The Deborah Annointing l Victor Jackson l New Life St. Louis

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come on somebody clap their hands to the Lord right now [Music] oh praise God hallelujah [Music] praise God praise God how many of y'all knows something is happening in this church God is doing something special isn't here have had an incredible time this morning in this afternoon in fellowship commend this church to their response to the presence of God and to the word of God what a special deep hunger that is here and it is just a privilege to come and be a part appreciate so much your Bishop Bishop Tracy and his wife and family give honor to them follow him on Twitter he's always dropping some I can't say nuggets I got to find something more oh I got it I got it here it is pearls amen amen I don't know I'll have to do the whole skill thing to see which one's more expensive the pearls are the golden nuggets up we'll figure that out amen yelping yeah we got it we got it and just this amazing man of God appreciate so much his life investment into this wonderful work here and a pastor Bachelor continuing in that same anointing he and his family leading this church in an incredible way and it's just a joy to see what God is doing in the people of God I'm just I'm just excited some great food this afternoon just believe in good food a man just something biblical about that amen and it's so good to be here saw sister sister Marshall somewhere so good to see sister Marshall a wonderful praying woman of God give honor to her love and appreciate all that she has invested into our movement and appreciate that so much and and just exciting amen let's I'm just excited y'all you know the word just gets a hold of me I just get you know how people get crazy when they get in love [Music] you know how people just get good like cuckoo they fall in love like what happened to them that's kind of hi I'm with the Word of God I just get to get crazy start shaking amen [Music] judges chapter four verse four thank you to this wonderful worship team all the singers and musicians [Music] appreciate the media following with me and so many things that goes into having a great church service and appreciate them love seeing a little man up here uh sure and that was so also I had to take a picture of that this boulders can be and let's get into this judges chapter 4 verse 4 and Deborah a prophet as the wife of Lepidus she judged Israel at that time and she dwelt under the palm tree of Deborah between Rhema and Bethel and Mount Ephraim and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment and she sent and called Barak the son of a Abin iam out of I'm not even gonna try to pronounce that Katie should have Tilly oh I think that was right amen and said unto Him hath not the Lord God of Israel commanded saying go and draw toward Mount Tabar and take with the ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun and I will drawn to the to the river Keshawn Scizor of the captain of Japan's army with his chariots and his multitude and I will deliver him into thine hand in Iraq sedentary if thou will go with me then I will go but if thou will not go with me then I will not go last scripture and she said I will surely go with the notwithstanding the journey that I'll take is shall not before thine honor for the Lord shall sell Sisera into the hand of a woman and Deborah arose and went with Barak to Kadesh I want to talk about this incredible woman of God and feel like it's gonna help and minister to this congregation and that's I want to preach to you tonight I'm gonna talk to you for a little bit on the subject that Deborah anointing the Deborah anointing why don't you lay your Bibles down close your eyes lift up your hands and let's ask the Lord to have his way god we thank you for what you've been doing and every young person every adult every elder I thank you for the wonderful people of God that are here we pray for all the United Pentecostal church officials that are in this church that may be out ministering and traveling let your hand be on them Lord create an atmosphere tonight that the people of God may be blessed like never before give me the words to say give me the thoughts to think in jesus name a man you may be seated in the presence of the Lord a man what an incredible crowd on a Sunday night y'all just don't play so y'all are serious here amen amen love the Word of God the Deborah anointing Deborah is the only woman judge in the book of Judges and some people like to think that because a man wouldn't rise up God had to use Deborah and and it fell to Deborah and Deborah just did a great job because a man didn't show up but I come to preach against that thought because Deborah was exactly what God was looking for and the only vessel that was able to complete the assignment effectively this woman of God stood out in an incredible way she was a very systematic woman very different from every other judge she is the most different judge than every other judge because Deborah was a judge yet she never fought a battle she was a judge yet she never picked up a weapon she had a administrative gifting a wisdom an insight to know what was coming and prepped the people to get ready for what was coming she was the only judge that didn't have to fight are you hearing me she just gave direction on how to win the fight she just set back in her wisdom listen and said under a tree and the whole nation came to her for judgment she didn't go out and win battles as Gideon did she didn't do what her predecessor did eat hood how he