the Shunammite Woman

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[Music] if you have a Bible would you go to 2nd Kings chapter 4 Genesis Exodus Leviticus Kings pretty well you got to go a little further he got numbers Deuteronomy Joshua judges Ruth 1st and 2nd Samuel thank you know then you get there but first Kings amen chapter 4 beautiful you can hear the rustling of the pages of the leaves and you can hear the clicking of the apps and it's beautiful here we are amen I want to talk to you today about after my wife Cindy well there's ingrid bergman but after my wife Cindy this is my favorite woman I feel like when you get done hearing what I want to share I feel like I know her personally now I want you to get focused in there because I rely mean this I feel like I almost know what she looks like and her inspiration to me for many years helped me through a lot of tough times so I want to talk to you about the Shunammite woman today and I want you to really believe that the Lord is going to speak to you believe that he is going to speak to you so a second Kings chapter 4 verse number 8 verse number 8 now there came a day when Elijah this is Elijah successor there came a day when Elijah passed over to Shu gnam now Sunnah means to resting-places and I'll mention that in a few minutes but it's about 20 miles from Mount Carmel where the Prophet lived and so there came a day when Elijah passed over to shoot him where there was a prominent woman a prominent woman and she persuaded him to eat food what most people believe is on her front porch she had sort of a little cafe most people believe that she persuaded the Prophet to eat with her on this and her husband on this outer pavilion she was a prominent woman and as many times as Elijah was on his way to Mount Carmel she would cause him to stop there invite him in and he would eat food everyone say food it's a good word food especially what we're going to talk about here she said to her husband verse nine behold now I perceive that this is a holy man of God passing by us continually it starts in the natural he's going by she begins to feed him it's a great resting place shoot him to resting places it is a great resting place before the rest of the journey to Mount Carmel but one day in the normal course of things aren't you glad in the normal course of things the Lord can speak to you and in the normal course of things she perceives there's a perception now I don't know what she knew about him I don't know what she'd heard about him but here in the narrative here she perceives she begins to perceive that he is a holy man of God verse 10 she says please let us make a little walled upper chamber and let us set a bed for him there a table and a chair and a lamp stand and it shall be when he comes to us that he can turn in there now on the side of their house they probably added on what we've called a prophets chamber there was probably a few stairs that went to the rooftop the flat rooftop and there she made a room for the Prophet she maybe did not realize that she was making room to receive the word of the Lord now she perceived something but now she was actually doing something to make room for the word of the Lord how many of you know we have to do something prompted by the spirit to make room for the word of the Lord in our lives and she makes room for this prophet she makes this actual room it's got a bed a lamp stand a table no TV verse number 11 and one day he came there and turned into the upper chamber and he rested he rested now my challenge this morning Pastor Joe is I'd become so acquainted with this woman so acquainted with this story that I could go for hours because I see so much that I have been working through for years with this with this Shunammite woman so I'll hold back not going crazy I could go crazy I got a hold that one day he came there and turned into the upper chamber and rested then he said to Jay Hayes I his servant first thing I've never cared for gays i but we'll work through this part of my journey with this woman so then he said to Jay Hayes I his servant called this Shunammite imagine being called a Shunammite and the basis of your cultural identification is the definition of to resting-places unum so she says called the Shunammite and when he called her she stood before him and he said to him the Prophet said to Gay's I say now to her behold you have been careful for us with all this care what can I do for you would you be spoken up for the king or the captain of the army now let's kind of watch the scene here remember this beautiful walled upper upper chamber and so he says ask her he says to the servant asked her what she needs does she need anything politically does she need anything in the natural of protection I mean what does she know she's a prominent woman she has resources he said have you anything because of the way you have cared for us the way you have made room for us and cultivated a relationship you see where I'm going now yeah because you have cared for us she perceived he was a holy man then she said let us make room for him everyone say make room oh I want to make room I want to make room so she made room for him so Elijah says ask her she's been so careful she has cultivated a relationship with us after what she needs sorry he's got a verse 14 so he said she answered I live among my own people in other words I am sufficient within myself at this time there's a lot to that I am sufficient of myself at this time okay I don't know that it was any any more arrogant or whatever she just said I'm good I'm fine all set so he said what then is to be done for and then gay haze I answered never cared for gays I truly she has no son and her husband is old now for a visual I always kind of picture him on a walker he's probably about 20 years older than her which was not uncommon in that culture easy guy that was not