"Weepers And Warriors" Vesta Mangun BOTT 2005

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there's been no one that's had a greater impact on my life than my mother and I think that she has had a great impact upon your life I am very blessed to have her in my heart and a part of my ministry I would just simply tell her what I was speaking on it because of the times and for the next 30 days every morning under my under my door she had slide something it was either on the family it was on the church it was like a schoolteacher getting me prepared for my final I'm 55 years old and she's still mother but mother is a consumed vessel for God and I want to tell you what she lives at this church and she loves her kids and grandkids and she loves all of you and she loved the United Pentecostal church and it's a privilege for me to bring to you this morning the bishop wife my mother who chased me all over this city with a belt but her knees were far more callous than the calluses I had back here there's nobody like my mother would you welcome her I feel liberated I really do I feel highly favored of God and in a nutshell that's the anointing of God I thank God for last evening brother Anthony and her general superintendent we are in your debt it was a life-changing evening but we've just begun yeah the metamorphosis has just begun I want you to really praise God with me before you're seated because God is going to do something in this meat in these closing days of this glorious apostolic missionary age in which a militant church must win strategic battles for the Lord God himself is looking down upon because of the times 2005 to see if there are any who understand the times and will seek his face continually so that he will intervene in the affairs of nations churches families and individuals in response to their supplication just like he did in the days of old God conditions the very life and prosperity of his church upon men and women who will catch his passion and share his burden he has a burden for a lost world if you never connect with that you're disconnected God is looking down from heaven upon every generation for reapers and warriors intermediaries intercessors battle veterans that's the bottom line to this whole Redemption business that's the purpose of the church that's the reason for because of the times God told Jeremiah the weeping prophet that he would spare the city for just one he told Abraham I'll spare the wicked cities of sodom and gomorrah for just a handful of weepers and warriors we cannot treat casually that what is all-important to God God told Isaiah I have set Watchmen upon the walls of Zion the church reapers and warriors which shall not hold their peace who will give me no rest day nor night until until until the divine edict is they that sow in tears shall reap shall reap in and he then go forth weeping bearing precious seed shall walk come again rejoicing bringing in the sheaves preachers this is more than scholarly exposition this is more than delivering sermons of exegetical exactitude perfection this is more than charisma our natural endowments of wit or wisdom our genius our accouterments God is calling for Reapers and warriors who will strike a balance who will strike a balance between weeping and warring playing and serving staying and doing between intercession and action this great apostolic Jesus named message is only intellectual and academic until it assumes blood life gut-wrenching burden and tears and is witnessed in the power of the Holy Ghost to every creature on planet Earth we say we love it but seldom share it the awesome revelation of the mighty God in Christ for the purpose of redemption of the human race is more than a doctrine it is a divine revelation of a mystery hid from the foundation of the world now made manifest to be declared to the whole world that's what the Incarnation is all about and you have never locked eyes with another human being that God does not love and get this he crossed that stormy sea to get to a demon-possessed maniac and deliver him he delivered a maniac he crossed a stormy sea to do it told him then to go back to his family and friends and tell them what great things he had done for them got back in that same boat and went back to the other side and kept healing and blessing and delivering that passion must overwhelm us and until it does there's no need to go any further that's the passion you've got to get a hold of before you leave here it's got to consume us so that we cannot help but preach it teach it publish it to the whole world with science following never in the history of the church has this church had such towering potential to impact humanity the possibilities are endless there are no boundaries to our opportunities the gates of hell are powerless to stop the advancement of the kingdom of God the gates of Hell cannot prevail against me my family my church or any other factor of my life that comes under the authority of God's promise to his church there may be temporary circumstances that indicate otherwise but when the final paragraph of the conflict is written it will reveal that Jesus Christ prevailed once again and if you will have it when you leave this place you will go forth as a conqueror you will go forth in the power of the Holy Ghost in the authority of the mighty only saving name of Jesus Christ and from this day forward every time you preach expect souls to be saved expect people to be divinely healed delivered expects God to confirm your ministry your ministry your ministry with signs following but let's settle something right now you don't mistake the bucket for the water prayer is a good bucket praise is a good bucket preaching is a good bucket but you ain't got nothing