History of Kang The Conquerer

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're breaking down the history of kang the conqueror because he's one of the prominent characters closely associated with the tva which of course stands for time variance authority anyway with that being the case and considering that marvel studios has already revealed that kang will be appearing in the mcu we won't be surprised if he makes an appearance in the series i mean marvel already casts jonathan majors in the role but maybe they're holding him for the ant-man and wasp quantum mania movie regardless king the conqueror is still an awesome character who deserves a history of episode also a couple of weeks ago we announced a brand new comicology original comic series that i'm writing alongside frank marberry and artist rory coleman titled astonishing times you can of course watch our announcement video with full details right here but we are getting closer and closer to the release of astonishing times issue one and we have some great behind-the-scenes and teaser content coming here on variant very soon so keep an eye out for that in the meantime you could pre-order astonishing times issue one on comixology right now by clicking the link in the description of this video but now let's take a look at the history of this time traveling super villain kang the conqueror first appeared as ramata in fantastic four issue 19 in october of 1963. he would make his first appearance as kang in the avengers issue 8 in september of 1964. and pretty much like every new marvel character from the 60s and 70s he was created by stan lee and jack kirby kang is most widely known as an avengers and fantastic four villain although he's crossed paths with almost every marvel hero at one point or another but other than that he's just another dope and iconic villain that jack kirby and stan lee created it's always mind-blowing to me the amount of iconic and fan loved characters those two came up with together like you're lucky to create one character iep that's successful let alone like legitimately over 50. anyway you know what time it is time to break down kang's fictional origin before kang was king the conqueror he was nathaniel richards a scholar from around the 30th or 31st century who was quite possibly a descendant of reed richard's time traveling father also named nathaniel richards and get this also possibly a descendant of victor von doom nathaniel being the scholar that he was was fascinated with history and ended up mastering time travel technology recreating dr doom's time machine at which point he was like you know what i'm gonna go back in time to ancient egypt traveling in a spaceship that looks like the sphinx and call myself pharaoh rama tut and he did all this because he was planning on capturing en sabanor the mutant who would eventually become apocalypse as his heir but come on nathaniel richards now rama tut isn't the only person who traveled through time because the fantastic four just so happened to end up in this timeline as well and of course then defeated rama tut the fantastic four literally said ramata on the run with him leaving in a spaceship saying i shall leave my sphinx behind to mystify mankind for centuries to come and when i leave the memory of my rage will feed into oblivion as though i had never been which all went down in fantastic four issue 19 his first appearance which also explains how the sphynx was created in the marvel universe it's kind of funny how in real life we don't know how the sphinx and pyramids were made and this is marvel's explanation but this brings us to fantastic four annual issue two where doctor doom is hurtling through space towards jupiter and was sucked up all ufo style by rama it's after this meeting that rama thinks doctor doom to be his ancestor so much so they both think they might be the same person but if so how could they co-exist at the same moment in eternity with the help of his possible future self-doctor doom nathaniel designs an armor that's based off of dooms and then calls himself the scarlet centurion who you guessed it wore red metal armor from here rama now scarlet centurion found alternate reality counterparts of the avengers and put them against our main 616 avengers but come on if the fantastic four beat rama of course the entire avengers beat him kicking him out of their timeline after his defeat at the hands of the avengers nathaniel decided to ditch his scarlet centurion persona and return back to his rama tut guys he wanted to return to his own timeline but a time storm caused him to overshoot his own era and ended up in a war-torn 40th century he also saw that this war-torn future consisted of barbarians who battled with technology that they didn't understand so rama saw this as a prime opportunity to reinvent his identity once again this time as we all know him kang the conqueror as such he easily conquers this planet and then expands his domination throughout the galaxy but this future world is dying so inevitably he returns back to the 20th century to seek his revenge on earth's mightiest heroes which we first see in avengers issue 8. but that my comic comrades is kang's origin now let's take a look at some story arcs and publication history one of the earliest significant stories that revolved around kang was when he fell in love with princess ravona renslayer in his own timeline the problem is she doesn't reciprocate the same feelings towards him she quite literally was like yeah i'm not gonna marry you that's not a thing so what does any villain do to prove his love for the woman he loves demonstrate his power by kidnapping the avengers but even being able to kidnap and defeat the avengers did not impress ravona inevitably when kang's army saw that he refused to execute ravona and her father for their disobedience and hate towards him his commanders revolted turning on him so kang frees the avengers to fight with him against his own army of course the combined power of kang and the avengers are able to defeat king's commanders but unfortunately ravona is killed in the process when she jumped in front of a blast that was meant for kane which made him realize she really did love him or at least had feelings for him after all so kang takes the avengers back to the present and places ravono's body in stasis almost all mr freeze style sometime after this kang makes a wager with the cosmic entity grand master but it's not as simple as that kang of course is using the avengers as pawns in a bet that if he wins grand master will temporarily give him power over life and death and you guessed it the reason he's doing this is so he could bring his love ravona back to