Deborah - Mother, Prophet, Judge.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] jalan jalan cavalry man welcome to treasures inheritance ministry with myself Aliyah and it is so so good to be with you all today because I am really really happy that we can spend this time together them that we can be learning about someone that's just so significant and someone that I actually hear quite a lot about from many different woman when they say well you know who inspires you in the Bible which female do you look up to in the scriptures and you know there are basically maybe three or four that are commonly commonly called on and soda Bora she is actually one of those woman who a lot of people look to you for leadership examples and also just being a role model and also just being someone who was just so brave and strong and bold and whom yeah we used to just really really do incredible things in the days of the judges and so that's right this teaching is all about DeBoer a prophet judge and mother and you know what in all aspects we need to realize that the book of Judges is really a historical book and that's one of the things that we have to just say and you know come to two kind of grips with right at the very very beginning because of course it details the spiritual realities of a hi-yaah we dealt with these people Israel as they just continually rebelled against him and then it also details historical events and these are the events that you know archeologists and historians have been looking at for you know centuries and trying to discover where it took place um times you know what the dates were what was really happening and so judges is a beautiful historical book and if you are interested in history it's so beautiful just to read through it and to look at it as a historical book now we also know that really the context is that you know the Israelites they were redeemed from this harsh and there's a wicked oppression they left Egypt they were victorious under the leadership of both Moses and Aaron at that stage and then they wandered into the wilderness and they were gifted with the priesthood and they were gifted with the righteous leadership of Joshua the one who led them to cross the border into the land of Canaan and take possession of their land that was promised to their ancestors and so they had all these leader and they flourish underneath these leaders and of course we know that you know obviously there were people that were still doing wicked things and still doing bad things in those times but while they had these righteous leaders and I will include Miriam in there because it actually speaks about Miriam and Aaron and Moses has been those three powerful leaders in the time of the wilderness they were people that were really really being the righteous leaders that Jerry wanted them to be and they helped lead the nation and you know what the truth of the matter was though that they crossed the border of the Jordan River and they went into the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua and then you know Joshua was the judge for so so many many decades but then afterwards when he passes away this reality said in with Israel when they lacked this leadership of righteous godly men and woman then they just ultimately settled into the land where they were living that was so filled with wickedness and idolatry well they settled into the very very same sins of those nations and of those people groups and tribes that they would not partake in their wickedness off and that's the reality you know these very nations they sacrificed their children to pagan gods they worshiped at bad altars and the evil had really really defiled the land and that was why Yahweh said that the judgment for those nations were so high that he was going to use Israel to overcome that but instead of being this you know light that they needed to be in that holy calling that they had there was really really they were just torn by the cultural realities of their day they weren't impacting the culture they just became assimilated with the culture that was really really there and they partook in all those perversities and that is really what Israel did and they were a call that nation and they were just so supposed to be that light but yet they were swept up in idolatry they sagged into being an evil nation that was just overtaken by darkness and this is what we see when we look at the book of Judges as a whole the context of it is that you know they are called to be a light they are called to live in a land promised to them land they are given freely of course I had to go in there had to one had to take it that was part of their faith journey that they had to walk but yeah we really led them into a place where you know like he says in his word that you can eat from vineyards that she didn't plant you're gonna eat things that you actually didn't so the seed for that's grace that's mercy that's blessing that's abundance and they had that given to them and yet they just sagged into darkness and they just allowed the wicked culture the messages of the culture of the day the practices of the culture of the day to just completely overcome them and that's a huge lesson for us not to allow the culture of our day to overtake us to dictate how we interpret our Bible to dictate what is truth from the very beginning if you always say this is wrong then that is wrong that's it's not a matter of what it could be or maybe it's not or a cultures change we need to be relevant it's got nothing to do that we have to be the light that we are called to be and we have to impact the culture and not allow the culture to impact us so this is how Israel failed really you know they fail they sagged into dark times within themselves and also within the land that they were living in and so yet you know just like it is today somewhere inside of themselves they knew that God's love he's kindness and he's mu C could be bestowed upon them and it's just like that today when people going through hard times it's easy to free and it's easy to maybe go to a church or a congregation or a fellowship