The DARKEST Isekai Protagonist I've Ever Seen

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the 900th year on the Shen calendar in the armos area was an ERA that the last generation called the troubled times the land was overshadowed by the rule of the great king armos who took away the power of all small kingdoms this time was an ERA where heroes from all over had competed for superiority and no one ever stopped fighting plundering as if they were animals it was a time when if a person wanted to protect something they had to survive and win and on this battlefield there was a man called Varian de lion cor he stood as a greater King than his ancestors who founded the lonor kingdom he was a genius of warfare and would forever be recorded and remembered in history Varian story was told by many bards who had spread his name across the country however those stories never told the truth no one ever knew the true story of the great king the story of the great king and the soldiers who fought beside him this story was the recollection of the great King's wisdom in battle this was the story of a great king who befell many misfortunes this was The Saga of lion cor there was a man who was being helped by his mother to put armor on his body before he would set off for battle being told by a man in the same room how there were 600 allies on his side while there were 14400 on backer's side while this sounded challenging the other man asked the man clad in armor Varan if he would agree about it being a suitable first battle varian's mother told him to not worry as she was sure that his grandfather's armor would protect him and Varan turned to her and said that if he couldn't win it he wouldn't be able to return alive tears ran down his mother's face as she fell to the ground to sob while he finally set off with a lot on his mind as he clutched onto his sword with a serious expression he didn't want and wasn't going to let his family and friends be taken away and he was going to make sure that he would lead all the enemies to their destined deaths it was the Shen year 931 and Varan took out the blade shouting at all of his allies in the surroundings to let them know that it was time to advance with this the first battle of the next king lion core Varan cor started but who was Varan and how did he get here long ago he used to be a man called Tanaka who died when he was 41 years old he kept falling into nothingness until suddenly his senses finally came back to him being in the middle of being struck with a wooden blade a young boy was seen falling to the ground as the once- dead man held his shoulder while confused about the situation and his surroundings his eyes widened when he looked around and realized that he was in a completely new world and it was nothing like the one he had come from and that he was now in the body of a child the man with the wooden blade who struck him started to speak and walk toward him but the reincarnated man realized he couldn't understand the language of this world and was soon knocked out with the next strike of the blade his questions never being answered as he fell unconscious two months had passed since that day of reincarnation and he had come to an understanding about the world he was training with other young boys and another boy walked up to Varan asking how he was doing and if he learned anything new this was varian's older brother Robel another thing that the reincarnated man learned was that varian's body was slim which was why he could easily learn the training fast than the two months he had been living in this new world Robel told the boy to not call him older brother and just something more casual before letting Varan know that they should go eat breakfast together it was fortunate that everyone was still friendly to Varan despite him acting as if he was a completely different and new person which he was but everyone thought that he just had Amnesia because he hit his head the food that they had to eat despite being nobles was soup bread and cheese which were not the most edible to Varian compared to the world he came from he just kept trying to push through it since the taste didn't matter much to him as long as his stomach didn't Revolt at the food even though it was absolutely a lie the boy gave a smile and said that he was happy to be able to eat the food this reaction caused surprise within the older brother as he ruffled varian's hair and said that the boy had changed admitting that he liked the boy more as he was than the previous him and how everyone else thought that as well while this was a compliment the reincarnated man wondered how much of a brat Varian used to be Robel said that it was time to greet their mother and Varan asked if the older boy was coming to the church but Robel told Varan that he wasn't coming since it was boring so they would see each other later at the church everyone sat while listening to the sermon and Varan was listening intently since he knew that the religious sect was the group that knew the most about the country and he wanted to learn as much as he could about this new world even if he didn't have any interest in the group itself his mother looked at the boy with confusion since he wondered what happened to the son she used to know before the supposed Amnesia struck once the sermon ended the priest walked up to Varian mother rusciano and asked if the boy was doing well to which she said that it was good that he could speak normally at the least the priest kneel down to veran and asked if he was interested in the teachings of shotan and Varan eagerly affirmed this and recited something he had learned while listening in on the sermons his mother and the priest were shocked at the boy's Behavior and the Priest started to ominously talk about how people should stay faithful as it would bring an understanding between a kid and a parent and prevent a Revolt in the world to which he asked the boy if he could really understand this all at just 7 years old mentally he was 41 but he still continued with being truthful that he could understand it and was starting to explain what he remembered until the priest got excited from this and told his mother that Varan was loved by gods and how his memory loss was a gift from God Varan realized that he went a bit overboard since the priest wanted the boy to join the temple and even the mother was hesitant from this idea the boy finally spoke and said that he didn't want to become a monk since he needed to help his brother and his family causing rhyo to apologize for his Behavior ryal noticed that the boy seemed to love his brother and the reincarnated man thought up words to say that would probably lead him on the right path but those words about how he loved his brother made his mother cry causing Varan to wonder once again how bad the other Varian used to be rhyo still wanted to ask if the boy wanted to study with the church since there were a lot of books and Varan was eager about it since it would be his chance to learn about the world Rano approved of this and the boy knew that even if the country didn't have schools he should still be able to learn about literature and common knowledge from the church everyone went home and ate dinner at the table together and Rudolph varian's father asked how his head was this man was the same one who hit the boy's head and started this whole thing to which Varian told him that it was all right and even if his memories weren't returning he decided he wanted to study under rhinal varian's mother told the father that ryal was really impressed by varian's knowledge and Robel was excited about this as well wanting to Hype up his little brother the reincarnated male thought about how it seemed as though no one in the family wanted the previous Varian but learned that the previous variant could eat without stopping which was what he did with the food that was on the table he still wished that he could eat some food from his previous world but it was too late now Rudolph grinned at the fact that his son was still the same in his appetite and Robel joked about his stomach being as big as always despite the memory loss to which the whole family laughed about together as Varian sat with his family there he realized that the previous Problem Child still seemed to be a person who was still a part of the family and with that the man named Tanaka say had died but his life as as Varian started here since he had died Varan was going to try his best this time he would live not as Tanaka but as Varian but who was Tanaka he was a man who thought he had a boring name and lived a normal life despite dying of unfortunate causes his family memb surrounded him in the hospital in his last days ever since he learned that he had a tumor in his stomach despite it affecting his body at rapid speeds and was unable to be cured but Tanaka was glad that the hospital was able to prevent the pain Tanaka had lived an ordinary life with the only unordinary thing being that he went to a Buddhist school he was also forced to join the Judo club and when he was 23 he had a shotgun wedding with his wife yumo and felt as though he could leave his two children to her without worry he thought that he was happy but he saw his family crying this much for him and realized that he didn't want to die he wanted to see his children grow up and see his grandchildren's faces not even knowing that it was possible for him to die earlier than his parents he couldn't even live long enough to keep his promise to his wife to to go on a certain trip that he wanted to go on with yumo it seemed as though his entire previous life played in his head during his dreams making the boy wake up in a sweat when he remembered once again that he was reborn as a new person Varan deur his father Rudolph was also the great man known as the hawk of lion cor since Varan was under the care of rhinal when it came to his studies he was learning a lot from the resources they had and he realized that the world was pretty big it was similar to his previous one but he could see some differences and the priest told him about how they were in a continent called oiden with the armos kingdom extending to the north and west and surrounded by the mountains in the