The Marvel Universe: A History (Full Story)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TheWalkMan 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice [Music] in the beginning there was only darkness an endless expanse of emptiness that stretched beyond the infinite and then suddenly there was everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] following the incursions of all realities the universe as we know it stands as the eighth iteration of its kind while we don't know much about the first five what we do know is that the six the universe was much similar towers within it resided the x-men the Avengers the Fantastic Four and a myriad of familiar entities in the twilight of its life the six universe gave way to a be known as the dweller in darkness a demon hailing from the dimension of ever nigh the dweller a darkness sustained and bolstered his powers by feeding on the fear of living beings seeking to recreate reality and be born anew as the multiverse is supreme ruler the dweller and darkness fracture the m'kraan crystal which in turn would extinguish the universe by pulling in the multiverse and destroying its inhabitants while the dweller and darkness was thwarted due to the Phoenix force uniting the minds of the universe's inhabitants and peace the end of reality could not be stopped but the radiation of the universe's destruction permeating all existence a space explorer named Galan of the planet ah turned to his races knowledge of Science and Technology and in effort to both halt the spread of cosmic radiation as well as prevent the end of all things failing to find a solution in the final moments of the multiverse the sixth universes version of eternity merged with Galan with the intention of being born anew and a new multiverse as a singular being of immense power following this the cosmic egg of the seventh multiverse brewed and stirred amassing energy and gravity until it reached critical mass and exploded outward with a big bang with its primitive universe consisting of swells of energy the first form of life to emerge for the cosmic entities the chief among them being eternity and infinity serving his twin concepts eternity represented time and infinity represented space and while the notions of both time and space were relative to the birth and eventual death of the universe the power of these two beings hailed from the very fabric of the universe itself following this eternity spawned a series of child entities including empathy eulogy expediency entropy epiphany enmity and Aeon all of whom represented aspects of life in addition to this eternity and infinity were joined by Lord chaos and master order representing the opposing forces of absolute order and absolute chaos in the universe death represents in the end of life oblivion representing the nothingness between the collapse and rebirth of universes the Phoenix force representing the total sum of all psionic energy that currently has ever and will ever exist as well as a host of other entities each representing one or more facets of the universe where the various entities work to understand their place in the cosmos the universe itself continued to unfold giving way to a multitude of races which fell and were replaced and turn while some of these races left behind single immortal members who came together known as a group called the elders of the universe another race was emerging as the technological superior of the universe as the most advanced society at the time the e magmatic race came to view themselves as a guiding force for good christening themselves the watchers and helping other races to achieve greater heights through technological advancement but when one of the races destroyed themselves with nuclear weapons the washers retreated from their role as a guiding force and instead became chroniclers of the universe as it unfolded during this time a race known as the Celestials began to appear achieving an extreme level of technology that allowed the race to move beyond their original forms taking on a higher level of existence as peer states of energy numbering in the billions by the height of their population the Celestials were met by an equally powerful foe named the aspirants who viewed the Celestials as a challenge to the dominance of all existence engaging in a war that lasted centuries where the aspirants decimated the ranks of the Celestials using the god-killer armor the Celestials eventually defeated the aspirants wiping them from the universe entirely leaving no sign of their existence for the exception of records kept and passed down through generations following this Galan had remained in hibernation all the while building a suit designed to both contain his interviews as well as regulate those energies to keep from destroying him emerging several billion years after the universe's formation Galan was met with an uncontrollable hunger for energy found only in planets capable of supporting life he's setting his sights on our Kyo Pia which was immersed in civil war Galan destroyed the warring fleet Singh consumed the planet going forward as Galactus the Devourer of worlds what the universe continuing to unfold following its creation and the formation of Galactus alongside the cosmic entities the Celestials continued their role as scientists and explorers planting seeds inside of planets which in turn would yield more Celestials the role of Galactus became a force for containment as much as it was destruction and that his consumption of life-sustaining planets ensured that the Celestials population remained in check and kept the race from overtaking the universe during this time and around 3.5 billion years ago the earth began to take form along with the concept of pocket dimensions existing within the main Marvel Universe pocket dimension served as small sections of reality accessible only through rifts within the fabric of space-time while these dimensions were largely devoid of life the earth was taking shape through the process of evolution giving away to the Elder Gods who were born to the finest magical energies this time period also saw the rise of sublime as a bacterial organism capable of infecting other organisms around it and bending them to its will bearing witness to the evolution of Earth sublime wash from the shadows as the Elder Gods began consuming one another and transforming into demons forcing the goddess Gaea who represented nature to summon the Demiurge the sentience of Earth and the creator of the Elder Gods mating with Gaia and being born in physical form Demiurge began to consume all the Elder Gods with the exception of Siddha rack the vishanti Mephisto thermometer and a handful of others who escaped apakah dimensions after which Demiurge retreated and merged with the son [Music] I'm doing what I enjoy doing it's like other men like to play golf so they play golf every chance they can see you don't say to him how come you're playing golf today you played last week was the same with me to me it is such fun creating characters writing stories it's an exciting life and when you do something that you know the fans seem to enjoy that gives you such satisfaction you don't want to stop [Music] writing comes very easily to me everything else in the world is tough but writing I don't have any problem with that I can't write fast enough to keep up with what with the things I want to say I think you never outgrow your love of these stories of giants and ogres and witches and all of that superhero comics give you that where most of the pocket dimensions of the universe began to take shape under the control of their respective rulers the dimension of Asgard was coming into existence according to Norse mythology asgaard originated as a landmass split into two sections with the North existing as a frozen barren wasteland and the south existing as a fiery barren wasteland with the two sections having 12 rivers that met in the middle over time the frozen rivers of the north began to overtake the south getting way to the birth of a mirror as the first frost giant finding himself exposed to the warmer air of the south the Emir began to shrink in size eventually melting away entirely and revealing a man and a woman following this above on appear through unknown means and provided nourishment to the man and woman through its utters finding his own sustenance by licking away at the ice following this pattern the bovine eventually looked away to block of ice which revealed itself to be burry who in turn spawned boar the founder of Asgard and the father of cruel V Lee V and Odin where the realm of Asgard would evolve to see Odin rising to power and mating with Gaia to produce Thor during this time a race known as the saurians traveled the spaceways seeding life throughout various planets spawning the Kree the scrolls and humanity who in turn began to evolve within the confines of their own planets and forming their own kingdoms following this around 1 million years prior to the current day the Celestials continue their journey of exploration across the cosmos eventually stumbling upon earth viewing the planet as a host for celestial egg the Celestials themselves planted their egg within the earth and began experimenting on a group of primitive men known as The Wanderers who were gathered together by Gaia did the experiments of the Celestials three sects were formed the deviants nee turtles and humans receiving their modifications from zero on the tester the deviants represented instability with their race experiencing unchecked mutations leading to eats offspring experiencing