The Death of... (Marvel NOW 2.0 Avengers Vol 1: Kang War)

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what's going on guys this is Rob and if you're enjoying the content here on my channel then make sure you hit the like button and make sure you hit subscribe so you can't decide what direction the content on my channel goes in in the foreseeable future okay so as we get into Avengers vol 1 from Marvel now 2.0 but this deals a lot with time in fact it deals entirely with time and it actually deals with a villain m'kay in the Conqueror and a lot of fans love came to conquer I never found him particularly interesting but this story is written extremely well and I absolutely loved the way it was done by Mark Waid but before we get into this what I want to do is I want to talk about how time functions in Marvel Comics so for the most part in Marvel there's two different types of time there's what's called linear time and then there's what's called branch universe theory now that sounds confusing but it's not it's the simplest thing to understand linear time is that there is one single timeline and that's it there's one universe one timeline and that's all there is to it now what this does is it creates something called a paradox let's say for example that you travel back into the past and met your dad when your dad was a little kid and then you did something stupid and you got your dad killed well then the question becomes if your dad died before you were born then how could you have been born in order to go back in time in the first place that's the issue with a linear time line is that it creates paradoxes it creates problems now Marvel could be saddled with this but what Marvel does is they use something called branch universe theory so what Marvel will say is that let's take like let's take the DC effect let's take like earth one alright what does the DC number let's say that right now you watching this video right now takes place in earth one alright and you're like you know what I think I am going to travel back in time because for whatever reason you have time-travel powers you say I am going to travel back in time and I'm going to go see my dad when he's a little kid you get your dad killed well then the question is how in the world did you manage to travel back in time in order to meet your dad if your dad had died before you were born it those two things don't add up it doesn't make any sense and so what Marvel does is they say okay because of the fact that you travel back in time the instant you did that what it did is it took the future that you came from and put it into earth two it's now a different universe and so what you did is you traveled into the past and then cross over to a different universe to meet your dad for the first time and so that's basically what they say that's really what Marvel uses when it comes to branch universe theory hopefully that's pretty easy to understand it should be I mean I don't really know how to explain it any simpler than that but the idea here is that with regards to Kang the Conqueror what establishes here really what Mark Twain's doing and he's consolidating a lot of things and the reason why is because over the course of Marvel's publication history came the conquerors fought the Avengers the Fantastic Four he's fought virtually everybody that's really one of the reasons why a lot of fans like him is because he's appeared in almost every single story belonging to anybody and he basically just uses information and technology from the future just run an absolute muck the problem with this is that there are so many different iterations of Kay in the Conqueror no one ever bothered to consolidate them and so you'd be fighting came to Congress he came to conquer they need to see scholar Centurion and just like well it's a bridge they came to conquer from somewhere and that would be it that'd be all you would get there would be no real information given to us what Mark Waid does here is well he doesn't necessarily flesh out every version of came to conquer what he does do is he establishes where they come from and what he says here is that each time came the conquer traveled into the past and fought the Fantastic Four it created a new universe and in that new universe came to conquer went on to become somebody else that was every single circumstance when he fought the x-men it made a new universe when he fought spider-man it made a new universe the Avengers every single time he traveled into the past he made a new universe now within the realm of Marvel while there are all these different versions of became the Conqueror there's what's called King crime and King crime is the main guy and all he does is sit at the very end of time you know when the universe is about to be destroyed when it's about to die whatever the case may be but at the very end of time when everything begins to come to a close came to conquerors just sitting there and all he's doing is feeding on all this energy all these different paradoxes that he's created whenever he traveled back through time and so what does origin story does is it tells us how he got there and so what it what it does is it picks up when King was a young man this this main King was king upon when he was a young man and what we find out is that in the future that he comes from time travel it's basically forbidden Meo delving into time investigating time it's all completely forbidden and the reason why is because if a person were to travel back and forth through time not knowing what it is they're doing they could cause all kinds of problems and so because of this came to conquer effectively broke the rules used the information stored within dr. Doom's time platform and began investigating time the first trip he took into the past came in form of him making himself a pharaoh so for those of you guys who are familiar with the origin story of apocalypse this is where that comes into play now his motivation for traveling into the past when the it when