The David Letterman Show, October 24, 1980 (final, full)

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this is NBC [Music] it's the last David Letterman Show [Music] the NBC News at Frank owns of the David Letterman sinned from the orchestra plus David's yes the David Letterman Show family of the air including writers crew and staff singer Harve man and the chorus line from the rainbow grill production of cakes and letters from viewers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you very much thank you very much yeah what a wonderful welcome and welcome to the show and and weren't they lovely ladies and gentlemen the Silverman sisters [Applause] we'd like to have mayor for the whole show but they gotta be back up in Fred's office [Music] what a wonderful extravaganza we have planned for you folks this morning Frank Owens in the Symphony Orchestra today today is our last show on the air Monday Las Vegas [Music] [Applause] have these people been frisked before they and Las Vegas gambit will be here Monday and then the blockbuster is following that so well no no please don't do that now we so what we're gonna do today we're gonna spend the whole morning talking with the the people who have been on the show and the people who made this show a lot of fun over the past six months or so and then everything will be great we'll Shriner is here rich hall is here at newman and you may may not remember this gentleman Harv man who was with us a couple of months ago Harv is back also television history being made here this morning the final installment of coffee cup theater all of this plus more fun than humans should be allowed to have let's begin things right away by walking this way and as you may or may not know Friday is the day that that we take a look at the viewer mail which we have accumulated over the weekend we have some letters for you this morning actual letters from actual viewers from actual homes watching on actual television sets wait a minute before I get to that I just got to think a bunch of people who are watching the folks in Boulder Colorado thank you very much for this message also the people in Stone Mountain Georgia thank you very much for that the staff of KGW TV in Portland thank you very much for that and also the folks watching at the Northwood Institute okay with that out of the way no it's a legitimate place it really is it's famous rivers 420 art where was that oh who cares what let's let's get on with it we're back to the letters now letter number one comes to us from lb wick Wilkerson Columbia South Carolina it says here one of my greatest pleasures is to go to a restaurant and order lima beans whenever I want to make a good impression I take my business contacts to my favorite restaurant where we can munch on these tiny green morsels of vitamins minerals and plant chlorophyll I love lima so much that I have changed my name to lima beans Wilkerson signed LB Wilkerson Columbia South Carolina certainly amazing lb you even sound like a vegetable letter number two comes to us from Barbara Gaines it says here based on the fact that your show has been canceled I have a small request in one of your shows words were put to your opening theme song my request is to play the song one more time with the words added well that's why mr. Harvey man is here he'll be singing a new theme to Las Vegas again but for you later on the show letter number three comes to us from Jay Miller you read a letter from a person in Taunton Massachusetts do you know what it's like to live in a town like Taunton our big time is to take a trip to Fall River we finally get a letter on national network TV and you blew our big day by reading it as Downton main we hope you never miss Taunton or Fall River hope you never visit Taunton or Fall River well I'm very sorry Jay and to make it up to you I'd like to have you here next week as a guest on pretty much all you need for a show is it the Bible no I'm sorry it's survival can you take it Rhode Island No [Applause] [Music] the beam from chorus line no it's not I can name that tune in for notes no I'm sorry I just want to get you folks for a costume - that sort of thing letter number four comes from bill swift Highland Park New Jersey bill says I caught ed Neumann if you replay the segments of your show in which you and Ed were discussing baseball jargon you will hear and use some jargon himself when Ed was discussing baseball statistics he referred to them by being as being supered on the screen did he mean superimposed or was it the responsibility of some poor building superintendent to push them on the screen it's a super letter bill finally letter number five the other day as I opened up the show in my bedroom and did a pretty good monologue I also introduced the Symphony Orchestra my mother walked in and asked me who are you I said I'm David Letterman my mother said oh and walked out the door signed David Letterman Bakersfield California PS I'm real sorry to hear that we've been canceled [Applause] we're at the end of the show I think we have gifts for everybody here so stay with us we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] double your pleasure with Doublemint gum double good double fresh double delicious it's the single most favorite double Oh making spaghetti sauce extra thick the way Paul likes all that's nice nice hope you like it I'm sure we will Rako extra