south and east with that sort of geography the boy thought about how it likely helped the kingdom when it came to being protected rhinal got excited by how easily the boy could understand everything and varant thought about how he was getting too far into some Paths of his just because he wanted to learn about things despite having too much knowledge as a mentally 41-year-old man in a child's body even with the geographical advantage ryal said that the monarchy wasn't guaranteed and there was still a chance that the Warlords could Revolt Varan had also learned that there were 360 days in a calendar year but no water system or glass making it almost like the Medieval ages the priest asked if the boy had an interest in politics but Varan said that he was interested in the world since not remembering anything it made him feel uneasy rhinol scratched his chin before telling Varian to not worry since he had enough time in the world to learn due to being a child but warned him that if he talked too much he might forget stuff at some point he was called over by a man named jjo who was his caretaker and bodyguard but this man due to his status could not read or write which made Varian believed that the old him was glad to be living within the castle one of the reasons that he thought this was because the slums were an extremely horrible living environment for people and even animals the area outside the castle walls was worse than where they stood and even Nobles such as him had to live on straw beds meaning that getting sick in this kind of environment meant death while the two walked through this area variant turned his head when he heard music and saw a girl dancing over a bucket with clothes realizing that they were washing the laundry with their feet goo realized who Varan was standing at Rona and explained that the old hm had caused the scar on her forehead and bullied her brother roro making Varan shocked before groaning in frustration about the situation he told Judo that he wanted to apologize to the girl but it was unfortunately not possible since she was a slave child and Nobles could not lower their heads to Slaves Varan learned that the world was divided into four sections and while people didn't hurt their slaves apologizing to them was unheard of Judo thought that the boy had fallen in love but Varian dismissed it especially since his current body had no desires and the fact that he was still 41 years old mentally Rona noticed him and ran away disappointing the boy as jeto started to talk about how girls were e youw according to past Varian but could be lured in with even the smallest things making current variant think about possibly making a gift for her he remembered that doing laundry with feet must be rough in the winter and how no one in armos used a washing board so he asked Judo for a chisel and a wooden board the man was confused until he realized the boy was making a gift causing him to tease Varan which only confirmed how annoying this man was after chiseling for a while Varan realized how hard this was and knew that this 7-year-old boy's body could not do the job so he was going to ask aito for help later he still didn't know why he was summoned to this world but he wanted to make the standard of living better there was no way he could change the entire world but he wanted to make the lives of his family and others better and help the people who raised and supported him Days Later Rona came to thank Varian for making laundry fun after his gift making him glad that she liked the washing board that he made even if most of his work was from jeto he was struggling to think how to word what he was going to say but he ultimately apologized anyway despite his status making her conflicted especially when he said that he wanted to become friends she said that was a waste and he started to walk away with a disappointed expression until she explained that she was just hesitant at the idea since neither she or her brother had friends and he told her to just call him Varian since they were now friends she felt happy about that and Varan was teased by jeto as the boy side before trying to tease the older man back saying that jeto was just a jealous which only made him laugh and tell the boy that he could have a date with her at the execution this suggestion was shocking to him until he remembered that executions were the norm and were almost used as Amusement for the kingdom since not much fun stuff happened so essentially executions were like a movie to them rona's mother saw that her daughter was using the washing board again and rona's brother roro said that it cleaned the clothes well their mother asked if the girl was okay with that since she thought that the girl hated the prince but Rona said that it didn't matter what she felt due to the statuses however even if she thought that she would hate him she saw the state of his hands when he came with the board the mother still didn't believe that there was a reason for the change of how Rona felt about the boy until she learned that Varan did in fact apologize and asked for friendship they were apparently going to be taught the alphabet that day and roro would practice sword fighting with the boy and their mother wondered how much variant had changed but there was nothing she could do about her children's desires so she let this happen believing that the Friendship wouldn't last anyway however it had now been a month since Varan had become friends with Rona and roro he had been teaching them how to read and write while he was learning how to sing from Rona and practicing swordsmanship with her little brother during a lesson Judo had overpowered Varan and the boy tried to call upon roro to do a sneak attack from behind but Jito blocked it easily and told roro to not raise his voice while attacking as it would give away his position the older male had also told the boy that swinging a sword didn't matter if he couldn't stab anyone making him realize that trying to use it like a Japanese sword was probably not the right move they were about to continue their training until Rona called them to let them know that the hunters were back since winter was coming and Judo left the kids by themselves as they inspected the findings that everyone was going to Butcher and preserve everyone celebrated including Rudolph and people cheered with their drinks while Varan was learning from others about the kinds of things that were eaten during the winter but they were not taken care of well since people had to sometimes eat rotten meat he wondered if there were vegetables and variant thought about how he would like to try and help people get more vitamins during the winter since that was likely why people were getting sick but he didn't know how to explain such a new thing Robel walked up to the boy and said that their father wanted to talk and by talk he meant a scolding since he had finally found out that Varan was teaching slaves how to write and wield blades Varan had prepared an excuse for this and said that he was forgiven by them and wanted to teach the children things he had learned from the church in order to make friends and exchange knowledge but his mother was worried about Varan getting into a relationship with Rona he reassured her that he had no intent on Marrying the girl and was still aware of their statuses but he had admitted that he had a dream while studying at the church and needed a thousand people to make that happen his father was interested to hear about it and learned that his son wanted to make a land where everyone could live cleanly and healthily but Rudolph tried to say that giving slaves knowledge would make them disobey however Varan wanted to go further and give them swords his father laughed and thought that it was time to turn Varan to Lion cor and learn something from the battlefield these heavy thoughts settled in everyone's Hearts as winter arrived and Varan wondered if he made the right choice the winter was harsh and many people died from the freezing temperature or lack of food but those who lived in better conditions always had fires lit in their homes he thought about how things could be better for people if they had chimneys and remembered something he built with his kids once it having a simple structure that would provide a great deal of warmth through radiation however it wouldn't be easy to set up since he was still a child with a lack of money and connections so he was going to have to set the idea aside for later Varan then realized that he was being called on and the girl said that she wanted to show him what she had promised the other day that being the white beat roro noticed that the two had been holding hands for a long time which made the little girl flustered but Varian didn't in mind even though Rona definitely did seem to be affected by the action as she glared stared at her brother who mentioned how she was red she changed the subject and made the boy try some white beet soup which he immediately hated but made him realize that they were sugar beats and would add money to his wallet in the future but that future would be a long time from now as he remembered that he heard that he was going back to their territory in the spring making Rona feel sad at the thought as she walked over to the crowd and started to sing with a Bittersweet tone to it show her feelings over the situation the people of armos loved singing praises of life and Varan also didn't wish to park even if he wasn't able to reciprocate the feelings that she definitely had for him he also sang along with the girl and thought about teaching her some simple calculations just in case it would help even a little when she married into a family once they were done with the song they were cheered but Varian was not able to see the girl's expression spring finally came and it was time to leave the capital rhinal said his goodbyes to the boy and Rudolph told roro that there was a person he was giving to him making the boy look at what he was talking about as he realized that the person was RoR they set off for lonor territory as Judo explained that roro had persisted in becoming varian's property and roro in a formal manner that he learned from the prince said that he was going