give you a direct date but since I've got to know them you realize why they've got to be so Vigilant because as soon as venues found out the travels they will cancel they will give them all the excuses in the world but they'll cancel on them [Music] Velma and her assistant Pauline are off to Northern Ireland to me to travel abroad to be who is even more secretive than most and she has every reason to be when we went to Ireland last time we booked into a hotel and we made appointments for everyone when the manager found out though there were Travelers they just stopped it you come up and complained these are decent people they weren't like so it's a in club outfits or anything like that that were just dressed normal like everyone else in fact a lot better with a few times on the boots yeah you know that doesn't you know what does that say you know other minority groups seem to have found a voice and are now being heard but with the Travelers no one listens [Music] Thelma and Pauline are on their way to meet 17 year old bride to be Priscilla it's my engagement album Priscilla became engaged two years ago at the tender age of 15. oh my God that's me are you doing photographer no I don't like them [Music] Priscilla left school aged 14 having struggled to fit in by the Alaska why not I hate that oh I hate this and like whatsoever mixed with subtle people at school yeah I had some friends back up bullying the mountains why I don't know suppose it's being a traveler probably why I didn't like I left it very early but I would have done Beauty if I wasn't getting bullied and I would have stayed on but I never liked it I hated it what do they used to say to you I'll just load the names no bullying that's really I don't really want to say it on camera [Music] having arrived at their hotel Thelma and Pauline have arranged to meet Priscilla to show her the bridesmaids dresses they also need to find out the date of the wedding from this very secretive bride now today we hope she's gonna well she's gonna have to tell us because we're coming over to dress her so she's gonna have to give us the data we can arrange but I think this one's been about five dates up to now [Music] just doing the last final touches this isn't even know your dress this is your bridesmaid come on Priscilla has arrived accompanied by her mother who's very private and insists on not being filmed turned out nice haven't they the small ones is just they're beautiful but I think they need some diamonds or something here and here it's really really beautiful all your room's getting done in this as well in red and gold yeah oh well you'd have a new pattern is it getting all dressed and letting go did you have any problems getting your hotel we did at the store definitely really bad but they still don't know that we have traveled we still don't know just still don't know we're traveling it's almost it's not pathetic don't give them no we got we did have a hotel booked and they canceled them Thelma is eventually entrusted with the date of Priscilla's wedding but only away from the camera she's even more secretive than any of the other Brides because she doesn't want anyone to Spill the Beans unless they find out the travel suddenly cancel I had an honor to avoid discrimination traveler brides are very secretive about their wedding plans with her wedding one week away seventeen-year-old Priscilla is traveling over from Northern Ireland to collect her dress well Angelman has just come and help me pull this house dressmaker Thelma and her team have been working night and day to get the bridal gown and eight bridesmaid dresses ready in time [Music] there has also been a special request for a bridal version of a mini me native to like Northern Ireland rarely is the mini bride and it's usually a favorite niece or a little sister and it's got to be identical to the bride but just a smaller version [Music] for Priscilla the wait is over to see the wedding dress she has dreamed of her whole life oh she's crying [Music] look at the mini bride oh yeah they're beautiful have you seen the nicer one no no Disney fairy tales are a popular theme with traveler Brides Priscilla's dress design was inspired by The Princess and the Frog thank you Daddy I'll cry when you seizure I think you will now [Music] I wouldn't be wearing them would you want to see how you sit in it long and just show you all you do is yeah cool feel it on the back of your knees you feel it now sit that's it the date for Priscilla's wedding has changed several times because the family have had problems securing a venue reception and they found out we were Travelers accounts said that they had the um redecorating from September till after Christmas so how could you redecorate that length in time you had to do the whole hotel over again but it's upsetting yeah it is upsetting because you know why they won't give up you know in your heart why they won't give it It's upsetting for the first couple of weeks and then you have to get over it sooner as a result of the Prejudice Priscilla's mother doesn't want their current venue to find out their Travelers Thelma has been told the date of the wedding but the location remains a closely guarded secret not even the groom