The DARKEST Isekai Manhwa I've Ever Read!

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one night a boy is walking home from school when a big truck comes out of nowhere hitting him however instead of facing death he's transported into a whole new world while he is in the said world he decides to write a letter to his mom and dad in the said letter he stated that it been a years since he who had been living a normal and interesting life came to The Peculiar world at first he cried a lot and wanted to run away but after seeing something that made him hopeful about returning back he adapted to the new world on the battlefield where tons of people died he tried to balance what his comrades did with Justice courage and comradeship which he didn't know when he was just a normal person although he knows his parents won't understand even if they tell them this even just in his head he tries to inform them that he has become stronger now and that there are people who have become more reliant on him even if he has lost a lot on the brighter side he has also gained a lot and that he has pulled through more than he has fallen apart since the end of his journey is already in sight he finds it funny to write a letter that he can't even mail but deep inside his head he hopes his parents pray for him as he is now about to defeat the demon king so that he can return to his daily life and see his journey in the said world as a long dream or memory that said as his comrades call him he immediately stops writing the letter and with a fierce look on his face Kim minsu the boy's name is now eager to return back home after the intense battle the people of the said Kingdom cheer on MSU for killing the Demon King as a result he and his comrades decide to celebrate over dinner and now that MSU has finally done his mission in the said world he will need to Bid Farewell to his fellow comrades whom he has been with for the past year one even says that MSU pretty much has the choice to stay if he wants to however he himself has also missed his family and friends so much that's why he has now finally decided to go home once and for all the Priestess has also cheered for MSU to have a gracious and blessed [Applause] life however 3 weeks later in Saul as MSU arrives home it seems like the Priestess was wrong MSU might have saved the world but he couldn't save himself it is shown that upon his arrival he immediately went home to finally see his family after months of being gone however when the door opened a new owner welcomed him during the 8 months he was gone his mother had died in a hit-and run accident while handing out missing person Flyers after his mom's death his father who blamed himself for being unable to protect his family also committed suicide in the end minsu's father's death became a newspaper headline and his missing person's report was included at the end of the news story which which made him somehow known by many insu is then seen visiting his parents' Graves with overflowing tears flooding out of his eyes the police have classified him as a missing teenager and his school expelled him as well he technically became that guy who didn't fit in with everyone one of his friends mother instructs her son not to meet with MSU anymore no one really wanted to help him although he tried to mend everything back together it seems like he has missed a lot that even his other relatives started to abandon him he became a child who was considered a nuisance to his parents his uncle blamed him for the death of his father at this point no one in msu's family would want to take him in his cousin even instructed him to leave immediately if he didn't want to be treated the certain way since they also blamed MSU for being the reason why their family had gone bankrupt that said MSU has no place to stay and no food to eat without any other choice he starts to sleep on benches on sidewalks vsu's family was just average so they didn't have any money left however it wasn't just money MSU didn't have he had no family no degree and no social life in short there was no him he starts to question whether everything happening is just an awful Nightmare and after a while everything will go back to normal at the back of his mind back in the other world he had saved everyone from destruction he saved the lives of many people and when the moment they needed him the most he was there he risked his life just to come back home but why was he deserted thinking this made binu tear up then he accidentally bumps into a bulky man on the the street although the man didn't intend to beat the hell out of MSU considering he already looked like a loser however when MSU questions why they are not sad this releases the demon inside the wants hero now MSU aims to make everyone feel the same way as he does right now he will not stop unless everyone around him becomes sad such as he is now when the bulky man is about to punch him MSU calls on his sword of Durant and in a split second the man is breed to Pieces while wiping his tears MSU will ensure that as a hero he should be the last person who's sad and should be rewarded that said as he swings his Majestic sword the hero who once saved the world evaporates the region of kungel without giving any second thought killing thousands of innocent people 3 weeks after the hero's Rampage on the outskirts of koni Province everyone has thought about the world going extinct at least once whether a nuclear war natural disaster or zombie apocalypse caused it one family decides to flee The Province for safety precautions however the little girl is saddened that they left her father behind however however her young or older brother assures her that their dad will meet them once they get to their destination however that Assurance will slowly fade as one of the officers announces that MSU or now the hero is on his Trail and has come extremely close to the people that said they don't have much time to spare meaning they must now continue traveling by foot as everyone leaves their vehicles and starts to walk a few minutes later their worst fear has finally come MSU crushes the officer's body to death making everyone Panic this hell the world now will meet its end not by demon or villain but because of a hero everyone is now running as fast as they can in hopes of saving their lives including the family we saw earlier cabin the little girl's name starts to feel exhausted with all the running that's why her hung decides to carry her meanwhile seeing the gruesome view from above the overpass VSU starts calling the people disgusting as they struggle in hopes that they will get away alive that's why he'll Now kill them in a Flash as everyone rushes to save their lives Tan's doll accidentally slips off her hand as a result her rushes to get it back as he bends down to get the doll with one swing of his sword MSU annihilates everyone else that's why when Tan's brother starts to look for her and their mom all that he Witnesses is a devastating pool of blood and guts everywhere as he cries for his loss MSU watches him from behind MSU commends him for his beautiful eyes then the boy asks him if he is the set hero that everyone is talking about instead of answering minsu confuses the boy even more when he States those teary eyes belong to someone who has lost everything and that they look just like his eyes eyes without hopes and dreams however irritated and frustrated the boy shouts as he asks MSU the same question again and when MSU stated yes the boy gets up and with no fear he declares that he will kill MSU no matter what as he rushes towards him MSU grabs him by the throat as the boy's tears flood from his eyes MSU stabs him with a sword the boy starts to wonder whether he's really going to die without being able to do anything he says his apologies to his sister mother father and Grandma as his eyes start to close then a little girl's voice is heard saying hero hero hero when the boy came too he had become a hero all of a sudden one year later the government fell apart just like Kim men Su people who went missing during the same period returned as Heroes the nine Heroes who conquered the lands split the land amongst themselves except for M suur this was how the world came to be as it is today at jju island territory of the Golem hero people who are frightened for their lives are scared to jinx their death one girl wants to be killed all at once while the other wants to live still then a walking alive piece of the hand starts ordering the girls to wake up since it's time to work as they rush to do their jobs a man named s huan the hero of Golems shows up he announces what the group's agenda for the day is women are assigned to gather food while men will work on construction however obviously people are not delighted to do such tasks that's why wujan tries to convince them that if they were in the ter territories of the vampires or the faith Heroes they would have become blood sacks crazy religious people or experiments now as wuon starts to think that he might have been too nice to the people with a single flick of his hand everyone runs for their lives however some were not as lucky as they met their debts at this point uan threatens everyone that they should go to work right at once that said at the farm the girl from earlier who wishes she was dead is named s in a grandma tells her to eat some tangerines and breede some air as she is watching the ocean waves the guilt of seeing her friend from earlier dying starts eating her up then a soldier came out of nowhere trying to ask for food for his comrades promising that as soon as they get their energy back up the military will fight the heroes once more soen decides to rebel and get them food however as she reaches the shore the only thing that welcomes her is the Soldier's dead body and wuan now that she's caught her guts turn upside down as fear starts to kill her it will not take long before she meets her death wuan then reveals that he doesn't only have one eye that watches everyone but thousands are hidden above the clouds at this point he's just technically playing with these poor people's lives as she is now about to face her death s calls for help it doesn't matter who that said a luminous figure rushes and comes crashing down from the sky this made Guan shocked as well and just like that Jung Su Park the real hero returned Su Park then asked sommen to explain the situation to him after hearing that wuan is one of the sword Heroes group suar can't contain his emotions anymore as he rushes to smash every Golem who comes his way when he finally reaches uan Su Park starts cutting off the devil Hero's limbs one by one if he'll not answer any of su Park's questions so when wuan finally sees an opening he calls for his Golems to take him back to safety then a flashback occurs it turns out what happened to minsu has also happened to wuan everyone in his life has abandoned him and left him alone to leave and as Revenge he now aims to make everyone suffer and live a life where everyone obeys him however suar wouldn't allow that as the two fight once more in which wuan uses a technique called the praying flower while supar uses the applied element electricity to enhance his Spear's attacks the Fight Continues to intensify as the god the lightning strike Spears through Wan's heart marking the final moment the Golem hero who destroyed jzu Island and the UN naval fleet meanwhile back in the other world the people that wuan once helped before he turned Wicked is seen praying for his happiness little did they know the total opposite had happened then a subtle rattling sound makes superpark alert a bit it turns out that it is just s Su Park then asks her why she's hiding in the bushes so woman then immediately explains that everyone wants to know who slain the Golem hero and that she just wants him to head down with her however superpark then abruptly says that a hero who killed a hero has no merit it'll just revive the people's fear instead he asks whether Su Park plans to kill all the heroes Su park on the other side immediately answers yes he's going to kill everyone who's working with the sword hero when San asks if it is because of Revenge supar has also answered the question indirectly by stating that there is no other reason that said as the girl hears this she immediately volunteers to to help since she also wants to take her revenge too but that didn't immediately convince Su Park so Min on the other hand stays persistent although she knows that in the eyes of su Park she is just a dead weight she begs him to let her join she even tried to tell Su Park that she'll take him all around the city to the set Heroes little did she know that Su Park had seen everything on his way from St to jedu Su Park somewhat has an idea of which area is controlled by which hero and what kind of abilities they have hearing this didn't stop her from what she aimed for this time she even tells Su Park that she'll do everything that she can provide him with everything that he needs from transportation to food or shelter as long as he agrees to be her guide now that they've already joined forces San helps sup Park to choose who's next on his Target list and since Su Park wants an opponent that is easy to kill San can't think of anything other than the SE Dragon hero having destroyed an entire fleet in the Pacific Ocean she's the worst hero of the ocean she's killed countless people including San's family and to be able to fight her Su Park needs to find a boat fortunately s knows someone that could help them and it's none other than the fighting Marines at the southern Coastal sea where big waves and strong winds occur the sea hero lives it is seen that she assures her pet that any opponent trying to get to her will never go home alive s showed sup Park what the Sea Dragon hero looked like and her drawing is just too cute gosh Su Park confused asks if his opponent is a worm and a stick figure this made s embarrassed by her cute drawing anyways it turns out that both the hero and the dragon are girls and that's the critical difference they have with other dragons the girl is always standing on top of the dragon and the dragon never moves unless the girl orders it to from how s sees it the girl who's riding on its head is the brains and the dragon is the braa Su Park then asks for their attack patterns based on the fights between them and the soldiers who are assisting refugees the dragon either breeds fire or knocks over ships while the girl blocks an attack coming their way that said the two are technically both attack and defense and superpark States it'll be hard to deal with then before San and superpark continue with their discussion the Marines are able to detect an unidentified object on their radar making everyone alerted to make it worse there are many unidentified objects lurking below them it's not just two or three but 400 as it gets closer and closer everyone braces for impact it turns out that it's just fish but after a few seconds the real deal shows up making a big Whirlpool that almost sucked the ship up to the bottom of the ocean the Sea Dragon hero swashin then declares that Su Park will pay for killing huun since she will blow up the entire ship hearing this made the Marine stay alert and ask Su park for orders Su Park then orders for the Marines to lower the anchor instead of dodging the evil Hero's attacks although at first the Marines are confused by su Park's decision the captain trusts Su park with all his might and follows as he says as the anchors are lowered the fight has begun the dragon starts to breathe out its fire while the Marines are preparing their weapons and shields zup Park also tries to condition himself and his spear that said anile activate as the fire breath almost reaches the ship Zar blocks it with his magical Shield seeing supar protecting them from the attacks instead of fighting surprises the Marines that's why they decided to ask their Captain to give them distraction orders asking all the crew members to prepare for battle they aim for the heads however using espat tiada the shield