Reacting to 30 Harry Potter PLOT HOLES

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Harry Potter is a series that has been looked at so closely and when you look that close to a fictional story you're bound to find plot holes for this video I had my wife scour the internet to find 30 different Harry Potter plot holes and in this video I'm going to go through each one and react to it I might try to debunk some of them with my vast Harry Potter knowledge but others I might be like yeah that that's a good point I haven't seen any of the yet so I'll be reacting to them in real time if you enjoy this video hit that like button it will greatly help the Channel with the algorithm and if you like what you see hit that subscribe button and you can also follow me on all of my other social medias all of which are linked down below and all of which house similar content that I make here on this channel now that I've said that let's get into it okay the first one why couldn't James and Lily be their own secret Keepers in order for the Fidel's charm to work someone had to become the Secret Keeper The Potter's shows their then friend wormtail but the story never explains why they couldn't become their own secret Keepers if James and Lily had taken on the burden perhaps they'd managed to stay hidden until Voldemort had been weakened I mean looking at it it makes sense if Lily was james' Secret Keeper and James was Lily Secret Keeper I don't think that breaks the rules of the fidelus charm so honestly that's a genius idea that they definitely should have done but at the same time I will say that James and Lily were so Reliant and so trusting of their friends this is probably something that they felt they had to do or something that they really wanted to do because their friends just mean so much to them to be honest though that other plan would have worked much better all right next one why could order members use magic at the dersley in some occasions like when Dobby or Harry performed magic at the dersley the ministry was immediately notified in others like when the Order of the Phoenix used magic in the same location nothing seemed to happen in the end the trace appeared to be highly inefficient especially because it couldn't determine who had cast m magic in the first place I mean yeah that last part yeah it's not very well thought out like basically it doesn't tell you who use magic it just tells you where the location is and the reason why Harry got in trouble when Dobby used magic in the Chamber of Secrets is because the ministry knew that that house only had one Wizard and that town only had one wizard so they were like it's Harry so getting to the plot hole that does make sense because in that scene Tonks actually used magic I think to pack Harry's case so the ministry he was coming coming after Harry should have been like wait a minute we have him using magic a second time because literally hours before that he got in trouble when he cast the Patronis charm to stop that dementor so fudge probably would have been like oh my God he used magic a second time we can get him even harder so why was Tonks allowed to use magic at the dersley and why wasn't the trace notified that's another plot ho hold that I'm just going to say you know what they're right that's that's a huge plot hole all right next one why couldn't the trio multiply their food according according to Hermione it was impossible to conjure food out of thin air it could only be summoned transformed or multiplied Harry Ron and Hermione could have easily been multiplying their supply for months without having to starve themselves but for some reason the trio never did this during their travels in the Deathly Hallows honestly and this is just a guess because I don't think that there's any proof for this but I feel like the food wouldn't be as good if you multiplied it but again that wouldn't really matter to them because they were starving and would have eaten anything so yeah I don't know maybe they just never thought of it of course Hermione probably would have thought of that but I guess they just never thought of it next one why couldn't Harry see thestrals all along Order of the Phoenix introduced thestrals to the Wizarding World giant skeletal horses that could only be seen by those who witness death Harry first glimpsed the thestrals after watching Cedric digory die in the gobblet of fire however Harry was an infant when he saw his parents die so it doesn't make sense that he only saw the creatures after Cedric's demise Harry should have been able to see thestrals when he first arrived at Hogwarts in addition he could not see the magical creature straight after the trizer tournament despite Cedric's demise that happened right in front of him so JK ring actually did explain both of these she said that when Harry saw his mother die he was just an infant so he didn't process the death and you have to process the death to be able to see the festal and as for Harry not being able to see them at the end of his fourth year even though he just saw Cedric die JK rolling said that the death didn't sink in yet and that's why it didn't count for me the first one makes sense because you don't remember anything from when you're a baby so we obviously wouldn't remember that death as for the part at the end of the fourth year I think that was a bit of a copout and I think JK Rowling just messed up there and she tried to fix it with saying that it had to sink in for me I think that's BS especially because in hogwart's Legacy you see thestrals right away