Taking Earth (Full Movie) Action, Sci Fi

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Taking Earth (2017)

Sci-Fi [USA:Not Rated, 1 h 40 min]
Ronan Quarmby, Brad Richards, Barbara Harrison, Marco Torlage
Director: Grant Humphreys

IMDb rating: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 2.8/10 (633 votes)

Taking Earth (also known as Finding Cam) is a 2017 South African low-budget science fiction film directed by Grant Humphreys. The film was generally poorly received. It was released in Japan on 3 March 2017 and the US on 17 March 2017. It also came out on iTunes on 2 May 2017 and Netflix on 31 July 2017. (Wikipedia)

Critical reception:

Filmtv gave the film, a 3.3/10 Letterboxd gave the film, a 2.8/5, Moria gave the film, a 2 1/2/5, Nerdly said "Taking Earth is a soft recommend", Sensecritique gave the film, a 2.7/10. (Wikipedia)

More info at IMDb, Wikipedia, Wikidata.
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[Music] we look up at the sky we behold the infinite stars and we believe we are all alone [Music] [Music] begin [Music] [Music] you're in for a treat thus is the equivalent of a juicy steak beans of course not bad it's good know what I tell you there's nothing on TV everything's still going it's clever no one knows what's going on what do you mean well there's no way of finding out what happened everyone's in the dark and people appeared us a lot information it's ridiculous next I says [Music] isn't it weird everybody's going the same direction soft they're going south but why I don't know Sara told me we're saying safely and south how do you mean safe I don't know less attacks [Music] don't worry we're safe how do you know are you worried cos me indoors don't thinking angry people going those custom of people go and saw anything sure but the trick is to know when they're coming how do you know when they're coming [Music] sound of screaming it's a lotta [Music] have you heard about what happened in London you're attacked it's more than an attack they're saying it's some kind of heartbreak [Music] [Music] I David baby the odds right it's not just Washington now they're saying in York as well Washington David happening everywhere okay look we are I'm at the office it was an explosion not even two blocks from you huh what's happening I don't know just stay there I'm coming to you hurry [Music] get out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sir so even if you don't say and I'm not [Music] look it was I don't see anything concentrate look they're hidden [Music] but it's them I still can't believe our luck today those eyes literally walk straight past us they were this close yeah could have gone very differently you were lucky David what are you planning to do next or go next fine Sara [Music] now if you find your mom we need to go [Music] what are you doing leave it doesn't matter they'll find me David Blatt no they won't no one's gonna find you don't mind that taste our blood don't hurt me what what are you talking about who will find you i OS infected ones they taste the blood and looking for me [Music] [Music] [Music] we can stay here tonight we should be safe how's your hand it's just a graze stop camera what the hell what happened why are you freaking out back there and could you better if I don't tell you I think if we're gonna stick together I've a right to know you have to promise you'll believe me sure I'll believe you and I want to know okay [Music] everything that's happened it's not what you think cuz they were not break those things were never infected they've been controlled what do you mean controlled control the whom they're being controlled are very dangerous people they have done all of this taking us a whole planet to find me to find you moo-hoo it what do you mean taking the whole planet well they're not from you from Earth so these dangerous people there are no ok aliens this is going a bit differently - ha thought of it guy and these aliens have come all this way to find you yes Wow and they looking for you because because I'm not from you either [Music] so you're an alien - they be hiding on earth for seven years with my tender Mamamia because of a war that the people have come out of started I'm not meeting a dance-off a meeting that I show your spaceship of course well I should care you know it's kind of hard funny one person out of seven billion people it's a conundrum you believe me wow I didn't know you're gonna go save Ellis and the blood I use tasted blood they can distinguish between human blood to hand okay well how do you think there's a service yesterday it wasn't luck that they were straight past us I need us I had us from them you hit us if I stand still and concentrate I can art from them that's how that I've been following me do you never house it's wrong any both of us yes David okay look [Music] well there [Music] [Music] tight [Music] [Music] [Music] I know you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes from them and today when I walk buyers yes there too yes [Music] it's impossible you know from you this is insane and it's somewhere up there it's invisible spaceship three three three submersible specials so wait I'm the first human to know that aliens exist [Music] welcome to earth [Music] so I never in the Bosque Oh No [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] is there any reason why you guys live so far from the ship we stayed for about two years but we're stuck in the middle of Norway and then wanted me to see your world so year three we moved to the city and started traveling and then they arrived that must have been insane for you guys you know we don't know what to do and Ellen wouldn't let me surrender surrender why the hell would you surrender well look what's happened to your planet it's all because of me if I surrender and maybe sure but you didn't invade us Cameron you didn't do this they did I know but it's still happening because of me [Music] this is screwed up [Music] [Music] [Music] listen I got to talk to