thickened zest is all natural no preservatives no starch ragout must use extra tomatoes mama tastes all natural ragu extra thick and zesty spaghetti sauce that's Italian who gets your stickiest baking dishes America the greasiest frying pans your dirtiest parts else this is because nothing cleans burnt on stuck on splattered on messes faster or easier than super grease cutting SOS no wonder people use more than 2 million SOS pads every day we deserve every dirty pan we get mrs. Munson you have arthritis yes I do then watch this pain reliever comparison what for they're all the same are they to regular tablets 650 milligrams these other pain relievers also 650 milligrams 650 milligrams but this one is different 800 milligrams Jamison Anacin has more pain we'll add a special combination of ingredients Anacin gives hours of relief from minor arthritis pain I'll try Anacin get the Addison difference [Applause] [Music] welcome back from the show folks and while you were gone mr. Silverman poked his head in and said just kidding right now I'd like you to meet Oh first of all before we introduce you will I have to say a lot of the people in Toledo who are watching this program as I understand it at 1 o'clock Sunday morning which would be very late Saturday night early Sunday morning I don't know how that happens apparently some sort of cosmic time warp there in Toledo right now I'd like you to meet a good friend and a regular member of the David Letterman family here's will shrine early [Applause] we were gonna spend a second year talking but I think we're running short on time aren't we yes no I got a videotape some videotape and what are we gonna look at as always I bring a little bit of tables do ya and this being a live television show sometimes things have gone wrong in the past so I you know I went together put a few of them together and I thought if we just watch the monitors we take a look at some of the some of the things that happen live on this television show over the past month anybody here ever been to Stan North Carolina I have [Music] you don't look worried yet I don't know what to tell you these are the latest things everybody seems I think I'll wait till they get the bugs out of them for our byline there's William Riley doing his ducking [Applause] how to pick command in the situation once were or should we just go on with it this go to the commercial yeah okay wasn't that plenty of fun story after one I'm so happy that everything is fine with you and I appreciate you talking with us this morning [Applause] all my gosh arrived one fill to fry it's going into an incredible screw-up what you can have in is coming up with I don't have any can't wait yeah back to the show a minute ago we talked with her now we're going to get to hear sing here again is Judy Collins [Applause] nobody has it better than she knows [Music] you know ladies and gentlemen what you just witnessed is a screw-up [Applause] microphone okay we're gonna interrupt this madness here we have to pause for a commercial what are we doing well we are gonna show the fire now okay this was yesterday got us on the knee we make mistakes while showing mistake [Applause] okay this is the anniversary party anniversary party for the cou coughs no very hot salmon Betty they've been married 30 years on this particular occasion we got a chance to embarrass them on network television and here it's Ruby coming up and B coming up next [Music] [Applause] [Music] we'll be here with ready right there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] relieve me out thank you very much grounder lady [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] set yourself free [Music] what you wanna set yourself free Stover's my next life I'm gonna be a man my husband is sitting down watching TV and I have to clean the house the people are coming for dinner that night it might perhaps bring on head a Marty Malloy a needs strong tension headache relief recommendation Bufferin compared to this extra ingredient brand buffering sends more of the leading pain reliever to the headache in the early minutes much more yet many can take Bufferin instead of tylenol because it's so protective against aspirin stomach upset the Barons always seem to work he feels great Bufferin strong and headaches easy on the stomach my gentle touch lets off missing it has baby gentle touch soap has the perfect touch of baby on it leaves my skin baby soft baby smooth is a nice soft friend and gentle touch lasts a long time too for the [Music] double gobble Louise now the holidays can start I'm ready to Harry three boxes of almond Hammer baking soda of course box one is for baking I always start with your fresh box hmm box two mister deodorizer freezer so the ice cubes and ice cream won't taste funny box three freshens the refrigerator with all these holiday goodies there we have cookies every day as soon as you learn how to bag here great holiday idea saves money to Armand Hammer baking soda [Music] thank you Frank Owens in the Symphony Orchestra Edie Newman has been with us from the very beginning he's a good friend and a great newsman say hello now to Ed Newman for as long as we've been on the air Franklin's has been conducting the Symphony Walker [Music] they can't get along without you can they love's life you want me to get once it once now hit it again the Letterman Always Rings Twice [Applause] [Music] Boyet