The Death of Kang: Kang Vol 1 Part 3 | Comics Explained

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what's going on guys this is rob and we are back on our regularly scheduled programming which means kang only myself left to conquer part uh three is this part three i can't remember but whatever the next part is [Laughter] that's the part we're doing here now i was reading over the comments of the previous videos after i got back and i noticed that some of you guys were a little confused in terms of how the whole king the conqueror thing works and all that kind of stuff okay so as you guys know when it comes to marvel comics the main marvel universe is earth 616 right that's well established you guys have all pretty much known that for quite some time what you have is you do have a nathaniel richards from earth616 but that is the nathaniel richards known as the father of reed richards so if you ever read jonathan hickman's fantastic four run that's nathaniel right now he does have time traveling escapades and so on and so forth and he was part of kang war different things along those lines but when you think of king the conqueror right prime king if you want to call him that the main kane the conqueror who goes back in time and fights the avengers and all that kind of stuff he comes from a reality called earth 63 11. this story as it's being told is basically the origin of king the difference here is that unlike what a lot of the stuff that you've read before it's designed to basically rework his origins slightly as well as massively rework characters like ravana renslayer and the reason for that is because coming out of the loki tv show ravana renslayer is a very popular character or at least pretty popular way more than she ever was in the comics and so there was a lot of confusion with her character in the comics if loki had literally ended and said for more about ravana renaissance go read marvel comics as she exists right now it would confuse the piss out of people they would have no idea where to start or which version of her it is or anything like that it was it was just it was a massively complicated thing right she was just kind of thrown in there with a time traveling escapades of kang and there was no real explanation given insofar as how it all ties together this story corrects that the other part of that is that where this story focused on answering the question this idea that when kane the conqueror was a teenager some future version of himself just showed up and said i'm going to turn you into me that we're in and focused on younger king trying not to become his older self this video right here is where everything begins to shift so in the last video that we covered we had basically talked about how there was a it was really younger king ending up in ancient egypt and coming across rama tut who as you guys know was came to conquer going back to ancient egypt and then basically trying to rule there and then conquer the earth from that point going forward ultimately though there was a great big war taking place between uh kane the conqueror and apocalypse and so as a result of that what you ended up having was younger king who basically allied himself with what appeared to be ravana rinslayer in ancient egypt and then in turn helping uh helping apocalypse fend off and really defeat the forces of rahmatut of course with king basically fleeing back to his present after being defeated by the fantastic four who would time travel to that time period again we had covered more of that in the video so if that's a little confusing to you i invite you to go back and check out that video the thing about it is that after that whole conflict has ended right that adult king fled back to his own time and all you're left with is younger kang here in that whole series of events that whole calamity ravana rinslayer had effectively died and so as a result of that because ravana renslayer had basically appeared intermittently throughout the time stream and really defied anything regarding like the laws of aging or anything like that and no explanation has been given yet which we will we'll get an explanation on that um basically you have young kang who's in love with ravana rinslayer he has a vendetta against his older self and then he also wants to find a way to save ravana so what he ends up doing is making a deal with apocalypse now as you guys know apocalypse as a villain this guy's nothing if not just beholden to evolution right the guy believes in social darwinism only the strongest deserve to survive it's one of the reasons why apocalypse is a little hypocritical in some ways on one hand he'll make these grandiose speeches about how evolution will have its due and only those who who are able to deal with you know strength and and show how capable they are are the ones who deserve to live all the while he basically used the techno-organic virus as it was given to him by cable albeit inadvertently to interface with celestial technology and grant himself all these powers so if he was really living up to his own belief system he never would have done that he would have just used whatever powers had been naturally given to him to find some way to be a conqueror so basically it's a long way for me to say that when it comes to his life philosophy apocalypse is foolish so the thing about this is that what he does is he tells nathanael like i will give you the ability to travel forward in time right to travel to you know your future or whatever time period you