The Deborah Annointing

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to invite your attention along with me to the book of Judges chapter 5 judges the fifth chapter I'm gonna read three verses well verses four through seven verses four through verses seven judges chapter five verses four through seven Lord when you went out of Seir when you marched out of the field of Edom the earth trembled and the heavens dropped the clouds also dropped water the mountains melted from before the Lord even that Sinai from before the God of Israel in the days of Shamgar the son of a man in the days of Jael the highways were unoccupied and the travelers walked through the byways the inhabitants of the villages ceased they ceased in Israel until that I Deborah arose that I arose a mother in Israel God we honor you today and we bless you for all that's been said and done we thank you God for the anointing that breaks every yoke now we pray God that you you cause our hearts to be focused to receive truth let youth come forth today God cleanse us is sanctifies by your truth Your Word is truth send an establishing word send a releasing word send in uplifting word and a strengthening word right now in Jesus name let somebody be saying set free and delivered can you agree with me somebody say say set free delivered and healed in Jesus name Amen amen god bless you you may be seated in the presence of God you just want to talk to you a little bit today about the Deborah anointing the Deborah anointing the Deborah anointing it's interesting that when you study the Scriptures we had these after Israel medev of Joshua the last and then before the birth of Samuel Israel has to go through this period in their existence called the period of the judge is between the between the death of Joshua and the birth of Samuel Israel had four leadership judges and when you read the book of Judges the book of Judges reminds you a lot of the the the the Greek meaning for Deuteronomy Deuteronomy me means again book we was where the book of the law that God gave was given the second time so so when you look at judges judges has this Deuteronomy feel that the narrative of the story that's told in judges it kind of reminds this thing called deja vu a better turn could be deja vu in other words something is being repeated over and over again we see this pattern of repetition that takes place in the book of Judges Israel is in what I call a perpetual cycle of dysfunction they they go into rebellion and when they rebel against God they you know they they do their own thing they rebel against God and then they go into and then God allows them to go into bondage or captivity and while they're in bondage or captivity then they start crying out for God god help us God god save us God deliver us and then God does and then they repent they repent God delivers them God sets them free but then they start rebelling again after they get free and then they go back into bondage again then they cry out again and then they repent again and then the cycle starts all over again it's interesting that a lot of what we see in the scriptures a lot about a lot of what like how we live our lives today a lot of us God brings you out of one thing and you pray and ask god help me and teach me that lesson and teach me how to not be in dysfunctional relationships and hooked up with people and and that brings you out and then you go through a season where you free but then you end up in your mind you go through these seasons because life is about seasons and you got to understand the seasons of your life you know why what was I where was I what was I thinking when I decided to hook up with relationships that were not according to will Oh God in the Word of God nothing just happens you don't just wake up one day you got to learn and know the seasons cuz sometimes when you were when you go through lonely seasons you open yourself up for relationships that are not covered mental with God it just they just meet and feel something that's missing in your life so this theme over and over again in the book of Judges is there was no king in Israel in other words there was no centralized government hmm the Bible says that every man did what was right in his own eyes in other words there was no standard of righteousness you had no centralized government you had no centralized leadership and then every man did what was right in their own eyes pretty much like what we're doing today you know everybody should all have the right to say what they call right and nobody else should be able to tell them what's right because every man wants to do what's right in their own eyes and so it was during this particular period that there is no Moses during this particular period there is no Joshua in other words there's no what I would call a larger-than-life figure to come along and lead the people to help the people come out it's during this period God introduces to us the call of the ordinary person the people that we would often overlook to rise up and lead us out so so so so god raises up a guy like Austin Yael after Mia was aconite he made meaning he was a stranger he was the foreigner he was a black man from African descent then he raises up a guy called a hood he heard was left-handed left-handed people in biblical times were considered to be people like dysfunctional a disability then God raises up a guy called Samson Samson is not this buff looking like you know he's all cut and carved like you've been working out in the gym he's an ordinary guy coming from a poor family but when the anointing of God comes upon his life Samson becomes a different person then we get to this person called Deborah Deborah is a woman now we can you we can we can we can glean a whole lot of insights just