This Isekai Manga Needs an Anime..

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mik arak an 18-year-old Adventurer in the gmim Kingdom finds himself expelled from his team by his fellow adventurers surprisingly he doesn't appear upset in fact he seems quite relieved the party's leader huru NOA biya becomes annoyed by arak's nonchalant reaction to being ousted Bia the party's leader is a young Warrior and hero chosen by the holy sword rurus believed to have the power to defeat the Demon Lord and He possesses the skill of a master swordsman bibba reminds adak that he's being removed from the hero's party two other party members a lady named Delia and an adolescent boy named Elga also support arak's departure from the group Delia is a female gladiator who can boost her abilities with magic and possesses an Unstoppable attack known as her blessed fist skill Elga who is popularly known as the kingdom Shield boasts Incredible strength magic resistance and the impenetrable defense of Steel along with the defense of giant skill another team member pada the magician bluntly tells the group that they don't need someone as unhelpful as arak rumor has it that pura's magic power surpasses the demon Lords by 10,000 and she's hailed as Humanity's trump card with her Arc wizard skill bibia sides with Pura informing arak that it's too late to plead for his stay adak though pays no attention and packs his belongings to leave and this only further annoys babia the last member of their team Alicia finally shows up she says she's been eagerly waiting for the moment arak would be ousted thinking it's like a blessing from the Gods Alicia is a legendary Saint with Incredible healing powers and she can even bring people back to life she's not only famous in their country but also known worldwide thanks to her stunning looks adak can't figure out why Alicia seems to dislike him back when they were kids she used to follow him around silently even though she was shy and never talked to him but as time passed she changed all the members of the heroes group including adak were childhood friends from a village called written day adak believed that their close bond is what brought them together as a team now he's being pushed out simply because their feelings have changed adak asks Baba why he's getting kicked out and Bia says it's because adak lacks special skills like attack or defense magic all he's good at is protective magic for exploring and making antidotes and babia thinks that anyone can do that the rest of the group takes turns criticizing arak's abilities he tries to defend himself but Alicia interrupts and tells him to go saying the party isn't right for him adak agrees to leave but before doing so he embarrasses babia by feeling that he has athletes foot before Bia can react adak runs away when adak was young he dreamed of being chosen by an oracle to be a backup member of bia's party until the time was right that's why he joined the group now alone and no longer part of the party adak decides to head to a town called Alti a place they had visited before he feels that because the folks there are friendly he'll live peacefully in that place while sorting through his belongings he worries about his party members who always depended on him for inventory and preparations because they're not good at those tasks themselves eles he then admits to himself that traveling alone is enjoyable from time to time later adak remembers how he was approached by the Oracle and told by the old man that he must assist Bia and his childhood friends until the time is right to prevent them from dying young adak recalls the skills he received from the Oracle which include strengthening weapons and armor controlling time speeding up or slowing it down enhancing healing abilities and the unique skill of using these Powers aak never attacked openly he always fought for his party from the Shadows while most people could check their unique skills with the Judgment option when someone tried to view his skill board it displayed numerous useless skills to appear ordinary and not reveal his true abilities he used his concealment to make some skills invisible once they reached a certain level adak feels disappointed that he couldn't show babia his true skill but he decides to let it go because it won't change anything now that he's kicked out suddenly he hears a voice in his head crying for help he's surprised that someone can reach him even though he has his magic barrier up the person mentions having an unremovable curse and asks adak to end their life aak gets annoyed because this person just started talking to him and is now requesting such an insane thing he firmly declines and suggests they find someone else but the voice pleads for his help one more time mentioning their pride as a member of the Dragon tribe adak intrigued by The Mention Of The Dragon tribe pauses and asks for more information it's hard for him to believe that a proud species like the dragon tribe would seek help from a human for such a request he understand the Voice's plight but refuses to take the life of someone he barely knows however he tells the voice that if it asks for his help he'll consider it the voice starts pleading for assistance and aak eventually agrees he begins his journey to find the Voice's location on his way a colossal centipede attacks but he effortlessly defeats it using his bug repellent skill continuing he Pond the dragon tribe and hesitates to fully trust the voice he remembers that dragons submit to humans when defeated acknowledging their strength this makes it hard to believe they would seek human help doubt Creeps in and aak suspects there might be someone else behind the call for help possibly with Sinister intentions he decides to explore the area and eventually stumbles upon a sealed dungeon surrounded by many lifeless bodies he thinks that these might be Thieves who met their end while attempting to break into the locked door in search of treasures he Ponders the idea of forcing the door open but quickly understands that it could lead to unexpected problems so he opts to tidy up and think things through suddenly A peculiar man holding a spherical object appears behind him advising not to rush to make matters even stranger the lifeless bodies begin to suddenly rise adak realizes that the object in the man's hand must be the necromancer's jewel capable of controlling the deceased the man confidently confirms that the object is indeed the necromancer's jewel proudly claiming he obtained it from someone else adak scolds him for resorting to such a petty trick but this infuriates the man and he threatens to transform adak into a zombie the zombies move to attack but adak impressively activates his restoration skill using it to disintegrate all of the lifeless bodies the man is taken aback by ad's formidable strength and inquires about his identity aak humbly replies that he's just a guy who is kicked out from the heroes group because he's good only for carrying baggage the man stands in shock unable to believe that a mere Porter could unleash such a powerful attack adak corrects him explaining that it's not magic but a restoration skill this skill can return things to their original state zombies become corpses and decayed bodies turn to dust the man grows frustrated claiming he's never heard of such a thing before he can react a zombie grabs him and pulls him down from the boulder he's on adak warns that these crumbling zombies need something to replace their decaying bodies hence the attack he points out that the man used the necromancer's jewel so he should have expected consequences the man screams as the zombies devour him adak decides to focus on entering the dungeon but later he changes his mind and opts for his metamorphic phosis skill metamorphosis is a shape-shifting skill that can make you transform your shape into anything you wish aak morphs into a mole using its burrowing abilities to sneak into the dungeon without smashing down the sealed door and he pulls it off once inside adak is blown away it's huge in there more like a highle dungeon Way Beyond what your average mid-level Adventurer could handle in this world adventurers have ranks from E to S based on their fighting strength levels and monster slaying record most folks are ranked b or lower but there are exceptions like babia and Alicia who are ranked s adak though sits at rank C it's not the ranking system's fault he's just keeping his true skills Under Wraps his thoughts get interrupted as two gargoyle statues in the dungeon suddenly spring to life they label him an intruder and inquire if he intends to unleash the red one of disaster adak assumes that this red one is probably the dragon that summoned him there noticing that adak has no intention of leaving the Gargoyles advance to attack adak observes their incredible speed and apparent strength enough to lay waste to an entire country however when they get close adak activates a skill called atmosphere manipulation which turns the air into an impenetrable barrier consequently their attacks cannot reach him nevertheless one gargoyle manages to break through the invisible wall as they continue their assault they suddenly discover that adak has vanished he reappears behind one of the Gargoyles clicking his tongue at them and questions how they fell for such a basic trap before the gargoyle can react aak swiftly beheads it with a powerful chop sending its head flying surprised the second gargoyle hastily Retreats into the air and nervously questions adak about how he managed to defeat a guardian so quickly adak replies saying that just because these creatures look down on humans it doesn't mean they're Superior he goes on to tease the gargoyle provoking it to attack however as it lunges the attack starts affecting the gargoyle itself not adak adak clarifies that during the first attack he utilized Iz atmosphere manipulation which created an illusionary atmospheric wall tricking them into believing they had a chance to strike then he used the solution to counter their attack he reveals that he had control from the very beginning finally the gargoyle disintegrates adak continues deeper into the dungeon recalling that dungeons are akin to living beings with their own minds they send monsters when Intruders appear attempting to absorb their magic and bodies to grow stronger they also use treasure chests as bait to lure Intruders but those chests are actually traps as adak Ventures deeper he enters an incredibly spacious area and a few minutes later he discovers why it's so vast it turns out there is a massive Golem monster in that section of the dungeon and the area is spacious enough to allow the Golem to move freely the golem Attacks with astonishing speed but adak manages to dodge it unfortunately he soon realizes it's not just one Golem there are three of them adak reflects on how Bia used to tease him for being a c rank Adventurer and how he and IA used to boast about their ability to battle formidable creatures like Golems they never believed someone as seemingly weak as arak could defeat one now adak is determined to prove them wrong he places a magic seal on all three golems and they suddenly explode with a single spell with that task accomplished adak continues moving forward and unlocks a massive door he believes the person who summoned him might be inside upon entering a man greets him and reveals that no one has reached this part of the dungeon in a thousand years he asks aak for his name but adak fires back asking the man who he is instead the man yells at him for being rude but still introduces himself as the high priest of the dungeon adak told him he was in a hurry and asked the priest to bring the person who had called him the man finds it amusing that someone could summon adak for help guessing that the dungeon's barrier had weakened over the years the man then informs adak that he is prepared an inescapable dungeon although arak had made it this far the man assured him that he must have used up his strength fighting other monsters however the man was shocked when aak revealed that he was completely unharmed and had barely taken any damage this surprised the man even more because he believed that no one could face the mighty golems and come out unscathed let alone defeat them with a single blow aak admitted that the Golems were indeed dangerous but he managed to destroy them with just one strike leaving the man astounded adak explains that earlier he used a skill called Magic amplification Golems are incredibly complex creatures with intricate magic nerves and a very complex magic flow with within them however they have a vulnerability if external magic enters them their balance breaks and their magic nerves go Haywire causing them to explode from the inside the priests still can't believe adak defeated not just one but three golems in a single blow these Golems could resist even the combined magical power of the entire country the priest is now deeply impressed with arak and suggests that he become a vessel for him to evolve into a god capable of controlling everything aak once more asks the priest to reveal the person who had summoned him while searching adak stumbles upon a giant crystal as he Peaks inside he finds a girl trapped within the priest explains that this girl was the daughter of the GES pent Dragon intended for using a ritual to help him evolve into a god aak scolds the priest for locking up a very young girl for a long time saying that no matter what she is it's a terrible deed he also points out that the priest isn't a genius but just a common criminal when the priest questions why he's called a criminal for capturing a single Dr aak explains that capturing anything be it a dragon or a cat is wrong he even makes fun of the priest saying that someone like him who wants to become a God won't grasp such a simple concept this mockery angers the priest and he shoots a blast from his scepter at adak adak defends himself with a protective barrier but he still gets caught in the explosion the priest thinking he's one taunts adak however suddenly a small Stone strikes the priest's cheek just inches from his eye causing him great pain when the smoke clears hadak reveals himself to be completely unharmed hadak expressed surprise to the priest thinking he would be stronger after absorbing dragon energy but he's amazed that this is all the power that the priest has gained this makes the priest even angrier and he aims his scepter at the Crystal threatening to harm the dragon girl if adak resists adak not wanting harm to befall the girl tells the priest he'll cancel his magic the priest agrees and adak deactivates his magic the priest tries to attack but to his shock the crystal containing the girl shatters a pebble piercing his arm he wonders why the strong Crystal broke so easily adaka explains that his nullification skill affects not only his magic but others too adak decides to shatter the crystal even though the man warns him it's unbreakable surprisingly adak effortlessly breaks it he catches the girl and gently places her on the floor and she wakes up quickly relieved to see him she didn't think he would save her after she reached out to him mentally adak uses his judgment to check her her health but she pushes him away saying she has nothing to repay him even though he rescued her adak reassures her that he doesn't expect anything in return the dragon finally spots the priest and grows Furious she yells at him for imprisoning her and stealing her power for a thousand years she tries to attack him but ends up falling to the floor adak tells her that she's still weak from being in stasis for so long the dragon girl starts to pout and complains about feeling really useless adak asks her why she thinks that way and she explains that she'll tell him because he saved her she admits that for a baby from the dragon tribe to be called a dragon they need to have four powers longevity regeneration destructive power and Sky domination these are the things that make a dragon unfortunately her powers have been taken away from her she goes on to say that she's the daughter of the Dragon King but she was a failure because her four powers were very weak she couldn't even turn into a huge Dragon she stayed the size of a regular human and couldn't use magic very well because of this she was kicked out of her country because because she brought shame to the Royal lineage and she was later captured and had her powers taken away she concludes that even though her powers were weak they were still stolen from her which means she is no longer a dragon overwhelmed by shame she pleads with adak to end her life as she can't bear to exist like this any longer instead adak playfully Taps her head with his fingers causing her to Yelp he reminds her that he had earlier promised not to harm her but to assist her gently patting her head he evokes strong emotions within her through te eyes she confides in him admitting that her