in that opening scene when you watch I think his name was George die right in front of you it didn't have to sink in he saw him get eaten and then boom right away he saw thestrals all right next one how did Fred and George not spot Peter pedigree on the Marauder's Map in the prison rasaan Fred and George Weasley gave Harry the Marauders map a magical parchment that tracked every person in Hogwarts however the twins had the map for years and failed to notice or cared that a man named Peter pedig slept in bed with their brother Ron every night it simply doesn't make sense that no one noticed pedigree constant presence in Ron's room until Harry got a hold of the map well I'm going to stop you right there because actually Harry never saw Peter pedigree on the map in the book and there's actually a really good explanation for this that I think is a fan Theory I know that Sheamus Gorman made a video on it like years ago I'm not sure if it's his theory or someone else's but the theory goes like this the only people that can see the four Mar roers on the map that being Remis Lupin Sirius Black James Potter and Peter pedig are those those four people so the fact that Harry never saw Peter pedigree is very important the only person that saw Peter pedigree on the map was Remis Lupin one of the Marauders so that theory I think JK should be like yeah that's Canon let's go with that because I do think that she didn't really think that through and like it's it's something that you would never think of as an author that like someone would see Ron in bed with another man like you would never think about that in the writing process but it's something that fans came up with and went viral on the internet so yeah I'm glad that we have that one in there and I'm glad that I was able to sort of debunk it with a fan Theory all right moving on to the next one why didn't Sirius Black use poly juice potion after Sirius Black escaped askaban he hid at his childhood home and couldn't leave for fear of being seen when he did go outside he turned into his animus form which was a large black dog however many fans felt that there was a much simpler solution to the issue poly juice potion which physically turns the user into someone else this idea has some plot holes in it oh okay so they're going so they're going over what's wrong with this plot hole which okay I'll just read it the idea has some plot holes in it since boomslang skin isn't a household item in the Wizarding World however if Sirius purchased the potion on the black market he could have easily used the potion to transform into another order member or even a random person to go into public occasionally instead he went into his animus form and was immediately spotted by the mouth voice leading to his capture and eventual death so that's a good point but you have to remember that Sirius Black is a very arrogant and self-obsessed person and if he's not going out as himself he's not going out that's just like sirius's character at least that's how I view it that's just how I see his character that's more of an opinion than anything else but the mention of getting something on the black market was very very easy to do considering they had mandongus Fletcher one of the people that like sells on the black market for a living and buy things on the black market for a living like he easily could have gotten the ingredients for a poly juice potion and he also had like some of the greatest Wizards and witches of all time like Dumbledore was part of the order mgal was part of the order Snape was part of the order they easily especially Snape they easily could have made the poly juu potion for him but again I think it goes back to sirius's arrogance and also I think he was like I'm not going to get caught I'm sirious black I never get caught he got away with so much at Hogwarts that he was just like screw it I'm going out as my dog form anyway moving to the next one why didn't the ministry use truth serum verit to serum was one of the Wizarding world's most powerful potions forcing whoever drank it to tell the truth if the ministry of magic had taken advantage of this tool they could have solved issues more efficiently for example the truth serum could have been used after the first Wizarding War when known Death Eaters went on trial some escaped imprisonment by saying that they were under the imperious curse and others like Sirius Black were wrongfully imprison the ministry could have sorted out who was innocent and who was guilty if they had used verit to serum this problem even materialized in Harry's underage magic trial if they had given him some veritus serum they would have seen that he was protecting Dudley from dementor not committing a crime well going over that last part the ministry didn't want that they wanted to make sure that Harry got busted so using verit to serum there they probably wouldn't have done it even if they had it and even if they had the idea as for everything else I 100% agree the fact that they did not not use veritus serum for probably some of the biggest trials in the history of the Wizarding World is mind bockling the thing about Sirius being wrongfully imprisoned is that he was like laughing like a maniac and he looked like he was guilty he looked like he did it he was acting like a murderer but going back to like Lucius Maloy crab senior Goyle senior like they 100% should have used verit to serum on them moving on to the next one why didn't Harry turn into another wizard rather than everyone turning into him in the Deathly Hallows the order devised