the apocalypse origin first came out his motivation was rooted and making apocalypse his heir what Mark Waid does is Mark Waid comes along and says that's the case to a degree but came to conquer is also curious about you know Egyptian legends of immortality different things like that just wanting to actually see what the past was like the problem is that when he arrived in the past and he had all this technology the people viewed him as a god he became overwhelmed with power and basically became corrupted by it and began the path of becoming a bad guy from here he began just jumping around at different points in time and what he began doing was basically creating these different caches of source what he would do is he would go to like you know one planet or something like that within the universe and he would basically set it up so that all that planet would do is manufacture weapons for Cain the conqueror to use he would go to another location and that location would exist to do nothing more than mind resources became the conqueror could then turn around and use for currency and so that's how he basically you know kept himself going that's how he kept his plans and mecha nations constantly available to him was by having a virtually endless source of weapons and money and so eventually the time came when Cain the Conqueror began to realize that all the weapons he had made came crumbling down all the different minerals all the different mines that he had made basically began to disappear and what this indicates is that someone is jumping around through time and destroying all these things the king the Conqueror made in the past and so imagine that you basically traveled to 20 years ago and then you created a pencil you know and you set that pencil on a desk or something like that you travel 20 years into the future back to the present day you look at the pencil on that desk and then suddenly that pencil vanishes the reason why is because someone moved it as soon as you put it there in the past that's really what's happening here somebody's screwing with the past to mess up Cain the conquerors future and what we end up finding out is that this is being done by the Avengers themselves and in fact it's not just the main Avengers it's multiple eras of the Avengers the original Avengers back in the 1960s the second iteration of the Avengers in the 1970s and the modern-day Avengers and so what this does is it now of course allows us to kind of jump back to the beginning of the story and makes sense of that's going on so hopefully I didn't blow your minds too much I mean that's really about as confusing as any of this is going to get but if you have questions feel free to post them on there maybe some of you guys who are a little unsure about what's going on but essentially that the long and short of everything I just told you is that the Avengers are basically going throughout the timestream and screwing up came the conquerors future that's basically all they're doing they're basically trying to keep him from existing now the reason why this is happening is actually not because came at conquer is attacking the Avengers but because the Avengers initiated a conflict would came to Concord specifically it was actually vision who started it now the reason why is because of the fact that in their last encounter the vision began to go through all these different scenarios on why it is that came to conquer is the way he is and what vision basically realized is that there will come a point when came to conquer will just be born the choices that he will make the road that he will follow will lead him to becoming the villain that the Avengers have faced off against time and time again and so visions idea was to basically alter the future by taking the baby away from the road that it would have been on and so vision literally kidnapped became the conqueror as a kid whisked it away to some place in time that we have no idea where it is in hopes that that child would grow up to become someone other than came to conquer and so because of this these changes are still taking place these changes are still still more or less happening and so because of that these versions of Caine have not necessarily been affected yet and the reason why is because of the fact that if you saw my video on Jonathan Hickman's Fantastic Four one of the things that he established was that if you go into the past and you change something the change is not immediate instead it's like a wave making its way through time it takes time to get to the person that is supposed to affect and so it's not like you would go back and shoot King as a kid and then he was suddenly just vanished what it would do is it would take time the ripple effect would have to get to King sometimes it would take minutes sometimes it would take days or hours or ever the case may be because we're messing with the concept of time and everything is sort of relative but at this moment right now the way the story is written these changes have not affect Cain the Conqueror yet in the extreme instead what's happening is the Avengers are basically fighting off a multitude of Kings different versions so like Scarlett Centurion you know one version of came to conquer different things like that now the Avengers are able to hold their own to a degree I mean they're able to do pretty well basically fighting against two versus came to conquer the issue is that one of these versions of khang basically begins to interrogate division the reason why is because they're both aware of the fact the division was the one who stole King when he was a baby and moved him to a different location and so because of this their question is where did you take him because if this wave of change gets to us before things are set back to the way they're supposed to be then these versions of King will simply cease to exist so this story is quite literally a race against time now because of the fact that they basically delve into the mind of vision only to