Joan Hunter- Healing In The Bloodline

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I want to highlight this piece of paper here most everybody you should have one of these if you want prayer this morning take a moment fill this out and on the back here bullet point lists of things that you need to be prayed for does anybody need one of these okay we've got a few of those that are available there if Norma if you could help them that would be great okay good yeah and Jan printed some more so this is awesome yeah that's great and like just bullet point right rotator cuff now this is your list this is not your everybody you're praying for because we're gonna take care of you in Jesus name and then you in turn are gonna take care of them because you're gonna have the knowledge and one lady came to me last week and she says I one thing I remember when you were here a couple years ago that knowledge is power and she reiterated that that knowledge is power and and I agree with you that knowledge is power because the more knowledge that you have about healing the more results you're going to get now once again everybody is called in to the healing ministry meaning that you are called to lay hands on the sick and pray and pray for them it doesn't mean that your income will come from that it just means that you are called to lay hands on the sick you are anointed don't take on the responsibility of the person's healing that's God's job okay and people hesitate praying for fear that the person is not going to get healed well that fear can rob you of your destiny it can rob you of the anointing it can rob you of a lot of different things and it's so important that you recognize that you can lay hands on the sick according to the Word of God that as a believer you can do it with all power of heaven and earth is in you because of Jesus you know no matter what it is now the problem with people in the ministry is you know are people that are in churches it's not that they can't is that they won't you know hands are like strapped behind your back for fear and it's fear that has kept him behind your back and what God wants to do is he wants to release you into what what he's called you to do and God gave me this analogy a couple years ago and it says I can't and what he wants you to do he wants you to take your cans take them to the cross and they will become your cans because the word says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me and instead of worrying about them not getting healed get so excited because they're getting healed right you know I'm shocked if somebody's not healed I'm not shocked if somebody gets healed I'm shocked if somebody doesn't get healed hallelujah when now the thing is when you pray for somebody if you don't see immediate results the results are not your job your job is to have the knowledge on how to pray and appropriate the power of God now where a lady came in last night she got prayer and didn't really feel any different she got in the car in the process of driving home she realized that she was actually completely healed so isn't that anyway we don't have to be in the service to get healed but many many people are there healings are getting manifested in the car like you pray for somebody you pray for somebody that's at the grocery store you know and you do your part yes it's good but they may not know really until like the next day you may not actually know the results and so what God wants is don't worry about the results leave the results to him okay and if you have your book I'm going to just kind of go through a few areas because I think I actually I know some of these areas you need to know about you think oh I don't really want teaching I just want you to pray for the sick but the point is you need a pen do you need a pen okay can somebody borrow okay he's got one right right there there you go see asking you receive I'm like she's looking for something so but anyway I'm gonna go through these and then as we go through them you can go back and read more about them I'm just going to do some of the highlights and the thing is the reason is is because I want you to get healed now here's the key and stay healed I don't want you to lose your healing because you go back and you start worrying about your family I want you to keep it keep your healing and not worry about your family anymore well that'll be a miracle hello miracles happen right okay just saying and but in on page number 27 it talks about the authority of the believer that chapter is about the authority the average Christian does not really understand what their authority is in Christ that you have the authority to lay hands on the sick Sam recover cast out devils in a deadly things including GMOs that shall not harm you call to the highways byways compelling them to come so you're called to be an evangelist and lead people to Jesus okay so when you understand that God has called you to all of these areas then the and you can do it but all power of heaven and earth when Jesus comes into your heart all power all of his power comes in with it as he comes into your heart it's up to us to appropriate it we can miss appropriate it to okay we can come in they can sir to go or we can curse our husband well I wasn't doing a curse my husband well you know he'll never change that's a curse my children will never change that's a curse I'll never get out of debt that's a word curse you know let's believe got to get your house paid up yeah right that'll never happen bingo it won't and see what happens is so often we say things out of the clear blue now this is a this is a season right now of 5778 the year of the open gate okay whether you went called the gates of heaven the gates in your heart all gates the doors whatever you want to call it man they're opening opportunities to speak and you know like I don't want to go to the Philippines for a long time I get an invitation during this this year within this last couple of weeks and I'm gonna go in September and she says who do you recommend in business who do you recommend in the prophetic and that I want healings so Jane Hammond and Terry secrets and I are going to go do a women's conference in the Philippines in September I think that's pretty awesome hallelujah everybody agreed to it I suggested and they said yes it's like if Joan says yes I need to be there that I need to be there wow that's amazing if you don't know Terry secrets is she's amazing she is probably the number two moneymaker person not female person in the world entrepreneur and a Christian what and an awesome friend and a very very fun lady and but you know you want somebody talk about business she has an amazing personal life amazing family and and multi-millionaire that's God okay it's not one or the other she's made it so you can have both and have the freedom to travel and go spend a birthday with this child and birthday with that child you know and go on the beach if she wants to but outside of her front door of her house in Florida she lives just right up the road here a few hours but the thing is is that you know that's a dream come true another dream of mine that I've had that my publicist and I have knocked on the door of CBN for years and years and you have to have a testimony I have a testimony you have to have a testimonial book killing the heart testimonial book okay and they said no no no I'm like really mom and dad had been on this program so many times is ridiculous and not ridiculous but they've been on it many many times and this this is my book healing the heart this is my testimony of overcoming betrayal getting healed getting getting diagonally divorce getting diagnosed with breast cancer broken heart syndrome a variety of other things like that and and how God healed me healed my heart I went after getting my heart healed rather than the cancer but in the