went right into the palace and killed the enemy from close proximity Deborah's anointing was different because her victories came from a distance help me Holy Ghost she had a unique anointing that she was comfortable operating in didn't try to live up to anybody come on somebody she was just comfortable in her own skin help me if she was called this thing she didn't get up and tried to preach cuz that's what everyone else was doing she said you can put a sword in my hand if you want I ain't gonna do nothing with it it'll work better in your hand Barak it'll work better in your hand to defeat the enemy but you're gonna defeat the enemy with the wisdom that I give you she was a strategist she was structure she had an administrative gift where that was just as important as the people that were fighting the battle I said you don't need to pick up a sword like everyone else is picking up a sword if your gift is media give yourself to that media gift and it can have just as much effect come on somebody as the person that may be singing come on now you may have a singing you may not be able to but you're slaying Devils that embraces who they are the kingdom of God we're gonna lay down the kingdom of the devil we're gonna advance the kingdom of God when we embrace who God has created and called us to be a man she had a unique anointing because she was a strategist she was methodical she had an insight she had she was administrative but she still had a prayer life she led this generation that generation know that you didn't have to choose one or the other some people say their administration do they pray no they don't pray they're got to get them in administration now and we just accept that okay awesome you know that's expected hey man you do that well you know no they're really annoying it but man they're disorganized it was at a time where it was one or the other you couldn't be both it was rare to have both the anointing and the structure some people come on operate in that deborah anointing right now I receive that she somehow broke the mold of categories where you had to be in a certain category to be used by God am I helping somebody out there what what I'm gonna be getting to is that there is room for you to be effective right in your own skin you don't have to be anything different you don't have to act like anything different you have exactly what God is looking for you have it already but you have to get the courage to understand how needed you are in the kingdom I don't care if all you can do is bake cakes come on somebody go ahead and bake a cake for the kingdom come on and let it be for the visitors that come come on somebody I don't care if your only gift is cooking why don't you cook come on what church work days come on we need any everybody's gift in this building but we just need you to get comfortable enough to make it available amen amen oh I Raja's hunt why did she bring some of that meat to the kingdom of the Lord come on somebody make some beer jerky for the visitors y'all not hearing me out there when I got into church there were people that I was going to Bible studies four to five Bible studies a week but they were not the only people that impacted me as a matter of fact there are several couples that had just as much impact as those that I was in Bible study with by just opening up their home and allowing me to come eat with them after service see some people exclude themselves from the heart risk and they say I don't really know scripture like that but I can smell that Sunday food on your clothes right now you sure know how to cook all you have to do is be willing to open up your home to somebody and invite them over come on somebody and eat a meal let them sit at your table eat a meal that has just as much impact as somebody teaching a Bible study i'ma show you I I know what I'm talking about because they what they thought they were just cooking me a meal and I came and sat down they didn't realize that was the first time in my life I ever seen a godly marriage nineteen years raised in a dysfunctional home come on now raised in chaos yet a couple that had been married 20 years thirty years just called me to the table and I was the first time I ever sat down with the family that was still together in something ministered took my spirit when I saw that I said that's the type of life that I want come on somebody where it's not only the Word of God in learning the Word of God but having a lifestyle with the effects of the Word of God I am Telling You you have more of a testimony that you realize I'm telling you right now with that world out there and their chaos what they're looking for is somebody with structure that knows come on somebody that knows how their week is gonna be you don't even think about it we're going to church Wednesday night we're going to church Sunday morning we're going to church Sunday night and that's just the way it's gonna be you know how many people out there in the world they don't know what they're gonna do on the weekend I don't know what they're gonna do in the week come on somebody but you innate encounter a Pentecostal when they encounter somebody that's been born again of the water and of the spirit and they see a structure that structure is more attractive [Applause] sit down at the table and they treated me a stranger like family that's what Pentecost is that's what Pentecost is Pentecost is the only denomination for I'm about to preach in this place is the only denomination that still protects and believes and a family structure now I'm not talking about