The Deborah Anointing | Edna Wollf

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but there was a time a few years ago where where someone spoke a word over my life and I need to be honest I was ready I was waiting I found like it's my season when's my season I mean there's people getting prophesied over and and the words are being released around me I was releasing mouths to others and and it's like okay God like when's it my turn right and so the day came and I was ready I was excited and and then something else happened I felt disappointed the word was released to me and I was disappointed and I and I was disappointed because I thought that's not what this is supposed to be like I was supposed to get like I was like you know demon dragon slain you know prophecies I was supposed to to be you know a millionaire one day like all one of these prophetic words that were just gonna be like I don't know big and bold and amazing and and so I was like I didn't want to feel disappointed but something just kind of dropped inside of me and probably that something was my selfishness and pride and and a whole bunch of other stuff I shouldn't have come out but and so do you wanna know what the word was yeah you're dying to know right the word that I received that day was wisdom and outpouring of wisdom and I thought okay well that's what the Bible says and and there's lots of scriptures around it and why was his wisdom is the principal thing right so I didn't know what to expect other than that my reaction was disappointment and I complained to God so of course I took it right to him thank God really this is it so he got for me wisdom and I said to Pastor just a couple years ago now I said pastor I got to tell you that didn't make me feel very good and I complained to him and in all his wisdom he smiles at me he goes I know and says just pray about it so I knew I had a choice he wasn't surprised apparently he knew better than I did about my own failings my own faults who a choice to make I chose to ignore carry on or simply get on my knees and repent and ask God to really use that word in me and to connect with it I must have had a sliver piece of wisdom already at that point because I I did get on my knees and I did repent and I I asked the Lord and I thank the Lord for that word because it was exactly what I knew I needed for my new beginnings and you know the scriptures say wisdom is the principal thing as proverbs 4 verse 7 says therefore get wisdom and all you're getting get understanding there's another scripture in Proverbs a first 11 says for for wisdom is better than rubies and all the things that one desire cannot be compared with her so I realized something and this is actually just important to just pause and and really understand for each of us today I realized that what I thought would come to me was already within me I didn't need it prophesied into me I didn't need a word delivered to me in that area that was already within me but I needed wisdom to see it I needed wisdom for it to come to life I need a wisdom to understand it and I didn't and so I thought wow where God was pulling me he knew I needed wisdom to get all of that out and for me to become all I needed to become to see the new beginning that was before me and I thought you know a great outpouring of wisdom is what I need to carry on the portfolio I have at work the great outpouring of wisdom is what I need to carry on the portfolio I have here enjoy a fountain church and for my own spiritual life and for my own family I have a busy schedule busy life I need wisdom and and I just you know I thought about that and I thought you know there's so many times that one of us maybe a few of us maybe all of us have received a word a word of wisdom or what of knowledge maybe a prophecy and which we have chosen to either ignore we've chosen to put it on the shelf for another day or we've chosen to press into it and I thought for me wisdom was the gateway to my new beginning and I want to encourage you this morning that whatever word has been put on your life maybe that is your gateway to what God is taking you to and through and don't ignore it don't depress it don't subdue it do not put it on the Shelf do not ignore it it has a purpose for you the other thing I learned growing in the knowledge of this is is that I used to really limit who could speak into my life and I thought wow God can use an unlikely vessel he used me I was completely unlikely I didn't think I had much hope for me either so it's okay if others didn't die there right so but it was like he can use an unlikely vessel someone that may not be at your same spiritual level maybe that someone nuts new in the faith maybe that's someone that comes off the street if they can deliver a word for you why can't the next person right so don't limit yourself to where God - who speaks into your life and I just wanted to encourage you with that this morning you know the pastor asked me to speak this morning a little word a name dropped into my spirit and the name was Debra I thought well I really don't know much about Debra in the Bible this should be good so as I learned and as I'm speaking here today I really want to focus on Debra and the anointing that Debra had on her life so I called this portion of the message the Debra anointing and I do that because I really am learning the wisdom that she needed to fulfill all that she had on her white what was Debra Debra was a judge a prophetess a wife and by the end of this portion of message you're gonna see that she is also a preserver okay and I want to encourage you this morning with that and I want to take you down to judges so if you have your Bibles with