process of getting my heart healed the cancer went away because I was no longer feeding it and this book here is my testimony of getting my heart healed the other one power to heal which i think is also here it pinpoints the different areas right now so power to heal what this does is as a result of me getting healed I have gone in and found out what opens the door for sickness okay power of your words I'm gonna give you an example of that in just a moment and you know generational curses we're gonna talk about different things like that and so they have said no no no my publicist has called and called sinem books we keep sending them books let go preview the book preview the book and no no I'm like Sid Roth wants to be 9/11 times and can't wait til I'm on a few more times next year what is wrong with this picture you know I'm saying you know and Sid Roth has a much wider you know spectrum of people than CBN so it's like why doesn't CBN have me on which I don't there is no reason actually but and so I thought so I get this call an email saying we want you on CB Anitha awesome and and so but I was in eastern Pennsylvania and I had to drive to Virginia Beach all night long so the producer of my television program and I we drove through the night and got into Virginia Beach we got our hotel rooms and slept for about six hours and got up and went to station to record to find out it was just for Facebook it wasn't really CP in my it was my interpretation I got so excited about CBN I didn't know CBN does Facebook live really okay but they actually record it and then you know do it live later and some things they do I'll you know they do air actually live and I thought well I'm here no big deal I'm gonna record it so I recorded it and it was about 15 minutes long I thought was wonderful and they're going we need to get you on the 700 club I'm like yes you do and so then I find out that it depends on your ratings okay so they kind of test you on Facebook to see how you do so I got on I got on and I was looking it turned out that it actually aired the first day of Rosh Hashanah which is the year of the open gate and the open doors and the blessings which I thought was pretty cool so I started going through there and I say okay this one has you know 10,000 views this one has use this one has whatever whoa joel osteen his 54,000 and I'm not a competitive person I'm really not if you know anything about me I just play Scrabble for fun my husband plays Scrabble for blood that's why we don't play because I want to have fun and he wants to win which he can win because I just would have fun I don't want him messing with my letters and rearranging it that because this word has more I don't care I just want to have fun okay that's my competitive level really but it's you know I don't really compare myself to anybody also even though this sounds kind of strange but I thought well 54-thousand joel osteen if I can beat that I'm gonna be on the 700 club if I could meet that it'd be a miracle miracles happen so long story short it hits 60 mm yeah which is really awesome and that was the last time we were so excited you know almost 4,000 views of last night's program that's really awesome and it's still continuing so it's still continuing to go up which is great so I've got it on my public page and he's got it on his page and you know so and then every people a lot of people are sharing it so everybody that shares it it still goes into that number which is is great but it's not that that many people are viewing it that many people are getting touched by the power of God and that's what it's about okay and the same thing goes with when I got healed of the breast cancer you know sixty some thousand people have seen that and that they got touched and a lot of them got healed of breast cancer because I actually pray and so that was really awesome I haven't gotten booked on there yet but I will be sometime probably next year so I go in there and you sit down and you're you know you're doing they're doing your makeup and stuff like that and you know trying to make you look beautiful and and we're more beautiful and so I'm sitting there and they're doing all this kind of stuff somebody walks by and goes and she goes everybody's confident here I know I'm next and I said I'll come into agreement with that she goes what do you mean I said you're just what you're speaking that you're gonna get sick next yeah and she goes well everybody tell every time everybody gets some I get sick around here I get sick I'm like shut your mouth I said what do you do outside and make it oh I'm in the healing ministry what you're the heal image because you're constantly praying for yourself because your mouth is getting you in trouble okay so when you understand some of these things that I'm talking about the power of your words and so I said here says after me renounce these words in Jesus name so she did and she's not getting sick everybody you know I don't want everybody else to get sick but whoever gets sick there is she's not gonna be one of them and we need to understand like when I went to Russia a lot of you who regretted what I went to Russia a couple years ago I spoke to the golden ages which are 55 people 55 years or older most of those people are a conference pianist so you know symphony people opera singers that all of a sudden when everything changed over there everybody lost their job and they went to poverty and these people use and their money wasn't any good so they've lost everything we had about six or eight hundred people in the room it was so crowded it held 600 but in Russia you can get eight and under no problem because there there is no fire marshal and so I'm saying how many of you are planning on getting a cold this winter 100% of the hands went up number one they don't have insulation like we do they don't have heat they don't have here Heat certain times of the day and if they run out of gas they don't get any heat no matter what the temperature is that's why they have all those fur jackets there meaning to keep them warm okay so here we have a you know 500 700 people whatever planning on getting sick planned on getting sick we cut those words off in Jesus name and see you can plan on something well this is you know this is allergy season come on give me a break yeah give you a break get rid of the allergies quit planning on it getting all the antihistamines and all that kind of stuff make sure you got plenty of that stock you're counting on getting sick I'm never gonna get diagnosed with olv right Steven no Oh LD for us yeah we've known each other probably at least 30 years but maybe even more than that and you know we grew up in the ministry together our lives parallel each other in many ways but only he's married to the Jay and I am the Jay so but it's Janis and then Joan but but we have we we actually do have a lot of similarities in our in the process of growing up but the point is what I want to encourage you is watch what's coming out of your mouth when an offering is received whether here or elsewhere you say people say well that giving never works you've cursed your finances you've cursed that offering I'll never get out of debt I was broke 17 years ago 18 years ago the year 2000 Burton during that both of those years 2000 2001 I literally had nothing I had to start my life over with nothing except for breast cancer we lost the church we lost everything we lost our home we did sell her home and got completely out of debt etc but starting over is starting your life over basically with nothing at 47 years old and the children were erect because of the divorce they were displaced because we weren't in the house anymore that we lived in for 18 years their dad betrayed all of us and he was also their pastor so it was a really really hard time in our life and and I remember I shared that I've been