a half-life of the previous generation reducing the overall length of the deviants expected existence from nazar the calculator came the Eternals beings who were perceived to be perfect in terms of evolutionary maturity and possess the power to tap into and manipulate cosmic energies finally Oneg the prober created a latent gene within the remaining humans allowing for limitless expansion of genetic potential sending the races forward into earth where the three groups were modified to serve as protectors of the celestial egg instead each race gave in to their natural state the Eternals took to the skies building kingdoms for themselves with no concern for the goings-on of humanity or the deviants at the same time humanity found itself enslaved by the deviants who used humans to build their various structures and cities lasting until 16,000 BC when the Celestials appeared on earth a second time the rachels attacked by the deviants who view the Celestials as a threat to the dominion over earth devastating the deviance numbers and sending the survivors underground the Eternals abandon the planet taking up residence on the Saturn moon Titan as well as exploring the rest of the cosmos leaving a landscape of Earth open humanity began to spread and expand their sphere of influence to the furthest corners of the world creating empires and kingdoms with each worshipping their own deities during this time and while in the midst of a war with their rival race the scrolls the Kree race observe the actions of the Celestials and look to expand their own sphere of influence by modifying the genes of humanity allowing them to take on forms identical to other races which in turn would allow the Kree to subvert those races from within paving the way for them to conquer those planets kidnapping various humans and modifying their genes the Kree ruler known as the supreme intelligence foresaw the end of their race at the hands of their experiments and in turn ordered all experiments to be cleansed and all knowledge or existence to be stripped from Kree records however in its rush to judgment the supreme intelligence failed to take notice of five experiments in the form of primitive man the Badoon the dire race the chameleons and the Centurions where each of these groups continued on unaware of their lineage within the confines of Earth the Kree experiments began to form their own order society under the theme of a monarchy to descend in at some point in their past a geneticist named Rand AK discovered Terrigen crystals and began to synthesize the process of terrigenesis allowing the human experiments to under no exposure to the myths which in turn transmogrified the humans and unrecognizable forms but sometimes possessing extraordinary abilities christening themselves in humans the race kept itself isolated within the sacred city of Attilan and away from the goings-on of the deviants and the rest of humanity where the Inhumans remain isolated because of the actions of the Celestials and pushing the deviance to near extinction technology was lost to humanity for millennia sending the race into a near feral state referred to as a Hyborian age this time period not only saw the introduction of Conan the Barbarian in red Sonia but also saw the rise of the first mutant as well as direct interaction with the second generation of gods while almost nothing is known of Celine's past what we do know is that because Selene maintains her longevity by absorbing life energies through physical touch during the time of her birth she unintentionally killed her mother viewing Salinas a goddess destined to rule the world the tribal leaders of the clan ordered Celine's people to sacrifice their lives so they may live forever as part of her where Selene would spend the next several thousand years wandering the world her journeys allowed her to witness the rise of the second generation of gods coming in the form of Norse Greek Roman and other cultural mythologies while these gods had existed for countless years this time period saw their first interactions with society at large because of this the cultures of the world gave way to warship to Odin Zeus Vishnu Yahweh and Amun rah among others while this remained the standard practice of humanity's relationship with the second generation of gods the world was met with the arrival of its second unit and 5000 BC but I enjoy the people I work with because I work with writers with artists now with directors producers and I'm always working in an atmosphere where we're trying to think of what can we do now the small blue sphere existed as one of countless worlds within countless universes developing their own lives and civilizations all of which had been set in motion by the one above all and watched closely by the Living Tribunal known as the multiverse beyond this space existed what was known only as the beyond verse housing the white Lords of wild space while their origin is unknown unlike the multiverse the beyond verse did not allow for travel between the past and the present instead the inhabitants of the beyond verse move forward from one point in time to the next towards a future that could not be changed all the while developing technologies and a level of power hitherto unrivaled traveling back to our universe and within the Andromeda galaxy rested the planets Chronos in the Drakh system in its early days approximately 100 million years ago after their creation by the saurians the scrolls existed as a reptilian race not unlike the smaller reptiles of Earth however after their exposure to the Celestials during their journey of exploration with scientific experimentation much like humanity the scroll race was split into three sects the deviants the Eternals and the baseline scrolls with modified genes allowing for future mutations while much of the races of history is lost to the sands of time what we do know is that at some point in their past unlike the human Eternals who left earth to explore the Stars the civil war between the eternal and deviant Scrolls saw the deviants victorious pushing the eternal Scrolls to the brink of extinction what the eternal scrolls all the dead the last of this group Avena and kleben convinced the deviant queen sluggard to spare his life and take his hand in marriage offering up a truce in the process leaving a scroll race in true a religion known as the book of worlds all surviving factions of the scrolls were united under this ideology and moved forward and a manner akin to manifest destiny believing it was their role to rule over the universe following this and for countless eons the scrolls expanded their reach across the andromeda galaxy but as their exposure to and subsequent conquering of other races swell their number many Scrolls became disillusioned with the book of worlds slipping into the realm of myth and legend the scroll Empire went to war with itself each time emerging more technologically advanced and benign by weeding out those who sought to bring disharmony to this end and after having transformed into a society of space explorers on a mission of peace the scrolls traveled to the planet Hollow within the greater Magellanic Cloud discovering the planet house two equally intelligent races known as the Kree in the catotti for the Scrolls considering halle is a possible expansion of their empire a group of Korean cotati were taken aboard a scroll vessel and transported to the oxygen-rich blue area of Earth's moon provided with the years where the supplies and destructed by the scroll delegation to build something worthy of their own race while the coach Hadi used their plant like design to build a lush jungle comprised of flora and fauna the Kree built a massive city accessible only to themselves and the scrolls viewing the core toddies benign work is worthy of its initiation into the Empire and a fit of jealousy the Kree killed the Cotati and the scroll delegation looting their ship and assimilating their technology traveling back to their homeworld the Kree waged war against the remainder of the Cotati race pushing them to the brink of extinction while taking the planet of holo as the relman following this and with knowledge of the Kree assault when the scroll delegation reaching the Kree homeworld the two races fell into war with one another which would stretch over hundreds of millennia using their own forms of science and technology to engineer weapons of destruction the Skrulls turned their sights to opening dimensional rifts for the purpose of accessing forms of energy guaranteed to annihilate their enemies accessing the beyond verse through sheer accident the scrolls secured a fraction of the beyonders power which confined itself to the shape of a perfect cube seizing it for himself in using its power to control matter in energy the scroll Emperor fancied himself a God ruling without challenge unbeknownst to the emperor the cube develops sentience copying the maniacal tendencies of the emperor and annihilating two-thirds of the andromeda galaxy while the scrolls would rebuild their empire and consider the Cosmic Cube to be an artifact too dangerous to possess after witnessing its power the Kree race came to the realization that they would need a guiding force without the limitations of natural drive or possible betrayal and so under the guidance of the Kree Science Council the race formed a sentient computer known as the supreme intelligence containing the minds of every career or the supreme intelligence became as much as spiritual symbol as it was a leader guiding the Kree with her absolute loyalty the supreme intelligence