till you get the water so stay action until you get the water you can do nothing without God without God's you draw a blank and your bucket is empty there's got to be a supernatural power there's got to be a force from on high he said it's not under the heavens you've got to go above the heavens to get it so whatever you've got to do to go above the heavens to get it come on folks let's go above the heavens if it could be bought you might could buy it but you can't buy Holy Ghost power Simon the sorcerer found that out and first of all we don't know much about power of the Holy Ghost most Pentecostals equate the baptism of the Holy Ghost with just the initial evidence of speaking in tongues while we believe in all the manifestations of the Holy Spirit that they are absolutely necessary and vital for us today Jesus said the main thrust of the Holy Ghost is power power from on high I feel that the Holy Ghost is come upon you you shall be my witnesses and nothing shall prevail against you if you're not witnessing you don't have the power of the Holy Ghost you just got a little tongue talking experience a little bland a little bland tongue talking experience if you're not witnessing and if you can lock eyes with another human being that's going to heaven or hell and you don't have enough of power to turn something on in the inside of them then you like Holy Ghost power the power is my credentials that will identify my church jesus said it will identify my ministers say we need power I need power I need power from on high and the secret of the success of the Apostles was not in what they did or even said it was the power of the Holy Ghost the manifested Christ in them and with them they saw with the eyes of Jesus Christ they felt with the heart worked with his power there were nothing so that he could be everything their entire nature was permeated saturated with the Holy Ghost fire their spirits were bathed in prayer their souls kindled with the fires of his passion his love his burden they were Weaver's and warriors they moved in the midst of men the embodiment of supernatural power clothed with God Himself it was not just the message itself it was the messengers it was their commitment to their lifestyle it was that power the demonstration of the Holy Ghost they gave God everything and then he gave them his everything they understood the role that as ministers and the ministries combined in Ephesians chapter 4 verses 11 through 12 were for the work of the ministry and to give vision to the body of the Church of Jesus Christ that's how they turned their world upside down because of the times to thousand and five this is what we must be if the church our community our world are to be moved through us the two prerequisites for ministry our vision and power both of which are born in and maintained by fervent intentional prayer in an act we cannot fathom God Almighty makes prayer identical in force and power with himself to no other energy is the promise of God committed as to that of prayer a force that is beyond us it fulfills the purpose of God and the purposes of God are dependent upon prayer and in this the greatest hour of the church God is calling and here's my message let the priest let the ministers we between the porch and the altar right out in the middle of things leading the way by precept and practice with high visibility where you can be seen and where you can be heard crying out spare thy people Oh Lord give not the heritage to reproach that the heathen should rule over them and say where is your God we don't need to try to find a formula for revival in reading other books the formula for revival is in the Word of God or else there isn't one the formula for revival is preachers and churches reaping between the porch and the altar repenting because we have no burden no tears no travail no desire no fervent agonizing unceasing prayer for ourselves our family our church in our world we've been groaning agonizing because there is no manifest presence of God's glory and power in our services apologizing to God because somehow we've tried to manipulate the supernatural and we failed miserably failed that's the formula for revival it's in the book and if we claim to be filled with the Holy Ghost then the things that grieve the Holy Ghost will grieve us and I'm grieved about some things all those among us grieved heartsick for the former glory and power and authority of the church and refused to carry on without it grieved heartsick because of the apathy lukewarmness prayerlessness unfaithfulness to the house of God worldliness no convictions defecting to the fashions of this world no fear of God no real unshakable love for the truth and the lack of Babli oh don't care attitude that has gripped the church whereas somebody breathes about that this day that is characterized by the multiplication of man's machinery and the diminution of God's Holy Ghost power God is calling because of the times for Weaver's and warriors we can have our buildings bars fellowships and all that needed good stuff but the natural man apart from God is doomed to failure and defeat boy revivals always begin in the hearts of a few men and women upon whose hearts God lays a burden from which no rest can be found except in desperate crying unto God for an intimate of power from on high that comes to prayer more prayer better prayer fasting prayer importunate sleepless prayer men and women dissatisfied with superficiality and unreality of the so-called revival that is nothing more than a series of meetings is there anybody here grieved about that is there anybody here grieved about that then you ain't going nowhere you ain't going nowhere till you get upset about all of that heartsick that the people of