you about that whole surrender thing doesn't have to come to that the thing is if things are critical yeah even Illin says I'll have no choice but to surrender we'll just hide you till they give up and leave no David the Rangers leave they'll take me as their prisoner although kill me but how are they gonna kill you it's a big place it's like finding a needle in a haystack what are they gonna do [Music] they'll burn the haystack no what do you mean if they can't find me Dave and arrow will destroy the whole planet this is the most stressful conversation I've ever had and I've dated a lot of women we need to cover more ground faster we can actually make up a lot of time if we cut across that mountain it'll be harder yeah I care I will be okay don't worry we'll sort this hot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jacky's blood [Music] [Music] basically means I must have six - we've got to keep our eyes open [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah this human bet me 1 billion dollars I could not pilot this basic human yes I named him this beast reminds me of but Gaius it doesn't fly you will not understand is this you are a machine the Ranieri is requesting an update what should I tell him tell him I'm shopping Venera you summoned me I'm fairly certain I was clear in my instructions Gharib on why are you on the planet I'm exploring other worlds besides I met a glorious discovery something that you missed all caffeine [Music] this is no time for sightseeing come on Erica she do not materialize occasions instead of obsessing yourself with me I'm ahead of schedule in every stage of this operation say you found a boy but don't forget this is your operation we are following yet there you are parading yourself on the planet risking exposure to the human I made it quite clear you mean someone who share forests drains the life from you Tomas we should have destroyed this planet and returned to the war era Col you are being a dumbass what is the dumbest enough find out what the dumbest is what is their progress the human controls have been testing the blood we will either find the boy or whomever he is traveling with it's just a matter of time with all the destruction the human controls are inflicted the boy could be dead already we allowed the controls to summon the blue spheres specifically for protection and diversion who knew they would want to blow everything up themselves forty of their days Gharib on that is all the time I gave you we will have the boy by then I'm sorry but I'm not a horse I'm designed for short distances I think we can rest here I'll even carry one of you but ladies they're literally walking across a freaking country I'm done walking I'm going to check that house for food I'll go with you they better not stay indoors too long I had another bad dream about Cameron Oh Ellen I'm so afraid something terrible has happened to Oh sweetie it's situations like this you just have to have faith faith is okay you're a good woman Nance I'm glad we found each other ah me too [Music] you're next and then your friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a hit [Music] more are coming [Music] find the exact location sending coordinates control for location scan for this dick Donald woman make me angry you think that'll stop me no but this will [Music] [Music] the woman they discovered is on this continent she is not human and the boy he was not with her we have saved more controls to hold her for interrogation know she serves the boy if he is not with her she will die before giving him up I will make her take me to it you were going personally I would send human but I fear you will blow her up [Music] very nice [Music] [Music] we sent more controls to the location this is not something we can entrust to the human controls let me do this my way Tiffany deep down you know I'm always right just find me the boy [Music] where is garepe on now he is on rich woman's location he is exposed we need to see this as an opportunity [Music] [Laughter] the collective being served Devon era commanding the power of the blue light now not sir Messiah sustains the veiling of our ships hiding them from the humans but it is his brother Harvey M Ga'Hoole who is able to weaponize the mighty blue light he maintains our holder with the human controls we are harnessing their power to disperse the Mocs from our three ships not many get to witness the little ones at work we've modified these knocks to taste the blood of the people letting us know whether they are human or not have you sent them all over the planet no dear they were designed to inoculate the Warriors during battle they move as the Warriors move that's why we keep the people grouped together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] baby what are you doing this for when I'm not with you and I'm missing you wearing that don't be embarrassed you beautiful no say something nice my quiet all right I don't know I love you Davis I love you David [Music] this is awesome this is awesome Cameron buddy it's not Charlie at all the Horace know where we are [Music] [Music] shut I can't dude it's time to hottest not Cameron [Music] Gold is a means of [Music] you know it's gonna blow [Music] [Music] [Music] crap [Music] that's right no no just getting the car but look if you're in love you need to trust me get in [Applause] [Music] [Music] here we go so what are you both insane I'm talking about staying indoors like this very slow do you have any idea what they'll do if they find you away from the crowds on you away from the crowds oh another thing I still want to know how you hit us back at the cave you're smiling why you smiling Cameron [ __ ] sorry it's just saying things you're changing the subject how did you hide us the sunlight it's that time of the day can occlude go ahead tell her you mean tell her everything she might as well know what's going on okay everything that has happened it's not what you think there was never an outbreak those things were never