of Atlas swashin uses her shielding power to ensure that none of the attacks from the Marines reaches them seeing this made the Marines somehow discouraged but their Captain says not to since they already know the fact that their firearms are useless against the heroes the ultimate objective is to distract the opponents as much as they can that said they keep on attacking non-stop as the Fight Continues suar discovers something crucial since swashin started to use the magical barrier the dragon's fir Powers were decreased and if his assumptions are correct the sea hero is sharing her Mana with the Sea Dragon that's why if they focus on depleting her Mana they may have a chance of winning zup Park then pushes forward with all his might seeing this made swashin realized that superpark might have noticed that the Sea Dragon had been using her Mana that said instead of panicking all she needed to do is get rid of any reason to use the magical barrier dor attia the Spear of the atlas as the spear travels from Swan's hands to the ship Su Park doesn't anticipate that her attacks will change directions now she's technically aiming for the Marines in the ship as everyone tries to run from every direction trying to escape their death some are just unlucky to meet their tragic fate so early that said thinking that she'll win the fight she states to Su Park that this is the end for him however as one of the Marines dies from the Spear of the atlas he makes use of his body to stick the spear in and let supar get rid of it as the poor Marine thinks of his past and the conversation he had with their Captain before going into the mission with a smile on his face he tells supar to make good use of the Spear of the atlas zark then thanks him for his cooperation and drive to save the country from the Filthy Hands of the evil Heroes then zark uses his apply element glaciation to take care of the said sea Hero's powerful weapons in what seems like heaven the Fallen Marines are then seen getting back together with big smiles on their faces at least throughout the time that the world needed them the most they didn't run but instead Stood Still with their head high up doing their best for their Duty then a flashback occurs in the calm City deep in the blue sea hundreds and thousands of underwater species swim and live freely the place is called Atlas the world of sea dragons this wonderful place is where swashin was taken when she went missing as she arrived at the said Water Kingdom she was welcomed warmly by the people there as a hero she was treated with much respect a Greek godl looking guy who I think is the Sea Dragon then enters the scene stating that swashin is much calmer now compared to her first visit he then stated that swashin must have heard about the only way she could return home and as to do all the responsibilities of being a hero however swashin honestly says that she is still not accustomed to the idea honestly she looks much more innocent here it's such a shame how rage can change somehow anyways going back the blue-haired guy then assures her that she will eventually get used to it over time he then gives swash in something curious about what it is the blue-haired guy then chose a spear that is said to have been passed through many generations it was passed on to the chosen one to become the hero of the sea dragons and swashin is the said Chosen One bearing the spear is of great signific ific which means that swashin will become a hero and is obligated to protect the kingdom especially the sea dragon that said in exchange the Sea Dragon will also protect her from all that stands in the way of her destroying the Demon King now going back to the present the fight then continues as Swan thinks the memories of her and the spear that's now at the hands of superpark makes her frustrated she then shouts at him saying that the spear is not some random spear a man can handle return it at once she says zark then states that he'll definitely return the spear back and her empty skull suar then uses one of his skills the Frozen spear technique the glacial hat which somehow worked on the said monster as swashin tries to Shield the dragon with her giganti espu tiata skill the five-tier magical defense barrier even the pterodactyl Demon King couldn't Pierce she is shocked that superpark is able to destroy it without even trying that said superpark uses his powerful igniting spear to slice open the Majestic Sea Dragon together with the evil hero swashin killing them in an instant on the brighter side the two villains who have loved each other since have stayed with one another even upon their deaths it turns out that the sea dragon and swashin have been involved in a much more romantic relationship than we may have thought as the sea dragon decided to come with swashin after they defeated the Demon King his body didn't get accustomed to the human world causing his human body to transform back to its Dragon form as the couple opted to live on an island where no one else could see them the Sea Dragon couldn't contain it anymore that's why while they were at a ferry he transformed into his Dragon form after the Southern Sea fairy incident the government ruled old them as terrorists like MSU that's how they became villains and objects of Conquest now till the end they've loved each other protected one another and have died painfully together meanwhile in the city MSU is then informed by a guy that the hero of golems and sea dragons has died at the hands of the new hero which means that the people have a new hope it also means that the Eternal sadness MSU created is about to end that said the guy tells MSU to get up and do something about it which MSU does marking the end is approaching once again on the other world where SU Park was taken the girl who welcomed him to the world realizes that Su park has already started his revenge that said to repay their debt to Su Park she orders one night to call all the blacksmiths as they must mend as many Spears as possible the girl then sadly reminisced how sup Park wasn't really interested in saving their world and out of all the generations of Heroes of Spears Su Park pushed himself the hardest during his time in the other world he trains day and night in hopes that when he comes back to the real world he'll be able to exact revenge on the evil Heroes who killed his family he blames his weakness for the death of his family that's why instead of contemplating so much he fulfilled his duties without any questioning or faltering into silence one day with only the use of a spear he slashes each of the Goblins limbs one by one he's so eager to make himself stronger that even his comrades are scared that he's going in too deep and they were right one giant Goblin hits the back of his head with a large bat however just by remembering MSU the rage inside him ignites once more as a result the poor goblins meet their death in a Flash just die just die he says while stabbing the giant Goblin's jugular vein but even with this Victory he still hallucinates the images of his dead family members that's why instead of a hero he acted like a sinner or a Revenge Spirit one night after a long intense fight the girl offers to help Su park by putting on some ointment on his wounds she then respectfully asks why Su Park eagerly wants to kill the demon king and return back home if he hasn't had any family yet Su Park then explains that he wants to kill someone stronger than him when he returns the girl couldn't possibly believe that someone was stronger than Su Park she also reminds him that even if he gets his revenge of using his body is just wrong however Su Park knows that MSU is indeed stronger than him in any way possible that's why his goal is to become stronger than him and tear MSU limb by limb he already has come up with some gruesome ways to torture MSU like slashing through his skin daily like Sashimi then feed minsu with his own skin suar will make him suffer for all those people he has killed as slowly and painfully as possible hearing this made the girl realiz realized that Su Park was seriously twisted up inside on the day that Su Park had already defeated the Demon King everyone was shocked when he used the elixir of Miracles to bring the Demon King's energy back up he did this to fight The Demon King once again in order for him to gain more strength as this keeps going on and on even the Demon King beged sup Park to kill him once and for all already his comrades especially the girl ask him to stay Humane and don't cross the line further down than he already has that said inside the girl's mind as she remembers all of these she wishes is that even after Su Park completes his revenge she hopes that he'll not become a monster back in the real world Su Park's thoughts are filled with msu's image in his head VSU tells him that he is not a savior or the hero of the story he's just someone who's nothing to the people however these thoughts don't matter to Su Park as he is more than satisfied by just being minsu's murderer after defeating swashin Su Park goes back to the deck and ask S if there are any survivors unfortunately it seems like all of the ship's passengers are already dead except for s in without the soldiers they can't possibly go back to the shore without anyone manipulating the ship s then asks if supar can make anything that will navigate their way back to the shore however it seems like s's statement kind of irritated sup Park a little bit he even bluntly says that if s claims to be a guide shouldn't she know how to steer a ship at least s then tries to explain however as sup Park is about to leave he then tells her that he thought she'd be competent that's why he decided to bring her before he even leaves her sight San asks sup Park what she should do su Park simply responds that she just needs to take a break and let's just say she took it personally that's why instead of taking a literal break she tries to find the ship's manual and hopes that she'll be able to steer the ship on her own this way she will be able to prove herself to soup Park then it seems like someone is out in the hallway as s hears someone walking as she checks up on it she thinks that superpark has already fallen asleep she's quite shocked to see that superpark is carrying dead bodies in the middle of the night it turns out that superpark is giving a respectful Funeral For the Fallen Soldiers as they remind him of his father who is also a member of the Navy Su Park then tells them sorry since he wasn't able to send them back to their family and for having to send them off like this as Tears start to fall down suar continues to say he's sorry he then tells his prayers to the fallen and S also says hers in secret in a world where both life and death are becoming vague the boy and girl pay their respects to those who had passed before them and as if this cruel world were admiring them they sent a guest from the heavens a helicopter with the South Korean reconstruction government team leader of the Hero's division Choy Jung wuk then comes to fetch the hero of Revolt which is none other than Sue Park that said the operation of saving the world has commenced as Mr Troy introduces himself San then tells sup Park something about the organization that Mr Troy is in it is said that they are an organization formed by government officials and soldiers that aim to revolt against the heroes through their gorillas hearing this made Su Park realize the organization might have one of him to be a part of their tactics as he and soen finally enter the helicopter superpark immediately asks Mr Troy if their organization seriously thinks that guns would work on a hero then from there a heated conversation started to the point that Mr Troy almost blew up the whole helicopter that said Mr Troy plans on taking them somewhere as they reached their destination with San and sark's hands tied up and eyes blindfolded the organization is planning to interrogate them first then a drone is seen flying over the secret hiding place behind the screen someone states that he has finally found the damn rats as they enter the building supar tries to analyze the surroundings he's then able to compute that it will only take 3 seconds for him to take down all the soldiers with them now as he starts to get annoyed he thinks that escaping might be a good plan he then stops making the soldiers alert immediately before supar can go all in s stops him and tries to remind him that the soldiers are just scared and will definitely Harbor no ill intentions she also explains that the organization and him have common enemies and that's why he should make them trust him as much as possible as s enters the interrogation room first Mr Troy immediately asks her what type of person Su Park is is she then explained every detail perfectly from one point to another she tells Mr Choy that superpark is a good guy and has the same objective as the organization that's why it's a good thing if the two will join forces to defeat the other evil monsters hearing all of this made Mr Troy realize that superpark might have been doing all of this for Revenge however having the same objective doesn't mean they'll be instant allies Mr Troy then asks s if she herself trusts Su Park fully does she know what suar will do after the Revenge although supar could become the hope of all survivors the risk is too significant in order to trust and assist him since they still don't know whether he is stronger than the sword hero or if he's just a trap for the government it would be much more logical for the government to kill him while they still have him restrained or at least imprison him before he can create Havoc 3 days later it's sark's time to get interrogated before the discussion starts superpark remembers what s told him the other day that the government is just scared and he needs to get them to trust him looking so pale to dismiss them as being scared it seems like they have been trying to starve him to death since they aren't giving him anything to eat or drink although even if sark's body won't die from starvation it still seems like he has been robbed of some privilege after hearing some gunshots s then removes sup Park's blindfolds and handcuffs but then there's more a big bulky man with white hair is with her making sup Park confused turns out this guy is the hero of iron arm and he's there to rescue Su Park however it seems like Su Park is not buying it as he calls for a spear and is about to fight the iron arm hero San tries to stop him however before she can even stop him it seems like Su Park is angry at s for easily trusting someone like the iron arm hero it seems like s is already Blinded By The Rage and revenge that she wants to take on other Heroes suar never doubted the fact that s had the same objective as he does that's why he trusted her so much that said Su Park lets go of San as he tells her to go away before she meets her death then out of nowhere Mr Troy comes out telling Su Park he has passed turns out that everything was just a play organized by Mr Choy and S to check and find out if superpark is indeed a hero that will save humanity and not just someone who will use the organization for a schemes they've also cast someone that looks like the hero of ironarm to play the role so that it looks believable it seems like the organization is also prepared with the plan B in case superpark did really betray them that said as he's now part of the organization sup Park and soen are taken into a small underground city that caters to 50,000 residents they went down through an elevator when they finally reached the underground city Mr Troy tells Su Park that he hopes he will really not let down the people who have been looking up to him now that said without anyone to protect other than the people zark is now dedicated to doing everything he can to make sure everyone will be safe from now on although at first suar intended not to stay in the underground city for long Mr Troy and San eventually persuaded him that said as everyone is celebrating the idea that it is only a matter of time before they