and it's easy to find that you know sort of I really need to have help within myself and that is what the Israelites did and you know what that's according to her father's loving kind nature he just comes in every time when they cry out to their covenant God because he was their covenant God right from the beginning and so every time that they were oppressed by new nations that were oppressing them or task masters they really really cried out to Yahweh and he came through for them he's a mercy was training you every single morning and the redemption came through God ordained leadership that's also a lesson for us and it came in the form of a judge who defeated the enemies of Israel and then restored a time or a form of law and peace and that's really the context of the book of Judges now I'm very very big about study in the Bible it is something that I think is so incredibly significant to my life and is what I want you use all my time to do and so I'm very very big about understanding the context of the book that you're reading so I've set this up as that's a little bit of the context before we really dive into Devorah who is obviously a study subject for today and someone whose life is really going to challenge and inspire us and so that is really really the climate of the book of Judges overall but now what is the particular social climate and this is where it gets so fascinating and so interesting so the warrior is around at the time of the 13th century BC and so this is the time period where Deborah is alive or dvorah is alive and she is there during this time period now judges 4 1 2 3 tells us the context of her time it's it's the social climate tone of what actually happening in Israel in this particular area at this particular time and it says again his rights did evil in the eyes of Yahweh now that a hood was dead and that was their previous judge so yah we sold them into the hands of Jabin king of canaan who reigned in hazard so Sarah the commander of his army was based in heresy otago him because he had nine hundred chariots fitted with iron and he had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years they cried out to Yahweh for help this sets the tone right why what we're looking at at the 13th century BC right at this time is the Israelites again are doing exactly what we said from the beginning of the story this tone is said the children of Israel they were on the straight and narrow yet again the same pattern yet one of the leaders a who he dies and they're resorted to sin once again so for two decades it says he and judges Ford the tribes were pressed by a cruel king whose army believed in might and brute force and in fact the words that are used in judges for the words that are useful coolly oppressed it actually means in their region on the original Hebrew it means prevailing power of force and oppression so is a heavy hand when we have Cicero who is the commander commander of the army and he's a very very cruel soldier he's a general that has nine hundred chariots of pure iron no army could overcome he's war machine that was intense during those days and only a miracle could accomplish this overcoming of Cicero's army of his nine hundred chariots of iron as well as the soldiers that he would have at his command who were riding on those chariots which is quite something your army could overcome this and only a miracle could help Israel be delivered from this cruel oppression that they were faced and that was what they knew and this factor really really led them onto the knees desperately and you know an injury listing enough this is what's so interesting about judges it's actually in judges five where we get a fuller glance of the social climate that Devorah is gonna find herself in that the Israelites are gonna find themselves in we get a fuller glance actually in the Boris song which comes later about how things were verses 6 & 7 of judges 5 it tells us that in the days of Shamgar sign of enough in the days of Jael the highways were deserted and the travelers walked along the byways village life ceased it ceased in Israel that is the song that Devorah sings and that is what she says and she tells us so much about what's actually happening you know what the street had become places of danger the villages they were deserted they were unoccupied and lawlessness cruelty and violence were the order of the day life in all its simplicity had actually vanished it was no more no one was safe everybody suffered and we recognized these similar symptoms even today when vicious dictators rule when we are cruelly oppressed both in the natural and in the spiritual this is what happens to us we do not have a saints of peace we do not have a sense that our life is free and that we can enjoy freedom as it's enjoyed in other places and this is really what's happening and so Devorah States this torrent she tells us that this is really what's happening she tells us enjoy five so imagine it you know villagers were deserted places were unoccupied people didn't walk from village to village because it was unsafe there was no trading that was taking place there was no markets that were open because there were big markets at this time and people would trade and they would do things all of that really really seized people kept in to themselves kept into their homes and really they were overcome with this cruel oppression and this cruel force of Sisera the commander of the army the general and so let us turn to Devorah herself because i can say the purpose of a study a study subject for today is to really examine the warrior as she really was and so judges 4:45 says the follow me nod to Bora a prophet test the wife of la Piedad was judging Israel that time and she would sit under the palm tree of de Bora between Rama and Bethel in the mountains of Ephraim and the children of Israel came up to her for judgment now you've probably read that Scripture many many times and ticked off exactly what you see in in that scripture now you know we see the warrior we see her here mentioned in a few different ways she's actually mentioned as three specific things