The Definitive Guide to Jellyfin | Plus Top 10 Must-Have Plugins!

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hi guys and welcome back to another ibrake video  so great to see you guys back here thank you for   coming back and checking out the channel today  and today as you may have guessed we're going to   be looking at jellyfin i know a lot of us in the  community who use a lot of media servers we use a   range of different products we use plex jellyfin  envy there's so many different options we've even   covered dim as well if you haven't seen that video  be sure to check that one out it's a up and coming   project as well it won't answer everything that  these other apps can do but we're hoping jellyfin   is definitely one that you guys will enjoy and  to be perfectly honest i'm actually surprised   it's taken us this long to do a video on jellyfin  and i don't think it was anything intentional we   just haven't got around to it but for the next few  weeks we want to look at some media server options   for you guys and in order to be fair we have to  assess all the different options that are out   there or perhaps at least the most sought  after requests and topics and part of that   is jellyfin now if you don't know jellyfin uh was  a fork of mb so it was originally mb they forked   off and decided to stay open source and free and  so jellyfin was born i will of course be comparing   jellyfin to some of our other media servers like  plex to give you an idea on what you might like   what you you know won't like things like that it's  gonna be an honest review but i'm also gonna show   you guys how to install it and run it and we also  have some tips and tricks that will make it run as   best as possible for you we'll be covering  the installation on both unraid and ubuntu   using docker compos after that it's all inside  the app so hopefully both of our communities   both unraid and the docker community can enjoy  this video as well let's just get stuck into it hi guys and welcome back what a week it's been  it's been very very busy i tell you what i've   actually been very addicted to lego i don't know  if you guys are into lego or what but i i tell   you i've got a problem and i've also got my wife  onto it too so we seem to both be addicted to lego   at the moment so if you guys have any ideas or  tips for lego it's my time to learn something new   be sure to let me know in the comments but back  onto jellyfin so here we are on the main website   for jellyfin and the website is just  keep in mind guys we are going to have a written   doc that will supply you as well so that you can  easily copy the docker compos and you know any   other tips and tricks that we mentioned in the  video today in written format so i'll make sure   i drop the link down in the description for you so  you guys can follow along with our written guide   so here we are on jellyfin and we're on the main  website and you guys might be wondering you know   why would i use jellyfin i've already got plex or  maybe you're you know you're thinking i've already   bought a plex lifetime pass is it worth looking  at now setting up another media server so one   of the most common questions we get is can i run  it side by side with plex in order to evaluate it   and my answer to you would be yes you can i've  done it i've done it numerous times some of our   other admins have done it as well there's nothing  stopping you from setting up jellyfin alongside   plex both will work perfectly fine now what sets  jellyfin apart of course is that it's totally   free and open source which is always a massive  plus here at ibracorp and i can't tell you how   much it annoys me that sometimes we really rely  on plex authentication or if you're even with   mb and you're using the mb authentication part of  things you know having to use that is a drawback   because you're basically relying on a third  party in order to access your content which   is not great so what is jellyfin it enables you  to connect manage and stream your media pretty   simple run the server on your system and gain  access to the leading free software entertainment   system bells and whistles included and here's  some of those bells and whistles they're talking   about so you got movies tv shows which is great we  already have that but perhaps you don't have music   you can do music as well you can also do live tv  and dvr a big uh perk or should i say uh feature   of plex is being able to do dvr and live tv you  can do it in jellyfin as well it supports various   different clients you have a whole list of their  clients here if you go to this link but in summary   you've got you know roku android ios android tv  fire tv all via chromecast or kodi so plenty of   options there for client support we'll discuss  that in a little more detail later in this video   because we'll show you some tips and tricks to  try and improve your compatibility and playback   again one of the big perks is that it's your data  there's no tracking phone home or central servers   collecting data if you guys are very verbose  with your logs from all your communications   going in and out of your house especially if  you're running like a pie hole or ad guard   you probably would have noticed the  amount of pings that plex sends back home   and it's very very concerning i see