from what I've just shared with you from the fact that the types and kinds of people that God uses he oftentimes chooses the foolish thing to confound the wise he chooses the weak things to confound the mighty in other words what you throw away what you discount might be the very thing God wants to use and raise up and cause his glory to show forth in the earth Bible says that God told Samuel told Saul when the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you you will become another man how many of you know that you're nothing without the anointing of God and it's important to understand that you can be gifted but not anointed you can be talented and knowledgeable and even skillful but the scripture says it's the anointing that destroys the yoke and so we are sometimes we try to impress people to move people with our ability and it takes the anointing to destroy the yoke anybody need the anointing in their life come on say Lord anoint me Lord anoint me see back in the day when I was growing up we didn't just you know we used to say Lord use me what this is really saying is God sends you an anointing upon my life because I recognize that there are some things that I just cannot do but through the anointing of God yokes can be destroyed in fact Isaiah 10 and 27 says the yoke will be taken off of his neck the burden will be lifted off of his neck and if the yoke would be destroyed because of the anointing ah Lord how we need the anointing we need the anointing in our services we need the anointing praise God in our prayer life we need the anointing when we minister we need the anointing praise God when we pray when oh god I need the anointing of God there is even anointing to tutor to the live this time life it takes an anointing to be free and I don't need to be free but to stay free some of you all are going through these cycles in your life start asking God send the anointing upon my life so that I can live and stay free amen from all the things that you brought me out of somebody give God a hand pray come on say anointing say anointing say you know any come on say anointing say anointing now if you don't need the anointing just keep quiet but I'm talking to you Peter Pete some people who recognize that I can't do it without the anointing in fact I can't do it without you god I can't do it without you what if Samuel tells Saul when the anointing comes upon you you gonna become another man you gonna become somebody different you keep looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing the person that you've always been but when the anointing comes you gonna see somebody else in fact you will see the God in you working through you and in you and operating for you so the anointing the Deborah anointing let's talk about the Deborah anoint you there was that anointed people with this spirit but their characteristics that that were unique to each individual that God anointed so as we look at the study of the life of Deborah there's there's some qualities and characteristics that we just want to share with you today that will help speak to some things in your life because I hear in the spirit there's some Deborah's already in the house the Deborah anointing is defined as the capacity to flow and function to flow and to function in and out of roles responsibilities and relationships the ability to function and to flow in and out of rows relationships and responsibilities because let's just face it y'all there's more to you than the person there sitting here you wearing many different hats you you're called to do many different things you're called to do many different tasks you called to be all things sometimes to all people where the women in the house where the mothers in the house that I'm talking to it seems like your job is never done Amen somebody's always pulling on you and taking from you and demanding something from you until at the end of the day it's like god when am I gonna have time for my health and I'm convinced though it takes a special endowment for God to be able to transition and flow in and out of relationships both publicly and privately the Bible says David knew how to go in and to come out Paul sitting like this I know how to be a base and I know how to abound I know how to be a man by myself and I know how to function in a crowd I know how to have and I know how to have nots I learned whatsoever state I'm in there with to be content I've learned to be in relationship but I've also learn to be out of relationship I've learned to walk with folks but I'll also learn how to walk alone I've learned praise God how to be right and I've learned Oh how to be wrong I've learned in every situation how to be content and be able to thank God with right where I am I'm talking to somebody today you gotta learn how to thank God for right where you are because right where you are is your provision I lost some folk up in here you ain't got to turn around three times and hit like 12 times just begin to tell God I have everything I have right now right where I am in fact when I got up today goodness and mercy was waiting on me before my feet hit the floor oh I wish I had three people that would tell God God I thank you for right where I am in every situation learn to give thanks for right where I am is the will of God concerning my life Deborah is a judge she's a prophetess she's a military strategist Deborah is a wife and Deborah is a mother everybody says she all that if anybody had that could say I'm all that Deborah Kerr say I'm a Hall that Deborah is it takes an anointing number one the principle I want to share with you it takes an anointing to be able to thrive in uncommon environments it takes the anointing of God the spirit of God the enabling of God the capacity of God to be