a plan to relocate Harry to a safe house six wizards used poly juice potion and disguised themselves as Harry traveling in different directions to throw the Death Eaters off however there were much easier routes they could have gone to avoid the bad guys Harry could have taken polyu potion to disguise himself as a muggle then use muggle transportation to get to a safe location on top of that the entire order could have disguised themselves as random people alongside him and no one one would have known instead they picked a convoluted plan that led to Moody and hedwig's death so the thing about the seven Harries the reason why they did six people using poly juice potion versus everyone using poly juice potion is because if they did everyone they would have just killed everybody they they weren't sure which one was Harry with this plan they only risked seven people being killed obviously Moody was hit and if you didn't read the book he did not shoot a spell at Moody he shot it at mungan who was looked like Harry so again they only go after the Harry so only seven people are in danger rather than everybody as for using polyes potion and taking Harry through muggle Transportation I I guess that would have worked but I don't know like it it would have been very difficult and very hard and very timec consuming because it would take a long time to get to the burrow or to any of the safe houses and in that time like somebody could have figured out I feel like at that point the ministry had been taken over by the Death Eaters in Voldemort and someone at the ministry might have been like wait a minute did Harry just leave the dersley and then they would have followed him and then they would have swooped down and killed him but I don't know like maybe it would have worked maybe moving on to the next one why didn't poly juice potion change body Crouch Jr's voice although po juice potion perfectly altered the user's appearance it didn't change their voice so this one is based on the films this came up multiple times including when Harry and Ron used the potion to turn into crab and Goyle in their second year this rule was only broken when B crud Jr disguised himself as mad Moody for an entire school year and perfectly impersonated his victim in the books oh okay so they are going to go over what the book said in the books the characters voices did change after taking the Elixir however the potion only altered appearances in the films which was likely a creative decision however in the fourth film The poly juice potion changed Crouch's voice as as well as his appearance which confused fans and created a giant plot hole so that's just a plot hole in the movies in the books it always changed their voices in the second book Harry and Ron had crab and goyle's voices so it was always that way on top of that it didn't even mention this but in defly Hallow's part one when they go into the ministry as Ministry workers the movie has them have their own voices just like Harry and Ron did in the Chamber of Secrets but again in the book The Deathly Hallows they had the voices of the ministry employee moving on to the next one why didn't everyone use Liquid luck before the Battle of Hogwarts Felix felicies was a powerful potion that Wizards could have used more often Harry used it in his sixth year to get the truth about hor cruxes from slug horn and everything went right for him after he took it the students and professors could have used liquid luck to get them through the Battle of Hogwarts Voldemort's attack was inevitable so it would have been wise for Hogwarts students and professors to stockpile this potion professors and students could have been saved if they were protected by this boundless good luck however the Death Eater could have also used Felix felicies as a weapon Perhaps it is a good thing that the Wizards and witches overlook this magical tool at their disposal I mean yeah it would have made the climax of the final book and movie much less exciting because there's no Stakes they're going to win I mean that's how the halfblood princess climax ended um jinny Hermione and Ron all took that potion and because of that they lived that being said though it takes 6 months to make just like that much of the fix felicies and honestly like who would have had the time to make that the potions Professor slug horn had all of these classes to teach and like it took him 6 months to make a little vial like that big for that class in the Half Blood Prince and if you mess it up even just a little bit which they might have because they would have been rushing to get as much of it as they can the results of that are I think the exact quote was are disastrous so it would have been very difficult and honestly very few people would have been able to drink that potion moving on to the next one how can Harry touch the Sword of Gryffindor The Sword of Gryffindor materializes in the swording Hat when Harry needs it the most during his fight against the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets later Harry realizes he impregnated the sword with the snake's venom when he killed it and therefore had a weapon to destroy the hor cruxes in the Deathly Hallows somehow Harry can touch the sword despite it being a hor Crux surely Harry would have had some reaction to touching it that's a really dumb plot hole in my opinion I don't think just touching the sword would do anything I think it has to be like put into him like he has to get a cut that will open his skin and then put the venom inside of him I mean like he he held the sword