maybe it's a good thing we're leaving let me just ask a couple of questions that we never get to ask you how did you get into broadcasting journalism as it is that what we call it loosely yeah I got into it in the way that a lot of people of my age did from newspaper work a wire service work in my case and my I got my first job in radio as if that was was 47 but I began in the news business in 41 do you remember your first major assignment or your first byline my first byline was came when I was working in the Washington bureau of international news service as a copy boy and all copy boys want to be mistaken for reporters and they're always badgering the editor let me write a story so I wrote a story called a mailer that's a story that's not important enough to go on the wire keeps mail it out there without yes that was my first byline it would be a feature story for example is it true that they would let him and patterned his hairstyle after King Kong not true no that's not sure did you ever have any early broadcasting embarrassments I certainly had some broadcasting embarrassments not always early we elected a pope at a time we thought the smoke was white at the Conclave and in at the Vatican and it wasn't white it turned out to be gray and we were wrong about it unfortunately for us CBS was right about it yes our team did you're seeing that that there was a pope that there wasn't white smoke had gone up and habemus papam we have a pope and then two or three minutes later no habemus papam what about you now we've we've seen you here every venir every day that's a yeah which we can't say that for the rest of the members of the band well you can't be frank yes Frank the drummer Frank the drummer has been able to notice that they were playing with you not present the moment of two ago yes well I thought him with them though that they could do that you gonna save yourself some dough along the way have you no man tell me about your background Frank words you began how'd you get started well I started out trying to play classical music and I became interested in Aragorn I grew up in Harlem and I'm with the music and art high school anybody cares and I grew up of course a foster child and wanting to after I heard Earl Garner I wanted to switch to popular music because he did it for me so that sort of sorted me on the road to popular music and from then on things have been pretty much uphill I guess I've been with many singers you know as musical director Johnny Mathis Chubby Checker Freda Payne John Denver Petula Clark for the longest association and I've done Broadway things you know black one way I did and oh I can't even remember them all no no you and had worked Vegas for a while yet tell me about the Apollo Theater oh yes I'm glad you asked this is this is a legendary thing isn't it yes it is I was fortunate enough to to be around when they had the Amateur Night in Harlem and as a matter of fact I went on as an amateur and I won two weeks in a row first prize which was at that time $15 which is not that and the competition is just very yesterday the third week I played something from showboat that nobody recognized I got third prize then I used to hang around the theater because I wanted to get the job as the musical accompanist and so I persisted and I guess I felt sorry for me so they gave him the job and then Johnny Mathis had heard of me there and then that's how I started working for all these singers who else worked at the Apollo or came out of a lot of people I think Sarah Vaughan did I know Millie Jackson a people like that Barbara McNair with whom I was associated at one point and many singers that I can't even remember now is it still operating I don't think so no I think that it's defunct I think they have had several musicals in the past you know like Miss truth Lewis Johnson a spectacular but I think at the moment it's not there nothing's happening with it I tell you what we get just a second why don't we turn the camera around here and we'll say hello to the guys introduce the folks again yes we have Frank Derek on drums Frank also does eight misbehaving who Frank Terry Thank You barb blows on guitar and Jaden high on bass [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I speak to every woman who still believes in romance the way it used to be there is an exciting new collection of romance novels called silhouette romances silhouette heroes are strong responsible men who can be loving and tender the heroines fresh young and full of hope they meet in exotic places about which you will learn much and silhouettes has such beautiful endings no silhouette romances romance the way it used to be again if you have a [Music] Kleenex brand tissues 49 personal ways to say soft [Applause] [Music] look this was skin tight on me before Arlene Martin has lost weight on a controlled diet plan control works and without stimulant control is helping me to suppress my appetite in order to help me to lose weight there are no stimulants and control and I think that's fantastic control capsules contain no stimulant only the strongest most effective appetite suppressant available without prescription control has helped me to lose weight and that's why I feel great wanna lose weight without stimulant take control my mom used to say Billie Jean don't forget your vitamins back then I thought all multivitamins were the same but today