orchestrated the development of the inhuman project as a means to both subvert the SPRO race as well as other races in an effort to secure the kree's dominion over the universe however at some point in the races history an unnamed member had attempted to secure an artifact known as the crystal of ultimate vision which allowed its wielder to perceive and manipulate the very fabric of the universe giving in to his basic instincts the unknown Kriya the final test which measure the potential wielder spirit as a result the evolution of the Cree race was frozen in time keeping them in their current form until the end of all things on the other side of the cosmos the Shiar were developing their own empire originating with Shara and key 3 according to Shiar legend the two possessed untold power but existed as opposites through good and evil waging war against one another forced to marry through unknown means Shara and kii three were presented with the m'kraan crystal which had reformed through the birth of this new universe representing the union of Shara and ki 3 the m'kraan crystal came to be viewed as a sacred artifact to this end the Shiar turned to the crystal as a representation of their races destiny to marry planets together under the monarchy of the Shiar Empire taking place over the course of yawns and expanding across their corner of the galaxy unlike the scroll Empire which functioned with the scrolls themselves at the center of power the Shiar Empire existed as an amalgamation of races with each one swearing absolute allegiance to the imperial crown shortly after this and in an effort to secure their safety over their rule the Shiar developed the Imperial Guard offering all members of the Empire and opportunity to participate each race was allowed to send one member of their kind who stood as the races strongest individual as a result the Imperial Guard was only comprised of a small number of members but each one possessed a unique power ranging from telepathy to telekinesis to energy manipulation while the Shiar Empire continued to grow and expand within its own corner of the universe the Eternals who would abandon earth had already taken up residence on Saturn's moon Titan winding the clock back prior to the Eternals abandoning earth the group found itself led by two beings Chronos who sought peace and Uranus who sought war with the inevitable Civil War coming to fruition Uranus and his ilk were exiled from Earth eventually taking up residence on Titan however because the Eternals were at their core humans one of the elder gods known as a dragon of the moon reached out from its dimension and looked to enhance his power by corrupting the Wills of madmen and sorry Uranus and his followers into a civil war the entirety of the colony was nearly destroyed save for sweets on an eternal woman who remained alone on the desolate moon following this and after the remainder of Earth's Eternals took to the stars sui-lan was greeted by those who stayed behind and took up residence on titan as a means to continue monitoring earth finding herself married to a lars around 20,000 years prior to the current day Lars and sweets on gave birth to two sons named eros and panels developing a highly advanced computer system named Isaac and repopulate and tightening while a large and sweet Sean found themselves elevated to the position of rulers over the moon unbeknownst to the rest of the universe a small corner of reality took a different direction within the Cygnus constellation and residing is a fourth planet from its Sun then lost it as a beacon of scientific and technological superiority while his origin is shrouded in mystery we can largely assume that in the early days of its development zenn-la experienced its own struggles as the planets inhabitants came to understand their place in the universe along the way the zenn-la vien belief indeed he's began to fade following the rise of throng the saint of science teaching the people of zenn-la to concern themselves with only what could be witnessed and analyzed by their eyes the actions of thron assured a scientific age of enlightenment at the cost of creating a rift between himself as well as his fellow gods and his son la viens owing to the idea that belief in mythical beings defy the nature of science itself using their knowledge of science and a defensive capacity zenn-la saw the issues of hunger disease and poverty swept away to be replaced by a paradise where each member lived without want however this enlightenment came with a high price as a race that had previously experienced hatred and war the citizens of zenn-la were not unlike humans and that they thrived on freewill and imagination while the early days of their scientific discovery allow for exploration of the Stars after charting all things and learning all there was to learn the act of retreating into themselves left a void in their nature with some turning to drugs and others turning to suicide to escape into a mental dreamscape while their society did not crumble it slowly reduced itself in number all the while becoming removed from the goings-on of the universe around the remaining secluded from all existence in our stories I would occasionally have somebody die or introduce a serious subject I didn't like to do it too much because basically I feel comic books for anything I do whether it's comic books or movies or television or animation should be entertaining and I never want to and most of what I do is for younger people I consider people in their 20s younger in fact right now I consider people in their 70s younger but at any rate it was for younger people and I didn't feel they should be burdened with too much heavy stuff I thought they should read my stories enjoy them and come away feeling better but at the same time and trying to inject some reality some realism into the stories and also to surprise the readers because it's important for a reader never to know what's coming next but occasionally I should have somebody die or get seriously ill occasionally touch on some serious subject now those are two separate things the having somebody die was for the sake of drama and holding the readers interest the age of empires progressed all forms of life ranging from these spacefaring forces to single-celled organisms all existed as but one version of themselves within our universe beyond this resented the multiverse a mass of interweaving of realities while some of these universes were identical to our own others differed greatly if the legends of old are to be believed at the beginning of all things before the formation of the first universe there existed that one above all as the supreme creator as well as nemesis possessing control over space-time the sole reality the mind and pure power as the sole entity existence nemesis fell into a state of loneliness and despair electing to end its own life dispersing its energies and their entirety nemesis gave birth to the multiverse planting within each universe six singular gems containing a portion of its power travelling back to our universe as the empires of various races grew and were replaced the universe was being explored by the Phoenix force unlike the traditional cosmic entities of eternity infinity Galactus and others the Phoenix force did not contain different iterations of itself across the multiverse instead despite the existence of infinite universes within the multiverse there existed only one Phoenix force representing the total sum of all future life born through the multiverse itself the Phoenix force existed with immense power serving as a nexus for all psychic energy that has ever currently does or will ever exist initially existing as a formless mass of energy while we don't know what the Phoenix was doing in the early days of the universe what we do know is that in a universe wildly different from our own a being named net crumb had come to understand the power of the Phoenix operating is that universes sorcerer supreme nekron had taken advantage of the Phoenix forces lack of experience in dealing with deception manipulating the Phoenix into building pillars across the multiverse net Crom intended to converge all realities into a singularity forcing a collapse of the multiverse and absorbing the energy submitted by its death transforming him into a God however the schemes of nekron were discovered by his students and while he was defeated the Phoenix went forward operating largely within our universe and seeking to better understand the minds of mortal creatures with the threat of neck kromm reaching the ears of almost all beings across the multiverse an individual of unknown origin named Merlin had come to the conclusion that the various realities of the multiverse needed a means of observation and protection against such a threat confining himself to a pocket dimension outside of all space and time known as Otherworld Merlin said about creating the omniversal Development Court a governing body designed to observe the development of each universe within the multiverse and ensure their safety traveling back towel universe while the planet zenn-la remained in isolation from the various empires and forms of life their position in the cosmos was about to radically change on the far side of reality Galactus continued his role as the devourer of worlds and found that his hunger was growing traversing the cosmos and coming upon zenn-la as one of the many worlds rich in life supporting energy Galactus intended to consumes in law however had to be Hess of one of its citizenry his in-laws execution was stay'd born to the brilliant