on behalf of his sister since she couldn't come due to being a girl jeto looked out the window and noticed to that very girl they were talking about and everyone could see her waving them goodbye to which Varan yelled out that he would see her again it would probably be a long time though since the 3-we distance to the territory they were going to meant an almost final farewell well in this world and this action of Rona was the best goodbye she could give as roro whispered to himself while hoping his sister would take care a couple weeks after leaving the capital the brothers were playing board games that he had taught the household and his brother was impressed by the intelligence of the boy Robo was also impressed by the speech at the banquet and Varan wondered if his brother suspected that he was aiming for the position of the family head so he tried to compliment the older boy and reassure his older brother since Varan had no interest in being a part of the inheritance their parents were in the carriage and Riano told Rudolph that the household would be solidified with the things that the sons were doing making the father hum in thought the following week they finally arrived and it was time for Judo to leave his position as varian's guardian since he was going to be married Varan held up a hand to shake with the older man calling him a friend which made goo cry and tell everyone else about how he and the prince were friends Rudolph walked up to them and said that he was leaving Varan to a man named Albert who is explained to be the family Butler by Butler Varian would think of someone in a suit who was is attractive and proper but this man did not seem like that at all and looked more like a killer they introduced themselves to each other and Albert said that he would Train The Boy From This Moment On to which Varan was about to respond until he was suddenly punched and sent to the ground bleeding the boy was confused as Albert repeated his words making this the true firstday that Tanaka say was rebirthed into Varian from this man who would change his way of life in the world Albert's special training was so severe that it completely destroyed destroyed varian's modern values and this old man made them even kill animals saying it was practice a wild dog lunged at Varan and brought him to the ground while biting at the handle of his axe that was currently protecting the boy making him worried about what to do since getting bit would be bad roro jumped in and stabbed the dog with his spear but nothing they were doing was satisfactory to the old man watching them he told them that if they didn't kill their target they were going to die instead the bleeding animal walked away before turning back with a glare in its eyes and the two two boys charged at the wild animal deciding to let roro distract it while Varan would launch a surprise attack in the side however it seemed to still be too shallow to Albert Varan and roro were cheering for their kill but Albert repeated that he told them to kill and they were confused until Varan realized the dog was still alive and was about to bite roro until another boy came in and took the kill Albert walked up and asked the boy Jean what he was doing as he just said that he was surveying the battlefield this boy was Albert's grandchild and and seemed to be the exact opposite of Albert stuck with them as a classmate but would later become a comrade who shared their Destiny even after Jee joined with them it was still the same they had to continuously kill animals every single day until the day arrived when something was different a day of commemoration that Varan would never forget the day that Albert brought out four real human beings that the boys would have to kill Varian stared with confusion and shock as the old man repeated that he was telling them to kill these people but the noble boy wanted to know who these people were first this was only responded to with a whack in the face that caused another nose bleed but Varan continued with the same question and learned that the people were one sick slave and the rest were criminals it was one thing to kill criminals but the boy didn't see a reason to kill a slave for being sick the woman was coughing to herself as she muttered for the boy to help her but Varan had to make a choice as the knife was handed to him roro offered to do the job for him and Varan remembered that this world was different than his PR previous and that he had no choice but to earn military achievements with a heavy heart he stabbed the crying woman in the chest and she moved away while screaming for him not to kill her Albert yelled at the Frozen boy that she wasn't dead yet and with a shout he finally gained the res to push through the action and continuously stab the woman despite her screams while Albert praised the boy in the background it was a cruel death through blood loss and Varian who had lived a life of 42 years had killed a person for the first time the old man told the boy to properly think about where to stab next time before ordering the other two boys to beat the rest of the people to death with clubs saying that they didn't need to hold back since they were only criminals behind varian's trembling back roro and Jean continued and the men gave pain screams before their training that day would end before the woman's blood on his hands dried they were taken back to their territory and Varan was talking with his older brother about what he had done to which Robel told Varian that there was no need to get upset over a situation like that as they were only simply a slave and criminals Varan was surprised that his older brother could say this until Robel explained that he himself didn't think that this was okay either and was just something that they had to get used to there were no comforting words to say but Robel wanted his little brother to remember that even if he was used to killing he should never turn into a person that got pleasure from it the previous hymn seemed like the kind to do so but the current him made Robo believe that he would be all right in truth Varan wanted to run away from from this feeling of guilt but what his older brother said was right the boys continued killing and would eventually become more and more skillful losing any reluctance towards the actions they were doing they were expected to become beasts since it was a period where people were more Beast than human this was an era of conflict where beasts killed each other and now the second winter had passed and Varan had turned 9 years old Albert had taken the boys into a forest near a place where there were some pigs grazing along with Shepherds and dogs watching the animals to which the old man told them to steal the pigs they were currently in Viscount bachelor's territory since the lion cor territory was on bad terms with them and was harassing them while calling it training Albert said that killing and pillaging were a knight's Duty making variant sweat drop since this was not the same chivalrous behavior that the knights he used to know did he wondered if it would be okay to drive away the Shepherds and then steal the pigs but roro said that it would be a problem if they were reported so he suggested that they kill them which made Albert smile at the suggestion it was true that if they were caught they would get the death sentence immediately even if Varan was a noble Jean and Roo continued their discussion and Varian sided the fact that children who were barely 10 were joyfully planning an attack but this was how the world was Varian spoke up and told the other two that it was a bad idea to be scattered since the Shepherds were likely to be carrying weapons but there was also no point in getting injured or dying so after a bit of planning they finally decided on just pretending that they were asking for the help of the Shepherds since they were only children in the eyes of these adults the Shepherds bought into the lie and it was time to strike and roro immediately stabbed the man in the heart before Jean shot the woman in the throat with an arrow while they tried to finish off the dogs this should have been a simple operation but something just had to go wrong and Jee realized that one of the dogs had gotten away Varan ordered Jee to hide the bodies while roro and he would catch the pigs and run after setting the forest on fire after everyone had returned and were having dinner with the pig they had stolen Judo and Varan were able to talk with each other once again the event that was about to occur would be later recounted as a famous tale and this was also the time that Varan had met judo's father Yanik who held a very familiar resemblance as Varan realized that this man was Albert's brother coincidentally Albert had popped in and asked if the dirty animals had gathered together seemingly joking around by saying that he would Massacre them and yanic said that it seemed as though Albert wanted his right ear burned off too somehow the joke tone had turned intense as both of the older men glared at each other ready to fight Varan tried to jump in and tell Albert to stop since yanic was his friend's father saying that he would insult Albert's honor Albert was curious what the boy would do until Varan gave him the middle finger and told him insults he knew from his previous life immediately getting smacked into the table this was only part of varian's plan though since he was hoping and expecting such a phrase to be Universal no matter the world and so a brawl broke out in the building while Varian slipped out of Consciousness when he awoke everyone was down except for Albert and his father who offered the boy some me that was surprisingly delicious to him causing the other two to laugh Albert told Rudolph that his son was going to take over all of lonor but the father believed that both of his sons were equal in their ability to take the territory making Albert chuckle at how doting Rudolph was as a parent the both of them were still impressed at how intense the boy made the situation with the phrase into action he said causing him to think that he handled it correctly especially since this phrase would become a regular insult in the house sold winter came and everyone got