three specific titles if you will it's the woman we have the prophetess and we have this mother of Israel and like I said they in will be our focus it's not the specifics of the song as I mentioned earlier and judges 500 of the battle itself it's de Boer this one her life is just an encouragement her life is an inspiration her life her legacy her leadership like I started off saying it's a model to women today and we do we look to her as a model of bravery or fire female leadership and she really really embodied those roles so very well so here we have as I say Tabora introduced to us through three titles here specifically in judges 445 we have properties Lapidus wife and we have judge these are the three things that the writer of judges is telling us about to Bora herself so now we need to realize that her very first calling and description is actually of prophetess so she is a mouthpiece for Yowies wool she is his spokesperson the person that's speaking now for the ever father and she receives divine inspiration she receives messages from the Almighty she shares he's a world with the nation that's powerful that she has this office of profit and profit test which is mentioned as one of the fivefold ministry offices in Ephesians chapter 4 now throughout the scriptures woman actually operate freely within this role of offered and prophetess in the Old Testament we had holder who is amazing we have Miriam we have no idea mentioned in Nehemiah 6:14 no idea was actually evil prophetess and I actually did a study of her and she wasn't a good woman but she was still a properties and then we also have in the New Testament we have Anna the prophetess in Luke 2 who prophesize over Messiah Yeshua and then we also have Philips daughters who are well described in the earliest congregations acts 21 verse 9 as woman who were prophesied as prophetesses and it's so beautiful because woman you know really really function freely in this office and that should really speak to us on this kind of pause and say that it should really speak to us again right now where we are at we have this reality that's happening in the body where many many different leaders are standing up and pointing fingers against female leadership and against woman and saying that they can't serve and we have all of these woman that were serving in these fivefold ministry offices throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament we see them we just have to find them we have to celebrate them we have to preach them and we have to know their story as well so that when people come and say that you can't do that and you are called to that place but you can say you know what this is what this is what you sure has called me to do I don't surrender my life to any human I surrender my life to him and I'm gonna do what he calls me to do and you know I'm de Porres first calling her first description is that of prophetess she is a mad peaceful Yahweh she is speaking his divine will and you know what she is one of the only individuals in the Bible who are called both prophet and judge like I said you know here she's mentioned in judges four as being prophetess lappa darts wife and judge and she is one of the only people called both prophet and judge you will be so so overwhelmed I'm hoping to know that there's only two people in the Bible who are called this one is Devorah and the other one is Samuel and now Samuel we know was an amazing man of God in the Talmud actually states that Samuel in fact wrote the book of Judges that's what the Jewish people believed and that it was edited by GAD and Nathan who were two other prophets at a later stage now if Samuel did write the book of Judges it would be remarkable to know that he was not intimidated at all by de Bora and by the fact that she fulfilled the exact same roles that he did and she had the same offices that he did and if he was the one who wrote this he wrote it exactly like that and even if Samuel was not the author of the book of Judges it still remains that the bora and samuel were called by yowee to be both mouthpiece and leader over he's chosen people because with God there is no discrimination there is only calling and our parts the role that we need to play in this is that we have to surrender that is what's required of us we have to surrender surrender surrender surrender to what to the calling that he has on your life you have to be obedient to that regardless of anything else you have to be obedient to have a father and that is what he is called us to do now if we make an anagram with her name that means that we mix up some of the letters of her name and it's very common to do this if we make an anagram with her name but mixing the Hebrew letters together we actually get the word Deborah which actually means to speak and her very very essence I believe her very very inner being and a very very deep calling and very very specifically Deborah was called to speak her voice was a gift a gift from the Almighty a gift to the people no one expected her to shrink back no one expected her to be silent Deborah was loved for her role as prophetess and people recognize her Authority and looked to her for guidance and leadership because just now I'm gonna show you from the Scriptures I would say that the people came up to her for judgment that is what it was about the people were not intimidated by her there was nobody man and woman they came to her for her leadership for her role as prophetess and charge and she would sit there under the palm tree and she would decide divine cases the board judged the feeble and now the word for judged in the original is Shafaat and it actually means OSHA path which means that she provided all functions of government there was no distinctions back in the day between civil functions and religious instructions in ancient Israel this just wasn't a reality if you did you know if you were called to be judged you were both civil and religious I mean you know today of course it's not like that but that's how it was in ancient Israel and in this verse of Judges chapter 4 which I read you earlier on the word judge is actually