poor in my life and I've been po-po you came and for the other oh that's really poor okay poor is when you need to go on the streets and pick up cans and sell the cans have enough money to eat I understand what poverty is ain't there no more praise God okay but I understand what it is and and I remember that year giving one of my daughter's I don't remember what I got the other three but I gave one of my daughters a large can of ketchup or a bottle of ketchup and a large can of corn which she loved both and that was all I could not even afford for Christmas this year we're going to Cancun all the you know all my girls all they're just seven grand you're my seven grandchildren their spouses everything we're gonna have a blast I didn't have to fund it all because when's the doctor wants this and Indian chief and you know you you weren't about talking about favor you start speaking over your children that they have favor and they're blessed and highly favored of the Lord you seed for them according to Isaiah 49 25 but that says the Lord he who contends with you I will contend with and I will say where I will bless your children you know $1 a doctor and I pray I pray over her business she her business is actually seated in this ministry it's for a particular amount of money for it would make that year it hit that goal much to her surprise she's if I need I bought a whole bunch of bought him and she says if I need this to make my goal that I'll charge you if not they're yours I didn't pay for him God did in that cool and all the natural supplements and so forth she's a nature path doctor and anyway long story short is she moved last month she tripled the size of her practice she now has five doctors working for her an aesthetician a PA physician's assistant somebody phlebotomist which takes your blood an office manager and a receptionist and my girl is head of all of that so she can pay her way down there no problem in addition to that I have another daughter who my youngest daughter who she has an associates degree because we had to break the curse spoken over her long story short on that and she got her associate's degree and so he or she has an associate's degree she works work for a bank very high up in a bank this company came along and says we want you to come with us and and they're going we want you to come with us we want you to come with us here's a lot of extra things that we're gonna give you we want you to come with us she is one of the high executives of Charles Schwab without a degree yeah that's that's impressive I'm impressed with that to say the least my other two daughters are amazing their authors are working in ministry and doing different things I have one daughter who's actually speaking of the Full Gospel businessman this morning and but the thing is what are you speaking over your over your life what are you thinking over your children Johnny will never change it'll kill me now I'll tell you this one thing I love I love teaching but I love correlating it with a miracle this guy came up but he was he was having a lot of pain he gave me his list and he says i shoulder problems knee problems and he says i'm losing my mind and i said okay when did it start he says about six years ago what happened six years ago he's in the process of divorcing my wife I said did you ever say she's driving me crazy oh yeah all the time there you go you're driving yourself crazy about your words you think well that can't affect that oh let me tell you it can I had him renounce those words forgive his wife cut those words off in Jesus name boom just like that in a right mind okay there's power in your words yeah okay I'm blessed silently favorite of the Lord that's the cliche but you know what I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord everything I put my hand to do prospers that's what the Word of God says it is he that has given me the power to get wealth okay all these things that we need to understand what are we speaking Oh out of our mouth what are we speaking about our boss what we speaking about our pastor you know the Bible talks about honor prophet receive a Prophet's reward what is the prophet speaking of were you well technically I'm an apostle which means I'm an apostle prophet pastor teacher evangelist I'm all five okay qualified I did not choose that title I would have not chosen that title I would have just chosen something else miss you know Joan is sufficient so don't call me Apostle John because I kind of freaks me out makes me feel really old and but the thing is is in the area of the Apostle honor a prophet we receive a Prophet's reward dishonor a prophet and you won't receive the prophets reward how do you dishonor a prophet you dishonor a prophet by saying bad things about him I can't believe her lipstick was that red I like that way you can see my lips okay and you know is like I can't believe that she wore her glasses on her head okay I'll make some of you happy first their photographer and it's like I can't believe that you know and you badmouth me I can't believe the service went till 3:00 see so I warned you on that one and so if we get out before 3:00 which we will but the thing is you know it was worship was so long today yes it was hallelujah you know God says thanks so don't can you know don't condemn Roy he was being led by the spirit you know don't get say anything negative about me I know there's nothing you can find but in the event that you find something just don't say it because what happens is that is dishonouring me this honoring me means that you are cutting off everything I'm speaking over you that you're here to get healed body mind soul spirit and finances get set free of all the junk of your path all the pain in your heart that's what I'm speaking over you you have the choice to acknowledge it accept it or curse what I'm saying and I'm not saying blankety blank blank curse I'm talking about you know she just went too long she just this you know whatever she played with her hair only is in the example and but the thing is I want to encourage you know honor prophet receive a Prophet's reward how do you honor me god bless Joan hunter that's all it is and then the more that you say that this is why I'm so blessed I got millions field around the world saying this but bless God bless Joan hunter and then what you're doing is everything I've spoken over you is being multiplied back to you that's what that scripture means I thought I was not having a baby give a prophet a glass of water you have a baby so when I went on I knew John I knew John Paul Jackson for over 35 years and so we were in a meeting a few years ago he's since gone on to be with the Lord but he was known as that he was known as a prophet and so he and I would sit next to each other I'm like oh his water is getting low go and get water go and get more another bottle or go get another I got seven great kids out of that one so it works that way too so I'm looking for a property give a bottle of water too right now because I want more grandbabies next year but see you need to understand that then in on page number 52 very briefly is that anger anger comes from unmet expectations you know like your husband doesn't do something that you're expecting him to do so anger can come in okay so this is very very important that we not let anger turn to bitterness and it's like I didn't say not let not get angry because Jesus got angry but we need to examine why we get angry like if somebody you know serves you you want unsweetened tea and they gave you sweet tea he said you know anger could come in that's really petty but things like that can happen and you understand okay that's how it starts it's an unmet expectation so you can use that in regards to relationships and so forth okay now I want to I talked about word curses which is on page number 81 page number 71 talks about