used to killing so they were training against each other in hand-to-hand combat however Varian had an advantage since he had already gotten a black belt in Judo in his previous life Jean was shocked by being beaten that easily and Albert told the other two boys to follow varian's example making Varan feel a little bit bad about how unfair the situation seemed roro and Jean walked off somewhere confusing Varan as he was reminded of the time that he and his family went to Guam together could he someday have those happy days again in a world like this all he knew was that he had to get stronger to never lose something again several weeks later Varan was surprised by how much better roro and Jee had gotten it using a shield and bow to which they explained that they were undergoing special training in order to compliment the other according to Albert's suggestion the old man said that comrades were people who didn't need to be the same and Varan realized that it was important for the sake of protecting to become stronger while complimenting each other that was their strength that would resist the world later Varan asked his mother if a person named katcha was coming to which the woman confirmed since Rudolph was discussing things with Jazelle Kat's mother and Rudolph's lover and Hughes Kat's brother he met with the little girl and tried to get her to be less formal since they were family so he suggested a game for them to play and Rudolph ended the meeting and saw them having fun together Gizelle told the girl to not bother the boy or call him casual nicknames but Varian said that it was fine and made a joke about how his father couldn't give him a little sister even if he asked for one which earned him a whack on the head the mistress's family was called because his brother Hughes had to succeed the family name of a dead Branch family brawl and proceeded to leave the state Rudolph told the boy that they were all siblings by Blood and if Varan needed anything he could ask Hughes for help something he told the boy since Robel didn't like jaizelle and the others for some reason Varan said that it would make men pass his test if they wanted to be Kat's husband but his father told him to not be too considerate the father was about to say something else but decided to dismiss it putting a hand on the boy's shoulder as Varian understood what he wanted wanted to say since he was a father before as well this man was definitely varian's father something he could feel from the warmth in Rudolph's hand summer came and Varan noticed that he was finally going through his second growth spurt looking out the window he remembered that the day was robo's investure ceremony everyone seemed excited at the sight of the older brother clad in armor and Rudolph walked up to him to recite their teaching which Robel affirmed that he would try to follow suddenly he was punched in the face which was a sign of bestowing Knighthood and to make sure that the Knight didn't forget his oath Rudolph gave Robel The Sword and told him to show his courage and Robel proceeded to shout in front of the crowd with a blade raised High Varan started to cry because he himself wanted to see his children grow up to be adults but that was too late now the ceremony held competitions to celebrate and Varan competed in wrestling due to his past life skills but no one seemed to have faith in him because he only looked and physically was a child Varian told the match announcer that it was fine and they began the fight and within seconds the large man was down on the ground unconscious everyone was shocked and this man tried to insist that he should try it again tarian asked if he was going to say the same on the battlefield causing the man to have to withdraw with shame most people would think that the opponent slipped but this was not the end of his wrestling competition as the next person was a man named Enzo a friend of Robel the fight began and Varan realized that he couldn't compete with this man when it came to physical strength but that same strength would be his downfall as Varian quickly suplexed the taller male and threw him to the ground another win for Varan and he said that it was a victory for his brother with his next one going to be dedicated to his younger sister the third person was a giant compared to the small boy and it turned out that this old man was going to try to crush him with his weight but Varan had a plan up his sleeve as he brought up his body making his family worried until the boy wrapped his legs around the large man's neck people realized he was strangling the larger male confused why the male wasn't shaking off the boy but Varan was compressing a certain AR that would quickly make a person lose Consciousness and fall another win for Varan and everyone started to chant for the boy while his older brother and father wondered where he learned those techniques he won two more matches but finally lost one so he was going to have to get more stamina later afterwards people would start exaggerating about what happened and young people started to desire his friendship even if most of them were supposedly scared of Albert but there seemed to be one girl who was watching intently as Varian story continued into spring at 11 years old spring came and the capital issued the family to mobilize their military forces since an uprising occurred in the purer territory which is to the southwest of the lion cor territory participating in military battles at a young age was considered a valiant Act and the others wanted to join even if they had to wait until they were older a girl walked up to them and introduced herself as smeir a corcus and talked about how she was impressed to see the boy defeat adults saying it left a deep impression on her but Varian knew what she was there for and coldly brushed her off before leaving Jean said it was a waste and wondered if he should go after that girl but roro said it was pointless since Varan needed a partner who wouldn't tarnish the family name the blonde boy teased roro by asking if he had the right to say that when he was going out with a commoner making roro flustered and Fain confusion and he felt more part of this world as summer arrived and the battle that his family supported was over the one who led the Soldiers Home was his uncle rodri but the uncle noticed a red handmark on his face and asked about it as Varan remembered what had caused it to appear earlier Varan was trying to talk with roro and remembered that a girl named Millet had come to visit making him wonder if they were doing things together that was immediately confirmed when veran put his ear to the door and heard them having their fun making him feel conflicted from the desires that his 11-year-old body was having he needed to do something about it and remembered smea from long before deciding to run up to her and pull her away behind a building she was confused until he suddenly said that he liked her and kissed her and he was trying to do more until she finally gained the courage to slap him in the face and run away crying dying and calling him the worst it was something that he should have expected after how he treated her but things would start to get out of hand due to rumors being spread and these rumors finally reached his mother Riano his mother severely scolded him for how he approached an unmarried woman like smirna but he knew how to deal with these sorts of situations and tried to appeal to riano's Motherhood while avoiding bad excuses however this seemed to lead to his mother suggesting that he should beg for the head of the corcus family for punishment since he was a man who needed to take responsibility he reluctantly agreed to do so but this seemed to mean that he was going to end up marrying the girl Varan went to the household and lowered his head in front of him making the father feel overwhelmed by the situation as Varian begged for punishment like his mother told him to the girl asked him why he was doing this and he admitted that he was unable to control himself every time he saw her and was turned into a dishonest fool yorgo sma's father became excited at the implication and he along with his son wanted smeir to forgive Varan with a sigh she told the boy to raise his head and she smiled at him since they were now a parent approved couple years later the two were seen walking together through the land as their relationship had begun progressing smoothly they sat at the tree to rest despite all of the responsibilities they had and Varian said that he was tired after helping set up his brother's marriage Robel married a lovely girl named Floria who is the daughter of a knight but she's still lost to smea he also wondered how Rona was doing after hearing that she had gotten married as well making him have mixed feelings about the situation smea was staring at him bringing him back to reality as she said that she just had a feeling that he was thinking about other girls even in another world a woman's intuition was not something to make light of their faces got closer and Varian asked if she wanted to do it there which she was hesitant about but they went through with it recently there were times when his memories as Tanaka and Varian had become ambiguous and he started to think that the idea of growing old with smea wasn't that bad as they rode home roro ran up to the mail with a worried expression as he told Varan that the bachelor Viscount had sent a declaration of war to them Varan hurried back and learned that there was a rebellion from Mias the crown Prince's younger brother and how Mias had 2,000 troops heading for the capital but their territory only had 600 soldiers remaining due to the prevalence of fevers from Winter till spring they gave out a warning to stay away from infected people but it was too hard to explain and he had no power to mandate handwashing along with the fact that the development of soap was also a failure Albert asked if Varan was listening and the male asked if this all meant that they were the only ones who could protect the place to which the old man said that they would dominate the enemy the others got excited to fight everyone including a recent addition of sma's older brother Andre varian's items from