just your immediate family but that church is supposed to be family for church to be a family that is the most effective outreach no one wants to come in it should not ever be where people come as a guest and they leave as a guest they ought to come as a guest and leave as a family member because you invited them out to eat that afternoon come on somebody I am Telling You you need to embrace your anointing you need to embrace your gift things and use it for the kingdom of God there is room in the kingdom for you to have an impact there's room in the kingdom for you to be effective but it stop being intimidated by the hoods and the Sampson's come on somebody and the Gideons up and embrace your gift and be use for the glory of God I remember I went to a denominational Church when I was a teenager and I was going for years and what people don't understand is and other denomination I know you wouldn't know this but in other denominations it is weird if somebody from the church talks to you keep straight keep straight don't don't look to the left don't look that's right the closest what I'll talk to you is when you pass the offering plate I'm not kidding you don't understand how valuable what we have because for years you could go to that type of church and not make it one single friend and maybe odd if you see them at the store is that oh yeah I saw them at church don't talk to them no talk don't know I'm being dead serious because it's structured around the event but the church's progress in the New Testament was fellowship and breaking of bread fellowship and breaking of bread from house to house oh that's beautiful that's beautiful that's a beautiful thing and what's amazing about it is that Deborah she had this structure she had this administrative gifting literally her name means B it means be like a bumblebee and when you look at that Hebrew word it breaks it down but it's not just B but it brings the identity of the B to a systematic orderly B where the name takes on the identity that a Deborah is somebody that is orderly it is systematic structured now Deborah was married to Lapidus and Lapidus name means torches fire y'all going to make me preach in here when structure Mary's fire the enemy is defeated some people have a whole lot of fire but there's no structure and there's a whole people they have a lot of structure but have no fire but when structure Mary's fire that's what we advance the kingdom come on that's really annoying that I feel a new life we not only have a such we leave room for the power of God comment anytime that you want and that's unique because we're used to seeing one dimension they're structured they got good word they got new birth good word teach the word but there's no life there but they got the structure down perfect then you got over here and these people got the fire of God but announcements last 30 minutes because everybody sneaked in the preach okay we're having a bake sale bake sale the big Word of God gonna be doing Valentine's Day strawberries Valentine's they guess Valentine's Day fruit mmm the fruit the fruit of the Spirit the fruit of this if you take root tower you will bear fruit up or come on somebody there like its announcement getting real annoying it like dude you had two minutes to get this a lot of fire no structure by the time they get to the work three hours pass and preacher gets up now look at y'all falling asleep on me see that got a lot of fire no structure and we have those categories fire yeah yeah yeah and people get healed people get delivered lives are changed awesome but we're used to seeing that and we put people in categories like that ones they teach well but you know do not preach over twenty minutes are you going to get tackled Church starts at 8 churches over at 8:45 and worship is 15 minutes and announcements is 5 minutes you got to 20 minutes to preach you got 5 minutes for an altar call if the altar call goes over 5 minutes I'm gonna suck it up and stop it because it's time to go I know I know that sounds cliche but I promise you there's things like that out there and so there's these categories but the deborah anointing it marries the structure to the fire and when you have both look out Sisera sister are you in trouble I don't care how big your army is but you're in trouble devil I don't care how many demons you got out there but when you have a structure like this Church has and you got the fire of God like this church has who help me Holy Ghost [Applause] so she was comfortable being different and didn't feel less than anybody for being different she didn't compare her gifting to eat hoods and she wasn't intimidated by Gideon coming behind her and the Bible says she judged Israel for forty years and the land had rest forty years and she hadn't picked up a sword one time it's kind of like Abraham Lincoln how Abraham Lincoln how during the Civil War he didn't go out and fight but they showed the little telegraph room that he was in that telegraph room he was commanding them to destroy railroads to from the south so so they were starving out people from from that Confederate Army so they couldn't get their nutrients and the goods he would he was sending in the telegraph sending messages okay attack that attack that reward so they can't get food attack that room he never picked up a gun huh but he was controlling everything through his administration that's what Debra did didn't didn't go out on the battlefield she just watched me like go here go there and from the beginnings she said look that strong enemy that everybody's scared of there's