it all the  time it's constantly being blocked by powerhole   um it's really really annoying and you just don't  know what's happening even if i've unticked don't   collect anonymous data there seems to be something  that constantly wants to check back home so that's   a big plus of course with us self-hosting it's a  massive plus we don't want that going back home   we want it to be left with us then it's totally  free we already mentioned that it's totally free   it doesn't cost you a single thing it's basically  run off the donations they receive so feel free to   contribute they've got the links up here so you  can help contribute to them as well there's more   information about the licensing behind it so you  don't have to worry about that but it is totally   free as well if you need to see the details you  can do that as well you can even contribute the   code that's pretty much the intro to it you can  pretty much get started as it says get started and   get going so with the intro out of the way guys  let's jump into the installation we're going to   be showing you first the unread installation  and then we'll go over to the docker compose   once we have it installed and running we don't  have to worry about the operating system side of   things we can just focus on the app so let's  just get that done and dusted let's get into   it so here we are on unraid the first thing  we're going to do is head over to the app store   and we'll just go over to the app store here  and we'll type in jellyfin now there's three   different repositories we'll recommend for you if  you want to try some other ones i just can't vouch   for them i haven't tried them myself so they might  be perfectly fine but we just haven't tested them   here so the ones we recommend is the linux server  hoshio and each triple seven so you've got this   option here this option here or this option here  you can also choose the other ones like i said   as well if you like so for the purpose of today's  video we're gonna go with each triple sevens one   we'll click on that and we'll click on install  so as you can see there's a clear explanation of   what's happening and what you need to do to get  it working for your setup so for those using the   intel hardware transcoding here's what you need  to follow if you're using amd it's up here and if   you're using nvidia it's here as well i think  those instructions are pretty clear we don't   really need to display them separately since i'm  using intel gpu personally we'll go and add that   one so as you can see you need to install the  gpu top plugin from the ca app store i highly   recommend that if you haven't done that please do  that we've also covered that in our plex tips and   tricks video now in the device section at the  bottom of this particular template we copy this   entry and if we look for device which is right  here amd or intel device put that directory   in scroll back up we'll have a read in jellyfin  select the intel quick sync transcoder at playback   and blah blah blah now we'll come back to this  because once we get in there i'll show you what   all these mean but for the purpose of the template  that's really all you need to do to start off with   let's go to the network type we'll set that to  our custom docker network of course and then you   pick your library so you should have your movie tv  and music libraries of course we highly recommend   that you've set up your media library and folders  matching trash guides now if you haven't done that   we've done a video on trash guides you can also  go to trash guide's website and make sure you're   following that to the t because it will really  improve your i o performance of your machine it   makes a big difference guys so you can see our  libraries sit underneath the same media folder   above and then we have the cache directory now if  you wanted to change this you can you can change   it from mnt user to mnt cache and then the rest  be the same and that way it'll always stay on the   cache that's personal preference you don't have to  do it that way but definitely a way you can do it   so just like that for example then we have  our intel device map so we've got that there   we also have our intel gpu top plugin as well  so that's done uh we're not using nvidia so we   don't need to worry about this if you are using  nvidia put your uuid here but also don't forget   to add this to your extra parameters which is up  here by clicking advanced and you've got extra   parameters there so once you're happy with all  that we've got our default port 8096 and then the   https which is 8 920. once you're done go  ahead and click apply okay so with the unraid   installation done we'll now show you the docker  compose so here's our compost file i'll quickly   walk you through what's going on we have the  jellyfin so that's the name of a container   we've got the repository it's pulling from  so it's the official repository on this one   feel free to use any other repositories such as  hoshio linux server whatever the case might be   that's up to you we then have our volume so we're  mapping our app data directory and we're giving   it read write access same goes for mnt that's  where we're storing our media library on our   trunas setup so that's where i've mapped it if you  have it somewhere else obviously