powers are Beyond recovery and even if they were to return she would remain weak arak however shares a surprising idea he expresses his desire to conduct an experiment explaining that he not only wants to restore her powers but also break the curse that keeps them weak with a sudden stomp of his foot a magical Rune materializes beneath the girl the girl is shocked to learn about a curse on her he explains that his special abilities like status abnormality perception and concealment cancellation revealed a rare curse on her he tells her that he can break the curse and restore her powers using the Rune beneath her he activates his remove curse skill combines it with restoration and then uses speed up time to hasten the process he then pleads with her to endure what is about to happen in the blink of an eye she experiences intense pain as if a powerful force were crushing her suddenly a phantom like being emerges from her mouth and hovers in the air she collapses to the floor adak rushes to her side asking if she's still alive she wakes up gasping for air they both gaze at the Phantom like being now floating in the air and the girl asks if it was really inside of her adak explains that it was so well hidden that normal judgment couldn't detect it it was an anti-dragon curse that stripped dragons of their purpose in life weakening their powers the curse suddenly goes out of control and enters the high priest adak tells her that it seems the curse went back to the one who cast it because they prevented the cursed person from getting cursed again originally the curse was meant to neutralize a dragon's Powers but in a human it makes them disintegrate instantly and so the priest dies right away all of a sudden the girl feels a surge of power welling up in her and adak explains that now that the thing that was blocking her power is gone her healing abilities have fixed her up fast excited the girl tests her powers by blowing the roof off of the dungeon creating an exit for them she's thrilled to finally understand her full potential out of the blue she calls arak Master surprising him and thanking him for saving her she acts kind of nervously and asks adak about her appearance and if he likes it as adak and Colette the dragon girl head to Alti Town Colette still can't understand why the hero party kicked adak out even after all the support he gave them adak tells her to not get mad saying that it's a pleasure knowing that they can go on without his support anymore he even adds that thinking about it the moment when they parted has become a sweet memory for him much to Colette's confusion he tells her that if they can avoid a bleak future by making silly demands then it's fine with him Colette then nervously asks him if he had a girlfriend in the party and adak answers that he had three boiling with anger she vows to not lose to them meanwhile a few hours prior biia and the other heroes are all drinking laughing at how miserable adak looked when he left them the others agree Pata commenting that he was really annoying they ask Alicia if she thinks so too and she only blandly agrees with them adding that there's no meaning to a party without a hero Bia agrees with her proclaiming that as long as he's there there's no problem Bia then tells him that since they lost a member they'll raid the cursed cave they conquered in the past Pura then adds that it might be easier now that adak is gone to which babia laughs and agrees he then looks at Alicia who is still staring out of the window and asks her if she's even listening not turning away from the window she quietly says that they're missing something as adak and kette reach medicine Town adak suggests that they rest here since Al town is still some distance away however Colette is entranced by the buildings saying that they still look refreshing after a thousand years while the town seems prosperous arak can't help but feel that something is off but before he can even finish voicing his concerns Colette is still roaming around the town like a little child she then smells something good and tells adak that they should go check it out calling him hubby which confuses a lot of passerbys adak tells her that he'll only go with her if she doesn't act so conspicuously later they find a Tavern and feast on some delicious food as Colette carries an entire roast Pig adak tells her to be careful but she just bites off the head of the pig with no problem the owner approaches them happy that they're enjoying the food however despite the food being delicious The Tavern was empty the owner then explains that the devil's Forest appeared near the town so a lot of businesses have stalled even adding that he's unsure of how long he can stay afloat he then advises them to leave if they don't want to get in trouble adak then explains to Colette that the devil's forest was basically a nest of monsters that the Demon Lord created it was more dangerous than Dungeons since Monsters Just leap out he tells her that the threat the forest poses is divided into five stages and at the moment they're at the first stage so it's still controllable he then decides to go to the adventurers Guild so he can get more information on the force beforehand later at the guild as they enter the other adventurers can't help but look at the duo intensely they make their way to the reception desk where he tells the receptionist his name and asks for information on the devil's Forest the adventurers immediately recognize name and begin to talk amongst themselves in awe that he's there with them the receptionist then tells him to wait there because there was an edict from the King himself later a Burly man comes out from a room behind the desk and introduces himself as the Guild's leader osim he asks him if he truly is adak mikama adake confirms that he is though he'll have trouble proving it to him osim tells him that there's no need since the personal description of him on a wanted poster looks very similar to him he just never thought that he would shamelessly Walt into an adventurer's game guilded he then tells aryak that the King has an edict for him his adventurer's license has been revoked the adventurers are shocked to hear this fully aware that the revoking of an adventurer's license was a punishment only reserved for those who had committed the most atrocious of crimes arak 2 is shocked by this turn of events formally believing that at worst he would be demoted to - Rank and can't even buy ingredients anymore much less accept requests Colette finds it strange that he says all of this but still has a smile on his face he then explains to them that he only joined because of the system and tells them that since the devil's Forest has appeared nearby they would need all the Manpower they can get however ome and the other adventurers scoff at him claiming that since the Kingdom's Knight core has been sent to the force to deal with it they only need to clean up after they're done so they have no need for someone like him Colette asks if she can turn them into charcoal but adak tells her to not since it would only cause trouble meanwhile adak finds it strange that the night core was sent instead of the hero party since they're not that far and wonders if something happen happen to them as osam and the other adventurers continue to scoff at him he then tells Colette that it's time to leave but before he could the door bursts open and a wounded Knight stumbles in he tells the adventurers that the subjugation has failed and that the Knight core has been nearly annihilated he adds that an army of monsters was headed for the town he urges the adventurers to prepare defenses and that all deserters will be executed the Knight then drops to the ground silent as the guild panics adak examines the Knight saying that he'll live although he's unconscious osim tries to calm them down and boost their morale but the adventurers are still visibly shaken wondering how on Earth they'll be able to do what the night core failed to do adak then approaches him saying that there's still someone willing to fulfill his role before osam can say anything adak drops a large bag of money in front of him asking osam if he'll leave things to him osam asks adak what someone like him can even do to stop the horde of monsters adak then tells him to not say such things and asks him how much the mop-up operation was going to be oam told him that they were going to be paid a gold coin each which is too cheap considering they're risking their lives for it adak agrees saying that if the workers aren't properly paid then it'll make sense that they wouldn't want to work for them he then tries to count them and then claims that there should be enough the adventurers all the while wonder what he's doing standing above the reception table he empties the bag of coins in front of all of the adventurers for all of them to see and gold coins begin to pour out and pile on the table he then promises to reward anyone who follows him participates and remains till the end in the upcoming battle a handsome down payment of a 100 gold coins at first the adventurers doubt him saying that it's probably just an empty promise but adak declares it to be a covenant under the statutes of the great Kingdom a promise so sacred that it's even considered by some to be a curse with that the adventurers then begin to consider the offer fully aware of what 100 gold coins can do adak then reminds them that as adventurers they're the only thing that stands between the monsters and the peaceful town and that it is their job to put their Liv lives on the line and fight to keep that peace with that the adventurers then begin to cheer their morale now boosted osam then orders them to begin preparations for the journey ahead later during preparations ome thanks adak admitting that nobody would have dared to stand on the front line if it weren't for him he also admits that at first he was sure that nobody would listen to a person like him but now he seems almost Divine and wonders if he's really the rumored useless adak with a demonic look Colette then insults osam calling him dumb and bald adding that he only got lured in by money and tells him to know his place adak then corrects her saying that being lured by money is normal since money allows people to live their lives and those who stand at the top have a duty to pay a proper compensation so sending people to their death with one gold coin as compensation is nuts osam then asks him how he got so much money to which he just said that it's money he saved much to os's surprise osam still questions his motives wondering why a traveler would go so far for them he then tells him that there was an eery that made really good pasta and and that it would be a shame if he couldn't eat it anymore with a smile osam then tells him that if they come back alive then he'll treat him to the pasta with his reward money forgetting that it's ultimately arak's money in the end later with the preparations finished osam reminds the adventurers again that they're the last line of defense for the town and gives them the battle strategy finally he tells them that though the situation is hopeless they have no other choice but to win watching from a distance Colette expresses her concern for the adventurers saying that they're completely outnumbered stating that there are at least a thousand monsters judging by the Tremors made by The Horde but there are only 100 adventurers at best she then asks adak if he'll wipe out the monsters for them adak then tells her that if he gives them the idea of a savior that handles everything it won't lead to anything good and that the adventures have to gain confidence as they fight by themselves Colette then sees a pillar of fire going up into the air and tells adak that the fight has begun he then tells her that they'll be joining them saying that while the adventurers must help each other to win their battles it's not wrong for him to still support them later as the fight rages on the adventurers struggle to deal with the monsters explosion after explosion goes off around them as they fight in one area the nagul brothers fight valiantly but they're overwhelmed by the sheer number of the monsters nevertheless they refuse to throw in the towel because doing so would spell Doom for their Hometown Back to osam one of the adventurers report that a third of their left wing had been decimated and that the nagul brothers are heavily wounded another reports that the right wing needs reinforcements as a caterpillar dragon has appeared there finally another adventure calls out to the guild leader as an ogre King approaches them which the adventur is recognized as an srank monster osam then gives the order to retreat but before they can do so the ogre King Roars incapacitating them the monsters then see this as an opportunity to kill as many adventurers as they can as one of the monsters rushes to kill one of the adventurers arak swoops in and Beads the monster saving her he explains to the adventure that that was the ogre King skill dread as the ad Venture thanks him Colette comes in between them interrupting her osam then asks adak why he's this far in the front lines saying that a c rank like him would die on the spot adak tells him that as the one who made the request he has a duty a duty to win adak then uses his skill and with his words strengthens their mental resistance with that the adventurers find that not only can they move their body is also lighter than usual he then orders kette to begin moving and with that she leaps into the air and breathes a giant ball of fire onto the monsters incinerating them osim shocked out of his wits asks adak exactly what she is not paying attention aak comments on the ridiculous power she has osam then thanks them but still reminds them that the enemy Advance still hasn't halted adak then explains that the problem with their army is numbers considering that even with sufficient defenses they can't defend against an army that outnumbers them 10 to one but because of that he'll use his skills to buff their status 10-fold not only that but he'll lower the enemy status to a tenth so that way the differences in numbers will be overturned at first osam doubts him saying that such a feat is impossible but adak reassures him telling osam that they should just focus on winning he then begins casting spell after Spell slowly increasing the adventurer's strength and lowering that of the monsters soon enough as the monsters charge the heroes have such an easy time cutting them down it's almost a joke osam is then shocked and is surprised that arak could cast 20 spells even though the maximum is believed to be three he then explains that he usually did that much while he was in the hero party probably even more in awe the adventurers then reason that ultimately the exploits of the hero party are all thanks to adak KET then chimes in and claims that despite all he did the hero party just one-sidedly banished him adak then tells her to not say that explaining that they just decided they can go on without his skills and he respects their decision as a parent some other Adventures then warn them that more monsters are coming however this time they begin to move with more confidence because of arak's protection they then notice that the ogre King isn't moving much possibly because it's wary or because he doesn't think he needs to move much if he can get the other monsters to get things done however adak can't help but feel that something is off confused that a monster like this would appear in the first stage of the devil's Forest adak then tells Colette that she can go fight it since the adventurers can't defeat it the ogre King attempts to crush some adventurers under its hand but Colette stops it just in time it then tries to Roar again but Colette punches it and it stumbles back after casting a few more spells adak then kicks the ogre and sweeps it off its feet just as kette gets distracted watching adak the ogre King picks her up and slams her to the ground adak then comments that that was bad ome thinks he's talking about the ogre King slaming Colette into the ground but as Colette stands up adak clarifies that he wasn't talking about that as she stands she tells adak that she'll show the ogre King a bit of her power intrigued he agrees to see what exactly she can do as osam cuts down a goblin he realizes that was the last of the small fry one of the adventurers report that both wings are done with mopping up the remaining monsters ome then tells the adventurer to tell the others that they'll reinforce the central team in the devil's Forest he then turns to tell adak that they're done with the other monsters but pauses when he sees a giant vortex in the sky caused by the ogres roaring the adventurers fall to the floor unable to withstand the pressure meanwhile Colette wiping blood from her face then tells adak that they should get it over with however adaki is concerned about whether she can wield