generational curses generational curses come through the bloodline many of you have a generational curse in regards to diabetes your mom had it your grandfather had it you know etc and so that's a generational curse generational curse can be summed up in when you go to the doctor's office they have a piece of paper that you fill out is any of this in your family if you do check that's a generational curse so it's important that everything on that list you have prayed for that it doesn't come in now my natural father was a very angry man I can say that again he was a very angry man I met him when I was 16 and and I know his niece two nieces who have are very good friends of mine now and he said they were they said he was so angry he was not even allowed into our homes this is before they were saved they wouldn't even let him into their home that's anger so I'm not really an angry type person and you know you mess with my girls that's a story or my grandchildren yeah you'll see anger righteous anger okay but another basis I'm not and he was also known for doing some other things and I made sure that that was it may may have been in my blood and been in my DNA but I made sure it wasn't in my DNA anymore and this is what's important is that we get rid of any of that stuff that's come down to generational curses through the bloodline okay what about a generational curse coming through blood transfusions okay you open yourself up it's not always a guarantee that you get him because you don't know whose blood you're getting but that Jenna that blood can contain generational curses I had one lady that had surgery she woke up out of surgery and she started cussing she demanded drinks like alcohol not chips she wanted cigarettes and she had never smoked she's never drank never because in her life before who donates most of blood here in America derelicts to buy more alcohol and drugs okay and so when she got this revelation she I met her after a service and when she got this revelation she got completely set free she didn't smoke anymore all the desired because everything just completely left her and this that's one of the greatest demonstrations of that and you know and you can like sometimes people start craving certain foods I never liked watermelon before I love watermelon now now me personally if you were to get my blood he was so crave watermelon I love watermelon and mangoes because I am a Florida girl okay so but these some of these generational curses can come in through that now in addition to that our foods our foods are injected with human hormones so you don't know what you're getting in your food now let me ask you a question is there anybody in here who's had a rhogam shot Rh negative yet a shot of rhogam before you have like either during or whatever we've got one anybody else okay - okay a shot of rhogam do you know what's in the shot of rhogam it's just a shot of rhogam okay it's the multiple people's blood you had a mini blood transfusion and most people don't know that in one of my next books coming out I have two very in-depth books that I'm working on now and another one that should go to the press here in the next couple of weeks but the one goes into greater detail so my editor is a nurse so I had her look up the medications that actually have blood or human DNA in it there's over a hundred so you don't know what you're getting in your shots like what's in this well it's just penicillin I don't know if penicillin is one of them but I'm just saying what's a shot of Rogan then you that'll be like having your first baby again a miracle drug in my opinion saves a lot of babies but the point is is that we get these things the medical things and we don't even know what we're getting so you must be careful what we're eating and what we're getting when you say grace curse any of the anything that's not of God out of there now a lot of meats nowadays are called Halal meats are sacrificed in the halal method like a cow they slip one of the necks and they let it go running around until it dies well the adrenaline the fear and the trauma from that slow death goes right into the meat so in the meat that you eat primarily I'll use the you know place and you know they they use that majority of them do use that kind of meat because it's cheap people are looking for cheap they're not looking for healthy they're looking for cheap okay and so what happens is have you noticed greater area of road rage have you noticed greater traumas and incidences at schools children 5 years old fighting with each other what's your main diet McDonald's ok and so understand it's going that adrenaline in that beef is going into our children and our grandchildren and it possibly into our own mouths so you need to check out what restaurants in particular fast food don't serve halal meat now you can get halal meat at the grocery store but it has to be labelled chicken and whatever it's just amazing and if you look at what's going on on TV this is crazy stuff happening I mean crazy stuff you know and it's I mean between Las Vegas and Sutherland Springs Texas I mean this is crazy stuff going on so understand this is this is junk in our food Muslim faith sprayed over into our food to kill Americans you know when you think about what I'm talking about there's reality and what I'm talking about okay you want to get healed but what's happening is we're ingesting all this junk in our bodies and it's causing all kinds of problems that we're not even aware of it's like you know you got an employer elves I mean you're really aggressive what are they eating fast food fast hamburgers okay you can examine all that aggression okay so some of you are going okay how do you get rid of this stuff real easy I'm gonna say a prayer and I'll just I'm gonna lead you in a prayer and we're gonna go all the way through you go I don't know if I've gotten any DNA from somebody else then you've starved yourself for the last several years okay unless you actually yourself got special seed planted the seed and you nurtured it and you watered it you took care of it which I don't know of anybody in here that has done that don't get hybrid seeds get natural seeds okay and so all this is crazy is crazy what's going on okay GMO genetics whose genetics it makes sense when you hear about it it's like but I didn't know that now you do and this right there because I mean there's so many people that are so sick that don't need to be sick and it's a lot of it has to do with the quality of food okay so just repeat after me to say father I repent for my sins and the sins of my father's take the sin from us put it on the cross never to be held against us again in Jesus name the generational curse of cancer is now broken off of me anger is now broken off of me diabetes is broken off of me bad backs broken off of me poverty broken off of me in Jesus name now just to say right here you have lots more do that when you get home and just keep going okay now repeat father I repent for my sins and the sins of whose blood or DNA I have received take it from us now put it on the cross never to be held against us again in Jesus name anything bad and any generational curse that came in through that take it from me now in Jesus name thank you Jesus however you can actually feel something different it's okay if you do it's okay if you don't okay I mean quite a few of you I mean just kind of feel Wow some of you gotta feel lighter so you're gonna be feel freer I had a friend that had a rhogam shot she got rheumatoid arthritis at 40 years old and she heard my teaching and she said this prayer and went the rheumatoid totally gone literally and as long as she as long as it took to pray the prayer that's how long it took her to get healed and that good yes hallelujah okay now the next one I'm going to talk about is is the area of of covenants and hormones hallelujah