need to go to but you will not do it using some kind of time machine or anything like that you will do it as at the whims and wants of time herself and so instead of him just being given the ability to travel into the future by way of some sort of machine or something like that he's actually encased in a sarcophagus and left there for like thousands of years where he just kind of goes forward right literally just sitting there in this case now the thing about it is that that kang doesn't really say that this is any kind of a torture i mean psychologically it is to a degree but in order to keep himself from going insane he steals himself right he says time is a thing to be conquered that was the edge of king's knife not tactics nor technology nor superpowers nor brutality time travel but even without a machine we all travel through time slowly and ever forward so with my flesh protected from age by apocalypse's arcane technology but my mind restlessly aware i did that one thing that king would find abort i took the long way around and all the while i sharpened my mind and stealed my focus i had many coming victories to contemplate but i was drawn particularly to the failures the ones i had been trained to prevent i contemplated ravana the mystery of her name echoing on my elder self's lips and of meeting my own ravana in the distant past i shed my boyhood to make myself her murderers undoing and finally in the shadow of 26 964 years of preparation meditation and patience i arrived and so he basically shows up here in what's essentially the modern era right the modern day and when i say the modern day i mean like the avengers in the 1960s really is is really what i'm referring to here but when he arrives here this sarcophagus of course is discovered and of course he ends up breaking out and so on and so forth but as he's here of course he overhears a news blip on the radio from j jonah jameson where basically there's some kind of uh ufo right a hovercraft out there that's just like wreaking havoc and the avengers are fighting it and so on and so forth and where they don't quite know what to make of it and in fact jamison asked a question like is it invaders from outer space kang is like no that's my future self who's arrived here with the intention of attacking the avengers team now what's really really interesting about this and this is what's really really cool is that you have younger kang who shows up to this vessel now in his mind he doesn't spend a whole lot of time with the avengers they're really more of an afterthought here and that's one of the things that's so cool about this story is whenever we traditionally read comic books the avengers or somebody like that they're always in some capacity the main focus right like here's a spider-man story where peter parker's doing his thing and something happens and some villain shows up and you know whatever he's really really strong peter can't do it on his own so here come the avengers and now it's a team-up book you don't really see instances where it's just like and there are the avengers over there doing something let's go back to what it is that we're doing here like you never really see that all the time right and it's really i really enjoy it's one of the things that i love about books like this is it's basically kang like younger king who's like i gotta fight my older self and it's cool to see the avengers because i remember seeing them when i was a little kid way you know in the far-flung future you know when he's from the 31st century but he's like i remember seeing them as a little kid studying about them and like the museum and the libraries and different things like that so it's kind of wild to actually see them here and they kind of look like i always imagined them in my memory that they were much bigger than they are you know they're just people here who do some stuff so there is a bit of nostalgia here but it's one of those things where he doesn't quite have time to sit back and marvel at the avengers fighting against you know the forces of kane to conquer instead king like younger kang ends up going into the vessel now it's one of these things and this is a really really important aspect of this he says so as the avengers fought kang with shield and hammer i approached not as alexander but as odysseus i made king's timeship know me as a friend for none could access its arsenal but king perhaps as i recall it now that moment was the first time i was truly him and the reason why he says that and the reason why this is so significant is because over the course of this story younger kang has been doing everything he can to prevent himself from becoming older king the conqueror from like becoming that villain it's a cool thing here because in the midst of this battle of course the avengers kind of get the upper hand king's ship is is on the verge of getting ready to take off and younger kang ends up confronting older kings so like the videos that we've done in the past we'll refer to younger king as nathaniel and older kang is just king right we'll just call him that so the thing about this is that kang does not recognize nathaniel richards and the reason why he doesn't recognize him is because kang has not met him yet now i know it sounds confusing as hell this is why i say kang stories man you have to really approach these carefully like especially if i'm making a video about this i have to approach it very very carefully because i could just blow through it the way that we normally do with stories