her recently restored powers and the burden it might have on her so he casts some Buffs on her just to be sure Colette is slightly offended by this believing that he's underestimating her adak apologizes apparently still having an overprotective habit from his hero party days Colette then tells him not to worry since if she sees it as his love for her then she can feel a lot more powerful as she Powers up something begins to resonate within adak as well he then tells Colette that if if she truly is a Divine Dragon then she should use her Dragon Knight's Powers as she pleases he then uses the skill decisive battle clette then reveals her true form the great guest spent dragon as she looms over the battlefield all the other adventurers stare in awe the skill decisive battle allows a person to regain their innate power for a brief period of time so using it on Colette allows her to use her innate power without having to take the burden that comes with it Colette in her new form declares to the ogre King that by by her name and the name of her Dragon Knight adak she'll impart judgment upon him she then calls upon her flames and uses the skill last Fury a powerful beam of fire descends upon the ogre and engulfs it shaking the battlefield When the Smoke Clears the adventurers are Spellbound to see that the ogre King has been vaporized into nothing almost immediately Colette transforms back to normal and falls down adak catches her telling her that she did a good job smiling she tells adak that going full power felt good good and thus spelled the defeat of the ogre King suddenly a flash appears in the sky and osam recognizes it as the sign from the central team signaling the end of their mopping up Mission the adventurers then begin to cheer calling the battle a miracle adak then tells them that it's not right to Simply describe the battle as a miracle or a coincidence because ultimately they're the ones who stood valiantly and fought all of the monsters in order to protect the town at the end of it all it's their victory that they've achieved by putting their lives on the line with that all the adventurers make their glorious return back to the town some days later adak then prepares to leave medicon town much to the disappointment of the towns folk and adventurers they continue to offer to repay the favor but adak tells them to cut him some slack osam intervenes telling them that they're being disrespectful he then kneels in front of aak apologizing for his disc courtesies and offers to retract his license revocation telling him that he sent a letter of protest on behalf of the town to the kingdom slightly disappointed adak tells him that he didn't have to and that he should stop being so formal with a smile osam tells him that he can visit anytime he wants as they part ways osam tells him to stay safe later on the road Colette still expresses her excitement on how she was able to use the Divine Dragon form she's also glad that the town's folk were kind enough to give them a horse and carriage adak then tells her that they will be stopping at ENT town and since they have a letter of introduction it'll be convenient for them when they stop there to get there they'll have to pass through the Fertile Great Woods where the elves live they both agree that the elves can be hard to approach at times Colette offers to burn them to Cinders if they dare to defy adak but adak tells her to stop thinking of burning everything however adak is still wondering why they sent the night core to the devil's Forest instead of the hero party as he still wasn't able to get any information on the matter seeing his worried face Colette stuffs a bun into his mouth telling him to think later and that they should move at their own pace adak then decides to do so assuring himself that he's just overthinking things meanwhile in a cave biia is fatally wounded and can hardly stand without using his sword for support he's frustrated wondering why he has to go through all of this even though he's the hero he then cries aloud wondering what that monster was doing there of all places Ela tries to tell Bia something about purata and Alicia but Bia yells about the insignificance of their absence their priority should be running far from the bloodthirsty monsters currently hot on their Trail Bia gets distracted for a moment and a Monster who has him in clear sight launches for an attack luckily Elga uses his shield to protect babia and block the monster's attack the monster is however so strong that Elga struggles to stay grounded the Beast pushes hard at the barrier Elga has and Bia notices enough to start nagging the guy saying he should do better at protecting him ELO grits out that he's trying his best like he always does but beia reflects on how bad things have gotten he's run out of MP and healing potions the dungeon was supposed to be a warm-up not a tough time for an s-rank adventurer a few hours ago he'd stood outside the cursed cave and decided going up to even the 50th floor would be a piece of cake for a guy like him the entire group had agreed as they had been to the cave many times before led by their trusted s-rank hero they didn't have anything to worry or be afraid about the saintess had bothered to ask just how prepared they were before they would enter she expressed her feelings that they were not equipped enough and they needed to go replenish some items but beia shunned the idea all that hassle for a low-level dungeon nah saint has insisted that with arak's absence it was only wise that they would do what he would have done bring enough items so no one gets themselves in a Twist Bia waved her off as being worrisome Pura teased her about being selfish with her healing powers if they had her healing powers then what did they need items for Bia put an end to the talk by firmly stating that they would go into the cave and now that adak wasn't around purata was needed to light the path she grumbled about the inconvenience of OD jobs like that now that adak wasn't with them Bia called adak baggage that they were better off without and his absence gave purata the room to prove that she was a great sorceress this immediately brought purata out of her grumbling mode Bia felt purata and Delia were easy to control because they were in love with him just a bit of compliments here and there and they would comply it was different with Alicia but never say never they would all kiss his feet because he is the hero he has great Ambitions to defeat the Demon Lord and get the princess of the saved Kingdom as a reward the said Kingdom he will then rule as he wishes Bia tells the party they'll have DRS after they return from the cave at dusk Alicia decides to keep mute she's tried her best but they won't listen they go into the cave and are greeted with a sound that when they look up realize came from a bat just a bat Bia asks or rather commands Pura to increase the intensity of her light as they can barely see an approaching enemy with the dim light she's providing purata pleads with Baba to not get angry as she is doing the best she can babia gets angry regardless stating even adak did a better job providing light for their paths purat stammers in agreement pitching that it was his job hence why he did it so well Alicia expresses that adak once pointed out that a dungeon is like the inside of a living being unlike a regular building a dungeon has its own magic and any magic used by foreign bodies would be constantly limited a monster shows up from nowhere and Delia is quick to successfully attack she then expresses she rather they stop talking about arak and get going the monster Delia just attacked Springs back up to their disbelief as it should be dead after just one hit Delia strikes again and this time the monster is confirmed dead by Elga Delia wonders out loud why the monster wasn't defeated in the usual way and babia snides at purata that it is somehow all her fault since her sorceress light is so dim and weak they decide to proceed and Alicia tries again to tell them that they really shouldn't be doing this in the first place if their field vision is obstructed then they shouldn't be proceeding a wiser move would be to retreat and draw up a proper strategy before returning Bia calls Alicia worrisome and too cautious and claims retreating would mean showing their backs to the enemy which is more dangerous as their commander-in-chief he announced that they will keep going inwardly he's Furious Alicia keeps trying to challenge and defy his commands the dungeon is meant for C rank adventurers so being told to back out is beyond outrageous what would Society say at some point they realize they're going in circles meaning they're lost this triggers bia's sharp mouth once again as it shouldn't be so hard if they have a map the saint has points out adak worked with an incomplete map but on a closer look he did them the favor of leaving markings on the cave walls that would guide their path better than the map would a loud sound resonates that purata thinks could belong to a boss monster even though they're in a low-level dungeon out comes a skeleton Knight which relieves the group with one strike from his Blade the skeleton knite is decapitated but still alive skeleton Knight it's a c rank creature that should have been defeated with a single attack something more strange happens after Bia feels himself being counterattacked his own blade redirected toward him so he's piercing himself right in the guts Bia cries out in pain it hurts so much that he can't even move the skeleton Knight raises a bloody Scythe to finish him off but elgo rushes in to protect the hero he aims to attack back with his shield but the Knight easily Dodges and laughs leaving Ela to comment on its unfortunate speed BBY is relieved that he is saved but hopes Elga can tackle the enemy soon enough Delia watches in shock wondering out loud the skeleton Knight caught bia by surprise and is now a handful for Elga was it always this hard to battle such creatures skeleton monsters are Level 20 monsters which anyone should be able to defeat the party has defeated their own share in the past so it's confusing as to why it's suddenly proving difficult Elga continues to struggle with the monster leading Bia to yell about his incompetence thankfully Elga speaks up for himself and tells babia that he needs to pipe down after all babia didn't have any better luck with the monster than Elga did and should stop feeling so important Delia steps in with her indefensible sure kill fist but the monster remains unscathed to their disbelief the monster then releases magic of its own that causes Delia to fall back and bleed through her mouth she's now in a critical condition from getting hit by low tier magic that didn't even require chanting purata knows it's weird for their powers to be this low-leveled themselves Bia agrees and commands purata to cast support Magic on the crew purata admits that she did all that from the beginning as usual as they would have done normally when adak was around Bia then realizes they're technically at their best condition and it's below enough which causes babia to panic Alicia reiterates that they're having a hard time because adak isn't there babia reiterates that adak was not that important to constantly keep mentioning Alicia then announces that holy water is a weapon they can use against the skeleton Knight it would stop its movement and she's only mentioning it now since Bia is unable to make the judgment on his own but Bia does need to know as Alicia mentions is that arak's assistance skills kept the crew afloat his skills were the reason they were all able to even become a rank adventurers Bia remains in denial he got to the level he is through training he says at some point Alicia released her healing powers she Now talks about a Reformation they'll Retreat for now since they're not that well equipped that word again Retreat Bia wants to object but Alicia promises that only death awaits them should they continue finally they decide they'll leave the dungeon but ever stubborn babia can't see how they can do that they're only on the 15th floor there has to be another way like Alicia using Mor for healing pow as they proceed Alicia admits that she could use Mor for healing powers for them but it would be at the cost of her MP consumption Reckless use of MP isn't wise Bia proposes the use of items then though everyone doesn't have many items left combined Bia asks Pura to hand over all of her support items and she refuses stating she'll need them eventually Bia doesn't see how as she's barely doing anything as it stands he asks Alicia to check pura's remaining magic power capacity and Alicia reveals it has depleted significantly the proof is their field of light is getting narrower when adak was around he used a skill called magical storage on Pura which is why she could always boast a capacity of over 10,000 purata goes into a state of denial accusing Alicia of spewing nonsense because she was bullied a little and a title of saintess is suddenly making her feel so high and mighty the crew continue to bicker and complain and it finally awakened something that was peacefully asleep they have awakened a fener a monster that should have been on the 99th floor the fener was just leaving his nest to find something to eat and on spotting the party members decides they'll do for lunch babia identifies it as hell's Watchdog with a killer intent as it stands they're in real big trouble the fener rumors have it that the fener lives on the 99th floor not the 15th a monster that even s-rank adventurers have difficulties with purata proposes that they run but babia counters that one Reckless movement could lead to their Annihilation even babia realizes they probably could have handled the monster easily in the past but now is different as much as he would prefer they run away their best bet would be to use someone as bait he starts to analyze who it could be ruling Alicia out as she's an s-rank member with healing powers that would come in handy Elga and Delia are also ruled out leaving purada Bia punches her in the stomach and retrieves the extra items he was suspecting she had on her Elga yells at him to stop acting a fool as this is the worst possible time to have a falling out Bia states that they will need the items to escape and there is no other way the sick plan is to leave Pura there while the rest make an escape she is the weakest link having low magic power so she would only be a liability to the rest it's not like they're abandoning her he says they're simply leaving her behind for a short while so they can escape and get reinforcements to help her out Delia agrees to the plan to putada shock and disbelief inwardly Bia doesn't have any plans of reinforcement she'll be bait and then she'll die Alicia refuses to leave offering to fight the fen reer she creates a magic barrier which blocks off the other three members leaving just her and Pura in the Lion's Den Bia is happy about the barrier as it gives the rest enough time to flee he announces they'll leave quickly and be back with reinforcements inwardly he feels the saintess is only about to waste her life and what a Pity that would be because she can still be of use to their party all the same better them than he purata watches them leave and swears to never forgive them she threatens a curse over them and the fen reer offers to deal with them on her behalf no need for a curse Alicia starts to converse with the fen reer which irritates purata who is rather scared that they will die that is no time for leisure conversation with a beast Alicia asks Pura to pipe down as she doesn't plan for them to Die the fen reer asks what Alicia wants as her resolve is quite evident is it revenge against her comrades or the power to save the world Alicia expresses she wants neither she would rather get adak back and form a romance with him kurada is now really irritated her own resolution is that adak is useless and is no hero Alicia counters that he is unique against the Appraiser's evaluation Alicia asks permission from the fener to tell a story which it grants she starts by saying she looked into every book on every part of the continent until she came to a conclusion arak has a unique skill known as the God who serves next to you Pur curiosity is peaked Alicia continues that it is a fairy tale aging over 10,000 years a story they've all heard from when they were little from their Granny's when the hero that will save the world appears the hero will be the serving God that would provide all sorts of help purata asks if this means adak is a God and Alicia clarifies saying that it is just a figure of speech that shouldn't be taken literally adak is more like one chosen by the Gods in the fairy tale God was depicted as a compassionate being who advised the hero and helped him in every possible way to save the world defeating the Demon Lord would not have been possible without him as well from assisting with their statuses