This Isekai Manga is so ADDICTING to Read!

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imagine you living an unbothered life and you suddenly receive a notice that what is awaiting you 8 years into the future is utter destruction this is the reality of hirasawa Kazuki he is an ordinary Japanese University student that you can find anywhere there is nothing special about him and he has no particularly redeeming qualities so why is it that he is standing in front of a peculiar mirror that is trying to pull him into an unknown realm the scenery in front of him suddenly changes and his worst nightmare turns into reality he anal izes his surroundings and induces that he is standing in a Royal House something about the sight of a maid getting ruthlessly beaten seems oddly familiar to him that's when it hits him this is a game from bravehearts it is a stereotypical fantasy RPG where the protagonist liner stops an evil scheme that could have led to the destruction of the world here isawa admits that the game is so immersive that he has lost track of how many times he has played it he practically memorized all the lines in the events and that is why he sure that the person standing beside him is Hayden the head of The Stokes Family other members present in the room are Jessica Hayden's wife and Clara their servant herisa knows everyone and everything that is going on around him so nothing seems unfamiliar to him but this fact still doesn't comfort him one bit the question that keeps bothering him is where he was and what he did right before he ended up here there is another reason why he's so worried right now as far as he can recall what is about to unfold in front of his eyes is the most depressing event in the entire game in the bravehearts game this is one of the flashback events where the mother of the heroin Clara is executed by the oldest son of the Stokes Family Harold but the question is where is Harold here asawa's memory tells him that in this scene Harold should be in the arms of his worried mother suddenly Jessica hands on his head and shoulders start making sense to him he looks up at her and she seems to be glaring at Clara he tells himself that this can't be true he rudely pushes Jessica away but she just Smiles in return her words Pierce through his heart like a bullet he refers to him as Harold and tells him that there is no need to worry anymore Hayden Harold's dad grabs his sword and is about to decapitate Clara when hirasawa AKA Harold stops him with a smile on his face he requests his father to allow him the pleasure of executing her it's like hirasawa has absolutely no control over his body that moves and says things on its own and he claims that he has learned this new magic recently and would like to make Clara her training dummy instead of allowing her to stay in the room with her inferior blood his father is proud of his response and orders Clara to be thrown into the dungeon at looks like Clara is a half breeded and her kind is really hated in the community because they are considered inferior the voices get muffled for hirosawa and he's having a hard time accepting that he is in the body of Harold Stokes the most hated character in the game due to his heinous and arrogant nature that's not even the worst part Harold is doomed to die at the hands of Justice the last boss but is he even capable of changing that fate his body and his tongue move on their own just like what happens in every Brave heart's gameplay here Asawa meets his Butler normally man as far as he remembers out of all of the characters Norman is considered the most sensible he asks Herold AKA harasawa if he's feeling all right and needs his help Herold being the snob that he is disregards Norman still the butler requests him to lighten the punishment of Clara whose life or death depends on Harold's decision according to the story Clara is incinerated to death by Harold's magic having no more relatives Clara's daughter Colette gets kicked out of stokes's territory from that point onwards the protagonist ler and his family take care of her heris knows that if he rescues Clara he will deviate from the original story where he eventually encounters ler he decides to use Herald in such a way that will help him in avoiding death Flags however he also knows that he can't make huge deviations from the storyline this way he might end up dying from a development but that doesn't even exist in the story he wants to tell Norman that he wants to save Clara but herold's body only gives a bratty response which only earns him more hate points there's a high possibility that if he dies here he might never be able to return to the real world hirasawa knows better than to cry over spilled milk he gets up and starts reading every book he can find in Harold's room the only thing he can do now is gain as much knowledge about the world as he can hirasawa is led to the dungeon by one of his Knights he orders him to guard the entrance the receptionist is caught lacking and he's shocked to see Herold Sama in the dungeon himself however hirasawa doesn't respond and makes his way downstairs he asks Clara about her daughter and confirms if all the information he remembers is correct or not she affirms that Colette is her only daughter and her husband died of an illness 3 years ago when Clara begs him to spare her life hiroa feels like balling his eyes out but Herold the spoiled brat cusses at her and Lees still hirosawa has started to make some progress and he's proud of that he arranges a meeting with Norman who brings a map of stokes's territory with all the information regarding settlements located in and around the territory when harasawa asks how he plans on saving the servant Norman responds that the best option is to relocate her outside of stokes's territory here is AWA calculates that to pursue this plan they will need to get some laborers and taxpayers on their side for Harold this is no biggie and hirasawa is planning to use that to his Advantage Norman recommends that they should help her in fleeing to the blsh Village herisa knows that this is where the liner family lives if they were to follow through with this plan Harold would be doing something good in this timeline and the original story of Colette and liner meeting would still be preserved Norman suggest that it would be impossible for Clara and her daughter to survive with zero possessions in an unfamiliar land isawa analyzes and writes down everything Clara and Colette might need on their Journey Norman is shocked to see this caring sight of Harold he is even shocked to realize that Harold is familiar with and concerned about Clara's daughter Norman is an intelligent character he quickly deduces that something is up and Harold is not acting like himself he believes that Herold claimed to use Clara as his magic test subject just so she could be isolated in a secure location in his eyes all this time Harold has been trying his best to save Clara this pumps him up to give the mission his best shot for Harold's sake lurman believes that it doesn't matter who the person inside Herold is he just knows that he is the last Ray of Hope to change the stoke's family for the better the next day hirosawa finds an abandoned place and practices magic his jaw drops to the floor when he sees Flames emerging from his hand although he admits that the chanting part is very embarrassing he is still getting hyped up he knows that what he's capable of doing right now is nothing compared to Harold's magic ability in the game right now hirosawa has two AIMS in mind he wants to allow Clara to escape but he also wants to make it look like she was burned to death by his Flames he is extra careful right now because this isn't a game anymore and Clara isn't just some pixels on the screen she is a real human being that he must save failure is not an option for him he plans to carry out his mission that night the sun has set and the sky is taken over by a blanket of stars it's time for hirosawa to carry out his mission with the help of Norman he takes Clara to her daughter Colette he tells them that they only have two options one is to die and the other is to leave the place and sever ties with anyone they've ever known it is interesting to see that hirasawa is still speaking in Harold's arrogant tone he claims that it would be much easier for him to just kill off both of them for some reason Colette seems to be blushing a lot in the original storyline she was supposed to meet ler first but in this timeline she is meeting Harold first it is quite possible that Harold has gotten himself a waifu he rolls his eyes and gives kette a necklace and makes her promise that she will never take it off he is definitely trying to RIS her up or maybe he has some other ulterior motive nevertheless Colette's face is bright red here isaba tells her to give the necklace to a man who is her age and is willing to protect her Colette obviously has no clue what is going on Harold summons his guard and tells him to bring the wagon for Clara and her daughter he warns them that if anyone were to find out or if the plan was to fail everyone's life would become non-existent to be honest herold's guards look like they are the presidents of the goofball Association we know for a fact that they're going to mess up everything after everyone leaves at his order harisa tries to recall how Clara had gotten on stokes's Hit List in the first place apparently Harold was the cause of all the commotion he bumped into her while she was watering a flower bed and got all muddy after falling down it was such a stupid incident that harva feels embarrassed for being Herald he shakes his head and prepares himself for his final Duty meanwhile Norman is walking away while thinking about herold's new calm gentle and caring demeanor suddenly a loud noise stops him in his tracks Harold starts laughing out loud like a maniac and starts saying dialogues from his original storyline he uses his magic spell to destroy the entire Forest soon hirosawa takes over and realizes that he automatically adopts behavior from the original timeline he takes a breath of relief with the assumption that Norman has already left he wouldn't want anyone to see him laughing and talking to himself about