uncommon in that culture and so aJE's I says well she has no son which we know can't go down this road take too long we know that indicated her future her protection except she has no son and her husband is old and he said call her and when he had called her she stood at the doorway then he said at this season next year you will embrace a son now remember I got it again remember she had perceived in the course of the ordinary she had perceived she had made room for and she had cultivated relationship with when did you don't you see how the Prophet thought representing God that someone who has perceived made room for deserves to be blessed to hear something right this takes your whole concept of religious duty and devotional life and takes it to relationship thing so not that all of you do that but some do now here's what happens he says to her well next year at this time this next that you'll embrace a son how do you know that's a word from the Lord to her she has a word from the Lord and here's her response she said no my lord meaning Master ruler no my lord oh man of God do not lie to your maidservant now I've been analyzing her for a number of years through clinical analysis with this woman and I can tell you I've read more on her looked up over everyone every eye not two but I've looked up every word in the Hebrew I've studied this woman and you're going to see in just a minute why so she says do not deceive me do not deceive me so we immediately think we immediately think that that deception is that he is lying to her what she's really saying to him not just don't it's not as like why would she say to this prophet don't lie to me that's not the word deceive and nsv and what she is saying is can I give you just a little Hebrew idiom in it what she's saying is let what you're saying to me be backed by God and be able to be carried through all the way that's what she was saying she was not saying don't lie to me she's saying let what you're saying be so backed by God that it will be so real it will carry me it's authentic all the way and when you put that insert and go oh she's uh she's just making sure that since she had perceived and made room for the word of the Lord was backed by heaven by the by Yahweh himself and that it would start here and it would end well and it would be complete how many believe that's what we should believe about the word that the Lord gives us that's what she say I can't stay there because I got 9 years of studying this will be all day we will have to order in chick-fil-a now and that'll bought the whole budget all right here we go verse 17 and the woman conceived and bore a son at the season the next year as Elijah had said we know two things she had to embrace the word and then she had to act in her natural circumstances she had to have relations so she had to embrace the word and then she had to do something with it how many of you know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word you could say faith comes by hearing and hearing a word and she heard a word because she had made room and when she made room she embraced the word can't stop there it's spirit subsidy she had it acted out in the natural she had relations with her husband believing something are you with me now don't you love in the Bible where you can go from one verse to another verse and you just pick up 20 30 years let's go to verse 18 it's about 12 or 13 years later about 12 years he you just see it pick up 12 years in one verse in verse 8 I mean you're with me so far let's recap for emphasis she perceived she made room it was a relationship that was cultivated with this prophet who stopped on his way to Mount Carmel and gaze I am I never here she cultivated this relationship she didn't need it she was sufficient of herself I'm not putting her down because I know her well she's my family because she cultivated this relationship the Prophet gives her a word she embraces it she has it now verse 18 when the child was grown the day came we went out to his father went out to his father to the Reapers and he said to his father my head my head and he said to his servant carry him to his mother and not just like a man when the kid is sick so the boy says oh he's having a some sort of heatstroke he says something's happening so he says my head my head take him to his mother when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her lap until noon hold it probably about three hours they would have gone out at about 9:00 a.m. maybe three hours so he's put on our lap now before I read this next sentence I have always read it about I've always looked at it as her dream dying and that's good that's fine and ends nothing wrong with that I get that and I preach that yeah I get it but sometimes we think the dream is ours and we don't recognize it's God's dream we take ownership of it and then we act out different ways that are currently motivated so I get the dream thing how many of you I get the dream thing I get that and I preach that unstably but more important than the dream is the word of the Lord and his dream he obviously saw something in her that he knew we'd be talking about today so anyway going to try and get through this and he sat on our lap until noon and then died she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of God konna hold on now first of all after enough time had gone by what she would have done would take him to a tomb which was kind of a cave they didn't really put them in the ground as we do today in modern cemeteries but they would have taken this body and they didn't have embalming fluid they don't they would have the embalming was to take the spices and to prepare the body and all of that mainly for future for case for odor and then she would have laughed she would have wrapped linen around his head bound his arms gently tige and then would have put him in the tomb but she doesn't do