Complete Guide: Unraid Home Server Installation & Setup

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all right registering the server now click [Music] confirm and it didn't work confirm again and again and again how about now so you want your own home server and you decided on unraid now you need to figure out how to get it installed to do that you got to go to un raid. netd download Once there over on the right side you'll see a big Orange Box whether you're downloading for Mac or PC select whichever one fits your needs in this case windows for me note where it's being saved at go ahead and hit save it's fairly quick so shouldn't take long once it's done open it up and now it's in time to insert your flash drive once that's up there go ahead and double click on the downloaded file there's any warnings like this user access controls just select yes it's going to ask you which version you want you want the stable version the newest version whatever you want it to be called in this case we will just call it let's say demo and static or dynamic address for me I'm going to select static and in this spot you will put in the IP address that you want it to use depending on your network what that's going to be most people would probably be something in the 192 168 1. whatever range or maybe a z. whatever but in my case I'm a 10.0.0 and let's make this 11 you can do UEFI boot if you'd like I'm going to leave that selected the Gateway in this case for me is 10.0 0.1 most likely you are going to be 192.168.0 excuse me. 1.1 and then the DNS server is going to probably be the same number mine is slightly different it's A2 so 1 192168 1.1 will most likely be yours you could always put in Google's addresses or DNS server which is or there's 999.9 1.11.1 there's several out there they're all public ones I'm going to put in my internal one so that's that select your flash drive here and make sure that you select the right thing you do not want to overwrite you know your main boot drive so that is correct for me it's the Samsung flash 64 gig I wanted a 32 but they're no longer available at least not easily findable once you found the correct flash drive and everything is set up for your network go ahead and click on right it's going to come up with the warning say that it's going to delete everything go ahead and make sure that it's correct and if so hit erase and write now it's going to start the download process and start writing all the information to the flash drive it's not a terribly long process but it t does take a few minutes so sit back relax for a minute get yourself a drink of coffee or tea in this case and we'll see you when it's done while we're waiting for this to finish writing to the flash drive let me just tell you about this flash drive a little bit that I have you don't want to get a cheap flash drive you want a high quality one did a bit of research found out that the Samsung bar plus was a highly recommended Drive they are pretty robust x-ray proof waterproof all that nice details built quite well they metal case so if you're looking for a quality flash drive that's one that I would recommend my other unraid server I've had that exact Drive in there except for it's the 32 gig version rather probably for the last oh three years and thing's been Rock Solid have not had one issue with it so I figured I'd go with the same thing unfortunately I couldn't find the 32 gig so I had to go with a 64 the other thing I want to kind of touch back on is the the IP address you can choose to go Dynamic if you want the DHCP version however it's quite likely that every time you start the ser Ser up the IP address is going to be different unless you want to start you know searching your network for the device every time I wouldn't recommend that that's why I went with the static before you choose your static address you might want to get on there or on your uh machine there and do a ping across the network to look for the address that you're thinking of using I would choose something that's out of the range of the DHCP and if that's getting a little in the weeds you know we can talk about that later if you'd like but uh to do that you just bring up command prompt type CMD you know click on the start button type CMD press enter and then you can ping and then the address that you're thinking about using in this case I was doing 10. 0.0.11 press enter and it's going to go hang out across the network and if there is something on that address it's going to come back and say that the destination was reached and I'll have the time there mine's clear so that's the address I'm using all right well it is finished up so now you hit close and go ahead and close your windows pull the flash drive up out then go stick it in the server of your choice so here we are at the server it's been turned on flash drive is inserted and looking for the uh F2 system startup menu here in your case maybe inner bios or something of that nature so once that's seen there go ahead and hit whatever your button is my case it's F2 wait for it to boot up and these uh Power Edge servers sometimes it takes a bit to go through all the checking that it has to do to to get into it all right it is in the bio settings here so we are looking for boot devices boot settings Bios mode all right and boot sequence all right it's going off the drive there hard drive sequence this is where we're going to change it internal USB flash drive move that up to the top get out of that [Music] and all right so let's booting up once this is finished we'll go back to the desktop and do the rest from there this only takes oh about 30 seconds or so not too long depending on your your hardware and there we go in the bottom right down here or excuse me bottom left you will have the IP address of your server so we will take it back to the desktop and do it from there all right back at the desktop here type in that server address that you selected in this case is 10.0.0 do11 and there comes up the uh login page so the user is going to be root by default and then you have have to create a password I would recommend something fairly secure here because you don't want just anybody getting into this so in this case I'm just going to put in a quick and easy one since it's a demo server I'm not too concerned about security all right hit set password once logged in on the right hand side you're going to see the let's Unleash Your Hardware window got three different options here click on start trial which will give you a free 30-day trial with every feature available you can purchase a key directly or you can redeem an activation code if you've already purchased one I have already purchased one but I'm going to click on start trial and it will grab a quick little license file for you write it to the flash drive and then you are on your way now this is a new feature within unraid 6.11 I think is when this came out so go ahead and click install plugin it'll quick go out and download the file and get it all set up for you and once it's done click done simple as that all right now in the top right corner it says trial key and it expires 30 days and 4 minutes so once your trial license is installed go ahead and click on this little hamburger menu up here top right corner and then you want to sign in with your unrate account now this is if you've already purchased the license if not then just go ahead and skip this bit the next window that comes up will want some personal information name address that kind of stuff go ahead and fill that out and then click the button at the bottom to submit it the third step would be to or to activate the key itself so there'll be a button there click on that and you end up at this screen here hit close and now you've got a licensed server you can tell mine is nam demo it's got the OS uh the plus version un raid plus so I can have 12 different devices so let's start setting that up Up parody Drive I am going to do one tab drive for par and then I'm going to do a bunch of one tbte drives for data actually I think I'm just going to we'll start with two for now and the 12 terab is going to be for backups for my other unraid server so I'm not going to select that now and this 12 120 down here flash drive or excuse me the SSD drive it's going to be for a cash drive so we drop down here and where's it at there it is start click proceed now it's going to go through and allocate the drives to the server and start the whole array up all right there you have it you've got parody Drive and then you've got two drives here working together so it shows you over here 1 tab 1 terabyte total size is 2 terabytes the amount of data used on each Drive is listed here how much free space is over here and uh the little me message there saying that the parody Drive is the sync is started so it's going to start getting the parody all set down in the bottom left it'll show you the status so the parody sync is at 1.3% done depending on your dis size that will take a while so we'll just let that do its thing for now but that's uh the basics of getting unraid installed so there you have it unraid is installed it's up and running and at this point it's going to be ready to use we'll get to that in another video
Channel: Weoxstan
Views: 771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unraid, Home, Server, Home Server, Installation, Setup, Complete Guide, Server Installation, Server Setup, Tech Tutorial, Technology, DIY, Storage Solution, Network Setup, Data Management, Home Network, IT Tutorial, Operating System, Computer Setup, Software Installation, Server Hardware, Data Storage, NAS, Simple
Id: HRn4GrcV6ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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