used in the continued action participle which means it was a continual action Devorah judged always that was what she did there wasn't it was a night she judge once upon a time or she judged ones nose you know she judged every now and then it was a continuing action every day she woke up every day that was a calling boys she is seen in this role and the people like I said have no problem coming up to her for sound judgment and for decision making on matters that required attention judges were in charge of the law like I said and they were in charge of law and order before the nation would eventually be ruled by various Kings that is really actually very very important for us to know because like I said earlier on you know whenever this is righteous godly leadership that's happening even from the time of the exodus we see that the people flourish under this kind of leadership people always need leadership yeah always people need godly righteous leaders kolp I have a father and devorah embodied that she was a righteous leader called in that generation in the 13th century BC at that time at that place people came to they recognized that and this is how would be in the book of Judges this is how it would be in the time of the judges including Samuel in that until Samuel you know until this happened where yeah the people of Israel they wanted a king and of course that we know wasn't a good thing but it didn't would usher in a time period that was all about the kings when various Kings would come and rule and again they we see that when godly righteous Kings didn't come up and weren't leading the people the people fall into the sins of the bad leaders that they had and that was the reality and so with the poorest she used to sit under the palm tree of Devorah between Rama and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim and the sons of Israel came up to her for judgment now the word was sit in this verse actually means that she dwelt and the original says that she dwelt within a palm grove wasn't just one little palm tree on a hill that she sat underneath she actually dwelt I mean a palm grove that was all her own she did not settle herself within the gates of the cities we judges traditionally set and there's a lot of people you know look at this and say well why didn't she but it's very very likely that remember what I read to you early on I told you that was very dangerous and that the cities were actually deserted the villages were deserted and so it's very possible that it may be because of the social climate of the dangers within the cities and on the roadways that she actually settled herself in an area where she wasn't in a city which was actually in this palm grove that was all her own and was in a place where people could easily come up to her because it was a dangerous time so she settled on her own homeland and the people of Israel would take the journey up towards the area where she had settled and remember they they went up it says it went up up up up to her for judgment but it was because physically she stayed in an area that was elevated geographically so geographically they would have to travel up high to get to her now like I said there were three specific titles that we find connected with DeBoer when we read judges for we've dealt with judge and we've dealt with prophetess but the other ones say Lupita's wife this is something so interesting because the Hebrew actually reads a lappy dot another word ish it should actually be familiar to you it's found in the introduction of proverbs 31 where we read it as the a shitheel now ish it means woman and the world la Piedad is actually a feminine hebrew word in its plural state and it means lights it means torches means flames which are burning bright and together these two words mean woman of lamps a woman of lights a woman of flames or woman of fire and scholars actually suggest that you know elapid art is very unusual because it's not usually a name of a person and the plural form then also misses the usual son of designation which was very very prevalent of course throughout ancient Israel's genealogies we read it throughout the Bible that would say you know Isaac son of Abraham or we've got like that everybody was identified through the patriarch that they were connected to you and that was how it was and so this is missing here with Allah P Dutton so it's very you know it's very sketchy because was the Bora married then because the word seems to suggest otherwise some people say she wasn't it was a title of Honor it's really really debated and you will have to decide because you know for us it's a great area in that we don't really know because we don't know Debra we're not living in her time words can say one thing words can say another thing and we just see that it does mean woman of lights woman of lamps woman of fire woman burning brightly and the word seems to suggest to us that it's very very possible that she wasn't married and if it was just this title that was given it would have been a title of honor it would have been a distinction a mark of character instead of merely saying while she was married you know it would have been a thing of this was who she was and this is what she embodied and this was how people actually saw her and that's a very interesting to note so if we move on we are going to look at now you know Devorah in the fact that she's now summoning Barak and this is very very important because we get a deeper look actually who de bourree is here in judges for six to eight and it says now she's st. and summoned Barack the son of a be known from Kadesh NAFTA lien Satyam has not Yahweh the God of Israel commanded go and March to mount a ball and take with you ten thousand men from the sons of Naphtali and from the sons of Zebulun I will draw out to you Sisera the commander of jebin's army with his chariots and he's many troops to the river Kishan and I will give him into your hand then Barak said to if you will go with me then I will go but if you will not go with me I will not go the people of Israel they really see the bora as the one that yahwah chose to