that now this is where she she gets pretty inspirational to me she doesn't take him there that would be the natural course of things as a matter of fact in the natural course of things this is what I would have struggled doing I would have struggled with making sure that within this afternoon's time span that we dismantled the prophets chamber that we would have put a sign out that says I'm not going to church anymore I'm not going to read the Word of God anymore as a matter of fact God has failed me I'm not going to church anymore I need some me time I need some regrouping time because I told the Lord I was not going to be deceived and I knew in the Hebrew idiom that it needed to start and finish and it is now the whole plan has been aborted so I don't want the Prophet stopping here anymore no vacancy bring the furniture in he won't eat here and I don't want him sleeping here I don't want him upstairs now you see how tragic that is because most of us have done that we have reached a point where that word has not yielded its promised fruit I'm not going to church I don't anything do more Christians I don't really want anything to do with all of this and as I've gotten to know this woman I can imagine the temptation to say I want that chamber taken down he not our family anymore let him go on to Mount Carmel we're done put him in the tomb it's over that's what had been my struggle to say you know what make room for who a liar God can't be trusted because everything about my future I got the dream thing but everything about my future has just died and more important than our dream is the fact that God's Word didn't work anybody beside me ever had that experience where it is so much easier to shut it up or if you want to stay connected to heaven someway go to a nominal Church where you won't be challenged go to a community of believers where you'll never hear the word much and you'll hear somebody tell stories and skinny jeans which I believe in those no I'm not putting that down my point is my point is that I would shut down the active Word of God much like the Roman Church did in in 300 AD when they took the power of the scripture out of the hands of the people either to shut her down you say boy you're laboring here because that's why we have so many people who don't myself included who could be in in in a deeper understanding in a different realm but here's why she inspires me she takes the baby the her son 12 years old she takes the body and she walks up the steps and she places him on the bed of the prophet indicative of the source of the word that gave her the baby and she lays in there what is she doing , and shut the door behind her and went out huh she puts the boy down shuts the door he's dead skin is cold dead she goes to leaf sounds she does she shuts in her but she is not yet done she's not yet done what's this then she called her husband and said please send me one of the servants in one of the donkeys that I may run to the man of God and return now you got to think about this for a minute because I know what she says to her husband I need to get 20 miles as fast as I can because I want to get back to the source of the word in the beginning you hear me when all of it collapses wait a minute you don't run back to the bar you don't run back to sexual goofiness you don't run here and there you don't get yourself all mixed up and everything's a mess I'm taking all my journals and putting them away and Patrick Joe's new book which you should buy five Christmas gifts I'm not with all that chef and pastor Joe you live by hooray for him listen shouldn't do any of that she says I've got to get back to the man of God she said I've got to get and I want to get there as fast as I can now we have a better covenant than she does she has to go 20 miles we just have to go two seconds hallelujah we have access immediately for the removal of guilt and shame and disappointment and all the feelings of failure we have immediate access she has to go 20 miles and we're going through cyclical behavior of wondering where God is don't let me let her inspire you all right she says now the husband verse 23 he is running three remember he's a little older I don't know about that I've never seen him but I think I've seen her he says to her verse 23 oh why will you go today is it a new mode or the Sabbath it's tonight pretty well caught on but sexually what like what is happening like why would you go now now the narrative doesn't say what she's told him yet we are but we know that the narrative you know this in these Duyvil story that the narrative is a summation because if it all was written down the world could can the books right so the narrative you know this in principles of biblical interpretation that the narrative is indicative of other stuff but this is the salient points we need to know because if you wrote it all down we'd be in the room before you know so the narrative doesn't fill that and you can allow for a little based if you understand interpret a little contextual interpretation but fundamentally he says is that the New Moon is it the Sabbath what's happening why are you going and here is the first time she says these words that I have leaned upon in September 1992 August 1993 in October 1995 she says it will be well now she wasn't making a fake a fake confession based on logos so I'm faking it until it came the term it is well meant this that you got to get this I'm gonna say it three times because it's too rich to just skip over when she said it will be well she meant this there will be a righteous resolve or judgment think about what she's saying because remember what she said don't deceive me I'm going to embrace this but it should start here and here it's your word not mine stop thinking it's your word it's his word she sent her husband I'm gonna say it again there will be a righteous righteous judgment