the blacksmith arrived and they were all armor used in real battles that he knew from his previous life stuff like lowcost helmets that could be worn over a leather cap and baskets that could hold food for a couple of days there were other such armors but Andre asked about a certain one that Varan put on and had an effect of intimidation making everyone even more hyped about overtaking the enemy varian's mother walked in and told him to follow her to the Armory as she showed him armor that was used by his grandfather which he put on without hesitation and with the help of his mother she said that he needed to grow as big as he could and teared up at the sight of him in the armor saying that she was sure his grandfather would protect him on the battlefield Varian clad in his grandfather's armor set off for his first battle while his mother prayed to their God to protect her son they marched to The Fortress city of Porto On the Border where they were going to engage with the bachelor's Forces 2 Days Later Varian met up with his uncle who was shocked at the sight of the boy as rodri thought he was seeing his father because of the armor and helmet it was corrected that it was Varian and he said that he received the armor from his mother before getting interrupted by judo's father yanuk who Varian had not seen since the time he was nine yanuk joked that Albert must be feeling disappointed that he was made to stay and defend the capital but it was not a surprise since yanuk himself had come to assist whether that was true or merely just the saying of confidence who knows Varan said he was grateful for the old man to come and help and felt reassured but he was not the only familiar Man Who Would assist in the battle there also came varian's half brother Hughes who reached out his hand to shake as they both looked forward to working with each other the next morning on the battlefield The Bachelor Army had approximately 1,400 people with the lion cor side being only 600 men strong uncle rodri was the supreme commander of the army and was soon going to give the signal to start the battle he shouted loudly at his Aly lies telling them that those of the lion cor feared nothing and those of the bachelor were just men who had come to steal their wives in their absence their only priority was to cut off their heads and feed them to the pigs but the feudal lord of the viscounty Eustace did not seem to enjoy these words shouting out about how he was never going to forget how the lioner were the ones who came to steal and destroy his lands countless times in the past Varian was watching closely at the exchange of insults being reminded of Albert until his thoughts were interrupted by Andre walking up to Varan and saying that smea wanted to deliver something this something turned out to be her underwear which confused Varan as he proceeded to sniff it causing the other men to Snicker and laugh at the sight Andre continued and explained that smirna wanted him to know that he better not lose the war making Varan realize that this was the woman's way of lending support suddenly it was time for the battle to start and rodri shouted at the others to raise their voices to which all the men started giving battle cries in SN even if the lion Corp had fewer weapons than men even if they could not engage in a Siege if they lost their men would be enslaved and their women would be taken away to do unspeakable things Eustace and rodri both yelled for all their units to advance and that they did everyone charged forward with determination and a thirst for blood shouts were heard all throughout the battlefield and hundreds of arrows were shot from The Bachelor side to which Rolo let the others know to protect their Shields from the incoming attack they Stood Still and let their Shields take the hit making the enemy think that the lion cor were stupid for their decisions as they charged at them once again what they didn't know was that there was someone hiding behind the wall of shields or rather someone Varan held a grin as he indirectly told the men of the bachelor to do what they were going to do if they really had the guts out came Varian from the wall of shields who plunged his blade into the head of one of the spearmen shouting at the others to not let the enemy get too close and to prioritize with crushing them Spears flew through the sky and everyone either protected themselves with the shields or unfortunately got hit but Varan himself had one of the spears graze his shield and break it which left him in the open range of the spears a man was lunging at him with a Long Blade and the dark-haired male knew that the situation was bad since he had no way of repelling it however an arrow flew into this man's head and killed him Varian savior was Jean who winked the male as Varian told the Archer that he owed him one proceeding to charge into the battle once again this was the 931 year of the shoten calendar this bloody battle later recorded as The Great Battle of Porto would tell the tale of the legendary King who would soon build his own kingdom the tale of Varan Deion cor's first battle he was going to make them regret thinking it was so easy to Rob them or thinking that they could trample the men of lion at the bachelor's Camp Eustace was having fun with two women until he was interrupted by a messenger who was telling him that the battle had only just begun Eustace stood up and asked what an army of 600 Farmers could accomplish with no excellent leaders and the messenger tried to say that they didn't expect the lion to have such high morale but he was about to reassure the Viscount until Eustace had sliced off the top of his head claiming that it was a dull answer he picked up the piece that was cut off and started preaching about how he was not going to accept anything but Victory throwing the half of the head into one of the woman's laps he wanted his men to gather the heads of the line core and display them for all to see as they traveled towards the capital in order to try and strike fear into the other side ustus started to laugh maniacally at the thought of it and wanted all of his men to just have the priority of eliminating every single one of the lion core without an ounce of Mercy rodk was surrounded but he was still holding his own and fought against many of the men despite being extremely exhausted he was about to get stabbed in the back until someone came to the rescue to slice that enemy in half the Savior being yanic they smiled at each other after a joke but they still had to focus on the battle ahead of them preparing to fight once again while they both said that the fun had yet to end meanwhile Roo and Jee were still fighting together and the blonde boy was starting to curse under his breath when he started to realize that he didn't have enough arrows Rolo chuckled and told Jean that there were weapons to use other than the bow and that he would understand once he saw that in Action a sword was a weapon that was commonly taught to be used for stabbing but that would not be the case when fighting against many opponents at once however on the other hand it would be unwise for the wielder to swing it recklessly as not even a skilled Soldier could take down a riot as a lunatic easily similarly when one was surrounded from all four directions engaging one's enemy in a melee would restrict their movements and force them to be more cautious in order to not injure their own during the struggle reducing the number of one's enemies would only Aid one to strike as one pleases without having to worry about any hindrances varian's blade connected with the shield of one of the bachelor's forces but it did not seem to break through causing Varan to repeatedly slash at the shield until it would eventually shatter and give the opportunity for varian's sword to slice through the man's head unfortunately his blade broke during that slash and another enemy force was charging in behind Varan so Varan decided to plunge his Broken Blade into the man's throat suddenly he felt something in his side and saw that someone was trying to pierce a dagger into him but it didn't seem to work due to the armor he was wearing he proceeded to turn around and throw the man to the ground breaking his neck the enemy was shocked by this ominous aura that Varan was starting to give and Rolo and Jee were shocked as well feeling impressed by the actions of the man Varan picked up one of the weapons of the enemies that he had already killed and with sweat and a heavy breath asked who was next his Aura became even more intimidating as he shouted at all those who wished to die to come at him and saying he would slay all who approached the entirety of the enemy forces of the bachelard side started to Shake in fear at the sight of Varan who was ready to kill all of them Varan awoken his house from his previous life and thought that his entire life as a lion was just a dream getting up and walking down the hall to the bathroom with a groan of pain since he felt his stomach hurting he didn't feel good and thought about possibly taking a shower to make him feel better but when he lifted his head to look in the mirror he immediately saw his Otherworld self this made the dark-haired male shout in Surprise and fall to the ground suddenly realizing that they were now in a void of Darkness with just the two of them varian's Otherworld self asked his old self who he was but his old self only stayed confused and that he was likely being haunted by a ghost Varan continued to ask his old self who he was again and again as his old self tried to say that he was just himself about to say his name until he realized he couldn't remember it who was he back in reality Varan had taken off the head of one of the enemies with his long club and the corpse fell to the ground while everyone else was bewildered by the strength of the man the darkhaired male continued killing many of the men and sent one flying into a group of the enemy forces sending them to the ground as Varian smashed his weapon into into their bodies letting the blood spill everywhere in his thoughts Varan was wondering why all of these people were so weak starting to laugh at the thought of being way stronger than them and easily being