invited my mom the one I told you about she's not my real mother but I understand the story we need to go away from you David [Music] I love our life me too baby never leave me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a safe with you always [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] come out I know you're there scary meeting strangers because you don't know who they'll be with for woman it would be good if we could join your group look I understand we are stronger if we stick together okay we'll meet you at the edge of the forest when we get there I'll give you the signal good stay safe an Ellen what's the signal okay then Ellen hi Richard these are my ladies to meet you hello I'm Greg hi gram nice to meet you [Music] these people that have come for you maybe they'll give up and these leave you they're not that kind of people no I suppose not [Music] [Applause] [Music] so everyone here is looking for someone of course aren't you sweetie yes of course my dad Devon is an unpleasant man dreadfully annoying but what can we do and we have to live with him day of the day day we have to love them no matter how horribly all they are it's harder for the older generation they fought Wars to keep the world safe and then the world changed right under their noses and they didn't fit in anymore granny bee I don't know you that well but may I say you are quite delightful Thank You Graham and I think you're a dish [Music] well laughter keeps us sane I suppose it sedates all the worrying you and your son was separated yes Cameron where do you imagine he is now what I don't really know where he is but you know here he will be that's the only thing keeping me sane right now we had a plan in case we were separated a place where we would meet about two days from here well two days is not too big of an ask as cutting a clerk everyone I'm just going to have faith that he's okay until I find him we should all try and get some sleep we've got a long day tomorrow yes we need a rest you still have a storms coming I locked my own trains [Music] I wish I don't have to leave me too [Music] looks like it might rain later [Music] [Music] I'm believing he's going to be at the side to her we all say God you too but you should not go alone oh I have to I mean everyone's trying to find their families eventually we're all going to hit off in different directions look I know I'm not going to find my father he's already up there somewhere no cram shut don't say that the point is I will go with you I will help you find your son [Music] so where exactly are you meeting you [Music] those hangers [Music] we should find food and water [Music] [Music] keep finding abandoned surprised yes very lucky [Music] what's wrong we are not alone [Music] the blows are facing there are not enough men [Music] [Music] they are rejecting me gone off the aisles chasing a woman do it now she still has not told me where the boy is are you hurt are you suggesting you do not allow this to happen don't be foolish it was your decision to masquerade as a human these people are supposed to be under our control after controls being called off pull back she had better not be hurt don't let this happen again Devin era I knew allowed this to happen and don't let it happen again my son [Music] graer may I have a word with you of course bro I'm sorry to ask you this now with too many I'm not dying I [Music] thought I could do this alone now please I don't know else to do of course in it I will help you find camera [Music] two groups one has an age-appropriate male what do you want to do [Music] test the blood of the boy first bring him to me debonair has received two professionals [Music] [Music] there is this thing kill the man the boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what happens to good old-fashioned Bruce yes now they're pecking freaking machine guns [Music] [Music] I thought it'd teach me how to do that [Music] let's just get the hell out of yet [Music] down I think I saw another [Music] got him he's down that should be it what that's insane houston was at it come on [Music] [Music] [Music] we're allowed to do Venera [Music] the Venera it is time your deadline is upon us gara bonds efforts are commendable I do wish she had succeeded I'm still searching for the one responsible for Guerra bons attack the truly shameful act what is shameful is what I intend to do to them when I find them of course we await your firing come on [Music] this is our spot where is he I don't know I thought he'd be here before I was understand maybe he is hiding ah he'd come if he heard my voice time when you said he would be here [Music] I don't know Brian maybe he's maybe I don't want to hear maybe Elaine I'm sorry if I beat you looking for this [Music] you said he would be here who are you I have the one you are running from me Karen I am Garib on you Green speed yes search this area check for any life-forms all of this is because of you this will all become ash because Chimaera was not where you said he would be this is all because of you you have killed everyone me how many people have died for this course this obsession they are casualties in boiling you know this this is not the war the moment you landed your ship you became their war [Music] there's no return to your ship Kara bond I'm here now give me time the boy should be close return to your ship prepare for my fire come on listen to me we have been on this planet for 40 days give me a few more hours I'm commanding you to return to your ship you will obey me [Music] it's out of my hands [Music] this world will end [Music] [Music] German that's I'm supposed to meet him do you think she was there a fondue happening you're gonna destroy a planet David we can go to them in my show what come on my ships in that Marsan we can go out there and I'll surrender what what do you mean we well if it doesn't work you won't die down yeah wait Oh what Shauna camera if this doesn't work it wouldn't matter come [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] it