The Isekai Masterpiece You Haven't Seen

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the desire to make one's death beautiful is in man's nature for them that was no longer a virtue it was a way of life those were the words Crossing through Geno's mind when she defeated that Samurai having no last words the man declared that fighting and dying was enough for a Samurai and kko solemnly delivered the killing blow as she cleaned her Blade the crowd gathered nearby were astonished to see that not even an ior Ru Master could best her getting sick of seeing her fight and noticing her distraught face it started 5 years earlier when the girl told her father and teacher that she wished to go to war enthusiastically declaring that falling nobly in battle amidst a hail of arrows and bullets is an honor for a warrior and she desired such a death she wished to go out facing the enemy as it surged forward like a crashing wave caught in a halfhazard Slaughter against multiple foes until finally being overcome and slain her face tearing up with the joy at the prospect her father noted that with her prodigious sword skills she would easily attain success and Prestige but she would have none of it he asked about her life as a woman pointing out her beautiful features which caused genko to swiftly draw her Katana and slice her own face declaring she was not a woman but a samurai upon hearing this her father praised her steadfastness and Rose preparing to duel one final time with her as a final lesson the girl tearfully B her father farewell before slaying him one year later she was part of the Vanguard unit of the western Army in battle they were intended to act as Canon fodder and she chose to be there ass shuing the use of a spear and hoping for death at the Battle of kada they stood firm as the enemy charged headlong with a deafening Roar suffering countless casualties as they attempted to keep their foe at Bay with their Spears genko however dashed forth in a Madden frenzy slaying enemy soldiers one after another while loudly keeping count causing the terrified men to think her a demon drenched in blood she continued her Carnage unabated no matter how much a single person could do a single soldier cannot change the greater outcome of a battle nonetheless she continued to cut down the enemy within an inch of her life striving to lead her Army to victory amidst The Fray she turned to see a mounted Samurai aiming at her with a tan gashima arabus leaping into action and finding the prospect of falling against a foreign weapon amusing she enthusiastically charged ahead but as the match loock fired her World Went black she woke up in a field of corpses the battle was already over and the bullet fired by the enemy had hit her haigan armored headband directly knocking her out but as she came to her senses she saw her lifeless comrades all around her frantically asking if anyone was still alive and if they had won the soldiers of the western Army had fulfilled their Duty fighting to the end until not a single man remained each receiving A Warrior's death the Lone Survivor genko teared up and smashed her head against the ground in utter frustration crying alone on the battlefield as she recalls a conversation with her father he told her that though death is terrifying to anyone Warriors hold an unwavering resolution that allows them to disregard even that fear and allow them to die fighting describing the Warrior's way of life as an honest pure beauty like that of a katana broken she lifted the head of one of her Fallen comrades and cried at being left behind having lost her place to die a year transpired even after peace was established traveling Warriors wandered the country in great numbers looking to improve their skill one such man wanders the roads boasting of his unparalleled swordsmanship while a follower carries a pretentious flag behind him the warrior boasts of having slain 20 opponents declaring that he has taken to the road to find even stronger men to add to the count and feeling bored due to being too strong he suddenly grows tense upon seeing gko standing before him in the road one of her blades drawn with sad eyes she sees his banner and deduces that he must be someone strong stating her desire to fight him by any means and desperately asking him to cut off her head the roaming Warrior wonders if she's gone insane and when his follower cries out that his Sensei would not fight a woman she declares that she is no woman but a samurai hoping to die in battle the warrior then agrees to end her life declaring that he won't hold back even against a little girl and insanely asking if she wants to have a taste of his bisecting blade causing his follower to blush the engagement is brief the boisterous man being mercilessly cut down by the small girl while his follower fled disheartened genko drags the man's body off the road and gives him a proper burial placing a stone upon the mound and praying for his soul in what turns out to be a massive graveyard of her slain opponents he is the 100th Soul she has taken back in the town people talk about the demon swordsman stating that she is a disc raced Warrior from seaha who is now looking for a place to die after fleeing the battlefield as she staggers past them the unassuming men note that she should take it easy since she survived stating that she is a real demon when it comes to fighting outright calling her a monster the Haggard Samurai arrives at The Reincarnation Temple where a monk tells her that her crime of not dying when one should is sinful indeed she asks if there's no man left in the world capable of ending her but the monk simply tells her to forget about fighting in such matters telling her to pray to the Buddha since he shall provide salvation to her Blood Stained life she smiles wearily and Bowing in prayer silently addresses Buddha admitting that she killed countless people she is prepared to burn in hell and wishes to die fighting intensely to the end like her comrades she then frantically declares that she does not need salvation but an enemy and asks that if she truly is a demon she be sent to a hell overrun with rakasa as soon as possible the Buddha's voice agrees with her request and suddenly her world goes dark she then starts hearing the Frantic voices of desperate people and as she regains her vision she finds herself kneeling in the cobbled streets of a western medieval looking city as she looks around with perplexity a fully clad Knight tells her to run since there's a raid she then sees towering monsters torn bodies and a dragon menacingly looming over the panicked citizens perched at top a Western Building its deafening Roar causes gko to tremble as she looks around in utter confusion and shock genko looks in bewilderment as the Towering Dragon looks at her from a top of the building recalling her father telling tell her that dragons were but a fairy tale confused she wonders where she is seeing the fleeing people the metal clad Warriors the Western buildings and the abnormal enemies fighting them she wonders in horror if she has truly wandered into a fairy tale nonetheless seeing the monsters crush the knights and devour the innocent people seeing the Carnage sensing the smell of blood and iron The Wailing Roars of anger and the sounds of the Fallen as corpses lay scattered all around she immediately recognizes that she is in a battle as the armored Knights desperately struggle against the monsters she excitedly decides to join the fry wondering who she should follow and who she should slay she gauges the Monstrous Army to be far superior boasting tremendous strength and that the metal men do not stand a chance against them at that rate she then hears the cries of a child turning to see her weeping over the corpse of her father a monster also takes notice of her leaving his prey and rushing headlong at her with the Knights being unable to stop it the monster lunges mindlessly and opens its mouth filled with Jagged teeth as It prepares to devour the girl but is instantly sliced into several pieces by genko who watches the creature with an expressionless face both the knights and monsters look on in surprise at the samurai who asks the crying girl if she's all right reassuringly patting her head in an attempt to comfort her the girl flees as several monsters Rush towards genko who notes that the more she looks at them the stranger the creatures are wondering if she may be dreaming regardless of that she smiles and declares that she will cut all the monsters down drawing her blade she dances past the creatures effortlessly slaying them and calling them weaklings as they lay in a pile of body parts and weapons gko then sees the dragon take flight recalling that in Japanese Legends those creatures command absolute power and even the strongest Warlords can never hope to subjugate these Godlike creatures she rages inside her robe and she smiles with childish Glee due to her desire to fight it pulling out a chain and running after the creature The Battered and shocked soldiers wonder who the samurai was seeing how she instantly disposed of an army of rank B Orcs And wondering if they' have been saved a soldier notes that the mysterious girl saved them from Annihilation and the others wonder if she could be a hero the first Soldier vehemently denies this declaring that as a hero Maniac he is aware of all current Heroes and had them engrave their signatures onto his armor the