the name who have been given power of attorney to act in Christ's stead with the same authority and power as he exercised in the days of his flesh over demons and devils and over all manner of sickness and disease yet more often than not stand impotent and powerless before a devil ridden sin curse disease deciding asking why should we not cast him out are you not grieved about that is there anybody here grieved about that well those mighty men of vision and passion God is calling to do exploits for him in an age where people are trapped in the net of immorality suffocating in materialism and stifled with cold indifference in deadness for all those bold men of God who will blow the trumpet in Zion hall of solemn assembly sanctify fast we've been between the porch and the altar calling us back to the old paths no Bulger's eyes ever seen no lines whelps have drawn it no fierce line passed by it preachers take us back to weeping between the porch and the altar take us back to playing fervently before dawn and after dark take us far to surveiling and agonizing and weeping before God day and night we've come a long way but we've got a long way to go we're not there yet Oh God we need something outside of anything that is human we need a genuine Holy Ghost soul stirring Heaven Sent revival that will turn the tide in our permissive pleasure-loving spiritually slumbering age so let me ask you where are those drunken men and women in your altars with such travail play with such groanings and strange utterances for themselves their families their church in their world that demons are afraid to enter where although that will go into a pit on a snowy day and wrestle with a lion that is absolutely terrorizing the community where is somebody among us that their hand will cleave to the sword that you'll have to pry their hand or loose from prayer and fasting well all the folks we've got to raise them up among us or else we're doomed to failure where are those ministers whose priorities are based on that which is eternal who is more concerned about a city being spared than a gourd being destroyed who will make no decision and take no course of action out of desire to please who will accept no surface service for financial consideration perform no religious act out of mere custom who will not be influenced by the love of publicity or desire for reputation are forced to do things for the squeeze of circumstances but they're only compulsion will come from the Holy Ghost within them or from heaven above they are prophets and not mascots where are those that will put the church on her knees in prayer and put them on their feet running after the loss where are they are there any among us would you wave your hand and say we're going to be who will say as Paul said I am ready not to be bound only but also to die for the name of Jesus Christ stand and weep these are the men and women needed for this stat our go ahead and play there for a while God we know we know what we need to do we know that another sermons not going to do it we've got to get our minds changed we've got to go home with a different thought with a different idea with a different feeling with a different motivation with a different hunger with a different design hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah go ahead and talk in tongues and we Bastiat that's not to happen it matters not whether I finish or not something's got to come upon us I know I want it I know I'm not satisfied I know I'm grieved these are the men we need for this sad hour and it is a sad hour whenever we find that kind he's peerless he's priceless all those churches building altars and outreach ministries that will remind their communities in a dying world that Jesus Christ is the only answer for all their problems if we ever get a glimpse of the worth of a soul in realize that we stand between lost people and heaven our hell then a burden will grip us so that we too will weep between the porch and the altar Nehemiah said when I heard that my homeland was in ruins and that Israel sent trembling within her tumbled walls and charred gates I couldn't take it it just knocked the breath out of me all semblance of self-control vanished a paroxysm of such burden seized me i sat down because I had to sit down I wilt I mourned a facet I prayed and in the words of Joel I lay all night in sackcloth I went between the porch and the altar and that's when revival broke out it broke out in me that's when revival broke out and that's when things begin to change and that's when things will break out in your life and that's when things will begin to change in your life when you can't take it any longer when you're tired of just a little regular run-of-the-mill when you're sick and tired of wherever weak nobody get in the Holy Ghost nobody getting baptized sick and tired of our dead churches nothing going on nothing attracting people folks are you hearing me let the revolver breakout our desire breakout and you say I can't stand it come on somebody shout that louder than I can stand loud er than that set louder than that say it louder than that you can do better than that I'm gonna do something about it our general superintendent said it starts with the angel of the pulpit brother man appreciate years ago in Fort Worth Texas and backed off with fever 104 in his body and said that's the key to revival for every generation is that pulpit and the Lord confirmed it in Revelations two and three read it and see what the angel had to preach Nehemiah said after that it was no longer important to me that I was the honored and trusted cut bearer to the king position honor fortune and fame meant nothing to me after the burden of the Lord gripped me I left it all and followed my burden