in the Chamber of Secrets when he fought that basilisk just merely holding the sword isn't going to do anything I so I was about to talk about the Basilisk Fang but I just saw that that is the next plot hole so let's move on to the next plot hole while why didn't the Basilisk Fang kill Harry we learned that basilisk Venom is one of the few things that can destroy a hor Crux and we saw rot in hermy destroy a hor Crux with a basilisk Fang taken from the snake in the Chamber of Secrets why then did a tooth from that same basilisk not destroy the horcrux that was inside of Harry when it was lodged into his arm the Venom that coursed through his body should have destroyed the horcrux without question so I've actually thought about this one a lot because it's mainstream like it went viral on online and people have actually asked me what I thought about that in like my Instagram DMS my Twitter DMS and my my answer is that you have to fully die had Harry been stabbed by that basilisk Fang and then been poisoned and died I think then that would have destroyed the hor Crux because if you think about it the other hor cruxes were fully destroyed like they were mangled Beyond repair and if you think about it the diadem when it was hit by that Venom it started spewing out black so that shows you that it's reacting to the poison but it wasn't until it started shaking and then fell apart that the hor CRX fully died it died when the diadem died so again going back to Harry Harry would have had to die that's it moving on to the next one how do Ron and Hermione get up from the Chamber of Secrets yeah uh okay let me read it getting into the Chamber of Secrets isn't easy for Harry and Ron in the second book they fall down the hole under the sinks in the girls bathroom after kills the Basilisk Fox who can lift an enormous amount of weight with its tail carries Harry Ron jinny and Lockard back up from the chasm in the dly Hallows it seems easy for Ron and Hermione to enter the chamber then they kill the horcrux inside hufflepuff's cup and return to the battle but how did they get back up Fox was long gone and couldn't help I mean I never really thought about that and that's actually a really good point but I'm going to go with Hermione's wisdom and quick wits and I'm going to say that she was probably she probably Ron like all right what's the process of going down there and how did you get back out and he would have been like oh we went down this giant slide and then Fox carried us up so she probably would have been like we should probably bring broomsticks and honestly they could have gone to the room of requirement and it would have opened up and had broomsticks there because that's what they needed in that moment so that's my guess Hermione was probably like let's get broomsticks but that's never explained so technically like that could be a plot hole but I might have just answered it I don't I don't know moving on to the next one how did Fred and George get into the Marauders map one of the most essential magical objects in Harry Potter is the Mar's map the Weasley twins give the map to Harry to get into Hogs me and tell him that the key phrase to open it is I solemnly swear that I am up to no good but how did the Twins figure it out we actually have an answer to this um Rowling actually told us that the map knew that they were up to no good when they were trying to open it so it started giving them hints and as they got closer and closer to the phrase the map helped them more and more and more and then eventually they finally stumbled onto the right phrasing and that's how they figured it out so yeah that's not a plot hole I mean it might have been until Rowling answered it after the series ended which might have been her covering up her plot hole so Tech yeah I guess it is a plot hole moving on to the next one why didn't Voldemort make his Death Eaters make the unbreakable vow Death Eaters are Voldemort's Army of disciples however like most villains Voldemort is incredibly paranoid about being betrayed or tricked is he I don't think he is I'm going to keep reading though so why wouldn't he make all of his death theaters make the unbreakable vow did he believe ruling with fear would keep everyone in line I mean yeah they yeah you just answer your question uh let me keep reading though he couldn't have trusted everyone the unbreakable vow would have kept people like Snap from becoming double agents I mean so yeah like they basically just gave the answer he did believe in ruling with fear and he believed that he was the greatest person in the world and he didn't need any anything to make his death theaters follow him he was enough so yeah not a great PL hole in my opinion it definitely has a lot of holes moving on to the next one how did Bellatrix and the other askaban escapes get their wands back when they got their prison sentence as we know from the rules of the lore their wands were snapped so they were for sure gone it might not seem like a huge detail that needs explaining but it's puzzling yeah I guess like they could have gotten someone else's wand like obviously they're not going to stroll into olivander and find the wand that matches them so yeah that kind of is a plot hole and if they did get new wands that didn't choose them the wand would not have worked as well as their wand would have which means that people as powerful as Bellatrix probably wouldn't have been as powerful with a wand that wasn't hers and like they sell her wand but I don't know like merchandise shouldn't really be be considered Canon so