scientist Geron who encouraged his son to pursue knowledge advancement and achievement unlike everybody else sons in law who saw Galactus coming as their guaranteed end Norrin Radd saw hope petitioning zen law Science Council to grant him a vessel Norrin Radd struck a pact with Galactus with the devourer of worlds becoming increasingly weaker due to having to search at his own sustenance if Galactus peers in law no one rat would abandon his home and service Galactus is Herald traveling the universe in search of suitable planets agreeing to these terms Norrin Radd was transformed into the Silver Surfer who in turn would locate planets capable of say shading the likenesses hunger but lacking sentient life but the Silver Surfer serving his purpose back in our solar system the destiny of Thanos was beginning as the son of the Lars an eternal from Earth Thanos was at his core human but with both Eternals and deviance stemming from the human gene unlike those around him on Titan Thanos was born with both eternal and deviant genes making him a mutant among his own race however unlike a Lars who considered a no so worthy successor to the eternal throne Thanos his mother cerise on saw him as the death of them all initially trying to kill her son on birth while sweets on was stopped by at Lars her claims of impending doom at the hands of panis led to her incarceration within a mental institution spinning his childhood as a pacifist Thanos kept largely to himself playing only with his brother eros however after encountering a fellow student her manipulations began to see the views of Thanos shifting from non-aggression to obsession with nihilism and death encouraged by his family to develop friends the young Thanos was tricked into visiting a cave alongside several other students experiencing a cave-in Thanos was forced to be a witness as his friends were consumed by lizards forced to return to a life of isolation the young girl persuaded Thanos to drop his pacifist nature returning to the cave and killing the lizards following this and at the behest of the young girl Thanos began kidnapping various creatures from around his city initiating a series of grisly experiments that kill them but enable Thanos to better understand the natural physiology of organisms and his search to understand why he was physically different from everyone else continuing along this path by his teenage years and after expanding his experiments to his own race Thanos had murdered 17 individuals many of whom were his own classmates failing to find his answers the more Thanos engaged in murder the more his focus shifted from research to desire after which he abandoned Titan and took to exploring the stars while the path of Thanos would lead him inexorably towards his fate back on earth the Elder Gods refused to be forgotten after spending 3 billion years in isolation a handful of elder gods sought to use mankind as a means to ensure their legacy coming together in the form of the octet since the Elder Gods were tuned Bhavik Econ for allah sidorak kraken ragged org and vault r came together for a test to determine the strongest member among them creating an artifact of their own design those humans who continued to worship the Elder Gods built tombs housing these artifacts sealing the tombs and sacrificing their lives these items would remain until one was touched by human hands after which humanity would be drawn to the remaining seven than those that acquired them would lead humanity and a war against itself while time would see the passing of 4000 years before this prophecy would be fulfilled with the existence of these artifacts remaining hidden the ancient mutant apocalypse was beginning his reign following his escape from the confines of Egypt of Hakka lafe's went forward throughout the world pitting various civilizations against one another as a means to eliminate the weak from the strong during this time and in the fifteenth century in sub on or had fancied himself a warlord building an army of the strongest fighters from those civilizations he had conquered and christening them the riders of the dark using the riders to conquer more territories the life events of on or in the future of the world was changed irrevocably with the arrival of Nathan Dayspring hailing from 4,500 years in the future cable from the time of his adolescence knew only of a world ruled by apocalypse imposing his philosophy of social Darwinism under the rule of apocalypse Murphy had become a cruel and brutal place for the weak were eliminated to make way for the strong intending to keep his future from coming into fruition cable travelled into the past under the guise of the traveler intending to end apocalypse before he could seize power however during in sub onerous travels he had encountered a ship left behind by the Celestials during their experiments on early man unable to access its technology during his original encounter apocalypse greeted cable as an enemy with the two doing battle against one another while cable proved himself the victor his sovereign ended blood merged with apocalypse allowing him to communicate with the ship striking a patch with one of the Celestials apocalypse was granted use of their technology and went forward with a host of new powers hell-bent on world domination very witness to the fruits of his labor Kaiba was forced to come to recognize that he himself was the being responsible for engineering apocalypses rise to power the most important thing that I always tried to do was concentrate on the characters even before I would dream up the story I would try to think who are the characters what are their personalities what type of people are they and why should a reader care about them why should a real reader be interested in them to me the same thing holds for movies television you've got to have characters that the audience the viewer the reader cares about once you do that making up stories is easy the serious themes that I would occasionally inject were for another reason I began to realize judging by the fan mail that we received I began to realize that our books had quite an influence on the readers and I kind of took that seriously I felt if these people are reading my words and the words of the other writers working for horrible I felt we've got to be careful and we've got to make sure that we're not giving them the wrong messages while apocalypse is packed with the Celestials allowed him to go forward from Egypt as the most powerful earthbound being at the time and forcing civilizations around the world to worship him as a God on the other side of the Nile River and North East Africa gods of a different sort were becoming involved in the affairs of humanity wanting the clock back to three billion years ago following the banishment of the Elder Gods Gaia who embodied the Earth Spirit spawned children of her own who took three forms the Titans the Cyclops and the hectars favored by their father arrey knows the Titans embodied his lust for battle in his formidable strength testing one another through physical combat the Titans ruled from on high as their brothers the Cyclops and hectares were banished to the other dimensional realm of Tartarus grieving for her children Gaia besieged the Titans to destroy Raynaud's a task ignored by all than one seeing the opportunity as a chance to rule and taking up arms against his father the youngest Titan named Cronus castrated him murdered array knows who used his dying breath to curse Cronus with death by his own son refusing to honor the request of his mother to free his brothers and seizing Mount Olympus as his own Cronus took a bride in the form of Rhea who in turn gave birth to Zeus turning against her son Gaia smuggle disease from Olympus raising him to become a fierce warrior growing into adulthood Zeus freed the Cyclops and hectars leading a march against Cronus and his Titans defeating his father all the Titans soldiers were banished to the realm of Tartarus where they were watched over by Hades allowing Zeus to emerge as the king of gods turning his sights to the Titan General Atlas Zeus dispersed Eagles across the earth surveying his domain and locating the center of the world Atlas was imprisoned on the island of Atlantis doomed to spend eternity holding the heavens on his shoulders becoming a home for the deviants following the first experiments of the Celestials the kingdom of Atlantis served as a trading hub of the deviants themselves and free men allowing sailors and merchants to barter trinkets and items from around the world spanning the globe in reaching as far south as Antarctica the Atlantean civilization discovered the Savage Land as a place of beauty housing flora and fauna exporting animals from around the globe despite their advanced technology and attempts at explaining how such a lush jungle could exist in the Antarctic the truth of the Savage Land eluded the Atlanteans however during the deviants battle with the Celestials the highly advanced Atlantean civilization immersed itself in spheres of unknown composition under the belief that the conflict would lay waste to the world bearing witness as the deviant and celestial war shook the skies and threatened to crack the earth into the island of Atlantis fell beneath the surface where he would remain hidden from those on land as the ages passed and time allowed for mankind to flourish on the surface primitive tendencies gave way to a reconstruction of organized society constructing empires that grew through conquests and were conquered and turned the kingdom of Atlantis evolved as well with all