find that vision had basically dumped his memory of where it is it he put this kid to basically made himself forget the idea here is for these different versions of quema Conqueror to exert from vision in the present to basically manipulate the time stream to travel backwards in time and look at everything that the vision did and were to find out where he put this baby so it's actually a really simple and a really smart maneuver and it works pretty well the downside of the way that Mark Waid writes this if he does it in a really confusing way he really writes in a way that that's a lot more complicated than it needs to be but that's essentially what this is that's really why I'm kind of trying to simplify it as best I can because it could have been a lot simpler the other half of this equation is that in Kings mind while they're basically trying to track down the baby what they realize is the Avengers are going to try to step in and stop them every step of the way and so what happened is came to conquer actually begins going back in time and essentially going to Peter Parker going to Jane Foster going to Sam Wilson the moment that they're born when they're babies and begins the process of killing them all off in order to make sure that they never become Avengers in the first place they're by never challenging came to conquer in the current day and so because of this you know while this wave of change begins to approach the Avengers and begins to wipe them out they're all essentially whisked away and what we end up finding out here is that the reason why they were whisked away is because they were sent to a place called limbo now Mark Waid uses the phrase limbo with a grain of salt and the reason why is because in my war comics there is an actual dimension called limbo there is an actual place but it's not a place outside of all space and taun I mean it kind of is but it kind of isn't what Mark Waid is doing here is he's basically saying when he says limbo all he's really saying is that somebody took the Avengers out of all space and time and so what this means is that if they were to go back to the universe if they were to go back to the Marwin universe then they would suddenly vanish and the reason why is because that wave of change would overcome them and because they were killed as infants they would simply cease to exist and so again if we basically end up finding out here that the person that moved them out of this universe that moved them away was actually a version of came to conquer himself who exists outside of all space and time so that's why things get really really crazy with this story it's great and it's really good but it can really be mind-blowing and in some ways that's why I say Mark Waid his writing style is a little complicated now with regards to this wave of change that's going through the only person who's not affected is Hercules and the reason why is because no one knows when Hercules was born or where he was simply just there one day and so came the conquer didn't have the ability to go into the past and kill Hercules as a baby because he didn't know when when he was supposed to go he didn't know where you were supposed to go what year Hercules was born or anything like that and so there's there was really no way he could stop this and so what is up happening if he actually contacts a woman named Sybil now this is a cool thing because remember in Marvel Comics you have Greek gods you have Greek goddesses they're similar but a little bit different to what DC does with Wonder Woman Sybil is basically an Oracle a person that can see the future and so because of this some Sybil actually gives Hercules an artifact that allows him to stay anchored to the present so that they can kind of jump back and forth through time without getting lost in time itself what we also end up finding out is that where this baby king was sent was actually to a place it was a temple in Vietnam that belongs to the priests of Pama now the priests of Pama are a group in Marvel Comics that have existed for quite some time whether by nature a pacifist race and the reason why is because of the fact that during the days of you know the Korean Scrolls and they were whole warring faction and all I kind of get stuff where they fought for you know millennia and millennia winded up happening is the priests of Hama actually vacated that entire territory and began going in two by twos to different planets and then basically you know appropriating and expanding their own group but some of them actually arrived on earth and it basically existed in shadow for countless years now they've been around for a long time I really want to say since like 1974 but they've been used sparingly and it's really just a way for Markway to invoke an extremely obscure group and bring them into the equation but the fact remains here with Hercules attaining this artifact that will basically keep the Avengers anchored in modern day despite the fact that their younger selves have been totally obliterated what is happening here is he finds the location of Baden King fights against you know came to conquer and scholar centurion when they arrived as the priests of Palmas location the priests of promised temple and then of course we also have the Avengers arriving on the scene because they're allowed to be anchored to this amulet and so think about it this way if the you know wave of change in the timeline were actual water the amulet that percolates is wearing is like throwing a lifeboat to them it's like throwing you know a life vest or something like that if some of the Avengers can hold on to to keep from being whisked away so the fact remains here at this point it's really just kind of dim facing off against these different versions of khang and we don't really need to get super in-depth there because what I end up doing is making these a bit more confusing than they need to be but it's basically them just kind of fighting against King here and there but what is up happening is