go back to their old lives a pitch black incident comes their way all the other seven Heroes were alive come crashing into the peaceful City from the hero of the vampire Hong hang hero of faith Pana hero of magic mayin chongo hero of return Le Jun hero of martial arts chonji hero of reformation Lee gam and of course the hero of Swords minu the fight then starts Mr Troy then tries to go based on their trained operation however his people are now hypnotized by Pana that said he tries to contact his other men to protect sup park at all costs however even the soldiers didn't escape the gruesome death that the heroes gave upon them Chun Mountainside annihilated funbot annihilated Brown Crow annihilated in total 13,700 people are dead already within just 3 minutes and 17 seconds and the once peaceful city is now at the hands of the heroes once more now it's up to suar to defeat them all and protect the people are you the bastard MSU asks Su Park emotionless while on the other side Su Park is already in a rage just seeing msu's face as he thinks that the bastard who killed his family is standing right before his eyes the anger inside him is slowly overflowing without a second thought as he initially planned zark now fully decided that he would kill minsu once and for all he calls all the magical Spears that he has from the magical Shield spear andile to the ice spear vases meanwhile MSU is also seen preparing his gears the holy demon attack system for the fight as Vu and Su Park start to fight even the other evil Heroes stop interfering because they're scared to get involved when Park already almost got MSU right in his palms MSU saw some hint of Hope in Su Park's eyes which caused him to burst out of Rage making Su Park almost die once more that said thinking of it makes Su Park so angry that's why looking above the sky he utters the words that he will surely kill MSU no matter what but on the other hand MSU is also struggling with all the fighting as their willpower to fight starts to kick in their fight is about to get more intense than ever as the armor of the two emerges their fight with each other starts to get more intense one hit after another both of them are struggling to cope with each other's strength meanwhile on the sides of the rubble the citizens of the city watch the scene the hero of Sword Kim Ms Su whose very presence meant the opponent's eminent end or struggling one man was fighting off sorrow with his entire being seeing this made everyone have hope that maybe this time they'll be able to win against evil Mr Troy then states that their last resort is fighting the Battle of a lifetime against the hero of sword that said he orders his menant to distract the other Heroes as much as possible giving supar some time to fight against the hero of Sword without thinking of the the heroes that might attack him from behind the weak have decided to fight again with all rage and eagerness in their eyes Mr Troy together with his men is able to encounter a weird looking monster however instead of getting scared they face the monster head on on the other hand the hero of iron arm is seen finishing killing all the people in the area he himself has also taken notice that it's taking longer than he had initially thought as he tried to step in one of the soldiers bravely tried to stop him however the poor soldier's life eventually meets his death afterward word the other heroes are also doing their own schemes to have the last laugh in the end hopefully however what's truly nerve-wracking and something that everyone is anticipating is the fight between MSU and Su Park who will win and have the victory as MSU punches Sark with a powerful blow MSU doesn't anticipate that superpark will be able to find an opening to attack him as well using the dragon Spear and spirit Su Park rushes toward MSU in hopes that he will finally end his herong nightmare at that time apply elements electricity ice the great Earth flame atmosphere power explosion as supar tries his best to give his all MSU commends him for being strong which is at first however of course VSU wouldn't allow supar to have the last laugh in the end he then tries to rush all the power inside his sword Durant Daybreak mode with just one slash of his sword Su Park's hands slice off instantly MSU then states that Su Park's sorrow is too shallow and that no matter what angle you look at it evil couldn't possibly defeat evil shallow Su Park asks then he eventually keeps on saying that the feeling of having his life trampled upon by a murderer like minsu has never been shallow as his rage keeps on flowing rapidly the citizens together with the other heroes are also watching the fight slowly waiting for who will win as superar rushes towards MSU as he's about to punch and attack MSU it seems like MSU is just strong enough that he is able to dodge it after doing so MSU states that zark is much less unfortunate than he is MSU then punches him stating that he has the the chance zark can reach salvation unlike him Su Park then bluntly asks him what wrong did the people ever do to MSU and that he is more hatred towards them than anyone could imagine MSU then honestly answered it was all because they were all happier than he was that all has eliminated him and none wanted him no one ever tried to understand or Embrace him when he needed it the most MSU added that people Dar to raise Su Park as a Beacon of Hope and tried to break the cycle of Sorrow that MSU made however MSU wouldn't allow that easily then San bravely steps in to somehow help Su Park in some ways while crying she then states that MSU is Right Su Park is the Last Hope of humanity that said minsu now has diverted his attention to soin we all know that guns don't really affect the heroes however for so men as long as they keep fighting back and Reporting like today someday they will defeat the likes of M Su Mr Troy with one are missing speaks through the speakers to talk to his people he asks them the survivors and anyone capable of helping to protect sup Park since he is the last hope that Humanity has Mr Troy had done his part and was able to fulfill his duties in the end he blows himself up on the other hand it seems like there are also some conflicts between the heroes themselves considering that the hero of magic is trying to cast some attack spell on MSU then a flashback occurs it shows that the hero of magic was once a good normal daughter and student who lived relatively normal life then one day as she is on her way home a refrigerator accidentally fell on her causing causing her to be transported to another world now as she returns back home from the other world she never intended to kill people all that she wants is to be with her family once again however after seeing that great evil has already burned the place down she was shocked at first the heroes facing the situation were given two choices to fight for their lives or to join the craziness and she who had no courage or any sort of bravado ran away from both of the choices she has also spent some time in the refugee camp with her mother and sister then a group of soldiers came into the scene wanting to speak with her for as long as she can remember she has tried to hide her identity as a hero however it seems like Mr Choy has his ways of finding out crucial information like this at first yein tries to deny it however when Mr Troy starts to State some information that leads to knowing that yein is a hero she doesn't have a choice but to eventually give in especially about 10 days ago due to the United Force misfire the refugees in the area were going to be butchered like cattle at that moment an unknown identity assumed to be a hero disengaged the explosive only to disappear and then yein emerged from the building that person disappeared to it may be just a mere coincidence however Mr Troy doesn't believe that in any way possible then Mr Troy who is already at his limit chose his gun to fire at yet in without any choice yedin shows off her true identity to save herself from death and just like that Mr Choy was able to make yedin confess without really doing so as they are having a conversation yedin opens up that Mr Troy might have been wondering why she is in fighting with the heroes just like the others yet in then states that there exists a clear difference in strength between the heroes as far as she is concerned a hero becomes the slightest bit stronger than the Demon King they defeat so the Demon King strength means the level of strength for the hero The Demon King that Kim mins Su defeated is stronger than the one that she defeated all of the heroes that had fought against him died and the demon Kings he fought were all defeated in short this is a fight that started off with an unfair advantage on his end then Mr Troy bluntly asks that's why she chooses to run away when Mr Troy asks yedin if she's okay with the fact that the world will be destroyed with a sad look on her face yedin also has her reasons she stated that after they had escaped her mother had become ill and her sister cried every night because she's been separated from her friends but most of all even though she wanted to fight back she didn't want to die after all in this whole mess who else would protect her family other than her it doesn't mean that she is a hero she already has the courage and strength to fight lighting his cigar Mr Choy then bluntly says that yet in to join Kim minsu's forces as long as she plays it off like she just returned and exploded them it's a way to prove that she's evil this way the government will know the insights of the evil group Mr Troy then gives her the location of an unimportant military base yeda needs to destroy this place in order to get msu's group's attention Mr Troy isn't telling her to do this for free in exchange the government will evacuate their family to international waters they will also assign cards to protect them and treat her mother's illness as well at this point yedin couldn't ask for more a little nervous Mr Troy tells yedin that there is no need to rush he's only asking her to be their hidden card to know what method will be used to destroy MSU yedin will be their trump card that will protect that method when the time comes that's why when superpark is already on the verge of falling yedin now steps in to fulfill her duties on the other hand suar then remembers the day he has spent to become stronger for the Revenge he'll exact for his dead family seeing himself lying still on the ground frustrates him he used everything he could use to fight but he still couldn't defeat MSU he desaires of the thought that with all that training all that he could do to MSU is merely wound him as he is about to give up yedin then rushes to save him seeing yedin and sup Park rushing to escape the other evil Heroes tried to catch them as yet in rushes some of the evil heroes are able to catch up to them however with the help of some soldiers who tell superpark he must live they are able to get away on time the heroes could not understand the fact that the humans who are so deathly afraid of fighting were now diving head first into their deaths as if they forgotten What Fear was everyone from civilian I to the military everyone is fighting for supar they were all risking their own lives for a mere moment I hope that wasn't even certain no matter how much strength the evil Heroes have the citizens now fully decide that they will never give up till the end as the hero of iron arms punches one bus after another on the last one that he punches dozens of bombs are attached exploding as it reaches the hero's hands the great sacrifice of the people opens up an Escape Route for Su Park and yedin the hero of the vampire Hong hang catches is up to them using his blood Quang makes a literal blood Arrow to Target yedin and supar yedin knows that getting out of the place isn't going to be easy since the place they first got through to come down there is where minsu and beana are holding their own and the gaps in the ceiling are too dangerous to go through because of the falling debris before she can even think of a plan for how to get out guang's blood Arrow reaches her and Strikes her she realizes that going in circles is going to get them caught then a man waves right at them signaling that there's a place where they can hide but wadang wouldn't let that happen he rushes towards them as fast as he can before the two even get away meanwhile at the main entrance the remaining citizens and soldiers are trying to evacuate in an organized manner however such Havoc couldn't let the citizens stay at ease but the government is also trying its best to save the people as much as it can they are trying to get the hero of magic in a certain place as soon as they can for the people to escape to the ground away from the other Heroes however if they use the elevator passage as an exit refugees reactions would be a problem since if the government pressures them toward death a riot may occur her which could turn into the worst case scenario however the one in charge states that she will ensure everything is regulated as she gets the speaker she informs everyone that the last elevator capable of operating would be used to provide the hero with Revolt AKA soup Park and Escape Route hearing this made people angry I mean who wouldn't this is some say as they realize that in the eyes of the government they're just mere no ones that don't deserve to live the lady then explains in the most motivational way possible that even if they escape the underground city it is still uncertain that they will live a peaceful happy life knowing that the hero of the sword is still alive that's why Su Park is their future a man that would save the world that said many men who initially intended to escape the wrath happening below take pride as they give their space in the elevator to the young and will now take part in the fight the last 3,000 people in the shelter gave up their lives to earn 5 minutes on a deserted island in Indonesia the lives of 50,000 people were sacrificed for a single person hopefully their sacrifice was not in vain meanwhile at the White House all the US high-ranking Personnel are discovering what has happened to the shelter they helped build in Korea however they should be disappointed on their own considering the shelter is easily destroyed indicating that their system designs are also lagging then one of the personel opens the topic about sou Park which everyone in the room is quite shocked about as a result the president immediately asks for sou Park's location now back at sou Park a green-haired girl who has magical powers revives both sou Park and yedin this said the event made supar question her as to why why would someone revive a loser like Su Park who's protected no one and couldn't even defeat the hero of swords as the thoughts of everyone who sacrificed their life for him start flashing inside sup Park's mind he just can't control his emotions anymore however before he can even start crying Rivers the green-haired girl slaps reality out of him she then bluntly states that it's not that he can't protect them it's because they protected him now going back to the White House officials suspect that Su park is in Indonesia nonetheless wherever they are the officials will surely track down their exact location and Report the president then asks what they proposed to do at that time since the collapse of Korea will spread through main media channels it will surely form a sort of distress to the citizens of the United States and other nations that said some officials want to fire all the missiles and arms while Korean officials don't want their Nation to be destroyed in such a way then one General said that they should make a preemptive strike which made the US president Furious knowing they would sacrifice more troops however that isn't what the general meant since all the heroes have been gathered it would be a great choice if they just deploy the nukes called the God's Hammer that way all the problems will vanish in an instant that said the astronauts in space are now preparing to