give them guidance and to enact judgment according to the Torah because within these very next verses right here Devorah acts as the spokesperson that she is for the Most High she's really fulfilling that role receiving the word from Yahweh she summons Barak she tells him you know let's deal with these oppressors you know Yahweh is saying go and March with ten thousand men and yeah we will give you enemies into your hands she knows that this is the father's wall she knows that Yahweh has spoken to her but Joey has said it she knows that this is ever father's wall she also knows if we look at these words right here if we look at them in the original if we look at how they stated she knows that Joey has already actually spoken to Barak that Barak has heard yeah are we speaking before her words imply this this is not the first time that Barak has heard Yahweh's call to go and destroy the enemy to go up against Sisera this is not the first time yet he seems to struggle with the same self-doubt that so many of the judges struggled with he tarries he waits he now you know is sitting with this but now everything has changed because de Bourgh ahimsa herself has summoned him and the people have heard the prophet has spoken he countering back people are listening and someone else knows exactly what he has courted too as well as the spokesperson of Yahweh the leader of the people the judge at the time knows that he is supposed to do this so he relents he says okay I will go but he says I will not go you know if you don't come with me now he kind of shrinks he conjuring back from the hole but he gives sort of this ultimate and he will only go into battle with someone who clearly clearly can hear from Yahweh and who can give him the very best guidance on the battlefield now many individuals actually assume that Barak was wrong in requesting the Warriors presence and because of this that that's the reason why he had the honor of defeating Sisera snatched away from him because that's what happens you know divorce system well you're not going about this thing the right way because of this you are not going to be the one that defeats this error physically you know you're not going to be the hand that lays that upon him so she does say that Tim you're not going about this in a good way and so again many people like I say believe that it is because he's requesting her presence that you know he gets this honest naturam but the words actually very very differently implies something otherwise because in fact whenever the Israelites marched into battle the priests would accompany them with ARC the Urim and the Thummim would be there they would even go and they would request for a priest to use this room and two men which many people you know call magical or divine or whatever and they would use these things and that would define the pronounce Yahweh's will so you know also when when the is rights we need to battle the warrior priests would go with them so it's not wrong to want somebody who can clearly hear from Abba Father to go with you so if that's not the problem what is the problem the problem here is not that Barak once the prophetess to be with him it is that he cannot seem to take Yahweh at his word in fact yeah right here we find in judges four right right here in these verses this is in fact one of the only promises that are given in the book of Judges where yahwah chose to reveal the exact battle plan to Sisera before the war had even begun yeah how he doesn't just say to Sisera hey I'm going to hand these people over to you he doesn't just say hey hey you know Barak you're gonna be super successful because everything's gonna be fine I've given you the victory he doesn't just say hey it's gonna be okay at the end he actually speaks through a prophetess to go and speak to him and to tell him exactly how the battle is going to unfold so you know Barack has been spoken to before by Yahweh maybe in his personal quiet space you know he's heard he's heard God told him you are supposed to go and deal with enemy and he didn't so he you know relaxed into that and then here we have the properties call him tell him what's happening tell him what he has to do and tell him the end from the beginning and it's only right Chery Yahoo chooses to reveal exactly what he's going to do and this is incredible because right here we see that God is not just promising victory but he's promising total annihilation of the nine hundred chariots of iron that everybody feared so greatly it's quite crazy to think about it like that nine hundred chariots of iron and of course it would be equivalent to something really intense today like if someone was coming against you with a nuclear arsenal and you had nothing but a sword in your hand you would also be quite scared but Yowie actually says that at the river Keshawn he will destroy the chariots he tells you no he tells Barak that but Barak still hesitates regarde of the universe actually tells him exactly what would happen how it would happen it the man's soul hesitates it's incredible so events then would change and Sisera would be given into the hands of Jael a woman who did not hesitate you see how different their responses are jal did not hesitate she acted quickly you know we not even told what her motivation was we not even told why she did what she did but she acts so quickly and she takes the side of the people of Yahweh so she acts really really quickly to eradicate Israel's enemy and so verses 11 to 13 again in judges five the song de Bourgh it tells us that this is exactly what how he did he caused a sudden flood to come and to fold the kishan river valley and because of this flood the nine hundred chariots of iron and the soldiers were drown in the watery grave now it's not exactly the same as you know when Pharaoh crossed over all the chariots you know when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea they got through it's not exactly the same because what happened is it sees a Barack killed ten thousand of the soldiers of the mean by the sword because their chariots were literally stuck in the mud and everything happened