The Deeper Meaning Behind Harry Potter Names

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JK Rowling is famous for creating names that have deeper meanings in the Harry Potter series some names are references to real people others are word associations from all different languages and some just have special meaning to her herself in this video I'm going to go through 46 different characters names and explain the deeper meaning behind each one if you enjoy this video hit that like button it will greatly help the Channel with the algorithm and if you like what you see hit that subscribe button and you can also follow me on all of my other social medias all of which are linked down below and all of which house similar content that I make here on this channel now that I've said that let's get the video started Harry Potter Harry was JK Rowling's favorite boy name but there's more to it than that many believe that she got the name Harry from the real life famous magician Harry Houdini from the 1900s as for the last name Potter Potter's field is often the name given to a cemetery that buries those who have gone unclaimed or unwanted when a city Falls essentially being a community's orphan which aligns with Harry who becomes an orphan and is unwanted by the dersley Ron Weasley the first name Ron can be tied to King Arthur's main adviser Rano minad just like Ron Weasley is always beside Harry for big decisions and events essentially being Harry's adviser and as for the last name Weasley JK roling actually talked about this saying that she always loved weasel as a kid and wanted to incorporate it into her fantasy story weasel are sometimes famous for having red hair just like every single Weasley has red hair in the series they also live in otter ST catchpole which is not worthy because an otter is a member of the weasel family Hermione Granger the first name Hermione is the feminine version of Hermes and Greek mythology and she was often known as the patron saint of high magic which goes along with Hermione being so gifted with magic Hermione was also a character in Shakespeare's a Winter's Tale where the character is made into a statue and then comes back to life at the end of the play which could align with Hermione being petrified by the Basilisk in the second book and coming back at the end of the novel as for the last name grer this could be a nod to the gringer movement in the 1800s which improved the lives of farmers this could match up with Hermione creating sbw to make better lives for the house elves Granger is also the name of a character from the book Fahrenheit who was the leader of a group of intellectuals known as the book people whose goal is the preservation of literature when the government was trying to burn books this also aligns with Hermione who has a great love for books jinny Weasley the name jinny is short for jurva and there was an old myth about a woman named jurva who locked herself in a trunk on her wedding day she trapped herself and her skeleton was discovered much later this aligns with what was written on the wall about jinny in the second book her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever Draco Maloy there's a lot with his first name Draco is a constellation that looks like a dragon but is actually a snake which refers to his house Slytherin whose mascot is a snake Draco could also be taken from the word Draconian which means harsh or cruel which very much aligns with draco's character as for the last name Maloy in Latin malis means bad which many would say Draco is bad and ma means pale which is a trait that ring often used to describe maloy's physical appearance looking deeper maoy means loss of Faith which the entire Maloy family does when they lose their faith in v Mor in his cause and a similar phrase Mal fate means evil Deeds which the Maloy family carried out too many times to count Albus Dumbledore the first name Albus means white in Latin which of course refers to his long white hair and beard Albus could also referred to a governor in Britain named claud's albinus who made an alliance with another Imperial Contender Septimus seus this is very noteworthy considering that Albus and seus Snape have an alliance in the Harry Potter books just like Septimus Everest and claudes albinus looking at the last name Dumbledore in Old English this name means bumblebee JK ring said that she chose this name because she imagined Dumbledore walking around the castle humming to himself Fred and George Weasley Fred and George are both named after people in the British royal family George becomes king after the untimely loss of Frederick meaning their names predicted Fred's ultimate fate of dying George didn't become king but he did did become the person leading and running their joke shop which one could say was the twins Kingdom Sirius Black Sirius was named after the star Sirius which is also known as the dog star this makes perfect sense as he has the ability to turn into a black dog at will being an animus in Egyptian mythology they believe that when you die your soul would go into the star serus this aligned with Sirius Black's death as he went into a veil of Souls seus Snape seus could be a play on the word sever meaning to cut off which refers to how Snape cut off his ties with the dark lord seus could also refer to the word severe meaning cruel and strict both of which describe Snape as a teacher the name seus is also mentioned in Mansfield park by Jane Austin which is one of JK Rowling's favorite books as for the last name Snape roling actually named him after someone she knew in real life yikes to whoever that person is manura mgol manura is the Roman counterpart of the Greek goddess Athena a woman in mythology who resonates wisdom which describes manano pretty well and similarly her last name mle is a form of Celtic that means the bravest which also aligns with who manura migle is Lord Voldemort if you translate each section of the name in French Vore it means flight from Death Or escaping death which was Voldemort's lifelong goal when making his hor cruxes meanwhile