second Soldier then notes that the girl ran towards the forest of danger worried about her safety but his companion points out that the path she took leads to a dead end by the castle walls so there should be no problem unless she flew unbeknownst to them genko had done just that after snagging the dragon's foot with her chain and is currently dangling through the skies the dragon notices the dangling girl and genko apologizes and asks to borrow his leg for a while since she can't fly she then asks the dragon if it's strong hoping he could be the one to Grant her A Warrior's death as her strongest opponent she then excitedly readies her sword and prepares to battle until she looks down being able to get a full view of the fantasy Kingdom for the first time tearing up as she notes that compared to Ado it looks like another world the dragon then snaps snaps the chain with a swoosh of its tail and genko isent falling down to the forest below screaming the samurai falls through the branches until she lands shaking on the forest floor surprised that she survived she is glad that she landed in a forest but is surprised at how different the place is compared to Ado seeing words that she never saw in her life as well as strange creatures yet losing sight of the Dragon she wonders where she is recalling the request that she made inside the temple and noting that everything she sees is so abnormal and it makes her doubt whether it's really real pausing she wonders if the world is not the same as the one she lived in but another world laughing nervously while attempting to brush off the thought she is cut short by a scream that seems to come from a child rushing towards the sound and fearing a child is being attacked leaving the matter of where she is aside and determined to punish those who abuse the weak cursing the demons she promises to deliver her judgment upon them and draws her sword looking in disbelief as she sees a tentacle tree attempting to eat what seems to be a child noticing her the tree states that it is busted causing G go to cry in horror at the sight of a talking tree with a face the child asks for her help and the tree addresses her stating that she will just become her second meal still unwilling to believe what she sees genko pinches her cheeks and rubs her eyes in an attempt to wake up causing the human eating tree to mock her and tell her that this is not a dream she will perish there looking at the tree the samurai starts to believe she might be going insane from cutting too many heads gko stands ready as she faces the Trent the monster attempts to strike at her with its tentacles but she jumps into evades the strike blocking one with her hand the Trent then notices how agile she is realizing she must be trained and asking if she's a hero that fights for a living genko then gauges the monster noting how annoying it is that it can move its roots like human Limbs and attack with them all at once she finds an opening however and while the Trent mocks her wondering how long she'll be able to dodge the samurai quickly dashes forth and slices all nearby Roots much to the creature's shock the now enraged Trent screams at her for doing that as it is a holy incarnation of nature promising to Massacre her with his true form it doesn't even get a chance to transform however as genko mercilessly cuts it in half calling him too straightforward she recalls that a strike from any direction means imminent death noting that compared to a real battle with projectiles and weapons falling all over the place the Trent attacks were below average Geno's thoughts are cut short when she hears the child who screams when she turns to face her genko is glad that she's not hurt though she has some things she would like to ask of her the child then runs off to Wards a flower she was holding shaking it until it blooms once more and tearing up in gratitude after she found the mythical Mana Ro medicinal flower she then turns towards the samurai introducing herself as moik and declaring her specialty to be in raising flowers thanking the warrior for saving her genko introduces herself in turn declaring her specialty to be cutting people down moiko then Praises her for defeating the Trent asking if she could be a new hero the samurai looks at the child with confusion not familiar with the term and she insists that a hero is a a hero not believing she could possibly be unfamiliar with the term and wondering where she came from genko hals her and Promises to clarify that presently but first tells moo that she will ask her some questions regarding whether she has heard what she is talking about asking her to answer truthfully the girl agrees to answer the questions of her Savior and she begins asking whether she heard of a city that goes by Ado which she denies the round of questions continues each of them ending in a vehement denial genko then asks if she doesn't know anything but the girl insists that the words that she uses are unfamiliar to her though she wants to try Dongo after some thought genko concludes that her common sense is of no use there noting that she is not in Japan she briefly wonders if she's in a foreign country having read of them while she was younger though she finds some similarities between them in her current location she concludes that she's not overseas since the things she has seen there in the outof thee ordinary scenery are Beyond Comprehension though she doesn't fully understand it yet it seems that she has wandered into another world hearing this Mo bursts into until after refusing to believe the existence of another world genko insists with her explanation gesticulating wildly and the girl then asks her how they can converse if that's the case unamused the enraged Samurai tells moiko that she can speak Japanese but she counters by stating that she's currently speaking the language of that world noting it would be weird if she came from another world and she doesn't even know what Japanese is nearing a breakdown genko weirdly states that it must be a weird trick before asking what kind of thing the Trent is moik then tells her about demons explaining that she just defeated a creature called a Trent and that the world has many monsters like that one they're violent cold-blooded and attack livestock towns and humans causing disasters as they wreak havoc among mankind including turning a city to Ash genko believes it impossible that a whole Capital was turned to Ash but moiko tells her that 100,000 people were slaughtered in a single night Geno's heart begins to pound loudly relishing at the thought of the existence of such powerful creatures fearing she scared her the girl reassures her stating that humans can also fight against the demons with Heroes describing them as Humanity's strongest Warriors that possess the power to fight demons with genko blushing at the thought back at the city the Warriors regroup and some nuns use magic to heal the wounded when someone asks if it's already over demanding her reward the Two Soldiers then bow and apologize to the m named gruna fire hero and eth of the Round Table begging for her forgiveness the M spits her chewing gum in disgust demanding one of the men to pick it up and eat it since there is still some sweet is left and the terrified man immediately complies while inwardly noting her anger seeing the pile of chopped up Orcs gruna then asks what happened the soldier then tells her of Geno's intervention noting her strength chewing a new piece of gum now the Mage Ponders on how someone defeated an Army Of Orcs without magic asking where she might be the men don't know but do note that she doesn't seem to be a hero and when gruna moves to leave she denies knowing anything either stating that she is only interested in money without turning she asks them how they plan on dealing with the p P of dead Orcs And as they ponder their options she uses her power to violently set the pile of Blaze Furious that someone stole her prey and wondering who she might be meanwhile genko laughs maniacally explaining to moiko that she is happy as a warrior she has been seeking the strongest foes to no avail eventually resorting to killing strangers on the road and after seeking Enlightenment in the temple she was transported to a world plagued with vile monsters regardless of whether she's Superior or inferior against the monsters and heroes she laughs and declares that the world is full of hope that has yet to be seen eager to fight as soon as possible moiko sees this noting that genko is indeed weird the scary girl then asks her where she could find the heroes but instead the child offers to bring her home stating that she wishes to thank her for saving her and asking if she's hungry the Samurai's face brightens up at the thought of food revealing that she's been starving ever since she arrived she merily sets off but moo warns her that it's dangerous to walk out of the forest and she's going the wrong direction puzzled goo wonders how they will leave if they don't walk but the girl just laughs and tells her to get close to her as the samurai places her hands on her shoulders moo tries to concentrate genko believes she's playing a prank on her stating that whatever may happen will not surprise her anymore until moiko activates warp flower instantly teleporting them to a flowery Meadow outside of the forest and close to a castle the Samurai's face contorts with disbelief unable to process how she