Clara like an ultimate sadist he turns around to find that Norman is still standing there he makes his Butler swear that he will take whatever he just saw to his grave Norman just assumes that Harold is mentally ill and doesn't want anyone to find out the funny thing about Norman is that he glorifies everything Harold does if he breathes it looks Majestic to him he assumes that Harold is mentally ill because he has always persisted with a lonely battle as he treats his true parents like poor Role Models like dog chill it is not that deep the guards were commanded to leave Clara and Colette on the BL Village and have one soldier take the wagon to leads he had also ordered the guards to give Clara some gold coins which he took from a severance pay back in the present Claris Smiles as she catches glimpses of her new Village the sun rises and so does her hope for freedom and this is all thanks to hirasawa the next day heral tells his parents that he scorched claro with her magic so much that there wasn't even a corpse left his parents laugh out so loud as if his son cracked the funniest joke of the century H isawa takes a deep breath of relief when Hayden and Jessica do not suspect him his rescue operation has been a success Zen the guy who took Clara in the wagon barges into Harold's room and the ladder is like always very annoyed it looks like Harold is currently working on a life po potion of a restorative characteristics and can be used to promote plant growth however he is having a hard time searching for a proper water ratio because the fruits without water are prone to withering after coming into contact with the potion he uses Zen as his test subject and makes him eat one of the potatoes he is artificially manufactured Zen remarks that they are sweeter than normal and insanely tasty it looks like hirosawa has finally gotten the hang of using magic and this realm's knowledge apparently there have been many natural diseases in stokes's territory over the last few years and many farmers have been suffering from poor crop yields he always knew about the Tyranny that Stokes impose on their self-governed tyranny but Norman's data has given him a clearer picture of that hirosawa has decided to eliminate as many disadvantageous things as possible he orders Zen to test out his new product on the cooks and take their reviews Zen enthusiastically leaves and hirosawa gets back to practicing his swordsmanship skills he realizes that he has gotten fairly used to it he recalls that even though Harold is a scumbag at heart he used to be a beast on B however hiris has a lot to catch up to to be equal to the game of Herold from his gaming experience he knows that combat is a essential to surviving this RPG World especially given the fact that this character is going to confront the protagonist party one day practice is the only solution and he isn't going to run from it days pass by and seasons change in a far away area in the land of Sumari The Village's Chief informs his daughter that 30% of their land has been currently devoured by some disease if if it continues they will eventually lose their forestry industry therefore in order to receive support for their ceremony they have to give their daughter Erica to the son of stokes's family Harold Erica cries for feeling so powerless but also knows that this is the least she can do for the sake of her people Harold is having a business meeting with Norman Zen and his financial advisor he shows him a copy of the statement of revenues and expenses that he drafted he asks him if there are any major errors in the statement he looks confused and goes through the document again the adviser reaffirms his stance that there are in fact no errors in it Harold starts laughing as if trying to mock him he reassures him that he didn't call him to cause trouble or anything when he doesn't give a response he explains that for the last few years the Stokes Family finances have been sinking into the red the biggest reason is his parents extravagant lifestyle they have been using the family's inheritance and the taxes to compensate for that but that too will not be able to last as a result it is an increasing burden on the citizens the financial adviser agrees by stating that people who had to close down their Farms due to financial difficulty have also been increasing Herold declares that this is a state of emergency and at this rate eventually The Stokes Family will collaps in order to prevent bankruptcy Herold suggest increasing returns from the agricultural sector Jake is also the inspector of the agriculture sector and this is why he has been summoned Herold signals Zen who has been desperately waiting for his time to shine he energetically brings Jake a basket of potatoes that are referred to as red Groot as soon as Jake tastes it he is left Star Struck for some reason then feels very proud of that Harold explains that this is a crop he raised using a proprietary technique and he needs Jake's help to take it one step further because he is familiar with the sto's family finances and lands with a devilish smile on his face Herold explains that for his heroic cause Jake might even anger Hayden the head of Stokes and the worst case is that he might even get thrown into the dungeon Jake is surprised to see how Harold is able to say such stuff light-heartedly when Jake doesn't refuse Harold explains the entire LP farming process in which life potions are injected into the crops he plans to share this with several farmers and begin testing it on potions of fields the businesses he's planning will be small scale if successful he wants to limit the spread of economic disparity between farmers as much as possible with red Groot it usually takes 2 months to be ready for Harvest but by using the lp farming method it can bear fruit in just a week Jake is shocked to hear this news the only problem is that cheap highquality Goods would disrupt the market crushing the farmers outside of stokes's territory if his far father who adores the money were to catch wind of this he knows for a fact that he will try to monopolize it at the end of his speech Harold stares at his audience and ask them if they enjoy giving stupid looks or if they were just born that way Jake admits that he is just caught off guard by all the details he is suddenly sharing he reminds his Squad that he needs advice if something feels a little off Jake fixes his glasses and comments that Harold was able to discover a groundbreaking cultivation method that surpasses history at such a young age Norman thinks to himself that Harold doesn't have Greed for money or greed and has set on his strong feelings of starving to help the people he asks his Squad if they're willing to become his arms and legs the Su in him kicks in and he claims that if the people don't accept what he's going to propose then they're just going to die because they're weak over the dinner table Harold's family discusses Harold's marriage partner hold up isn't bro like 10 they discuss sumar raji's daughter and herisa recalls that there was one such character in the original game as well he realizes that the miasma atmosphere must be causing trouble to the Sumari and another light bulb lit up in his man mega mind he wants sumi's head tatsuki a compassionate man to be on his side so he can avoid More Death Flags sometime later he pays them a visit and meets Erica the girl who will soon become liner's comrade and the one he should be most cautious about now that things have changed Maran can be Troublesome and can prevent her from meeting ler and becoming a Healer for his party even if harasawa avoids every death flag if he can't beat the last boss and the world gets destroyed everything will be meaningless anyway he wants Erica to think positively of him but doesn't want to overdo it tatsuki introduces Harold to his wife and his daughter hiris SAA is anxious that Harold's mouth might just say something arrogant but surprisingly he respectfully addresses everyone however he notices that Erica looks blank everyone leaves the duo to spend some time alone and herisa braces himself for the Do or Die situation Erica and Harold are left alone to talk for a bit therefore they take a walk around the garden where she introduces herself again either she is too polite or she is quite nervous to actually strike up a conversation heral tries to match her level of politeness when she spots the cherry blossom tree and shows it to him revealing that it Bears the flower that represents the Sumari family she has a whole story up her sleeve regarding this as well and begins to narrate starting off 500 years ago the feudal Lord apparently moved to this exact place and bought some seedlings with him turning it into the symbol of the Sumari family this is certainly different from the cherry blossom that Harold is acquainted with shocking the young girl because she had no idea that he bothers himself with such information when well he explains the chances of the other cherry blossoms being a possible lookalike which makes sense because all the trees look the same right anyway he doesn't care about something like this so there's no point in thinking about it too much Erica misunderstands his point asking if this means that he's not interested in her family her question catches Harold offg guard for a bit even though he is fully aware that she is Flawless with her conversations he has no choice but to tell her to continue making her interpretations even though the poor guy just wanted to change the topic his response isn't satisfactory to the young young girl who doesn't like him much already and she has started believing that the boy only wants her family surname it might be better for her to hate him with all her heart though so Harold gets the idea to use some more vulgar lines like this he mentions that he doesn't need her family's name because his own lineage has Noble Blood Plus her family is the one who came to the Stokes pitifully crying about their decreasing finances which surely puts her in the inferior position his words turn her expression into the scariest one he has ever seen making him wonder if he has gone too far with his insults if he continu is down this path then he will surely stay away from his