just change this   left side to wherever that's living and underneath  that we want the transcoding to be done in ram to   try and save on efficiency so we've got dev shm  there as well which means in jellyfin itself that   will read as transcode for those who are unaware  with docker the left side is on our host and the   right side is inside the container so when you go  to startup jellyfin you won't be looking for opt   jellyfin you'd be looking for slash config for  example for transcode we've we've told it you   know on the host it's located here but inside  jellyfin it's just called transcode so that's   what you'd be putting inside jellyfin itself  underneath that we have our traffic labels   and we also have some environment variables here  as well so make sure you change those to match   what you need usually the pg id puid and the umask  don't need to be changed just the time zone here   we've also created our custom docker network  which is called proxy it's got unless stopped   i want you to restart and then we're mapping  the dev slash drive location for our intel   transcoding if you're using any other service for  transcoding you might have to map something else   then at the network we're just defining what proxy  is which is up here so guys we've done a video on   docker compost separately alright guys so here we  are in terminus this is the one we covered in our   live stream with some open source options in here  we're ready to start up our docker compose file so   let's go ahead and do that and my bad i forgot to  put a forward slash here so make sure we do that   then we come back again and we'll just rerun it  again and we're just waiting for it to do its   thing and there we are jellyfin is up and running  so let's go check that out and see how that looks   so here we are guys we're at the server address  8096 which is the port we defined in our compost   file it's also the port we defined in our unraid  template as well so both our unread users and   our docker users should be now on the same page  literally so let's get started here's what you'll   first see when you first start it up okay it's  going to ask you to get started we've got a quick   start guide you could easily read there as well  but we don't need that that's what your corp is   for so let's click next and it's going to ask you  for some details so let's go with username we'll   put our username password and another password  click next and now it's going to ask us to set up   our libraries so let's go ahead and do that we'll  click add library and then under the content type   let's say movies for the folder we click the plus  and we look for the path that we mapped in our   docker compost now if you know that what i did  there was map mnt if i go to mnt media and then   we go to media again and then we go to movies  and then i've got movies and i've got movies 4k   of course so we'll go movies for this one that's  it click ok now you can also put a shared network   folder if you want to and map directly to a  shared network location library settings are   the preferred download language i'm not sure if  you really need to do this but i'm going to go   ahead and do it anyway we'll say english and then  we'll say australia uh do you want prefer embedded   titles over file names now if you're using your  star apps correctly radar and sonar you should be   having a very decent naming profile convention  happening especially if you're following trash   guides we did that video just two weeks ago as  well on perfecting your results in those apps so   be sure to check that out do you want real-time  monitoring if you're doing this locally you   probably want that on uh disable different types  of embedded subtitles so do you want to allow   different types or not allow them at all you can  do that automatically add to a collection so when   at least two films have the same collection name  they'll be automatically added to a collection   now similar to what we see in plex but however in  plex we also use plex meta manager also we covered   in a video so we don't really worry about that too  much in plex but we also have the option checked   so might as well just check it here as well  here's the two options it gives you for metadata   and which one you want to be the first preference  so the movie database is currently first   automatically refresh do you want it to just  basically grab stuff whenever it can by all   means why not but it will take longer so as you  can see it's going to go every 30 60 or 90 days at   the moment i'll leave it as never just while we're  setting up and i recommend you guys do that too   until you feel comfortable and then you run your  first scan with metadata switched on now in here   we have some more options for image fetching  saving artwork into the media folders we then   have chapter images and chapter extractions so  let's just go with that for now and click ok   so we've got our movies in we'll quickly add  tvs and then we'll move so pretty much left   all the same we'll click ok and we have our two  libraries now again if you have music jellyfin   does support music you've also got shows books  photos music videos and mixed films and programs   so nice options there for the library  which is good once you're happy with that   go ahead and click next and then it's