there will be a righteous perspective brought I think now will bear with me because I know her I think I believe this that had she had to go back and bury the boy she'd have done that but she had to hear a word you hear me because life is filled with all these swift transitions so don't get all yeah but I like what she said and the more I've gotten to know it especially in 92 there will be a righteous resolve the Lord will clarify this word to me I will hear I will know it will be well come on somebody say amen to that when you hear that in her Cindy Ingrid Bergman shunammite woman now watch what happens I got a hurry then she saddled a donkey and said to the servant now it probably wasn't the donkey Otis Campbell wrote on the little slow thing it's probably a better translation would be it obviously was a type of a horse but it had some more speed otherwise you do the math it would have taken her three days but it probably took her three hours now watch it she saddled a donkey and said to her servant drive him and go forward don't slow down unless I tell you in other words go as fast as you can unless I lose a shoe in other words go as fast as you can unless I tell you to slow down because I'm getting I'm getting motion sickness you know she didn't have the patch at that time so she says just go go verse twenty-five so she went and came to the man of God to Mount Carmel can I break for a minute to think about those three hours I mean you know she was not I haven't talked to her that'd be necromancy but I know her a little bit because I know her based on what she said and what she did see people say all well you know he's got a good heart he means well I don't know any of that I don't anybody means anything because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and what you do consistently reveals your motive so I know her a little bit she's got a plan but imagine the three-hour drive you know she's envisioning her dead son they didn't advance this was a primitive culture they hadn't advanced to EE jeez she didn't know his brain cells were gone he couldn't come back to life in the natural he'd be vegetative if he way yeah she's got a dead son back there but her real faith confession is it will be well it will be there will be a righteous answer to this there will be a righteous result I will hear a word see the devil doesn't want us to hear the continuation of the word and when all hell breaks loose when the dream seems to die when the word seems to fail whatever you want to call it whenever that happens we stop she didn't stop she ran after the man of God get me to the man of God I want there will be a righteous answer to this that's not arrogance that's confidence I will gain God's perspective and you and I have all faced that when the door when the baby's 11 in is leukemia when there's the miscarriage when there's the divorce when there's the bankruptcy we've all faced it we've all faced the 10z shut up the way to hearing the voice of God but not her she has an indication it's not over till I hear the word hallelujah it's not over till I hear the rest of this that's why I shouldn't put him in a tomb puts him on the bed of the man of God all right I got to go here here we go because I notice a lot verse 25 so she went to the man of God at Mount Carmel it came about when the man of God saw her at a distance that he said to get his eye his servant now if this sounds like a little Alabama here he says yonder's the Shunammite yonder is the shewn of mine it's an interesting word it came originally from the King James but I want you to catch this he saw her at a distance saw her at a distance I'll put that in in a minute but remember that he saw her at a distance and he said behold her yonder's the Shunammite please run now to meet her please run now to meet her I don't have time one day I did a hole just a whole half-hour unjust run to meet her Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 4 draw me Lord run together I love the stuff in this he said to gaze I make haste move move she's coming fast you go how many know the devil wants to make you think that when that word from him isn't working as you see it that there's this huge gap and it's going to be this big time and it's going to be this big mess and I got to go through and then I got all that how many other thing the Lord wants to do is get himself to you and he wants you to come to him draw near he draws near come on it's not about some of the religious junk we got all mixed up with I understand certain and challenge and I get all that but oh all right I got to go here we go so he comes please run to meet her and ask her these three questions is it well with you is it well with your husband is it well with the child now that word well that they've translated through the years was a little different than what she said when he was saying is it all sound it's deep and I know this takes a week is it all sound and is everything within order is everything in order because he knows it's not the Sabbath it's not the new moon is not prayer-meeting he knows that she's coming and the three most important things that you'd be racing here for all is not well and sound within her the husband or the son don't you love the prophets response I do if you see him as a type of Christ he's like is everything get to her is all sound is everything in order is everything in order and she answered not it will be well she says it is well now her it is well as different than what he asked her he said it's all sound is everything in order meaning physically every which is everything good with you y'all right husband son you know he didn't ask about aunt Mabel's in growing toenail but that there's a place for that but not in this chapter is it well that Mabel isn't growing till no actually she's been using boric acid on it it's getting worse so anyway are you with me now watch