a woman in a few days that's about to kill him how did she know that because she had structure but she had sensitivity are you hearing me am i hoping somebody out there yet I want to talk about this I want to talk about this I want to talk about that that structure and that fire this is why this church is unique I'm trying to show you why it's unique in you just need to accept that uniqueness and change the world with it I didn't give you the scripture I apologize but Ezekiel chapter 37 verse 7 when Ezekiel prophesized to the dry bones Ezekiel 37 7 it says so I prophesied as I was commanded and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bones the bones that is the structure it's the skeletal system that holds the whole body together no bones you're not standing that's a muscular individual but if we can get off the floor that'd be nice I don't care how strong you are without a structure you ain't getting nothing done are y'all hearing me out there I'm sorry I just feel at home is that all he prophesied and when the bones came together listen the disorganized bones when they joined together there was a structure in place and when the structure came the place was as the structure of the body he said it when I beheld lo than me came on the bones the flesh came on them the skin covered them listen but there was no breath in them where we got the structure down prophecy can bring some structure but the structure has no value if there's no breath then he said unto me prophesy unto the wind prophesy Son of Man and tell the wind to come and say o breath breathe upon thee slain that they may live so i prophesied as he commanded me and the breath came unto them and they lived and stood up upon their feet and exceeding great army when he prophesied the first time the structure came when he prophesied again the breath came and when the structure got married to the breath it stood up in exceeding great and mighty army can I tell you that's what's happening right now come on somebody there is fresh wind that is blowing huh upon the structure that has been in place because there is an exceeding great and mighty army that's rising up in this building can you clap your hands to the Lord right now [Applause] Debra was comfortable in her skin in her gifting you will never know how valuable you are and how unique God created you until you start accepting those things but a lot of people spend the majority of their life trying to become something else because they see something work and another individuals life come on somebody so they try to mimic it come on Holy Ghost and you become a secondary a secondary shell of that person instead of being true to yourself as the only that exists in the world as a lot of people that rather be a loyal replica then be authentically who God created them to be you see if I started singing right now half of y'all will leave the building I bless him Lord hanging operating his a gift I don't know why but you see I watch help me Holy Ghost i watch these great singers up here and this morning and I want to be that I want to sing like that man so I say you know what I'm just going to take take some time from the pulpit I'm not gonna preach for a year I'm go work on my voice I'm like hey Missouri can't meet him this week can you uh can I get a solo British accents coming up to sing his solo hallelujah [Music] Thank You G Z I need you and C I need you in C you know what's gonna happen yes a way never having that boy back number one number two I'm not even gonna invite him to come and preach anymore because he's not even gonna do what he's called to do come on somebody so when you try to be something else it takes the original gift I don't want to close the real door come on somebody by trying to go through an artificial door come on somebody I want to stay in my lane stay in my calling stand my destiny come on somebody and that's where the unloading it's gonna be released out of Who I am who I pretend I am she's she's judging Gideon's Gideon's going to and fro he's hiding at night he's doing battles good he's going into the palace she's going to get victories and Deborah's just sitting under a tree and she's not going out to the people but the people are coming to her for wisdom and guidance and she didn't feel a pressure to be anything different that's what I love about this woman of God and judges for what I like to call the lady's letter I just made that up what I loved about Deborah is that Deborah didn't feel less about her calling listen when other people didn't accept it am i helping somebody out there see some people don't want to operate who they are because of fear of not being accepted she knew if she's gonna function as God has called her to be there will be people they will not want to be connected to her and she didn't spend her whole life trying to prove people wrong are you getting it some people whenever they're not accepted they try to spend their whole life trying to prove people wrong but do this so well you can either make you love me like I don't care how good you do it I don't like you okay okay our so y'all y'all can't handle that you'd think it's the mm-hmm fill a sinking spirit didn't know me right now I'm kidding I'm kidding that's that wasn't the Lord that was for sure no but in judges chapter 5 and verse 1 the Bible says that then sang Deborah the only judge in the scriptures that sings she was so comfortable in her anointing that she was willing to sing before everybody even though she was the leader and everyone had an interpretation of her as she's supposed