original goal in order to cause some distractions he takes out an envelope from his pocket and gives it to the Furious girl in front of him who probably doesn't even want to look at his face for long asking her to give the envelope to her father he is still waiting for her to take the envelope when she directly refuses to do anything for him thankfully Harold knows how to get the job done as he mentions her suffering dying if she doesn't deliver this letter Erica considers his words for a few minutes contemplating if she has anything to lose by listening to him she is aware that she can't exactly trust him but takes the letter when he mentions that she can decide to trust him when she has seen the results this sounds like a fair enough deal soon enough Harold returns back home to be welcomed by Norman who asks him to rest after his long trip well Harold has no time for his concern as he immediately jumps to business inquiring about LP farming method's progress it turns out that Norman has already explained it to the farmers and his team has even managed to secure usable Fields without any issue as well it looks like they can begin trial in the next 10 days therefore Harold asks him to continue listening to Jake who has the brains for this entire scheme he is surely glad that things seem to be progressing smoothly with Norman conducting himself well behind the scenes the good news is that his parents don't suspect anything yet therefore it'll be fine to observe the Sumari family circumstances for now he knows that Erica would never disregard a chance to save her people who are suffering from mosma and she will definitely hand the letter to tasuku the contents of the letter contain the compound item used to make antibiotics and the range of the mosma contamination which he had estimated from a dungeon m M which might not solve the actual issue though at any rate this issue will surely motivate Erica to become the protagonist Ally the main question is if tsuku will actually trust the contents of some stupid letter written by a 10-year-old and then make antibiotics as he planned out he will have to come up with another way to approach her father if this little plan fails while Erica taking the letter is enough for him currently a few days later Harold is training with a soldier who doesn't seem to take him seriously which angers Herold to the next level he ends up watching the soldier collapse in fear before even picking up his sword concluding that it was a mistake to ask him to be an instructor after all of course they are all scared of hurting him and getting punished by his father so it all makes sense he is worried about his combat techniques when Norman shows up to announce that he has a guest and it seems like Erica has decided to pay him a visit Harold immediately walks towards the visitor's waiting area thinking about all the possible reasons that she might be here and it's obvious that he's quite nervous about seeing her the second he enters the reason behind her visit is the first question he asks which sounds a bit rude when a noble has a guest correct Erica expected him to apologize for keeping her waiting but it looks like it's a day of disappointments well Harold surely believes that she should be thankful that he took out some time to meet her making the girl agree that it is certainly her fault for showing up all of a sudden she cuts to the chase starting off with her expression of gratitude on behalf of her family as they have managed to save many of their citizens because of his letter it's obvious that her father works a lot faster than Harold expected but he maintains his arrogant personality in front of her making some taunts about her family jumping at something like bootleg fortunately Erica maintains her composure even when he mentions some sort of compensation for his generosity plus he tells her that the letter only contained a makeshift remedy which can't serve as a fundamental solution and there might be side effects as well it surely won't work on those with a serious condition and he doesn't plan on caring for her people that much since he already has done enough Erica agrees that his thought process is only natural because they were engaged for political reasons as long as they Grant her family some honor The Stokes Family would surely maintain face however she still can't stop thinking about how Harold went out of his way to help them out it's still unbelievable that he made this medicine in such a short time making her wonder about when exactly he decided to develop it it's weird that he could achieve something that her family couldn't solve for such a long time and reveals a letter that her father has sent for Harold he begins reading the letter without even wasting a second and it looks like tsuku has expressed his sincere gratitude in at least six different ways updating him on the progress of the patience he finally has a special request as he asks Herold to take care of Erica at the soakes estate for the time being while their family deals with these issues back home it seems like Erica had no clue about her father's little request agreeing that it will be a major inconvenience to Harold if she lives with him under the same roof anyhow the Cod she was sent here on has already returned though and her only choice is to rely on his benevolence her smart reply makes Herold Smile as he knows that she has got guts but he declares that there is nothing Honorable in fulfilling a one-sided request like this this surely makes him look like a cold person who doesn't care about his fiance therefore Erica prepares to leave after he complains about not being repaid well her awfully quick exit starts getting him worried though and soon he is rolling through the town and the Stokes his family coach it is revealed that a few hours after Erica left his house herold's father informed him that Erica will be staying with them for a few weeks since it was his father's order he couldn't possibly refuse right this bad feeling totally hit the nail on the head fully aware that his letter has caused the dramatic change from the original story he also reaches to pick her up by this time where Erica introduces her attendant yuno as well this new character is even more doubtful for him making him decide that he will completely ignore these two and just let things pass by instructing them to mind their own business but his father has his own plans as he starts announcing his fiance's arrival throughout their mansion this public humiliation is too much for him to handle when Hayden gives him the responsibility of showing Erica around town the next day as well he clearly had no choice but to get involved with her a letter from Harold has arrived at the sumeragi estate which is quite suspicious for tsuku even though he believes that the Stokes family has nothing to gain since this letter hits towards their family's decline this surely makes him wonder if someone else is pulling the strings since nobody can imagine that this letter was written by that boy himself the question is who is the author of this letter and it's clear that it might not be someone who wants to help the Sumari family out it can possibly be someone close to the Stokes Family who is willing to provide something Herold desires or they have surely hypnotized the poor boy another way to look at it might be that it's a way to test the Sumari family which doesn't make sense because they are already in a lot of trouble as of now this indicates a strong possibility of the letter being truthful therefore tsuku asks kiru to prepare the Necessities at once which will be used by the volunteers soon enough back at the stokes's Mansion it's dinner time and it looks like their new guests are enjoying the delicious meal with the entire family while Harold maintains a miserable expression his mother immediately gets up to check for a fever making him blush for being treated like a child in front of the guests his parents share a laugh at his reaction when Harold turns the tables on them mentioning that they should be the ones who are embarrassed for being such a lovey-dovey couple in front of their son there is an awkward silence at the table but they managed to get through this dinner soon back in her room Erica mentions that her father thinks that Harold might be connected to a traitor or is being used by them even though he doesn't look like someone who can be controlled by anyone else even though she hasn't found concrete proof against him she knows that the need to get him to clarify this threat once and for all at this point yo is revealed to be a detective who is about to go find some clues about herold's involvement apparently tsuki ordered Erica to Rattle him during the day as well but it didn't provide any results to them does this mean that he's being used as a puppet by someone this investigation is surely going to take a bit of effort in order to uncover if there was any funny business going on around this Mansion yuno has been going around town collecting information about the Stokes Family who were quite arrogant take profit profit from the commoners by taxes to fund their military and nobody can start a riot because they will be killed for sure this information is shocking for the detective until a strange guy Whispers some information about Harold and her hair which is a bit shocking for her on the other hand Harold and Erica are taking a tour of the town as well even though he isn't quite familiar with the area yet they go over to a shop where he buys a little token for the girl with him which seemingly makes her cheeks turned red he is aware that she has ignored the rumors about him killing Clara but he is still hoping that she hates him spectacular L this is when he thinks about Clara and Colette safety and his parents anger if they ever find out that he is protecting them they return home soon where heral takes a meeting with Jack who confirms that all six locations are undergoing favorable growth the Harvest might be according to expectations which makes the boy suggest some possible expansions Unfortunately they lack the Manpower for the expansions even though Norman suggests that they can employ Aras and seon as inspectors this suggestion might not be