going  to ask about our metadata so obviously pick   the country or region that you like we're going  to go with australia click next configure remote   access so do we want to allow remote access to  this server most definitely you will probably   want that so make sure you check that now if you  enable this of course it's going to be choosing   a random port and using upnp to do so i wouldn't  recommend doing that if you want to do it properly   make sure you know what port you're going to  be forwarding in our case 8096 is the port we   set up and so we can forward any external port  to 8096 if we so choose go ahead and click next   and that's it jellyfin will now begin collecting  information about our media so we'll click finish   and it takes us to the sign-in screen so let's go  ahead and sign in now and we're starting up for   the first time we've signed in and it's starting  to scan our library for us and all of a sudden   you'll start seeing content popping up in there  but there's important settings that we need to   quickly go through in order to get the best out  of our server so let's quickly go and do that   on the left hand side if you expand the hamburger  menu there you have the admin panel down here so   users that are not admins will obviously not  see this section go ahead to the dashboard and   it's going to give you a bit more information  about what's going on so you can see our server   information here what's happening with the library  scan recent activity so users you know have come   online if they've changed passwords anything  like that which is really cool now one thing   that we'll go to first is plugins okay because we  want to set up our plugins before we go too far   into our media customization and there's a couple  of plugins that we really recommend you guys use   one is the jellyfin plugin manifest let's copy  that go to repositories it's in our written docs   for you guys so all you have to do is copy and  paste it we'll click on add we'll paste the url   and then we obviously just give it a  name so i don't know we can just call it   call jellyfin plugin man and click save we'll  add another repository as well and this one is by   uh cody robiro we'll paste that one and i'll just  call it rebiro doesn't matter click save and then   we have the two repositories there so now go to  the catalog and it will load plugins available   from those repositories so here's the plugins that  we actually want to grab and i'll explain why as   we quickly go through it first one is fan art so  if you want some nice looking art for your server   fan art is going to be one of your best options  now there is a link that you go to to get an api   key to get that you know working so it's worth  getting your own key go ahead and do that and   once you've got it you can just go ahead and click  install and that's it now keep in mind that once   we install all these plugins we'll have to restart  jellyfin in order for them to take effect okay   so go through all the plugins first and then we'll  restart jellyfin the next thing you might like is   merge version so if we just click on that it will  allow jellyfin to merge versions for repeated   movies so if you have different versions of the  same movie it will put them as one item and the   person just clicks on that giving them the option  to choose which version they want so that's really   handy something that i wish plex kind of did  a little bit better as well we'll go ahead and   install that one next one we'll go for is open  subtitles go ahead and grab open subtitles as   well really useful if you're using uh the bazaar  app you know you may not need it it's up to you   but this will go directly into your media server  obviously your media automation tools are probably   the best place to do that but you have the option  here as well so why not next one is playback   reporting which gives us some really nice graphs  and statistics on playback as you know tortuli   does not support jellyfin so that kind of leads  us out on statistics which is not great but this   playback reporting plug-in will do that for us so  go ahead and click install that one we've also got   reports so very similar we'll install that one as  well to generate some reports for you we've got tv   maze we'll install that one and that will get tv  metadata for us from tv maze same goes for the tv   db it's a really good metadata that's stuff that  we want right so we want to make sure that that's   working really well giving us you know the right  matches for our content so really important that   we set that stuff up as well we've also got tmdb  box sets so we'll click to install that if you're   a fan of tracked also grab the tracked plug-in as  well so that it can record your watched media with   tracked and now for those who love anime you've  got two options that we recommend you can grab the   annie db and the annie list so if you wanted to  you can grab those and install them i won't do it   but feel free to do that so with all those plugins  installed we need to quickly restart our container   and apply those changes so if you're in  unraid go to docker restart the container   if you're in compost restart the container as well  okay we've restarted the container so our plugin   should now be working one of the plugins that we  did which was