knows where it is nobody knows where it is for here it's so important that the Secret's kept that she hasn't even told us where it is and you know most of them do tell us you know because obviously we're going to go on dresser we've got to know where to go but she will not tell us unknown certain times where this venue is she is terrified somebody tells them that the Travelers that it will be canceled and you know a little girl have been devastated back in Northern Ireland plans are coming together for the perfect white wedding that's my room but all is in here is dressing seventeen-year-old Priscilla is three days away from her big day that underskirts went into her hair pieces having collected her dresses from Thelma she's worried her designs might be spotted before the wedding can we open that window that window I can't over why not the feverless in my color for my dress the Shadows are behind us so they'll peek through the window the one Pig but if they do they'd seen they won't they won't be that bad again if I open the windows and see the colors the colors of your dresses yeah and this is the best thing of all in here you have something old something new something blue the blues I was on your garden you're gonna be a good wife hopefully it depends what he thinks of me have you been anywhere with him by yourself I sat in our living room within my mother chat so that means that you've been quite well behaved yes very well very very very very due to travel to Northern Ireland to dress bright-to-be Priscilla Thelma and Pauline have been hearing rumors that her mother Mary has lied to them about the wedding date I just thought a phone call and there's no wedding on the 30th really that's the third phone call we've had done and there's definitely a reliable source yeah a reliable source tell me no wedding I spoke to maybe this morning and she insisted on the 30th the dressmakers decide to investigate it's just I'm a bit stuck you see I've actually got a bride's dress to bring over to a wedding you haven't got them definitely not the 30th of September okay bye bye it's either the 30th of September or October be in October sometime Pauline eventually gets hold of the one person who will definitely tell them the truth fell I've just spoke to the priests and it's definitely not the 30th hour anyway I knew it yeah unbelievable unbelievable do you know what you don't know what date it is no no and she's let us book them tickets Thelma has turned away other potential bookings and already made travel arrangements so the full sweating date could cost her thousands of pounds most of the times if we're not going to dress them we go we don't want to know the date and we don't want to know where it is and then nobody can ever say well it was you that told us or whatever so we don't want to know but when they're asking us to go over and address the Gale you know which is it's not down the road it's not you know around the corner somewhere we've got to actually book and it's just out of order to do something like that whether you're going to leave us sitting in a hotel room or tell us the day before you just don't know and it just makes you so angry you know that you know I'm not a die-hard you know traveler supporter I'm not saying that but I do stick off for them all the time makes you angry you know we worked really hard to make sure that it was perfect for her and yet they can't even give us the right teeth phone her [Music] tell you what Mary I was right wasn't I I was right I knew I knew it wasn't on that day I knew it wasn't dressmaker Thelma has worked for years gaining the trust of the traveling Community I feel like you know you've shift on me basically having arranged to travel to Northern Ireland she has just learned that the bride's mother appears to have lied to her about the wedding date Paulie said yet we're booking the tickets now to come over why didn't you tell us that you're afraid to walk I'm afraid now because I've lost hours of all that money I've paid for tickets and hotels also you've took the underskirts Mary and you knew that that wedding wasn't until then we've got all the weddings to do you know by the 20th if you don't get you we don't get the other skates back Mary allow us two grand by the time that comes because it's a hundred pounds a day extra on the we give you the week you know I'm gonna lose out Mary and I'm not gonna do it all these girls have worked their bollocks off here to get us done for you for that day and all I can say is you've lied to me right the way along the line so I kind of trust you do you know what I mean don't be turning this around on me please believe me I am not going to lose house on this now I've worked with Travelers too long and I am not gonna lose the house on this are you upset no sometimes it just gets you you feel a bit here more than anything a bit like why hasn't she trusted me when all the others do and you do feel here you know you feel like I've put as much effort as we possibly can into this to make it perfect for them and that's obviously why they come to us because that's what we do we do it well and they've just she's basically just kicked us in the teeth really and lied to us where well I'd call it