what happens she says I got I got to say it again she says it is well there will be a righteous result can you say that through tears don't we when you're holding the thing and you're signing the papers and your credit is real and whatever whatever whatever you bury in the little baby how many of you know you do it through tears sometimes that's why not to be all goofball here that's why a lot of these pages are wet because I cried through this with this woman so why they're all wrinkled and all stained she says there will be a righteous result she doesn't give gays IV information for reason she says it will be well not a fake confession based on a word you read but a Rhema faith word because God spoke you're there before you throw out the Word of Faith Movement you got to take the good and there's good here real good amen so I tried that you can't try it on logos every promise in the book is mine every chapter in every verse in every line but he's got to made it make it real right all right I got a hurry I got to go here she says when she came to the man of God to the hill she caught hold of his feet a whole nother 15 I could spend on the feet the worship the whole shebang alabaster the oil we can go there it's a 23 part series which I'd like to record today Paul efficiency are the cult called chick-fil-a we're ready you're the crowd to do this with IQ you can't do this everywhere they look so you go home guys I'm all right I got to go fear faster and yeah Hays I came here to push her away oh yeah wouldn't you know it J's I like Weezy don't be doing that now don't be clutching his feet it's not even the new moon or the Sabbath she gets hold of his feet I've often wonder what it meant to her we're using him as a type of Christ not Christ but I wonder what it meant to her when she got his feet wonder what she thought she had to have found psychologically some emotional relief she had to have found something just she had a three-hour ride processing her theology at any point she could have turned back churches too much Bibles to money just too much she kept moving I mean we need to have a day in which we keep moving we need to have the people in this day who just keep moving don't stop to analyze make good decisions but don't stop it all right here's what happens gaze I pushes right but the man of God said let her alone her soul is troubled within her and the Lord has hidden it from me and it's not told me oh how did that happen I'm going to get back to that in a minute her soul is troubled I want to say one word that can liberate you even when you're in the middle of these things do not be condemned because your soul is troubled don't let the devil use that - you're not measuring up your soul isn't measuring up to your confession well you know what my soul could measure up to the confession I wouldn't need to convention stop it already wear yourself out with that work junk she just her soul is troubled and profit goes man she's a mess let her talk to me get haze I back up and here's what she says to him did I ask for a son for my lord did I not say do not deceive me now the first time I preached this 25 years ago I did it the wrong way did I ask for a Sunday lawd know that I've gotten to know her now she didn't say she didn't charge this prophet foolishly she didn't go did I ask for this that no no I've gotten to know this a little bit better will you see one thing I don't think she talked like that it's not consistent there was assertiveness in her but not aggression she was assertive but not aggressive and she says did I ask you for a son should I not say do not deceive me deceive she went calling him a liar she wasn't saying he tricked her what she was saying is did I not say to you that if you were going to give me this promise and it was going to go from A to Z it would go from A to Z didn't I tell you please please what what we don't know what all was said all the world couldn't contain the books but we know the salient point IRA's she was saying did I not ask you to not give me a promise that would be aborted that wouldn't work so I don't think you can say that to the Lord I think out of our our humaneness the Lord accepts us pouring out his heart our heart you know David wrote the Psalms of confession but he also poured out his soul we was troubled within him all right now watch what he says then he said to get haze I shall never know gird up your loins and take my staff in your hands and on your way don't have time we'll lose time staff representing him our Twitter if you meet anyone salute you if you meet anyone any salute you don't answer it in other words make haste make the most of your time make the most of your time that's why Jesus when he sent the seventy out said don't nuts around with a bunch of a bunch of oriental greetings watch your time stay focused he says just get there get there take my staff because you see well let me don't get distracted for time sake and lay my staff on the lads face and the mother of the lad said as the Lord lives and as you yourself live I will not leave you see why I love her so much she says well look at heiser I go ahead I'm staying with you because you're the source of this word you know it's not aunt Mary whose backslidden now it's not this of that she she says it she's just going to stay there I encourage some of you why don't you make room and stay there too you hear you'll hear something you will hear something won't you just stay there won't you just worship point you just thank him won't you just grab to see that we don't have time that the feet is the worship aspect of it see she didn't go there she went there to worship at Mount Carmel it's another thing but here we go so as the Lord lives I will not leave you and he arose and followed her she gets the prophet to follow her you don't tell the Prophet what to do do you understand that Jesus is touched