able I didn't say just survive are you hearing me especially when you are in arenas where you are the only one that looks like you and sometimes it ain't just about your gender anything about the color of your skin sometimes you're in environments where you the only one that love God so let me clarify that you're the only one sold out forgot it today everybody loved God but everybody ain't so and so sometimes you have to be in environments where you're the only one holding up a standard and I just need to encourage somebody because even though everybody Amen ain't accepting of you and and hanging with you they're still watching are you hearing me Debra has to operate in a male-dominated culture and so she's not Abe only able to be accepted for who she is that's the anointing of God will allow you to be accepted just for who you are you ain't gotta be like nobody else you ain't gotta act like nobody else you ain't gotta change who you are God will refine you and allow you to be just who you are and if they don't like you it's not your problem running after people to like you begin to thank God for those who he assigns to your life and quit chasing after something that you don't already have and ask God to let me see who's already for me and if I can't see nobody physically for me then I gotta know in the spirit that God is for me and if God is for me then who can be a Deborah anointing the Deborah anointing the Deborah anointing she not only to be able to be accepted she's able also to thrive see anybody can um anybody can thrive and be successful under an open heaven hmm but it takes a particular anointing to be able to to still yet be flowing and increasing when heaven is when heaven is closed in an ungodly environment when your home we're in the workplace when the finances went when they've been physically Europe under attack it seems like heaven is closed but a deeper anointing will allow you to still be a experiencing increase there are people in here right now that your home life don't look like right up in here your workplace don't look like up in here but down on the inside you still got the joy of the Lord and when you come in here and rejoice it don't look like it your rejoice and don't look like what you live in anywhere you came out of but they don't recognize that your environment is not your joy is not determined by what surrounds you your joy is determined by what's inside of you the Bible says that Deborah was planted up under a palm tree uh you can't learn to thrive unless you're right in your right position in your right place Deborah's up under a palm tree why is a palm tree significant a palm tree speaks of it means to flourish it means to thrive I thought about sounds 92 and 1 it says the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree in other words no matter how dry it is no matter how dry it is and I you learn to praise God you can learn to praise God in a dry climate you can learn to worship God when everything is stuck when everything ain't moving I can still bless the Lord why because Psalms 1 reminds me he shall be like a tree planted by a river he caught his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he does it shall prosper and he shall bring forth his fruit in his season you're gonna be fruitful baby you just gotta wait upon your season and if you would quit looking at everybody else's season and could looking at everybody else's blessing and recognize God got my own personal palm tree quit trying to mimic somebody else's place and find your own palm tree cause damn Deborah ministered under the palm tree of Deborah you gotta learn to find your place and find out your position in God and then learn to plant yourself there and wait till God bless you there is an anointing to thrive in an environment Daniel prayed when nobody else praying the King closed heaven off he shut it down he made it illegal to call upon God they never the devil can't close up heaven over you he can't legalize your flow he can't legalize the Spirit of God over your life you can you can lock me up on my hands but you can't shut me down in my heart because we're midnight comes even though I'm in prison I still got a praise on my lips I still got a worship in my heart and then midnight Paul and Silas sang and the jail doors came open listen they may be able to shut you down physically but you can't stop my praise look at somebody say don't let him stop your praise there is an anointing to thrive in an environment where you are the only one Jeremiah 49 and 22 Joseph is the fruit folk bow his branches go over the wall he's planted in one place but he fries in other places sometimes the secret to your success somewhere else is determined by which you're committed to implanted in another place I miss them because some of y'all always want to give everything else to everybody else but you want to give make God last I mean you want to do everything else first and make God last but when you make God first you'll cause all of those other things to follow after you in fact the blessings will find where you are the blessing shall overtake you are you hearing what I'm saying the anointing of Deborah is the anointing to flow it's the ability to wear many different hats it's the ability to multitask you already doing it anyway are you hearing me you're already functioning you already multitasking anyway sometimes the difference is you're doing it outside of the anointing it takes the there's an anointing to be able to give and pour out and yet get restored and pour it back in again there's an anoint their is a place in God where no matter how much you give out you still have more to receive because a man you you're attached to your source I'm talking to some people up in here today that you keep