launch the big boy as the president orders which makes the hostility of the world targets one person's evil intent in Korea MSU tells one poor Survivor to tell everyone that the hero of the spear has died and there is no more hope he wants them to watch the end of the world as they curl up on the ground however it seems like the guy is far more Fearless than I thought he stands stand up for Su Park stating that MSU must be really scared of him seeing how frightened he is by the idea that people will start revolting again as they are now hopeful for everyone this made MSU angry slicing the man's head as if it were just nothing then before his anger eats him up again the other evil Heroes have been gathered assuring him that he can take all the time he wants now that they' have already destroyed the secret government and the Secret City along with wiping out the whole population they are not trying to think of the next course of action MSU states that they should follow the hero of the spe here considering there are still countless numbers of people that have high hopes for him his presence alone is a denial of the world mitsu has created even if it's not just in Korea they're now planning to Take On The World back in the US the president now announced to the people that they have resorted to taking the worst course of action on their end considering that many troops have already died to save their families from the sorrow of losing them the country has decided to deploy the weapon that has been sealed for half a century and it's none other than a nuclear missile meanwhile the heroes are also aware of what's coming from for them however such things don't bother them at all considering they have a reset button now all they have to do is wait for the fireworks of death to come to them now as MSU and the others wait for their debts since they're going to be reset anyways the hero of return Leung Jun then tells MSU something that will definitely shock him since they will pretty much forget about their memories once they reset sunjun confesses to MSU that he is the one that killed msu's parents which literally angered MSU so much then sunjun returned to when they sent the CCTV Eclipse to the States during this time he's planning to do something the astronauts in the United States space station are preparing the nuclear weapon to be launched as God's Hammer key is already accessed the launch device has now been disarmed the astronauts are now on standby until the last command is received from their country then one of the astronauts asks if the God's Hammer has ever been used unofficially at all the captain then responds that this is the first time they will use the nuclear weapon that said they don't know the strength of its effect it's just the fact that is the most precise and most effective weapon to annihilate in the history of mankind now after receiving confirmation from the eagle aka the president the astronauts immediately launched God's Hammer however before they can even do so it seems like the evil Heroes have already formulated their schemes and plans the nuclear weapon didn't launch at Korea on that day 16 missiles from Gods Hammer were launched all over the world from Paris France Beijing China New Delhi India and Cairo Egypt it was the day the world had come to a close as the US Transportation Minister saw the news he was devastated to see that the country he once called home is now nothing but dust since the President and Vice President along with the chairman and Congressmen have all died and all the capitals in their cabinets were blown away one person was able to avoid the chaos thanks to electure in Michigan the minister is now the commander-in-chief the other officials then enter initiating taking his oath of Delegation after he became the president he is given the nuclear briefcase which is now the direct hotline to the hero of reformation considering he is able to hack it it is said that he first appeared 100 years ago in Europe and was the Grand hero that ended the first and second world wars in the 20th century he turned the us into the greatest world power and into the leading vision of scientific and technological Discovery now it's up to the new commander-in-chief how he will turn the tables in their favor it must be really nerve-racking to be in this place now huh every 100 years a hero is constricted or enlisted based on random coordinates in Egypt and other parts of the world and the new Heroes affect the demon king and change the material world we live in some become characters in a myth some become Emperors who bring order during troubled times well some become Pioneers in scientific innovation and then they continue to stay alongside Us in the development of humankind that said the evil heroes are now on the move once again to reach their goals of making the world a place no one can be happy however it seems like everything that was said earlier was just a hypothesis made by Huang gosh basically what hang is saying is that there can be her outside of Korea this hypothesis is then agreed on by the others as well considering it certain once everything seems to be interrelated to all myths and folklore if they see it the other way everyone starts discussing it from there however the hero with strong arms couldn't agree with it but it doesn't matter to him anyway considering that even if there were Heroes they're still not Immortal however the hero of Faith then states that there is a chance that some are Immortal considering there are heroes who have lived over hundred years like her and if they are beings who have transcended Being Human like the hero of reformation Heroes who are non-human may be alive badang added in Silicon Valley the minister together with other officials checks on a secret facility where Einstein Tesla Newman and the founders of Silicon Valley are altering the egos of an AI the AI already knows what the president wants from him seeing that he has come to see him it's pretty apparent that the president is looking to eliminate the heroes who have caused the nuclear Terror although at first the president was half in doubt when he sought AI but thinking back on all the Innovations he has brought it may really be possible the AI then tells him that the previous president did not want to rely on a non-human like him the old president wished for humankind to change the world based on their own abilities and AI also agrees with that philosophy but now since the new president sought out his help the AI aims not to disappoint him the new president then asks for the reason why the AI wants to save the nation and the heroes why he is different from the heroes in Korea the reason he stated this is because the nation embraced him like its own and that was the only reason he needed he's he's also the hero of reformation named Marie Stevenson at the Vatican state in the Vatican basement the pope is revealing something that has been hidden below the basement during the 14th century the last missionary to have officially performed a miracle and the last hero of faith that was amicable towards human was inside that the hero of Faith St Damian arcadius at the Saka Republic Russia Oman a man named veteran Ivon puskin is introduced he's the hero of their nation whose name won't be mentioned in history he's the hero of glaciation the Judgment of God befell across the world and the world government lost order as their weapon against the heroes as domestic sentiments became Restless due to radiation exposure from the nuclear bomb the idea of forming an Allied troop to stop the hero's advances was foiled all the so-called evil heroes are now making their way to different places across the globe some went to Los Angeles while some went to Egypt and Italy all while each possessed different Sorrows ginu is then seen at the Democratic People's Republic of Korea pongyang defense line he's now entered North Korean territory the soldiers immediately informed the supreme leader about the Intruder the supreme leader was shocked to discover that a mere man like MSU had defeated their first line of defense no one can believe how MSU walked up the Minefield with nothing on his body the supreme leader seems so worried about the incident but knowing that Russia and China wouldn't leave them alone relieves his stress a bit and hearing some rumors that Russia has a hero themselves makes the supreme leader confident that they'll win the battle with that said until they dispatch the Russian hero the supreme leader orders his soldiers to prepare the infantries and the tanks even thought of using the nuclear weapon they have poured blood money into as the tanks locked their eyes on MSU everyone immediately fired their weapons considering that there is no human being who's able to survive such an attack the North Korean soldiers thought they had finally killed the villain little did they know that MSU was no human but a monster that's why when one of the soldiers checks the surroundings he notices that MSU is walking like nothing happened at this point it is now msu's time to attack with one swing of his Majestic sword everything that his eyes can see is now destroyed as he walks every land that he steps on gets destroyed in one snap he keeps walking and destroying everything until the only being to stop him appeared it is none other than the good Russian hero the year 1943 at the Nazi National Assembly Hall there was so much stress after hearing news from the Eastern front lines it seems like he honestly thought that they would win the battle and capture Stalingrad but after the soldier informs him that they had lost the battle and that the majority of the Army was captured the leader gets so Furious as he can't believe that the sixth and 17th Elite infantry squads together with the first and fourth pancer army with two Heroes of the Golem Jonas and seeked were defeated the leader cries his eyes out and tries to think of anything that would have stopped his undefeatable army it turns out it is the hero from Russia Sig free then asks him why he would side with the order as a hero does he have no Ambitions the man then answers that he has Ambitions it is to end the war a day earlier and send his comrades into the Embrace of their families hearing this made secre laugh considering the Russian Hero's goal is so boring not like his who wants to dominate the world as he smirks a little the Russian hero then slices his body off into two with his head getting decapitated fast forward to the present he's now facing minsu the modern Dominator but since the old one just wanted a world with that war you can't possibly let MSU get away with his murders with that said they are not technically enemies but before they can even start the fight the Russian hero first asks MSU something this made MSU speechless for a while but then the Russian hero asks him what his desire is why would he be so willing to cause this much misery and set a light the world however at this point even MSU doesn't know anymore what he's fighting for but that said the Russian Hero has now got his answer that MSU indeed doesn't have a proper reason behind his Massacre which means that the fight is now about to start as MSU swings his sword the Russian hero then puts some crystals into his mouth to make it a shield for the coming attack that MSU throws at him seeing how the Russian hero fights m has concluded that his enemy is a Summoner type and he knows for a fact that magicians are really annoying the Russian hero didn't stop as he attacked once more turning everything into a winter wonderland but it seems like MSU didn't get a scratch from the attack as expected from a hero a single blink of an eye amidst the chill would be fatal for a normal person however as long as he is exposed to this kind of temperature he will not be able to use his abilities to the fullest most of his body will be used to constantly recover his bruised and beaten body in this way the Russian hero plans to end the fight before MSU find adjust to the cold energy with that said the Russian hero attacks MSU one after another for the first time MSU is really struggling it seems like MSU didn't learn anything according to the Russian hero if it was anyone else he would have stopped attacking by now and checked for a pulse but he will not do such a thing with MSU however as a turn of events while the Russian soldier keeps attacking and attacking MSU is then seen summoning his sword as he now finally adjusted the environment seeing MSU all well and moving freely made the Russian hero worried and it seems like he had taken the fight for granted as MSU had now won a mage will always have the upper hand in a battle against The Swordsman considering they're able to attack at a much farther distance using their Supreme range furthermore the utilization is endless so it's hard for the opponent to recognize the patterns that's why it's so unbelievable that MSU had already realized these points it is then revealed that this was the case since he had already experienced it beforehand after he had won the battle against the hero of sorcery MSU used his uniquely exceptional defense and let himself become vulnerable to the opponent's attack this way he can give the impression that his attack back range and speed were far lower than the opponent's and when the opponent relaxed he slashed their neck off with an instantaneous explosive power before the corpse of Ivan puskin signified a sure Victory MSU felt like something was out of place for him it feels like something important is missing he has a feeling that he had missed something at this point MSU is finally noticed that for a hero that has survived longer than 100 years the Russian hero Ivon suspiciously got defeated very easily this was a fight without any of its tricks experience and dignity finally his suspicious soon changed into a crisis MSU finally realized that even though Ivan's head was cut off there was no blood coming out from it and then out of nowhere Ivon attacks him with an ice dagger their fight then continues and with yvon's attack M has finally felt the coldness inside him in a statement he said he could now feel the chill spreading from his heart and as long as it is inside his body the goddess's blessing is useless if you drag this out any longer he'll end up getting Frozen sa at first he now only has 30 seconds before he ends up rotting from the cold but before his time is up MSU resolves himself to try his best until the end no matter what but before we Dive Right into that let's first have a backstory a long long time ago a boy's family lived in poverty so he sold his body to the war in exchange for 3 months worth of food for his family in 1916 during World War I he was positioned at the Eastern Front Line and soon he felt the horrors of the war engulf his entire body the boy couldn't stop crying as he heard the shouts and cries of Anguish and anger echoing everywhere he starts praying that the war will stop as he wants to live he has nothing to wish for other than peace fast forward this little boy is now grown into the man Ivon is today that's why Ivon aims to stop MSU no matter what in his mind if MSU is to be left alive he will only bring unprecedented chaos into the world using endless soldiers armored swords and guns the hero of the Golem that controlled Air Supremacy the hero of the sword that rivaled his destructive power and lastly the freezing chills that devoured his body MSU felt as if he was playing a hopeless chess game however it seems like hasn't given up yet he wants everyone to know what he is feeling and to understand him he wanted to release the anger and sorrow that he bottled inside himself but as a result he has become a complete monster that's why Ivon helps him cool down his head literally MSU is now Frozen cold inside an ice capsule and for the first time Ivon has felt the exhaustion from the fight but as Fate has it msu's comrades have arrived when he is already on the verge of dying some may call it a coincidence but MSU is definitely lucky on the other hand see seeing them made Ivon worried as he couldn't