using skills to managing their items and guiding them through dungeons their hero party was able to maintain its best condition all thanks to ayak he was the perfect support to the hero party just like the fairy tale depicts Alicia appeals to pato's reasoning that she must have noticed it already aake was their bedrock and now they're struggling with low-level creatures like the skeleton Knight The Fan re basically says their discussion time is over and Alicia presents to purata support and healing items that she had brought along with her she asks purata to please use the items and support her from behind if they don't swing into action against pura's incessant complaints they'll die the fen reer tells them killing insects like them will be easy and Alicia reasons if they're not really worth the fight then the fan might as well let them live the fen reer expresses he's lived in the dungeon for a long time now and he's bored enough to entertain itself with a battle with them Pata starts to Scurry away with the items Alicia presented to her every man for themselves it seems Alicia's barrier is canceled and she admits that she put it there in the first place to keep out external disturbance and factors the fen reer flips into the action but after several exchanges it realizes Alicia isn't as easy of a Target as it judged Alicia came prepared it seems Alicia uses her staff to give the fen reer a good whack that has the fen reer momentarily off of its feet the fen reer acknowledges the strength and asks Alicia if she's really human to have such a huge Beast flying like that Alicia promises that this is one of her weaker attacks as she no longer has the support of adak to make her even stronger this angers the fener that she's able to go toe-to-toe with it at her weakest level the fener further acknowledges that her power isn't the type a normal human would have and curiosity makes it want to know what exactly is the source of her great power Alicia expresses that she trains a lot but the fen reer isn't buying it it basically says everything has a limit and there's only only so much power that even excessive training would give it probes for the actual answer but Alicia sticks to the training facade or maybe it's not a facade according to her the power she has is power she achieved from years of brutal training the type that leaves you sore and coughing blood after the fen's next question is why she would go through such lengths to obtain the power she has now and she admits arak has always been her driving force he told her to get stronger if she got stronger then she could easily impress adaka all she's ever wanted is to be strong enough to be his support because they could get married who knows the fen reer expresses that she's the great saintess but would like to know if adak is stronger than she is Alicia gives an affirmative he's stronger and the saintess title is such a nuisance to her she was just hoping adak could see her for herself the fen reer decides adak is the most interesting person he's heard about since he's been sealed inside the cave it now has a new goal to meet this said adak who is stronger than the saint s and fight him till it perishes the whole thing sounds like a suicide mission to Alicia and she doubts adak would agree to fight the fen reer with such conditions Alicia comes up with a better proposal she will fight the fener and if she wins it would have to Grant her a wish the fener agrees swearing that his promise to her will not be broken they both engage in battle and Alicia comes out the winner the fener then probes her request from it what would she like eternal life and everlasting youth from a miracle drug in exchange for its life or perhaps a legend sword it once swallowed Alicia's request is for the fener to be her familiar to the fen's absolute disbelief if she has the fener as a familiar she would appear strong to anyone she comes in contact with she reasons it gives the Beast a new sense of purpose after being sealed in the cave for thousands of years better than waiting to Die the fen reer refuses and Alicia reminds it of its oath to her the fen reer lets her know that the curse placed on it wouldn't allow it to step outside of the cave it doesn't have a problem becoming her familiar but she has to consider the curse which renders it useless to her it apologizes to her and admits it entertained the idea of the two going on adventures Alicia coins the plan of fener dying temporarily so she can put it in her item box if it can't leave the cave alive then it will leave temporarily dead Alicia assures the Beast that she will be able to resurrect It 2 to 3 hours after death the fen reer tells her that there isn't a single sorcerer alive that can use Resurrection magic so excuse it for expressing its doubt that she can Alicia recalls that this is one of the only times adak ever appraised her so she's always excited to use his idea and her magic combined to achieve something the fener decides whether it lives or dies Alicia has been a very interesting companion to have if she can successfully bring it back to life though then it looks forward to meeting the well talked about adak Alicia promises she will bring it back to life and the fener in response swears its loyalty and service to both Alicia and adak once she's outside the cave she plans to find a vast plane where there would be no humans to witness in order to resurrect the fen the fener discloses that she's female and can transform into human form which would be easier but Alicia gets the wrong idea as she could easily become competition for adak if she's pretty enough she then struggles with an increase in status and her own jealousy later on she's reunited with the party members and announces she will be leaving the party thankfully it is also revealed that purata made it safely out of the cave Elga expresses that Alisha is still much needed especially now that the kingdom Council has decided to confiscate bia's holy sword for being a coward and abandoning his comrades to get his sword back the party would need to complete a d rank request the party reveals they are on the search for a new Porter and Alicia's spot is still open for whenever she feels better she takes Pride that she's now free to be reunited with adak at that same time adak is busy saving the town of medicine from monsters and then proceeds to the fertile Woods where the elves live news hasn't reached him yet about bia's confiscated sword Fiasco adak and Colette arrive at the Elven Forest but meet a surprisingly hostile reception they are surrounded by elf archers and general soldiers who have orders to arrest aryak the one whom they call the Walking Disaster The Troop Commander informs aryak about their intention to fulfill their mission with or without Brute Force Colette angrily steps in and uses her Fire magic to burn the bows and arrows aimed at them she commends their bravery in wanting to capture her hubby as that's what she constantly calls adak Alicia might just have some unknown competition Colette is ready to do more but adak stops her as he doesn't understand what's happening the soldiers don't seem ready to talk instead they try to attack arak arak Buffs up his physical strength to scare them off a bit they accuse aryak of wanting to destroy their Forest even more wait even more the elves combine their skills and create a wind King barrier a wind barrier that can tear anyone who touches it apart Colette has some tricks to counter it but adak doesn't wish to destroy the elves or their Forest he touches the the barrier and falls to the ground The Troop Commander approaches to see if he's dead it turns out that arak used a skill to control his strength increase making him bleed only a little he tells the commander that the stunt he pulled is to prove that he means no harm adak then requests a dialogue with them but the commander has yet to trust him after all they were sent to capture him by the elf High King Hayes princess Sarah the high King's little sister runs in yelling at the troops to stop their hostility according to her story she knows aryak and Colette as they say saved her along with medicon Town a while ago princess Sarah was disguised as an adventurer elf when adak saved her from an orc at medicine the princess kneels before them and pleads for forgiveness while every elf present is surprised at what is happening as a way of apologizing she invites them to the elf Village The Troop Commander doesn't agree but respects the princess she also orders that Hayes must be informed of the walking disaster's presence immediately on the way to the Village they learn that the Driftwood in the river is mostly withered wood flowing from Upstream princess Sarah treats them to a tasty meal at her home in the village Sarah is very nice to them which makes Colette suspect that she has other intentions toward her hubby after eating adak asks to understand the situation in the forest and why he's called The Walking Disaster Sarah explains that the forest was once a fertile land until a year ago even though the areas around the elf Village aren't yet affected there's an ominous looking place in the forest where the dark clouds gather and the withering is the most it looks like Elemental Magic and there's a possibility of monsters eventually emerging from it in time the Village public order got worse as the trees withered as for why adak is called a walking disaster it's a conclusion the high King reached after extensively going through the records being kicked out of the hero's party itself is a disaster and there's also the pact between the Elves and the hero The Pact allows the hero and his companions to move freely within the forest as someone who's kicked out and viewed as an enemy of the hero it's only natural that the elves also see him as an enemy even though the time frames are different Sarah's brother hay chooses to blame adak as he desperately needs an answer to The Village's problems princess Sarah pleads with adak to save their Village just as he saved medicine King Hayes interrupts the conversation and accuses adak of trying to destroy their Village he handcuffs Sarah and ignores her please saying she will be confined for a short while until she cools down adak intervenes and breaks the handcuffs with a single blow demanding to speak to Hayes intriguing arak's latest act surprises everyone especially Hayes as he's bewildered at the nerve of the Walking Disaster arak tells Hayes that he should let go of Princess Sarah and focus on him the high King gets very angry and questions arak's audacity tensions are rising on both sides as well as on Colette's side Colette lets out her Aura and is willing to attack the high King partly because of adak and partly because his little act just destroyed the meal they were having adak tells kette to stay calm while Hayes is shaken for a while after experiencing Colette's Aura the high King eventually gets over his horrifying encounter and decides to capture adak to save the forest he orders his guards to capture them adak and Colette don't know how to escape as the doors are blocked thankfully princess Sarah calls them from behind and shows them a path to escape they jump from The High Ground and keep on running until they put some distance between themselves and the guards it looks like Sarah's days of escaping to go on adventures finally paid off adak urges the others to continue moving but they're stopped in their tracks by haz's wind King barrier the high King traps them from behind and hits them with an attack he reveals that he originally intended to capture them alive but their latest act in addition to escaping with his sister has made him change his mind he reveals that his latest barrier is so strong that it's more of an attack than a barrier and there's no way they can survive it the move is done and the smoke settles princess Sarah Mourns for her dead friends while the high King is pleased that the forest can finally heal adak speaks from behind sarcastically telling Hayes not to get cocky it turns out that he used his decoy skill to create a clone for a distraction action while that clone was killed he used his stealth to sneak behind the elves at this point adak understands that it's difficult to convince Hayes of his innocence so he decides to surrender he lets hay capture him in Colette asking to be put in the magic barrier prison that keeps Magic from getting out if the forest keeps withering after that then it would be obvious that he's not behind the Calamity hay agrees to this with no problem as he's very confident of ad's guilt adak and kette are taken to the elf prison which looks a lot more comfortable than a lot of hous they discover that princess Sarah is imprisoned alongside them she explains that it's because she aided their escape but she also says that she holds no grudges against them she also says that she would gladly be imprisoned with adak forever this puts Colette on alarm Colette is ready to escape the prison but adak reveals that the barrier also negates physical attacks even though her attacks may not necessarily count as physical attacks however he has a way to escape if he wants to the barrier reflects magic energy so he could use inversion to make make the barrier absorb the energy overload itself and collapse even with this master plan adak doesn't intend to escape until his innocence is proven he urges collect to be patient as everything will clear in time a week has passed since the Walking Disaster was imprisoned but things aren't getting better just yet a large area of the forest was recently devoured by malice and the high King is taking a look at it he commands the place to be purified so the rot doesn't spread and Malice doesn't build up he also commands the guards to reinforce the magical barrier just in in case the problem is coming from there deep down he questions his decisions and starts to doubt that adak is the problem after all he's never experienced this disaster throughout his 10-year Reign the people became richer due to their logging projects and as elves they naturally became stronger through nature Hayes remembers someone suggesting that he's rejected by the forest which is the cause of the Calamity he wonders whether this could be true he remembers the way he deduced that adak was the Calamity he heard the news of adak being kicked out during the hero's last visit hey Ponders deeply and now concludes that adak isn't the Calamity just then the ground starts to rumble and it feels like something big is coming meanwhile back in the cell clet moans about how time has passed since they were jailed Sarah who has been released already promises she's trying to prove their innocence she says that hay is tough on the outside but really caring on the inside the forced withering has just forced him to make some harsh decisions adak says the forest is testing its leader haze just then they feel the Tremor coming from outside ad confirms that the anomaly in the forest has grown the Tremors that Disturbed The Village turned out to be a landslide that buried the village and engulfed many homes the commander runs in looking for hay she's relieved to find that the high King is alive and well but is also troubled by the catastrophe in the village she reveals that they're currently working to rescue others but Working Hands aren't too many at the moment the village is in a state of panic hay is confused as everyone keeps approaching and expecting him to come up with a solution he has yet to see his sister know that she's safe so he can hardly think straight a villager pleads with him to rescue her trapped baby While others advise him to give orders for everyone to evacuate the village Hayes is downcast as he concludes that he's the reason for the forest withering in Landslide the forest must have rejected him everyone still looks up to him waiting to receive orders on their next line of action Hayes strengthens his resolve to save his village even though the forc has rejected him the least he can do is lead the village through the current crisis he announces that they won't abandon anyone so he instructs the soldiers to clear out the homes evacuating the elderly and children first as the soldiers obey their King hay personally rescues the trapped child much to the Delight of the mother just when it's looking like there's a light at the end of the tunnel another Landslide begins this time heading straight to ha's location the high King tries to stop it with his wind King barrier but the skill is next to useless in the situation just when he's about to give up someone completely stops the landslide from behind it's the Walking Disaster himself adak adak combines time stop gravity manipulation shock absorption and force repulsion activating all four skills at once to push the landslide back the villagers are saved by The Walking Disaster what irony just then princess Sarah and kette arrive Hayes is very relieved that his sister is safe it's a good