giving out and giving out and giving out and it's like god where's mine Oh your source comes from the Lord not from the people that you're giving it to you getting worn out because you're wanting something in return from the people that you're giving it to and sometimes that's where your frustration comes at but I'm here to let you know your blessing and your reward don't come from the same place that you saw it comes from the Lord that's why David said I will look to the the scripture says whatever you do in word or deed do it as in - hoo-ahh that's why the Bible says they that wait upon the Lord that means to serve shall renew their strength from the last drop of energy oh my god the last drop of my last nerve once it's released when you planted in the house of God God will kick that reserve in God will cause you to have renewed strength I'm talking to somebody up in here that said I'm letting my last wish the NAS a little weight baby upon the Lord shall renew this drink look at somebody say my strength is coming my strength is some of y'all went to bed last night saying god I can't take it no more but look like when you woke up this morning you had a new vigor and leave them a new desire a new praise a new worship a new desire to get back in the race get back up in the fight why cuz you're granted by a place where there's a flow is an unlimited supply unlimited supply in the anointing the own the oil only stops when there's no belt during there's no more cups to fill it in the oil only stops when there's no more vessels to pour it in but as long as you keep making yourself available the oil will just keep right on flowing in you never where's all these roles talking to people that there was a prophetess which means just a moment the roles that she has I believe that that there's a deeper inside of every woman in here today and I'm not just talking about natural mothers because there's some spiritual Debra's there's some spiritual mothers in here too he didn't mean because you don't have natural children the the the the bond woman the woman who represents the woman who gets it through the spirit she produces more than the woman of the flesh God will give you more spiritual sons than doctor quit getting tripped up and tripped over about flesh in my natural stuff God will give you twice as much he'll give you three times as much he'll give you multiples after the spirit Deborah is a prophetess which means there's the capacity in Deborah there's a capacity in you to be able to see and to hear in the spirit realm Deborah is a judge which means she has the ability to counsel but also receive counsel hmm how we need the spirit of counsel in this house and in this land in our culture because a lot of us are getting ungodly culture of counsel and sometimes any from the world your ungodly counsel is coming from within yourself Deborah is not only a prophetess she's also a judge ha but she's also a wife that means she not only knows how to function and flow in ministry outwardly but she also knows how to be relational cuz there's a whole lot of people there's a whole lot of people that know how to be big and large when it comes to ministry in the public place but they are a public success in a private failure they don't know how to be relational all up in a home you can prophesy to the world but you can't even prophesy over your own marriage you can't even prophesy over your own household that's why I like what Joshua said amen I've given you the law Israel but if you don't do it as for me and my house we gonna serve the Lord you got to be able to command your own household when you can't command nobody else you gonna tell somebody else something and you can't even follow your own instructions in your own home I'm not saying everything is gonna be perfect but you got to be able to speak to what's not already there she's a wife that means she's under authority well I'm not physically married but you are married because she that is single is married to the Lord so you still got a husband and until you learn how to treat the husband that you cannot see she is the picture she's the epitome of the proverbs 31 woman why because all of her skills are virtues a lot of times we look at super women in wonder women you know those virtues out of your virtue comes your ability to do xx still excel that there is a virtue to be successful biblical success flows out of a virtue this book of the law Joshua shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate in it wind day and night for therein you shall have good success Hey you so busy trying to get the self-help piece you're trying to get the front end and you don't have the basics which is do you love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and when you really learn to fall in love with him no good thing will he withhold from them that walk upright before you just learn to fall in love with God all over again and he'll make everything fall in line with you somebody give him a praise to increase your capacity because you're already operating and functioning in capacities but they're not supposed to wear you out the anointing the anointing is supposed to increase your capacity the anointing comes to expand your capacity that's why you have to learn to stop relying upon your ability and leaning upon the arm of the Lord that's why your worship time your devotional time cannot be there's got to be greater than your public ministry cause public ministry will take from you people will take from you life will drain from you relationships will draw from you but you got to have a secret place where you go back and get refueled and get recharged and get restored to get back into the fight I may cry and silent but I most smile in public because I've learned