life now at this point things don't go according to plan there's a stalemate in the first round due to the black knight intervening which prevents a solid victory for the avengers with that said the avengers do win the second round of this bet but unfortunately because of the stalemate in the first round grand master denies kang the power of both life and death and is now forced to choose one of them as he only clearly won one of the rounds and king shockingly chooses the power of death over the avengers that's right he'd rather kill the avengers instead of bringing his love back to life that's how much he hates them but kang is stopped by the black knight who is not an avenger at this time so he's not affected by the power to kill the avengers after this we would have the time in the incredible hulk issue 135 when kane kidnapped the hulk and then sends him back to 1917 france to kill phantom eagle before he can destroy a giant german mortar cannon because if they prevented the cannon's destruction a french ancestor of bruce banner would be killed meaning if this ancestor of banners was killed there would be no hulk and the avengers would have never formed as the only reason why they formed in the first place was because of the hulk's rampage and of course that's what kang wants most for there to be no avengers but the hulk accidentally ended up destroying the cannon himself which sends him back to the present while kang is shot into limbo this brings us to the celestial madonna kang appears at avengers mansion looking for madonna who turns out to be the mantis he wants to marry her because she's destined to have a powerful child but guess what time travel is always crazy and this proves true yet again as our heroes are aided by a future version of kang who is tired of conquest and had returned to ancient egypt and his identity of rama tut it's during the story that swordsman was killed long story short while trying to gather the strength to defeat thor king overloads destroying himself and apparently erasing all other versions of him from existence apparently we've gotten several awesome kang story arcs like the council of kangs where we got several different kangs from the multiverse including the prime kang who says he shall conquer all times kang was also in the infinity war storyline where he teamed up with doctor doom in order to steal a collection of cosmic cubes from adam warlock's evil side magus and they nearly succeeded in their mission but doom ended up turning on kang then you have the marvel now where kang kidnaps the apocalypse twins the children of archangel and pestilence as part of an elaborate scheme because he always has an elaborate scheme it's just kind of what he does but a little more recently kang the conqueror has been a recurring character in the pottersville arc of the solo doctor doom series in the series we see that kang is tethered to doom and quantum entanglement so he appears several times throughout the series randomly conversing with the liverian despot but you guessed it it was a ploy all part of kang's plan because by helping doom and saving the world king is actually making the world a whole lot easier for himself to conquer in the future and most recently king appeared in the king and black symbiote spider-man series which we covered right here on the channel you find the link for that right here but with all that covered let's talk about some powers and abilities now this may be a shock to some of you but kang doesn't have any superhuman abilities but he is a genius being one of the smartest minds in all of marvel and an expert historical scholar and master physicist who specializes in time travel and he just so happens to be a master technician and engineer now though he as a person doesn't have any powers his advance armor and technology grant him a lot of powers think of him as like a future time traveling iron man you see he's armed with 40th century technology and wears highly advanced battle armor that increases his strength a bunch but of course his armor doesn't just increase his strength it also allows him to shoot energy blasts create holograms and force field projections his armor is even capable of controlling other forms of technology which is extremely useful considering he likes the time travel and it has a 30-day supply of food and air and with his timeship he has access to technology from any and all centuries he's also a lot more resistant to radiation than humans from the 21st century so again while kang himself as a person has no superhuman abilities like flight energy projection and all that cool stuff his suit and technology give him all that plus more and clearly kang possesses the power of time travel which i think goes without saying as we've been talking about that all throughout the episode but now let's take a look at some reading recommendations [Music] as you've seen throughout this episode there are many stories featuring kang but you definitely want to check out avengers kang time and time again fantastic four issue 19 avengers issue 8 and doctor doom volume 1 pottersville that should be enough to get you all started [Music] first up for the week of the 15th we have nightwing issue 81 dick grayson trades out his ascrema sticks for a magnifying glass and a sleuth hat to investigate bloodhaven's new mayor melinda zuko and find out how the daughter of the man who murdered dick grayson's parents came to power in nightwing city here we have star wars issue 14 the rebels finally have a lead on the location of han solo it's time to save the captain of the millennium falcon from his frozen carbonate tomb next up we have static season one issue one the long-awaited return of the milestone universe has come and this brings us a brand new static solo series which i couldn't be more excited for can't wait to see where the series takes virgil and finally we have venom issue 200 the final chapter in the book of venom by donnie cates and ryan stegman this issue promises that nothing will ever be the same for venom ever again and that's going to bring today's episode of variant to a close but if you enjoyed today's video be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our content be sure to subscribe like and comment it helps the channel out but i'll see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 1,386,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kang The Conqueror, Kang, Rama Tut, History, origin, powers and abilities, story arcs, marvel, marvel comics, comics, comic books, mcu, loki, black panther, avengers, variant
Id: MyCTshT_5pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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