vold in Danish means violence which Voldemort spread a great deal of Tom Riddle the last name riddle of course refers to a riddle or a word puzzle which is sort of what his full name Tom morolo Riddle is as it spells out I Am Lord Voldemort in an anagram looking at his first name Tom this name can sometimes mean twin which goes along with Tom Riddle being the spitting image of his father whose first name was also you guessed it Tom Remis Lupin the first name Remis is taken from the Roman myth ramulus and Remis the tale of the twin brothers who were raised by a she wolf and the last name Lupin is derived from the Latin word lupus which means wolf both of these things line up perfectly with Remis Lupin being a werewolf Ruby is Hagrid breaking down Hagrid the name grid was a Norse giantes and the ha is a variant of the old west Norse name meaning half so putting that together you get half giant which is exactly what Hagrid is as his mother was a giantess and his father was a human Bellatrix was strange breaking up a first name Bella is a construct of the word Bellum meaning war and Trix refers to a woman in power putting those together you get a Female warrior which is exactly what Bellatrix was for Voldemort as for her last name L strange this is a play on the word arranged which means to be removed from society this goes along with her being removed from society while she was locked up in aaban which is where she was when we were introduced to her character nymphadora Tonks nymphadora translates to gift of the nymphs and nymphs are female Spirits in Greek mythology they can change shape which Tonks is of course able to do as well being a metamorph megus as for her last name ton this sometimes means a fool or an idiot which I guess goes along with how clumsy she is Lucius Maloy in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar the character Lucius is the of Brutus the leader of the conspirators which aligns with Lucius Maloy being the servant of Lord Voldemort Lucius could also come from Lucifer aka the devil which Lucius sometimes lives up to with his cruel ways aler Moody the first name aliser comes from Alistair in Scottish gelic which is a form of Alexander which means defender of mankind this adds up to aliser Moody who fights as an order to protect the Wizarding World As for the last name Moody and anel Hawthorne's the bdale romance there is a character called Moody who wears a patch over his eye this matches up with Moody who was of course missing an eye Nini in erdu the word nean means female snake which is literally what Nini is a female snake in the language py the word Nega refers to a great deity or entity that takes the shape of a large snake which is also what Nini does in the Fantastic Beast films being a maledictus and the female Nega is is called you guessed it Nini many say that this is proof that roling always intended to have nini's backstory be that she was once a human long before the Fantastic Beast films came along Lily Potter Lily is a flower symbolizing Purity and innocence both of which go along with everything we know about Lily Potter the Lily is also a flower commonly paired with immortality which goes along with Lily sacrifice allowing Harry to live on Kingsley shackle bolts kingsley's job as an is to lock people up in askaban and breaking down his last name both shackle and bolt refer to means of imprisonment considering that he is a black character shacko and bolts could also be a reference to slavery in early America and going off of that his first name Kingsley could be inspired by Martin Luther King Jr who made the famous eye of a Dream speech creature the house elf creature is similar to the German word creature derived from the verb crein meaning to cre deep which creature always does throughout the grimel place house creature could also be a play on the English word creature which is often used for an imaginary being typically a frightening one which also aligns with creature the house elf olymp Maxim in French olymp means Olympus referring to Mount Olympus the home of the Gods in Greek mythology gods that are often massive compared to human beings which references how tall Maxim is and the last name Maxim could be a play on the English word maximum meaning the the biggest size you can get which also goes along with her massive height Peter pedig Gru breaking down his last name to Petty and grew this could mean he grew into a petty narrow-minded person the name could also be from the French pedross meaning little fat person which describes Peter's physical appearance quis quirrel in Roman mythology quis was abused by Janus Janis being a God who has a face on both the front and back of his head which refers to the man with two faces Janus in this case is also voldemor as just like in Roman mythology he abuses quernus then the last name quirrel was derived from the word quarrel which means an angry dispute or argument which quis quirrel had with both Snape and Voldemort several times in the first book cibil trani her first name cibil comes from the Sybil who were famous prophets in ancient mythology this aligns with her divine power to predict the future with her prophecies and of course how she teaches divid ation Pomona Sprout to sprout means to spring up and grow which goes along with our life ambition to grow plants as the herbology professor Rita sker sker is short for mosquito which many would agree is the most annoying insect on Earth just like Rita is the most annoying reporter and person also she too can turn into an insect in her case a beetle as she is an animus Cornelius fudge fudge can mean nonsense which is what this character is always spewing out as a verb fudge can mean to evade or to falsify this also adds up as he evades admitting that Voldemort is back and he falsifies news to slander harrying and Dumbledore as for the first name Cornelius there was a Roman general named Lucius Cornelius sua who was forced out by the people just as fudge was forced out of office by The Wizarding World Andromeda Tonks for the first name Andromeda in Greek mythology