just says yeah we said it would happen so what happened was yeah we bought this divine flood to move down the Keshawn River and apparently this still happens today that the kashan River in Israel can fill up really really quickly within a matter of minutes and people that are there if you're swimming or whatever people have drowned and so this does still happen today so it but it is a divine thing because yeah how it brings the water down at this exact moment we have 900 chariots of iron pursuing Israel coming against them and they are riding fearlessly there are blood thirsty because the people that they have cruelly oppressed and you know have treated so bad for 20 years is suddenly rising up it's like slaves you know rising up and there's this revolution and now they're totally gonna take care of it so they ride they ride on these chariots of iron and they come against Israel and yah he brings us incredible flood he promises you and judges for that this is what would happen with at the river Kashan and here we see that this is exactly what happened because deborah and barak sing this song in judges five and they tell us that this is what happened and so the water comes and it kids you know takes over these cherries the chariots are destroyed Barack can then go and he can kill all the soldiers that are there which is what he does but we also know that then Caesarea runs away and she all takes care of him so everything happens exactly how he said it would happen which is a glorious glorious thing but we need to remember that before this Devorah did go with Barak into battle and verse 9 and 10 actually repeat this in judges 4 and it seems that she assumed this very same position that Moses had once assumed on the mountain overlooking the battle declaring the battle as a one and that is amazing and it's incredible it's awesome because to add the steady marching they join near to engage Sisera in a heated battle Tabora was patiently and powerfully listening in for Yahoo's voice once she heard that voice she turned and she said the following to Barak arise for this is the day in which now he has given süßer into your hands Yahweh has gone out before you so Barack went down from our table with ten thousand men following him to add the time period of the judges and this is what's also incredible back to Borah throughout the time period of the judges different tribes fought foreign oppressors and mostly single tribes fought together but only only once only in the battle of Devorah and Barak with six tribes United of Israel usually limited tribes would operate together but so impassioned were the tribes of Israel so join under Devorah and barracks leadership that they actually united together and half of the tribes were fighting side-by-side and the unity was unmatched this reality you know in itself for me is a huge testimony to the leadership and the respect that many had towards Tabora as a righteous fierce bold humble leader of the Most High people were you know Nations people and different tribes were embracing Israel all the time and so yes limited tribes rise up and you know throw that joke off of them and attack the people that were oppressing them but here we have off of the tribes of Israel six of them uniting together underneath the leadership of this woman who has said yes we need to do this this is God's will and our uniting under the leadership of Devorah and Barak and saying yes we are going to be with you we are with you we are partakers and we're going to destroy the enemy and this is what they do and it's beautiful and it tastes a mini like I said and I'm gonna say it again this is a taste a mini to the leadership that see how he raises up do not choose for yourself leaders that are after your own hearts do not choose for yourself leaders that are there because of their own hearts because they just want a place or a platform or position or a leadership or a ministry like Cora it's not about that it is truly truly about knowing who Yahweh has called and yowee is gonna use in this time because that's what's important with this kind of unity with this kind of leadership they will come great defeat of the enemy and our enemy we know is spiritual so we need super deep eyes to be able to see how to overcome this enemy now we need to just mention something here and I need to just mention this that de bourree you know she sings a very very beautiful song in judges five and now it's it's a complete song and it's commonly called the song of de Bourgh it's the oldest it's the most complex form of poetry that's found in the Bible and the purpose of his song of course is to tell the story when now history was always on it and handed down to us already in the form of songs in the form of poetry and woman did most of the retelling and this is beautiful the ancient Near East we know that woman did much of this retaining they were the ones that would sing they were the ones that were commanded to sing they were the ones that took upon himself that honor and people recognized and in that and she really really starts off her song in judges five which we're not gonna go into I have actually done a full study on devorah's song in judges five in the video that I called the female psalmist's in the scriptures it's actually found on our YouTube channel and it goes in depth into judges v and de boris song as well as four of the female psalmist that we find throughout the scriptures and it's a very very beautiful teaching and so I'm not gonna go into judges five today but what I am gonna say is that she does start off in judges five by extolling the true hero of the story devar is not taking any honor here for herself she says at the very opening of this song she says the warrior God he marched into battle he went before as she salts God through the opening five verses of the song not just in one verse not just in the little passing by she's saying that hey she paints the climate of the day she paints the danger of the day she paints the peril the unoccupied villages before lon the broke and the deserted you know everything that's bad and then she says the warrior