by the feelings of our infirmities meaning that which touches us has already touched him that's amazing is it think about that all right here we go gays I ya haze I passed under for them and he laid the staff on the lads face so he goes up most commentaries most things I've read they believe we don't have you know whatever that he may have gotten there 30 minutes before just just a little ahead of them and he goes up but he puts the staff on the lads face now gays I feels his body he did he puts the prophets staff we know representing authority don't claim someone else's Authority you have your own Authority whole nother deal you got to have your own authority this woman knew she had authority as long as she was you come back right now it will be well but I got to have you on the scene I got to hear the righteous resolve it will be well there will be an answer to this somehow I will gain God's perspective in my loss and in my whatever he returns all right gaze I pass energy first so he returned to meet him and said the lad is not awakened so I don't want to put poor guy haze eye down I've done enough of it but I could it's really in one more thing Jay's eye comes down and he says yeah he's dead I put the stash there he's not breathing unresponsive non-responsive the lad is not awakened when Elijah came into the house now can I just give me a minute on this one imagine Elijah pulling up 12 13 years this little boy was like his nephew don't make this so abstract he pulls up and says where's the boy you not in the yard he's not there to greet him with a you know maybe a little pomegranate dip Organic of course there is no particular Shunammite grass-fed beef there is nothing there but more importantly the boy is missing take this profit and make him human for just a minute because you know how I sometimes understand God's powerful sovereignty when I think of him in his humanity and so Elijah gets there realize there's no little boy running around and here's what he does so he entered and she goes up and he goes up and he shuts the door behind them both any praise to the Lord praise to the Lord Elijah just get him up this command already a miracle ministry card a website that declares signs and wonders you're going to do twice as much as your father come on already get him up and said he goes in and he prays because the Prophet must have the right perspective because I think this woman I know her she'd have gone in in tuned him but she had to hear a word I'm not talking defeat in that I'm just saying perspective I think she'd have entombed him if she had to but she didn't entombed him thinking he could get to that bed she put him on the bed thinking and get up but I think she'd have accepted the entombment now when I first preached this I said no Trina you live long enough you realize you got to hear a word from God the stuff happens but watch this are you with me I'm going to bring it in here quick when Elijah came in and did verse 24 and he went up and laid on the child so he obviously after he is prayed he lays on the child now we know this we could take a long time and he put his mouth on his mouth his eyes on his and his hands on his and he stretched himself on him and the flesh everyone say flesh the flesh became warm they've not awake yet the flesh becomes war the enough that if we will hold on the Holy Spirit will rewarm will bring back that warmth tenderness awareness brokenness on that dead situation so you got to have the warming first you got to have a sense of it because you're moving towards it as well right now you're on just what's happening so he lays on him and the flesh becomes warm but then he's not ready yet he gets up he returned and walked in the house back and forth back and wind and he stretched himself on him and the lad sneeze seven times and opened his eyes first time goes in praise perspective warm his potential here you know what the devil does he's such a goof he's only got the same routine the minute you come back you all hallelujah oh it's good I feel I'm holding on that's going to be good it's going to be good the enemy civil it may not be that good remember you remember your disappointment came warm he gets up perspective that may have been nine that I think I blacked out what's just happened to me Cindy said don't use that again you do that to yourself I'm back I'm back I just cut off cent of it the point is he sneezed seven times uh hole equal areum's off the fish went to one side and he called Kay's eye and he says call this shunammite so he called her and when she came in he said well we got to do this here take up yourself says to get Hayes I get the shin of mine now this poor little guy you know little little hick mark whatever is an Arab nameless or a Jewish name ah this little dick mark he last thing he know he's going at 9:00 in the morning oh my head I'm not well next thing he knows I call Elijah's playing on top of it breathing life into it and he wakes up a hole you'd sneeze two seven times clearing the system clearing the lungs all I say he's he's alive good EEG no get no flat brainwaves he's alive not vengeance if he's alive he's been resurrected all right now watch this what says he says to the shunammite woman this is what I got I know I gotta quit this is why I sign I know I I've seen this in my head so many times imagine Elijah coming up they think it was about six or seven steps he comes down the corner and Elijah not take up your son now that meant to her yes the dream but it also meant her future but I want to show you in just a second also meant she was strengthened in her reliance to trust the word of the Lord that's the most important he says take up your son now what that's why I like her so much I can't wait to talk with her do I like her so much she doesn't go on the boy first she falls at his feet good what jeepers he says take up your son she went in and