to be strong come on somebody carry a sword carry a bow and arrow there was like no I feel led to go into Amazing Grace she was comfortable with her femininity I'm talking to people in here and she's sing she sang and the Bible records it because her singing was exuding doctrine for she said that the princess of Issachar in verse 15 judges 5 verse 15 the principal princess of Issachar with Deborah and the Reuben was with them the princess of Issachar with Deborah even as a car and also Barak and he sent on foot into the valley for the divisions of Reuben there were great thoughts of heart listen why abode is now among the Sheep folds to hear the bleeding's of flocks for the divisions of Reuben there were great searchings of heart Gilead a bull beyond Jordan they didn't come and why did Dan remain in ships Asher continued on the seashore and a boat in his break breeches are you hearing this Zebulon and Naphtali were people that jeopardy their lives unto death in the high places of the field what Debra is saying here there were people that came to help me but there are a whole lot of people that didn't come to help me and I'm ok with that because the Lord still had the victory is this helping wait a hand if this is helping somebody who help me Lord this is why this is important the Bible says that every God put every every joint every thing in the body every member in the body as it hath pleased him meaning if you're in the kingdom you're not in here by accident means God has a set assignment for you in the body did you know that and he said that we like to put honor on the strong members of the body he said but the more abundant honor goes on the weak members the one that no one talks about God says that's the one worthy of the most honored that intercessor that's behind the scenes come on somebody he said they're just as valuable as the person that everybody sees see that see when you understand that there's no room for intimidation he said that members of the body start saying because I'm not the eye I'm out of the body because I'm not the face I'm not of the body because I'm not the nose I'm not of the body he said what happens in the body is that the body gets focused on the more visible members show the foot say I'm out of the body because it's not the CC those members that aren't seen gets intimidated by the members that are seen if a foot spends his whole life trying to be a face that's just ugly [Applause] but that's what happens in the body doesn't it you're like you are the most efficient foot here we will limp without you but here you are getting depressed because we don't see you as much and so you spend your whole life I'm gonna get out friend and as you get off phone with like what's she doing well he doing that and that ain't right any bet no no are you getting it being comfortable in your lane you see right now you can see my face but you can't see my lungs and if my lungs are damaged this doesn't matter because I can't survive without it even though you don't see it but you see the lungs don't get complimented do they man you have a nice set of lungs those adrenal glands are looking good today where you get that esophagus from have a beautiful heart your veins are interesting see what's inside never gets noticed but if it's damaged come on someone it affects everything visible and the infection that starts in here come on somebody it begins to show on the stem begins to show on the skin people that get these skin rashes they start looking at the intestines what are you eating are you kidding it what a hand sir is it always visibly seen sweating more because because you your heart isn't doing well are you getting it those things are just this valuable if not more valuable as everything that seemed but I told someone I said but what's the problem is that the culture of the world what they do with the body is that the world says if you don't understand the function of something in the body take it out they don't fully understand the function of the tonsils so they say you don't need it the world says divided and isolated from the body because I can't understand its function they don't fully understand the function of the appendix they say hey man you don't really need it where God said I put every member in place as it hath pleased me hey I'm not asking you to feel convicted cuz you got your tonsils taken out okay somebody got convicted over that just now I felt it I'm not preaching against you having tonsils okay come on come on guys I felt that seriously just giving an example somebody really did get convicted I'm not kidding I felt it like it's okay hallelujah just stay with me you know when when people kind of put you as a category like oh he's a conviction preacher I give a compliment it better hurt a little bit complimenting you Amen somebody felt like I was targeting them baby here I just had surgery all my pencils [Laughter] praise God so they say because we don't fully understand it get it out of the body but that's what we do in the church huh well we don't understand someone's gifting because it's different we kind of put them in their own little corner you stay over there Deborah matter of fact nobody really talks about Dipper how many teaching series have you heard on Deborah that Deborah Deborah's like in her loan spot she's misunderstood they don't get her and tried to make a reason why she was so used yeah there was no men they really stepped up so God to the woman I ain't in the Bible I thought a woman was about to run across this building just now let the woman give a loud a man