technology lost to save for their protective spheres and miscellaneous instruments using their knowledge of alchemy Atlantean priests began to modify the genetic structure of their people allowing for the ability to breathe underwater remaining isolated from the goings on in the surface this time period of Atlantean history saw the rise of two of history's most important beings Meriden and Morgan la Fey departing the kingdom of Atlantis and taking up residence in Great Britain where Morgan la Fey opposed the idea of Britain transforming into a religious Empire Meriden supported the cause forming a pact with Mordred the illegitimate son of King Arthur Morgan LaFace saw to subvert Arthur's rule over Britain capturing the kingdom of Camelot and eventually the world invoking his knowledge of alchemy Muradin rechristen himself Merlin and using his magic to empower the ebony sword selected Sir Percy of scandia to protect the kingdom of Camelot operating as an agent of both Merlin and King Arthur Sir Percy of scandia defended Camelot on several occasions saving the life of King Arthur and securing his legacy as one of Camelot's greatest warriors however unbeknownst to King Arthur Merlin or Sir Percy himself the ebony blade had a will of its own forged through combat and solidified through bloodshed the ebony blade developed a curse dooming all who wielded the sword to a hunger for battle meeting his death during the fall of Camelot the spirit of Sir Percy endured appearing to all descendants of his bloodline who were found worthy of wielding the sword moving away from britain within the territories of both Africa and Egypt a handful of second-generation gods had formed their own followings originating in Egypt proper unlike her counterparts who maintained their ties to the Egyptian culture the Panther God bast elected to forge ties to both Egypt and Africa worship within the Egyptian city of Bubastis as they got us a pleasure the adoption of bast as an African goddess did not occur until 10,000 years ago hailing from the far side of the universe whether through fate or divine means a meteorite smashed into the atmosphere scattering debris across the planet while some landed in Antarctica itself and various other territories around the globe the largest fragment made landfall in Wakanda discovered by bashing de who led a small band of nomads the vibranium meteorite was believed to be a gift from Africa's gods forging weapons that utilize vibranium natural ability to absorb sound and energy where one half of the dschinghis tribe went forward as a dominant group in Africa the other half were mutated to the radiation permeated by the vibranium or becoming demons of darkness and rage praying to the African goddess bast to aid his people the shingu was bestowed with the powers of the Panther God defeating the dark demons serving as protector of wakanda's vibranium stores which she got kept his lands hidden from the world all the while continuing to utilize the powers of the black panther and becoming the first in a line of descendants who would share this role while the small settlement of Wakanda began its journey to become a kingdom the various members of the second generation of gods were becoming more involved in the lives of mortal men forming a Council of godheads known of the sky fathers within the territories of Greece India Scandinavia and North America these sky fathers represent to the various religions of the world ranging from Christianity and Catholicism to Hinduism and Taoism routinely interacting with humanity albeit by indirect means not all who were aware of this influence approved returning to earth for a third time with the intention of judging humanity's evolution is worthy of continued existence the Celestials were displeased with the sky father's influence on human civilization bringing with them the power to destroy the sky fathers with but a thought the Council of godheads were instructed to refrain from involving themselves in the affairs of mortal men blessed they fund their empires destroyed and their lives forfeit as a result the sky fathers grudgingly honored this request where their legacies fading from humanity's mind to be replaced by myths and legend by the 12th century humanity sat nestled in the Middle Ages or this era would see the rise of Genghis Khan who would go on to form the largest empire recorded history at the time as well as the tail-end of the religious Crusades one of the most powerful mutants to have ever existed was running headlong into his destiny born to a wealthy French family Bennet dupe Howie had wanted for virtually nothing fighting in the crusade as an adult during his travels the pole of Destiny had revealed whispers of an eternal Pharaoh in Egypt capable of granting untold power driven by ambition Bennet travelled to Egypt after which he was met with a disembodied voice asking if Bennet was willing to sacrifice who he was to become something better his powers were awakened granting him a level of telepathy and telekinesis hitherto unchallenged forced to do battle as the test of his abilities Bennet dupe Harry emerged victorious going forward as Exodus however unbeknownst to Exodus his powers had been awakened by apocalypse forced to do battle against his allies Exodus turned on apocalypse proclaiming him a false god engaging in a battle against the tyrant alongside his allies exodus was swiftly overpowered after which he was sealed away within a mountainside while Exodus slumbered within a script 300 years past and saw the world changing Europe was experiencing a renaissance of art and science the Roman Empire was collapsing and Joan of Arc was turning the tide of the Hundred Years War between England and France during this time and within the mystic city of Qom our Taj in the region of Tibet on the western side of the Himalayas the world was met with the birth of Yama spending his youth as a peaceful farmer yah was greeted by a fellow villager named Kowloon exposing now to knowledge of magic and sorcery the two journey together through the realm of mystic arts learning to control the wills of men and harnessing the power of immortality however as Kalu expand his knowledge of sorcery so too did he expand his lust for power taking over the minds of local farmers the maniacal tendencies of colluded led to a battle between himself and yow laying waste to the city of Qom art Amish yah banish collude to the crimson dimension of city rock after which the out christened himself the ancient and sought others like himself [Music] it really has to do with talent I think the people at marble or making these movies are the most talented movie makers on the face of the planet they go back to the roots of the comics and they say what made this trip so successful and once they decide what that element or those elements may be they keep to those elements they're starting out with very colorful characters but if they put them in the real world and they give them real problems and everybody wants to see it I I know the characters and I can't wait to see the movies [Music] and if you see for me superheroes will always spark the imagination of people around the world regardless of their background because I think that people are always looking for something that represents the ideal person or the ideal situation one thing I might mention most writers and I think it's an unfortunate thing they try to write something that they think a certain audience might enjoy I've never been able to do that because I can't put myself in the mind of other people I only know what I enjoy so every time I've written a story I've always tried to write the sort of story that I myself would enjoy reading a story that would interest me while I'm writing it as I'm waiting to find out what happens next as the journey of the ancient one continued leaving him ever closer to his encounter with dr. Stephen strange one of the world's most dangerous villains was emerging while almost nothing is known about his parents or birthplace what is known is that as a child Nathaniel Essex was gifted with an aptitude for intelligence which largely went unexplored until his adolescence journeying to Greenwich Park in London Essex did not view the world like everyone else were the citizens of London looked to religion as an answer to their purpose in life Essex believed that the gods were but one facet of the universe with humanity moving forward toward his guaranteed future applying his intelligence as a means to understand the place of humanity within the cosmos Essex received a full scholarship to Oxford University where he pursued a career in biology becoming obsessed with evolution Essex came to believe that humanity stood upon the precipice of change and that if it had not begun already our time would come when human beings will begin to evolve creating a crude representation of what these future humans may look like Nathaniel Essex was denounced and exiled from the Royal Academy of Sciences all the while remaining completely unaware that he was being watched by curious eyes despite having lived for thousands of years in traveling to virtually every corner of the world Apocalypse had remained woefully oblivious to his true heritage disguising himself as a benefactor and travelling to London through the conversations and investigations apocalypse came to realize that his powers did not hail from divine intervention but through a mutation in his genes offering Nathaniel the opportunity to continue his experimentation without the restriction of age apocalypse use his celestial technology to modify the