vision basically goes to Nadia PIM again who's currently lost in Marvel Comics and stably says your job is to take this little version of tang and send it back to where it's supposed to be the mistake that I made was removing it from its current universe removing it from its opponents time you have to set things back to the later supposed to be and so of course that's really just her mission and at this point it's just the Avengers facing off against these different verses of khang and that's really about it I mean there's there's not a whole lot to go on here it's just them kind of facing off against Cain the Conqueror and so because of this you know once she returns to the modern day when she comes back to the present what is it happening is the Avengers sit down and say okay look the vision took baby cang away it resulted in these different versions that came to conquer descending on us in order to try to get the baby back the baby is back where it's supposed to be now came all these differences of khang want to kill us so we can never do it again and so what is it happening here if Sam Wilson comes up with an idea and Sam Wilson's idea is to basically travel along this timestream to these different caches that came to conquer uses to keep himself alive and obliterate them in their entirety so that came to conquer will simply cease to exist and so because of that we also are basically visited by a version of vision from the future god this is getting crazy Mark Waid storytelling is absolutely nuts but what basically ends up happening here is that this future version of the vision essentially says look guys here's where things stand right now alright what we're going to do is we're basically going to jump into this timestream alright we're going to go to three different locations across the time we're going to destroy came to conquerors weapon cache we're going to destroy paying the conquerors system for generating money and then that means that the other versions of came to conquer that exists are simply not going to be able to function they're going to cease to exist because the methods they use to keep themselves alive are not going to be there because of that what it's going to do is this basically going to render down all the different versions of came to conquer to the point that they simply cease to exist and there's only ever going to be that one future of King and so what is up happening is they say as long as we achieve this goal as long as we basically destroy this connection that King has to the entire time stream then once it all goes down that version of Cana conquer will cease to exist because you won't be able to feed on the time stream it'll basically be like depriving you of water or food or something like that you'll simply starve to death and so this is exactly what happens they basically travel to three different points in time now we all need to go through all the different locations that they go to it's just in general three different points in time and for the most part they're successful in destroying all three of these different points the problem with this is that what the Avengers don't realize is that what came to conquer being all the way at the very end of time it's going to take a while for this whole thing to basically catch up what came to conquer himself and so because of this we afford him the opportunity with his other personalities with immortus who's also a guy who can manipulate time with a future version of came to conquer who's become Doctor Doom it allows these different gods to traverse the timeline and then go back and stop the Avengers before they're able to pull all this off and so what ends up happening is Hank Pym from the first Avengers team is able to harness a device that's able to basically absorb came to conquer immortus and this version of Doctor Doom and keep them in stasis basically keep them hidden away from the rest of the universe and so what's essentially happened here is Mark Waid has come along and said where there are all these different verses of khang and all these different things were going on it was wildly complicated and unnecessarily convoluted Hank Pym has effectively saved the universe because what happens now is all we have right now in the realm of Marvel Comics it's baby king that's it baby king sleeping in his crib and that's all there is to it there is no future version of Cain to conquer there's no immortus none of that stuff it's a way for Mark way to basically clean all that out to remove it all from the situation and to simply say now the future of Cain to conquer is completely open no one knows what the future holds for him no one knows what he will become have you said that I understand if a lot of you guys feel like your brain is melted because of because of what we went through and there will probably be a lot of questions so if there are post them down in the comment section again Mark Waid makes us a lot more complicated than a new city I did my absolute best to make it make sense this was one of those things where we kind of had this like set aside the idea focusing on what the characters are thinking and feeling and just makes sense of the events as they're transpiring because it's the only way to make this story makes sense otherwise it would just throw everybody off but if you guys are new here to come let's explain and you again feel a bit confused post your comments down below hit that sub bun to become part of the Rob core and drop a like if you enjoyed this video and yeah I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 327,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comics Explained, Marvel Explained, COmics, Comic Books, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain AMerica, Avengers, The AVengers, Infinity War, Marvel Now 2.0, Kang, Kang War, All New All Different Marvel, Thor, Lady Thor, Sam Wilson
Id: RwJVD2Mbnuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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