is safe to proceed Gary Baun is secure on board the ship go [Music] [Music] you did not deserve to die and my son [Music] Chimaera is not your son Elinor he is everything to me then I'm truly sorry for you will not survive this [Music] [Music] okay it's friggin awesome [Music] [Music] ruk it's my first time flying in a spaceship [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the core is aligning prepare for the alignments initiation silence how long will it take us to get there just a few minutes it's insane [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's wrong [Music] [Music] what is happening why the collective's in distress I don't know they've never reacted this way before [Music] I need control of them to fire the cannon they'll still conform despite this disturbance they Venera whatever is happening to them will not affect your command David is so boring [Music] we're gonna crash 15 [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you cannot be certain it was him it was Cameron he summoned the pure light and it obeyed him do you even know what that means I cannot stop this firing come on Dylan when the vortex is aligned the cannon will fire all this time and promise is within your grasp the prize being Chimaera beta he lives as your prisoner then he dies this genocide stop an entire world is about to be destroyed with chaos we - a [ __ ] for survival in my world is dying because c'mere his father refuses to save it is quite prepared to let my people die for gate using Cameron for ransom de marrón is old and yielding and stubborn Gharib on Cameron cement the pure light he is succeeding his father the vortex is alive prepared to engage the firing sequence he can save your world from Devon area is to abort the firing come on I returned it to the planet [Music] David sure I crashed the soup what's wrong with you I don't know I called you like what's wrong with me something's wrong I don't feel good [Music] you do [Music] you were amazing sir party good [Music] [Music] my fault hey they did this remember they did Yemen the cannon you've got to stop them from firing no not for you you go blue spheres get out think grow those old guys take lessons stop the camera you can save everyone you can save you can save Serah disabled for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] failure I know you saw me you've been looking for me Here I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] why have you not connected into the Venera we cannot contact the Vanaras show we are no longer connected to the central credit what a low frequencies include miracle and get devon era what if i cannot make the connection then i will be dead and you will be to blame [Music] this is a level one priority all gel interest on inform Devon era to abort the firing come on I'm Gary Baun daughter stop the communication I do as your commander we are the only ones scariness did you find the boy I don't know and the fire command it is still active could it be what about the message Gharib on is returning to the planets all the message you will die in the blast [Music] [Music] [Music] what we love while [Music] [Music] why isn't it working [Music] it'll work when you're older possibly an old man [Music] can we remember what I told you commanding the power this way limits the power to your own strength but if you command it like this the power has no limit you will be mighty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] David you how I don't know Cameron but when you did what you did putting these spaceships out of the sky I thought you doing it I I felt that blue like lifting I feel great thank you thank you what for living you're welcome now dude you need to go and find Shauna [Music] [Music] [Music] Ellen prepare yourself I will be taking Cameron back with me [Music] a my mother but I will trade my son's life to save it I do not know I think a mother would do anything to protect her children certainly I would die without one and so this is the article of these years I didn't I there are different kinds of people in this world which one of our I know who cameras the one form the psychoses able to cast light on the darkest shadow [Music] he saved the world today [Music] it gives us tomorrow another chance another day [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the power of the collective's has been crowd how I was just possible it has to be the boy Darabont shop was pulled from the sky [Music] we were fortunate to be so far away [Music] general Galvan has secured the Marulan for prepare your return course to Mira [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] c'mere I've Gharib on you will return with me to my shop Karen my mom a hearty stay on earth you are a prison of Cabiria enough demands she cannot be in prison my father place no value on earth [Music] it was an act of love no doubt this was not farewell it was goodbye these moments together were possibly our last and everyone I love you must [Music] so what you need to know once [Music] protect my boy Gary Baun you have my word no harm will come to him [Music] so what did you think of Earth II [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your size [Music] never give me again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 5,023,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free movie on youtube, Popcornflix, Full movies English, popcornflix full movies, free movies popcornflix, free full movies on youtube, popcornflix movies on youtube, action movies 2018, full movies 2020, sci fi music, sci fi ambience, sci fi action movies, science fiction short film, full movies, free movies, free popcornflix full movies, full length movies 2017, sci fi, science fiction, free movie on youtube 2020 full movies english, free movies 2019, Taking Earth
Id: papeLtBvaTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 34sec (5974 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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