possibly deal with them all alone even the other heroes are shocked at MSU state but that said greater despair comes up onto The Uninvited stage meanwhile in the other parts of the world the other evil heroes are now making their move the US Air Force is seen fighting with their Advanced Jets when people no longer have hope the little possibilities and achievements done by heroes in a completely hopeless situation is what people call a miracle but it seems like no Miracles will happen to the world today as the hero of faith is able to transform each and every missile they sent at him into pedals even the soldiers are shocked by this phenomenon but they didn't give up and will strike again and again however before they can even attack once more they've now found themselves turning into pedals as well and just like that the US Air Force got defeated in snap it seems like not all miracles are good-natured it seems like some are despicably bad to handle but that said there's no more hope for the people as both the Air Force and the Navy have now been completely annihilated the general then starts to question how humans could be so powerless and face such a bad Miracle then someone from the group Cuts him off saying that what's happening is no Miracle at all hero of Faith St Damian arcadius then enters the scene saying that he will show everyone what a true Miracle is the general is so shocked as he starts to question where Daman came from as expected Damien already knows that no one would remember who he was but still assures them that they should believe that he'll definitely win the fight Daman arcadius the soul Saint appear appeared in the form of a small child when the Black Plague ravaged lands he is the small miracle that sealed himself alongside all plagues because of his great love for mankind the towns he visited flourished with milk and honey for Orphans that he bottled inside him with that said Damen will now be engaged in a close fight with the current hero of Faith Pana even Damian can't believe that another hero of Faith just like him exists somewhere in the world however although Hana looks like a strong hero Damian is able to look through her eyes Damian had noticed that the people around her were stricken with fear just like her before she became a hero remembering such a spiteful memory made Hana hysterical as a result she ended up bursting everyone with her she can't believe that Damien knows such a thing due to her fear of hearing more from Damen she summons the Fallen Angel Martel to join her in the fight but it seems like even though it is so Majestic Damien doesn't show any hint of fear at all again before we dive right into the fight let's first know the backstory behind hana's revenge and anger to the world not a long time ago hana's mother was a person of Faith they always go to church sing songs with everyone and repent to God every single day growing up in such a religious environment is what made Hannah religious at least that's what she thought seeing her mom love and pray to God Hannah only prayed for her mother's happiness not to end she enjoyed the prayer sessions even though her friends called it a Cole at school she ended up getting bullied for being too religious however instead of sulking about it because of her mom she didn't cry a drop of Tears she smiled through her toughest times until that incident happened happened the supposedly head of the church and the man of godod ended up being a pervert who used her and her mom since then the event got stuck inside her head and every time she heard about it she got very angry now that her anger is lashing out and far more oppressive than it was before Damien summons someone who protects and defends the orphan and taniel meanwhile the church is now worried about the result of the fight still instead of worrying about it the pope assures everyone that Damen will win this fight considering that the weapon of the fake hero AKA Hana is at the most just millions of fear stricken Believers on the other hand Daman has a weapon of at least 1.1 billion Catholic Believers chapels and churches across nations are with Damian and every believer is requested to say their prayers for the same that's why there is no need to doubt Damian and the only thing they can do is pray together at this point Hana just realizes that the lack of Firepower was due to a difference in the number of Believers with that said Daman has now summoned his secret weapon cherubim samail a goddess with long red hair that brings peace to everyone as stil descends Damian then tells the false prophet Hana since she likes the Battle of Firepower she now has the chance to fight the said powerful weapon of course Hana wouldn't allow such a thing to scare her as a result she Dives right into fighting it without thinking twice however she slowly realizes that the size of faith is far too different the difference in scale between the same skill is way too big that's why she needs to break through and get his head using her minions as a sacrifice she paved her way to Daman when she finally reaches him she immediately swings her tool and hopes that she'll have the victory however it seems like such a thing wouldn't happen since Damen has chopped off her head within just a split second in the end it seems like hana's Faith wasn't that strong all along but thinking that the battle was over it seems like Hana has something up her sleeves as her head is about to drown in the depths of the ocean we can see that she is able to regenerate herself it turns out that Hana has a specialty called regeneration and using such skill she continuously fought seeing her determination made Damen smile but it seemed like Damen was also not giving up as well Hana utilized the Billy Bushi secured in Korea at the Republic of Korea north of JLA province which is hana's Lair regarded as the center of Faith a number of Believers are seen praying and stating that they will sacrifice themselves for Hana it turns out that once a Believer sacrifices themselves for Hana Hana will be able to use her regeneration skill however in cases where she will only have a number of Believers at her hand she will end up dying herself but knowing that she can regenerate a million times more without hesitant she charges on regardless of death and that repeated tens and hundreds of times she pressed on with the wheel of repeating even Beyond thousands of tries even Damien starts to get confused as to why Hana is engaging in this meaningless War of Attrition just as there are no beings without any meaning there are no actions done without any meaning as well according to Hana with that said this whole scheme is actually hana's grand plan seeing that Hana isn't dying at all many of the religious individuals are getting scared at the thought that Hana might actually win in this grotesque battle repeating hundreds and even thousands of times Dam means Believers that is within the heart of the Catholic Believers that trusted their faith to be omnipotent doubt has started to bloom with that said those who have doubted will now become hana's Believers after all the origin of hana's Faith which is fear has now started to spread like wildfire the holy church is now in chaos while Hana has slowly fulfilled her plan when Hana finally lands a hit on Damen Damen has now felt that her origin of power is slowly decreasing as Hana began to devour Damian's Believers her power started increasing therefore the gap between power began a decrease at twice the speed the world is now in chaos with everyone sacrificing and killing themselves as fear started to eat up on everyone Hana was now leading the faith race at this point Damen has finally realized that this was hana's plan all along as time passed his Believers are starting to lose faith that said while he still has the upper hand he plans to end this chaos once and for all using 100 million people's worth of Fai he summoned someone by the name of sarapin Michael Damen then orders Michael to annihilate the Antichrist and without any question he does does what he has been ordered to Michael prepares his fire sword with much dedication and power as seen in his eyes The Sword of Fire is a holy weapon that damages the being itself which means that it will definitely work on Hana however instead of fighting for Daman Michael ends up attacking Damen instead after all when Faith disappears and turns away in moments wouldn't angels feel the fear as well at this point fear has spread faster than hope Daman remembered people but everyone who remembered him had already died the people rejected Hana but the fear of her actions had already been spread she has been preparing for the moment when the fear that was implanted becomes an explosive for the final moment the Vatican had recognized this and to gather the fates of people to Damian they had covered the battle for the Believers as a public broadcast however this resulted in the worst decision they made as everyone is now in chaos even the Vatican itself in daman's battle instead of feeling Hope and Faith fear is felt more by the people as a result Damen ends up losing the fight not because he's incompetent but because the people have forgotten him as he drowns in the deaths of of the sea Damian is somehow taken into a place he has never seen before there he sees a group of kids looking curiously at him as he wonders his eyes he sees that he is in an orphanage named after him there he realizes that there are still people who remember him and these are the children it turns out that the reason why Damen strived to be remembered as a saint of abundance to the children is that he in his previous life was a starving child he was abandoned at Birth by his parents and was raised in a group of young Beggars there he was treated like and was beaten continuously before he could pass the age of 10 he was run over by a Merchant's car and as he began to turn cold on the freezing Mountain Road he thought that he wanted to live again in a world where children like him wouldn't lose their parents and starve if possible he wanted to make such a world with his own hands he wanted to give children the opportunity to become an adult unlike him and the fact that after all those struggles as a saint Damian Smiles as he sees that there are still people left that remember him seeing how happy the kids are Damien thanks them for remembering him he also promises that he'll make sure to make a future that can make them become adults with that said Dean is now back in the real world with 100% hope and dedication when he got back Hana had now absorbed the majority of the 1.1 billion Believers seeing how pathetic Damen looks right now makes Hana happy as hana's believer starts rushing towards him although struggling to fight back Damen tells himself that he should endure everything as he can't possibly use faith in this if Faith was just a simple fight that depended on numbers damen's defeat was clear but for Damen fate is not just a number it is engraved inside believer no matter how many people believe in him it may be few or many as long as he believes in himself everything will go smoothly even though hana's Believers try to defeat Damen with all their might it seems like Damen has made a miracle he glows in spite of the darkness and this makes everyone watching amazed even Hana was shocked by the fact that Daman is able to endure such attacks with such a weak body this pretty much proves that secular materials or numbers for counting cannot Define faith now that Damian is finally within range the faith that he received has different origin from that ball of fear the small seeds of Goodwill that he planted into the orphans hundreds of years ago have now made him as powerful as ever Damian's faith is a type of faith that transcends Generations linking from Roots to roots that said the holy spe made by The Compassion of Daman has finally been made even if that Faith may only be a handful it can become a beacon to guide through the pitch Darkness the spear that Damien has is the spear that contains the meaning of his life and life itself as a result no one even Hana can block such a powerful fate however despite knowing that he might get defeated Hana keeps her cool and laughs The Situation off saying that she still has as many Believers as she needs to sacrifice but as she looks at her minions she finds them crying and standing still in the end people have now seen the faith of Goodwill and they have come to realize how disgusting their faith is however Hana hasn't given up yet as she still engages in fighting as the Spear of Faith first passed through her she instinctively knew that once she grabbed that spear piercing through her this beer that had been borrowing in inside her was washing away her fears as her fears from her life started to flash she started crying herself at this rate the source of her power rage sorrow and fear would disappear Hana now can't stop crying as she states that Daman shouldn't pretend to understand her she then blames him for not saving her when she needed it the most Hana still believes that she can make everyone believe in her again rushing towards Damian in hopes that after she kills him everything will go back to how it was however Hana didn't expect what would happen next Damian opens his arm as he sacrifices himself in order to console her as the spear pierced daman's insides both of them entered the gates of gods with Damen still holding on to the Lost Spirit of Hana meanwhile in Silicon Valley a Reformation Warrior Marie Stevenson is seen trying to order the US Army to follow her plan she tells them to redirect all forces from the Western area to the Eastern Area all the generals seem a bit confused with Stevenson's plan since the Republic of Korea's hero of reformation is currently approaching the western coast the generals can't seem to understand why Stevenson is allowing him to inter without even stopping him Stevenson then explains that one should not fight battles with courage alone she even added that the hero of reformation specializes in responding to Modern weapons and it would result in throwing away the lives of many soldiers so that's why she is suggesting such a plan after all the country needs a monster to deal with a monster and she will be that monster the higher-ups then ask if that's the only thing they can do is arrange Refugee guidance Stevenson then states that yes since people will be more willing to trust the warm words of everyone rather than a pile of machines like him with that said the higher-ups have now agreed with Stevenson's plan and she is now on her way to kill some Heroes when she reaches Los Angeles she sees Lee godam trying to destroy the whole city kadam is shocked at the fact that a robot like him exists but after analysis it seems like Stevenson's Technologies are vastly superior to considerate modern technology at this point goddam has now realized that Stevenson might be the predecessor of him that everyone is talking about Stevenson then tells gdam that she is aware of the casualties that she has done she tells him that she should repent while it is still early and just us use her technology to help save billions of people in the world however it seems like Adam's mind was bewildered by Stevenson's ignorant suggestion she states that an opportunity can only be given to the Weak by the strong and that Stevenson's Reformation was done with technology 100 years ago so there is no way she's far stronger than him now with that said Dam can't wait to destroy Stevenson so she initiates the fight immediately as she drops his bombs she never expected that Stevenson would be able to block her attack without any scratches as she looks closely at the barrier it looks like a form of Defense barrier but that kind of Technology does not exist in this world Stevenson then states that in the hundred years since she returned back to the world she didn't just play around during those times the technology you have learned and obtained in the other world was used as the foundation of new technologies of different directions it was developed