I take very granion it has more of six essential vitamins and it's balanced so I'm sure to get most of vitamins I need its the multivitamin most recommended by doctors mom takes Thera Granum - don't forget your vitamins mom high potency Thera Granum with minerals from squid because you can never do enough for yourself [Music] thank you very much thank you and good morning and welcome back to the show oh boy oh boy it's time for Landmark TV now ladies and gentlemen the final installment of yes one last chance to relax put your feet up on the kids and enjoy a hot cup of steaming coffee and watch the concluding portion of Suicide Squad Larry snaps Mary pop Sid mom Mickey those old Irish folks have been great friends let's see now how it all works out [Music] or a monthly paycheck you are going to be expected to obey orders implicitly and take chances that no other employment in it you know I got a date to take married the dance tonight I remember that name and I want to compliment you for your fast thinking and feeding with the capture of those bank debt [Music] that's the mortgage coming up never come here tonight all right you've got just a four button to show up literally one more thing I would say to you and that's goodbye [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know you're helpless you talk about spellbinding we get a pause for station identification in the next half-hour the first and only installment of stupid writer tricks plus another one of our favorites behind-the-scenes tour and watch back [Applause] the prize is power and the winner takes all in the explosive conclusion of Centennial starring Sharon grunts David Jensen Andy Griffith and Robert Vaughn Heidi and Saturday the exclusive story of Jimi Cagney's returned to the movies after 20 years and kids in sports do we start them too young and push them too hard Friday on NBC magazine overwhelming evidence proves that secondhand smoke is dangerous to people's health but smokers have rights too that's why proposition 10 is so reasonable with just two simple signs and two sections YES on Proposition 10 will give smokers and non-smokers freedom of choice and a place of their own vote YES on Proposition 10 it's new it's reasonable it's only fair hi I'm Harry Martin and I am Betty Vasquez and our next week night pan wars with our live camera three at a club that's celebrating a year's worth of mail more or less well and Michael Connelly just got back from a scarecrow making contest and we'll have a look at some of the entries and I'll have part two of my interview with shirley maclaine who's now starring in the motion picture loving couples want to join us at seven how can you resist that's right we tight channel three on the next Mike Douglas show humble co-host Mac Davis sings oh Lord it's hard to be home mic continues a series of interviews with Mike Wallace there's a little Mexican cookie and great music from Doc Severinsen join us [Music] Mike Douglas today a three years later on that's at 7:30 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the show we're coming to you from New York City today is Friday what do you think Frank have any idea before honey for this' absolutely correct in this half-hour we're gonna take you on a our final behind-the-scenes tour and all kinds of excitement you know every show has writers and since this show began in June our diligent writing staff has been cranking out brilliant comedy concepts but now that time has run out it's obvious we won't get to all of them particularly these which you're going to see which I vetoed early on now ladies and gentlemen doing their own material that I rejected welcome to the first and only installment of stupid writer tricks our writers ladies gentlemen [Applause] Gerard Mulligan Gerard how are you 6:40 what do you weigh - 30 days all right what do you what do you have that I passed on earlier pretty good one I think okay it's Monday August 25th here in New York City I hope you all had a good weekend I think I did but the amount of the bail is any indication [Music] [Applause] okay our next rider is Paul Railly ladies and gentlemen I see we have a little something for yes I do okay how many folks from Guam today Frank birthday November something like that oh yes you know in the town over in the town of Rachel Vic Iceland is it Rachel bit is that good Rachel Vic Iceland if you must apply for a bald spot drive safely [Applause] alright who's next here on this excel oh it's Iran Richard's ladies and gentlemen you must be Dave Dave I've seen you before okay I'm not Richards I you know on my car I got a bumper sticker that says I'd rather be sailing and on my boat I got one that says I'd rather be driving my car I just like everybody to know that no matter where I go I'm miserable rich Hall ladies and gentlemen you have a little something for I have a little something yeah ever been to the Statue of Liberty you notice an inscription on it that says give us your tired your poor and your huddled masses and I've noticed you see a lot of still tired people out of poor people but you don't see too many huddled masses and just to walk down the street and see them all over the place so we have one here [Applause] good call and now the only female member of our writing staff our head writer Meryl Marco [Applause] right from the beginning it was my contention I read the NBC research and if we would