when I got divorced they said renounce the soul ties us okay so I call him George for generic George I renounce the soul time with George a little better not that much and then about two years later I recognize the fact that when I got married I went into a covenant with him I didn't go into a soul tight big there solty is just kind of like Fran I mean girlfriends male friends you know they can you know they can have soul ties it doesn't have to be through marriage but a covenant is when a husband and wife or two people come together and it forms a covenant and what that means that everything that he's doing I'm still in covenant with him yuck sometimes I would just kind of feel yucky you know and he was he was with another guy I'm like wow this is it's amazing you know what's going on and and that's what that's the importance of a covenant when I got this revelation I was not in covent in another two minutes as fast as I could say this pronounce that covenant with George in Jesus name anything bad came into the groans you say I mean it was a major difference and I mean literally a major major difference and so at that point you know you have a lot of things coming in to your mind into your body through the different covenants of different kinds and so if there is also a covenant outside of marriage outside of marriage could include molestation rape and just sexual promiscuity okay or a one-night stand or you know just different things like that it still is a covenant and so I'm gonna say the prayer well lead you in the first prayer if you've been divorced then the second one I will just say and then I want you to go home and repeat it if that applies to you because the average is 85 percent of the people in this room have been sexually molested in that terrible okay 60 years ago people didn't talk about it now they talk about it a little bit more but a lot of times even today they just sweep it under the under the rug which is really sad and then in addition to that God has given me the anointing in the revelation it actually happened here at the the Lakeland revival at the outpouring when we were here this guy came up he recognized us and he says I need your help I got to get rid of I cannot control myself in the area of pornography help me with getting rid of the covenants and we're like well I don't know if that's covenant or not but he begged and Ben and beg and begged and pleaded and cried and you know screen but in a nice way of like please okay so we let him in a prayer and the guy was dramatically changed and I thought this is awesome but I need scripture going into a covenant with a screen you know I'm saying sounds kind of strange but God gave me a word he says as a man has done it in his heart he's done it and so people quit pornography because they know it's wrong people not just men people quit pornography but then pop up boom sucked right back in this is how you get free of pornography and then part two of that prayer is erase all the images and God will erase all the images it's really amazing and and so say this prayer with me just say if you've been married and now you're divorced or your spouse is deceased the Covenant is if a spouse dies the Covenant is broken upon death but the second part anything bad that came in through it take it from me now that's where you'll receive the greatest blessing and just say father I went into covenant with George or whoever the person was and we're no longer married so I renounce that covenant with George anything bad that came in through that take it from me now in Jesus name and that good okay now I'm just going to say the next prayer you don't have to follow out loud but you'll get the gist of it but do this in the privacy of your own home however many it has been as many as you can remember their name then do that so just say you don't have to say but in your head father in the name of Jesus I went into an ungodly covenant with my uncle okay use him for an example and and that was wrong so father in the name of Jesus I renounced that covenant anything bad that came in through that covenant take it from me now in Jesus name okay no I know give me the one for pornography I went into covenant with pornography and that is sin I repent for the sin take the sin from me put it on the cross never to be held against me again I renounced the Covenant that I made with pornography and anything bad that came in through that and father I ask you to erase all those images out of my mind I had a man a couple of weeks ago after we did this teaching I was sitting down he came up and he got on his knees buried his head basically in my lap knee area and he goes thank you thank you thank you I'm finally free I never knew what made me go back he'd been married for 35 years and this was the final straw they're in full-time ministry and they're going weak we can't continue like this he says I can't help myself that's how strong it was and that weekend God restored their marriage and and now they're back actually ministering and helping other couples which is really awesome amen amen I have a story a testimony and I'm going to kind of do it as simple as I can because there are some young ears in the building there is a sky mint his name is dr. Paul skull he passed her as associate pastor in Vineland New Jersey and I can give you all this information because it's public knowledge etc when he was five years old he was a molested by his uncle when he was seven he was introduced to pornographic movies he would get up in the pulpit he'd open the Bible and he goes let's turn here and he would look it was all white walls and the movie would be showing he's like cast down vain imaginations but when it's such a strong hole like that he just you know seven and he's like 60 he's like 67 now but he was like 63 64 at the time when I heard the story and for all that time since five years old his uncle's hands were still on him okay cellular memory it's amazing the amazing testimony and so he is a trained counselor he teaches you how to live with the problem he overcame the problem though it was still there every time he got up to preach it was there the whole church knew that he really battled this he was very open with the church he wrote a book on it on how to manage and self control certain areas it was horrible the hell that he lived in he heard about me and he says okay I'm gonna go learn about healing because he has the Healing Rooms of New Jersey so he comes in and to the service and I'm teaching him all about you know how to you know pray for the sick and all this kind of stuff and people are getting healed you know at his place but this is gonna really augment what he was learning so I said tonight we're gonna talk about stress and trauma and erase the pain in the past he taps his wife and says this is stupid like she's gonna go I mean and he didn't mock me he just said this is stupid because he's been a licensed counselor for over 40 some-odd years he has learned to live with his health for over 60 years and he said this is stupid and he that's quoting him trust me and so at that point he came in and and he goes but she's been good so we'll stay so he stayed dealt with the trauma pray for trauma come and all that to go I'll sell your memory to go and erase the pain of your past and so in like three minutes he taps us why he says it's gone she's like what's gone it's gone my uncle's hands hurt on me anymore and movies god I can't tell this to her without crying because it's such a strong hold on this man and he's so free he had to add a chapter to his book Along Came Joan hunter is a title of the chapter and it's been probably five seven years and he's totally gonna believe free he went back and said the church free and everybody that comes in from ministry he sets him free because the revelation he got through basically the healing school and and I