yeah I guess that is kind of a plot hole I I agree with that one moving on to the next one how did Hagrid fly to the island where Harry and the dersley were he said he flew in but we know he tells Harry in book s that brooms cannot handle his weight plus Harry didn't see sirius's bike on the island and had it been there they wouldn't have taken a boat they would have taken that motorcycle I mean just think like I'm sitting here trying to think and the one thing I can think of is maybe he took a thestral because at that point Harry could not see thestrals which we went over earlier in the video and honestly if Hagrid did ride a thestral there he probably wouldn't want to scare Harry with this Beast or being flown by something that was invisible at the same time though could a thestral hold Hagrid up I I don't know I'm just going to go with the thestral theory next one inconsistencies with paintings JK ring has specifically revealed that the living portraits in the Potter verse are merely imprints of the dead person they can imitate their basic personality traits but do not have feelings memories and are not as fully realized as ghosts or Spirits with that information how is Dumbledore's portrait able to communicate wisdom and advice to snep after his death looking at Dumbledore's painting there's actually a very clear explanation and that is that the longer the person that is painted in the painting spends with that painting basically the more time dumore spends with the painting of him the more that painting becomes like him and takes on his personality even more obviously this isn't always possible but Dumbledore made sure it was possible he had it painted I think a year in advance and talked to it every single day and gave it information about himself how he was feeling and just made sure that the painting was as close to him as possible moving on to the next one why didn't Hogwarts do background checks Hogwarts was criminally laxed in vetting its teachers and some of its staff be it with the fake mad Moody who turned out to be body Crouch Jr Cornus quirl who was a servant of Voldemort or even gilderoy laart who was a fraud it's baffling how there is no system spell equipment or even a registry in place which would enable a thorough background check on people especially in schools so let's start with coris quirrel he was already a professor at Hogwarts before he became Voldemort servant he had spent some time studying abroad and then that's when he met Voldemort and that's when Voldemort attached himself to him so there's no reason why they would be like oh it's the same teacher that came back we should probably do a background check on him as for Moody they thought that they were hiring the greatest order of all time to teach these students like of course they're not going to question mad I Moody who was a Legend and as for gild Roy lockart honestly like what do you have to check up on like obviously dumore knew he was a fraud but he was the only person that applied for the job that's why he got it no one else wanted it but overall like yeah like I just kind of debunked each one like why they don't have a background check but honestly like it wouldn't be a bad idea to have background checks but when you really think about it the people that they hired most of them weren't that bad and if they were there was like a reason why they were that way like Moody was abducted one night before he went to Hogwarts so they might have done a background check on him and been like oh he's good but then like that would have been weeks earlier that was a long explanation but uh moving on to the next one how old is manura Magano manura Magano was born in 1935 if you take evidence from the seven Harry Potter books as well as information that JK Rowling herself released after the series ended when telling mle's origin story this is why it's strange that she is in the Fantastic Beast films not only in the 1920s but also in flashbacks even earlier that are around the years 1908 to 1910 how is this possible it's just a mistake there that's a plot hole like 100% that's a plot hole you could say that like she had a Time Turner and she went back in time but then there's also the thing that roming revealed after the series ended where she did an article on time Turners where as far back as you go when you come back you age that time so if she was born in 1935 let's say when she's 25 she went back in time like from 1960 to 1910 that would mean that she would age 50 years when she went back to 1960 and I guess you could say like she stayed in the past and then just kept going but I don't know it's just a plot hole like I'm I'm trying to jump through hoops to explain that like it's just a plot hole it's just a plot hole moving on to the next one The Wizarding education system the Harry Potter series leaves a lot of questions about the Wizarding education system unanswered is there a wizard in college or does education just stop at 18 is there a magical elementary school or do children remain uneducated until the age of 11 how did they learn to read write and do simple mathematics because that is not taught at Hogwarts this seems to be an area where muggleborn children would come out on top prior to getting their Hogwarts letter they must have attended a non-magical school if JK rowand could please take the time to explain this system we we'd be super grateful okay I'll explain it instead so in Canon yes the kids do not start school until the age of 11 but it is the parents responsibility to teach them how to read write and do