realistic therefore Herold starts thinking about hiring people from the outside for now Jack needs to finish his report so he continues to tell him that they have not witnessed any effect from the use of Life potions plus the chefs haven't reported any differences in tastes either which doesn't sound like a bad report but Herold still thinks that they aren't doing enough tests to make good judgments instructing him to continue monitoring the progress meanwhile yo has also returned from the town with her own report about the Stokes Family informing that her in-laws are quite unpopular among the citizens she also shares the information about Harold revealing that it seems like he used magic to burn CLA and clect to ashes this information is devastating for Erica even though she knows about the ray of hope that he has found for her people she is still in shock when yuno promises to continue spying on him instructing her to avoid being alone with Herold because they never know what he might do the servants are gossiping about Erica being unwell since the day she went out with Harold and it's surely going to sound too good for their boss on the other hand the boy is busy practicing his swordsmanship in the forest that he used during the Clara rescue operation he can can freely swing his blade which makes him feel free practicing the Swift's lightning technique a couple of times unfortunately he still doesn't think that his magic is good enough even though it's just newbie magic but he's nowhere near a match for Herold in the original story this is really unacceptable for him as he wants to match the person's strength in the game therefore he continues with his special training he has no idea that yo has been watching him from a distance and she has clearly witnessed something Dreadful as she knows that he must be hiding a dreadful secret if he can't use sword techniques mixed with magic the only way to find out if that's risky for them is to confront him however she might not survive if he decides to bear his fangs at her deciding that she doesn't stand a chance against him the detective turns to leave so she can come back later before she can leave though a sword passes right by her and it looks like she has been discovered by Harold after all she has no idea if she should run because he might have seen through her spying activities and she probably can't lie her way out of this one right it seems like the sword slipped from Harold's Hands by mistake and he is scared that he has hurt the mysterious person so much that they can't move at all going a bit closer he discovers that it's yo who immediately apologizes for peeping on him Harold knows that there's nothing interesting about watching a kid play with a sword but she doesn't seem to be hurt so it's a relief he advises her against loing around in the shadows which makes her smile for not being discovered but it's clearly a warning for her to stay away in the future too she is clearly worried about being able to protect Erica at this rate because the boy in front of her had plenty of partying abilities he doesn't sound like a puppet at all and it feels like an utter de feat for the poor detective changing the topic Harold inquires about Erica suggesting that she should probably return home if she's feeling so homesick youo wishes that he would be kinder towards his fiance when he clearly spells out that he doesn't intent on being tied down by this relationship at all realizing that he has said too much he leaves yo at her spot but still thinks about how suspicious it is that Erica is still feeling so sick there's something deeper behind her grief and it looks like he's determined to find out what it is Harold realizes that he left his sword back in the woods hoping that yo doesn't take it and runs to bring it back before it gets too dark at this point he spots Erica walking in the gardens which makes him wonder if she's fine enough to move now maybe he should try taking her back to her room therefore he moves closer to her instead of inquiring about her health with kindness he ends up insulting her which makes him feel bad because she doesn't even reply to him he should really get some lessons on how to talk to a lady revealing that she can't be honest with him because she doesn't like him too much Erica keeps standing firm on the ground without even blinking her eyes her reply makes him turn to leave until she stops him finally asking if the rumors about him magically burning a servant are true deciding to clear up this misunder understanding he lets her know that he killed his servant and her daughter because it doesn't make a difference no matter how many servants he kills the poor girl is left speechless while he continues to laugh about the murders he has done mentioning that it's their fault for being born that way his insensitive words are clearly too much to handle for Erica who slaps him hard accusing him of being the worst human ever before turning to leave later Harald locks himself in his room and doesn't even play with Zen when he comes over to play for a bit his friend consents that something is wrong with him but he refuses to share his feelings with anyone as always Harold drags Zen out of his bedroom while he continues to ask questions but it looks like a kid like him is not supposed to talk back finally alone Harold realizes that he said some harsh words to Erica to make her leave but he might have gone a little overboard maybe he should have taken it down an arch or two taking her illness into consideration as well he is evidently feeling too bad for projecting himself in such a Negative light however he is also aware that he needs to maintain this nature without hesitating because this is exactly what he needs to do in the future if he hesitates now then it will just keep getting difficult with time kirisawa has been restlessly twisting and turning in his bed the entire night eventually he manages to fall asleep and loses track of time the sun rises to its peak and the bright light wakes him up he checks his clock and is shocked to see that he overslept and it is past noon that slap for Erica yesterday seems to have caused heavy damage and hirasawa is still trying to recover he rubs his face and takes a deep sigh everything is going exactly how he plann so why is he still this bothered he admits that someone playing the game would have been so happy to see the slap because Herold did indeed deserve it but things are different now that he gets to experience everything firsthand the rumbling from his stomach forces him to leave his bed and head towards the dining room Norman enters the room and asks his master if he's doing okay given that he overslept and looks extremely fatigued however hirosawa doesn't waste any time talking about himself and get straight to talking ugab Booga about his business strategies he discusses with Norman the means of spreading the lp farming method like recruiting people from outside and increasing the workforce his other idea is to demonstrate the benefits of the lp farming method to some merchants and then sign a contract with them for its rights his plan is simple he wants to force Merchants into buying the lp farming method and then the merchants will resell it to Farmers the farmers will pay the contract fees to the merchant and use the lp farming method and then the profits will be split between the inventor and the merchants however to secure talented Merchants that they can use to come into contact with the farmers they can't expect much from relying on a big company Norman comments that they don't have any connection so no company would pay attention to them if they were to suddenly make a proposal Hira was size and agrees that even though his herold's parents have connections they can't disclose their LP farming plan to them Norman notices the look of frustration on hero sawa's face and reassures him that their plane will reach fruition they just have to get into contact with trustworthy merchants and for that they will share their plan with Jake hi isawa nods his head and agrees to this course of action later that day Zen spends at least 5 minutes knocking on Herald's door but receives no response he becomes concerned so he enters the room without permission it turns out it really isn't in his room Zen assumes that he must be out training in the woods again it looks like Zen is quite attached to Harold because he tries to get up earlier just so he can spend some moments with Harold Sama he notices Erica sitting in the living room all by herself he respectfully greets her and introduces himself when asked why she isn't with yo today Erica replies that she has gone out of town for a personal matter Zen like always finds it impossible to mind his own business he asks her if she decided to stay because she has some business with Harold at hearing his name the smile on Erica's face Fades away Zen is too dumb to s a hand so he keeps on yapping about how he's worried about Herold overworking himself by constantly being busy lately Erica doesn't respond and keeps glaring at him after a couple of minutes Zen eventually asks her if there is something wrong Erica hesitates at first but must up the courage to ask him if the reason why he thinks so highly of Harold is because he's not aware that Harold used magic to murder a servant Zen is caught off guard by that question he scratches his head and stutters he tells her that there are only rumors and since they can't be sure whether those rumors are true they shouldn't jump to conclusions like that Erica raises her voice and states that Herold confirms the rumors himself she asks him how he could be so careless about the matter when it all happened in his presence Zen freezes in his place when he realizes that he has yet again messed up Erica takes a short pause and then asks him how she can blindly follow Harold like him her conscious would never allow her to accept Harold and forgive him after he has killed a human he admits that even though she is his fiance and wants to help her people for her father's sake this is something that she can't Overlook as she says that Harold has made her let go of only one option of becoming useful to the Sumari family Tears start dripping from his eyes