it costs me it costs me terribly it will cost you to save your family it will cost you to have revival in the church it will cost you to reach your community it will cost you to help save this world but near my said we laboured in the work it's hard work but we struck the balance between hearing and doing between weeping and praying and serving saying and doing intercession in action - them hell the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared but hear me the ransom for a life the ransom for your family the ransom for their city the ransom for a soul is costly but no ransom is enough I Nehemiah cupbearer to the king a weeper and a warrior built the broken-down walls of Jerusalem and hung the gates thereof in 52 days weeping between the porch and the altar I did it Jeremiah the weeping prophet in his book of intercession said my eyes fail with tears my heart is troubled my vial is poured out on the ground because of the daughters of my people children infants are fainting in the streets in the cities give your eyes no rest arise and cry out in the night and we between the porch and the altar brought your heart like water before the face of the Lord let tears run down like river day and night let your hands lift it toward him for the life of your children and for your family do it for your families they do it for your church sake do it for your communities they do it for your world safe for painting the hungry that on every street in essence jesus said the whole world is on your doorstep full of sores begging for just a few crumbs and your stumbling over them on your way to church to sing in the choir no wonder Ezekiel said mark them that sigh and cry for all the abominations that are going on in the land and Ezekiel tell them to begin at my sanctuary start with the pulpit start with the Angel of the pulpit let my ministers become a flame of fire and not dead somebody's that doesn't know how to awaken anything come on preachers and shout with me I want that kind of far to hit my soul all the holy men and women in the past instead of being powerless and victimized and humiliated by Satan they were so mighty in battle against satanic forces the scripture says they subdued kingdoms they wrought righteousness they obtained promises they stopped the mouths of lions they quenched the violence of fire they escaped the edge of the sword out of weakness were made strong waxed valiant in fight turned to fight the honors of the aliens even receive their dead raised to life again they were not spiritual wimps they were weepers and warriors I ask you are there no mighty weepers and warriors as those for us today where are those mighty prayer revivals and spiritual awakenings of the Reformation age should not these times of restoration of all things and restitution of all things spoken by all the holy prophets since the world began and by all of the Apostles should not these days be more glorious and more powerful than the days of Reformation than the days of line upon line and precept upon precept yet here a little and there are little we're not in the Reformation age we're in that time is concluded we are in the restoration age the restorers ought to be more powerful than the Reformers so read our biographies and weep we've got the fivefold ministry we've got the awesome non spiritual gifts if you allow them should not we be experiencing modern revivals all over this nation and throughout the world and capturing our cities for God then say it to me brother house say it just say yes everybody say yes I guess we should say we like nothing and we don't need to eat anybody's dust we need not come behind in any guilty well the people of the name were the restorers were in the age of restoration take it's possible God said so but the only reason isn't happening like we'd like to sit prayer it's hard work winning souls is hard work the hardest work in all the world but you've got a power to do it how long is it been since you missed your bed for a night of seeking God or you missed a few meals that you might see in your church the altars filled backsliders coming home defectors to the world turning around and coming back your mattress trip being used in every service how long has it been since you were in a meeting where everybody in that coronation congregation bowed before the Lord say weeping travailing for the lost for their family for their church and for the whole world this whole creation is groaning and travailing in pain what all the groans and travails of the church while the whole world is groaning we ought to be groaning to be clothed upon with powerful high is anybody in you're going to groan today I see one over there already groaning history belongs to you ma'am history belongs to the intercessors Winston Churchill said it right history will be kind to me for I intend to ride it you don't have to go on being ineffectual and letting somebody else do all of the that man that played here for everybody that came up here Sunday night and those miracles there ought to be hundreds of those among us there are not two just be one you ought not it ought to be so many you wouldn't even know their names I wish somebody kept our hands about there I wish somebody'd want that I wish somebody desired that Jerry Dean you helped me play it because I'm grieved about that I'm grieved about that brother cops you don't have to eat nobody's dust but without the power of the Holy Ghost on your ministering work just going through the motions of the energy of the flesh with no spiritual results won't work there is no spiritual blessing ever enjoy that cannot be yours shout hallelujah say I'm going after it then save somebody else got it I wanted and it's for men I'm going to have it it's going