alongside the humans that got on to tests Stevenson is so futuristic that she even prepared these Innovations to stop a disaster known as the hero that will appear 100 years later this weapon is a city type massive weapon for a decisive battle here called a silicon con Valley the 100 years that Humanity has prepared solely for the sake of future Generations 100 years that were prepared by the talents and sacrifices of many humans so Stevenson tells godam to pay her respects as she faces this massive Masterpiece but just like before we first dive into some backstory before we jump into the exciting part Manhattan Project that's what they call it it was the research and development project for nuclear weapons led by the US during the second world war once the operation ended she got through the participants known as the brains of the West once again as doctors and scientists were able to end the world war in their hands together with the Reformation hero the Reformation hero Miss Mary at that time AKA Stevenson thought of a plan to prepare against the hero that would arrive in the 21st century this made everyone confused as to why she would think that the next generation of Heroes would take the sides of evil like their generation as they ask for concrete evidence Mary states that she has none but they must pray that the weapon they will make together will never have to be revealed to the world that's how the Silicone Valley Project came to be after the man hatan project was executed with that said the scientist doctors engineers and Mary started to work hand inand to make the project come to life now back in the present as the United States Central Command informed Stevenson that the evacuation of the area within a 100 km radius of La has now been completed she will execute the next plan along chain then grabs her to synchronize with what seems to be a gigantic machine with her command silocone Valley will now initiate combat he first sends off missiles towards gam gam on the other hand is excited about how a 100-year long project will fight against a modern Innovation like her as their Fight Continues Stevenson aims not to give gam any opening since it will be the end of them she tries to make sure that she makes the right attacks at the right moments and somehow it does work this left an impression on gam not bad for a 100-year-old investment he says as gam analyzes the situation she discovers that the win rate for allout war is approximately 30% as he calculated the win rate for a frontal assault he found out that it was around 59% with that said there's there's no other way to win but to change mode gdam then decompresses 30% letting himself change with that said gdam then rushes towards the shield Stevenson then tells the system to push more energy into the shield since if she enters the inside the Fortress won't be able to function properly but before they can even conclude their fight with one another Another Hero appears none other than chongo or much known as the hero of iron arms with uo's Help The Shield is now slowly getting destroyed and this scared the hell out of Stevenson Stevenson tries to order the system to put more power into it but it seems like the drones will now explode if they overcharge as uo now enters the shield Stevenson somehow loses hope for everybody on the other hand gam is seen enjoying how is supposed to be a 100-year-old monster killing machine got defeated all because of the creators associating herself with incompetent beings like humans in the year 1908 in England London at a Chelsea textile Factory Mary and Stevenson first met Mary was working as a machine fixer with below minimum pay since she pays for most of their bills and siblings and is considerably smart Mr Steve Stevenson decided to ask Mary to join his shop in London using that incident as a chance Mary began to research together with him in Stevenson's Workshop but a disaster happened that marked great trauma for Mary Mr Stevenson ended up dying in a fire which was so heartbreaking for Mary Mr Stevenson then States on his last breaths that great scientists are said to label their names to achievements worthy of it until their death that's why he wants Mary to be his achievement all he asks is for Mary to take on his name on that day Mary replaced her family name since then she has been named Mary Stevenson she learned how humans leave their traces behind she would labor in the factory during the daytime and she would continue Stevenson's research at night time She chased after the trace until she died of overwork when she returned she left achievements worthy of being scribed on History alongside Geniuses that she could call comrades now she is watching those traces become burnt to the ground as iron arms destroyed everything the clear traces of fellow researchers were disappearing those achievements that prove someone like her with skin made out of steel and veins made out of electric wires to be be the same human as her comrades were beginning to collapse the Psychopaths that had lost their Humanity were massacring her and her comrade's Humanity seeing this made her stomach turn to the next level her anger starts to flood in at the thoughts of these bastards trying to eliminate everything that the civilization has done that's why she aims to stop them no matter what even if they die with that said using asomor she pushes Silicone Valley out of its trajectory and starts the combat Armament progress of her body after the combat Armament has been approved it will now switch to autopilot with a little tweak here in there the Noble Battle to protect humanity is now about to continue in the world of reformation one must give up their Humanity in order to survive the First Reformation started with the fingers next are the arms to increase Firepower then the legs to increase stability the organs are also taken out to increase the output in order to return to their original World to the people who await them and to continue their lives ironically The Chosen Heroes of reformation must give up their Humanity for Humanity to become a human and return to the crowd of humans Heroes of reformation must give up on becoming humans but when they return back to the world of humanity people only see them as Weapons a monster and someone to be afraid of but despite all this Stevenson will not throw away her humanity and will still fight for peace she starts off by elevating The Fortress which makes iron arms Effectiveness reduced with that said gam will now be the main target as they both rushed towards each other it would now be a fight between two Monster Machines of the past and the present of the old and the new as the fight intensifies when Gan thinks that everything will now be under her arms Stevenson and up telling another plan she has up her sleeves it is said that humans are composed of Flesh Blood and Bones but ironically the beings concerned with the battle that determines the life and death of those monsters were equipped with solid steel armor instead of soft flesh oil and electricity flow in their veins instead of Blood and Steel frames instead of bones that said with all her might Stevenson tries to defeat gam using her skills and new Innovations she even used her photo laser sequence to make Gram's life harder as the laser pierced through Gram's iron body she started to question her predecessor why would with someone like her side with the humans gam knows that at some point in Stevenson's life before she was rejected and called a monster so she wonders why she would still work and fight for humans who turned their back on her gam tells her how much she hates her for not changing the world years ago stating that she could have become the god of a new world and raised a Heroes to a status of respect but instead she hides from everyone only trying to build new things in preparation for defeating the next evil hero gam can't seem to comprehend why someone as powerful as Stevenson even does such a thing Stevenson then simply states that she did all those because no matter how they look or what they are made of they are all still humans she sees herself as no God and she doesn't want to be one anyway she didn't also want to become a monster a weapon a hero or a machine all she wanted was to live like a human as she used to she is longed to live as a human of course there's no doubt she would receive rejection since there are people that would be terrified by a body made out of steel that's why this suffering and Agony of identities only belong to her however just because she was selected as a hero during the violent times it doesn't mean that she has become a victim you must earn that record to understand her she explained since understanding cannot be coerced in the end after all the things she has been through the years all the people in comrats she's able to meet all she wants is to die as a human for her the other Heroes May scream about their hatred of humans and continue to kill them but in the end they still long for humans more than anyone else hearing the word longing made gam remember some good things but it seems like the hatred inside her has flooded her whole being she thinks that all the good things in her life were taken from her therefore she needs to be compensated for gam there's not a single trace left of her Humanity since her loved ones have called her a monster she's simply doing them a favor by actually living up to the name meanwhile one of Stevenson's robots asmor states that he doesn't seem to understand a human wanting to be a human they're killing other humans in order to assert their Humanity they're burning down the world in order to belong to our world and it's not just the heroes many humans on Earth ignore the humanity of others in order to assert their own they are busy burning down homes Waging War yelling loudly and repeating each other isomorph started to have doubts about this being known as humans he doesn't understand why Stevenson would fight for the sake of incomplete beings inferior to herself but in order to save the Twisted world the eyes of Stevenson fighting against those Twisted enemies shines brighter than ever Stevenson then explains that the reason he is not able to understand her is proof that she is no longer a cold machine as they continue to fight Stevenson then thinks of the pioneers and Scholars who consider their lives as fuel for the hope that only they can achieve and continue their research however Stevenson could achieve those without incinerating her life that's why she made it her lifelong mission to choose to die as a human for gam and her past self she realized that after looking at Gram's True Form she's technically facing her past self that's why she'll make this event her last chance to make herself into a human Stevenson then leaves her pod and rushes toward gam as she gets closer she tells asmor that on that day she will indeed die as a human a human who dies while leaving the job for the Next Generation a human who can comfort and wipe the tears of others with that said as she was only a meter away from gam she pierced the device into Gram's chest this made gam very angry gam then asked asks her what device did she stab into her Stevenson then states that for 100 years she didn't only prepare to defend against the future Heroes but there's something more all the parts of the said device are composed of organic materials with the exception of the forbrain which means he has made a dummy that is human as gam slowly realizes it it seems like the device is actually a device that makes a robot turn back into a human realizing this made gam think why would Stevenson give up something important like this to her when in fact she could have actually changed herself back into becoming a human all that Stevenson States is that she didn't need it at all since she is already a human this made gam confused since Stephenson didn't look like a human at all but for Stevenson humans are incomplete they are illogical and wish for ungrant things when she looks back at her life she has done all of that already the only thing she hasn't done yet is sacrificing herself for the unsure future that's why she decided to give up her present for the future and let gam come out from the iron cocoon she wants her to grab this opportunity and be a human once more as Stevenson falls to the ground asabor asks if she had any regrets to which she immediately answers no as the last order since the hero's iron arm is still alive she asks isomorph to initiate the self-destruct sequence of the Fortress and leave gam in his hands Stevenson wants isomorph to stand by goram's side so that she may experience everything as a human with that said Gan will now have to choose what kind of life she will live will she turn back to being a villain or will she live a normal life as a human and help the ones in need we will definitely know that in a while Liam has sat down for hours and pondered for a while she starts to question herself what kind of life will she live now will she run away and strive for an ordinary life or will she continue the evil Deeds that she has committed as a hero if not will she follow Mary's footsteps and become a being that brings hope into the world for now she herself doesn't know the answer yet but she plans to look for the hero's Spear and talk to him so she asks isomorph about the hero's location after knowing it without any hesitation gam is decided that she will talk with the hero of spear before he encounters the hero of return since there's something that she needs to tell him meanwhile the hero of return lejun is seen monitoring everyone through the CCTV cameras after seeing the fight between gam and Stevens he honestly thinks that gam got killed so he marks a big X on Gram's image he also States his amazement and how the elders have fought better than he has expected now that two chest pieces with the strongest Firepower are out sunun starts to contemplate if he should reset he starts to wonder if the result of saving two people is more critical as he places the gun right in front of him already aiming to shoot it any time sunjun ends up not doing it as he thinks that it is not quite enough yet for him it would be rude to reset the surprising situation of msu's comrad appearing without watching the conclusion now sunjun cheers for MSU to show him how strong he is it seems like sunjun is really obsessed with seeing how minsu would go with an eerie look on his face sunjun states that the reason behind the difference between some sort of childish story of opening status windows and theirs is not some inevitable unfair Display of Power but a miracle that happens by chance with that said let's now get back to MSU and Ivan's fight after Ivon finally restrained MSU inside his Frozen capsule msu's comrades arrived Ivon then starts to wonder what type of method MSU used to call his comrades from the other world did he even call them in the first place or did they come voluntarily but one thing is for sure these guys are here to save the ball from a disaster MSU with that said before anything gets out of control and MSU creates yet another Havoc Ivon will make sure to end it once and for all as he aims to pierce his icy weapon msu's comrades stop him by piercing a metal arrow through his hand this resulted in Ivon losing his balance and falling as he looks at msu's comrades he knows that he will have a hard time fighting them all on the other hand it didn't take long for the hero's companions to hastily judge the situation the hero is frozen and the old man is trying to end his life that said there's no doubt that they will engage in combat anytime soon yvon tries to tell him that this is all a misunderstanding but as they look at the city frozen in ice with their kind hero being frozen to his death and the old man with an urgent look it is definitely not the looks of a misunderstanding for them Ivon tries to tell them that MSU is not the hero that they are thinking of anymore but it seems like the conclusion has been made msu's comrad see Ivon as the old man that is trying to destroy the