appeared there moiko explains that she used florom mancy and thus gko finally learned of magic arriving at a village genko admits her surprise noting that moo is capable of sorcery while the girl expresses her surprise that she was unaware of the existence of magic she tells the samurai that they rarely get visitors and the Sensei will be surprised explaining that she is a kind person who has always taken care of her and runs a charity house having left her hometown to become a sister she founded the house of Love Orphanage to care for those who lost their parents to monsters regardless of race and has been taking care of Orphans like her for over six 60 years the samurai is marveled at this believing this person must be a buddha-like grandmother and moo merrily leads her to the orphanage once there genko enthusiastically knocks on the door receiving no answer they wonder if she's away and just as the disillusioned Samurai laments being unable to greet this person she is suddenly knocked on the back of the head by an enraged nun telling her to get away from moo genko Dodges as the nun thrusts her spear at her and the nun readies her weapon demanding to know who she is and noting she reeks of blood wishing to know her business with moiko threatened genko prepares to fight the newcomer but a frantic moo intercedes before it comes to blows with the issue settled the nun laughs the whole matter off nonchalantly noting that she was about to kill the samurai much to the latter's frustration wondering what is wrong with the woman genko asks about the benevolent sister upon which she merily reveals that she's the one she's looking for much to the Samurai's shock the nun then grasps her chest and falls to the ground coughing violently both girls are concerned by this and moo tells the samurai to take the nun inside once in her bed she sips some awful tasting tea and tries to reassure them stating that she's fine and though she's been ill for about half a year she will not succumb to it genko regrets almost beheading a sick person but the nun retorts that she would have easily slain the samurai if she were in her prime much to the latter's delight and Moo's horror as the nun notices the strange taste of the tea the floral Mage tells her that she got her hands on a Mana Rose the nun then furiously lashes out at the girl for breaking her promise of staying clear of the forest of danger asking if she ran into any danger there the girl tries to lie but genko innocently recalls that she was almost eaten by a Trent causing the nun to become even more enraged moo tells her that she just wanted her to get better and though it initially seems like the nun will hit her she Embraces her in tears stating that her best medicine is her and she's glad she's all right the surprised moo then apologizes to her as they share a teary Embrace and genko looks from afar and notes that she really is a buddh satva grinning the nun then introduces herself once more as the sister of the he religion and director of the house of love griel stating her nickname to be luchan genko introduces herself in turn and griel Embraces her as Miko's and by extension her benefactor offering her all the food she wants in gratitude the samurai happily devours these strange dishes delighted at tasting an isekai meal and asking if they don't have miso soup the samurai then asks gbriel about how long she's been taking care of the orphans and she confirms that she's been doing it for about 62 years having raised hundreds of children genko considers it upstanding but luchan chugs her beer and tells her that she's no saint she does it for her self-satisfaction she then narrates her story explaining that on one occasion some demons offed some parents and left the children alone she succeeded in slaying the demon parading it through the street until she noticed the children the villagers pied them but eventually decided to leave them to their fate saddened she embraced them and declared that she would be their parent though she insisted that she does this for self-satisfaction neither genko nor moiko believe her and sensing the latter laughing the nun smacks her some the samurai then notes that she doesn't look like she's 60 and gbriel brushes off her cowl to reveal her pointed ears and when genko fails to realize what they mean she proudly states that she's an elf and a young one at that according to the humanoid encyclopedia the Elven race is gifted with longevity and a beautiful complexion usually living in the Holy Forest far from other races genko is amazed at the creatures but the oid griel points out that elves aren't that rare seeing the confusion moiko rushes to explain the situation the elf has a hard time understanding Geno's Origins but the girl insists that she crossed over from a world of Samurai Gabriel continues to tease her but moiko insists that it's true pondering on the subject the nun laughs and notes how weird the samurai is she then declares that she's heading off to town stating that she's completely cured and thanking moo for her help expressing her Joy at getting to be her parent genko then walks down the hallway having eaten her fill of delicious and new isekai food and determined to pay her respects to luchan once she returns she then looks at yet another weird creature noting that the world is delightful but she can't get used to the culture of wearing shoes and doors her introspection is cut short when she hears griel coughing finding her kneeling on the floor and coughing up blood the samurai is alarmed by this and disregarding the elf's attempts to reassure her attempts to summon moo griel stops her however asking her not to tell her anything since she risked her life to get her medicine and she is not about to drag her kindness through the mud like that genko notes that the flower was supposed to be a cure all but the elf tells her that it only works against illnesses half a year earlier she went to a cave known as the snake hole to exterminate a dangerous demon but was defeated she then removes her robe and reveals she has been cursed her body slowly turning into stone starting from a hole in her back she grins noting that she ended up in that state once half her organs failed and how pathetic that is for her genko still struggles with the idea of an enemy capable of turning creatures to Stone and the nun explains that it is a dangerous and Powerful demon called The Serpent King basilisk that can defeat weaker enemies with ease genko trembles at the thought of meeting such a strong Foe and the nun continues to tell her that she sealed the creature in the cave and does not want Mo to know about the curse since she can't fix it and kids need to live happily without the concerns of adults the samurai then asks her what she plans to do about her curse but griel simply explains that once the Caster dies it will be lifted and she plans to hold on until the sealed basilisk starves in the cave merrily genko declares that she will solve the issue by slaying the snake disregarding the angry elf's warnings stating that a samurai never abandons a person in need she plans to repay her for the meal she starts to head off and when griel points out that she doesn't know the way she asks to borrow her roof immediately climbing up to the Bell Tower and screening The Horizon seeing a three-headed Mountain she feels an ominous air coming from it and smells a battle joyfully running down the road the elf wonders how she deduced the basilisk's location and what a samurai is coughing as the girl runs away moo then returns from her flower garden with valuable flowers noting it's been a nice day and planning to gift the villagers she then notices gbriel running off with her Spear and the elf tells her to stay put until she returns as she rushes off after genko at full speed as she runs she recalls how she took the villager's request to slay the Basilisk believing she could handle it noting that the Basilisk is not normal she notices a snake tailed bird called a cockatrice emerging from the brush easily dispatching it without slowing her Pace she worries about gko but as she arrives at the cave entrance she sees the gate cut open and the samurai standing proudly before her with the three basilisk heads piled behind her she asks the dumbfounded nun if the creature was the Basilisk noting it was powerful and that it had three heads noting that the odd number was expected in the world the samurai then explains that she defeated all three heads since she didn't know which was the one that cursed luchan asking her how her stomach feels the elf lift lifts her robe to confirm it's healing inside the Cave the Lesser monsters Rejoice at the death of their former dungeon boss and note how scary genko was that night genko and griel get wasted while refusing to tell moiko where they went causing the girl to nervously note that they're getting along really well once upon a time the demon king ruled the world in a dark age one day a young man slew The Demon King ending his Rule and the Grateful people gathered around him and built what became the human capital its name has been sung around the world for hundreds of years years Avalon griel genko and moiko approach the city and the samurai gazes at its massive size from a distance inside civilians cow as flying imps soar above them the monsters relish at the thought of pranking and harming the defenseless humans below but as one of them plunges to attack