a lie where they probably wouldn't call it a lie you know that's you they used to be in like that they wouldn't look on it like I am looking at it they wouldn't be obsessed if I was it because they wouldn't look that they were lying to us at all they would look at that as they're protecting themselves that's what they're doing after being challenged about deceiving Thelma the family decided they didn't want their wedding to be filmed [Music] having to be secretive about wedding plans is an added worry for all traveler girls approaching their big day nineteen-year-old Irish traveler Bridget is getting married next week and she too has had problems booking a venue free got Council really it's not right at all really sometimes they found out you're a traveler yeah cousin Elizabeth and her family have been helping to secure a venue the paid a deposit and when you want to pay the full money they could handle money but straight back into his hand so if you can't do business with you I don't think they could do that yeah they can do you have this problem quite a lot with things do you yeah do you know after this stuff and just get to know us and so like instead of putting us down so low and just to stop and have a talk about things like that to realize them we're not like bad people or anything you're just people we're just normal like everyone else ruined do not look at it that way does this um when you live at your Travelers no no they found out tomorrow as a counselor yeah it's not something you would be worried about on your wedding day is it really will the venue be right best friends since childhood the girls have experienced plenty of racism growing up the way you gypsies come this way call you all names for nothing and they don't how can they judge you when they don't know you mean it's hard to say something like took you out and if you go in places and whatever for what did I'll give you a reason because you're a traveler notes and signs on the wall and and the door before you go to no Travelers left that's not one childhood that's all travelers as the best woman Elizabeth is accompanying Bridget to see their dresses for the first time [Music] Thelma has had to put the frustrations of the last traveler wedding behind her and concentrate on her next customers I mean this friendship between these two girls goes back a long way they're not just cousins they are best friends as well the bride herself doesn't seem to have as much to say as what Elizabeth has she she basically tells you exactly what she wants and I don't think she's even interested in the brides just as long as the address is okay come on come on [Music] gorgeous isn't it yeah it really is isn't it lovely is that yours and there's the best over there for your arms when Bridget is married Elizabeth will not be able to spend nearly as much time with her best friend members you to be friends now are the closest out of our friends but obviously she's getting married to a boy and that's like that's a different closeness she always just say to them I don't get married and you get married and you're gonna get married before me and I said no I'm not you're gonna get married for me and she was yeah we just have to wait and see and it was her so I was right that never snow out yeah now you look like a prize he's the resistance now [Music] I'm still gonna take it off now and I'll have to leave it on this is Shopkins for us I'm so happy now with the dress is perfect all they have left to worry about is the wedding venue and what to wear at the Hindu [Music] would you put it that close to me face getting ready for a night out squeezed into a caravan with a faulty generator is second nature to these girls [Music] the strict rules of married life within the traveling community mean Elizabeth wants to give Bridget A Night to Remember when she's married she's not gonna be able to do this she can't quite put out a husband and her friends are in single girls or anything like that so I'm just hope she has like a really good time because like the last time she did her because when you're married you're making commitments and you can't just go off with your single friends and like you can't go to Disco and that's just the way it is I like it was wrong well with another friend birdie squeezed into the shower cupboard Bridget's younger brother Larry doesn't entirely approve of the outfits [Music] because it's brighter take that off your leg now awesome [Music] despite her younger brother's objections the girls head off to one of swindon's Premiere night spots [Music] Bridget's marriage will Mark a turning point in her relationship with best friend Elizabeth she wants to do this this is her decision and obviously she's happy but I'm happy for her as well I really am but it's just thank you I don't know I'm just I hope just she just don't change so like being friends and hangs I just hope that don't change [Music] things are also starting to heat up for bride to be Bridget it's the same as that it's the night before her wedding and some of her guests have just been thrown out of a nearby hotel for being too loud [Music] everyone was getting chill out all the children everything in the pajamas getting part of him all over it