love sharing that testimony because it's so powerful and and so we you must understand that even like any kind of rape situation things like that anything sexual male or female they the doctors actually say that your trauma is stored in the lymph nodes that's why so many people are losing their lymph nodes on the inside of your leg is where there are some more lymph nodes and do a lay hands on those when you get home and commend any kind of trauma in that area to go whether trauma from sexual situations trauma from abortion trauma from miscarriages because all those are traumas okay and just quickly going over into hormones when I went to the doctor I was 55 I'm 64 was 65 in June they said now get ready for menopause like for real has it has something to get ready for menopause nobody there is there is no book on getting ready for menopause you know I mean it might be the second chapter of second the last half of Deuteronomy you know eight where all the you know disobedience and all the hell that comes on you but you know as Christians we don't have to put up with that stuff we're you know according to the word we're Hebrew women and we are not we're not Egyptians Egyptians have to go through menopause okay so we'll get some piece of paper get some extra sets of sheets you know make sure you carry extra make up for when you do the hot flashes and and also the kind of stuff and I'm and loss of memory they're just kidding and you know and and and it just set it says have a piece of paper so you'll be able to write this stuff down I have prayed with too many women who thought they were crazy I don't have time for that I ain't good time for that you know I mean okay ain't got time for that and I'm like you know but and I pray for the men because they know their wife is actually going crazy and I say that sincerely not jokingly even though it is funny but not funny okay but I say that because women that go through menopause sometimes literally think they're losing their mind because their hormones are like this okay so it's in important that you know how to handle that now I've had a complete hysterectomy I gave it to myself at 41 for my birthday happy birthday to me yes hallelujah and insurance gave it to me but the point is that I lay hands on that area on a regular basis I said the images I command my hormones to be in perfect harmony and balance in Jesus name at 64 years old that's impossible but at 64 years old they're perfect I do not take any kind of hormonal supplement that's God okay so when you understand that God wants to heal you he wants to get all of your hormones in alignment if you feel a hot flesh coming on say excuse me you are trespassing get out I left the doctor's office I did not rebuke the doctor don't rebuke the doctor they're giving you textbook information I went outside us and I cut those words off in Jesus name I'm going to skip menopause and you know what I have skipped menopause hallelujah and my hormones are fine which is really amazing and miraculous okay so that's basically some of the things I just wanted to share with you tonight we're going to go into a little bit more stress and trauma how to fix your husband how to fix your wife how to fix your children doing it biblically instead of you know through manipulation and what happens is that you know when you understand the power of stress and trauma I talked about stress and trauma a lot in this particular book deep deep traumas I go into it in a freedom beyond comprehension because God wants us so free that we can't even comprehend how free we are I had a guy come to work for me and he says I didn't know how bad I was until I worked here and now how free I am you know it's like well I've I've forgiven him whatever no you haven't that kind of an attitude no and I had a few years ago I don't know 20 almost well 18 years ago 17 years ago somebody asked me I said how you doing I said I'm really doing good he looks I mean he's yeah it said for the wall you got up I'm like I don't have a wall up you know and you respond like that you pretty I just have a wall up and I'm like I don't want to get hurt anymore I was so tired of being hurt but I can't love you and I can't come across even being real if my if I have a wall up because you're gonna go mechanical stuff no man this is me and and I and I kind of thought it was kind of crazy but I was really mad at him for a few moments and then as I thought about I thought I really do have a wall up because it's a wall to protect my heart and so I prayed and and that when I was ready I said God take the take a wall down because I can't love nor can I love be loved if that Wallis up and and the God took the wall down and you want to know what I have been hurt so much since then because the walls down but I can feel and feeling even hurt feelings is better than having a wall up had lady come up Tuesday night in Washington State and I said I put my hand on her I'm like you got a wall up she says yes I do and it's not coming down I said you don't want to get hurt again she does I do not want to get hurt again you want to be loved again well yeah do you want to love again well yeah you want to get hurt again no I don't either but you have a choice you have a choice was nobody ever wants to be around you because you're so rough and pushing everybody away because you heard was thick I mean for me not to be able to even penetrate it it was thick it was really thick like don't get him don't even get this close it was very uncomfortable for her to even get that close for me to even touch her she didn't want to have anything to do with getting healed and that wall was that wall does is it covers up the hurt and it keeps the hurt in you know you learned how to get rid of the hurt get and then when people hurt you again it hurts you know but you can let it go and you learn how to let it go there's a guy that lives not too far from here I think I think in West Palm you know when people on their mobile phone you don't know where people live anymore and he came and did an exam he did an exam on Clarice and Clarice who is also a very good friend she says she says I want you to you know get this guy to do do you I said okay so Clarice had it done to her and he said your your mother did so many when you're four years old that you never forgave her for and she's like how do you know that they showed up on a machine a reading on a machine could tell and she's like wow so at that point I saw her like that day we prayed we got rid of all of that she heard her mother a letter even though her mother had just recently died but she got free of that and and that was amazing because that was holding back a lot of her that was causing health problems and so she got free of that and and everything but the one problem got got taken care of but that got taken care of through doctors and she had a new hip and I think she was here fairly recently when she was here fairly recently my television producer came that day she and her husband hidden his wife that sounds better and but anyway so I said okay exactly mine you know so they did the electrodes they did this and they you know did this and they have a scope and Inlet magnetically it goes through your whole entire body so I actually got to go through my entire body watching it on the screen they couldn't find anything wrong with my body that was awesome and and so then then they measure your emotional area and anything in your past is below this line anything currently that you're dealing with is right here and so below the line he's like tapping the machine been fine he's as yours is blank it's like you woke up from a coma today and there's you've not had anything wrong with you I said you know and you've never had anything happen to you I'm like cool I've been through hell folks but it didn't show up and he says how did you do that I started