have had more sex more violence on the show I think we would have done better I kind of shot my second violins and so I would like to share a little sex and violence and see it's still early we still have 25 minutes maybe the show right around February and for the gals [Applause] January you've got something there and for everyone else a little violence nothing for the entire family so the violence ladies and gentlemen [Applause] one of the stupid writer tricks let me ride back with our [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my next life I'm gonna be a man my husband is sitting down watching TV and I have to clean the house the people are coming for dinner that night it might perhaps bring on a headache Marty Malloy a needs strong tension headache relief recommendation Bufferin compared to this extra ingredient brand buffering sends more of the leading pain reliever to the headache in the early minutes much more yet many can take Bufferin instead of tylenol because it's so protective against aspirin stomach upset the Barons always seem to work it feels great buffering strong and headaches easy on the stomach oh sorry coo coo it's this cold I'm stuffy by sinuses so try four-way long-acting nasal spray nose it relieves stuffy noses and sinuses up to ten hours to help you breathe easier so you can fall asleep easier hey that's a blast a blast that lasts all night Thanks cuckoo your timings right on the nose four-way long-acting nasal spray the blast at lasts all night perfect eggs don't always start with the egg they start with Silverstone it's the most durable nonstick surface ever made by DuPont and just to prove our point we'll cook some eggs with these letters and still not hurt Silverstone's nonstick performance see so no matter what you're making make sure you start with Silverstone Silverstone spells durability I challenge anybody to clean grease better than this top liquid cleaner will take you on me and my pint all it's Katie the cleaning lady watch this concentrated pine-sol cuts through grease better than any leading liquid cleaner look at that pie saw cleaner disinfectant kills household germs and odors and leaves a fresh scent pine-sol cleans grease better kills germs and odors saves a fresh scent I'm getting pied gummy one for him Sofia Lorenz stars in her own story from war-torn Italy to worldwide fame from her affair with Cary Grant to her fight to have a child a world premiere Sunday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you welcome back to the show we're having plenty of fun this morning and a little bit later I think we have something for the folks in the studio audience so keep that in mind we're gonna go visit some of the folks you never get to see on this show actually I think we pretty well see most of them but in case we haven't rolled up Walk This Way this is studio what is it 6a or B this gentleman right here is Barry sand our producer and this is done what are we looking at here well how do you produce the show from with this stuff here what oh well these are my phones did this is your phone just by East Coast phone that's to the Elan to the East Coast that's where we are now this is my West Coast phone West Coast phone exercise and what do you do on those phones I make dates and you know what's going on with the weather's like and this is a direct line to my jeweler okay Barry sand lay Dee's a gentleman I producer Barry [Applause] pencil today is our last show yeah thanks Joe this this gentleman you've heard for I guess well when did you join the show bill just this morning no no hey wait a minute here we've been duped again hoodwinked this is bill Wendell ladies and gentlemen [Applause] this is a wonderful this is a wonderful audience and this group we've ever had and not a bad view either [Applause] in addition to announcing what else do you do here while I work at the A&P every Friday I'm on staff here have been for a number of years and do commercials shows of any kind catch me on sermonette next week okay when wouldn't you you've done a lot of shows though what was the very first one first Network show you're on in all honesty and I'll be very truthful with you for one quick second I happen to work with a fellow for over three years that you remind me of a great deal and his name was Ernie Kovacs [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what was the show that was the yearning Kovacs show we did it right from the studio six feet across the way thanks for all your help bill window ladies backstage excuse me watch yourself we've actually been backstage before we're coming back here again I've got to pick up a couple of things this is Yolanda ladies and gentlemen say hello to Yolanda what do you do here I'm an audio person I'm a - she's an audio person and what was that last thing a - a - yes okay how long have you been in the military just a joke Yolanda thank you very much all right we're coming over here and this is a these are the folks that during the show they do what you see them doing now they kind of stand around and we couldn't do a show without a staff of folks standing around back here this woman is kathleen anchors and on this show we've we've used a lot of artwork a lot of peculiar artwork and it's it's always done very nicely and it's it's done on a very short notice and this is the woman responsible for it here hello Kathleen hello David I wanted to