she eventually gives into her emotions and yells that the only thing on her mind is that she cannot bring herself to forgive him no matter what Zen is like a deer in headlights he is able to speak or move eventually Erica calms down and apologizes for showing unprofessional behavior despite being a noble she wipes her face and leaves the place Zen just stands there and thinks about how similar Erica and Harold are Harold saved the woman and her child despite bearing the dishonor of being a murderer whereas Erica is trying to swallow her true feelings for the sake of the sumeragi people Zen concludes that given their similarities there was no way these two should be allowed to go their separate ways while hating each other yet again in his best attempt to help Harold he is only going to mess up his plans he believes that since these two possess the same strength and kindness they should be able to show their true selves and support each other Zen decides to let his intrusive thoughts win and he stops Erica he requests her to follow him Erica is as confused as us in his inner monologue he apologizes to Herold for what he's about to do he claims that he's afraid that one day he will shatter into pieces and that he cannot tolerate such a sight he clenches his fist and decides to go against his orders he knows that he might lose Herold forever but he is ready to accept that if it means getting rid of some of the thorns in Harold's path he's decided that Harold absolutely needs Erica his plan is basically to drag the girl to Harold's room and then lock it from the outside he smiles mischievously as he executes his plan um sir are you sure this is legal he apologizes to Erica and Promises her that he will be in five little did he know that he does not have even 5 minutes to carry out his plan Harold casually passes Zen and opens the door to his room Zen jumps high higher than a kangaroo on a trampoline when he realizes what just happened thankfully Harold is clueless about the situation and asks then what he's doing outside of his room Zen quickly takes his defensive stance as Harold looks like a furious cat that hasn't been fed apparently Erica has managed to hide in Harold's closet and her heart is throbbing like crazy as it will break out of her rib cage any time Zen has pushed her into an embarrassing situation and Escape seems impossible Zen asks Harold where he has been all this time and the ladder replies that he was simply eating in the dining room Herold seems annoyed so Zen cuts to the Chase and asks him if he knows that the rumors of Clara have been spreading quite far he claims that he went to the town shop earlier and all the shopkeepers and customers pestered him all about it the conversation has piqued Erica's interest and she listens carefully Zen continues by saying that he has not revealed anything to anybody but this can take a shot at Harold's reputation Harold takes a deep breath and says that the way Zen was panicking earlier he thought he might have something important to say Herold states that does not consider this matter to be important because there is nothing thing that he can do about it Zen already knows the answers to all the questions and he's not as stupid as we might think he still asks Harold what the issue is and Harold finally reveals that he cannot announce to the public that Clara and Colette actually safely escaped to BL Village and are still alive the time stops momentarily for Erica and she realizes how judgmental she has been without even having any evidence Harold adds that if by any chance his parents were to catch the wind of Clara being alive he would become suspicious in their eyes Zen asks the main question now he asks why he isn't willing to reveal the truth to his fiance who seems incredibly depressed over these rumors without wasting a second Herold sharply responds that Erica must never find out we know that the real reason is to avoid death Flags while sticking to herold's original storyline hiawa decides to make up some reason because he knows that otherwise Zen's kindness could lead to his downfall little does he know Zen is five steps ahead of him heral states that since Erica started crying after assuring that he had killed them she is just going to be a liability for him he claims that he doesn't want someone who sheds tears and sympathy for people who they don't even know he says that her kind personality is a weakness because if she were to walk beside him she would have always be hurt Zen tries his best to save the situation and asks him if he is deliberately keeping her at a distance because he's worried about her however Harold is hellbent on fumbling this woman he states that there is no way he would get married to some annoying girl who cries at literally everything oh our stoic stud Zen refuses to give up just yet he asks him the point of the entire engagement thing if marriage is not an option Harold calls Zen a numskull and explains that the engagement was bought with money he then narrates how the miasma plagues the forest which was pivotal to the sumi's economy obviously hiros knows all these facts because he played the game he knows that herold's parents did not think twice about agreeing to the arrangement because they were desperate for their bloodline Zen scratches his head and tries to use his brain cells that are already on life support he asks Harold if it's okay with the surai family being utterly destroyed as a result of him breaking the engagement Herold smiles and reveals that he has already taken measures to take care of that when he visited the Sumari territory he passed a letter to tsuku through Erica in the letter he described a method to manufacture an antibody that is effective against the miasma he also informed him about the necessary precautions if the region is only lightly contaminated by the miasma they can use the drug to possibly return their Forest industry to normal along with that he also plans to offer them the lp farming method technique the surprising part for Erica is when Harold mentions that he talked about it in the letter too as long as the antibody and the lp farming workout Erica's family won't suffer from breaking off of the engagement now the question is is Erica fine with it Zen's action has changed everything but hirosawa is not aware of that with a devilish grin on his face Harold advises Zen to sort out his future too because the sto's family is headed towards a downfall if he doesn't want to be unemployed heral suggests he should prepare for the worst case scenario this is because the heavy Taxation and the excessive spending are getting out of hand now Zen starts to panic when he realizes that Harold has not given any thought to to the Stokes of citizens Harold scofs arrogantly of course his plan covers everything he has made sure nothing bad would happen to the citizens by requesting Sumari to take care of them if the Stokes were to fall tku is connected with the royal family so he will act as a liaison for their support to put in good words whenever possible how old is this little guy again why is he even talking like Elon Musk after finishing the entire story he gives Zen a death stare and Promises to kill him if he ever gets out Zen sweats from head to toe while nodding his head his eyes keep shifting towards the closet Harold commands him to scram but Zen has a knack for being annoying he comes up with a great excuse to drag this little Elon Musk out of his room so Erica can escape Zen tells Harold that he has always had an interest in swordsmanship so he would like to see him train Harold refuses at first but then realizes that he can use Zen to improve his skills the typical devilish smile crawls on his face as he hands Zen a sword and tells him to run as fast as he can as soon as the duo leaves the room Erica comes out and finally breathes peacefully she rushes towards her room while herold's words float in his mind he keeps thinking about Clara and Colette tears of happiness well up in her eyes knowing that those two are safe however she decides that she wants to confirm this information and tells everything to yuno Erica tells yuno if everything Harold said is true then the sort of the antibiotics Mak sense it is not possible to develop a drug in just a few days especially given the fact that all of Sumari worked together to search but did not find any clinical samples that means that Herold predicted sumi's crisis is many years before the engagement was decided Erica knows that and even he helps them and he has nothing to gain what doesn't make sense to her is why he spent an overwhelming amount in making a drug that has nothing to do with him yuno recalls the time Harold was able to sense her spying on him she thinks it is really possible for him not to notice someone hiding in his own room did he want Erica to listen to everything you know smiles when realizing that the more you think about the guy the more suspicious he becomes his fearsomeness is unfathomable and youo likes that aspect of him three weeks have passed since the slap Erica and yo have been staying in Harold's Place for a month Harold is suspecting something but it also looks like he hasn't slept for days his hands are tied with searching for a trustworthy company for his plan suddenly Norman appears and interrupts his thoughts he informs him that Master Hayden has summoned him hedden tells Harold that Erica has not been in great health lately so upon yuno's request they are returning to the Sumari territory Harold is obviously ecstatic to hear that news he tells his father that he's happy he doesn't have to see her face again heyden schools him lightly and informs him that he has to escort her he is also told that he will stay at sumi's residence for a while to deepen their relationship with them Herold starts to tremble when his father commands him to get intimate with his fiance and bag a wife hirosawa is annoyed until he realizes that this could be a chance for him to spread the lp farming method business is like this only guy's personality trait meanwhile in the blo village A peculiar looking stranger has arrived inquiring about a woman named Clara ailer 5 months have passed since Clara was saved in the peaceful Breeze and beautiful scenery