it is struck right in the head by an exploding axe falling lifeless before his comrades wielding the weapon Boris the hero of the exploding axe stares down the fiends as humans cheer for him the dwarf measures up his adversaries who managed to sneak in when the barriers were down and hopes it was just a coincidence facing the monsters he challenges them before wildly swinging his weapon promising them a taste of his axe elsewhere genko is marveled by the crowded streets Gabriel explains that Arthur the hero who defeated the Demon King long ago along with his descendants are the kings of the country with the hero being considered to be above all beings with his rule the city became a gathering spot for people and culture the elf merily asks the samurai if she finds the place hot and the latter notes that Edo was quieter moiko then asks why Lan suddenly insisted on going to the capital and interrupted her as she was besting gko in a game of shogi and the elf notes that she's also good at chess she then explains that having recovered she felt like mixing with the crowd and also did it for them so they would leave the village being especially glad that gko came much to the latter's confusion seeing a book Merchant hio tells the party to wait and approaches the man the man is reading a heu Bible seeing moo he believes her to be a potential customer and believes she may want a picture book offering his we to her she quietly tells him that she's looking for Magic books specifically a book by Marin and Bron but the vendor angrily denies having Magic books declaring he only sells healthy books scared he asks her if she doesn't know the laws and tells her to leave the girl apologizes recalling Magic books are forbidden but before she could finish her sentence the man states that even if he had such books they would cost 20 gold happily she declares that won't be a problem and hands him the remaining half of the Mana Rose hoping to trade the valuable item for something before sighing and turning to leave before she can the merchant seizes the business opportunity handing her the book she was searching for back with the group she shows them the battle magic book and explains that she guessed the merchant had some illegal items since he was far too well-dressed for the owner of a small bookstore the Mage explains that it is a grimoire that teaches magic revealing her dream to become a hero for which she would need a lot of magic genko recalls her use of teleportation and the girl happily hugs her new book their attention turns towards a small girl with an oversized helmet trying to buy a sword from an arms vendor he turns her down stating that she is pennil and can't even swing a sword with her weak arms telling her to go home she insists stating she can't become a hero without a weapon but her pleas fall on deaf ears as she sobs moo approaches her and reveals she heard her conversation the small girl tells her that her father was killed when she was younger and since then she has strived to become a hero and get her revenge Gabriel is enraged at seeing her suffer and as the child begins to cry the surprised moo encourages her to not give up stating a sword isn't the only way to become stronger she then enthusiastically promotes magic and all the wonderful things one can do with it exemplifying it with some copyright friendly individuals and telling her that a m managed to burn down a huge Dragon the small girl's enthusiasm is soon replaced by The Bleak realization that she can't be a MIG to do so she would need to go to a magic Academy to receive formal training but she and her mother can't afford that as the girl continues to so moo hands her the grimoire and explains it will allow her to learn magic without attending an academy warning her to train hard and not go fighting demons just yet the grateful girl Embraces her new book and Promises to become a strong Mage thanking the girl wholeheartedly seeing the exchange from afar Gabriel cries at seeing the girl's kindness and genko recalls that Japan also had Sorcerers the elf Huffs recalling that magic used to be available for everyone until the greedy magic Association monopolized it walking down the peaceful streets gko notes that the city seems to be important for the people and compared to the town where she saw the dragon and the forest of danger there is little smell of blood according to what moo said the demons are the natural enemy of mankind so there should be no chance of them forcing their way into Avalon understanding why the people would treat their Heroes as kings she sees the Carefree citizens go about their everyday lives noting that there's no place for her in a peaceful City like this for the sake of fighting and dying as a samurai she cut down hundreds of adversaries and they all perished with a smile on their face as she sent them off one expressed his gratitude for being granted A Warrior's death telling her not to cry and promising that her day to die in battle will arrive as well there is no death in Avalon no honor to be gained and no battle angry she begins to tell luchan of her desire to leave when their conversation is cut short by the cries of fleeing citizens stating that demons are about to off a hero they then see a group of mischievous Gremlins with one of them pinning Boris beneath his clawed foot the dwarf curses his luck having been overwhelmed by the hordes of weak demons as griel prepares to fight the Gremlins state that Boris has slain five of their kind and they will end everyone in the streets as payback GR as they see the three remaining humans their leader tells the group not to move Elsie ends the dwarf's life and the latter tells them to run moiko asks griel what to do fearing for the hero's safety and the demon begins to think on how to torture them genko then shifts happily reaching for her sword the demon leader is surprised to see her slowly walking toward him repeating his earlier threat before the samurai Cuts him short stating that he can end the dwarf since he should die after being captured instead of facing the humiliation she then smashes the GR 's face with the butt of her Katana and grabs the creature by its arm violently swinging the monster and causing it to smash against its comrades before sending it crashing against other monsters a short while later all the Gremlins lie in a bloody pile having been cut to shreds by genko much to boris's surprise moo wishes she was as strong as the samurai recalling how she defeated a Trent when they met in the forest and noting she is way too strong and she wonders what a samurai truly is meanwhile Geno closes a creature's mouth and eyes and praise over its remain having cleared the street she notes that even in a city as peaceful as that one there would still be battles that could easily claim lives she relishes at this licking her bloody fingers as she declares that in order to live as a samurai one must also die as a samurai glad that the place is worthy to be called hell Gabriel then addresses the Dwarven hero noting his arms look pretty banged up looking at her from up close he recognizes her as the former spear hero griel louu having seen her earlier and asking who the girl may be and if she's with her the the nun then tells him that she doesn't know much herself save that she said she hailed from another world the dwarf doesn't understand this but notes that she saved him but also reeks of blood this means that unlike Heroes like him and griel who only hunt monsters she has hunted humans and the stench of blood has even seeped deep within her bones the elf states that she is aware of this and Boris points out that Nobles and the King reside in the city wondering if they can trust in genko inwardly griel recalls how the samurai saved her and the good moments that they shared together nonetheless she states that she does not trust her she then tells the confused dwarf that she's not necessarily an existence that invites disasters but possesses a strength that cannot be ignored so she wants to be sure of whether she is a human or a demon Boris asks what her plan is and the elf tells him that she will take her to the hero's Guild stating that if gin is just a killer or an enemy of humanity she will be ended on the spot the girl that was given the magic book saw the whole fight from a distance having followed the group wishing to thank them once more she admires Ginko having seen her power firsthand and notes that maybe swords are better than magic after all Boris looks at the neatly arranged row of slain goblins and humps being teased by griel for losing to the creatures the dwarf angrily replies noting that her arrogant side has not changed and his fighting style is oneon-one he then asks gko her name and the samurai proudly introduces herself the dwarf then introduces himself in turn and thanks her for saving his life but she just laughs it off stating that she did whatever she wanted after seeing the monsters noting that they were kind of weak hearing this Boris takes note that helping him wasn't her goal calling her quite the snappy girl before turning to moiko noting how polite she is compared to the rude elf taking care of her with the young M being inwardly relieved that Boris survived and she got to talk to him genko expresses her surprise at seeing him hold the huge axe with his small frame to which Boris replies that the axe feels light and he's a dwarf according to the human encyclopedia