The Definitive Pikmin Tier List

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it's time for a pigment tier list let's go over every single and rank them based on the following their combat ability Hazard coverage and exploration ability Red Pikmin are first up on the list sitting at a 1.5 times damage multiplier these are a solid choice for combat while fire is not super common in Pikmin 4 when it does show up you'll want to use Red Pikmin to deal with it as for exploration Red Pikmin are pretty standard apart from one new mechanic that they added it's the fire pine cones the fire objects allow you to ignite fired locations which can warm up cold areas additionally they also allow you to burn straw and are useful against ice objects or ice enemies as throwing this fire object towards them will make the ice melt immediately overall Red Pikmin are a solid Choice they're just well balanced type so since they're helpful in all categories I think top of B tier is a fair place to put them from hot to cold ice Pikmin are up next on the list from what I can tell they are sitting at a point 5 damage multiplier they have a very powerful freezeability they can freeze just about every enemy and it allows you to defeat bosses super easily because of how strong this mechanic is having 30 or more ice Pikmin pretty much guarantees an instant freeze the freeze meter will also fill up if an ice Pikmin gets eaten but it doesn't fill up that much additionally if you freeze a flying enemy they will fall to the ground and shatter as for hazard coverage there are the occasional Ice locations where Pikmin get cold in ice Pikmin can also deal with ice cubes freezing Gates as well as Frost geysers ice Pikmin can also freeze pretty much every single body of water doing so allows Pikmin to walk across but it also freezes the enemies inside this makes dealing with enemies that are slightly submerged in water or have any portion of them out of water super simple since you can freeze the water and then there's nothing they can do about it for exploration when an ice Pikmin isn't freezing water they will swim across the top ice Pikmin can also freeze objects like the jello ice Pikmin are super solid in combat have good use for hazards very good exploration and are pretty much always a great choice I was wondering to put them in either s tier or the top of a tier I think top of eightier is a better choice and if any Pikmin is better than them they instantly become s tier leaving ice Pikmin as the definition between making it to S tier or not yellow Pikmin are up next they have the furthest and highest throw distance in the game with standard damage and standard movement yellow Pikmin are a good choice for dealing with flying enemies as for hazards yellow Pikmin will deal with electric gates and the shock sprinklers electricity will kill Pikmin but it's not super dangerous in my opinion it is the most annoying Hazard on the final boss fight so some points can be given there to yellow Pikmin as for exploration yellow Pikmin can reach up high objects that no other Pikmin can't and they can also dig the fastest yellow Pikmin are fairly balanced I think B tier is pretty fair for them the blue pigment in my predictions to your list I assume they would be slightly invalidated due to having the most overlap with other Pikmin types and this was partly correct blue Pikmin have standard movement and attack damage with nothing special in land battles as for water battles blue Pikmin are a solid Choice ice Pikmin still outclass them in any small body of water but in large areas blue Pikmin are the best choice as for hazard coverage with the addition of water spouts and sprinklers blue Pikmin have a more important role than they've ever had in a previous Pikmin game water hazards are by far the most common in Pikmin 4 giving blue Pikmin a lot of points in the hazard coverage Department when it comes to exploration blue Pikmin are the only type that can carry objects through water and pick up objects completely submerged in water additionally with the limit of three pigment types at any given time blue Pikmin were really able to shine in certain caves and on the map Serene Shores blue Pikmin are also pretty much required to defeat specific bosses this isn't really a positive though more just Nintendo forcing you to use a Pikmin type all things considered though blue Pikmin are not bad far from it they're not a Powerhouse in any way but I believe they were done Justice by the way they were balanced in the game I think B tier is a solid Choice Rock Pikmin were the best fighters from Pikmin 3 and they return with their high impact damage and messy combat Style since they're unable to latch on with the addition of Ochi Rock Pikmin can deal massive damage when Ochi is rushing Rock Pikmin are also the best choice when fighting a few enemies since they have standard movement speed and a regular throw Arc but they're not the best for most combat situations as for hazards Rock bigman cannot get crushed when on a soft surface though they can get crushed when on a hard surface Rock Pikmin are also the only Pikmin that can deal with crystals now crystals aren't super common but Rock Pikmin are helpful when they are present and surprisingly for exploration I'd argue Rock Pikmin went from being the dumbest to