she is doing the laundry while we're calling the day Harold showed her mercy she hopes that Harold is doing okay but quickly shakes off the thoughts she has no longer any connection to the place and knows that her existence must remain hidden no matter what she talks to her neighbor whose son seems to be getting along really well with Colette mind you this son is the protagonist of the game she decides to prepare cookies that she baked yesterday for the kids but she's interrupted by the same stranger the man doesn't introduce himself but jumps right to the main subject he asks him if she knows anything about a man named Nam Herold when Clara doesn't respond he asks her if the rumor says the boy killed a servant he asks her about the validity of those rumors Clara thinks for a moment but then realizes that any response could be dangerous she turns away and tells him to leave however the man promises that he will come by again Clara joins her hand in prayer while hoping that Hayden won't do anything bad to Harold if he finds out meanwhile Harold has arrived at the Sumari Village and is greeted by Eric's father he calls tuuku a loser and tells him to make time for him in his schedule it looks like he only talked respectfully when his parents are around however tsuku doesn't get pissed and stays composed as in the original story later that day yuno hands a reported the State of Affairs at stokes's territory and her analysis of Herold yo admits to herself that she hasn't been able to uncover any significant leaves this only means that Herold is flawlessly controlling the spread of information it turns out that the strange spy in Clara's Village was in fact hired by yuno he tells her that a woman named Clara is alive and well but refuses to leak information about Harold yo decides to pay a visit it on her own everything is going according to hirasawa's plan well at least he thinks it is as per the game the miasma will be dead with protagonist liner 8 years later however if Herold becomes tasuku's Ally before that he can support the protagonist in the shadows and it will become easier for him to avoid death Flags the only problem is spreading the lp farming method and for that he must make a convincing proposal to tsuku here however he has to act according to Harold's personality he slams The LP farming manuscript at T suu's face and asks him what he makes of it tsuku is shocked to see the surprising profitable figures however he just can't understand what Harold is getting from this Harold asks tsuku what he would do with the lp farming method if he had control tsuku replies that he would install the technology and then later spread it to the country when he says that he has no intention of monopolizing it Harold looks Satisfied by the response he asks tsuku to be the joint developer of the lp farming method and tsuku realizes that this kid is exactly how yo described him smart cunning and business-minded Herald wants to use the Sumari name to spread farming tsuku quickly realizes that this kid is hiding everything from his parents and that is because they will try to monopolize this technology Harold claims that there are two reasons why he chose tsuku to be the joint developer one is that he's easy to deal with tsuku guesses the second reason all on his own Herold gave him the cure to miasma a strategy to defend against it and the lp farming method just so that he could break off the engagement with Erica there is no reason for tsuko to refuse the offer he thinks that this way he will save his citizens as well as his daughter's future the deal is made and Harold tells tsuku to start building a huge company meanwhile he plans to polish his combat skills The Stokes territory does not have a bathing culture so hirosawa has some time to get revitalized he is happy that he managed to allly with tsuku smoothly and it seems to him that tsuku considers him a sparring partner things are going so well that hirosawa can't help but smile meanwhile Yuna has requested tsuku for an important meeting she reveals that upon Erica's orders she is been investigating Herold for a long period of time Erica is also present there and apologizes for freely mobilizing spies without his permission she admits that there was something she had to verify no matter what tsuku and his wife sit cluelessly while Erica prepares Her speech she asks her parents if they know about the rumors that Herold had murdered a servant and her child suzuku responds that he learned about this event from reports but he's shocked when Erica reveals that there is a possibility that those rumors were false she explains that in order to verify the truth she Enlisted the assistance of yuno and her team you know elaborates that the parent and her child are currently living in a small village called BL Clara had not changed her name after fleeing so it was easy to find them by Consulting the villagers yo claims that Clara refused to speak of the incident to her spies and so she had to personally visit the village she had knocked on Clara's door and introduced herself as a messenger from the Sumari family she had explained that the daughter of the Sumari and Herold are in preparation for marriage however due to suspicions of him being involved in a murder there are people in the Sumari who were voicing their opposition Clara almost defend Harold and then paused yo pushed her more to open up by saying that Harold is submitting to these rumors accepting the stigma of being a murderer and is personally pleading guilty yuno claimed that day that she had no intention of exposing the hidden truth to the public she promised Clara that if she shared the truth she would be able to find supporters for heral in secret yuno could tell that Clara was slowly becoming convinced obviously Clara gave into to the emotional blackmail and invited her inside her home to explain everything in detail she realized that yo was doing everything she could to to help Harold yuno narrates the entire story and tsuku carefully listens everyone is baffled when they realize that the wagon residence household goods and relocation expenses were all provided for Clara by Harold youo says what has been on everyone's mind Harold did everything he could to protect Clara's safety even if it meant that his reputation would take all of the damage there is pin drop silence in the room for a while Erica gets up and leaves the room her dad stops her but she looks emotional she says that she must apologize to Harold for taking her feelings out on him and raising her hand on him without knowing the truth or trying to find it out the guilt is eating her alive and she knows that Herald will never forgive her but she wants to get this off her chest before she can step outside of the room though tsuku stops her and claims that he can't allow that tsuku is the real Chad he knows that Harold went out of the way to protect Clara and her daughter so what they should be doing now that they know the truth is not to expose his secret but to carefully preserve it Erica freezes in place when she is told that if Harold were to find out the details have been shared with someone he cannot trust yet he would get even more cautious about leaks and would alienate himself even more than he already has the guilt swells up even more for her her father Pats her on the back to console her and says that it's natural for her to feel the need to apologize he makes her question herself if she really wants to apologize because she did him wrong or if it was because she wants to comfort herself all this time Erica had been trying her best to keep her emotions under control but hearing that causes her to finally lose it tears stream down her face and she asks her dad if she can be considered a good human if she cannot correct her mistake or bow down her head to apologize tsuku places his hand on her head and calmly tells her to become herold's supporter if she wants to redeem herself he tells her that Harold is too brilliant for his own good and that strength alienates Him He suggests that if she wants to make up for her actions then instead of asking for forgiveness she should be getting closer to him Erica stops crying and the words get close to him bounce in her head tsuku commands her to OverWatch what he's trying to achieve and to become someone who truly understands him he cautions her that it won't be an easy task because due to herold's brilliance he doesn't really need allies so despite being a fiance it is possible that no matter how much Erica May devote herself to him he may never acknowledge her he asks his daughter if she has the resolve to believe in and follow such a man however being a good father he tells her that she doesn't have to answer now she is allowed to observe Harald up close and can respond after that tsuku smiles and tells her that she should apologize for the slap though it doesn't take her a second to disappear from the room everyone smiles and her mother comments that when the engagement was decided she already seemed seemed fairly disappointed but looks even more depressed now she didn't want Harold earlier and now she doesn't want to lose him tsuku comments that his daughter has grown up and his wife reminds him that this is not the first time they are experiencing their child growing up tsuku comments that knowing Erica her feelings for Herold are going to become too strong the next day tsuku takes Herold to the largest martial arts temple in the Sumari territory in order to be educated in all sorts of combative Arts everyone reing from children to adults train here every day Harold asks tsuku why he brought Eric along he doesn't look at her and even doesn't address her by her name Erica looks away in shame and to suu responds that Harold's today's opponent kepts pestering him to bring her Harold put on his martial arts attire without any struggles and tsuku looks confused he asks Harold how he was able to do that Harald shrugs off the question and asks him to reveal his opponent tsuki smiles and says that his opponent is already here it's a guy named atsuki who seems to be of the same age as him tsuku welcomes atsuki and apologizes for bothering him however before the old gezer could even finish his sentence ituku darks past him