these beings have Incredible strength that contradicts their size having a long lifespan and an everpresent beard genko then realizes that Boris is not a normal human and griel sits down while explaining that dwarves are a disliked race being stubborn and heavy eaters and drinkers but have a perk that no one can compete with since they can make weapons their ability to make weapons and detailed tools is unparalleled with them being responsible for producing 90% of all weapons in the world as well as buildings and clothes she describes the proud race as the backbone of civilization emboldened the dwarf lists several legendary weapons his race has crafted while pounding his chest with pride and the enthusiastic genko asks him if they can make a katana moiko then asks griel if she knows Boris and she reveals that they used to be buddies when she was a hero having joined the guild at the same time decades ago and laughing about it getting serious Boris studies the unassuming Samurai and notes that despite wreaking of death she doesn't look evil he asks himself if killing humans is a common occurrence for her wondering how messed up her world is for her to become that crazy pulling Gabriel aside he asks her what she plans on doing when she brings her to the guil to determine if she's human and she replies that she plans to have her meet the hero of law a hero is one that moves forward with courage to help the weak and Purge evil possessing both strength and an elegant spirit for that reason the hero's Guild assesses whether someone can be a hero to ensure that they have a good heart and the hero of law is entrusted with that task Boris realizes his Insight could judge Geno's worth but believes the plan to be dumb if even someone like gruna got approved as they argue genko stealthily approaches them from behind with an eerie smile scaring them senseless she apologizes for that before asking the elf if monsters revive when they die pointing to the blood stains where the two Gremlins used to lie the samurai explains that she wished to line up the corpses out of respect but two of them vanished before she realized alarmed giel and Boris inspected the scene while genko wonders if she is not skilled enough and moo explains that Gremlins are mischievous and have a strong life force Boris doesn't believe that could mean they could survive being cut in half but the elf points out they're still alive and at large in the City telling everyone to split up and search for them before anyone else dies meanwhile the two remaining Gremlins speak softly to each other biting their time to escape they have survived thanks to a witch's magic being able to survive a cut they wonder about the pose they were placed in but decide to wait until the heroes leave to terrorize the population once more Boris and Gabriel prepare to scan the Eastern quarters of the city while genko deals with the west and the samurai is surprised at seeing an enemy still alive with their torsos cut joyfully declaring that she can never have enough of the weird enemies she's been meeting luchan tells moiko to stay put and hide in a building since Gremlins are still demons before heading towards her search area but as the two remaining Gremlins grin both her and Boris turn and draw their weapons before they can land a single blow genko reaches the monsters ahead of them chopping them to bits as the astounded Heroes look on the samurai enthusiastically asks if she just has to cut the monsters to Pieces when a single cut isn't enough which the shocked Heroes confirm while moo looks on in a horror while griel and Boris search the East genko remains in the square and inspects her swords which she picked up at Saki Gada and named arbitrarily she thing her blade she moves to Head East she is stopped by mik who asks to join her the samurai bluntly refuses stating that this is a Samurai's battle between her and the gremlin and she won't hold back planning to continue until either of them loses their lives she also recalls luchan menacingly telling moiko to not do anything unnecessary or come into danger though the scared girl admits she might not be reliable she declares that she is aware of how terrifying demons can be as she has lost her parents to them but precisely for that reason she can't always be running away from demons and wishes to fight she asks gko for a reply and the samurai recalls trying to join the Japanese invasion of Korea when she was younger arming herself to the teeth only for her father to turn her down stating that bringing a green horn to the battlefield would only disrespect both enemy and Ally she remembers those times fondly noting that there was a time when she was Reckless as well and she agrees to allow moo to do as she wants much to the latter's Delight elsewhere a gremlin attempts to fly away and struggles due to its wounds promising revenge on genko for inflicting them he then plans to have a witch make the strongest demon noting that they will need many corpses for that and promising to return with Behemoth and the Troll Army the next time while letting out an evil laugh moiko detects the creature having followed the trail of blood stains and as genko Muses on how to attack it the M throws some seeds and uses her Flor mancy skills to fire them as sunflower bullets the creature though wounded the gremlin remains airborne and turns menacingly at his attacker its face turning to sheer Terror once he sees genko there as the creature fle the samurai Praises Miko's magic later thinking on how to bring down the gremlin noticing a weapon shop she approaches the terrified vendor and asks to borrow a bow and arrow the man gives her a massive bow and arrow and genko proudly tells moo that she's a master of all weapons stating that she especially likes the bow since she admires nasuno yoichi a renowned General from the hyan period moo tries to draw the bow in vain asking the vendor for a lighter bow but the man notes that all his products are about power noting that the bow is designed for beastmen or dragons and even he couldn't pull it he then tells them to do something about the demon genko slowly removes her katanas and hands them to moiko before removing the left side of her kimono lifting the bow and arrow the surprised Mage notes that it's impossible to draw the bow but the samurai remains undaunted the wakyu bows that Japanese warriors have used since the old days have the greatest draw weight of any great bow in the world with a force capable of piercing Shields and armor to tear the enemy bodies to nothing wearing heavy armor those Warriors stormed the battlefield armed with bows and Spears their arm length changed due to the grueling days of training they endured to achieve their herculian strength fully focused gko draws the bow with ease seeing her Target flee she wonders why it would run since perishing after giving everything would be the most honorable death of all eily asking the creature to fight her before releasing the arrow the projectile reaches the gremlin just as it turns tearing it asunder and causing it to explode though moo and the weapons vendor cheer her on the Samurai's face is marked by the regret of not meeting a worthy opponent only changing as moo hugs her and Praises her for the shot meanwhile the arrow continues its trajectory in its path gruna floats while angrily complaining about receiving only 30 gold pieces for protecting a village before she can finish her rant the arrow passes right through her skull causing her to fall lifeless to the ground as the terrified girls look on 2 days before reaching the Royal capital of Avalon genko and Co traveled the road gbriel became distressed after moiko got a small cut after being attacked by werewolf before the elf could dispatch it genko was fascinated by the Cobalt noting to herself that the world was indeed full of monsters she wasn't aware of wondering how Buddha was aware of a world like that her introspection was cut short by the Ruckus of luch Chan's overreaction the concerned elf then told the girl to not move disregarding her advice about saving Mana for future emergencies concentrating she used heel magic to make the wound regenerate instantly surprising the samurai moiko explained to genko that heal magic heightens the Reg generation and heals their wound in a split second being the first thing one learns in a magic Academy and easy enough for anyone to learn much to the samurai surprise suddenly griel collapsed having drained all of her mana and moo explained that even in her best condition she can only use heal two times as the elf felt sick and barfed genko asked moiko if she could just use heal on her but the M explained it wouldn't work since luchon was experiencing Mana exhaustion and would recover as long as she rested for a while furthermore she told her that sharing her Mana would not work since their Mana types are not the same genko then noted that such spells would have been really useful in battles she fought in Japan enthusiastically asking if it could be used to regrow limbs or revive someone moiko explained that heel only strengthened regeneration and could not grow back missing flesh the magic for that was called regrow and it took 10 times more Mana than heal and can't be cast if you don't have enough she also told her about revive warning that such magic is privy only to the gods and though many mes have attempted to use it they only achieved a theory experiencing