genes of Essex allowing him to go forward as mr. sinister or the journeys of Essex would see him continuing his experiments on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean another mutant was emerging nestled within Alberta Canada's lakeland district in 1885 James Howlett was born to Elizabeth Hallett and the family's ground keeper Thomas Logan ignored by his mother and shunned by his father James spent the early days of his youth under the abuse of control of his grandfather who routinely beat his grandson believing that a firm and harsh a brain was necessary its submitting his time with two other children named rose and dog the biological son of Thomas Logan and half-brother to James as the three grew into adulthood their attention began to shift to romance finding himself attracted to Rose because dog had experienced such brutal punishment at the hands of his father like a feral animal Dodd forced himself onto rose leading to the expulsion of both dog and his father from the hallowed estate flying into a drunken rage Thomas returned to the estate murdering James father in front of him overtaken by grief and rage the powers of James manifested resulting in the protrusion of bone claws and a healing factor after which James killed Thomas and left his home alongside rose moving away from Earth and transitioning to a frontier world in the Crab Nebula Thanos continued his journey living an empty and unfulfilled life Thanos produced children looted the worlds of Fringe galaxies and murdered failing to fill the void of his life the more children he produced the more people he killed and the more worlds he pillaged the lessee felt instead and despite his best efforts his thoughts wandered across the vastness of space to the young girl on Titan who guided him towards his first steps in killing curious as to her whereabouts Thanos his attempt to drive her from his mind saw him taking up work on the coast a pirate vessel led by a demented captain challenging the captain for leadership of the Pirates Thanos his victory saw him giving in to his bloodlust going forward as the mad Titan however would the mysterious young girl tormenting his every waking thought and every sleeping dream Thanos took his pirates and returned home in an effort to find her back on earth the 1793 advent of the cotton gin had marked the midway point of the Industrial Revolution and where technology was advancing to allow for a better understanding of the world unbeknownst to all the entity sublime watched closely evolving with the first forms of life on Earth sublime had spent countless eons jumping from one house to the next using each human to carry out its schemes and sowing chaos and reaping Wars however with the emergence of mutants the alteration to their genetic code made them immune to the influence of sublime as such the entity began laying plans for weapons plus a program rooted in the idea of creating super soldiers during this time the kingdom of austria-hungary remained the weakest of the first world nations a situation exacerbated by the desire of the South Slavic people to break away and form their own nation of Yugoslavia where most look to diplomacy as a means to achieve their goal a group of Serbian nationalists calling themselves a black hand chose another path intending to eliminate Franz Ferdinand the nephew of austria-hungary Emperor Franz Josef the black hands belief was that in doing so friends Joseph would acquiesce and allow this house Slavs to break away carrying their mission to its completion instead of allowing the South Slavs to form their own nation and for Franz Josef waged war international alliances were invoked and World War one began as the powers of the world squabbled over land and glory Sablan continued to operate in the shadows using the post-world War One chaos of Central Europe to his advantage sublime took over the body of a human host dubbing himself John and began to manipulate various intelligence agencies around the United States arguing that the threat of world war one proposed a legitimate need for super-powered beings who would fight on behalf of the United States sublime was given a blank cheque by the US government using those funds to bring his vision into reality the coinciding with Hitler's invasion of Poland and the start of World War two word had reached the ears of Sivan regarding a German scientist who had successfully developed a serum that augmented the abilities of normal men working alongside the United States military John sublime orchestrated the kidnapping of dr. Abraham Erskine by Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos after which Erskine was sent a task and locating the best suitable candidate for the use of his formula spending several years sorting through various soldiers Abraham Erskine finally settled on a young emaciated man whose lack of size hindered his attempts to enter the US Army electing to meet the boy in person dr. Erskine was impressed by the man's courage and bravery leading to the development of the web and Plus projects for a successful test subject in the form of Captain America origins of superpowers are always very interesting if you get the right origin like for example spider-man being bitten by a radioactive spider at least then the viewer has something to hold on to and to say well it might have happened now I'll enjoy it I can tell you exactly when timely comics became Marvel the last name they had before they became Marvel was Atlas comics and after we did the Fantastic Four we did the Hulk spider-man the x-men so forth we suddenly began to realize hey we've got fans so I decided we ought to change the name of the company get something better than Atlas and the very first book that martin goodman had ever published was called marvel comics winding the clock back to the late eleven hundreds while the rest of the world saw the rise of Empires who squabbled over land and power not every organization chose to operate in the light within the nation of Japan Minamoto no your moto had founded the first of the Shogun in 1192 ruling over japan as a military dictator the official class of its society followed a hierarchy beginning with its line of Kings extending to feudal lords with peasants and artisans at the bottom and to me to escape this class of inequality a handful of peasants and artisans took to the mountains of EAGA and Koga living isolated from the larger society these small bands practiced the art of ninjitsu passing their teachings on to their children maintaining this lifestyle in 1588 these isolated tribes were bound together under the rule of kaga Nobu Yoshioka rechristening this organization as the hand they maintained their clandestine nature coveting power above all else and influencing the governments of the world through subterfuge and assassinations by the early 20th century the world had changed global exploration and the founding of new territories gave way to international alliances through trade and commerce while individual rulers came and went on the whole the borders had already been drawn within Europe in the Middle East the post-world War one landscape saw the actions of Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin paving the way for the reformation of Russia from an imperialist nation to the Communist USSR the Serbians Croatians and Slovenians form Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia Bohemia and Hungary formed their own territory and the Ottoman Empire was replaced by the formation of Turkey along with a handful of other Federation's in the West the United States in Britain became superpowers referred to as the roaring 20s for the American people consumer spending was at an all-time high owing to the decreased cost of goods through supply-side economics the motion picture industry was emerging in Hollywood California and mass production had transitioned automobiles from a luxury to a commonly owned product of the middle-class conversely the early 1920s saw massive social changes for women in Brittany with World War one seemed so many men fighting overseas women turned to working in factories providing a wage and a measure of Independence and the post-world War one landscape however this autonomy remained seeing the introduction of voting rights in 1918 to women over the age of 30 and an extension to these rights to women over the age of 21 by 1928 these changes and others elevated women from their previous positions as being subservient to cutting their hair wearing shorter dresses and taking on the moniker a flapper for the German people however economic and social growth was nowhere to be found viewed as the agitators of World War one owing to the idea that they had merged austria-hungary Emperor Franz Joseph and the waging war against Serbia following his nephews assassination Germany was considered to be the prime target for the Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles and forced by the newly formed League of Nations which was composed of World War Ones victors to ensure a Second World War did not happen the Treaty of Versailles required that Germany give up all territories obtained during the second reich of otto von bismarck losing access to 16 percent of its coal fields and half of its iron and steel industry the additional impacts of armed forces reductions and reparations virtually shattered the German economy sending it into a tailspin of destitution and resentment forced to bear witnesses land was purchased by foreigners who in turn started businesses and built homes a small facet of German nationalists espoused the belief