make a lot of drawings to show everyone how we look between 5 o'clock and 10 o'clock in the mornings here but it seemed more important to start working on the set model for your new show we've got a new show and here it is the Starship Enterprise that's wonderful thank you very much Kathy this gentleman when I mentioned artwork I didn't mean to exclude the the bumpers and all of the slides and the visuals that you see this is Bob Polk you've done a wonderful job Bob thank you thank you Dave friend who assists in that anyway David reality is also a great help in putting that stuff together it's wonderful thank you very much Bob now where we go rich Hall is over here rich in just a second as you know rich chip brought us all of the reports from Pitkin Ville during the show rich now that we've been laid off what's going to happen to those pitiful folks in that small Montana town well I'm gonna head out there David and work with some of these folks as you can see here it's not really a real happy time in the town these folks aren't lining up for when dorama kind of sad and go out there and do some charity work for these folks an employment officer see ladies gentlemen I'd just like to point out now that rich thinks this is real okay thank you very much and good luck to the folks in Pitkin Ville we're going in here now okay come on in this is an area we've been once before this is the this is the green room good heavens good heavens look at all these semi dressed humans here you recognize the the folks from upstairs the dancers we had earlier you're coming back to join us later seems to be some confusion on that point ladies and gentlemen we're trying to work our way to the control room and these these are various folks who have various jobs and we're running out of time where I'd introduce them to you separately we'll be right back though [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you want to say thank you but you don't know how a bundt cake do the talkin if you wanna say I'm sorry but you can somehow let a bundt cake dude nice going I was thinking [Music] America moves on its feet feet that can hurt with corns America has a choice awkward bulky pads or free zone free zones medicine penetrates endlessly to dissolve the corn away layer by layer with just a few applications easily effectively the short-order waitress the cop on the beat you and breathe America moves on its feet and free zone is helping keep America on the move next summer now sure do it now there will be a lot less mess and it's easier than you think let easy offs foaming action turn hard black grease soft brown and soapy just wiped clean sparkling clean oven and a lot less regular or lemon scent rita moreno you're the only actress who's won an Oscar Emmy Tony Grammy you always look terrific and that smile what's your secret well I take care of my figure my face and my teeth your teeth come closer and I'll show you the best smile start with the whitest teeth Wow my secret Pepsodent it gets my teeth their whitest I'll say if you want your teeth their widest you need Pepsodent ooh it's a real winner [Applause] [Music] what we're doing right now we're sort of looking at the folks who helped us through the history of the show come on in here I want you to have a look inside this is the makeup room and we don't really have time to visit at length with these folks I'm just going to introduce them to you and if you guys can just wave and say hi candy Carol makeup John Kegley and also makeup Jorge Drew who is not here I don't believe Vicki Olsen wardrobe Vicki how are you Eric Anthony nice to see you right John Quaglia hair nice to see you in our own lovely Kim Kearney there hello Kim nice to see you whoa now we're getting somewhere let's go into the control room once again the nerve center of the television show this is where it all comes together and it's pretty serious business in here let me see if I can just come through here come on in this is the [Applause] we're now in the nerve center of the television show that is no thank you maybe a little bit later if you can just follow us over here we'll get a word with our director how gertie excuse me now how gurney ladies and gentlemen our director now what in your opinion is the most important aspect of putting a show together well discipline David this much you don't have to us we don't have anything right let me ask you about you get this Peppa Pig cartoon here what is that exactly I think that's Daffy Duck that's daddy duck let's see we've tested it and that's the one that eases tension the most David by the way we're running out of time I don't know about you but I have a show to do oh okay well I'm said I'm sorry dinner interrupt I think you can get an idea of the tension-filled atmosphere under which these people work this and air traffic control I guess would be the two highest [Applause] [Music] we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't tell me I've been doing laundry for 50 years new claim free does beat every other leading fabric softener it eliminates static better than your liquid grandma and it's more convenient than mom's white sheet hmm fresh new fragrant makes clothes smell fresher than ever and those thousands of softness cells have special softeners so clothes come out wonderfully soft well you're never too old to learn one way or another new cling free beats every other leading