Mana depletion and dying in the attempt moiko then adamantly stated that the dead could not be revived and with the conversation being over they began to search for a place to stay back in the present genko and Miko stare at the bloody mess that used to be gruno's head with shock and disgust the frightened Mage covers her face while stating that she should explain this to the court of law defending the samurai affirming that the fire Mage was just unlucky and promising to testify in her favor the samurai however pays no heed to her and falls to the ground with a livid face she then recalls her father teaching her that a samurai must always be righteous and fair and only cut those down ready to put their lives on the line and Do no harm to anyone else otherwise genko Embraces this teaching but having a realization asks how a samurai should take responsibility for accidentally ending an innocent bystander her father bluntly declares that the samurai must kill himself immediately to make amends taking those teachings to Heart Geno opens her robe and prepares to commit seppuku lamenting that she has failed to die in a battle and entrusting moiko with beheading her explaining to the terrified Mage that she will cut her own gut and then be beheaded as befitting a samurai her attempt to off herself comes to an end when gruna rises from the ground rubbing her head and wondering what just happened noting that she almost died while chewing some gum the girls are shocked to see her alive and the prepotent Mage tells them to kneel down in her presence while noting that an arrow hit her genko takes responsibility for this and apologizes so gruna attempts to punch her with all her might surprised to see the samurai Dodge the strike as she chastises gko for her carelessness Miko tries to make sense of what just happened firmly believing that the Mage died and came back she then tries to intercede in her friend's favor but the samurai insists on handling it herself stating that excuses are useless but a samurai must not leave Loose Ends before they die with the fire Mage agreeing with greedy eyes genko states that she had hoped to force the demon to attack her but instead only turns the city into a battlefield having lost her Pride as a samurai after looking for an enemy too hard moo once again tries to intercede but the fire Mage greedily demands some sincerity from the samurai asking what she is willing to do for her and stating that an apology will not solve things genko agrees with her stating that those who lie shall be whipped and those who steal will lose their fingers slipping her robe and unsheathing her sword bruna's greedy smile immediately turns to shock when genko slices her left arm off in one clean cut biting her severed hand to stifle any shriek while the others scream in horror undaunted the samurai presents her limp arm to the fire Maas as the price to pay for being immature asking to be allowed to resolve the incident with her arm Furious and shocked gruna yells at her asking if she's mentally disabled stating that she wanted money and that was what people meant when they demanded sincerity asking why she would hack off her arm as the samurai continues to bleed out Mo cries as she asks her friend what she's doing wondering how she could cut her own arm off hoping she would choose an option to settle things that didn't involve cutting herself face palming gruna approaches the Samurai and tells her that she killed her mood just when when she thought that she was getting some compensation snatching her severed arm from her the fire Mage tells her to not move and uses regrow magic to reattach her limb moiko is surprised at this noting that while normally reattached limbs can't move and the wounds should not disappear genko can freely move her arm and the skin is smooth the fire Mage states that those things happen when an amateur does it stating that her magic is perfect and warning her to not move the arm too much until her mana stabilizes and not to go fighting any demons charging her 300 gold as she turns to Le genko tells her to wait falling to her knees and introduces herself as a samurai from another world searching for the strongest Fighters enthusiastically admiring her sorcery skills believing that she must be an extraordinary combatant as well she asks her to have a fight but is saddened to see gruna ignore them without even looking back meanwhile in a village to the west of Avalon and within sight of the city Carnage ensues as its human Defenders are bested by a lizard Man the creature yells at them for being too weak asking for a human who can entertain him as he continues to slaughter the human soldiers he's about to strike another Soldier down when a bright light flashes before him turning around the monster sees two newcomers a man wearing a judge's robes and a second man in a suit holding a sorcery book and a wand who is responsible for the bright flash the lizard man demands to know who they are and as the human soldiers flee the judge tells the monster that they received Intel that a ferocious demon had attacked the village taking note of its evil face and the evil intentions it gives off assuming that he's rotten even among the nature of demons the enraged demon slashes at him with its sword but the old man swiftly jumps and Dodges the strike summoning a massive wooden hammer and hitting the lizard man Square in the center of its head rendering it unconscious the monster comes back to its senses only to find itself chained up to a tree stump and demands to know what the human plans to do while his second checks on nearby men the judge declares that he will ask some questions and lay judgment upon him for his sins stating that he is a jury of sorts starting the interrogation he demands to know if it's the first Village he attacks act but the monster refuses to give any information whatsoever seeing this the judge uses his law magic and a ball of Mana begins to Glow in the palm of his hand the Mana then takes the shape of a miniature smiling judge gavl included and when the surprised monster asks about this new being the judge states that it's a Mana doll made with his Mana called judge he then reveals that judge can see everything including the accused's history thoughts kindnesses sins and crimes and can lay down sentences without any s sentiment and befalling judgment the manad doll then inspects the nervous lizard man with intent its eyes sparkling with realization once its assessment is complete judge then quotes him as having stated that he loved hearing human screams before proceeding to reveal that his first crime was committed when he was 9 years old having offed a traveler and his friends for trespassing his Turf and having tasted the fun of hunting humans he began to attack them more frequently the man ad all then states that the lizard man remembered the screams of his stronger victims as they were tortured in his layer declaring that he is has killed 20 people utterly shocking the creature the judge's Aid then pulls a beast man from the ruck sack the lizard man was carrying who turns out to be the battered Ciro matatabi the terrified monster attempts to explain it off but judge lists his many crimes citing destruction of property unjust violence towards civilians and assaulting a hero who is protecting the people the doll declares him to be an evil psychotic murderer denying any chance for an appeal and sentencing the monster to death according to the laws of the land the judge immediately carries out the sentence smashing the monster with his giant hammer with the matter settled the judge notes that he had hoped to get some info on a witch but instead found a small fry who liked ending humans his Aid states that lizard men are no small fry being danger rank a along with basilisks and trolls and then heads off to help the injured alone the judge states that his law magic can see one's kindness and sins and the people deemed Evil by judge whether they be demons or humans have no option other than death he is drro the hero of law meanwhile back in Avalon Boris and gbriel finish smoking out a gremlin hiding in a cardboard box and the elf suggests that they bring gko to the hero's Guild already sometime earlier back at the house of Love Orphanage moiko admires Geno's Katana noticing its Immaculate polish and sharp edge the samurai proudly describes it as a samurai Soul explaining that the shorter wakizashi is used as a backup for the main sword or for indoor combat she then asks why griel always goes to sleep the moment she is done with dinner to which replies that elves are early birds staring at the blade the M notes that Geno's world has no monsters such as slimes goblins zombies or Cobalts wondering why there would be numerous Samurai like her in such a Heavenly world she cannot understand what they would be fighting that required them to train so hard and make deadly weapons but genko replies as if it was an obvious fact that they fought other humans moo laughs at this believing it to be a joke and finding it inconceivable for people to fight each other in a world without monsters unbeknownst to the girls Gabriel was watch wi awake and intently listening in on their conversation with her superb Elvin hearing back in the present genko is still feeling disappointed after being denied the chance to fight gruna while moo points out that she was really a powerful and scary Mig and she could not just pick