fan art needs one additional step   head over to your libraries and on the library  go on to the three dots and go to manage library   if you scroll down now you'll see some more  options for metadata which we've got here so tvdb   and you can choose what order you want them in  obviously as well so we'd probably move that   down so we have tvdb as our first option scroll  down a little bit more you've also got metadata   downloaders so we can click tv maze and we've  also got metadata for episodes pick those as well   and since we've got this here we'll go to 30  days now and here's our image fetches so we've   got fan art here we'll move that to the top you  can also enable the other options now too and   the same goes for the series we'll probably move  fan art to the top may enable these ones as well   click ok and the same will go for movies now under  the display for libraries the date added behavior   for new content by default it's use file creation  date we'll change that to use date scanned into   the library and click save metadata shouldn't be  too much to it select your language and region and   then under nfo settings that should all be fine  by default as well just do it however you like   if you need to now the other thing you can do is  actually edit the image for the library itself so   if you go to edit images for example you can add  an image to this library for basically whatever   say say this one for example click upload and  we'll close that and there you go even though i   put that on shows obviously it should have been on  movies but nevertheless you get what i'm saying so   that's our library is done and you know there's  always room for improvement so you can go and   tweak stuff as you go the other thing we recommend  probably is the transcoding now the final thing   that's most important is transcoding we want to  make sure that's set up correctly otherwise things   just aren't going to play back right so we'll  quickly head over to our transcoding settings   go to playback and then under here we have  transcoding so for hardware acceleration   i'm using intel quick sync so we'll use that  we'll get it to go for hevc bc1264 we've got vc   and vp9 i want to enable hardware encoding as  well and we're going to allow encoding in hevc   vpp and tone mapping this one's fine bt2390 for  tone mapping algorithm we'll leave that as is dsat   0 100 that's all fine we keep going down ffmpeg  is fine and then we also have our transcode path   now as you can see by default it's slash config  transcode but that's not what we mapped it to   in our config we actually mapped it to transcode  so just change it to transcode or whatever it is   in your config and then click on ok now for the  encoding preset that's going to be adjustable to   your liking we'll say ultra fast to start with and  then see how you go can always change it off now   we're going to disable subtitle extraction on the  fly and we will enable throttle transcode so when   a transcode gets far enough ahead of the current  playback position pause the process so it will   consume less resource go ahead and click save on  the resume menu at the top there you've got your   minimum resume percentage so that's on five we  got 90 5 5 and then 300 by default all the default   stuff we haven't changed that change it to your  liking if you like then we go over to streaming   and um if you wanted to put a bitrate limit you  can do that as well so as you can see especially   with the transcoding stuff there's a lot more fine  tuning you can do than you can in something like   plex however that can be very intimidating and  to be honest if you just want to play stuff you   just want to be able to play it you don't  want to have to mess around with a lot of   settings but the option is quite nice and i think  overall it's pretty straightforward especially if   you're following a guide like ours it should be  pretty much plug and play so i'm just going to   show you a couple of quick tips final tips useful  tips that will help you and then we'll show you a   library how that looks now and then we're done  guys so under here we now have logs so in the   log section if you need to check your logs you can  do so straight away just like that you also have   control over all the scheduled tasks that happen  so you can change them and modify them as you wish   something you don't usually get in other options  especially with all the plugins we installed they   also have scheduled tasks built into them as well  you can change them for example if you want them   to be daily weekly on an interval whatever the  case might be you can change that you can set   the triggers yourself now if you go to your  users currently we only have myself of course   if we click on open there and then we have our  user settings this is something that's also very   very interesting something you don't get a lot  in other media servers is the ability to control   stuff down right to the t for specific users so do  we want them to have access to certain libraries   or playback we can set that here you know maybe we  don't want them to be able to transcode we can set   that here you can allow media deletion for users  which is not new really you can allow downloads   disable the user hide them from login screens you  have a whole bunch of options here