able to sweep through the forces as if they were just prey for him to hunt he started to laugh in enjoyment at his actions wanting his enemies to run and scream in fear while they would entertain him with their cries of Despair suddenly the memory of his brother Robert telling him to not turn into a person who got pleasure from killing flashed in his mind and he suddenly stopped moving for just just a moment Rolo shouted at him in worry as arrows were shot his way and he was completely brought back into reality when he realized what almost happened to him the enemies tried to charge at him again thinking they had an opportunity but he immediately grabbed the wrist of one of the men and suplexed and was about to get pierced by the Spear of the other man until Rolo came to the rescue to kill the incoming man he asked if Varan was okay and Varan explained that he was fine since the armor helped make the wounds shallow but Rolo still reprimanded him for standing still on the battlefield since it was inexcusable Jean chimed in and said that that he didn't want him killed in their first battle making Varan sweat drop at being scolded by the both of them there was one more thing that Rolo wanted to tell Varan and that was a reminder to Varan that he bore the lives of all the soldiers from the earldom of lion and how he should not overindulge in his own strength as that would be the most foolish they smiled at each other when Varan knew that Rolo was able to notice what Varan was thinking in that moment of pause that he had on the battlefield and felt glad to have such an Irreplaceable friend as Roo Jean shot at some of the enemy and and said that it was unlikely for the enemy to surrender even after witnessing varian's strength so he shouldn't get carried away but Andre entered the conversation and said that Jee would have died three times if he wasn't around the blonde boy tried to deny that but regardless of what happened Varian Rolo Andre and Jean were going to work well together by complimenting one another's weaknesses as long as they had their comrades as long as they remained United they could win this battle against Eustace Eustace was impressed that Varan and the others had such confidence to think that they could win just because they were able to withstand wave after wave of enemy soldiers but he seemed to grin implying that he still had some tricks up his sleeve Rolo was telling the dark-haired male that their allies were getting overwhelmed so Varan charged in to pick up a spear and threw it at the enemy forces and saved one of their allies they told this man to follow them as the enemy was going to attack from behind and everyone quickly made their way to another part of the battlefield as Varan seemed to notice something in the distance Eustace watched from afar thinking about how the Army he formed was specifically made to crush Rudolph and his men and grinned when he watched the shock on everyone's faces when hundreds more enemies started to run at them the Viscount knew that his army of 1400 men was truly going to be a test of endurance since the true challenge was only beginning people started to charge at the lion Corp forces and varian's allies started to fall one by one as Rolo worriedly told the dark-haired male that the bachelor's men had broken through their Center Varan was starting to wonder if the information the Scout provided was wrong but there could have been no way the enemy had so many additional soldiers he realized that Eustace just kept a portion of his army in reserves from the beginning in order to ensure Victory against varian's father cursing under his breath as he realized that they had also underestimated the enemy Rolo was trying to hold off against the new waves of men and tried to tell Varan that there were too many of them until he was interrupted by one of the enemy sending an axe to his head and his helmet broke Varian shouted in worry and dashed forward to knock out the man and check up on rolo but Rolo weakly told Varan that it was okay since he was a shield for Varan the dark-haired male knew that the wound was deep which meant immediate medical attention was necessary but the others told Varan that he needed to worry about himself varian's thoughts were racing as he didn't know what to do but unfortunately the decision was already made as the sound of a horn signaled for the retreat of lion cor they struggled to survive but they had to drag their feet away in defeat in the end making the bachelor Army not pursue them due to their victory at the lion cor Army's Camp people were getting patched up or resting but yanic shouted at everyone to prepare for an ambush as the enemy could attack at any moment Rolo was patched up and apologized for not being useful but Varan said that there was no need to cry over such a thing Jee went to treat the injuries of Varan and started to pluck out the arrowheads in his torso making Varan Yelp in pain from how the action felt which caused the blonde boy to tease Varan for his behavior all the men around started to laugh at the sight and Varan felt better knowing that everyone was able to laugh after a defeat as it meant that they still had the guts to keep fighting the man that Varan had saved earlier suddenly bowed before him and insisted on becoming a shield for Varan but Varan said that there was no need for sacrifices as they were going to emerge victorious in this battle the others wondered what he meant by that as Varan explained that they were going to be the ones to Ambush the bachelor's forces that night rodri was shocked by this suggestion as well and thought that it was Reckless since it was unfamiliar territory but Varan tried to insist that it was not so unfamiliar since Albert had led them through the terrain before Hugh stared in silence as yanic wondered if this meant to strike the enemy in the dark but Varan explained that he meant he was going to set the forests and villages obl blaz to lessen the forces of the army for a period of time this plan was effective in eliminating the enemy's source of food along with them trying to find any potential traders in their army to weed out any impediments to their plans Burning Down The Villages would deal a blow to their economy which was something Varan was aware of and knew that this was not a type of strategy that would be devised before but Hughes seemed against such cowardly tactics Varan tried to explain that they were not going to win if they fought fair but varian's half brother angrily asked if Varan was afraid of the enemy to which he stepped forward and Affirmed that was the case he admitted that he only cared about the lives of those in Lion cor and did not care about those in enemy territory and Hughes had the same opinion but felt that they shouldn't fight without Pride Varan said that their people would not understand why someone would sacrifice themselves for their pride and asked the other male if he told his own family to die honorably for their land when he left but Varian knew that Hughes didn't do so as he likely just said something about protecting them Varian asked for rodri to gather 10 men for them and would be back within 2 days for a good result to show everyone on their side but Varan knew that Hughes wasn't fully convinced of their decision to stop fighting honorably from now on at midnight they left camp and carefully made their way to enemy territory to start their one-sided bloody massacre Varian sliced off the head of a man of a couple while the woman would scream and cry in despair before being sliced as well suddenly the child of the couple walked into the room with confusion and fear and the presence of this child made Varan hesitate in his steps before he finally went through and killed the child as well he cursed under his breath as he was angry at himself when he realized that the memories of his past life were getting in the way but his thoughts were interrupted by Jee walking in with a torch to tell him to not feel guilty as this was the right thing to do they set everything Ablaze and continued with the raids mercilessly killing people and ruining everything to make sure these places would become deserted later Varan learned about all the resources and loot that his men had gotten because of their raids but it was good that they could be compensated for their dirty jobs and still get as many resources as they could get one of their men walked up to Varan and said that some of the villagers had escaped but the darkhaired male said that it was all according to plan as the escapes would spread the word and with that the morale of their side was raised with every raid and he knew that these men would be loyal to him as long as he satisfied their desires even after this one battle but that was until later 2 Days Later rodri felt content with everything that Varan had been doing as the enemy's morale had been reduced as well Hughes reluctantly acknowledged varian's suggestion and rodri was already excited and wanted to know what was next as Varian said that they should strike while they could not give the enemy time to recover he knew that his uncle was concerned by this suggestion but yanic chimed in and agreed that this was the best time to attack making rodri feel as though he had to agree as well Varan was still glad to have his uncle as a leader of their forces even if he wasn't very talented in the military Arts but there were more important things than military Talent all that was left for them now was to steal themselves and respond in kind as usus sat in his Camp he heard the reporting about the things that Varan was doing to their side of the battle making the vi count stand up to to tell the messenger to stop talking and just send a unit out at once to strike back suddenly another person came into the tent to tell him that one of their Knights had formed a company with a hundred of his own men and intended to focus on making up for the burning settlements with everything that was being reported Eustace was starting to panic and told everyone to silence while he thought about what was happening he didn't believe that it was Rudolph's brother who was making all of this happen and it was unlikely for it to be Rudolph himself considering they were cheap