being the smartest Pikmin in Pikmin 3 Rock Pikmin would often break items out of crystals or drop pellets and not pick them up this was never an issue in Pikmin 4. in fact the issues I had for carrying items came from other Pikmin types all the other Pikmin types appear to struggle when you send more than the required amount so if something needed 10 Pikmin and you tried to send 20 this would often lead to Pikmin running behind the object causing them to give up and never actually help carry the object this was actually never an issue with rock Pikmin this is likely because of their different hitboxes and physics though it might have just also been a fluke in my previous video I mentioned if Rock Pikmin were smarter they would be an S tier and they are smarter now but when compared with ice Pikmin and also with the other Pikmin coming up on the list Rock Pikmin are no longer the battle King because of this I actually think Rock Pikmin getting an a tier is quite Fair the main man himself the king of battle the purple Pikmin when it comes to combat purple Pikmin are back with their two times damage multiplier purple Pikmin are by far the best fighters in Pikmin 4. given that combat is a large majority of Pikmin 4 and purple Pikmin deal with pretty much every boss easily they struggle with specific bosses due to their throw Arc but can still be used with a little bit of persistency furthermore the final cave being a Boss Rush makes purple Pikmin the best choice in pretty much every situation in this cave this is the Pikmin you'll want to use when the game only recommends two Pikmin types which happens a few times in maps like Serene Shores and a few caved purple Pikmin now have a short throw distance due to their Sumo Slam Arc this makes them fall pretty slowly but if they haven't reached the peak of the arc they work like normal the Sumo Slam does a large AOE attack if it lands but the biggest problem with this is that Pikmin 4 Auto locks onto the target 99 of the time meaning that you'll never really get to use the Sumo Slam even when you want to use it this Sumo Slam replaces the purple pigment stun but if you do manage to get a purple pigment to land on top of an enemy it will actually stun them additionally purple Pikmin can weigh down flying enemies meaning that you can throw a single one and bring down a flyer the last thing that purple Pikmin do is weigh down enemies with a weight requirement as they count for 10 Pikmin this is super helpful especially in the last boss fight as you can just throw two purple Pikmin opposed to having to throw 15. the only drawback is that you aren't really intended to get many of them early on however farming them is super super simple getting 100 before leaving the Serene Shores is easy and then you can just use that Army for the rest of the game as for hazard coverage purple Pikmin don't have any due to their Sumo Slam and two times damage though they can deal with a fair amount of Hazards very quickly for exploration purple Pikmin have the weight and strength of 10 Pikmin this is very helpful for clearing a few obstacles and carrying back heavy Treasures the purple Pikmin are slower than the rest so that is a drawback to using them with all this said though purple Pikmin dominate most of the combat in Pikmin 4 which again is a large majority of the game and it's definitely the most difficult aspect of the game they are also useful for exploration both of these combined makes purple Pikmin comfortably sit in the S2 from the best fighter in the game to the worst fighter in the game we have the winged Pikmin Wing Pikmin are the worse at fighting any land enemy not only that they're actually the worst at fighting any flying enemy which was extremely surprising to me white Pikmin which deal the same amount of damage actually dispatch of flying enemies more effectively than Wing Pikmin do even if you use the wing Pikmin charge or any other method the only time you'd really use Wing Pikmin is if you're afraid of Pikmin falling off the map more hazards Wing Pikmin don't have any coverage but they can fly over water and they can carry objects over any type of pit for exploration you get the wing Pikmin pretty early on but you only get 10. farming them isn't super easy like farming purples it's also not really worth it before the primordial Thicket in the previous Maps they only get recommended in two capes one of which they don't really help at all and the other of which they actually do get to show off their flying ability and carry some objects back that no other pigment can now thanks to the primordial Thicket Wing Pikmin get to show off their efficiency in carrying objects back also the fifth Mission from The Trial of the leaf Sage also showcases Wing pikmin's abilities being the most efficient type in the game but the worst fighters in the game excludes them from the S tier I was honestly thinking of placing them in low B tier since they aren't very useful for the majority of the game especially if you 100 in area and then move on to the next one but I know most people don't play that way I think that putting them in low a tier is pretty fair white Pikmin are up next they are the quickest Pikmin having standard throw distance and really low damage with a point 0.5 damage multiplier white Pikmin do a lot of poison damage if