me this or with you this morning I ask you they're just a turn of judges for is where I'll be drawing from before they had kings and before they had kings in the Bible they had judges and prophets and so Kings were introduced after that but you know they the judges and the prophets played different roles and and I think you know Debra worked with Barack to to preserve the children of Israel and so we're gonna read through the scriptures where I started verse four so if you're there I'm gonna read from judges 4 verse 4 and I read now Deborah a prophetess the wife of lappa Dolph was judging Israel at that time you see Israel got themselves into trouble again you see if you read any of the preceding chapters before that you're gonna see that they continuously get themselves into trouble right so they're in that season again and they're getting themselves into trouble and Deborah was in this case judging Israel at that time verse 5 says and she would sit under the palm tree of Deborah between a ram and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment I'm gonna stop there there's a lot of words in there and I go what's what's Rama and what's Bethel where's Ephraim like why is that significant why is the palm tree is significant so I did a little bit of homework a little research and I understood that you know each them have meaning and so I kind of reworded that scripture a little bit but the palm tree of Deborah often is represented with righteousness okay and Rama speaks about high places and an idols of adultery or adultery is kind of one of the things speaking against the adultery and bethel is what it's a house of God and Ephraim is fruitfulness so when I take that scripture and I redo that we understand those words this is what it sounds it says Deborah was raised up by God to judge the ways of Israel from the place or position of righteousness which is the palm tree and to interact to intercede for his people to stand in the gap and speak against the adultery in the hearts of the children of Israel and get them to turn to the house of God and to inherit godly fruit instead of the fruit of the enemy you see Deborah's job was to declare the will of the Lord and to keep his people from eating the fruit of their ways make sense right so when you read that scripture initially it's lots of words placement and stuff like that but that's where the palm tree of Deborah was where she sat and that's where she corrected people and provided judgment and I think it's just so powerful for such significance with her location and where she spent her time and where she judged from that was her her court so to speak right so very important I think Deborah had tremendous vision I think she had tremendous resolve that that really came from hearing from the Lord she was anointed God gave her instruction and she passed it on to to Barak in his mission as well and so as we read on to verse 10 we're gonna see that her primary assignment was to see beyond the present situation right and she was gonna bring the purpose of God into sharp focus and so Sarah and his nine hundred chariots appeared to be undefeatable but Deborah could already see in the spirit she could already see that there were far more for their arm or for the army of Israel than against them she saw that she knew that that was not a surprise to her the Lord had already revealed that to her so I asked you this morning what seems defeatable to you what seems that you're going to be defeated by today because what that is is not necessarily what its gonna be in the name of Jesus right so let's keep reading now I've kind of goes to verse 5 verse 6 here she kind of she ends up calling out Barack a little bit she says then she sent and and called for Barak the son of AB home from Kadesh in NAFTA NAFTA ly and said to him has not the Lord God of Israel commanded go and loyd troops at Mount Tabor take with you 10,000 men of the sons of Naphtali and of the sons of Zeppelin and against you I will deploy so Sara the commander of Japan's army with his chariots and his multitudes at the river of Kishan and I will deliver him into your hands now I've I've read I've heard that many think that Barak was a bit of a coward you know he he didn't act really quickly he didn't seem like he was an Indian sort of rush to go take this guy down right so but I was I read about him and his primary focus was of the welfare of the nation and he knew that the combined efforts of him and Deborah well him and God through Deborah was going to be the success of this mission that he was under and so he had an understanding of that and I think he was actually a man of faith I think there was some faith that he he exemplified in that he knew the importance of of the presence of God leading and not him leading and directing him into battle he saw that Deborah had the anointing in the hand of God was upon her and he knew that victory was not coming from his own strengths or efforts but from his from God Almighty from the Lord let's keep reading and verse 8 says in Barak said to her if you will go with me then I will go but if you'll not go with me I will not go that's what makes people think he's a bit of a coward he's like I'm not gonna stay going with me right so she said I will surely go with you nevertheless there'll be no glory for you in the journey that you are taking for the Lord will sell to Sarah into the hands of a woman then Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kadesh and and Brad called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kadesh he went up with ten thousand men under his command and Deborah went up with him the rest of the chapter and actually I'll maybe keep raining a