to happen in my city it's going to happen in my church but you've got to become dissatisfied with anything less do you want apostolic power on Auditing are you happy where you are say I'm going after it I'm going out to the glory of his presence with miracles of healing and salvation in my church on my ministry I'm going to be able to command the very works of God's hands hey there are not enough of Devils in hell that can stop that kind of church or that kind of leadership you hear me say the devil can't stop me when I'm going after apostolic ministry he may try but it'll just last for a while because I'm going to get it and he'll be out of here you know what we need at some point in this because of the times they cry out Oh Lord what would it take for me to be that kind of man or woman you would help me to be whatever it takes whatever I need to do do it in me change me break me mold me make me don't refuse me use me if it hasn't happened yet I'm going to go on but it's got to happen you've got to get the wind knocked out of you you've got to get something to hit you between your ears you've got to get your mind made up I'll never be the same up to this because of the times primary prayers is the secret for anointing and the anointing breaks the yoke and God provided no substitute for every special work there must be special anointing we can't stop here in Alexandra no matter how good it was standing out we got to go from glory to glory we can't live on the past we got to reach for the future we've got to build a greater Church than we've ever thought about having we got to read reach all cultures we got to move over and let them have our seats because the harvest is ready and God's trying to get us ready there's nobody here much that really believes that but it cost it costs tremendously but no ransom is enough that's how you get fresh fire that's how you get Holy Ghost fire and if you'll stay there long enough you'll imbibe that fresh fire with fresh anointing then you'll go forth say with deadly effect effect and nothing can stand before you just don't be fooled into thinking you have it when you really don't have it don't mistake the bucket for the water the evidence of the spirit of Elijah had fallen on Elijah was when he to smooth the waters of Jordan and they parted too bad he didn't have a successor like himself somebody got carried away with greed and things you hear me you better hear me Paul said somewhere near that Damascus Gate I saw a bright light it blinded me to things everybody else wanted it knocked out on me tradition pride arrogance II I became deaf to every temptation of ease and I became meh all of that world earnest and mesmerism of the world it got knocked out of me I stripped for the race I became a one thing man I became a one thing man I became a one thing man I became a one thing man what things were gain to me candidum is gone because I had a high calling I've been connected with God and I didn't end I didn't intend to be disconnected now I belong to him I bear in my body the marks of his ownership I traded my life for his life I got the best of the trade now for to me to live is Christ I became a weeper and a warrior I struck the balance I covered Asian three years weeping in their streets and declaring the whole Council of God so that all Asia heard the word I wept I prayed I fought beasts at ephesus i stood before Nero Caesar Agrippa Festus my cadaverous countenance my scarred body my stooped figure chastened by hunger and fasting ploud by the lictors lash with 195 stripes brutally stoned and left for dead hunger and loneliness danger floating on a plank in the mediterranean sea three beatings with rods a prison record and death so many are lost count on sponsored unwelcomed unloved made little difference to me Paul outplayed him he out fought him he out suffered him he out ward him he out preached him he out wrote him he out built churches and he out faced all of his contemporaries and before he laid his head on Nero's chopping block he said I Paul finished I kept the faith that was once delivered I never defected I'm free from the blood of all men I carry my marks and my stars with me to the judgement seat of Christ and when this great we burn warrior from Tarsus past over one does not doubt that all the trumpets sounded for him on the other side the devil gave a sigh of relief and all hell rejoiced in Jubilee I wonder if they'll sound for me oh but when I think about my Jesus my Lord and Master from Nazareth my weeper and warrior from Nazareth who gave the devil a knockout blow and left hell in shambles weeping between the porch and the altar in the days of his flesh with strong crying in tears oh yes he wept over Jerusalem before he ever whipped them out of the temple saying my house shall be called a house of prayer because prayer was his life and his life was a prayer you can holler that as loud as you want to ma'am you can groan as loud as you sir you can do anything you want to do right now because it oughta rip us we ought to tell us we've got to do something where was his life and his life was a prayer how can I call myself a Christian Christ's life or apostolic if I'm not a weeper and a warrior I didn't have a message - just a few days ago and I said Lord if you don't give me one I'm not going to keep on struggling I'll just go to the pulpit because I beg them not to use me I'll go to the pulpit and I'll apologize and I'll just sit down and you'll have somebody else but I was on my bed weeping and I looked up and the words were not as as bright or as visible as they should be and I prayed Lord if that's it make it more bowed and he's and I saw their weepers and warriors Weaver's and warriors I need Reapers and warriors I need Reapers