world that the hero is trying to protect that's why they will do everything to save their hero they then reason that this is their only way to pay back MSU for all his sacrifices in their world with that said all five of msu's comrades from the past are now charging in to help their now evil savior in a flashback a magic that shares the target's change in lifespan was granted to min by one of his comrades she hoped that MSU will be able to enjoy his life back in his original World and when he reaches the end of his last moment she promises that they will meet again now back to the present msu's old comrades are risking their lives for their Fallen Hero they work hand inand to make sure that MSU will be saved no matter what however it seems like their rescue mission wouldn't be that easy after analyzing the Mana they found out that Ivan's ice was no ordinary ice since they were made of sealing magic circles that were closer to a demon seal formation although they know that they don't have the Mana to use on a large scale skill like Undead Frost they will still try their best despite everything after fighting continuously they were finally able to shut Ivon down who is now bleeding in pain however before things even got worse for Ivon the goddess of glaciation the snow witch has arrived the snow which padded yvon's forehead whom she refers to as her final hero while stating that the confidence he showed back in his prime days has now died and he is only left with just an old body but Ivon couldn't seem to not think of the statement that the snow witch had stated earlier about him being her final hero the snow witch then explains that the current hero of glaciation has lost to the Demon King this means in her world everyone was entirely unrelated except for Ivonne hearing this made Ivon realize the reason why the snow witch which he refers to as a Whimsical L has decided to come to him it seems like since the snow witch doesn't have a world she is interested in that is why she just decided to watch Ivon die instead of agreeing with yvon's statement the snow witch asks him if he wants to kill the enemy before his eyes hearing this made Ivon ask the snow witch for help he simply wants her to Grant him power a power to protect his world but before granting him anything the snow Wich first asks him what he can give in return ion immediately states that he can give everything that he has including his life soul and anything she wants as long as his world can be safe as long as he can stop the disaster as long as he can stop the war Ivon doesn't care whatever it may cost but since yvon's life is about to end and the snow witch doesn't know how to take away his soul all that she can ask for right now is his memory she wants his magnificent epic and to see what life Ivon has been through since Ivon didn't want to become a hero to begin with and the only purpose he has for his existence is to save the world and maintain peace he doesn't care much about such memories if they will mean the Peace of the world hearing these heartwarming words made the snow which cry but she already expected such statements from a grand hero like Ivonne his speech so moved her that she ended up deciding that what life Ivon had before wasn't important anymore as a result she will now allow herself to become a tool that Ivon will use to carry out the the duties at the end of the war as she kisses his forehead the surrounding immediately changes in a snap yvon's comrades start to get a weird feeling as the snow witch vanishes they've all now started to wonder who the said girl is when one of them realizes that the girl might have helped the old man to recover two of them Rush towards where the old man is when they got there they were shocked to discover that the girl had made the old man into an undead Ivon is now a monster that's beyond the Realms of logic he is now something that has surpassed The Demon King of Swords realizing that they wouldn't be able to defeat such a gigantic and powerful monster on their own without msu's help one of them rushes back to the others to inform them about the incident and make sure that MSU is recovering while the other one is left to defend everyone the one that was left to defend uses the eight trigrs which is considered to be the strongest illusion barrier that increases the speed power and chain rate of the scale by Eightfold and decreases the stamina exhaustion and Mana use by eight folds as well although the execution of the illusion is quite strong as long as he doesn't move a single inch it's definitely doable the man who who is in defense right now is named jyn in a short flashback before he joined the hero's party as the Frontline combat member fighter jyn was a person who was well known in the world early on he is a blessed mixed blood that was born between his father the Mad King of the beastmen and his mother the fighting Empress he was only 3 years old when he was initiated into the martial arts organization ominous Cloud sect that not even the hero's faction or the Demon King's faction dared to touch a few years later when he turned nine he was able to defeat his master's disciple and Future seally G Kobi at 14 he then claimed the head of the Demon King's 13 seat commander who had come to demand an offering from a town when he was 17 he had won a sparring match against 127 disciples as the youngest sect leader as he Grew Older he started to get tougher and stronger and eventually anyone who is put against him gets defeated immediately making him bored it came to a point where people started to refer to him as the man that no one wanted to spar against because he was too powerful the man Whom The Demon King's faction sent envoys to recruit him his true pursuit of great power all started when Jinn met MSU on their first meeting jyn already knew that MSU was that powerful type but he never expected to be defeated by a stranger for the first time in his life he wasn't the strongest that's why jyn had grown fond and amazed at MSU with that said it became a reason for him to join the hero's faction and become a companion of MSU but the clue behind the power of MSU was never shown throughout the whole journey however there is one thing that JY is able to realize and that is MSU is the hero who becomes stronger with each P pass in day and he was just a mere comrade stepping behind MSU Shadows he became frustrated as he became an Achilles chasing after a tortoise but now he's begun to understand what true power is with this fight against yvon he will do his best for his vision comrades and goal of catching up to MSU jyn thought that by dedicating his life to protecting others just like MSU did in their world he would be able to achieve Victory but he ended up running towards his defeat and death as yvon's sharp I stagger pierces through his body splashes of blood are seen everywhere but the only hope they have which is MSU is still in need of protection as he still has 18 more minutes until his Liberation in a flashback it is seen that not all of msu's comrades believe in him at the beginning as he is frail and weak and doesn't have the qualities of a strong Warrior some of them even thought of leaving the party once and for all however it seems like the only one that had really stayed by msu's side since the beginning was the dwarf Warrior he was so moved by msu's statements which state that even though the world was a strange place to him MSU was willing to do everything to protect the people that's why since that day they have all stayed by his side no matter what happens today is the day that MSU is in need of their help they will make sure to try their best and work hand in hand in protecting the said hero as Ivon is about to attack them and kill MSU once and for all they all go into the respective places and defend MSU no matter what the dwarf made this gigantic wall to conceal the recovering hero however it seems like no matter what they do Ivon will always find a way and fulfill his duties as a peacekeeper as a result he's still able to destroy the tall defense wall the dwarf did as he locks his eyes on MSU still frozen inside the ice Ivon states that this will be the hero of the sword's end as Ivon gets closer and closer using her protection magic one of msu's comrades tries to protect him no matter what but as a turn of events it seemed like this comrade actually hated MSU before he even came to their world because he had to act at the role of a priestess for the hero while she was still young she was taken away from her parents and left to live alone all for the sake of the so-called hero her life Purity and soul will have to be protected for the hero that will save their world she started to question herself before why something as important as this would be given to her as she is just a child who satisfied with an ordinary life but instead of answering her question calmly the bishop hit her with the staff the bishop then states that this is a job that risks hundreds of millions of lives in their world so she should not talk lightly about the matter she does have a choice to back down the offer but as a consequence she will have to be killed a priestess is one who serves God that's what everyone thinks but there's someone else that they actually serve all the successive priestesses were beings who catered to the hero's homesickness sometimes out of false Love sometimes even by offering her body they had to make sure that the hero left their lingering attachment to their world so long before the hero arrived in the new world she was coerced into a false love with them she couldn't eat what she wanted she had to learn what she didn't want to learn she also had to master the method of obeying Destiny every day of her life she wished not to be someone like a priestess but in the end it was her life's duty to be one for those long years she had hated the hero more than ever however MSU was different from someone she had in mind MSU didn't fall into any Temptation and didn't coers her into anything he respected her and saw her as an individual of Honor MSU was someone she looked up to that's why now that MSU badly needed their help she would do anything for him just like he did in her world therefore no matter what happened to her she'll make sure to save MSU no matter what MSU was even shocked after seeing that the girl ended up getting killed by Ivan's Undead minions while trying to say the words I love you after seeing his comrades dying in front of him MSU couldn't contain his emotions anymore as he started to burst out in tears the same he did when he found out his parents had died he then starts to think that he had a terrible nightmare inside the dream he was dragged into a strange world and he needed to defeat the demon king of that world in order to return to his family he had a difficult Journey for about a year and when he had saved that world and returned he found out that his parents had already long passed away none of his friends relatives and Society accepted him and it really hurt him so much it wasn't that he was heartbroken it wasn't that his insides were smoldering it was as if he was biting through his own flesh it was extremely suffocating miserable and sorrowful that's why he decided to swing what was in his hand with all his strength though he had briefly released the sorrow that he had kept in his heart on that day of his return the whole world was against him that's why the people who held him accountable to the people that were happy to the people that tried to stop him MSU had taken all their lives with his hands his heart hurt so much that his only way of releasing his sadness and anger is by trampling the happiness of of others while doing all of these he's able to momentarily forget that only he was unfortunate MSU admits that he knew it was all wrong he's aware that he is broken but he didn't know what he was supposed to do as he was not the same person he was before he didn't understand why such a thing happened to him knowing all he ever wanted was to be happy he just wished that someone could have understood his Sorrows but in that nightmare of his he had turned into a complete monster that's why seeing his comrades dying right in front of his eyes made him even sadder Ivon on the other hand stated to him that he should bear the weight of the Deeds he has done and now as if it had held his actions accountable the people that tried to save him were the people he had tried to protect his last comrades that have remembered him as someone ordinary has all now died All Because of Him MSU can't somehow believe that such a thing could have ever happened to him so he starts thinking of it as a nightmare for him it can't be possible for one person to bear this many misfortunes right but even MSU couldn't answer the question himself Ivon then states that it must have really hurt seeing his loved ones die in front of him the feeling of losing someone so valuable to you is something so unbearable to many and even for a so-called heartless hero like MSU such a thing is as painful as it can be MSU shouts for an answer as he hopes that everything is just a nightmare and by the next day he'll be back to normal living a blissful life but it seems like he already knew the answer that such a thing wouldn't be possible Ivon then offers to kill him if he wants to make the pain go away as his sorrow is now Beyond imagination there is only one thing that MSU is asking for and it is for him to be saved from this NeverEnding Misfortune and Agony meanwhile somewhere in the city the hero of return is seen preparing some corns to pop as he is about to witness a show he has been anticipating on the other hand back to the battlefield Ivon couldn't believe that even when MSU was on the verge of his death he was still able to maintain his composure MSU has now lost everything from his family friends and now his comrades from the other world he somehow looks like he's lost his mind as he mutters things by himself that's why as Ivon saw that the ball of evil is at its weakest point he immediately thought of taking advantage of the situation while menu is currently in this pitiful State Ivon aims to end him discreetly with his last strike using his eyes familiar human bone spear Ivon plans to end all of this chaos once and for all as it landed it transformed into a group of walking cannibal bones these said Bones start to bite msu's flesh from every angle but he couldn't care less about it as he already expected it from such a miserable world at this point MSU didn't think of anyone other than him who he could refer to as miserable that's why to release his sorrow and anger into has decided to use violence once again if he is miserable he will also make sure that everyone else is as well considering he is already alone why not kill everyone already after all he couldn't get any sadder from this point forward and doing such a thing doesn't change anything as there's nothing left for him to worry about that's why killing everyone and making them disappear wouldn't be as painful for someone who's already alone as a result in this world of the void where there is no hero nor a demon king for the first time in history a demon king was born and it's none other than the Fallen Hero MSU as MSU calls for a sword he's now decided to be just like the ones he was fighting against before MSU is born again not as a hero but as a demon king whom everyone should fear he has now become stronger than ever as his powers are now powered by Extreme Rage and evil even Ivon couldn't believe that minsu was able to acquire such power in an instant the once hero who has followed the rule of the world has now given up his title and decided to become a monster that everyone should fear at this point MSU is a greater disaster than ever this isn't a realm of War anymore but an apocalypse knowing that only bad things will happen from now on Ivon tries to stop MSU with all his might however when he thinks that he'll definitely win the fight MSU is able to kill him with just a flick of a finger no one expected Ivon would die in such a way but it seems