to coming to the presence of the Lord and pour out my soul before him Bresnan means bee the bumble bee the honey bee means organization bees in the Bible speak of organization one of the biggest problems in the church is the lack of order the lack of organization the lack of structure publicly corporately and individually you never see so many people called and anointed but no order no structure no because people are not network organization because if you watch how bees operate bees operate in a pattern of success they don't operate individually now we live in a tower everybody got their own individual work and you need an individual word but then you also need to be submitted to a corporate word - bees are connected to a queen these are connected to of the mother of the hive and we ought to be connected to the mother of the mother church which is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself are you hearing me order somebody say order people just are not operating in proper order I didn't say people weren't operating they were not operating in their proper order because there's a difference sometimes you can be operating but you just not operating proper that word means an arrangement or a placement of something 1st chronicles chapter 12 verse 38 says that the men of war that followed David they were men that could keep right hmm all them men who were in their own individuality could do exploits by themselves but they recognize when it comes to Kingdom I don't need to be a big fish in a small pond the problem with most of us is we feel like we always got to be the big fish in the small pond so we always got to have our own thing because I got to be the big fish instead of understanding that in order to really be Kingdom you got to learn how to be a small fish in a big time okay I'm just gonna set that right there and just keep moving order or order is a kingdom principle man that sometimes it ain't that got in college you anything got in annointed you it's just that there's no order in your life no organizational structure that's why David said order my steps and I believe right this very moment there is an anointing for order are you hearing me this there is an anointing for disorder what do you mean there's another only for disorder whatever that jump mess is it is a it is the ability to stay that way and just like this in anointing for disorder there's an anointing for order that's what David said order my steps out of my life order my tongue in your word Barack Barack Barack he's living in a place called Kadesh hey - hey - means consecrated K dash means righteous he's living a clean life he's operating but he's operating in mediocrity he's saved hmm but he's living below he's living beneath what God has called him to be and so she sins for him and says God has hasn't God ordained Judah lead us in victory he's in K - which means he's supposed to be further along than where he is and so she has to call him to his place the Deborah anointing is the ability to call people in to where they need to be not nag them not continue to browbeat them but there is a word in due season there is a word fitly spoken sometimes you're just anointed to just sit in a watch and wait it ain't always you're supposed to say everything that you see but sometimes the Holy Spirit will have you just sit and wait and watch you know a seat to be see it but it ain't the time to say it but when the season is right and that atmosphere it's right God will cause you to speak and to say what needs to be said so that it can be received and so that it can be acted upon but you're hearing me and then there sometimes God has you to say it it ain't received at that moment why because this ain't the season for them to receive it but let them get in trouble sometimes you got to give them the word in this season and until they get in that hard place then look like all them words about who they were and what they need to be gonna come up in them are you hearing what I'm saying and so sometimes you got to just be little or leave me when to say mean to say just because you see it ain't the time to say it you hearing me there is nothing more frustrating hasn't God called you to lead there's nothing more frustrating there's nothing more debilitating there's nothing more gut-wrenching to have a barack in your life who cannot or will not step up and take his place Barack is not always male it's a spirit it's not always a man it's not always a husband it's not always a mate sometimes you're raising Barack's in your house sometimes you have relationships there with people who are Barack's who know that God has called them but the spirit of procrastination spirit of mediocrity keeps them content of not going too high and not going too low you have to learn to remind God has called you to great and sometimes you say they make us sit there looking at you like you crazy but you gotta give the whole now after you don't sit what you need to say then step back and allow the Holy Spirit to do his work cuz the last I checked you only called to water and to plant you trying to make it grow and you getting frustrated and they getting frustrated and all you called to do is plant and water plant and water and keep it moving so she calls him to where she is cuz you sometimes you got a copy of the way they are she calls into where she said he says he says I know God has called me but I'm not I'm not able to I'm not able to go will you go with me I'm not gonna go unless you go with me all right Deborah sometimes you're dealing with timid insecure low self-esteem people there's nothing more frustrating to see somebody's potential more than they see it for themselves that spirit of procrastination that lack of Drive that lack of initiative that's a