a woman with the same name was was supposed to marry her uncle Phineas but instead she marries the hero pereus this is similar to how when drama the tonx was supposed to marry a pure blood which that too often leads to incest but instead she married someone she wasn't supposed to marrying the muggleborn Ted Tonks Charlie Weasley Charlie is short for Charles a name that often means manly and strong which is how Charlie is described in the book being stocky and having muscled arms fenri greyback the first name fenri is from Norse mythology and there it means a gigantic terrible monster in the shape of a wolf which is literally what fenri greyback is as a werewolf as for the last name greyback is a play on the term Silverback which we use to distinguish the dominant male in a band of gorillas we all know that fenri greyback holds that dominant role for werewolves in The Wizarding World Delores on bridge breaking down her first name Dolores means deceitful in Greek which we can all agree matches up with um character as for her last name Umbridge this is a play on the word Umbridge which means to take offense or to feel resented which she makes many people feel when interacting with her Flur deor in French Flur means flower and adding her last name deor to that it means flower of the Court the end of delor could also be a play on the French word quar which means heart because V's Captivate men's hearts and Kor could also be a derivative of the word coor which vas are often able to do to men using their attractive Powers petunia dersley a petunia flower often symbolizes anger and resentment which batuna dersley has plenty of for her sister Lily The Wizarding World and too many other things to even count as for the last name dersley it was the name of a town near JK Ring's birthplace Argus VCH the name Argus comes from the name of a monster from Greek mythology who had 100 eyes and was known to Be watchful this matches up with filch who carefully watches over for the castle of Hogwarts and it often seems as though he has more than just two eyes gilderoy lockart for the first name gilderoy there was a famous Highway man who was known for being extremely handsome just like Lockard meaning may also be found in the word gilded which is defined as having a pleasing shy appearance which covers something of little worth which is exactly what Lockard embodies being handsome on the outside but having little worth on the inside both magically and intelligently as for the last name Lockard there was a thing famous psychologist who had the same name and his particular expertise was in the study of memory which is pretty much the only thing gilderoy Lockard could do well memory charms Moaning Myrtle Myrtle is a type of evergreen shrub that is often overlooked because of its plainness which matches up with Moaning Myrtle who was often unnoticed as the nerdy plain looking girl aragog breaking down the name we get the era from the word arachnid which means spider and Gog was the name of a legendary giant so put that together and you get giant spider which is exactly what aragog is Ludo bagman the first name Ludo is a Latin word meaning I play which aligns with the character Ludo who likes to play his luck I play could also refer to him playing professional quiddit as for the last name bagman bagman is a person who collects money in a dishonest way which is exactly what his character does throughout the whole fourth book making bets and keeping all the gold for himself not giving out the winnings peeves the Poltergeist the word peeve means little devil which he represents pretty perfectly always causing Mischief around the school and peeve can also mean something that gets on your nerve which you've probably heard in the phrase pet peeve and peeves the polter guy certainly does get on people's nerves at Hogwarts with his pranks and shenanigans Cedric diery Cedric is Old English for chief or War leader which aligns with him being the captain of the Hufflepuff quiddit team and also being one of the most popular kids in school Victor Crumb Victor is a play on the English word Victor meaning the winner or the Victorious one this is appropriate for arguably the best Seeker in The Wizarding World even though he did lose in the quiddit World Cup in the Goble of fire but don't worry he became the Victor when he came out of retirement and won the Quidditch World Cup 20 years later xenophilus love good xenophilus is a play on the word xenophilia which means to have love or affection for alien things or people which explains zenopus is love for all things strange fox the Phoenix in 16005 a man named guy Fox tried to blow up the house of parliament as an act of rebellion in England November 5th is now known as guy fox day and on that day they burn a statue of him every year he is resurrected to burn again and again which is exactly what fox the Phoenix does he dies in flames and is resurrected each time Colin creevy the first name Colin means Youth and Child which matches how he's often depicted being a young kid compared to Harry even though he's only a year younger which is weird Colin can also mean young dog which fits with how he follows Harry around like a dog and also how he has great Devotion to Harry the way a dog might and that is the deeper meaning of 46 different Harry Potter characters names let me know in the comments below which one you found to be the most fascinating I'm excited to hear what you have to say that's all I have for you guys today though so I will see you in the next video
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 95,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown, analysis, luna, neville, longbottom, james, wizarding world, fantastic beasts, gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, slytherin, hogwarts, writing, written, jk, rowling, j.k., j.k, newt, seamus, dean, thomas, finnigan, cho, chang, slughorn, horace, hbo, max, hogwarts legacy, series, tv show, streaming
Id: xTGF24RPa24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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