like MSU is really evolved into something new and Powerful on the other hand the hero of return gets is very emotional as he sees MSU transforming into a demon king as he has always wanted now it's only a matter of time before we know what's next for minu in the world the hero of glaciation has now officially died which simply means that there aren't any old Generations left the Russian headquarters were also informed of the sad news and are now planning to prepare themselves for the coming catastrophic events now the government is keeping its eyes on minsu who is now advancing in a straight line though his movements had gotten impeded due to the snow it is estimated that it will soon reach the Chinese border as menu arrived at the Battle place within seconds he was able to mince 200,000 soldiers to Pieces despite the situation those Heroes that had once dominated an age all have received something Faith was sealed together with despair that made allies into enemies Hope was able to neutralize the weapon of mass destruction that would have led to the loss of many lives love had spread his scattering body into the atmosphere even till his last moment and was able to momentarily hinder the footsteps of the Demon King no the only ones left are the Demon King a broken claw Lo and the two Heroes the hero of return is seen crying his eyes out as he becomes emotional with how MSU has ended up becoming on the other hand Gung is seen Brewing some tea for Grandma on the outskirts of Indonesia the neighboring Island bases up the hero of the spear The Returned hero whom people will now depend on is seen exercising and training his arms are now healed and he also thinks that he might be able to make use of them from a strategic standpoint but his arms aren't really the problem the real problem is that the weapon he was planning to use in fighting against MSU has now disappear appeared as previously said if he doesn't have a spear made from the world of Spears it's impossible for him to swap into different Spears the Verger Warrior then assures jungu that they will retrieve the spear no matter what considering the government is also planning a massive retrieving operation jungu on the other hand seems to be a little worried that they might get defeated along the way the verder warrior then states to him that he shouldn't worry since he will not be going anyway this made him confused but she then explained that his role is to defeat the hero of the sword so there was no point in him wasting his strength on anything else all he has to do now is to train and be in the right condition especially now after such a huge battle she assures him that there are people who are willing to help them get through the situation and that's why he should learn to trust those people himself meanwhile back on Korea's Mainland a number of people are starting to see Heroes as their Lords and before things get out of control the Reconstruction team bursts the brain of the Colt's Mastermind with that being said The Relic retrieval mission is also about to start 5 hours ago at the Reconstruction government central office everyone was preparing themselves for the important mission of course a mission wouldn't be a mission if it wasn't planned thoroughly so before even jumping right into the fight the whole organization decided to have a meeting the meeting was led by the new head named an yei after the brief introduction they immediately went into the proper meeting as everyone knew while the terrorists had overthrown South Korea several battles happened among those There Were Heroes that fought along the government side the key point of this mission is to focus on retrieving the armaments of those Heroes including the spear that was forgotten and left behind when the hero of the Revolt had escaped now the problem is that these armaments are being secured by the heroes faction and the two Heroes that currently remain in South Korea that's why 5 hours from now they will exhaust their entire remaining forces to retrieve the majority of these relics in words alone it would be an execution but if they're going to die they might as well die for the future now they are planning to have at most 100 agents and Armed Forces with less than a thousand to join the operation it seems like the head has noticed that the soldiers have been stirred up due to the situation the soldiers then explain that they are not since from the start they already knew that they will eventually die but they start to question if they were to die and the relics were obtained what would happen next would it be possible to wipe out the remaining Heroes by just using these said relics the head then tells everyone that the hero of the Revolt will be the one responsible for fighting the Heroes all that the people need to do is believe in him no matter what after all the government doesn't have any other cards aside from him so as much as possible they will try everything to ensure that the hero will be ready for the big battle that's about to happen fast forward despite theis resistance from the hero faction everyone is now trying their best to retrieve as many relics as possible some were at Gangnam digging up some tiles of debris While others were at different locations with that said The Relic retrieval mission that was triggered simultaneously has now happened quietly and discreetly with all the digging and searching one team was able to find the holy Spear of the hero of the Revolt with that said the mission seemed to be ending on a successful note with the sacrifice of about 500 however although some locations were safe to raid in the province of changwan the military's operations were halted when one of the heroes appeared the soldiers assigned in the set area were killed in an instant now the operation is about to turn sideways about 15 minutes after the launch of the mission the retaliation of those that claim to be the new owners of this land has begun it seems like the people who are believers of the heroes have been given a sense of immortality the faction leader who was shot in the head earlier turns out to be receiving the blood of the hero of vampirism as a result he's someone whom we can call Immortal it seems like the faction already predicted the whole mission but the head doesn't get why the hero of Swords doesn't make a move yet one of the soldiers then states that the hero might still be on his way so for now the only thing they could do is clean up the rest then for that is the proper obligation of those that have received salvation on the other hand the government reconstruction organization has already received good news about not being able to retrieve the shield as a result they decided to get out of the place immediately the head also orders her team to make sure that the relics they were retrieved are delivered to the organization headquarters immediately since it seems like the looks of constant incoming enforcement have restored the hero's faction's command system at this point the only weapon that they need to ensure securing is the spear since if they lose all of them then the existence of the Reconstruction government and the resistance forces might be lost as well they kept losing all this time and that's why no matter what they must ensure that they at least fulfilled the main goal of their mission which was to get the hero of the Revolt weapon they can't afford to turn back and run away again since this will be their Turning Point as an organization as a result the head decided to ask for reinforcement from the citizens of the militia which marks this event as the beginning of the allout war tens of millions of citizens soldiers filled with a sense of Duty even the country's infrastructure including the lives of those careless heroes everyone was robbed of things for the sake of the future that's why today the organization aims to cease it from those hero bastards they must secure each weapon at all costs but that said another operation called living corpse will now begin the government of the Republic of Korea had the capability to stop the rampaging of the hero whether by policy or environment but it was not those far fetched Solutions CUA was truly able to stop the rampaging of the hero by using another hero after the ganga District destruction incident the hero of sorcery appeared to stop him with this appearance the true nature of the hero was confirmed to be the teenagers that had gone missing within the past year among the teenagers that returned after being missing they were all able to successfully identify the presumed Heroes the majority of the heroes that were found did not want their world to be destroyed that's why they ended up deciding to go against the rampaging Heroes whether they were actively or passively supporting them the problem was with the government that used this human resource they did not deploy the heroes into the battlefield all at once they ended up deploying the heroes one by one as if this was a Coliseum some officials were angry at the thought of sending young teenagers into the field to fight all alone knowing that they would die in the end but no one can really do much about it considering this was the plan proposed by the higher-ups to manage the risk it seems like the higher-ups want to reduce not only the rampaging ones but also the potential bombs known as heroes in the country many surprisingly agree with this plan considering no one really knows if these cooperating kids won't go berserk a few years later that's why by sending them off individually the government can also remove one risk after another as depressing as it may sound this was the main goal of the hero deployment Mission which is also called The Coliseum no one really cares if anyone approves or not since this is something for the future but the Organization leader can't somehow find the justice of doing such a thing to young kids the story after that is obvious the heroes chosen to be the scapegoat lost their lives one by one even the leader brother who went missing turned out to be a hero that was used as a Sacrifice by the government that's why the leader promised to do her best and fight for her country and especially her brother for years ever since they were still children yezi and her brother have loved watching hero shows like Power Rangers her brother yearned so much to be a hero but there were days when he was bullied for it his big sister then comes into the scene to comfort him in the most sister way possible that's why after hearing his strong sister cry in front of him he can't somehow contain his anger as he will now be the hero brother he has always wanted to be even with third degree burns all over his body as well as inflammations festering above those wounds it would really be difficult for him to distract his mind from the pain let alone move around however despite this the hero's brother would do anything for his sister as a result the doctor ended up giving him a high dosage of painkillers and antibiotics to help him somewhat Escape The Deadly pain now that they have arrived where the hero of martial arts is it is his job to lure him away from the shield so that the government can retrieve it although it is so hard for his sister to send away her younger brother to his possible death yei doesn't have have any choice but to also obey orders as her brother dashes off the helicopter Yi can't somehow help to stop her tears from falling as her brother says his thanks to her for waiting for him all this time now the hero of transformation is known to be an outdated name and an immature suit though he did not receive any expectations he was one of the two Heroes that rivaled the hero of the sword although he became paralyzed he was the only hero that fought against the hero of the sword and survived a hero who is unable to fight it would be natural to pay one's respect and leave him to go peacefully the do did suggest to Yi that she could put her brother on life support however Yi declined the offer stating that her brother still had a duty to fulfill that said because he was that powerful he was brought out into the battlefield once more this time not for anyone but his big sister with that said as he locks his eyes on the martial arts hero he immediately rushes forward to him and sweeps him off in a dash using his acceleration mode the martial arts hero got dizzy with how fast a hero of transformation is as they continue to fight both Heroes showed their best modes in order defeat one another while they are fighting the government officials who will be responsible for retrieving The Shield are in place waiting for the right time while they wait Yi is quite worried for her brother's life as he might burn himself to death with that speed but she can't do anything about it but just pray things will turn out well on the other hand now that the hero of transformation has already caught the attention of the enemy the government is now making its way towards the shield only to find out that the hero's faction has already laid out its defense around the shield although the military tried to kill the faction meter but because of the vampire blood invested in him he's someone that would be hard to kill at this point the Reconstruction government team should already be concerned as the tide is not even anymore it is said that there are many forms of pain in the world one is the pain of being deeply cut by blades second the pain of mangled flesh and broken bones by strikes third is the pain that spreads throughout the body from the holes torn open by bullets and the pain that rises from the escaping breath as the Rope tightens all this pain is something that everyone in this void world is currently experiencing even though the two Heroes of good and of bad who are fighting right now are also feeling much pain themselves as the fight intensifies both of the heroes try their best but it seems like the hero of transformation has got the lead however when he was already on the verge of winning he experienced the worst pain anyone could ever feel as his flesh melted and scorched as blood evaporated and left a foul stench the hero of transformation has now caught on fire he's now experiencing the pain that emits as the body Burns and melts away the hero of transformation just cries into spare as the scorching pain lingers through his body as he melts away the martial arts hero starts to wonder if the capabilities of the hero of transformation instant acceleration exceeds his all because a huge risk accompanies it but he couldn't care much about it as he moves closer to him a number of government officials enter the scene to buy the hero of transformation sometime as they try to fight the martial arts hero Yi uses a fire extinguisher to stop her brother from burning the hero of transformation is shocked to see his sister out on the battlefield Yi then explains that she wants to fight with him one last time although she already knows how much her brother hates her she can't do anything since this is their mission at least in the end they fought together as siblings so no matter what happened at least they were together at the very last moment as Yi steps in when the Marshall Arts hero is about to attack them her brother then remembers something from their childhood he remines about the moment his sister had taken a hit for him she had stayed his main inspiration and will always be as he remembered the promise he made that day of protecting his sister at least once before the martial arts hero could even land a hit at her the hero of transformation stepped in declaring the fight wasn't over yet all right ladies and gentlemen that does it for today's script thank you so much for watching we hope you've enjoyed our content th far have a wonderful time and until we meet again adios
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 646,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: W8NkOFcckpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 42sec (6582 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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