character flaw are you hearing me and you got to recognize when you're dealing with a character issue quit wearing yourself out trying to change a person's character cuz people don't change until they ready to change and in the meantime especially if you close to them while you're waiting on them to change God is using that same situation to help you get to the place where let patience have her perfect work so that you can get to the place where you are perfect and entire wanting and lacking nothing how do you know patience is running cuz it baby I ain't walking the floor no more how do you know patience is working cuz I can see you and not bother me no more how do you know patience is working cuz every time I get that phone call about your madness it don't drive me up the wall no more I say AHA okay thank you and God I thank you because there's still who you said they are going to be am I helping somebody in here God uses that situation not only to work on them but he also uses it to work on to you I can't go unless you go with me he's a grown man hold my hand feed me tuck me in wake me up when it's time to get up you're a grown rusty me and I'm talking some people in here because you're dealing with people who are grown but yet still spiritually stuck and you think your love is gonna help them change can't change if they don't want to change I can't go unless you go with me so you says I'm gonna go with you this this is the thing that God begin to speak to me about cuz you know a lot of times it's kind of like man you know if you ain't what if you ain't want to do it on your own you own your own but you're hearing me because sometimes people sometimes people are comfortable in they dysfunction some of y'all got relationships and you're dealing with people they are more comfortable in their jacked-up dysfunctional place you spend more time you still understand crying and emotionally than they do they keep making crazy decision and they sleep at night you see him and they smiling and laughing and skipping and you don't want justice constable something wrong with that picture huh and then when you try to walk away they keep you they keep you close because dysfunctional people need somebody to help enable them in their dysfunction mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama mama si mama si mama si blaming you for stuff 30 years ago you are grown man girl you grown now mama you owe me you owe me for now me you you you got a do not take responsibility for yourself and then they ladies guilt trip on you that if you don't if you don't is don't be your fault what's gonna happen if you die they go step over you and find somebody else that's why we gotta learn to celebrate each other while we alive that's why you gotta learn to bless me why are you a little I I'm glad what we've done the day but we need to do this every day with the people that's in our lives that we care about that's why I you know wait until people die wait until celebrities die then start having whole service and in church to a secular people praise people while they are alive why people when you see funerals everybody that's why you see people who go back you know why because you didn't have it right when you were alive and you notice in minute in a minute not everyone but in many instances it was dysfunctional while you because you didn't say the stuff you should have said you think it that stuff right so now that it's over I'm telling y'all you better go home now and you better squash whatever that stuff is you don't allowed you don't let it get so bigger there wasn't that big but downwardly they're not here to hear you you start talking about all the stuff you should have said that devil is a lie let me move I said my last point this is my last point I can't go unless you go so she says I don't go with you imma go with you because sometimes you are the tangible presence of God where some people are concerned she has to function as a spiritual midwife I thought about the midwives in Egypt they help the Israel women give birth before the Egyptians could kill them they came alongside and as soon as the Egyptian women were given birth before they killed them they delivered them and some of y'all God is calling you to be a spiritual midwife for people to walk alongside them and until they able to to come to birth in the forgetting some maturity in their lives and it takes an anointing to be able to do that born breech the birth is hard the birth is long sometimes you're not giving the one giving birth sometimes you're the one assisting somebody else thank God some of you are you had people in your life that never gave up on you some of y'all had a whole lot of people walk out of your life but then God always had the one or two people in your life they never gave up on you even when you wasn't even in their right mind they were still praying for you they were still interceding for you they were still holding you up everybody else turned me back on you but they wouldn't even turn me back on you even when you wasn't right they still wouldn't turn me back on you you was all up in your mess but they would still smile they would still tell you that they loved you they would still embrace you and hug you and everybody else pushed you away thank God for the midwives in your life that did not give up on you and thank God that Jesus himself lives like a acts like a midwife for us well he says I'm praying for you uh he intercedes for you Peter the devil wants to sift you like wheat but I'm praying for you that your faith fail not I will pray for you till you get it together I'll pray for you while you're slippin I'll pray for you while you fall I'll pray for you while you're down and out I will not stop praying for you some of y'all are