guard marched before us and we have judges five verse seven and this is what I want to talk about because this is our divorce or yourself it said before we before we look at what I've actually just put up here I'm gonna just read this cheap it says villages in Israel would not fight they held back until I de bourree arose until I arose a mother in Israel now I speak a lot about this word arose when we look at the words using proverbs 31 again that teaching that I've done that's on our youtube channel about fathers 31 this would we find throughout proverbs 31 this word arose or arise this word is so significant and it's so rich in its meaning it is the Hebrew word come and it means to arise from a sitting position from a position and a place of three this directive is actually found to us in Isaiah 61 which is a rise and shine for your light has come Tabora is telling those that are listening to her song that these things things were bad like I said the social climate was bad until pray took place remember it was from that place of pray and it was from that place of receiving divine guidance for me Yami that led her to call Barak it was from a place of meaning in that place of deep prayer love being in that deep place to receive from our Father that she received from him and then called Barak she heard this from a place of pray and she arose to become a mother in Israel that is what she's telling you I was in this position of pray and ever father spoke to me and then I arose she uses this a word arose twice because that shows you how deep she saw a place of prayer and intimacy in communion with God as the speaking with him being intimately with intimate with him it's not just about you know going into your room and clothes you're doing you know praying for half an hour it's about continuing communion with him and that's what she's doing she just continued is communicating with him and then she decided from what she heard and what the father told her to do her obedience was to call Barak and commissioned him was her medians her beauteous wasn't to lead the army into battle that's not what you how he told it yeah we told her that you were to summon Barak and you were to tell him that was what Yahweh said and that is what we also need to be careful of in our own lives oftentimes we want to interpret things the way we wanting we want to take a word and we want to sell fulfill it we want to take a prophecy that we've you know received everyone interpreted in our own way that is not what we had to do if he always says you summon that person and you tell them to go then all you do is summon because that's your obedience and so she says that she rose and mother in Israel now this is super significant because the word mother of course carried a very different meaning in the ancient world and to understand what Deborah means by assuming the role of mother to a nation we need to understand her perspective you see mother was seen as both a nurturer and a warrior they were considered leaders they were the originators of life both spiritually and naturally and they often acted as mother birds doom we find that beautiful picture change autonomy 31 when you stir the young from the nest during times of complacency and the water really assumes the role of a nurturer of a nation that strain of a nation that's one team and her influence in this reality was so deep he felt and it was lost and a forty year over four years over 40 years under her guidance as judged that is a very very long time yowee is gracious he is kind he is amazing because think about it 20 years you know two decades 20 years they were cruelly oppressed by sister and jabbin and what does yeah we do raises up a righteous theater who rules and helps and nurtures and he's a warrior and his spokesperson it was a judge for him for 40 years double the time that they were in this oppressed day double the time he gives him a righteous leader and a time of joy and peace and it's so beautiful to RIA I said and so again you know she says until I rose this mother in Israel and so we see judges 5 verse 12 says this wake up wake up Devorah wake wake up break out in song the border was stood she was awakened by Yahweh to see truth and she was awakened to speak that truth to his chosen people and she truly completed that calling she was functioning fully in all the roles she grew in throughout her life and that is so beautiful because great leaders they are not born they choose to heed the calling of God upon their lives and they grow to become the people of influence they need to be who leaving baldness who lead in righteousness and she had the calling to talk to speak to proclaim to pronounce the command to promise and in every way her story and her song is really a story about using our voice and I cannot say that enough it was her voice that Israel needed it was the power of a godly woman's voice again yeah we spoke to her and she had to give these divine messages to the people her role in this way was often just to you know speak to the nation as well as that was the role of judge they would sit there and they would have to really really have wisdom and understanding and such deep discernment really to know because that's why Solomon prays that pre it's a yeah when he's gonna become king and when he's a very young king he says give me a wise and understanding heart so that I may hear and so that I may be able to judge your people because who can carry so great a nation and that is what Solomon really prayed he wanted a wise and understanding heart so that he could know and in at judgment and we see you know right there where Solomon prays at pre it pleases Yahweh and we see Solomon actually in that role you know when he's sitting on his throne and he has those two woman that come to him there's two prostitutes and then the ones baby is dead and the other ones alive and he has to have deep wisdom to know what's going on then we see him in that role because was to see that Yahweh has blessed him with that wisdom the judges of old had to have the same kind of wisdom the in-depth wisdom and that was what de Bora had she