that you can do   access parental control and password as well  so we can enforce passwords reset passwords   change it to pin codes you know all that sort  of stuff as well and being in control of the   user of course is going to give you the ultimate  control for who's checking your content and how   you can manage that you can also edit a user's  personal preferences now this is probably one of   the biggest pluses opposed to plex so if we click  on this we can actually set all the settings for   them so they don't have to worry about anything  and we can also enforce their playback so if i go   back and we say playback i can say by default  i want you to always be automatic now i know   for a fact that everyone out there that uses plex  one of the most frustrating things in the world is   people that don't understand what setting to put  their plex on and that's fair enough they may not   know but that's where we should have the option  as the administrators to set that and force it on   our users so that they're not transcoding when  they shouldn't be or anything of the sort so this   gives you that option you can set it to whatever  and you can say i want you to be by default 1080   at 60 megabits um you can also set all the other  options for them as well uh google cast versions   it's unbelievable this is all for one user and we  have control over it okay which is really really   cool i think it's a great feature worth going  in and having a play and checking that out so   let's go home and have a look at our library  now we can see it started to fill some stuff   out and that metadata looks pretty good to be  perfectly honest and since i'm addicted to lego   let's go to lego masters here and i'll show you  what that looks like really nice ui looks clean   we've got trailer option shuffling we can add  to favorites you know if there's something we   constantly watch there's our seasons cast and  crew looks nice i really like the larger designs   and then you've got recommendations of what's more  like this none of this looks like more like lego   to be honest but anyway once you're here go ahead  and click play so now that's currently playing   and while that's playing we'll go to our admin  dashboard and we'll be able to see what's going   on so as you can see right here this is a  user that's currently playing something and   it refreshes every so often i believe  you can change that i think somewhere   and we can see what's going on we can also go  down to our plugins that we set up so here's   our playback reporting for example this is a  playback reporting plugin we've got our playback   you know breakdowns of what contents being played  what kind of content clients the usage duration   queries and then we can change settings here as  well now if i just open up bashtop on our server   we'll have a look at the resource usage and as you  can see nothing's really happening obviously it's   direct playing which is great and uh the settings  that we've used have allowed it to you know run as   best as possible so i think that's working pretty  well you can see jellyfish running around here   at very low percentage even four percent  memory which is really good so let's stop   this now and honestly guys i'm quite impressed  it's come a long way since i last used it so i'm   very very impressed and the amount that you can  customize really is a selling point of jellyfin   um but most importantly it's free and open source  guys you can support the project and try and get   this to be on the same level of whatever media  server you're too scared to move away from you   know let's try and get this project up to where  it needs to be really support these guys they're   working really hard and it's really worth it one  final thing i'm going to say is that we will show   you one additional thing next week which will be  jelly seer so we've actually had the developer of   jellysia get in touch with us and we're going to  be doing a video showing you how to use jellyseal   to get requests for your jellyfin server and we  hope we can show you that next week and we'll also   hopefully be able to show you a beta preview  of an upcoming version of jellysia that we've   been able to organize exclusively with the  developers with that said guys that's it for   today if you like what we're doing please think  about supporting us on our website by becoming   a subscriber we really appreciate it alternatively  you can donate via paypal as well and by all means   please join our discord so that we can be part of  the discussion and get to know each other as well   we'd love to have you there we can't wait  to see you guys in the next hibrico video you
Views: 218,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jellyfin, ibracorp, ibraco, ibra corp, jellyfin media server, jellyfin vs plex, jellyfin setup, jellyfin live tv, jellyfin docker, jellyfin remote access, jellyfin server, jellyfin review, jellyfin plugins, jellyfin synology, jellyfin roku, jellyfin vs emby, jellyfin reveiw, install jellyfin ubuntu server, install jellyfin docker, install jellyfin unraid, install jellyfin ubuntu 20.04, jellyfin top 10 plugins, emby, media server, linux, emby media server, plex server, unraid
Id: HIExT8xq1BQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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