shouldn't make a noise no way yeah young nephews and nieces get them foreign I wouldn't care if it was any other day because we're used to this but I never did talk like it happened unless you formula [Music] the following morning while the evicted guests do their best to get ready back at her site Bridget is being transformed into a bride by Thelma and Pauline don't you feel any way to feel nervous now or to feel absolutely yeah meet your wedding day this is like the biggest day of your life isn't it while Bridget will be gaining a husband Elizabeth fears she'll be losing a best friend okay she's usually laughing Giggle and bubbly look at her face it's still going to be like obviously going to be friends we're going to see each other as much no no no [Music] Bridget's fairy tale wedding has a classic Cinderella theme with a modern Twist on the pumpkin carriage [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you the neon pink bridesmaid color scheme was chosen by best woman Elizabeth half the time I think she thinks she's the groom because she's had so much importance of this wedding probably even even more than what bridge he's had traveler man has chosen not to be identified [Music] [Applause] newly married Bridget has one more hurdle to overcome the reception venue still don't know that it's a traveler wedding Jill is worried that the unusual choice of wedding cake May raise suspicions as you can see it's big bacon in your face I'm a bit wary about it as well because they don't know The Travelers once they see the size of the cake because look obviously like an ordinary country person's wedding it's just a little goes on a small table in the corner once they have I start asking for a 12 foot table and in fact I haven't already got one then it's a bit of a giveaway nobody's going to say where's the cake are though the cake might not be the only giveaway of their traveler identity [Music] and the outfits I still know that they are Travelers whether it's set alarm bells ringing I don't know [Music] please [Music] 19 year old newly married Bridget is about to have her wedding reception at a local golf and Bowling Club unsure of how their traveler identity will go down with the venue they're trying to be low-key [Music] although a few heads are turned nobody has any complaints [Music] she was very worried about her venue counseling and then obviously got hurt people's very very nice and you tell that it's just a really like a pressure off her brain that everything's gone so well and everything turned out right the way she wanted [Music] [Music] knowing their friendship would never be the same again Elizabeth has planned to have a last dance with her best friend [Music] you can just see how close they are going to see each other you're gonna be like singing to each other and no one interfered they're just laughing [Music] well you know it'll be a little bit soon anyway so do you think so yeah yeah I think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] although the majority of gypsies and travelers have now settled in permanent homes many still spend their lives on the road traveling throughout Europe [Applause] [Music] but whether at home or abroad the need to look good is still Paramount [Applause] [Music] ride to be Dolores quilligan is a 21 year old Irish traveler who takes the Gypsy look to new levels of luxury we've been in every country in the world we're driving down long Sunny Span in the beach and at the moment in England now then it's raining and snow yeah so Walker wouldn't like to live our life Dolores and her family have been traveling through Spain for the past six months following her father's business dealings but she's about to return home to rathkeel in Ireland for the wedding season hoping hers will be the most extravagant the town has ever seen okay everyone goes away and it's the only time of the year that every everything like we're in Spain or some people in Italy they're all over the place so it's the only time to meet back in Rock Hill when was the last time you saw your fiance about a month ago he's in Switzerland what's he doing in Switzerland he's a sale a Salesman Thor nothing really [Music] up to 10 weddings a week can take place in rathkiel to ensure that it is her dress that creates the biggest impression Dolores has been exploring some unusual creative Avenues I wanted something different I didn't want something anyone already had hours or staff tulips I didn't want anything to do with a flower because everybody in Racine have flowers so it's a cat the top of the dress in the hall cat coming around the Tails coming around your neck and coming down here Crown would be the same and on the back of the veil is the same tool cut and the Dresden is our clutch were all the same cats yeah cash the fairy tale celebrations will begin the night before the nuptials a further opportunity to push the boundaries of fashion she said to me what about a palm tree and a pineapple palm trees down from here I'm coming the hallway up and it's coming out of my shoulder all the leaves for the palm trees coming out my shoulder my dress is going to be proper metal of a pineapple and like the Spanish pineapples and all that kind of like Spanish it's