God puts things in place as it has pleased him so we have to be willing to accept unique individuals come on now not push him in a category not push him in the corner but say where does faith where do they fit and the vision of this church and where it is heading okay I'm about to wrap up am i helping amen the Bible talks about these people that were given these talents ones given five another's given to another's given one a talent was about ten thousand days of wages ten thousand denarii literally they say that a talent those ten thousand denarii literally it weighed about 75 pounds and the Bible says that the master gave them their talent according to their ability according to their ability to handle it he gave them their talent see some people want have one talent but they're trying to get two talents and you walking over bent over come on somebody can't carry that he gave it according to their ability to handle it now we you understand that the one that had one talent he was intimidated by everybody else's talent what use is my one she's singing the house now I need a scene oh you don't think okay alright they're doing I mean search is doing good they're doing a great job why didn't need me they got everything said really well in my opinion they don't need my gifts he was intimidated by everyone else's gifting and the Bible says that when the Lord came back to reckon with his servants that the one first said I knew you were a hard man notice when the master responds to him he never calls himself a hard man he said I knew you were a hard man so he hid his gift because of his misperception of his master condemnation leads to hidden gifts some people walk around guilty all the time come on hold it goes I'm talking to you right now that's soak it in I'm sorry I should have worked hard I should have prayed harder I should have studied hard and I should have to develop does give hard as I'm just gonna hide it but it takes more energy to bury your gift then it does to invest in it he said you two should at least put it in the bank and let it collect interest so you could at least deposited it it's easier to invest in the gift than it takes to bury it for example say you're a singer you you sing so well but you always just sing at home he's scared to sing at church because you're scared they're gonna ask you to join the chorale even even while you're singing insurance look at you you're making sure nobody hear you it takes a lot of effort to hide a gift because a gift naturally Higgs ooze out of you come on holy ghosts oh Jesus he hid it because of his misperception of his master and then he said this and I was afraid fear will cause you to bury your gift fear of what people are gonna think about it come on Holy Ghost fear of failure there's a lot of people carrying that right now a fear of failure people two types of fear they're in this room right now people that have a fear of failure and two people that have a fear of success people are scared that they're so gonna be so gifted and their ability that they're gonna succeed so well that they're gonna backslide Oh Lord oh Lord they're like I know if I do it I know they're gonna try to use me and I don't want to watch this that accountability I'm helping somebody oh I'm helping you tonight you see see this morning was torches and fire tonight is structured amen so he was afraid fear will cause you to bury your gift but look what God what people don't understand in this parable that God was trying to illustrate to us are you ready for this are you ready for a revelation well I'm about to explode I'm about to jump being by the companies really I'm telling you man I'm about to hey well it's John should I bury it okay see that see see I mean it affects if you bury it no I'm just gonna let it out here's what we don't get about that parable look what the Lord said look what the master said to the one that had five inmate at ten look what he said you have been faithful over a few things gonna make you ruler over many look the one that got four talents look at the one that doubled that you went back and say you have been faithful over a few meaning when you consider the ten talents so what the master has the master says there's no need to be intimidated there's a lot more where that came from [Applause] and the one he had his gift and it was few the one there's a lot more where that came from in the heavenlies so think about the greatest person that is used by God that you know or I've heard of that God looks at them and their gift and said that's a few compared to all my unsearchable riches in glory when you won't be intimidated when you consider what your master possesses that you have open access to are you getting this Oh Lord I'm talking to somebody out there think about the most gifted musician the most gifted singer the most gifted person and minister you can think of God looks at them and says they've been faithful over a few it's you compared to what I have so he says start looking if you start getting your eyes on the master it's gonna pull you to give everything into your gifting and talent and as you do that he's gonna show you he's got more then after you get more you give you something he's gonna show you he's got more and then you give you something I've got more I've got more I've got more I've got more I've got more I've got more I've got more I've got more it's succeeding its abundant its above its unsearchable its transcend it come on somebody it is beyond your ability to comprehend can somebody clap their hands right now and somebody just give God