it would confuse the piss out of you so here is a super simple explanation to why it is that kang does not know nathaniel so in a previous video we talked about how kang despite only being probably in his 30s or so has traveled back and forth through time a ton of times and as a result of that you could argue he's cumulatively lived a thousand lifetimes and so it's very very easy to just forget things now what's important about this is that king the conqueror at this point in his history has not traveled back to find his younger self and basically train his younger self and teach him everything he needs to know to prevent him from losing this is the point in the story when cain the conqueror is facing off against the avengers and losing so he hasn't come to this realization what if i just go back and grab my younger self and basically correct all my mistakes in that younger self so when my younger self becomes me they won't have all the flaws that i have now they'll be a better version of me so they never make the same mistakes and they ultimately come out on top right that's why kang does not remember nathaniel because he hasn't met him yet because he hasn't come up with that idea to grab nathanael and teach him everything he needs to know to ensure that kang does not lose in these various fights that he engages in now the thing about this is remember nathan doesn't want to become kang so even though he accesses the ship by pretending to be kang and so on and so forth he still stands against him right and one of the things to keep in mind is he still harbors a lot of love for ravana rinslayer and he's still very very mad about the fact that she died in ancient egypt because of the actions of kang when he was pretending or operating under the moniker of rama tut and so what he says is that his intention is to eradicate king right to kill kang here and now on this ship and by doing so it would remove him from the time stream in its entirety at that point he would go back into the past in ancient egypt and he would save the life of ravana red slayer because if he were to go back in the past and save the life of ravana king would always end up back there because it's just his history he would always become rama tut he would always exist in ancient egypt and that situation with how ravana died would always repeat itself but if he can kill kang and by doing so purge him from the time stream in its entirety then ultimately he can go back to ancient egypt he can save the life of ravana live a live life with her and never have to worry about kang showing up there to wreak havoc in any capacity because he's dead right like there's no king to travel back and forth in time anymore and so the response of kang is that's insane like do you have any idea what you would do if you did that right like i'm so ingrained in the time stream you would quite literally break time itself but if i didn't exist and you killed me it would destroy time there has to always be a king there needs to always be a cane to conquer traveling back and forth through time engaging in these different things because this is how it's supposed to work it's kind of ambiguous and it's very meta-textual in terms of how it's explained but really it points to the greater argument here that in marvel comics there does always have to be a kang but king always comes into existence it always ends up that way i mean i guess maybe there's a universe out there where there is no king the conqueror but that universe has never been seen right king always exists in every universe across the multiverse seemingly every single time now what's crazy is that in the midst of this argument between the two suddenly they're met by the arrival of victor von doom of doctor doom son now here's a cool thing right dr doom would normally never intervene here and he certainly probably wouldn't take the risk of showing up and confronting cain the conqueror in his own ship where he's at is most powerful but the opportunity is too good of a chance to pass up that doctor doom watching the entire conflict between kang and the avengers and even being able to see what's going on here using sorcery and mysticism and whatnot came to the realization there's two kangs here there is king from the future and king came from the past right his younger self if he can eradicate both then ultimately it would save doom a lot of hassle and grief and kang like standing in his way regarding domination because one of the things to know is that it's kind of an unofficial competition between doom and king in the sense that like doctor doom wants to conquer the world but so does cain to conquer and so they usually end up bumping heads in terms of their various schemes there is a kind of respect among them it's grudging and the sense where doom like respects what it is that king's capable of and kang respects doom then there's also the the link that marvel has kind of created or teased but never actually solidified that kane the conqueror may very well be descended from doctor doom we never get a definitive answer on that we don't know if that's actually the case but regardless of the situation doom sees this as a chance to take out two birds with one stone and so what you have is a massive battle that basically takes place between the three of them to a degree now when i say to a degree it's because it's really more king the conqueror trying to take out doctor doom and then it's nathaniel trying to reason with king and the reason why he says that is because