practice when I preach I gave this doctor a healing school so he can diagnose with this machine and also pray and that's what's important and he says now above the line he says you have stress but the stress that you deal with when you have 18 employees you're on a roll right minister you're traveling like I do you know I fly home Monday Tuesday I go to Ireland for two weeks Ireland in England and Northern Ireland and so you're you know doing this or your body you know that is stressful okay but he says you have stress but you never allow it to affect your body once again I practice what I preach I'm not oblivious to what's going on I manage everything I keep an overview on all the finances all the employees everything that goes on in the ministry I do all of that and I also minister you know hundreds of times a year okay so and he goes but it's not affecting your body I'm like thank you Jesus and so we can allow the things of this world stress over finances stress over relationships stress over our children you know and we'll talk a little bit more about that tonight but it's like if you're really stressed out over your child you shouldn't be because the word says and I will save your children your job is to train them up and when they're older they're on their own they'll come and you go mom I know what I'm doing is wrong mm-hmm yeah this is before face time you know and because then you can't see my expressions you know now you can and it's like okay you know you're you're you're involved my daughter you're involved with another woman okay all righty then I didn't say that this is what show he says I know what I'm doing is wrong I know you don't approve I don't need to tell her I don't need to get mommy finger out she is what she's doing is wrong she was trying to win the love of her dad it didn't work and she realized that that's totally not her at all now she's married children a little bit but the hope the point is is that number one love your children okay don't try to make him into something that they're not supposed to be and and then don't try to fix them because all that will do is cause rebellion it's like father I'll a Abigail on your altar we're gonna talk a little bit more about this tonight are they Abigail on your altar I release her to you show me how to be a better mom not my children don't need a preacher when I go to Cancun Joan hunter isn't going mom and grandma's going even though it's the actual same body okay now if somebody down there needs healing I'm gonna pray for him kids understand myself but that's good there she's sick there you go you know and you know and pray for people that's just that's that's what I'm supposed to do no matter if I'm Joan hunter or not just as a believer and and so I prayed I said you know I put her on your altar I said God since somebody to my daughter to minister to her to witness to her okay lady comes in with the next couple of days and it's a long story it's a very incredible story it's on part of prophetic empowerment teaching of how to hear the voice of God she was hearing the voice of God you know God was telling her do things do this and that and it it was pretty cool the whole thing that started and so even that day she goes in she's in the back room eating her snack and they come back there and they said you know Abigail come out to the front there's somebody that died at the bank and she's like for real yeah for real so she goes out there and you know and brings her back to life and and it was a really cool traumatic hear traumatic everywhere so she take you know goes outside and you know in let later anyway she gets back she doesn't follow up with her with her at the hospital and then while she's at the hospital she says she comes she called me she said mom I think she's charismatic I'm like really okay and and so I said well take her some of my books because you got some in the closet in the room and take hers from my book so she goes in there she says have you ever heard of Charles and Frances Hunter because she was in her 60s and she's oh yeah I've read all their books and they have a daughter named Joan my daughter goes that's my mom well here's somebody who's a strong believer knows who I am reads my books has read mom and dad's books is meeting with my daughter and preaching to her and my daughter is not rebelling I did get to meet Patricia at my daughter's wedding she lived somewhere between six and seven years longer she has since gone home to do with the Lord either the end of last year beginning of this year and so so all those years they would meet and have lunch and all she do is talk about Jesus hallelujah so your loved ones you don't need to talk about Jesus to if they asked you a question then you answer them you know I mean I'll tell them different things you know like with my daughter who's a doctor she'll tell me I said okay what's this disease naturopath they teach you what can bring it on so I asked her what normally brings this particular problem on then I know how to pray and I can come back the next day because I have a doctor on call 24 hours it's great at no charge and but anyway so I can helps me to Frank she's written two chapters in my books one in this book nurture the natural man in the handbook here and and it's very important that we do that now I'm going to shift a little bit here and we're gonna talk about finances you know I don't want to talk about finances I'm gonna tell you about the power of finances now I'm not talking about power when you have the money I'm talking about power when you don't have the money and the power of lack power of debt can give you headaches number one it's the number one cause of divorce number two it can give you headaches migraines indigestion acid reflux Crohn's disease IBS heart attacks strokes aches and pains throughout your body it can bring on all kinds of sickness and disease and once again not to mention divorce lack and stress over finances so when I talk about finances here for a few minutes it's getting your body healed I personally don't believe that you can be completely healed physically until your finances are healed because if you're healed your indigestion your ulcers everything is an acid reflux all that's healed then you go back to worrying about your finances you open the door for it to come back in okay so there's a door that needs to be shut and so that you know how to handle stress he says he says the only that doctor Gary he's is the only thing that's way off the chart is your joy level I'm like sounds good to me hallelujah I can have I can be joyful by myself I can be joyful in a room of people you know wherever it is I can be joyful you know I am joyful I should say and and that's great he's a great guy but I want to encourage you right now just think about how much better your life would be your health would be if you weren't in debt my daughter has a book called money wise which I mentioned last night a little bit its money wise and it's how to manage your money and fuel your dreams what does God called you to do you need the finances to do it I mean you know I'm getting ready to go to England and Ireland and I'm believing God for for help and support and for two weeks over there because they don't believe in paying people which that's gonna change them over there but then they get mad at you if you talk about money so don't get mad at me but this right here will help fuel your dreams so that you could go with me to Israel in March okay it is wonderful and then my book supernatural provision comes together these two and in the teaching of a CD on financial freedom now all these are available those are you're watching it's available through Joan hunter org you can get it and but the thing is and for here they're $25 for the set this right here I want the body of Christ out of debt I can phrase it a little bit differently I