a fight with her being glad that she ignored her still sad genko states that it is an honor to challenge the strong and she believed she had to ask her for a duel calling herself a sad excuse for a samurai for failing at this inwardly moiko remarks that genko is usually a kind and sincere person but when she goes full Samurai she becomes strange or outright scary she brushes off the memory of that terrifying facet of hers repeating to herself that the samurai saved her life and thus she cannot doubt her repeating to herself that she is a good person they both turn as they hear some children doing some Ruckus and wielding some household tools while yelling incoherently they approached them and the children state that having heard that there were big scary monsters flying around they decided to protect the streets and fight them genko Praises them calling them Brave and noting their Readiness to die for their cause and when they hear that last part she bluntly states that children will inevitably die if they fight she then proceeds to give them a gruesome description of what will happen if they fight including bleeding broken bones and eviscerations brutal enough to break even the strongest boy jko then laughs like a maniac as the children scream in Terror before returning to her kind self and telling them to leave the repelling to her and return home smiling as she notes that their families must be worried moiko Smiles as she realizes what genko just did and as the the samurai reassures the children stating that she's a strong Samurai that can cut through anything the M notes to herself that she is indeed a kind person drro then walks past her with his arms behind his back as he confirms that facing evil is a hero's job that being the law way before the universe was even created genko then notices the elderly man approaching with a solemn and tired face and the children joyfully greet him and ask to play hideand-seek with the hero he asks them about their studies and after they State they've already finished that promises to play with them the next day as the children go Merrily on their way moiko recognizes drro as the hero of law as the man confirms his identity she explains to genko that he is a strict and just person who judges people and fights monsters he is a genius in combat and sees people's sins with his law magic and has been judging evil ever since he was young which has earned him his moniker of the hero of law she describes him as a hero to look up to and genko finds him outstanding the flattered hero then states that he heard that there were demons there telling them to stay inside until they're defeated Mo tells there's no need since her friend genko defeated the Gremlins praising her strength and causing her heart to thump loudly after having made a friend for the first time the hero thanks her for her help noting that he had not seen her before and asking if she was a hero and where she came from before she can answer however he summons judge and sends him forth to assess the girl genko finds the manad doll cute and mysterious and a fascinated moo admits that it's her first time seeing such a magical being Dr row explains that judge remembers every law in the country and has the ability of retrocognition which allows it to scan a person's past this means that it never misjudges and it never lets evil Escape making the manad doll the perfect judge of the law genko then scratches the back of the doll mishearing correction as scratch drro then tells them about the orc raid on the city of vidah a few days earlier as well as the dragon attack that took place explaining that the soldiers claimed that a weird girl came out of nowhere and saved them having their hands full with the demons already the heroes cannot afford a strange being to roam around freely and they are now enhancing their search on criminals he then asks them to cooperate stating that judge can sentence anyone in the blink of an eye and won't harm those who are innocent suddenly drro realizes that the manad all has frozen in place before genko judge Shivers in Terror and sweats profusely its face distorted in Terror as he sees genko past as a Samurai and the numerous people she slew back in Japan terrified the doll screams in horror and hurries away from the surprised girl trembling in Drake Row's arms as the hero asks him what he saw after stuttering for a while judge screams that genko is a murderer having killed people before and she smiles as she realizes it can read her Memories the doll continues to state that a human killing another is the biggest taboo of the royal law and the heaviest crime of all but he cannot sentence her since she is beyond this world and thus the law doesn't apply to her screaming he declares her to be a monster from a messed up world known as a samurai before dropping unconscious drro asks the doll what he meant about not being able to jump Jud her and asks about the sentence obtaining no reply from Judge Mo watches in distress as the hero of law Paces around wondering what to do this is the first time in his life that judge has given up on a sentence but he cannot just let a suspicious being walk free thinking about how to get out of the pickle he asks the samurai if she will let him capture her for the time being and lock her in the smelly dirty and mouse ridden cells genko is shocked by this furiously asking if he really thinks that there would be anyone dumb enough to enter a prison by themselves declaring that she had not done anything that she couldn't face her parents with drro asks if she refuses to go voluntarily and as the girl confirms it he sigh at the complicated situation seeing that asking won't work he materializes a sword named Tas out of Mana raising it he solemnly demands to know his adversary's name and genko promptly introduces herself glad to be fighting a powerful opponent Dr row and genko exchange blows at full speed each parrying the other's moves in a frenzied Clash of Steel against steel both fully focused in the the hero of law thrusts forward but the samurai uses her Superior agility to dodge and circle around him dodging a Blow by somersaulting to safety and managing to cut a Dr R's face in the process seeing him bleeding she cries out that those half-hearted attacks cannot kill her demanding that he fight with all his spirit and strength as is the rule in a battle the hero notes inwardly that his opponent is strong possessing a scarily well-built body with Incredible swordsmanship and above all else massive amounts of experience fighting humans he wonders why that would be the case since in their world humans have only been punishing evil since the past and have protected people from violence and death the only motive of monsters is to kill and they can't be reasoned with so humans are constantly threatened by their continued existence thus Humanity has a mutual enemy in the demons and they are all comrades in arms and their struggle against them thus there is no reason nor need for skills to fight against people anymore with the last war between humans having taken place thousands of years ago thus he wonders why an abnormality such as genko exists the two continue to trade blows at breathtaking speeds genko Smiles as she parries another strike only to see a fist heading straight towards her head instinctively she grips the arm and softens the blow maintaining the grip and swiftly severing his hand with her sword as the judge realizes that he cannot let that being Go free as he looks at his severed stump genko Smiles lifting her sword to deliver the killing blow before she can strike moiko stands between her and drro and the samurai barely manages to stop her blade before beheading her causing both combatants to scream at her in Surprise an enraged genko demands to know what the girl was thinking jumping into a samurai fight in the midst of battle stating that she would not be at fault if she had cut her down where she stood frantically moo grabs the samurai by her arms and declares that she's on her side and trusts her startling the warrior she explains that drro is above hundreds of Heroes in that world being one of the 12 that have a seat at the round table she goes on to state that he has contributed a lot to the country both as a hero and jury and has as much power as the Royals so his death would cause chaos even if it was in self-defense and as such she had to stop her apologizing for stopping her battle genko pauses and reluctantly accepts what she said asking if she was hurt though moo replies that she was fine and wasn't hit drro notices blood dripping from beneath the girl's dress sighing in relief moiko then asks Ginko to tell her one thing being her friend and needing to know if what the hero of law said was a lie unwilling to believe that the samurai would kill people puzzled genko replies that she did noting that it's normal for a samurai to kill people moo is devastated by her blunt reply stating that it was awful and was about to say that she believed in her expecting something different confused by the reaction she Huffs and reminds her that in her world a human's enemy is a human and humans have been at each other's throats for thousands of years shocked to see she wasn't joking she doesn't even want to imagine a war between people and genko starts to wonder if that's weird meanwhile drro tears a piece of his robe and winds it up around his stump as a makeshift tourniquet