that their national identity was slowly being eroded going relatively unnoticed except for those who attended their meetings and small facilities on the outskirts and due time the Nationalist Party found a voice who rallied their cause and would take Germany by storm by 1929 the American stock market crashed during what's become known as Black Thursday with reliance on the League of Nations super powers to enforce mandates and the reluctance of the United States to financially back restrictions when they were facing the Great Depression the world was gearing up for the unavoidable in Italy Benito Mussolini marched on Rome in 1922 and wrestled control from King Victor Emmanuel the third taking over his prime minister and establishing complete control of the government while enacting right-wing fascist policies with nearly absolute power belonging to him seeing weakness in the League of Nations Hitler saw to mimic Benito's actions initiating a march on Berlin during the Beer Hall push while his actions ultimately failed the Nazi Party had achieved a moral victory during which Hitler spent his time in prison writing mine Kampf which detailed the belief of the German Weimar Republic had been complicit in destroying German society at the behest of jeers as well as a plan to reinstate Germany as a world power rallying the desperate and impoverished German people Hitler used the party's newfound popularity to force the German government's hand becoming Chancellor and eventually dictator in asia the far eastern crisis or a Manchurian incident was another failure of the league under flimsy pretext sent through manipulations by the hand Japan invaded the Chinese region of Manchuria and set up a public government however with both Japan and China being members of the league at the time the league nearly unanimously passed that Japan was the aggressor and should return Manchuria to China instead Japan withdrew from the lead and should have faced economic sanctions but with the league's key members of Britain France and Russia facing economic hardships at the time they did neither and Japan kept Manchuria and during this time and within Britain itself a young student named Herbert Wyndham had become obsessed with the works of Nathaniel Essex regarding the evolution of humanity and the human genome building a genetic accelerator and experimenting on various rats and small animals Wyndham swore on him to the attention of fader a former member of the Inhumans Royal City who was exiled for his views on cloning providing the young man with a full map of the human genome Wyndham went forward developing isotope a an act which saw him expel from Oxford University joining forces with Jonathon drew the scientists built a compound in the wundagore mountains of Eastern Europe elsewhere by 1935 Italy had invaded Abyssinia now modern-day Ethiopia at the time Africa was divided up into several colonies owned by various countries and with Wakanda isolated from the rest of the world the technologically advanced nation took no concern with the goings-on of its surroundings as a result Ethiopia's emperor and his army were poorly trained and equipped in comparison to Italy's a large occupation force which employed airstrikes mustard gas and poisoning of water supplies interestingly enough Hillier supplied Ethiopia with rifles and machine guns and hopes that Italy would be weakened enough that they would not oppose Hitler when he invaded Austria but after recognizing the true victory would be achieved through deception instead of brute force Germany initiated the formation of the Axis powers alongside Japan and Italy where the Nazis continued their expansion in the years leading up to World War two within Germany itself the world saw the arrival of one of its most dangerous villains born in 1914 with his mother dying in childbirth Johann Schmidt was resigned a Munich's home for wayward boys living a life of destitution due to the lack of funds from the German government Hitler's views of returning Germany to his former glory resonated with Johan escaping the orphanage for the next several years Johan travelled through Germany continuing to fall down the rabbit hole of the Nazis continued rise be funding and betraying various men and women eventually Johan reconnected with dieter Lehman another boy from the orphanage who was inspired by Johan to run away while the paths of the two boys would lead them down separate roads with neither a line with the Communist Russians and Schmidt aspiring to become part of the German SS despite his best efforts Schmidt remained a member of the Brownshirts constantly finding himself the subject of abuse and discrimination from the superior SS viewing this treatment as an extension of Hitler's cruelty Schmidt and dieter formed a plan to kill the Fuhrer as a brown coat despite being considered one of the lowest members of the Nazi Party Schmitz positions still granted him some measure of information regarding the inner workings of the Nazi Party itself learning that Hitler intended to execute all leader to the Browncoats during the night of the Long Knives Schmidt and dieter traveled to the hotel - flower owing to the idea of Hitler intending to kill Ernst röhm personally disguising themselves as bellhops in arriving moments after the Gestapo and the moment of truth Schmidt turned against dieter shooting him in the head gaining an audience with Hitler directly who was impressed by yo.hannes actions and dedication to the Nazi cause Schmidt was taken in by Hitler and raised as his right-hand man back in the United States while Nazi Germany invaded Poland and initiated World War two the US government looked to counter the Nazi regime using technology of their own turning to Professor Phineas T Horton a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics the government intended to initiate an army of soldiers using autonomous supercomputers programmable for the purpose of carrying out the goals of their commanders falling in line with his pursuit of fame and fortune professor Finney has set about developing horton cells synthetic replicas of human cells using plastic and carbon polymers encountering a series of struggles after due diligence and sleepless nights in November of 1939 professor Phineas T Horton unveiled his creation to the world dubbed the Human Torch never in a million years would I have thought this when I started nobody had any respect for Marvel and I didn't mean for Marvel comic books in fact that's why I changed my name my name is to be Stanley Martin Lieber a real normal name and I cut it in half and made Stanley into Stan Lee I didn't even want people to know I was working in comics at that time because I say nobody had any respect but they were thought to be read by very young children or illiterate adults today comic books are actually written by some of the best writers in the country if not the world I don't have to say how good the illustrators are or yeah they do is look at some of the illustrations it has become a really viable and impressive art form and literary form while Jim Hammond went forward as a human torch coming to grips with society's view of him and the Atlantic Ocean another super-powered being was emerging a human Atlantean hybrid and the years leading up to World War two the United Kingdom's Prime Minister Winston Churchill had sought to capture vibranium as a material used for weapons against the Axis powers and struck ting English explorer Ernest Shackleton to search the Atlantic and during their explorations the ship was lost and Ernest was presumed dead Antony to capitalize on the UK's venture and proceed of advancing their own weapons program in the twilight of his life US President Woodrow Wilson had instructed Leonard McKenzie to continue the search taking to the Atlantic and conducting a series of explosions on the ice Mackenzie's actions caught the attention of Atlantean king zakkour who instructed his daughter Finn to investigate storing a bore of a Kenzie's ship and being taken prisoner miss time progressed Mackenzie and Fenn fell in love however on the day of their marriage the ship of McKenzie was attacked by Atlanteans under the orders of retrieving princess Finn and when Leonard was believed dead Fenn returned to her kingdom pregnant with Leonard's child christening her son named were his early years were spent learning about his mixed heritage leading to a curiosity about the surface world however when the Nazis learned of vibranium is existence and pursued the rare metal for their own uses their exploration send near discovery of Atlantis led Namor to take up arms against Hitler and his forces within the United States itself the newly formed Captain America was rising as a symbol for the American people and the Allied powers representing the principle of freedom and the sacrifices that came with it and the eyes of military personnel Steve Rogers conviction was his weakness believing that there were times when torture and killing was necessary and an effort to ensure their plans for espionage and subterfuge were carried out Rogers was partnered with a teenage boy named James Buchanan Barnes losing his mother in childbirth and his father to a training accident Bucky was trained as a black ops agent with emphasis on torture and stealth fighting alongside Captain America named war the Submariner and Jim Hammond the Human Torch the group named themselves the invaders and led a series of campaigns to thwart the Nazi regime however the Nazis themselves were not without their own secret weapon continuing his tutelage under the direction of Adolf