and aggressively hugs Erica he tells her that they haven't seen each other in a while and she has become so beautiful in that time while almost suffocating her he asks her if she felt lonely without him and that he missed her so much that he couldn't sleep this guy better turn out to be her older brother or he would just be a creep Erica begs him to let go of her as she is unable to breathe Harold obviously looks annoyed it's not like he's jealous or anything but he complains to tsuku that his opponent is weak tsuku reassures him that ituki strength is Absolut loot Harold claims that no matter how you look at atsuki he is just a kid ituki Grins and reminds Harold that he too is just a kid he lets go of Erica and introduces himself as Erica's brother not going to lie this guy looks like he has some screws loose and could be a formidable opponent for Harold Harold introduces himself with just his name and for some reason it pisses ituki off he takes a step closer and asks Harold if he's sure that he isn't forgetting anything in the glimpse of an eye he is suddenly standing right next to Harold with his hand on his shoulder he grips him tightly and reminds him that he is his little sister's fiance he intimidatingly stares at Harold while smiling ear to ear for 5 minutes without saying anything yeah this guy definitely has a black belt in craziness tsuku rolls his eyes knowing well his oldest child Shenanigans meanwhile all the trainees in the department gather around when they find out that a duel is about to begin downstairs between atsuki and Erica's fiance to them it is a rare chance to witness ituki swordsmanship itsuki's eyes are sparkling with passion as he tells Harold that it's time to duel me meanwhile Harold is his usual angry cat self and he yells at atsuki to not touch him and cause him a piece of trash he admits to himself though that atsuki has a strong grip ituki withdraws his hand and smiles at seeing Herold so fired up and ready to begin they agree to prepare the weapons here Asawa analyzes ituki and is kind of surprised to see his interactions with Erica in which he only dots on her he admits the game ituki was only touched upon in conversation among other characters so he wouldn't recognize him even after seeing him hirasawa isn't really aware of his personality skills so dealing with him is bound to be a nuisance ituki throws a bamboo sword at Harold and he quickly catches it Harold swings The Sword in all directions to test it and comments that this is practically just a stick the stick is really light and heraa wonders if it's because he has been wielding an iron sword up until now or maybe because Herold is powered up hirasawa takes another look at his rival as Spectators start to gather he admits that he has started to get nervous now ituki Sumari is a character whose name isn't even mentioned in the original story this is a world where swords magic and monsters exist so it is a fact that hirasawa's opponent is going to be strong it's not just that but the fact that tsuku specifically picked atsuki to be his skilled opponent Harold the most intelligent Prodigy knows better than to underestimate his opponent hirosawa is not confident about his skills but he knows that he can trust herold's overwhelming speed and Superior swordsmanship he tells himself that it will be fine as he has been constantly training in his own way up until now he reassures himself that he knows how to handle this body he grips his bamboo stick tight and claims that he is not going to lose tsuku explains the rules that these sticks are the only weapon allowed to be used in attacking the vitals including the head and face and the usage of magic is forbidden there is no time limit and the Victor will be determined once one of you is incapacitated or forfeits aside from these rules there will be no different from an actual fight when both of them are going to agree that they have no issue the fight will finally commence Herold being the jackass that he is scoffs and claims that the rules are lenient in a condescending manner tsuku explains that he wishes to avoid any serious ious injuries at any cost and would not have made such limitations if both of them were wearing protection armor Herold rolls his eyes and atsuki looks a little sad atsuki thinks to himself that it's only natural that his father would add those conditions he has competed against tons of adults up until now and he is strong enough that his peers are no match for him since his sparring partner is a younger Noble Heir he can't hurt him and cause problems atsuki says that it is unfortunate that he can't enjoy himself for once after such a long time considering his father's intentions he believes that he shouldn't fight for real when atsuki claims that he's ready to provide handicap and allow Herold to make the first move and unleash his best attack upon Him Harold looks rather annoyed as soon as tsuku gives the que to begin the match itsuki's confidence evaporates Into Thin Air Harold takes one step and he is like a flash of lightning his eyes have gone blank and he attacks first with the intent to kill ituki only feels a gush of air and the next thing he realizes is that the bamboo stick is no longer in his hand the audience gasps and remarks that no one was able to see anything mitsuki stands motionless and his place without any weapon Harold tells him that if this was a real duel he would have been dead by now with a devilish and arant smile on his face he looks at the terrified atsuki and tells him that he must be glad that the duel wasn't serious yet it looks like atsuki has started to enjoy this he smiles and admits that he never thought Harold would be this strong he quietly walks over to his bamboo stick and picks it up the fact that Harold was able to match his form and alter the sword's trajectory caught him off guard he knows that he could have hit him like that but chose to deliberately knock his bamboo Sword Down it's as if he's telling atsuki to fight for real a smile creeps up on atsuki face when he realizes the real agenda of Herold for seeking out the stage Harald has been looking for a worthy rival for whom he could fight at full strength inuki openly apologizes for looking down on him and asks him if he's willing to have a serious match this time Harold responds by calling him an idiot and claims that a serious match is the only thing missing in his life it just can't be Harold's dialogue if it doesn't contains slurs and sarcasm ituki closes his eyes and smiles he tells Harold that this time he's going to make make the first attack Harold loves the sound of that and challenges to come at him if he's fast enough to keep up tsuku suddenly becomes concerned and calls it Suki but the latter just looks at his dad with an expression that tells him not to worry that he will keep his promise he doesn't want to make matters worse for his dad but he also doesn't want to let go of the sweet opportunity of seriously dueling with someone Herold rushes in him and atsuki is caught off guard yet again by how fast his opponent is he admits that he completely surpasses him in speed and tries to regain his composure ituki manages to read her attack and pushes him into a defensive stance instead of an offensive one herold's Eyes Open Wide in Surprise and atsuki smirks while saying that herold's fighting patterns have been totally exposed Herold suddenly starts having a hard time defending and his face clearly shows how frustrated he is ituki Smiles what claiming that it is just as he had expected he just wants to know how long atsuki can last the silent crowd suddenly becomes loud and starts chanting ATS sui's name ituki explains that if his opponent can't leverage his speed their actions become more straightforward and the timing of their actions become easy to read moreover with him responding to all the faints at Suki is throwing at him Harold's actions are even more restricted The Spectators comment that if heral is trying to deal with each and every attack of his opponent then it means that his swordsmanship is no different from an amateurs and he cannot read his enemy attacks Herold has started to breathe heavily and is struggling to gain his composure so even if he beats him in speed when it comes to predicting the opponent ituki is way ahead of him because he has a lot more combat experience the fight gets more intense as the swords Clash the Expressions on the Fighter's face show that they are having the times of their lives they mock each other and come up with snarky comebacks while skillfully managing their stance and trying their best to predict each other's moves eventually atsuki starts having an upper hand he Corners Harold and takes a mighty swing at his sword Harold throws his sword in the air which catches ituki by surprise Harold turns his hand into a fist and uses it to violently strike atsuki Who falls on his back everyone gasps as tsuku signals for the match to be stopped heral looks down on his Fallen opponent and points his bamboo stick at him it'ss sui is shocked and takes a moment to understand what just happened he admits to himself that it is unbelievable that he just lost to a kid 3 years younger than him he says that Harold is the type of those Rivals who improve from feding competitions atsuki smiles and claims that although he lost he doesn't feel bad for him Harold rolls his eyes and says that he will not lose to ituki again ituki looks surprised by that statement so Harold explains that it was stated beforehand that bamboo swords could be their only weapons of course he roasts susuki for failing to grasp the rules of the match and makes fun of the fact that he's going going to be the next chief of the Sumari family ituki starts laughing maniacally and thinks to himself that he has found a brother-in-law and a rival in the same person heral throws a typical tantrum man excuses himself he walks through a beautiful garden that reminds him of Japan suddenly the reality hits him that 8 years from now he is destined to die and even if he manages to avoid all the Death flags and the protagonist kills the final boss he isn't sure if he'll be able to go back to the real world when he realizes that he remembers absolutely nothing from his previous life