they're eaten just like in the second game for combat they're probably the second worst type in the game just barely ahead of wing pigment they really only shine against poison enemies specifically against the one boss who is surrounded by poison and even revives dead enemies that being said though they take forever to defeat it for hazard coverage they can deal with poison there are some poison hazards earlier on in other Maps but you can avoid it and still 100 complete them that being said though this is kinda counteracted by the fact that poison is the most common hazard in the last map as for exploration white Pikmin are again the quickest allowing them to carry back items super fast digging up items that are completely buried is possible with any Pikmin due to White Pikmin being better than average in Exploration and efficiency but getting a large amount of them only happens late in the game and farming them early on isn't really super easy or effective combined with being very weak it honestly places them in low B tier maybe even seatier I'd like to place white Pikmin higher up the 0.5 damage is just way too much of a hit and there honestly in the same boat with wing Pikmin where they're just kind of used at the end of the game glow Pikmin are up next and they are very unique sitting at what I believe is a 0.5 damage multiplier glow Pikmin are also pretty weak however this is easily negated with their super powerful attack the glow moth the glow mob allows these green Pikmin to literally attack any enemy and defeat them very easily I honestly thought it was super strong stronger than what it actually was but after fighting the Smokey Prague with glow Pikmin and then fighting it later on with purples I realize that the glow mob is solid but it also doesn't deal a huge amount of damage the glow mob is still very very effective in dealing with every single enemy and enemy clusters the only problem is Mr spider here who they have a difficult time reaching poor Hazard coverage glow Pikmin are immune to everything this makes them able to deal with all enemy types at the night and it also allows them to be a trump card when exploring caves for exploration glow Pikmin are fast very fast and unlike any other Pikmin type they will teleport to you once their task is done they would easily be the most efficient type if it wasn't for the fact that you only have a limited amount of them and they're very hard to farm because you need to finish a night mission to get them the fact that glow Pikmin are able to defeat all enemies in the night are super useful in caves immune to everything and super efficient makes them S2 since they are a one-man Pikmin show that can do literally anything last but not least we have OG when you have an upgraded Ochi he is the Unstoppable force and the immovable object Ochi is able to 1v1 or 1V many and win every single time in night Expeditions you can just put him to guard a luminol and apart from a select few enemies he'll solo defend it in the daytime you can also send Ochi to take out pretty much any enemy and he'll do so easily as well Ochi is not only a solo act though when combined with Pikmin and his Rush ability that becomes the most overpowered thing in the game and when you're riding Ochi with Pikmin you can throw them slightly higher than normal having Pikmin on Ochi can allow you to deal with cold conditions swim across water and most importantly it reduces the spread of your Pikmin Group which is invaluable in numerous combat situations like the final boss fight for hazard coverage again OT can deal with any hazard in the game and for exploration apart from carrying objects through water going through these straw stacks and dealing with the jello Ochi can go through anything you actually need Ochi to get to a lot of areas because Ochi is the only thing that can jump the only negative about Ochi is that he isn't very efficient in building anything this is because Ochi effectively only counts as one Pikmin and him going back and forth takes a very long time additionally fighting with only Ochi takes a long time it's doable but using a bunch of Pikmin is a lot quicker with all that said though Ochi is easily top of us here the best captain or playable character the series has ever had and he's essentially just a super strong baldman with even more features speaking of bulbin bulbin are unfortunately non Pikmin 4 and puffman aren't in Pikmin 4 either puffman have been instead replaced with dancing Pikmin that will just hop around doing nothing so I'll Place both of these in detail right now for doesn't exist I'm pretty happy with the placement of all of these until next time
Channel: Invizeron
Views: 130,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Tier List, Tier List, Pikmin 4 Tier List, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, New Pikmin, Nintendo, Nintendo Direct, Pikmin 4 Trailer, Glow Pikmin, Ice Pikmin, Purple Pikmin, White Pikmin, Red Pikmin, Blue Pikmin, Yellow Pikmin, Rock Pikmin, Winged Pikmin, TierList, RTS Game, Pikmin 4 Review, Pikmin 4 Gameplay, Pikmin 4 Breakdown, Pikmin 4 Bosses, Man-at-Legs, smoky progg, Pikmin 4 Completed, Pikmin 4 FInal Boss, Oatchi, Pikmin 4 Oatchi, Bulbmin, Puffmin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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