PLO so Eustace was only left in confusion about who could have possibly planted the ideas that would start to make his men and crumble meanwhile Varan was standing in front of all of their men and rodri suggested that it would be best for Varan to give a speech instead of the commander surprising the dark-haired male as rodri explained that everyone already wished to hear his words after he had done so much for them by cutting down many enemies during their previous Skirmish Varian knew that it would bring disappointment if he refused so he had to raise their morale somehow deciding on something short and harsh immediately shouting at everyone he called for their attention and they all started to Roar an affirmation as he told them that the enemies were only p pathetic pieces of meat for them to prey on and that he would lead them through this hunt to a feast beyond their comprehension now it was time to attack Eustace could hear the Roars of the line core forces and started to panic even more even though he was still confident that he could win against Such trivial tactics the vi count called for his horse as he was going to lead his own men against the linee to slaughter them himself and both forces charged at each other while Varan ran in front of his men he remembered that Albert had told him that the commander should lead the Vanguard and that even if there were few cases where armies had won with their vanguards crushed he should still try to destroy as much of the enemy before they would break through their own forces no matter what would come at them Varan was not going to stop since it was his job to Rally everyone while knowing that the bachelor soldiers would be unwilling to die after tasting victory in the first battle the fact that they withdrew during the Second Battle due to worry was proof of the fact and this sudden Ambush with the high morale of the lion core would definitely make the bachelor's forces terrified at the sight of the bloodthirsty men who were all unafraid of death and charging through their m everyone continued their battle cries until Varan had a large man lunge at him and bring him to the ground without a weapon to protect himself and the man tried to stab at the darkhaired male however Varan did all that he could to move his body and was able to prevent the blade from slicing him the man complained about the movement and was about to try again until the man that Varian saved from earlier had wrapped his body around the large man to distract him giving an opportunity for Rolo to slice through the man killing him Varan thanked them both even though Rolo complained that he was too far ahead of the forces since they were worried about the dangers but Varan insisted that this was normal and it would destroy them if they let this chance slip yanic agreed and quickly used his axe against many of the enemy men while saying that this was their only chance to strike since the bachelor soldiers were panicked and Confused the older male told Varan to look as the man on the horse in the distance was the vi count himself Eustace who hardly ever showed his face yanic said that he should have stayed in hiding this time as well but this only helped their Ambush and yanic said that he was going to clear the way for Varan to charge forward and try to destroy Roy Eustace the men of the bachelor territory were being killed left and right and were starting to become scared of what was going to become of them so they all decided that it would be best if they would run away since all of them were too afraid of death to truly fight and win against the forces of the lion core varian's blade plunged through one of the men's heads and the Roars of the lion core men were heard throughout the battlefield as Eustace was starting to see all of his men run past him in fear making him Panic even more as he shouted at them in Anger at their decision to try and flee he tried to get the attention of his men and even sliced through one of them as the soldiers tried to get forgiveness from the old man as they explained that they needed to retreat but Eustace told them to advance with Spears at the ready the men seemed hesitant about doing such a thing since they were too afraid of Varan who seemed like a demon to them relentlessly killing everything in his path Varan and yanic both were swiftly making their way through the forces with grins on their faces as they joked about whether they would keep up with one another the bachelor soldiers could hear the footsteps and shouts of the liore men and were starting to become afraid until Eustace told all of them to not lose their nerve as they had the supposed clear Advantage he said that he was going to slaughter all deserters and told them to obey him and stand their ground to kill the others else their only other option was to die both sides of the battle clashed with one another and varion tried to tell the enemy to move out of the way but they did not seem as though they were going to move so Rolo suggested that they would need to find another route unfortunately Varan knew that they would lose if they gave the enemy time to think but his thoughts were interrupted by someone leaping over one of the Shields and trying to send an axe vian's way however yanic was luckily there to slice this man in half before he could get near Varan the old man did even more by hacking at the other men that were in varian's way and the forces of the bacheler were starting to falter as they realized that Varan was not alone in their Fier City Varan felt impressed at the sight of yanuk making his way through the masses of men and knew that this truly was a knight who was hardened by battle yanic told Varan to go forth and catch his prey while yanuk himself would follow soon however the older male was suddenly pierced in the chest by by a spear the enemy thought that he did something huge but yanuk only raised his head with a grin and asked if that was all before swiftly slicing the man in half he laughed at the turn of events and Varan was worried about the wound but yanuk only wanted him to push forward which Jee agreed for Varan to leave it to them yanuk told the dark-haired male that old man always wanted to put on a brave front for the young and with those words Varan ran off while saying that he would return to collect the older male's bones causing yanic to laugh he picked up his axe once again and stared at all of The Bachelor Soldiers with a determined expression telling them all to keep him company till nothing but bones remained Varan and Rolo made their way to eustus and Roa wondered if this was the right choice to which Varan said that it was since all their priority was was to crush the enemy as Varan got closer to the vi count he was stopped by the spears of the bachelor soldiers while Eustace laughed at the sight of the dark-haired male he wanted Varan to stand there staring in fear while he would watch his men perish but Varan wasn't going to do that and kept pushing through the enemy forces he threw his blade at the vi count aimed at his head but the horse took the hit for him and squealed in pain while its blood Spilled Out onto Eustace because the horse was thrashing around he fell to the ground in the blood of the horse but his men thought that it was his own blood and yelled at everyone to retreat despite eustace's weak efforts to get them to stop Rolo praised Varan for his actions even if they weren't certain if the bacheler was dead but the forces were withdrawing meaning that they had won with this Victory it seemed that the relief made Baran collapse after fighting for days without rest after that the lion Corp Army plundered the bachelor's lands before returning home making this experience an unforgettable battle for Varan the next day Varan would awaken in the Porto City Hall with the battle having ended since the previous day after fully recovering Varan and the others were helping around with the other allies and making sure their injuries were dealt with the dark-haired male held the right leg of this man and Varan would tell Rolo and tankery to hold down said male while Varan would proceed to put the broken bone back into place he then wrapped it around some wood and rope telling the man that he would walk soon enough with the make shift cast in place tanku was impressed to see Varan knowing so much about healing before Jean walked in to ask if something was going on with Varan since he was treating everyone despite only having just awakened Varan assured that there was no ulterior motive and asked for the items that he wanted to brought to him making the others including Andre feel a little exhausted from all the work they were doing at the moment the dark-haired male was seemingly sewing someone's wound closed and he knew that he had a lot to do for the others since the world he was in now had no knowledge of science or even an understanding of the con concept of bacteria Jean and Rolo would watch as he would burn the needle and sew up the wound telling the man to pull out the threat in a couple of weeks even if it would hurt everyone had been so grateful for varian's treatment and he was starting to feel as though he was leagues above those who called themselves doctors in that world but he still had another role to fulfill and that was to provide Mercy to those who were too far gone to treat he may have become used to ending lives but his comrades deaths were another story and he felt guilty about doing it even if it was the right thing to do once he was done with doing doing so Albert walked in and Varan asked about yanic however Albert said that Yanik had passed a short while before Varan awoke this severely brought down the mood as Albert explained it was the highest honor for them as old men to die as Warriors but Varan didn't know how to explain it to Jiro Yan's son when Albert was there and Yan's last moments they chatted with each other and laughed as Albert would give the male a drink as a toast for the afterlife there was something that Albert wanted to ask yanic and wondered what he thought about varian's caliber to which yanic said that the answer would be better found from rodri about varian's military prowess Albert explained that wasn't what he meant and