want my body out of debt okay adds a little bit extra power to it might scare you a little bit but that's the truth but what I'm saying is sometimes it helps to hear it from a secondary voice which is me primary voice is because God's been telling you and you're like I can't I don't know how okay start saying I don't know how you're gonna do it God but I know you're gonna do it I know you're gonna do it supernaturally and you know I live in a really nice house oh just a little bit more on the house and that's supernatural we had somebody today give $153 got $1,000 bonus the following day and 153 and I'll go into that probably tonight that's a major story now the thing is is that we can worry about our finances it can cause us problems now an example I love I have lots of fun examples of going to Israel and over there there is a situation that well actually years ago in the Bible and I'll tell you what happened what it is now but years ago Jesus had 12 guys now these are 12 very carnal men very carnal non spirit-filled men very selfish men okay and that's that's what they were I mean Peter can give you lots of examples and so they're going we don't have money for taxes we don't have money for taxes we have a many okay we don't have any money for tax we don't have any money for taxes and Jesus is okay guys let's go fishing if your spouse you told your spouse you had a big huge money thing and then your spouse's let's go fishing you want to stop her my side of the face but they weren't gonna stop Jesus but I'm sure they wanted to you want us to go fishing so after fishing we can do you know do a cave sale we can you know do maybe our some of our friends can do a bake sale you know all these kind of things and maybe we can you know do a GoFundMe and so all these things that they were trying to figure out how they could raise the money to pay their taxes here you get a notification from the iron rest there they put you in jail okay so it was a serious deal and the guys were really affected by this but Jesus says let's go fishing and the guys say okay you know why they say okay they're hungry let's catch some fish and we're gonna eat they were very eating conscious there's a lot of kid situations like that and the by hand so what they do is they go fishing well so happens that Peter catches the fish that happens to have a gold coin in its mouth that was able to pay off all of their debt which number one that's awesome number two to this day they call it the Peter fish and when you go over there they have a little fake gold coin that it comes in the fish's mouth when you eat it and when it's served to you and but number three what's the whole bottom line here on this scenario of the healing of the finances obedience God's going to tell you something crazy like go fishing give this amount but in your obedience God's gonna bless it John and Norma have a son his name is Dean he came to one of my services I think it was last December either last December a year ago December came to one of the services and he had planned on giving fifty dollars in the process of giving 50 dollars God says five hundred and he says fifty dollars God says five hundred he says two fifty cause this five hundred he gave five hundred that morning it's not that he didn't have it he was just planning on giving the fifty dollars so in in doing the five hundred dollars he was very very excited to do that because of obedience really didn't think that much about it but he gave that amount and so he goes back to work and either on Monday or Tuesday his boss calls him in and says you know what you know you've worked here like 17 years and we don't give bonuses we're gonna give you a five thousand dollar bonus is that okay they pray about it yes gave him a $5,000 bonus right there number one number two several dollars an hour arrays at the same time since that time he's received several raises and several bonuses from a company we don't give bonuses but God can move on their hearts to give bonuses and he's still reaping on that five hundred dollars that he gave whenever whenever that was and when you the whole testimony is really kind of neat what what happened but the point is in his obedience even though it was you know fifty-fifty do I hear 50 no five hundred is what you're hearing 25 250 okay and like my daughter my daughter melody she was you know she was volunteering for me this is several years ago and meet me on the road and had a very in the natural very extreme limited income housing was taken care of and she got like 136 dollars a month and so we're in the service and God says give a hundred dollars she had saved up a hundred dollars for a new computer and which she needed a thousand and God says give one hundred and she's like 25 25 do I hear 25 50 50 do I hear 50 and God kept saying 100 and she says that's all I have but in obedience she gave $100 within two days I got a phone call saying I felt led to give your daughter a thousand dollars is that okay let me pray about it yes I told her I said there's a she had a deadline in order to order the computer it cost and she had less than a week left she ordered the computer the computer and the check arrived on the same day my god is going to supply all of your needs even your special needs of a computer and so understand God's looking for people that he can bless because that computer she used in communication it was her first time to have her own computer but she used it to communicate and share with people and minister to people and God blessed her with that computer God has blessed her with another PC and all kinds of great things Big Mac PC but the thing I want to tell you is that God's gonna meet your every need he wants to supernaturally open up the windows of heaven however you want to term that and bless your socks off he wants this is a time that there's open heavens open gates open open open open open hearts open arms open hands where God is wanting to pour out blessings because he you know as I motton imitated his voice in the lower voice he wants us out of debt and the more that we say we can't the more that we won't and we'll get deeper and deeper in debt I one lady that came in she have $100 I think a few years ago and she says I need money to pay off my medical bill they told me I was covered under insurance I had the surgery they sent me a bill for thirty five thousand so I wasn't covered so what do you do if you don't pay that can do all kinds of bad things to your credit and you she says what do I do I said seed she seeded the hundred dollars when she got home from the trip seeing me there was a letter in the mail the following day they say paid in full I'm believing that for you that whatever the debt said have fun with Shekinah that those are gonna be totally completely wiped out you know I don't know what all they are but I'm sure there was medical and different things and burial and the thing is is that God's going to wipe all that way because that's too much stress on you guys okay and so what God wants to do is you know God he loves wiping out debts he loves blessing us but either way you wipe out a debt man that you don't pay tax on it so that's really awesome
Channel: Ignited Church Lakeland, Florida
Views: 104,070
Rating: 4.8191266 out of 5
Keywords: Ignited Church, Stephen Strader, Holy Spirit, Lakeland, Church, Worship, Healing, miracles, Miracle, Signs, Wonders, Pastor, Stephen, Ignited, Strader, church, Florida, signs, wonders, deliverance, apostles, healing, prophetic, anointing, prophets, prophet, tongues, apostolic, apostle, Karl, karl, Carpenter’s, carpenter’s, Home, home, Carpenter’s Home Church, carpenter’s home church, Take, take, Take 2, take 2
Id: KPdrclFqDL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 6sec (4206 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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