brand what do hospitals use for relief of constipation 9 out of 10 hospitals use gentle dependable milk of magnesia that's what comes in this bottle of Phillips Phillips is a gentle liquid these tablets and chocolate laxatives contain ingredients that can irritate your system and unlike all accidents that can take days to work Phillips works dependably usually overnight remember 9 out of 10 hospitals use milk of magnesia so get gentle dependable Phillips okay Danny you get the stick you get your alpha that's a pretty good deal Danny's a 14 year old alpha dog that's like 98 to you and me oh yeah you're beautiful you know elbows helped keep him healthy and happy for 14 years meat is a dog's natural food and Apple beef chunks dinner has lots of meat outputs all a dog ever needs to eat maybe daddy's been around so long because apples been around so long what do you say daddy dear Sirs your product is great it helped me lose the weight I couldn't lose before with Dexatrim I lost all the weight I wanted to lose without feeling hungry people are writing us about the Dexatrim diet plan a remarkable time-release way to lose weight just one capsule can help curb your appetite during meals and in between for up to 12 full hours thanks to Dexatrim I've lost weight and I feel better about myself proven effective in seven years of clinical testing tried Dexatrim the time-released way to lose weight [Music] thank you very much Frank Owens and the Symphony Orchestra and this thing is just about over before we continue with the festivities I just want to take a second here without getting overly soupy thanks some people it can in connect it to this show first of all from the very beginning we've gotten wonderful studio audiences and you people are no exception I'm grateful for all so right from the very beginning we've gotten nothing but great support and encouragement from people watching and the mail has been overwhelming and and we appreciate every piece of that that we've received and it was our only one consistent piece of support here at this show and I can't tell you how excited we are about how that went there are three people I'm going to mention here just quickly this shows a lot of fun to do because it was peculiar on some days and the person responsible for for that feeling is that the head writer Meryl mark oh my thanks to her how gurney whom you met a couple of minutes ago our director and of course Barry San who put the nuts and bolts of this thing together so now Monday there's going to be a show here called it's called Las Vegas gambit and you're going to be hearing a lot of these things and the neat part about this show and I'll be watching you darn bet I'll be watching is it features the excitement of Las Vegas plus a human deck of 52 cards now here to sing a visual tribute to that show Harve man ladies and gentlemen in our salute to Las Vegas camera pits the last vegas gambit show [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] before [Music] styling coat they don't wear the fold and you'll wind up furniture [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is NBC News Update with Edward Newman good morning the cost of living went up by one percent last month that was more than in August and put annual inflation of twelve point seven percent the big factor was food that went up one point six spendable earnings that's what's left after taxes went down on the hostages vice president Mondale warned this morning against optimism that Iran will soon release them Mondale on The Today program said there are no negotiations underway and that the United States does not even know whether Iran wants to release the hostages well I thought we were getting some shots of Mondale saying that in any case that's what he said in the fighting Iraq today claimed the capture of the port city of coram sha some Iranian soldiers are still in the city but organized resistance appears to be over in the campaign Jimmy Carter is in Camden New Jersey and Grand Rapids Michigan today John Anderson is in Boston and Springfield Massachusetts Ronald Reagan is at home in Middleburg Virginia he's boning up for the debate next Tuesday in Cleveland with President Carter in Baltimore former CIA man is to be indicted this morning on charges of espionage he's David Barnett who's accused of selling top secret information to the Russians Barnett worked for the CIA from 1963 to 1970 and he was rehired last year that's the news I'm Edwin Newman NBC News New York join me for Las Vegas gambit that's where contestants beat the house if they play their cards right and I'm next with great cash prices on blockbusters and Chuck Lorre gives players a spin on the wheel of fortune and the password is top stars as they play password plus followed by card sharks so get in the game all of them starting Monday October 27 Mac Davis today at 3:30 on three
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 73,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The David Letterman Show, Wil Shriner, Edwin Newman, Frank Owens, Viewer Mail, Barbara Gaines, Coffee Cup Theatre, Stupid Writer Tricks, Gerard Mulligan, Merrill Markoe, Harve Mann, Edd Hall, Marie O'Donnell, Brian McAloon, Dency Nelson
Id: Ova_eOpm62s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 27sec (3507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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