thing adak broke out when he did Hayes is grateful to adake for saving the village and Promises to show his appreciation later but he points out that they still must rescue the trapped one from the first Landslide the operation looks like it could take a while so adak activates muscle enhancement giving the elves extra energy to work and lift the boulders off the ground a little while later the elf Village led by Hayes formally celebrates adak for saving their Village adak isn't the type to demand public recognition but Hayes insists that he must stay and be honored the proud High King also apologizes however difficult it proves for making adak and Colette go through everything that they did hey accuses himself of not being a good leader and being the cause of the disaster adak corrects the king saying that the landslide comes from the accumulation of malice which occurs when the forest isn't properly thinned according to adak each tree in an Elven Forest must be properly pruned the thickness of the trees prevented sunlight from penetrating and facilitated the spread of malice hay suddenly remembers why he stopped thinning the forest a few years ago Bia irresponsibly advised him to stop thinning the forest trees and it worked for the first few few years but things didn't turn out too well in the present after listening to this adak still blames himself for not properly advising bia's party after everything he's still indirectly blaming himself for The Village's misfortunes it's finally time to go even though princess Sarah tries everything possible to make adak stay much to Colette's annoyance the commander promises to send a report to the kingdom this would make babia accountable for his naive actions adak says goodbye to the princess he says that she has all the qualities that make for a good leader and that he's sure that princess Sarah would be a great leader by the next time they meet with that they leave the Elven Forest Alicia continues her quest to find adak she's experienced traveling alone now and compared to what she was used to it sure seems nice the only one whom she was currently missing is adak and she wishes he was currently traveling with her while talking to herself aloud her familiar the fener comes out the creature asks why she speaks about traveling alone when she has a companion in her they continue on their Journey Alicia reveals that her adak radar is picking up traces that indicate he passed through that location not long ago while the fener agrees that there are traces of immense power she doesn't necessarily believe that it's adak but the creature points out that the power isn't regular for a human just like Alicia's Alisha asks the creature to pick up the pace as they have some distance to cover the fener is left to Marvel at Alicia's audacity to command a mighty Beast like it's nothing meanwhile bia's party is currently hosting a trial for adventurers interested in joining their party the trial isn't going as planned as no noteworthy Adventurer showed up ban needs to complete his party to go on the d rank Quest he must complete the quest to get his sword back as stated by the imperial capital they need a Healer in the party to replace Alicia ELO points out that the news of his cowardice might have spread making noteworthy adventurers skeptical about joining the party but be's pride gets in the way as he chooses to blame the flyer Elga printed instead he also complains that Basta the porter who was hired the previous day isn't a good choice but he was hired just to work for the group babia only wanted female members which might explain why he doesn't fancy Basta Basta who just finished organizing their baggage openly questions his decision to Stay or Leave especially since the flyer was specific about the need for women they encourage him to stay but deep down it's only because he does a lot of work for them purata comes in with two visitors that babia can only assume are here for the trial the adventurers ask if he's babia and he feels important again he proudly confirms that yes he's the one so so he's taken back when they start to laugh at him labeling him the idiot who got his holy sword taken away from him the two adventurers make fun of him but the high point comes when they say that adak is better than him they reveal that they were part of the Great Battle of medicon town they narrate adak heroics how he showed up when the Royal Knights were dead and all hope was lost and how he easily killed the king ogre that showed up when Bia finally manages to kick them out the seed of discontentment is already swn Pura suggests that they apologize to aak pointing out that his unique skill is being the god of Buffs which explains why they're much better off with him than without him Bia angrily makes it clear that he has no intention to apologize to adak and that anyone who wants to leave and apologize is free to do so in a short while the whole group starts to quarrel about whether or not to apologize to adak they eventually decide to stick to their leader but only for now tempers are still flaring when they hear another knock at the door in angry babia goes to open it expecting to see those brats who bragged about adak his mind is made up to teach them a lesson so he's pleasantly surprised to see a rather familiar face at the door laurelai canelia the cleric laurelai had done missions as a temporary healer with the group in the past so she was familiar with most of them she introduces herself to new members like Basta and she excitedly greets the other party members she also asks about adak and Alicia and they tell her that those two aren't around at the moment Bia adds that no matter who leaves the party everything will be all right as long as he's around Laur Li remembers the fun they all had when she joined them for missions in the past she reminds them one by one before disclosing her intention to participate in the trial for the new party member surprisingly at least to her they immediately approve her application to join the party Bia tells her that she's been selected out of dozens of applicants making her feel more special with the Laury's presence the team morale is high again and they're finally ready to go take on their d rank Mission which should ordinarily be a piece of cake the mission is at edock Forest and it involves getting rid of the wyverns settled in the forest to lake the ground provides a good spawning ground for low-level monsters which then provides a great farming area for adventurers babia is cocky as ever claiming that the adventure is hardly worth his time with time the forest starts to get uncomfortable for all of them until a c rank Manor eventually Springs out to attack them a C- rank monster versus s-rank Adventurer should be one-sided shouldn't it babia hits the monster but it surprisingly doesn't go down it uses its poisonous tail to sting him effectively taking him out of the battle Delia tries to shoot the monster down but the monster is way too fast and evades all of her shots they all yell at her to aim properly and their teamwork and coordination game isn't looking impressive at all lur Li remains on the sidelines wondering what happened to the impressive team she once knew eventually the team does manage to defeat the monster Victory is secured but performance levels are embarrassing to lore lie she can't keep her mouth shut and comes out to ask ask why Everything feels so different from the last time take a wild guess Laura Li to save face babia invents a story saying that everyone's feeling a bit off that day because it's their first mission with a new team and they haven't quite adjusted yet Elga and Delia play along even though they know it's not true Pata tries to sneak away from the group claiming her stomach hurts but babia sees through her FIB babia insists that she lead the way as they continue their Journey scolding her for trying to escape purata gets upset and explains that she doesn't want to stay because she fears they might use her as bait once more she wants to leave before that happens Laura Li is surprised and asks what purata meant by being used as bait Elga tries to calm her down assuring her that there's no need to worry meanwhile Basta tries to persuade her that the problem isn't as small as it seems however she simply trusts the hero's party believing them if they say that it's nothing Bia is surprised by Laurel's innocence as an adventurer shortly after the party members start feeling itchy all all over their skin Basta suspects it's because of biting insects and checks as insect repellent only to find it's empty he tells Bia that black flies have shown up after they ran out of repellent black flies magical insects in the forest they bite people and take away their MP leaving itchy welts behind Bia asks Basta to hurry up and get more repellents but Basta surprises him by saying they're all gone Bia scolds Basta for not bringing enough but Basta reminds him that Bia had told him to not carry more repellent before they started their Journey B tries to blame Basta saying he would have brought more anyway and mentions how adak never ran out of supplies during their Adventures Basta is amazed to hear this because while overpacking is common the idea of never running out of supplies is astonishing to him he's never heard of such an incredible Porter laurelai agrees and explains that since running out of items is inevitable both the leader and the porter must prepare together carefully having the right items can make or break the adventure Venture she adds that the party's leader decides what to bring considering the quest's difficulty and the party's strength that's why she says behind every good Porter stands a good leader she concludes by asking why he didn't do that this time especially since he's usually so good at not running out of items he starts to get annoyed and says that sometimes things go wrong and bugs aren't a big deal they're just a small annoyance she smiles at him and kindly says it's okay admitting she was worried about his troubles he reassures her saying that there's no need to worry she apologizes and offers some extra insect repellent for the group Bia almost declines due to his ego but the rest of the party quickly accepts with gratitude later they spot the wyvern and hide behind bushes laurelai suggests making a plan but the team rushes ahead she questions their hurry and Bia explains that they want to finish quickly they suggest a hasty plan whoever hits the wyvern first wins lur is surprised and disagrees stressing the need to consider the unexpected in Adventures she reminds them their previous meeting only covered basic attacks ignoring things like terrain weather stamina and surprises Laura Li points out that even if they only see one wyvern others might be nearby and they haven't explored all options Bia tries to reassure her as the hero but Lura Li interrupts asking why they're ditching clever tactics from their last Quest the party members appear confused by her words she tells them that finishing a quest isn't just about individual strength but instead using a strategy that combines everyone's skills in attack defense and support for better results Bia starts feeling offended asking if she means strategy matters more than their strength he wonders if she's underestimating him but she explains its Common Sense laurelai reminds him that his clever strategies earned praise for their party yet the rest of the party remains even more puzzled she asks if they remember battling the Behemoth Basta enthusiastically recalls hearing about the famous battle meanwhile babia seems lost Lura Li recounts what happened that day when they defeated the Behemoth Basta adds on that they did it in just a few hours which is why he wanted to join the hero's party lur tells them that after that battle their Hero's party gained a reputation as great strategists the others are confused by this finding it unusual Bia starts thinking about the strategy lur mentions because they only want to fight that day suddenly babia remembers leaving all the support matters to adak during their tough battle against the Behemoth he vividly recalls how adak strategies saved them that day however even though he now knows the truth but beia stubbornly refuses to accept it and clings to denial laurelai interrupts his thoughts and reminds him that to the best of her memory aak handled all the preparations single-handedly and guided them throughout the battle from the very start but now adak isn't present she slly and coldly asks if arak's absence is the reason they've become such a pitiful excuse for a party finally they are all forced to confront the truth they had been avoiding Delia gets upset with lorai for calling their party pathetic lur apologizes explaining that the word had slipped out unintentionally their conversation is abruptly interrupted by babia who suddenly becomes hysteric bursting into tears he dropped to his knees and started sobbing loudly lorai trying to make matters worse remarks that even a novice Adventurer wouldn't cry like that in the presence of enemies Delia asks her to stop and urges her to see the impact of her words Elga steps into comfort and soothe babia while purata callously laughs at Bia for crying because of Laur Li causing everyone to have to cheer him up purata makes matters worse by taunting him and saying he is a useless and clumsy hero and that crying on the ground is fitting for someone like him she adds that this was payback for him leaving her in The Grotto bia's whales grow even louder resembling a child whose candy had just been taken away Elga scolds Pura for teasing Baba when he's already down and Delia joins in supporting him but Pura insults them for abandoning her just when things couldn't get worse Basta decides to quit the team and go home home he tells them they can do whatever they want because he doesn't care and doesn't want to stay in their silly party ELO warns Delia that if Basta leaves strange rumors will start spreading again Delia understands and says she'll go after Basta lorai questions if they're really going to split up while chasing an enemy but they tell her to be quiet because they're busy Pura informs lorai that they'll use the hero as bait if they need to lorai rushes to babia and tries to get a response from him but it seems like he's lost his mind at that moment she slaps him hard shakes him and tells himself to pull himself together amidst his tears he asks her to apologize to him which disgusts her finally she tells him that she's given up and she doesn't want to believe it but every member of the group is selfish and the group has no right to be called the hero's party upon hearing this Bia sinks deeper into madness displaying signs of mental delusion as he threatens anyone who mocks him with death he unleashes a tremendous surge of energy from his sword purata alerts lorai that Bia is about to release his final sword curious purata inquires about this move and Elga explains that the final sword is one of the hero's most powerful techniques it consumes over half of his MP and can cut through a large area obliterating everything including the wyvern and themselves even without any enhancements lur becomes frantic because she recognizes the great forest's importance to their Kingdom she urgently orders everyone to stop Bia before he destroys the forest however to her dismay purata and Elga Flee for their Liv lives leaving her behind meanwhile babia initiates his final sword resulting in a massive explosion visible from an aerial perspective hours later the party members find themselves locked in a Cell babia immediately protests demanding to be released and questioning whether this is how they treat their hero the guard reports branding them as criminals and urging them to be silent Bia argues that they were tasked by the kingdom to eliminate the wyverns and not only has the kingdom failed to express gratitude but they are now imprisoning them the guard dis disgusted questions why they should be thanked he explains that the lake in edock forest was super important to their Kingdom SO trading it for one wyvern's life is crazy plus lots of adventurers use that road every day and someone could have gotten hurt the guard tells the person to think about what they did while they wait for their punishment then lur speaks up and says that she's the one who stopped babia she explains that she didn't have anything to do with wrecking the forest and that she actually tried to stop the damage that babia caused without her things could have been way worse Bia gets mad and asks if she's just trying to save herself the guard thinks about Laura's plea and checks the party's records turns out lur isn't even listed as a registered party member Laur hits even harder by saying she barely knows babia and the others to make matters worse the other party members including Basta also deny causing the damage throwing babia fully under the bus they're not backing up baba at all