math now that I'm thinking about that though that really doesn't make sense because what if you have two parents that work full-time at the ministry or have two very demanding jobs when are they going to teach these kids like obviously this was told with Molly Weasley who's a stay-at-home mom so she had all the Time in the World to teach her kids how to do that and going back to that first part yeah education stops at the age of 18 there's no College you just go right into the ministry and that kind of makes sense because when you take the nwts and the owls you focus on one specific thing that is part of like what you want your career to be like for Harry he wanted to be in order so he took specific tests on the things you need to become an order and it's the same for every other job in The Wizarding World next one port key problems when we know that Port keys are used to transport witches and wizards from one location to another there is still a lot of mystery surrounding them are all Port Keys timed or do some work indefinitely in the gobble of fire the port P key that takes Our Heroes to the Quidditch World Cup is only active for a few seconds and it's only one way however when the tri wizard cup becomes a port key it's active for quite some time and takes Harry back to Hogwarts following his confrontation with Voldemort are Port Keys really that versatile or is this a plot hole honestly I think that it's just convenience in writing because I've studied Port keys because I was going to make a video on it and I realized there's not much to make a video on there's no explanation on why one port key is able to not have a timer on it and why it's able to take you back afterwards and there's no explanation why the other one has a timer on it and doesn't send you back to where you were so yeah I guess that's a plot hole the fact that I researched it and was like yeah there's no video here tells you all you need to know next One doas Tribe wizard effort in Harry Potter and the gobl of fire I know exactly where this is going in Harry Potter and the gobbl of fire students from Hogwarts Derm string and bbaton are treated to the exciting site of the tri wizard tournament taking place for the first time in centuries they crowd into the Hogwarts grounds and watch the four Champions compete in various thrilling tasks right nope I like how that was written nope during the second and third tasks there's not all that much for spectators to see one takes place underwater and one is in a giant maze that must have been a boring few hours for people expecting to see the action unfold talk about restricted view yeah I I like the way that one was written um yeah that's like a running joke that obviously the first task was really thrilling as they fight a dragon but then the second one like you don't see anything well there is an announcer for both of them that being Ludo bagman and it makes me wonder like we never really got confirmation as to whether or not Ludo bagman was somehow seeing them and telling the crowd what was happening and honestly I feel like that's probably what happened moving on to the next one the sorting system while the Hogwart sorting system seems kind of endearing and exciting when you're a child as an adult aot a lot of faults surrounding it become clear for one why is nobody accepted that humans are diverse creatures who can be both Brave and clever doesn't sticking them in a house at age 11 restrict their growth as people as these kids strive to meet the expectations of their peers plus the whole slytherins are evil thing seems vastly unfair way to write off a whole group of children before they have a chance to mature and grow wow yeah I actually agree with that and I do think that like the whole Slytherin thing being evil is is incredibly unfair because these kids are sorted into Slither and they're like oh I should be a Death Eater then the same thing goes like for Ravenclaw students they're like oh I'm in the smart house like what if I'm not that smart and then for like Neville and Gryffindor he's not brave throughout most of the series and that takes like a real toll on him so yeah like it does affect these children in a lot of bad ways but at the same time if you look at Neville he did end up becoming Brave possibly because everybody was saying that he wasn't but no no I I I can't even like justify it no the whole thing is messed up moving on to the next one why did Hogwarts professors forget about HOH hamura when the alleged mass murderer Sirius Black escaped asban Hogwarts took drastic measures to keep him away from Harry and the other students the professors shut down the corridors but they seemingly forgot about the charm that unlocks doors aloh hura was a simple but helpful charm in The Wizarding World and it was so easy that Hermione mastered it in her first year it's safe to assume Sirius knew this spell and could have easily broken into the lack corridors so I think honestly they were like we have ders all around this Castle there's no way he's going to get in and they did not know that he could just turn into a dog and walk right past the dementor because they don't feel animal emotions as much as they do for humans which is exactly how he left asban so yeah like they locked everything but they weren't thinking much about the lock stopping him they were just thinking about the Dementors moving on to the next one young witches and wizards get their wands when they were 11 years old and heading off to Hogwarts however Ron got a hand me- down one from his brother Charlie Weasley