wanted to know what yanic thought about varian's Worth to stand above all the others Yan's body shook a bit and said that he was a genius in plotting the course of War along with possessing a Brilliance that attracted others making yanuk confident that Varian could become king Albert started to laugh at the words coming out of his brother's mouth and even agreed wanting to share another cup with the male until he realized dianic had dropped the cup onto the ground with the darkness over Albert's face he paused in silence before deciding he would speak about a dream of his regardless of whether yanuk was still listening or not after leaving the post-war duties to his uncle Varan made his way home and saw his mother who ran up to hug the dark-haired male he apologized about losing the sword and helmet she had given him but she didn't care about those Riano only cared about the fact that he was still alive at that moment he suddenly remembered a similar incident in his previous life when he was in a motorcycle incident realizing that this is what it meant to be a mother he died before his own mother on Earth so he was going to make sure that Varan wouldn't walk the same path news of their Victory reached his father who was excited at the news but varian's brother Robert didn't know if the report was accurate Rudolph agreed that it was unexpected but knew that the report from his own brother wouldn't be exaggerated their father continued to laugh about the situation while Robert would stand in the back thinking about how his little brother had done so much in the battle even though he had been in battles himself he felt as though his role was being a companion to their father so so he needed to rise Albert felt fascinated by Varan and his exceptional skills even being able to insult the old man to his face when he was only nine he was convinced that the boy had a caliber to rival a man named gwendel who once subjugated the lion core or even stood equal to the great king Isidor who took command of the kingdom of armos after mastering all of Albert's teachings he was going to let Varian rule after he defeated his father and brother to lead chuckling at the thought as Albert left the last of the alcohol for his brother to have even if yanic was gone by that point there was something that Varan remembered being told by jeto about how the lonor possessed black hair and black eyes a point of Pride for them goo explained that an ancestor was an outsider who conquered the territory before striking a bargain in an effort to saave off the rebellions that bargain being marrying into the family Varan heard of political marriages before and knew it was a common strategy but jeto said that the marriage didn't cease just yet until varian's father was born why that was the case was because Rudolph's hair was the color black making the line corp people accept him as one of their own so Varan believed that the people were relieved when their conquerors were defeated by genetics finally Judo told Varan about how his older brother Robert had Tawny colored hair while varian's was black so there was something that Varan learned about the difference that would impact Varan for the years to come everyone in the line corp was still celebrating after the battle and Andre was drunkenly exaggerating the battle that had occurred Varan and Rolo sweat dropped at the site while they were in the midst of a party hosted by sme's grandfather but Varan was also deep in his cups as well and decided to join the storytelling telling everyone about Andre's efforts the kid who was there complimented Andre who hesitated about his words since it wasn't really the truth and smea chimed in to say that Varan was lying he whipped his head around in Surprise by her sudden presence as the woman knew that her older brother was not that Valiant she leaned in front of the man and he suddenly felt something within him causing Varan to grab the woman and tell her to go to the wheat field with him which was their secret code to have fun with one another when Varan entered the battlefield he was prepared to never see smear again but luck was on his side to make him survive Varan met with Rolo later that day and apologized for the wait but that was no problem for the other male as he knew it was natural for variant to have his own kind of reunion with his lover Rolo understood this greatly since he himself was going to meet with his own lover mlet the next day well rather her grandfather which Rolo was almost hesitant at the idea of since mallette's grandfather wanted him to marry into the family very few people in the country could read write and do basic math so Rolo's value since he was still a slave made him a desire desable asset but Roo wanted to continue supporting Varan Varian knew that marrying would free Roo From Slavery but he knew of Rolo's desires and had a plan bringing two jars with him to the grandfather to discuss business about the dark-haired male told the old man that there was sugar in the jars something that was extremely high class for the people of that country but it was true once it was tasted Albin was shocked by the situation as Varian said that it was created by Alchemy since that was his only explanation even though he just cut up the white beats and boiled them down but he didn't want people badgering him about the making he said for this to be kept confidential and said that he would sell it to Albin as long as he would let Rolo still be under varian's command even if he got married Albin explained that he felt hesitant with the lack of other children to take over the business but Varan suggested that their first child could succeed the Family Trade making the old man agree they reached a deal and it was sold for a high price something that Varan could renegotiate in the future but was glad that they could at least celebrate the marriage sometime before the marriage The Bachelor and his men were captured while Eustace was taken to the Capital to pay a ransom that put him in debt this caused him to tax his people to try and repay it but that only caused his citizens to rebel and make him bankrupt Varan knew that the problem could be traced back to the King and his younger brother and he learned something important from this sibling quarrel those who Revolt cannot be forgiven interrupting his thoughts Varan met back up with his brother Robert who wanted to learn about what happened in varian's first battle Varan thought that things would be fine as long as he wasn't greedy as he wouldn't have anything to do with a succession struggle there were deaths in in the winter first the yanic passed and then it was Rudolph's mistress Jazelle who was Hugh's mother when Varan planned to attend the funeral Robert said that they shouldn't do so for everyone since they were Nobles the dark-haired male was confused and explained that they were family but Robert said that he would never consider himself related to the children of a freed slave Robert's words reminded Varan of the harsh reality of the world as he went to see Hughes seeing that Gizelle had already been buried while people mourned Varan learned that Hughes was going on a journey already and the male wanted to leave katcha in varian's care which Varan agreed to do but he wondered why Hughes didn't just join their forces this was followed by an answer that Hughes didn't want to follow Robert but the male explained that things would be different if Varan succeeded the lonor name Varan didn't feel as though that was an option and Hughes apologized before leaving the territory with albin's Caravan in the Fortress city of Porto rodri praised Varian for being assigned as their Chamberlain at age 14 he asked about the men behind him and it was explained that they were people waiting to be his attendants Varan was made the Chamberlain after becoming popular since Albert suggested that Varan would be in charge of the keep and just have the job of crushing any enemies who attacked Varan also did not have a head for politics but Albert explained that Varan would just be maintaining the castle with tax funds eventually Varan agreed and Albert told the boy to learn well on how to manage people grinning as he left rodri explained to Varan that there was more to being a Chamberlain starting to explain all the duties as Varan felt overwhelmed by it all despite agreeing to do it he still aspired to follow in his uncle's footsteps surprising the older male as he understood why Varan would want that rodri too did the same but he wanted Varan to know that he was much stronger than him and had stirred the hearts of the people something rodri could never do he quickly dismissed the topic and told Varan to pay his respects to Yan's Village and greet jeto on the way but all Varan could think about was the words that his uncle had told him pushing that aside he and Rolo into jito's Village and they were stopped by the guards before jeto would eventually run out and hug Varian they all greeted each other and were brought into the village to see everyone seemingly training Ando explained that that it was because the village was a place of insurrection up until his father's generation they were brought to the grave of yanek and were told about how their people prided themselves on simple ferary rights and Varan could understand the feeling of wanting to keep the tradition Varan and Rolo told Judo about how Yanik was outstanding and leading them to Victory while jto started to cry saying that his father told him about how he hoped the lion cor would be free from aros's shackles Varan looked away and said that he couldn't do anything as he was just the Count's son but Judo insisted that Varan was indeed a true lion core as the snow fell around them judo's words weighed on Varan as he knew that was what the people felt as well he finally understood what his uncle was trying to tell him but he thought it would be Unthinkable to oppose his [Music] brother
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 227,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: W0m2Hgt-S5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 45sec (4065 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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