the guard listens to them and assumes they are all hurt trying to stop the hero so he thinks only the hero should be locked up they all agree with the guard making babia angry Delia tells Baba to just accept his punishment Elga says they'll wait for him outside and Pura teasingly reminds him to think about what he did Basta and lorai sarcastically say goodbye Bia tries to warn them that he won't let them off easy but Chancellor wock from the granham kingdom arrives and interrupts he explains that he was nearby on business and it seems their imprisonment was a mistake he orders the guards to free them right away after out wock tells Bia he wants to talk and suggests they have a meal together he promises an amazing Feast for Bia and his group at the Royal Capital meanwhile somewhere else adak and Colette reached the Charming Olden Town they're in awe of its beauty but then a woman accidentally splashes dirty water on aak soaking his clothes she quickly apologizes explaining that she got carried away while watering her flowers adak brushes it off and they continue walking however adak confides in Colette that this incident right after after their arrival feels like a bad Omen he admits that he can't shake this uneasy feeling even though the streets are adorned with lovely flowers he can't seem to calm down adak notices that the town looks unusually tidy and Colette asks him if having things too clean is a problem adak responds that it's not necessarily bad but wonders where all the trash goes just then adak spots the shadow of someone sprinting down a dark alley however their attention is diverted by a sudden crowd rushing into the street they struggle to get out of the crowd and after a bit of pushing and pulling they finally Break Free as a result adak nearly collides with a man riding a horse the man questions adak about his reason for approaching this man is hin gross he scolds arak calling him a commoner and speaks haughtily asking if aak came to hear his speech he mentions he'll be discussing his upcoming policy to maintain the city's Beauty in the nearby Square as he rides away on his horse he urges adak to listen carefully to his speech this pequs arak's curiosity and he decides they should go and hear what this beautiful policy is all about hinr kicks off his speech by getting the crowd excited and impressing them the people are really into his sweet talk cheering and complimenting his compassion after the warm-up he gets to the point he tells everyone that the only thing causing trouble in their beautiful city is those poppers who avoid paying taxes especially the Beast folk who are the worst culprits due to their strength and animal instincts but he assures the crowd that he'll keep them safe from this threat he insists that they clean up the slums and crack down on all the Beast F in the city the crowd gets even louder in support Hinrich signals for them to calm down and announces he's open to hearing from City Representatives the first one to step up is Sea's District chief he complains about a recent rise in theft in his district and requests hr's help however the guards interrupt telling him to handle it himself the chief argues that the problem has become too big for them to handle alone the guards try to make it seem like Henri doesn't care about small issues but he stops them and says he wants his people to live in peace no matter the problem size the crowd cheers louder but arak knows hinr is just putting on a show an easy way to win over his people hinr tells the Chiefs that there are many Beast folks in his district making it clear who the troublemakers are he questions why they haven't dealt with the Beast folks yet and the chief explains that they need their strength because it's an industrial district HRI asks if they're profiting from Criminal labor and the chief denies it HRI insists on creating a city that doesn't depend on criminal labor and says they must eliminate every last Beast folk the Chief finally agrees adak is uneasy because even those who object end up agreeing with hinr next The Guild Master of Olden City arrives with a complaint the adventurer killer is back having slaughtered 10 adventurers that month alone Colette is scared by the news and a man in the crowd recognizing them as adventurers warns them to be cautious he says the hero killer exclusively goes after adventurers and their true identity remains a mystery making them incredibly dangerous hinr confesses that he couldn't catch the Killer when he faced them previously however this time even if the Killer is in the crowd he's determined to find and deal with them hinr finally spots aak and Colette in the crowd and singles them out he learns who adak is and doesn't hesitate to inform the crowd people in the crowd start mocking adak for getting kicked out of the hero's party but heik pretends to be polite and asks them to not be rude he offers aryak a private tour of the city as a gesture of Goodwill clet tries to decline hein's offer but adak accepts explaining he would like to see where the city disposes of its waste as they tour the beautiful city adak becomes curious about why HRI who appears well protected needs such a fancy sword like the one he's holding the guards correct adak revealing that heik is actually a master swordsman adak asks for permission to touch the sword but he's scolded he apologizes and hinr changes the subject attempting to charm Colette however she rejects him harshly even calling him a third rate Statesman hinr becomes upset but conceals it he redirects his attention to a poor man who accidentally bumps into them the guards assault the man for obstructing their path and he pleads for Mercy kette tries to disuade hinr but he still instructs his guards to get rid of the man adak secretly uses a base speed increase on the man helping him move quickly and Escape harm later hinr recalls a public execution he planned for some Beast folks he captured and suggests they all attend at the execution site two Beast siblings a brother and a sister are chained heinrich's guards Miss treat them terribly prompting Colette to intervene reminding them that these siblings are just children Hinrich explains that the Beast siblings openly opposed his policies and must serve as a warning to others he then orders these siblings to be stoned to death the guards aim their slingshots to shoot stones at them but something strange happens a mysterious barrier appears to Shield them HRI turns to see that adak is the one controlling this barrier he scolded adak for going against his orders to protect the Beast folks but adak argues back claiming that the only real Beast present was hinr himself hinr unable to contain his anger any longer orders arak's capture and declares that he should face death however he decides to deal with the Beast folks first and instructs his guards to kill the siblings as the guards approach the Beast folks a sudden Force repels them causing them to collapse unconscious adak realized that this magic was a powerful barrier that could destroy anything it touched and he knew of only one person with such a skill at that very moment the saintess Alicia arrived making a grand entrance Alicia steps forward and asks HRI for an explanation everyone is surprised to see her she confidently walks over to adak and tells the guards to set him free hinr tries to persuade Alicia to leave the execution area with kind words but she points her staff at him and says that the clergy told her he was discriminating against Beast folk in the city which goes against their religion Hinrich is shocked that the order comes directly from the clergy Alicia explains that according to the bism doctrine racial discrimination is strictly forbidden and yet hinr has been openly defying their faith hinr notices that the crowd is starting to murmur so he raises his voice saying that what he's doing isn't discrimination but rather punishing criminals so the church has no right to lecture him on how to do it Alicia reveals that she's been investigating and found out that he's been raising their taxes and taking their property and those who oppose him meet a terrible fate Alicia declares that as the great saintess of the brigita church it is her sacred duty to recommend Han's excommunication this shocks everyone in the room Colette notices how worked up everyone is getting and adak explains that because bism is the state religion its word is Law and since everyone here believes in it they trust the church Above All Else arak notices hanik getting nervous because he knows that if he's excommunicated he'll lose all of his power in the end heinik decides to backtrack and claims he was just considering releasing the Beast Man Alicia steps to heal the wounded Beast siblings HRI tries to slip away but Alicia catches him and demands he apologize to both the Beast siblings and adak at first he refuses to apologize to arak but a stern look from Alicia forces him to give in he apologizes and leaves in embarrassment after heinik leaves Alicia becomes emotional and flustered as she's alone with adak for the first time in a while her Daydreams are interrupted when she finally notices Colette standing behind adak unable to contain her curiosity Al asks about Colette Colette introduces herself and Alicia is surprised by how cute and adorable she finds her she can't help but feel a tinge of jealousy though because in her eyes Colette has an enchanting smile a petite and delicate presence and is basically the complete opposite of herself Alicia begins to worry about potentially feeling like a third wheel in their group interestingly on the other side of the coin Colette is also envious of Alicia's Beauty she's taken a by how stunning Alicia is to the extent that she believes Alicia could even charm someone as unique as a dragon folk like herself Colette feels a sense of awe at Alicia's aurura finding it almost superhuman she too wonders how to navigate this situation especially since adak mentioned having a reliable companion but she had no idea it would be someone like Alicia adak breaks the tension by inquiring about where the others are and why Alicia is alone she admits that she left bia's party adak is surprised and Alicia confesses that she has been following him since leaving the hero's party hoping to join his group aak thinks about the matter for a while and then he asks Colette what she thinks Colette gets a bit nervous and wonders if adak is testing her Alicia has a funny idea that adak is dating Colette now so he's asking for her approval Alicia notices that Colette seems unsure of what to say so she decides to take the first step herself by telling Colette about her abilities and title luckily Colette finds Alicia's introduction impressive and compliments her for being skilled in both advanced healing and Revival magic Colette also shares where she's from and talks about her abilities both girls admire mire each other but also feel a little jealous eventually they decide to accept each other because they both have a lot of respect for one another they're both happy that they can now stay with adak without any worries adak knew they were both stubborn but he was surprised to see them getting along so well then the two Beast siblings they rescued earlier come up to them and thank them for their help the boy introduces himself as how and the girl as Anne how makes a heartfelt promise to never forget ad's kindness adak graciously suggests sharing the thanks with Alicia offering her half curious about their future plans arak asks and how assures them that they will continue their adventures and won't let a man like HRI deter their love for the city Alicia vows to ensure hyri learns a lesson and that the children stay happy they acknowledge the lingering concern about the adventurer killer but finds solace in their current happiness adak expresses relief that the church is keeping an eye on the town for now but senses something unsettling in hanik gaze just as how and Anne are leaving hadak calls them back leaving everyone curious ious about what's on his mind in his office Lord hin slams his head on the table repeatedly to the point where he draws blood cursing arak he's livid at the thought that adak dared to look down on a high class Noble like himself when all he really did was just block the stones from hitting the Beast folk hurling books around the room he wonders what's so wrong about killing Beast folk firmly believing that their existence is a sin not only that but he rages at the fact that the great Saint test took his side even going so far as to threaten to excommunicate him a no Noble he continues to shout exclaiming that they will regret their actions and that he'll make them pay after his tantrum the office was a mess he realizes that the church will be keeping a closer eye on him and that he needs to take care of them before then chuckling he un sheaths his sword assuring himself that even if he loses his standing he still has it suddenly the door opens and one of the guards enters hes tells him that they'll take care of the adventurer killer but first he'll need to check if anyone suspicious has entered the Temple of purgatory hearing this the guard presents him with a list of adventurers as hinish looks at the list an evil Lear crosses his face he tells the guard to prepare the knights for tomorrow as he leaves hinish is elated to see how and an on the list looking at his sword he claims that luck is on his side after all at the Temple of purgatory Lord hinr and his Knights lie in wait as hinish looks at the list once more a knight announces that he hasn't seen any suspicious Adventures when monitoring the temple as hinr looks down and spots how and Anne that evil grin crosses his face again he then tells the guards to enter the temple later inside the temple one of the adventurers wonders if they'll be okay with the adventure killer on the loose His companion assures him telling him that they'll be all right and that they shouldn't worry about some urban legend besides that the price of the loot of the temple has skyrocketed this assures the adventurer but he still wants to move as quickly as possible suddenly out of nowhere the companion is impaled by a strange man in a cloak he teases the corpse asking how it feels to be killed by an urban legend the adventurer realizes that it's the adventure killer the man stabs the adventurer in the leg telling him that no one will save him and that it'll be a Pity if someone were to interrupt his fun the adventurer attempts to attack the man unveiling him in the process revealing it to be Lord hinr with a look of disgust he tells the adventurer that since he saw who he was he definitely can't let him live with that he cuts the adventurer down all while laughing maniacally he tells the adventurers to be grateful that even trash like them can strengthen his sword since the sword's sharpness increases the more blood it touches he then decides to go after how and an somewhere else in the temple the siblings are making their way through it an notes that it feels even creepier today how then decides that they'll rest for a while he then tells Anne that he's going to scout ahead Anne agrees and says that she'll wait for him nearby hin leash Eve drops on them deciding to take this as a chance to kill Anne deciding that he'll torture how later but as he goes in for the kill how suddenly appears out of nowhere and punches the noble sending him flying bewildered Hanish demands to know how how was a able to sneak up on him removing the dog ears from her head Colette reveals that it was her all along and that the real Anne was in fact behind him adak then appears much to H's shock adak is surprised by how well the plan went although he had his worries adak then explains that hearing hines's speech about the adventure killer it seemed strange that he'd mention that the adventure killer was among the adventurers even though it could have been anybody it was also strange that someone like him would do the Dirty Work himself with that he concluded that he used the search for the adventurer killer as a Roose to continue his murder spree Han attempts to deny the allegations but the formerly dead Adventures that Alicia revived with her powers claim otherwise Colette then draws their attention to the sword he was using which apparently grew more evil with every person it killed something she couldn't pick up on because it was sheath Alicia then turns to hinish calling him a criminal she tells him that for the many crimes he's committed his excuses will fall on deaf ears and that once he's exposed he'll lose everything the Noble then begins to shiver and Mumble though the others don't notice the sword also begins to Rattle under Colette's foot while exclaiming that they'll all pay the sword Finds Its way back to hinish with a huge explosion with a now transformed sword hinish tells them that he'll show them the real power of His demonic blade as the noble waves his sword around he tells the