a hand clap of praise in this place can you stand to your feet and just give glory to God in this place can you add your voice to it can you clap your hands and lift up your voice something is beginning to shift in this building chellamma condyloma host Paulo Bahia [Applause] when you give yourself to your gift to your talent and who you are you know what it does it makes everyone's gifting better listen I could not preach as God would allow me to preach if they didn't create an atmosphere are you getting it I could preach without any music before I preach but it would fall short of what God wanted to accomplish but when they give themselves on the piano and they give themselves on the drums and they give them say yourself singing and they give themselves on these instruments it creates an atmosphere where draws my gift out of me compliment one another cuz they make me better come on somebody that's what it's about it's about making each other better that the kingdom of God they said prophet I need a word a prophet said you want a word I could give you one but it won't help you you give me a minstrel you want a word will give me a musician look at that transaction I'll give you a word if you give me a musician that musician begin to play skillfully and as they were playing skillfully all of a sudden the hand of the Lord came on the Prophet and all of a sudden got began to speak come on somebody that's why we all work together never minimize another person's gift never minimize another person anointing never minimizes another person call it come on we need the media team we need the videographers huh we need the janitors come on somebody huh we need now what I'm asking this church to do is to be comfortable in the calling that God has placed on you be comfortable in that Deborah anointing because I'm talking to some elders right now that are unable some elders even listening wherever this message is gonna go in the future some elders that don't have that wants energy that they had they used to teach Sunday school they used to be involved in all types of capacities but now your strength isn't as strong but pastor Bachelor mentioned to me about that early morning prayer that y'all been doing here you are just as effective showing up to that early prayer as you were when you were a younger teaching Sunday School [Applause] [Music] because you're giving god what you had can you lift up your hands they're about to sing Gobbo Hoshi attire [Music] something is changing in this place whoo la mejor cheetara a llama oh Jesus praise God praise God [Music] Luise I want you to come join me up here [Music] to me Oh hallelujah praise God there's a deborah anointing in this building [Music] my wife at her home church before we got married they had her help in singing Corral [Music] she didn't feel called the sing she didn't feel like she could sing but she just made herself available no matter how she sounded she knew she wasn't called to it she just did what she could [Music] church secretary for three years is one of the youth leaders there and when we got married she didn't feel fit the category [Music] of a lady not getting up before her husband purchase and her singing she's never saying before I've preached ever because that's not what my calling needed you know her her gift this in the altar call she starts laying hands on young ladies SURS prey on ladies through through the holy ghosts she has a love for holiness a love for godliness season exists example as she's made our ministry better because she didn't try to be something else [Music] she became comfortable in her own skin of praying for our ministry leading my son teaching my son an amazing administrative gift especially when it comes to my son that I didn't even know she had until my son was born but what made us better is that she accepted who she is and she is becoming the best that she can be in her gift she walks with my son holding his hand laying on her hands on people in the altar while walking with my son and you don't understand chains are broken as she does that and it brings strength and life into me and I we lay hands on people together because she got comfortable and her own anointing it has allowed my anointing to be more effective I don't know what your gift is it may name may not be out front but what I'm asking this church to do is accept who you are in him and just become the best you can be in that name because it's having an impact more than you can imagine more than you can imagine more than you can't imagine more than you can imagine more than you can imagine can you grab the person's hand next to you right now and I want you to pray that God would lose them to operate in the anointing that God has called them to operate in Bihar allahö satya la la mejor a baby baby Coty Raheja la hora debajo terra cotta daheia come on you just accept it huh god I lose them to operate in the liberty of the Holy Ghost I released them to be who God has called and ordained them to be they may never see they may never be out front I don't know what they're called to do but God I ask that you will release them take off every form of condemnation take off every form of guilt take off every form of insecurity every sample of intimidation huh and release them to be you have created because I want you to pray that God's anointing will be released [Music]
Channel: New Life St. Louis
Views: 15,046
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Id: OB9vna7XsDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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