fell at his feet and bowed herself to the ground and she took up her son and went out how self-centered we are so many times even when God brings us through we become self-reliant again oh I've done it I know it I go right back into the pattern I got enough of the word to go change the world I got to be dependent she said she worships her her seat we know from the thing the point Pastor Joe made during prayer worship she goes to his feet and he takes this go to chat verse 1 now Elijah spoke to the woman whose son he had restored to life this is about 10 years later Elijah spoke to the woman whose son he had restored to life and said arise and go with your household and travel wherever you can travel for the Lord has called a famine and it shall even come to the land for seven years so the woman arrogantly refused because she'd read the Farmers Almanac how many of you know she had now been conditioned to hear the voice of God she'd had a pattern of this why she perceived made room embraced acted will you they should go she's calling 1-800 Jerusalem u-haul immediately they are out of there agape movers get my stuff we got a surgery because it's going to be a fast look at her response to meet it okay so she rose and did a court the word of the man of God and she went with her household and serger and in the land seven years and it came about at the end of seven years that the woman returned from the land of the Philistines she went to appeal to the king for her house and her field remember in the beginning she was self-sufficient now she comes she needs help from the king and she needs some help from the authority because in seven years who has taken possession of her land who has harvested what could have been harvested preserved seed for the future who had done that and in those days unless you had strong military force you might not get your stuff back so she has to appeal to the king can I give you a quick insert I bet her in the boy now it seems the father is gone remember he was in a it seems the father is gone I think they went to that I think they went to the Shunammite diner it was not pea soup day if they went to the Shunammite diner for breakfast and I think the sunlight of this is just conjecture imagine the Sun saying what do you think I'll happen today mom I know this woman I don't think she looked at once in a while he don't know how it's going to go what we've been through in the Ottoman I think she looked at them and she put the agave in her tea I think she said it will be well yeah it'll be well they'll be a righteous resolve on this the Lord will have his word of this would be good son eat your food I got a you got to hear this now now verse 4 the king was talking with Jays eyes everywhere this guy and I don't even like him jaha's I the servant of the man of God you can serve everything you want and buy your own disobedience still wind up a leper but it's another deal he gave I was talking to the king now this this particular King Jehan is an interesting King he's very political he likes Elijah when he can help him hates Elijah when he can and we learn in the middle chapter that he knows Elijah doesn't like him so it's very political so gay haze I is talking all about this listen to this verse 5 and it came about as he related to the king how he had restored the life the one who was dead and behold the woman whose son had been restored to life shows up dehaze I says oh my lord this is her this is the woman this is her son this is them the other ear there in the Court of Appeal right now when the King asked the woman she related it to him oh boy so the King appointed for her a certain officer saying restore all that was hers and all the produce of the field from the day that she left even until now she reaped seven years in one day she had learned to hear the voice of God you hear me chew it and that meant living I got to leave you this on turn right over do you know what that meant that meant every feed everything that had been salvaged that was there any remaining harvest and he seed that you know the famine took time in the land goes in portions and begins to that whatever was left for her to begin again begin again whatever was left for her to begin again he said it's all yours it's all yours now you didn't need anything you were prominent then but let me tell you you're wealthier now than when you started you're further along than when you first believed and in one day she reads seven years how many video groom to the voice of God make room for the voice of God she reads sin well I could go on she reefs you know I think I know her pretty well you know I think I think she turned to her son and said it is well that's not arrogance that's not areas it is well there will be a righteous resolve you can't take it as well it is well I'm in denial my kids gotten pregnant for the third time but she doesn't have sex yeah you can't live in denial denial doesn't make the Word of God work you know what I'm saying my little baby would never do that what are these three kids where they go come on already you know I'm saying forget denial you got to hear and I want to give you one more from the Lord has said that if we hear first Timothy 1n 18 Timothy take the prophesies I've given to you with every Oracle you've ever heard every quicken word you've ever heard and go fight the good fight of faith [Music] you
Channel: Abundant Life Whippany
Views: 28,113
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Keywords: Abundant Life, Pastor, Joe Arminio, Whippany, New Jersey, NJ, Bible, Sermon, Jesus, God, Morris county, Abundant Life Whippany, Pastor Joe Arminio Abundant Life, Dennis Shearer, Pastor Dennis Shearer, Pastor Joe Arminio, Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior, Power, Service, Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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