group that because they dare to insult him they will all perish by his blade adak tries to warn hinish telling him that the sword is a monster but it is too late suddenly tentacles begin growing out of him Hanish all the while screaming in agony Colette asks what exactly the sword is and arak explains to her that it's a mimic a monster that takes the form of an item and devours adventurers to grow stronger as the mimic lets out a gurgled roar it begins to randomly throw rocks at the group and points out that the tentacles are multiplying in number Alicia warns them that if the mimic gets any faster they'll be in real trouble Colette is confused since mimics are low-level monsters arak then explains that with enough Souls it has evolved into a hell mimic which is regarded as a trip s class monster the hell mimic then lets out a shock wave which overwhelms the adventurers ktic claims that the shock wave probably knocked everyone unconscious Alicia notices that the monster's attacks are sluggish so it likely hasn't completely absorbed hinish after telling the other Adventures to evacuate adak then tells Colette and Alicia to prepare for battle at first Colette is annoyed because all they're planning to do is hold it back but adak clarifies that they'll defeat it and he'll provide as much support as possible hearing this KET and Alicia fawn over aak claiming that as long as they have him on their side they can't lose he then warns them to not go overboard and get separated since his Buffs might not reach them if they do how tells adak that he'll Evacuate the others since that's the best he can do at the moment putting his hand on his shoulder adak assures how that he's a better Adventurer than he gives himself credit for as adak revives the last of the adventurers and as how leaves the three get ready to face the hell mimic the hell mimic lets out another gurgled laugh promising to kill adak as they charge adak reminds the group to keep a tight formation and not go too far otherwise it'll delay his Buffs he starts with Colette granting her an invincibility burst a speed burst and an evasion burst arak warns her that while the Spells are strong they don't last long and that she should pull back after striking as she charges to face the mimic arak turns to Alicia and tells her that his Buffs will only last for 45 seconds and that she should put up a barrier before the Buffs expire meanwhile clet is dodging the monster's attacks with ease she teases it telling it that its size makes it predictable as she finds an opening she lands a powerful punch on the monster and pulls back promptly however the mimic grows a mouth where Colette hit it and it snaps at her narrowly missing her they then realize that attacking it only strengthens it adak tells her that she should keep baiting it as another mouth begins to form Colette kicks it as she continues to dodge all its attacks she boasts saying that it can't even touch her because of arak's Buffs with one of its Giant Eyes the mimic glances at adak and tries to to attack him but the barrier set up just in time Alicia then asks arak to use his skills on himself as well adak tells her that while he had a feeling it would attack him he still wants to conserve his magic however Alicia is still concerned about him telling him he could have gotten hurt adak bluntly tells her that that would never happen as long as she's there supporting him he tells her that she has saved the hero party countless times so as long as she's there they'll be all right Alicia then begins to quiver her face turning a bright red from blushing thinking to herself that he manages to be so smooth even in the middle of battle she then shouts that she can't focus on the barrier with him staring at her like that adak apologizes believing he upset her again meanwhile the mimic continues to slam its tentacles on the barrier attempting to break it adak tells them that they still have some time before the barrier gives in so he'll tell them the mimics weakness he reveals that while at first glance it looks like it's getting stronger what they saw was only a trick he points out that the tentacles around its damaged area are slower so although it's resilient it's definitely weaker furthermore he points out that it used the mouth to make them think it got stronger but in reality it's just a gimmick to give it time to recover fighting with deception wasn't entirely out of place for mimics Alicia still points out that while it is true it still regenerates quickly adak agrees saying that its regenerative abilities were the key to its weakness if it uses a mouth to hide its damage then perhaps if it's hit twice in the same spot it won't be able to recover coming to that conclusion adak tells them that the only way to attack it before it recovers is to use multistrike hitting it continuously until its energy runs out while their damage output won't change they'll still be able to hit repeatedly just then the barrier begins to crack and then finally it shatters the trio moved swiftly dodging a tentacle that landed where they were standing arak tells them that they have to defeat it before it destroys the whole dungeon adak then Buffs the girls and himself giving Alicia lightning speed Colette nimbleness and himself multi strike with that he faces the mimic ready to finish the battle the mimic Bellows shouting aak 's name but before can attack Colette deals three blows to it causing one of its tentacles to fall off Alicia hits it with her staff repeatedly causing another to fall off as well arak's plan was spot on adak joins them too and soon the three of them are hitting it repeatedly adak tells the monster that since it's such a damaged sponge they'll see what they can do about that they continue to unleash a barrage of hits until finally aak calls out that they're almost out of time Alicia corrects him saying they're just in time as despite its best efforts the mimic can't create or maintain any of its tentacles however just as they're about to finish it off the mimic begins to run away while the trio chase after it outside it looks around for people to devour so it can recover but adak tells him that all the adventurers have already left thanks to the Beast folk at tortured Alicia is worried that the mimic will escape but adak anticipates this he then tells Colette to go wild and she transforms into her Dragon form ready to impart a judgment on the hell mimic Colette unleashes final Fury on the mimic and it disintegrates into nothing the attack leaving a giant crater in its wake Colette then turns back to normal and falls to the ground adak catching her as always he's slightly annoyed that she didn't hold back but Colette argues that it feels so good Alicia runs towards kette astonished by her true form she tells her how she was moved by how Divine she was she then mumbles that with Colette on the party she has her work cut out for her though adak notices that she seems upset Alicia exclaims that the skill took a lot out of her KET is still happy that the battle was amazing and Alicia agrees saying that it was all thanks to adak he then tells him that that wasn't the case as his skills are only as good as his allies and that without them they would have lost Alicia sze saying that although the Beast folk and towns folk are still at odds at least the adventurer killer has been dealt with she then tells arak that she doesn't think hinish acted alone and must have been controlled by a mastermind however Colette isn't worried about such matters telling them that they'll figure it out later and they should enjoy the moment now that they've solved the case later at Olden town when adak and the others return as Heroes who defeated Hanes the town's folk give them a warm welcome and although adak is grateful he's desperate to find a way out as he hides how and Anne find him trying to escape the town's folk who are now frantically looking for him the siblings know he's trying to run away from the town's Hospitality they both find it hard to believe that a party would be too much for a legendary hero the siblings give him the bell of dawn a bell which summons every member of their tribe to rush to a assist him when wrong at first arak attempts to reject the gift but after much persuasion he decides to keep it telling them that they shouldn't expect him to use it though later Alicia informs aryak that she'll have to leave their party for a bit because the church officials contacted her and they want to address her in person he tells her that it sounds rough to which she tells him that it's all his fault since she has to go back to give thanks for what he did and she has to give a face-to-face report as well adak is confused about whether she's upset with him or not she then tells him that they would like it if they came with her as well so that they can best show their gratitude with a scowl he tells her that he would rather not Alicia Giggles telling him that she knew he would say that since he always hated standing out adak is surprised stating that it's been a while since he saw her so happy she then leaves telling him that she already told Colette he tells Alicia to stay safe causing her to blush suddenly fener now in a humanoid form appears beside adak she then confirms his suspicions of a mastermind behind the incident that just occurred she then kisses him telling him that they'll meet again and with that she Fades away as they ride through the country KET points out that it feels like they have to plan an Escape Route adak then announces that they're going to the Marine City of Belta since they'll need to cross the sea to reach Alti meanwhile adak thinks to himself about the possible Mastermind manipulating Hanish not only that but based on the other incidents like the withering of the Elven forest and the devil's Grove in the town of medicine and even when he saved Colette it was as though someone was trying to spread the darkness later on the road adak is talking about how he took took care of the hero party when Colette spots some Royal Knights the Royal Knights spot their wagon and make their way towards it telling arak that they've been waiting for him and that they're there to deliver a Royal Decree behalf of the grhe Kingdom they announc that he's to have an imperial duel with the hero hun NOA babia in Belta 1 month from today Colette wonders why they would want adak for that and adak explains that the kingdoms usually do it to show everyone's strength though he has a hunch as to the real reason Colette tells him to ignore it and not let them boss him around the knights try to protest saying that they can't refuse a Royal Decree but with a few threats and insults from Colette coupled with a death stare they hold their tongues adak however sees this as an opportunity to see how much they've grown in strength Colette is slightly annoyed saying that he's too kind thinking to himself he's sure that they've made plenty of mistakes since he left but that's the only way for them to truly grow believing that's what they call parental love KET tells the knights that they should be grateful for ad yak's kindness and adak tells them that they should inform the king that he is has accepted the Duel at the wock Mansion babia is shocked when he hears that he has to have an imperial duel with adak the chancellor while sipping tea asks him if he'll accept chuckling he was worried that the Wine and Food were just special treatment to force some awful task on him he assures the chancellor that he'll win no contest Delia chimes in saying that she's enough to beat a small fry like arak Elga adds that he's too soft and that he's severely lacking in muscle purada bites into some sweets saying that she would like to put arak in his place suddenly a young girl speaks up asking them why they're being so Carefree about the situation she tells them that for someone like adak who saved medicine town from the devil's Grove they'll need to prepare Bia then addresses the girl lur and tells her that she's naive for believing in those rumors stating that the town was saved by the Kingdom's Knights he then looks at the chancellor for confirmation who then tells him with a straight face that that was only a public statement when babia questions him the chancellor decides that he mustn't say anymore since he respects his position after a moment of silence p insists that the adventur is only one because they were so strong not because of arak and that nobody who thought of it more than a second would fall for that rumor lur then tells them that if the rumors are true then he did much more than support however babia tells the girl to shut up and that rumors always exaggerate those kinds of things lorai then states that she'll probably leave the party and the other new member agrees with her Delia explains that it's pointless stating that they're under the Kingdom's Authority so if they leave now they'll be in huge debt from the damage claims and complaints hearing this the girls are in despair which amuses Delia and Pura the chancellor frankly tells them that the imperial duel is meant to raise their status as Heroes because as it stands their reputation is not fitting of their role even adding that some consider adak to be the true hero he explains that if the public believes that the destruction only occurred because they were simply that strong then the public views of them would change suddenly Bia crushes the cup of wine in his hand claiming that arak is weak and that he has no interest in matches where the results are obvious however ever he is willing to enact a Justice as a hero he strongly believes that adak being a hero is only a lie he tells himself and that he's only trying to get back at him for kicking him out of the party he then tells the chancellor that the imperial duel sounds fun and that he accepts although he's already sure of what the outcome will be as the chancellor stands up from his couch he tells Bia that he looks forward to it he then stops Bia and informs him that there's one more thing he faces the door and addresses someone telling them they can enter a young boy holding a spear introduces himself to the hero party as lree wock then explains that he wants babia to take lree into his care and make him his disciple in the hero party much to B is shock and disgust wishing the boy were a girl he then tells the chancellor to get someone else to take care of him but the chancellor insists saying that nobody else would be able to handle such a job because lree wields the holy Lance brionac and since babia also wields a holy weapon he was the only one he could entrust him to with a hint of reluctance Bia found himself escorting l L to the open field commencing the training session for his disciple lri in a warm and thankful tone began to express his gratitude feeling honored to receive guidance from the hero himself in response Bia curtly requested ly to skip the excessive show of respect impatiently Desiring to speed up the training process lacry eagerly charges at Bia with his sword but a slight swerve from Bia causes lacry to miss his Target sending him tumbling to the ground with unwavering determination ly quickly picks himself up declaring that he's just getting started and far from finished he charges a Bia once more who can't help but display an irritated expression bracing for the expected attack as this pattern repeats not far away the heroes party consisting of Elga Delia and purata are gathered around a table engaged in a leisurely card game lur in her usual fashion can be heard nagging them about their choice to relax when they could be doing something more heroic in a light-hearted tone Delia fires back with a comical excuse suggesting that they're actually taking a break and using it as a form of training it's Poss possible she's just trying to interject a bit of sarcasm into the conversation to keep the mood light Laura Li takes a moment to remind the G that in order to meet up with adak for the upcoming Imperial duel they'll have to make the journey to the coastal city of Belta however their current activity seems to involve more playfulness than preparation purada with an exasperated grunt expresses her frustration with laur's persistent seriousness she can't quite grasp why everyone's making such a fuss about taking arak seriously as an opponent herself not feeling quite ready to do so Basta always the voice of reason reassures Lura Li that there's no need to stress herself out they're all determined and at least lacry appears to be more down toe about things Laura Li in response admits that lac's calm demeanor actually worries her a bit meanwhile in the training area lacry and Bia continue their training session lacry has somehow managed to lose his sword which now rests Hilt deep in the dirt with a sheepish yet Earnest expression he declares his intention to retrieve it and get right back into the action bia's mind drifts back to the initial conversation he had with the the chancellor regarding lacry