the only reason why you're here because God did not stop praying for you you ought to take a moment and thank God that he didn't just pray for you when you were good he prayed for you when you were out there and still out there in your right my wrong Debra's not only a prophet she's a judge she's a wife she's a mother a mother third principle is the Debra noin ting is the anointing or the ability to hold it together to hold it together I looked at the word mother in the Hebrew pictogram the word mother means bond in the pictograph it's a it's the it's an ox head and water an ox head and water meaning strong liquid what does motherhood it is strong liquid it's what we call glue mama is glue glue was made by taking the animal skins putting it in a pot of boiling water and as the skins began to boil oh my it released something it began to though that there was a thickness that began to thorn that came off of the hide and the skin this sticky substance would come to the top and they would remove the substance and use it for the binding agents what some of you all have went through what you went through because it took heat it took fire to release the anointing up in your life to be able to take hold of something and never let it go you never would have known you had to hold on to it had fire not come up in your belly had something all down below and all up in you in the most man not began to Kindle it ignite a fire caused something to rise up to the top it calls the sticky stuff to rise up to the top the ability to take hold of something in never let it go the pictograph goes on to say that it reflects the human body which is most like the human arm the arm is seen as glue it is the arm that encircles it is the arm that encompasses it is the arm that embraces one of the characteristics of the anointing the deborah anointing is the ability to hold it together Deborah is raised up during a time when Israel was given over to idolatry Deborah is raised up during a time when the nation as a whole was divided and separated there was no unity among the tribes for one speaking to each other Deborah was raised during a time of immorality and all kinds in all forms praise God of violence and bloodshed but something in her rather than give in to the culture of her day she got up under a palm tree and one by one she began to minister to people because when you can't speak to a nation you gotta learn to speak to one person individually and even though the nation had gotten away from God there's an anointing for holding things together and keeping them together in fact this is how they'll put it in me if I can just go urban with you the anointing of Deborah is the ability to hold it down some of you I don't understand but sometimes God needs somebody who will rise up in the midst of chaos and dysfunction and wretchedness and maintain a standard when don't nobody else want to some of y'all know what I'm talking about cuz you got some crazy folk up in your life you got some crazy family members and sometimes air now and then you get a little crazy yourself but there is an anointing inside of you and this is what David said when all them folk was going crazy when all-in poker was acting like they didn't know what to do the inhabitants of the villages stopped people stopped walking along the highways because people were afraid of being robbed and beaten nobody was together but when all of that stuff was happening the inhabitants ceased individual households ceased the nation ceased and all of that stuff just before it hit rock bottom the Bible says I never arose up as a mother in Zion as a mother in Israel and I just as I closed that there is something inside of you that needs to rise up inside of you and start holding it down let's rise up and hold it down look at your neighbors they rise up and hold it down come on tell somebody rise up and hold it down and the time to rise up is when everything is crashing when everything is squeezing in when the enemy is coming in like a flood the Bible says the Spirit of the Lord would rise up and lift up a standard against him I'm here to let you know the enemy's not gonna win in your life I stopped by here to tell you that it's not going in like it looks like right now because there's a spirit of anointing and you ready to rise up and hold it down until the enemy is not gonna end like the report I just heard whose report do you believe I shall believe the report of the Lord whose report do you believe his report says I am healed his report says I'm in free you need to speak to your children and say you will be sons you will be daughters you will walk out your destiny in God you got to rise up and hold it down rise up and hold it down love is avaible say rise up stand up lift up and hold it down that's the only way it will recognize what's inside of you you've been sitting long enough you've been resting long enough you've been listening long enough but there's something on the inside yeah that's right a riser and I'll hold it down you never wear the DEP resent whether Deborah Zack and Deborah is also a type of the church because the woman in the Bible speaks of the church so I'm not just speaking to the women today there's a Deborah in you managed to take hold of your family wrap your arms around what God said to wrap your hands around your promise to wrap your legs around your family to wrap your arms around your household sometimes you gotta wrap your arm around your mind hold it down and your emotions hold it down in your thought life hold it down and your personal life so you we are not you
Channel: OCC_Live
Views: 27,323
Rating: 4.7769518 out of 5
Id: V6xn-8bVZ_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2016
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