little bit now Hebert the Canon I can Knight of the children of ho but the father in law of Moses had separated himself in the Kenites and pitched his tent near the terebinth tree but is a is a name which is beside Kadesh and they reported to Sara that Barak the son of AB UNAM had gone up to Mount Tabor so Sara gathered together all those chariots nine hundred chariots of iron and all the people that were with them from Hera chef haggarium to the river Kashan then Deborah said to Barak which is really important up for this is the date in which the Lord has delivered to Sarah into your hand has not the Lord gone out before you again he's kind of calling him out like listen this is it this is your time is your season like what are you waiting for let's do this and and I think Brock had some patience and he waited for that right time he knew in his spirit when that would be and it happened to be that day and so Deborah being a judge being a prophetess being a wife helped Barak now preserve the legacy of the children of Israel right and I think just as God stirred up Deborah just as God stirring up Barack in that same way he's challenging us to awaken a little bit we've talked about new beginnings right till we came out of our slumber or our complacency you know we're near the end of January how many of us were excited for the new year and how us are kind of losing some steam some things might have happened already in my life your life and it kind of feels a bit like the excitement of new beginnings has drifted has shifted but you know that's not that's not reflective of what God is calling on your life that's not reflective of what God is doing in your life you know he wants to preserve the legacy of the church and that's our responsibility yours and mine yours and mine and I just wanted to say that the body of Christ is under attack today you know pastors are burning out pastors are committing suicide people are leaving the church because there's prayer there's no purpose there's no power for them and we need to hold it together we need to get a grip of our own spirits we need to see what is God teaching me and how does that impact the church how does it impact God's palace right and the freedom of you and I have to worship today and teach the Scriptures as being challenged all across the world I actually think though you look at what's happening in in you know the ice is just the whole world is under attack today and prayer is being challenged we still have freedom today but we need to pray into that press into that because that freedom could at any point in time disappear right so God he's in and continues to show us favor when I think about Deborah I think she was a prophetess an intercessor that judged the things of God and was used in a mighty way to free her people from their enemies she did this he through God and and he delivered that our enemies today are more internal than our external don't you agree what's happening on the inside of us is more critical to our growth to our development as a leader or such as a spiritual being than it is on the external because what happens on the inside comes out of us right we're enslaved by our own hearts our own minds and our mind is often what gets us in trouble and I just want us to recognize that Deborah what the children of Israel away from for tougher from oppression and she's in verse chapter five and I definitely won't have time to go into that today but chapter five is all about the song of Deborah she was praising God and she was you know just - glorifying she's calling other people out - praise God - and that's what we need to do the song of Deborah takes time to read judges chapter five very important very important because at the end of that the vast words of chapter five say and there was freedom for they they were they were forty years they did not have to worry there was peace there was rest for 40 years so the Lord has a place Deborah had an anointing there's an anointing upon you and as a Christian and we need to just walk that out we don't have to wait for the perfect moment for the perfect word as I apparently thought I needed you know all those things and so some of you here are Debra's and you don't even know what so if you're at Debra I'm gonna pray for you because you know you need to know it allowing God's prophecies to be fulfilled through you and in you is so important don't let that die in you don't let that die in you it's so so important and so I want to pray and then I'm going to hand the mic off to tomorrow father god I just pray for this day lord I thank you for for the testimony for the wisdom for the knowledge that you have shown us through through through this scripture father I thank you for Deborah's anointing the anointing that you have you've turned to her with our Jesus to speak truth to speak and forth tell the things that were happy to did proclaim the things that we're going to happen for Barack and further for the children of Israel Lord we thank you for that and we just give you praise I pray today for the Deborah's in this room Lord you know who they are you see them in their spirits in this moment larges I pray you stir something up in them that they understand the anointing they have upon their life and God I just pray that that will come forth that that will just stir up a new thing we've talked about new beginnings Lord let that be a new beginning for them in Jesus name I thank you I love you in Jesus name I pray amen
Channel: Joy Fountain Church
Views: 18,552
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: JbeIgbodA4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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