Hitler Johann Schmidt came to view aid off as a hindrance to his goal of world domination assassinating Hitler's closest advisors and positioning himself as a second most powerful person in Germany even Hitler himself came to fury Johan due to his ruthlessness and cunning believing that world domination would require a collaborative effort far beyond Hitler's primitive views Johan turned his sights to the legendary general Baron von Strucker a signing structure to the Far East johan's intention was to form a pact with the Japanese mystics known as the hand using their magic to complement Germany's military tactics and by combining their forces a sub sect of the hand joined Baron von Strucker giving birth to the second iteration of Hydra back in Germany proper the Third Reich had already begun a series of campaigns aimed at eliminating the Jewish population where this included the now infamous final solution the desire of Nazis to remove undesirables had unexpected consequences most notably the emergence of one of the earth's most powerful mutants the son of a former Jewish soldier turned watchmaker max Eisen Hart's father and grandfather had viewed their Satan life is temporary believing that their displacement within the Warsaw Ghetto would give way to the return to a life of normalcy at the war's conclusion however whether this view was held to a refusal to acknowledge the truth or a genuine belief varies but this perception was ultimately shattered when the Nazis began transporting the inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp escaping from their captors with the intention of taking refuge in a safe house for German Jews max was forced to bear witness as his family was systematically murdered by Nazi soldiers and thrown into a mass grave taken to the Auschwitz concentration camp max was assigned to the Sonderkommando x' task was cleaning out the cremation ovens and gas chambers while destroying the bodies of those exterminated by the Nazis coming to grips with the brutality of humans Max's experience shaped him on a fundamental level but the truth was far more terrifying than fiction with his genetic manipulations by apocalypse mr. sinister used his longevity to experiment on humans in an effort to understand the human genome viewing concentration camps as the perfect setting to conduct these experiments without question the fledgling mutant community within Auschwitz saw their bodies mutilated through gruesome experiments remaining woefully unaware of the doctors true identity and using his experience as a small-time smuggler of goods within the Warsaw Ghetto max eased as harsh resistance within ash woods by bribing the guards with goods unavailable through conventional means reuniting with his childhood crush Magda during his time in Auschwitz max Magda and other members of the concentration camp alongside rebels on the outside intended to launch a revolution freeing themselves from the yoke of oppression coinciding with the arrival of Captain America Bucky Namor and Jim Hammond as they cut a swath through the German front Max and Magda use the Auschwitz Revolution to escape and made their way to the Carpathian Mountains where they began their life together in marriage while world war two raged on the forces of Captain America Bucky named where the Submariner and Jim Hammond carried out a series of campaigns on behalf of the Allied powers taking them to the farthest corners of the world these acts were in and of themselves targeted at stopping the Nazi advancement transitioning to northern Africa despite his blunder and allowing the Allied forces to invade Normandy Erwin Rommel was still considered to be one of Hitler's highest-ranking generals leading a campaign to take wakanda's vibranium stories despite his advanced weaponry the wakandans were unable to hold off the forces of Rommel for any real measure of time as a result the invaders were successful in defeating the Nazis under Ramos command and Rogers was rewarded with the shard of vibranium Commission aid the intelligence branch of the United States to develop a new shield and during the process one of its scientists quite literally fell asleep waking up to a medal of indestructible composition in the shape of a perfect circle providing Captain America with the shield he desired under the direction of the US government the scientists went forward attempting to recreate the alloy with a suicide of Adolf Hitler marking the beginning of the end for the Third Reich not all of his forces went quietly as the top scientists under the Nazi regime Baron Zemo stood is the 12th generation in his family's line to carry the name drawing the attention of the Allied powers owing to his creation of the Medusa effect a weapon capable of annihilating the entirety of the United States Army Air Forces the invaders were tasked with bringing down Zemo and taking him into allied custody however after invading his fortress and attempting to destroy a drone plane the ensuing conflict saw both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes thrown into the icy waters of the English Channel while Rogers would be frozen in suspended animation for several decades Bucky Barnes was not so lucky with the Russian government looking to the premise of Captain America the communist regime intended to launch its own super soldier program while one half of the government targeted his fledgling even community looking to brainwash them into subservience the body of Bucky Barnes was located and taken by KGB general Alexander Lucan concluding that both Rogers and Barnes had been killed in action the US government needed a response believing that if the American people learned of Rogers and Barnes death that the moral compass for the last vestiges of the war effort would crumble because the US and Russia were running headlong into the Cold War the US government chose to appoint a series of successors operating under the mantles of Captain America and Bucky Barnes with a public failing to know the difference in their mind Steve Rogers remained a staunch protector for all they held dear across the Atlantic in upstate New York a young Charles Xavier was coping with radical changes of his life born to Brian and Sharon Xavier the life of Charles was part and parcel to government experimentation continuing his schemes and understanding the mutant and human genomes mr. sinister long life allowed for a multitude of schemes and plans while the fall of Auschwitz led to the abandonment of his experimentation without question his ability to alter his own physical appearance allowed for integration into the scientific community using less than savory methods using Brian Xavier and his partner Kurt Marko as unwitting accomplices the two used the resources of the United States government to analyze the genes of mutants providing considerable compensation for their efforts when Brian Xavier died in an explosion Charon inherited this wealth along with Kurt's affections and tuning to make his way into the marriage bed Kurt was a cruel father to his biological son Kane instead showing affection to Charles however this was revealed to be a ruse by Kurt who would used the motivation of ensuring that he inherited all of Sharon's wealth nevertheless Kurt's perceived doting on Charles led to a bitter hatred from Kane which was compounded by the act of accidentally killing his father and learning that Charles Xavier possessed the power to read minds while this would mark a drastic change in the life of Charles Xavier as beau he and Kane went forward bitter enemies unbeknownst to either of these men the earth and the rest of the universe's inhabitants existence as they knew it was only one part of a larger experiment it began in the realm beyond the multiverse home to the ivory kings these white lords from wild space were nothing if not curious operating with unknown origins and unmatched power at some point in the past the beyonders took notice of the multiverse and the denizens has within restricted to a dimension devoid of time but part and parcel to the space itself the beyonders found a nonlinear existence to be something of intrigue what was time what was death and what was life what did it mean to be both an individual and part of a larger whole and tending to find answers to their questions by launching a grand experiment the beyonders set in motion a series of events which could not be undone [Music] I'd make people not hate each other because of their religion because of their nationality because of any stupid reason if we could abolish hatred we live on this gorgeous planet there's a character I wrote called the Silver Surfer and I always had him making those kind of remarks philosophical things about he was from another world and he said why don't we realize we're on a planet that gives us everything food beautiful weather Sun everything why don't we enjoy it why do we spend time fighting and hating each other I love driving the Silver Surfer [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,904,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comic, Documentary, Stan Lee, The Marvel Universe A History, History Of Marvel, Thanos, Captain America, Infinity War, Infinity Gauntlet, Infninity Stones, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Iron man, Namor, World War II, The Living Tribunal, Cosmic Entities, One above all, The Beyonders, The Hand, The Avengers
Id: 8fHXMhBnyQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 12sec (4872 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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