why didn't Ron get his own wand that would actually work for him I mean I think the real question is why did Charlie give his wand to Ron like he got that Juan chose him and he's like here run take mine but yeah like the point of that is to show how poor the Weasley are but yeah they could have done it in a much better way and the kind of did do it in a better way with the passing down of scabbers like the only thing I can think of of why Charlie would give his wand up is because at that point he had just left Hogwarts got his own job and maybe paid for his own wand like with his new money that he got from being like a dragon Tamer but yeah I don't know like that yeah it's not really a plot but it's it's interesting to think about just like why did they do that why did you give your wand up why didn't you get Ron a new wand moving on to the next one why could Dennis creevy go to hogm in his second year when Harry and his friends decide to create Dumbledore's Army to learn how to defend themselves against Lord Voldemort they first meet each other in the Hogs head in during their Hogs me weekend Colin Cy's younger brother Dennis Cy who at the time was in his second year attended this meeting this breaks the school rule where you must be in your third year or older to go to the town I mean I guess he could have snuck out like Dennis was a little menaced so like he could have snuck out somehow not sure how cuz he didn't have the Mar's map or the invisibility cloak but I don't know he was this tiny little dude so they could have like put him in a crowd of people and just walked them out but yeah I mean it's kind of a plot hole next one why didn't vort get the prophecy himself in Harry Potter in the Order of the Phoenix Voldemort decides that the key to his evil plans is listening to the complete prophecy about him and Harry which is stored in the ministry of magic prophecies can only be grabbed by the people involved so Voldemort deciding that he couldn't take the prophecy himself manipulates Harry to do it for him however it's hard to understand why Voldemort one of the most powerful Wizards alive needed such an elaborate plan all of his death theaters were already in the ministry of magic when Harry and his friends got there and there wasn't anyone else around in fact Voldemort himself eventually arrives at the ministry and fights Alis Dumbledore everything seems to point to the fact that Voldemort could have easily gotten in grabbed the prophecy and left unnoticed that's a great point he absolutely could have done that but I think that his biggest reservation was the risk at that point the ministry was doing everything that I could to prove that Voldemort was not back this was huge for Voldemort as it put stress on the Order of the Phoenix his biggest threat took care of Dumbledore his real greatest threat as he was painted as this liar so although he definitely could have done it the risk was just too great to reveal himself it was only after everything went wrong that he arrived at the ministry and he was like all right I'll fix it so yeah I think he definitely could have done it but the risk wasn't worth it moving to the next one inconsistencies with dates as everyone knows all Hogwarts students are expected to take the Hogwarts Express every year on September 1st to make the trip to the castle however Harry and his friends always start classes on a Monday and it's impossible that every September 2nd for 6 years would be on a Monday while these little details don't affect the plot fans find it hilarious that these dates are all over the place that's actually a good point because they do always start classes the day after they arrive so yeah that's just a plot hole on JK Ring's part although I don't know like is it always said that it's a Monday that they start class I I think it is so yeah that's a plot hole all right the last one where did Slytherin go when the troll came into the school Professor qual screamed that there were trolls in the dungeon to keep the students calm and to keep them away from danger the professor sent the children to their common rooms however that presents another issue the Slytherin students lived in the dungeons where the troll was I mean it wasn't revealed that the Slytherin were in in the dungeons until the second book when Harry and Ron used the poly juice potion and obviously this happened in the first book so I think JK ring just didn't know where the slyther and common room was at that point but yeah with her making the slyther and common room in the dungeons in the second book it does make a plot hole for the first book and that is me reacting to 30 different Harry Potter plot holes let me know in the comments below what you think of these plot holes and also let me know what you think of my ideas on the plot holes I'm excited to read your thoughts start some conversations in the comments reply to people and just have fun with it that's all I have for you guys today though so I will see you in the next video
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 316,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, life of, review, theory, breakdown, analysis, ron, hermione, weasley, granger, ginny, fred, george, albus, dumbledore, mcgonagall, minerva, fantastic beasts, crimes of grindelwald, wizarding world, pottermore, severus, snape, Gryffindor, hufflepuff, ravenclaw, slytherin, hogwarts, sirius, black, remus, lupin, marauders, tonks, molly
Id: xf390JVtBy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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