always going to be like Spanish and there's be a big mass of pineapple and in the dress will be all coming down dogs and Rita like Spanish senorita and pineapple and I'm gonna have a big pineapple thing for my hair like matching senorita and that's what it like and that's the dress [Music] Dolores has charged Gypsy dressmaker of choice Thelma medine with turning her Creative Vision into a reality although she's made dresses for gypsies from far and wide it's the Irish travelers like Dolores who bring her the most colorful ideas Travelers a lot more flamboyant than the English Travelers it's all to do with prize and it looks it's it's like the thing of locals where we're doing well you know my husband does well he looks after me and this is what he can do he can dress us like this because you know the outfits aren't cheap and if there's ever an unusual request it's where you sort of step back and go oh mine's okay and then you do it that's usually off an Irish traveler who wants to have something but nobody else has ever had [Music] thank you on her way home from Spain Irish traveler Dolores is stopping off in Liverpool to see her dresses for the first time what looks best I'm sure pineapple I don't want pie CES she's the bride I think that one looks best yeah definitely I think we need some more diamonds honey foreign [Music] I was so worried about this wedding dress to think they'll say when we see that one then it's going to be hard to Beast isn't it I hope so everything [Music] is it more the ever seen any dress like this no I did have a long time to do did it yeah days it's hard enough getting it to look like a cast he nearly had a dog [Laughter] [Music] it's fabulous it really is [Music] Dolores is extravagant Cat theme doesn't end with her dress Jill Broadfoot has been charged with making sure the cake hits the same lavish Heights [Applause] the look we're going for is blingy and over the top and in your face and it looks really nice actually it orders look better than what you think it will you think I don't know about that when we first talked about all night and cut on a cake it's not gonna look good is it but I think it will work well the cat cake will eventually rise 10 tears into the air and will be flanked by 14 smaller versions it's one of the most expensive cakes Jill has ever made but with such Grand designs appearances can be deceptive this cake is actually polystyrene I think so there you go that's one of our secrets out the big ones are all polystyrene they're all fake because all the girls want big cakes they want bigger better than whatever you know the more outrageous the better um and the way to do it is polystyrene I mean the things they go for the things that they come up with sometimes they will not they wouldn't work in cake so you have to have polystyrene involved in it you'll see people walking out as they do with a cake which they think is real and it's not it's polystyrene so that's quite funny just pull it like that just pull the top one at the home of the Bride to be Thelma is helping Dolores into her lavishly created Cat themed dress to give your outfits what does everyone say let me see everyone Burma was in theirs with them yeah they couldn't believe how nice they were was no one shocked the whole Hall was shocked because they were saying oh this is your night before this I don't want to see your wedding dress yeah because you don't know what to expect we'll do now you kept it as a secret nobody knows nobody where's your one [Music] come on [Music] I'm gonna fall over the King Kings [Music] I can't because the Cancun is kind of nervous having negotiated the door the bride boards one of the largest and most expensive carriages rathkeel has ever seen [Music] while addresses creators battle the elements [Music] blender [Music] at the reception venue in Wrath Keel the displays of wealth continue [Music] my first car right [Music] but it's not only in the car park that big Impressions can be made [Music] the guests have attended a host of weddings during the week with a new outfit for every occasion your toes to your balls it has to be sparkling [Music] [Applause] we think a Travelers as being like unconventional unpredictable and uncontrollable probably usually people have restrictions on what they want or what they can wear or what they want to do not then what cheese wall today it wouldn't be forgotten you know everyone will remember that you know she's known as cat Gail now that's it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 70,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: say yes to the dress, bridal, wedding planning, wedding video, strangest wedding, big fat gypsy wedding, gypsy weddings, traveller girl, worst dress, best dress, big fat gypsy weddings, traveller community, irish traveller, traveller culture, irish traveler, gypsy wife, big fat gypsy wedding full episode, big fat gypsy wedding uk, big fat gypsy wedding episode, big fat gypsy wedding tlc, bigger fatter gypsy wedding, gypsy wedding, gypsy life, gypsy woman
Id: m0Y345tkdVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 28sec (3868 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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