really embodied that and so when they had that wisdom they had to speak out the judgment and what they said was accepted very very different from what we have today you know when a God arises out people often in the body I like stubborn sheep and they don't listen to what's happening and so the boy really embodies that and she just says this is Yahweh's divine will and is that power of that godly voice yet today you know woman have been so silenced and this can only be a diabolical plan by the enemy of humankind because he truly understands better than we do the threat of a woman's voice now ancient Israel in ancient times many many years ago they never had an issue with a woman leading them in a right relationship with God they recognized here the war for who she was yes we have a very patriarchal society at that stage yes we have a lot of other examples of bad things that were happening to women I'm not saying that it was perfect for a woman I'm not saying that they empowered woman more than today but in the specific case of de Bora there was no reality of people kicking off her leadership it was that they recognized her specifically and referring to a specific case that she was a woman that was leading them into a right relationship with God they recognized who she was and they went up to hear wisdom from her they had no no problem with that and she really did she was the mother of Israel and that's how she saw herself you know judges form the writer of the book of Judges tells us that she was prophet a snappy dad's wife and judge but how did she really see herself and honey what did she really say about herself she said until I rose as a mother the mother was the nurturer the warrior the one that just you know gives her life and it's a beautiful beautiful picture and so I really want to encourage you today to consider what de Bourgh is the life says to you watch all of the ways of the things that she did really speaks to you and if your heart is really touched by her and by her life and by had a legacy maybe it's one of your favorite scriptures maybe she's one of your favorite people maybe you've never even thought about until today maybe you just feel like wow this is incredible what would it take for me to become someone like that then I truly believe that you are already on the pathway and you need to remember this that you are called for right now you are called for this generation there is no mistakes with Yahweh you know dpor was born into her time period to fulfill the specific role and tasks in her time and energy raishin and it's the same for us we are called in this generation the enemy has tried to silence the female voice because he knows and understands like I said better than we do what we are called to do and so today I really want to encourage you to be unsilenced use your voice for the kingdom of yah we speak the word of you I always speak as he commands you to pray for the sick pray for those who are broken pray and pray and pray intercede intervene evangelized do what he is calling you to do because you were born for such a time is this and you can go forward if you have a passion to encourage and you encourage with all your mind it's just like you know Paul says that if you're called to teach you teach it everything inside of you if you're called to prophesy prophesy with everything inside of you whatever you're called to do you do it 150 percent and you give it your all and Abba Father will lead you donate any human being on this planet tell you that you can't fulfill the divine calling that you are called to do only yeah his opinion matters and I pray that if you're in that position that people will come alongside you who will support you and that will be with you in so many ways so before we end off today's teaching those pray together father we just want to say thank you so much today that you are a mighty garden an awesome King father as we look at your word we see all kindness we see your love we see your mercy and we see so much of your blessings and finally we just want to put our hands in the air right now and say the we surrender to you we know that you're at work in our lives we know that that we our call for purpose father we say for full your plan for our lives fulfill your destiny finalized for full you're calling for our lives and I want to pray for every single woman that's listening right now the father you will touch this woman's life that you will touch your heart that you will state her fee that she won't be silent father but that she'll be powerful in your kingdom that you'll bless that you'll keeper that you'll make your face shine upon it that you would challenge changer inspire her and just blessed abundantly for that thank you so much for your word which is true then which is life to us and we say thank you so much for all of this you sure I Michelle we pray this your mighty mighty name I mean it's been so good to share this time with you and really pray that you have really enjoyed this teaching if you really know someone that needs to be inspired or that needs this you know texting when you have devorah's life then go ahead and share this video with them go ahead and share or subscribe to our youtube channel do not forget to subscribe for more teachings like this one go and look at the profits that he wanted video go and look at the female psalmist in the scripture be encouraged by their lives and their stories and again you can go over to our website treasured inheritance ministry comm and you can get the notes for this teaching so that you can just go over it again in your own time in your quiet time and so until next time it's been so great to be with you Shalom Shalom and blessings in Messiah Yeshua [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Treasured Inheritance Ministry
Views: 68,402
Rating: 4.8646255 out of 5
Keywords: Deborah, Women in the Bible, Deborah Prophetess, Judges, Deborah Judge, Bible Study
Id: XZNiTfBzNzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 1sec (3061 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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