it was during that discussion that he learned about lacky wielding the sacred sword brianak and the chancellor had entrusted Bia with the crucial responsibility of training him as the hero he is however the chancellor had also cautioned that over time lac's power might surpass even that of the heroes as babia observes lacry now he can't help but find it hard to believe that such a scenario is even remotely possible lac's movements are undeniably simple slow and quite obvious which leaves Bia wondering how his power could ever exceed that of a seasoned hero Bia gets irritated at recalling the conversation with the chancellor he decides he'll use lacry as target practice rough him up and throw him out Lai innocently brings his spear back and babia the jerk uses the opportunity to switch to bullying laurelai steps in quarreling at Bia for attacking lacry without warning babia rorts that a real fighter can never let his guard down in a real battle lacry thanks Bia for teaching him that he mentions he's ready to go on with the training but lur is worried he's pushing himself too hard Bia intensifies the training his plan is to knock Lacy out he's a bit surprised that his first hit didn't do that already but nothing a second hit can't take care of he goes in and lacry stumbles but gets back up Bia notices that he deflected the hit with his spear but lur Li sees deeper than that Lai purposefully shifted the impact's trajectory using the waste armor to absorb the remaining damage all of which he did in a split second Bia starts to get riled up and intensifies the training even more the other party members notice this and contemplate interfering lacry is soon on the floor battered and coughing lur offers to heal him if he's hurt bad while Bia boasts about his amazing technique lacry commends his teacher saying he is amazing and he on the other hand is the one too slow to catch up lri goes into detail of how Bia first swung his sword downward using the force to raise himself then using that momentum and gravity he crashed the sword downward in conclusion he learned a lot from bia's Gravity defying technique laer is still in the mood to praise but inwardly babia can't believe the disciple was able to see through his technique and notice things even babia himself didn't notice if lri had faster reflexes then Baba's attack would have missed Elga comments that truly laak's defense was impressive and purat and Delia Wonder out loud just how possible it is that lacry saw through bia's technique now they begin to panic for Delia if lri does have a good eye and strong defense then she could easily be replaced first then babia would follow purata noticed he used his magic to Aid his movement in battle so in Good Times she too could be replaced even Elga sees he can be replaced as Lacy is also good at defense the other members feel so threatened that they want to get rid of lacry Bia picks up on the aura and uses the opportunity to tell them to engage in battle Bia covers his dark intentions under the ruse of wanting to see how strong lri truly is is he really strong enough to be part of the hero's party they beat up lacry then babia turns him into an errand boy laurelai chastises babia but her words fall on deaf ears as usual lacky states that he knows he's weak and he was only chosen recently to wield the holy sword meaning he's still an amateur fighter lorai tries to tell him otherwise but everyone else's criticisms drown her out Bia goes as far to say lacry sword is a mere accessory to which the boy tries to defend at the end Bia claims he doesn't need someone who is defiant and worthless and kicks lacki out of the party lacry runs into the woods feeling defeated he unknowingly steps into the turf of some bad guys and they want his expensive looking sword he starts to back up and falls off the cliff he quickly reasons he needs to escape as this might be enemy territory he luckily has some healing potions Basta packed up to heal his wounds and keep him moving being chased by Mountain Bandits through their Turf might seem like a hopeless situation for someone like him but he's not going down without a fight the bandits are hot on lack's trail though they admit he's fast for a wounded guy lacry is hiding but can hear them he hates the fact that he was careless enough to run into the bandits just when he'd found the village he's exhausted and dizzy from the pain from his fall and he has only one healing potion at his disposal from their discussion lacry can hear that even more Bandits are coming and he realizes he has to heal up quickly but before he can get his thoughts together he's spotted by one of the bandits who is very interested in his nicel looking sword the Bandit calls the attention of his peers warning that lacry is quick and fighting him from a distance is risky he asks that they surround him so he has no Escape Route they come in their numbers 30 against one lad and it appears lacky doesn't stand a chance an this is where it's revealed that lacry is actually a girl wow the wielded of the Holy Lance was chosen from the kelberg family and was a cause for Great Joy lacki was chosen out of her brothers her father believed only a man should have been capable of wielding the sword so from the day lacky was chosen she began being treated as a guy they cut her hair and her dresses were replaced with armor it was a proud moment for her as she is the youngest daughter of her family the bandits chase after her and she promises is she won't let them have her dear sword if they need it so desperately then they can get it over her dead body she faces them in battle her strategies to deflect their attacks if she can't block them and if she can't deflect them then she plans to not let any attack that slips cut too deep as long as she avoids a fatal wound she'll be fine she makes the chief her Target her goal is to use him as a shield all efforts though seem to be in vain quickly as La is defeated and her sword is about to be stolen from her one of the bandits lets her know that she put up a good fight but now it's time to bounce just then the hero of the day steps in sending the bandits flying he retrieves lacry sword without them knowing until it's too late lacry stares at her savior mesmerized he offers her a hand helping her to her feet then introduces himself as aak he asks for her name which she tells him he then tells her that she can explain her misfortunes later and the antidote he gave to her worked so she should be mobile pretty soon wait when did he give her an antidote a bandit Springs on them wanting to claim the sword but adak is quick enough to send the guy flying away he crashes into the other Bandits with a loud thud and lacry Marvels at the fact that his punch had the strength of 10 in it she asks if he combined multiple skills and he admits that he did wondering how she was able to see that it's not over yet one of the bandits captures lacry and holds her hostage with a weapon the Bandit threatens to kill lacry if adak makes a move lakri feels pitiful to think adak saved her just to be captured yet again adak puts two and two together and arrives at the fact that lacry has a slow motion skill she can see her enemy attacks in slow motion and that was how she was able to see he actually struck 10 times with a single attack adak tells her to concentrate concentrate slow motion it's a lot to take in but once she does she's able to free herself from the Bandit and recover her sword she gushes to aak about how it was like having the Bandit move in slow motion she asks if her victory was through his assistance and arak lets her know that she has a newly discovered power that works with her eyes she just has to follow the enemy's movement with her Lance when defending or evading the bandits keep coming but lacry takes arak's advice to concentrate which makes her able to see the enemy move much slower she is then able to move precisely and decapitate the leader of the bandits the rest of the bandits Scurry away and adak tells lri that he actually set traps that will capture all of them soon his mission was to get rid of them but they were so many and it was easier having them in the same place rather than scattered around he apologizes for getting her involved in his mission but she's too mesmerized by the outcome of their encounter he introduced her to her strength and taught her how to use it if only she could become his apprentice lacry and arak are presented with a bountiful Feast that makes one wonder what's the celebration the man who serves them expresses the feast is a gratitude for them taking care of the bandits lacry comments how there's so much food but arak requests for five more servings of roasted boar talk about an Oliver Twist situation lacky expresses shock asking if he really needs that many servings adak then explains that he has friends that will be joining him hence why he needed more food than they would easily finish off in one setting lacry Marvels at companions that have such an appetite and comments that they sound amazing they pick up their conversation Lai has brought adak up to date on her Misfortune adak is now aware that she too was kicked out of the heroes party it's news to lri that adak was also kicked out she just can't bring herself to understand why as adak is quite an extraordinary person she on the other hand is just a talentless poser that deserves to be kicked out adak asks her if she really believes she's talentless and she confirms expressing it's how the other party members treated her she insists that they're basically right because she couldn't prove otherwise even when she was in the mountains and the bandits came her Still Standing is all thanks to adak coming in the nick of time she concludes that it is expected as the fact that she was chosen by the sword doesn't mean that she would automatically be skilled adak tells her wielding the sword requires actual ability and is nothing without when he first held her hand he was surprised despite her delicate frame she has so many calluses he encourages her saying it's proof of the effort she puts to compensate for her lack of experience she takes her hand now and says that she's trying which is so cool and she doesn't back down from a fight which is also cool even when she was surrounded by Bandits and taken as a hostage she still stood her ground she chose to believe in him and fight her tenacity is the mark of an Ultimate Warrior it makes him question her again why she feels so talentless when she is clearly not she tear up thinking about her weakness that has tormented her for so long she recalls all the side talk people commenting about how weak she is for the chosen one plus she has no special skills even though she was forced to struggle alone rejected and scorned by everyone else since she was the chosen one she decided to follow her path with no regrets attached she became desperate to become stronger and then adak came along and acknowledged her efforts he called her a warrior he show showed that her efforts were never in vain she continues to tear up expressing gratitude to adak for his kindness he tells her it's too early to cry and she still has a lot of potential he still needs to help her unravel he brings up the incident of her using her ability to tell how many skills araka used in his attack aka the 10in one punch she waves it off as nothing stating she only noticed the skill execution because of her slightly above Dynamic Vision it's pointless as she recalls feeling helpless when the other party members led by babia attacked her earlier the attack and the bullying that caused her to flee into the mountains in the first place arak inquires more about bia's attack and she reports the one where his steps and Strikes are like a dance he uses the recoil of the first strike to attack with a diagonal strike arak identifies the move as the rondom Mir Waltz it makes lacry remember that indeed adak was once a member of the party the romir waltz is apparently a complicated high-speed skill that's hard to comprehend for the average person but lri is clearly not an average person because she managed understand it just by seeing it once their conversation is interrupted by Colette noisily and excitedly announcing her presence true she's always attached to adak so it's strange that she's been MIA for a bit she starts off by apologizing for leaving ad's side for so long but adak has no need to worry as she's back she then notices lacry and screeches out a who is this lacry remains polite introducing herself and adak helps out by saying lacry helped him take out the mountain Bandits lacry gushes that adak actually saved her life turns out Colette was only out for a short period and she's impressed knowing her master was busy being a hero in her absence trust though that Colette's jealousy kicks in and she's suspicious of the admiration lacry has in her eyes towards her master she decides to make her presence known starting off by introducing herself back to lacry she dives into her royalty background but is interrupted by The Feast man who has returned with the five servings of bore adak requested from earlier Colette's attention is immediately diverted to the food adak had ordered just for her and she digs in hungrily lacry can't help commenting just how cute and Lively Colette is after their meal adak tells the girls that they need to pick up from where they left off lacky States that's fine but she doesn't get why they needed to come such a large distance Colette had a belly full and comments that she's sleepy she's also curious about what exactly they're picking off adak brings KET up to speed about lri so she knows they're out in this particular location to see lac's ability adak expresses that he looks forward to seeing her ability firsthand and asks lacry to take the stage lacry is momentarily mesmerized that adak is eager to see her work with her Lance she announces she will show him her basic combat Maneuvers but he interrupts by saying what he really wants to see is the Rond deir Waltz skill the same skill she only saw once but she was able to swiftly memorize adak asks kette to be LA's sparring partner and kette agrees she expresses her doubt of lacry being able to recreate a skill she only saw once sounds like Reckless Behavior to her lacky clarifies that she can get the job done done with her Lance but kette is still in doubt lacry swings into action there's a lot of crashing and slamming and whooshing and soon lacry is on her knees complaining about her inability to match the speed of the hero adak tells her that she's done quite well Bia had to practice that same move for years so her Recreation was quite impressive watching her perform though made adak realize the other ability she possesses is mirrored Mastery mirrored Mastery the ability of picking up someone's habits and movements and learning both offensive and defensive techniques just by watching them in other words lacki is good as copying as Colette says arak however argues that's not the whole picture with that ability Lacy can easily find weaknesses or openings in the opponent's techniques and therefore devis the perfect countermeasure to attack so technically once she is seen an attack she can never lose to it again all that talk then opens lck's eyes to the fact that she is decent at evasion and defensive Maneuvers her body instinctively responds to C copying and it's because of her kinetic Vision although she could appear weak if she doesn't know how to use her ability offensively to make a good use of her skill she would need to incorporate it into her attacks if her body instinctively Dodges then it can learn to be offensive it would require training though Lacy prostrates with gratitude at arak she expresses how lost she felt after the hero abandoned her but adak became a motivator so she could become stronger and she promises to work hard toward that arak smiles commending her spirit he then offers that she join his party Colette likes the idea of having a holy weapon on their side as it's sure to come in handy plus Colette looks forward to Friendly competitions they could embark on for the sake of mutual growth Lacy is excited asking if this invitation means she'll become his disciple he reminds her he's supposed to be retired but if she desires it so much then sure especially since she's the wielder of a holy sword since she's now a disciple she would need to undergo training to begin with she would need to master her mirrored Mastery skill adak remarks her progress in the mountains is something to write home about and there's no better way to train than actual combat this leads adak to invite lakri to join them in the Imperial [Music] duel
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 818,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: 7KW1J6rfNV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 4sec (7324 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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