and warriors every life once it is over it's a potential hand-me-down whether it can be worn again depends upon who Ward first we cannot decide whether or not we will live or die we can only decide what we shall live and die for God provides the men and women needed for every generation and my business in this generation is with all my heart soul mind and strength to serve my generation by the will of God before I fall in sleep in doing so I shall serve the next generation should the Lord tarry I'll have but one life to live on earth this one life is but a brief life for sowing in comparison with eternity for reaping my life is a potential hand-me-down for the glory of God for my family for my church for my community from our world before I fall on sleep I decided a long time ago I'd rather be ashes than dust I'd rather that spark should burn out in brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot I would rather be a superb meteor every atom in me a magnificent glow than a sleepy and a permanent planet my function is to live and to make a difference not just to exist I'm going to be a weeper and a war and our soul winner for Jesus the Bohemian reformer John Huss who died at the state for his belief in the infallibility and supreme authority of the Scriptures and all matters as he refused the final pleas to renounce his faith hearse last words were what I taught with my lips are sealed with my blood his life became a potential hand-me-down worn by many others because of the times 2005 your life once it is over is the potential Penda down to be worn by others will it be your family will your church want your mantle will anybody want to walk in your steps will anybody want what you've got will anybody walk up to you and say ma'am I'd like to have what you've got well your life wants it over be a potential head ladies and gentlemen it depends upon how you warrant and let me remind you the weeper and warrior of Nazareth is still calling will you hear his cry will the ministers will the people in this room begin to weep between the porch and the altar so whether you sit whether you stand whether you Neal whether you've been door bound from the balcony to the model floor and even in all the overflow areas we all together need to cry out spirit of the Living God spirit of the Living God spirit of the Living God Oh Oh I don't have the burden for Souls I used to have I don't play like I used to play I'm a husband maybe I never won whatever you need to do vote you can sit there but something are they happening or maybe somebody else can reach thank you for hearing me thank you to share my burdens thank you to get grieved with me and yet stirred up with me about cities that have no church about countries that has not enough witnesses about churches that haven't reach souls haven't done much baptizing lately somebody order crowd with one forms it ought to be aborted crying in automobile weeping cries it ought to be a screaming cries change me change me brain means me mode me mm I'm a Jesus if you feel like standing you feel like falling on your face Oh more gone the supernatural touch on my ministry in my life I will be changed today will make a difference the rest of this day I will hear with ears that have been circumcised following me change me thank me met me or deadly effect yes Lord healing flow through my hands real for eternity instead of time don't let Baines rob me of being a successful don't let anything steal my legacy Apostolic heritage Oh Oh that's what happens I'd even get up and go to my sister or my associate or my youth pastor often I'd say we're changing today that city is little over there our family's going to see different parents our church is going to have a different path home is going to be different Cory Charlie murder I've been living for face what anybody stand with raised hands and say I want that I know you're bowing and I know you're weeping but I won't hands raised I want to crying out I want the throne of God to respond respond Oh Lord respond in a supernatural way set over the shore let er rip Minister Schwab become burden to join hands with her pastor husband leave that walk into green pastures healing the sick saving our marriages being long-suffering and loving and kind Kendyl restoring forgiving yes Lord this conference has got to make a difference it's not the change our cities have got to change our churches and got to change move on baby Oh sing about and I see them and so does you're winning the world to the world the other two haha Oh me we and see I usually by we for name - right the balance yes or no yes Oh come on your mommy changed me breathe on me yeah you're compared you we gotta go together Oh between the world and changed me the charge on yes yes could you lift your losses one more you're on I'm listening Shh changed I'm the one that makes you change I'm the one that needs to be we both wore Oh to change me I'm asking have your play-doh gone only alone there is that we need to move out from where we're standing and go minister to somebody would you move from where you are or turn around right from your wife right from your husband reach over lay hands new plum buddy the gifts are operating right now and think things will be released right now things will be released right now in the name of Jesus they could be released right now in the name of Jesus things will be released right now in Jesus name come on a fruit and gone after it director Church of God along come Oh change
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 1,049,617
Rating: 4.8592882 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, Vesta Mangun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2016
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