having heard genko state that she was from another world saddened moo admits that she knew that she was not the one who cured griel of her disease but instead it was gko that cleansed her curse having overheard them back at the orphanage both of them kept quiet for her sake and the samurai saved both her and the elf so moo believes she is a really strong and kind person and they're friends regardless of whether she is good or evil and so she wants to know more moiko asks genko what a samurai is and after some thought the girl states that every Samurai's reason to fight varies some do it for their country others for their Lords for their homes for fame or for money to Sate their Savage desires some would kill innocent people or resort to underhanded tactics and it does not matter what they do as long as they win genko then angrily declares that such a path for a samurai is of no interest to her not having any big desires nor need for money and fame she only desires to fight to live and live to fight until she is no more the heated life of the Samurai way is her belief and Samurai should follow their heart it doesn't matter where she is and she doesn't care what is right or wrong as the girl looks on in silence genko states that she only helped luchan because she wanted to and thus the M doesn't have to be grateful for it her speech is cut short when drro uses his magic to create a magical Mana lock around her wrists noting that she was wide open and announcing that he has arrested her the Furious Samurai tries to Brute Force the locks open despite the hero's warnings against it focusing all of her might she insists until the lock starts to groan but her struggle causes her formerly severed arm to start bleeding and she desists unaware of how close she came to Breaking Free seeing her wound has completely reopened moiko points out that it happened because she forgot gruno's warning to not use her arm too much until her Mana is stabilized defeated the samurai turns to drro demanding that he deliver the final blow standing a way apart he refuses her request and a bewildered gko states that living after a loss brings shame calling beheading your opponent a common courtesy unmoved the hero of law asks if that one of her Samurai rules stating it has nothing to do with him and that unless she is sentenced to death by the law he will never kill gripping his stump as he declares his belief he then notes that placing one's value on someone else is simply arrogant asking rhetorically if that's not one of the habits a samurai should not have their chat is cut short as griel screams in shock at the scene having just arrived with Boris moo addresses the panting Heroes who sigh upon seeing the wounded drro genko and chains and judge passed out on the street Boris asks what happened and the elf joins in but not before furiously scolding moo for disobeying her command to hide drro asks why they're there telling them not to make the situation any more troubling than it already is after he fills them in on what transpired there Boris notes how their plan to have gko checked by the hero of law just happened on its own stating that dwarves and elves have good noses when it comes to the scent of blood so they knew that genko was not a normal girl Gabriel adds that she also believed her to be bad news when she first saw her even trying to kill her on sight but also adds that she is a good and honest kid who saved both her and moo with Boris adding that she saved him too and wants to trust her meanwhile Miko uses a healing flower and her floor mancy skill to heal Geno's arm by enhancing the power of the flower as the samurai Marvels at her skill drro tells griel and Boris that he does not plan on executing her for the time being since the judge could not sentence her Boris then points out that she cut off his hand but he merely replies that it happened because he tried to arrest her and it was his fault for underestimating the girl however since she is still dangerous he has to at least restrict her and believes the underground prison beneath the hero's Guild should be enough Gabriel is relieved that genko won't be executed though the samurai is disillusioned by this development raising his hand the hero of law declares that considering judge's testimony and hers and adding up all the facts he has confirmed one thing that though absurd will make everything make sense if it's true as the impatient to luchan tells him to spit it out Dr row concludes that judge could not sentence a crime as big as murder despite knowing all the laws because the law only applies to humans from that world believing genko to be from another world he tells them that he has someone in mind who might know something about it while genko and moiko examine the heavy cuffs around the Samurai's wrists drro properly greets griel who notes his severed stump as he states that he will have gruna fix it the distant M sneezes as her name is mentioned judge leads the group towards the heroes Guild with griel carrying the cuffed genko over her shoulder the elf asks the samurai if she's okay and when the embarrassed Samurai MERS that she can walk on her own the elf points out that they are in the context of detaining them saddened genko wonders what she's doing a samurai should fight with her all and die but that would not be working well for her Buddha brought her to a world where her dreams would come true or at least he should have but right now she questions what was on the de's mind when he brought her there she asks where they're going and drro tells her that they're heading towards the hero's Guild with Boris describing it as a gathering spot for Heroes Geno's eyes brighten up at the prospect of meeting multiple Heroes but the dwarf states that they don't live there but head there to make reports and gather Intel on demons dropping the samurai on the ground griel enthusiastically declares that she will give her a history lesson while they walk as she explains a long time ago demons were in control of the world being led by the Demon Lord Loki who is their King with his overwhelming strength Loki ruled the world and the only reason he did not kill all humanoids was because they were useful to him as slaves genko snaps at this calling him immoral and declaring that she would have killed all humans without a doubt causing everyone to look at her with perplexity Gabriel continues stating that even in a time like that adventurers and travelers fought against the Tide while living their own lives receiving rewards for fending off demons exploring new lands or mining dungeons filled with the demons one such Adventurer stood for all of humanity his name was Arthur Pendragon and he feared nothing not even death the stronger his enemies were the more he smiled as he battled them with his sword and he fought constantly against ever greater odds his actions struck the hearts of many adventurers and travelers who then became his companions and aided him in his quest until he finally was able to defeat the demon Army and slay the Demon King Loki having accomplished such a feat people named him a hero the unbeatable warrior with unwavering bravery the adventurers and travelers who had roamed the land freely were inspired by his bravery taking up arms to protect the people and with the demon came gone the heroes easily beat up the rest of the Demons Humanity started to reclaim its lands and the newly anointed King Arthur said that they are the real heroes Gabriel concludes her story with a happily ever after and Boris adds that current Heroes were made thus and since then they continue to defend humans from demons and have an organization to manage and support them the heroes Guild genko finds the story exciting and Akin to a fairy tale and Boris realizes that Gabriel took the lines from a picture book which the elf and moo confirm the samurai finds the tale of the journey to cut off a general's head against uncertain odds inspiring drro announces that they have arrived as they stand before a massive Palace likee structure genko finds it Majestic not having seen such a structure even in Edo and is excited to enter the edifice moo notes that it would be her first time entering such a structure but nervously states that maybe she shouldn't go in drro then shows her a guild pass known as an apple pass which is used by Heroes when asked for identification stating that even though it is not recommended for a hero to bring Outsiders into the guild it's not forbidden and a child should be no problem Gabriel and Boris have gone ahead and urged them to join in and as the Surly drro leads the way moiko nervously starts approaching the building genko then approaches the girl whispering to her that blade wounds easily leave scars and reminding her to use heel and take care of it the girl looks at her in shock realizing that she was where she nicked her from the beginning but believed it would be rude to point it out right then climbing the stairs they enter the guild through a pair of glass doors and step into a huge Hall Geno notes that it is an altogether different construction compared to anything in Japan but notes that the all familiar smell will always be everywhere before them in the Great Hall lies the corpse of a huge fishlike monster
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 210,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: hTc1hdMfZxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.