he says look ultimately the immediate threat here is doctor doom but you in you know in the in your future will come back and find me and when you find me you're going to take me to the through the time stream and you're going to try to correct all the flaws in yourself by correcting those flaws of me teaching me those lessons never love different things along those lines right love is a weakness the the fact that you fell in love with ravana rinslayer is what led to you becoming as weak and incapable as you are if i don't have any of those weaknesses i will become ruthless in a way that you never work i will become every ounce conqueror but at the end of the day i can just teach you those things myself i come from what is in effect your future right like i know your history i know what happens to you like i know these conflicts right i know what happens to you running all the way up until like the 31st century so i know how your battles with the avengers will unfold i know all that stuff so just let me teach you those things right let me teach you how you lost so that you can win and so as a result of that the bargain is struck the deal is made kang says okay they basically end up ejecting uh dr doom from the ship using using you know time mechanics and then once doctor dooms out of the picture the response of kang is okay let's do this and the response to nathaniel is no right doom was 100 right kang is not to be trusted your time is done and he fires on him he literally executes his older self right just kills him right there and then shoots him to death and it's just this amazing moment where where king says king is dead long live king and the argument that he makes here what he's basically saying is you are going to become me there's no way you're not there's no way you can't right like you are doing exactly what i would have done right like you like whether you know it or not you are walking headlong into this role you're walking headlong into becoming king and so that's what's so funny here because at this point once kang is dead nathaniel says okay now i can execute my plan i can don the moniker of ramatat and i can go back to ancient egypt and i can save the life of ravana renislayer i won't use the diode raid that forces her to bend to my will instead like i will i will conquer egypt right i will see my younger self so in effect it's exactly everything that we saw happening in the last video that we covered it's all unfolding the difference here is that the motivation of ramat is different but everything else is the exact same right his younger self is there so on and so forth and he tells ravana like okay so like like basically i'm going to take you to a place where i'm going to keep you safe right i'm going to take you to the citadel it's going to keep you safe everything's going to be fine but he still operates its ramen's hut by all standards of measurement he's still a villain because it's the role he has to play in order to save the life of ravana you see how he's falling down this path of becoming king right like you see how like he's just continually becoming this guy and that's when the fantastic four show up and they see him as rama tut the fight unfolds and so he says i did exactly what kane the conqueror would have done right what rahmatut did initially i fled so regardless of the fact that he's trying to do things differently in the end he's doing them the exact same way the timeline unfolds the exact same way and that's really the bigger focus here is that time is not something you can just control and manipulate however you want to it has a finite form and function it starts at a and it ends at z and that there are things that happen in between where you can kind of fudge them a little bit but at the end of the day there are fixed points in the universe's history that cannot be changed they cannot be modified they cannot be adjusted there are universal constants that have to exist in the universe king the conqueror is a universal constant rama tut's existence is a universal point in the time stream that cannot be adjusted it always happens how it is that he wants it to happen is irrelevant but it always happens right he basically like no matter what would take place here no matter what his thought process would be no matter what would happen it would be him traveling back as ramatant and he would give people science but he would still be rama tut there's no way to escape that so what ends up happening is once he is once he flees and gets away as best he can he ends up in the far-flung future in 4000 a.d and the first person he's greeted by is ravana rinslayer which begs the question how do ravana rim slayer survive from the days of ancient egypt to now with that being said guys we're gonna bring this to an end again i don't know about you guys i love this cane the conqueror story it's probably it's the the single greatest kang story that i've ever read in my life absolutely love it so yeah we're gonna bring this to an end thank you all for watching and i will catch you all later peace
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 135,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, kang the conqueror, kang the conqueror loki, Marvel, Rama-tut marvel, Marvel Comics, Iron Lad marvel, immortus loki, marvel cinematic universe, fantastic four, avengers marvel, marvel studios, ravonna renslayer, ravonna marvel
Id: sdSCymTgMvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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