he suddenly starts crying he es when he realizes that a real Harold would never cry but it's too late because Erica was standing there the entire time yet again she has found Harold in a vulnerable state her heart skips a beat when she sees the strong and intelligent man who claims to be better off without anyone crying alone she wonders if he is always been fighting alone like this as soon as she calls out his name it's like a switch in him flips and he's back to his original personality he asks her about what nonsense she has come to spew this time and she politely bows down and apologizes for the slap here isawa admits to himself that it is her kind personality that made her so lovable to the players however this shouldn't be happening she should be mad at him suddenly he starts imagining his death and panics he calls Erica horrendous slurs and says that she's an eyesore he leaves but Erica has made it his life's goal to not leave this guy alone a long time has passed by now 3 years ago Harold volunteered to embark on a subjugation campaign he effortlessly deals with a giant hornad while his colleagues contribute nothing and watch an astonishment Harold's plan is to gain experience and defeating as many monsters as possible and in the meanwhile tsuku handles his business it appears that some time ago Harold even got brutally injured while saving his comrades but threatened everyone not to leak that information to his parents now that 3 years have passed he decides to stop by the Sumari estate to check up how things are going on tsuku side Harold is back at the Sumari Village but something about him is different he may have managed to get mature after all these years let's see if he succeeds in the try not cussing for 5 minutes challenge tsuku welcomes him into to the Sumari house and Harold gets straight to business he asks him about how negotiations with his father turned out tsuku informs him that the negotiations went smoothly they've received an exemption on some of the lp farming methods fees and taxes this is a success because it means Herold has taken another step in spreading his Innovation Harold laughs and claims that his dad has no idea that his engagement will be cancelled tsuku doesn't respond to that statement and looks rather concerned he changes the direction of the conversation and asks Harold if he's all right after fighting a hornad during the campaign Herold rolls his eyes and complains why everyone asks him that whenever a campaign finishes tsuku reminds him that he has seen him turning up at the Sumari Village multiple times due to severe injuries Harold crosses his arms and arrogantly claims that it is an insult to him that the Sumari head thinks he would lose tsuku Smiles at this confidence and says that he hopes he and atsuki can fight again he suddenly remembers that he has a message from atsuki apparently he wants Herold to try participating in the combat tournament at delit it is divided by age so he won't be able to face off against atsuki however there is still an opportunity for him to gain some new combat experience Harold doesn't hate the sound of that a combat tournament is generally designed to face off against human opponents and you don't need to seriously fight to the death he smiles and remarks that the idea is fascinating tsuku states that he will inform atsuki and excuses himself to get back to work Herold responds by telling the old man to work himself to death yeah he is still the same he realizes that it was the right choice to take a risk and deepen his relationship with the Sumari family the fact that his relationship with Erica whom he calls a major Minefield hasn't progressed at all in the last 3 years is a huge accomplishment for him the two of them are keeping a distance and it looks like they can't get back together now but still with the miasma in the Sumari territory he can't let his guard down until the protagonist and his party deal with it he tells himself that he can't feel proud just yet as there are mountains of problems waiting for him he plans to exterminate all of the death flag Sprouts that are about to rise in the remaining 5 years before the main story starts so where is this protagonist and his party that Herold is relying heavily on somewhere in the bustling ocean town called delit ler Griffith the protagonist seems to have a bubbly and naive personality judging from the excitement on his face it looks like it is his first time he went to the town he is excited to see the enormous buildings the crowds of people and ships made of metal with his eyes wide open and a smile stretching from ear to ear he is practically bouncing on his toes the important point to note is that he is already wearing the necklace that Harold had given to collect which means that the story has not strayed too far from its original plot his electric energy causes him to get scolded by his dad who tells him that those aren't ships made of metal but merely Bronze Statues of a ship Colette is here too and she appears really worried about liner and his Reckless attitude she reminds him that if he doesn't hurry up and sign up to participate in the combat he might get left out however he doesn't even let her finish and runs away in turbo mode while telling everyone to relax a little Colette does a face Pals if she's his babysitter liner's dad or is equally as frustrated as her he tells her that he will complete the registration for his stupid kid and requests her to look after him the poor girl looks everywhere but that brat is nowhere to be found Panic hits her and she stumbles on something and ends up badly bruising her knee while many people are annoyed by her clumsiness luckily for her a girl extends her hand to help her out she's none other than our very own Erica sumeragi Colette looks at Erica as if she's discovered a rare and dazzling gem she is enthralled by her beauty and compliments her Erica smiles and requests her to follow her so she can tend to her wound Colette insists that she doesn't want to trouble anyone and it's nothing big Erica smiles and claims that she isn't someone who could simply turn a blind eye to something like this Colette lowers her head in embarrassment and thanks her Erica holds out her hand and again asks her name Colette's response drains the color from Erica as if she doesn't have an ounce of blood and has been struck by a bolt of lightning she never would have imagined casually meeting the girl Harold risked everything to save she doesn't say anything though and quietly heals Colette with her magic when Colette compliments her skills she reveals that she is still in training when Colette hears the word training she assumes that Erica must be here for the combat tournament as well Erica corrects her by stating that she is simply just an escort she then asks her if she's here to compete which can be Troublesome now that she has injured her knee Colette smiles and claims that she is fulfilling the same role as her she is escorting a friend liner who is aiming to join the shivel recorder she blushes while admitting that she is supporting him with all her heart she excitedly claims that he is the strongest among all the children who live in the blo village the smile on Erica's face disappears when she hears the name of the village she was assuming that the girl's name being Colette is probably just a coincidence but now this hypothesis of hers has been proven wrong when Erica asks her why she lives in such a farway place Colette naively reveals that due to various circumstances she and her family had to move there 3 years ago the image of Herold flashes before her eyes and she says that her guess was true after all Colette is a little confused by the statement but she shrugs it on off when Erica completely heals her wound she insists that she must repay her Erica tells her not to worry about it and go back to looking for her friend she tells them that if her people have strong bonds they eventually run into each other again so if the two of them meet again they should become friends Colette panics and again asks her how she can be okay with being friends with someone like her Erica repeats that if they meet again then it would be a piece of evidence that their bond is real after that wholesome interaction they say their goodbyes while promising to meet once again then comes the day of the unexpected reunion Harold is impatiently waiting for atsuki and when he finally arrives he asks Harold to come with him to grab a bite this makes Harold more annoyed but ituki couldn't care less as deit is an ocean town and their Seafood is known to be topnotch Harold agrees to join him but little does he know that the mindfield he has been avoiding for 3 years will also be there when iuki loudly apologizes to Erica for being late Harold's face turns pale and his inner voice screams death Flags it looks like Erica isn't happy either she asks susuki why she wasn't aware of the situation her older brother awkwardly replies that she didn't think that eating with Harold would be so bad for her he Sid and tells them that he will only be in the way if he stays so he's going to be kept out Erica and Herold react quicker than a squirrel on caffeine and they both simultaneously tell atsuki that he must stay Harold claims that it would be an utter hell if he were to stay here with Erica and she knows that she will only cause trouble to him but she also believes that it would be too disrespectful to leave the seat the Dreadful dinner officially begins ituki breaks the the awkward Atmosphere by speaking first he tells Harold that one can get hurt during the combat tournament so he thought that it would be a great idea to be accompanied by someone who can use healing magic coincidentally everyone in his family was busy so he had no choice but to ask Erica instead Harold refuses to believe that nonsense and already knows that atsuki purposefully set him up when he claims that there is no way he would get hurt ituki reminds him of the proverb better safe than sorry it looks like he always has a snarky reply up his sleeve he tells him that he knows about the hole not meaning unless absolutely necessary thing but this dinner was important to break the ice between them later that day yo asks Erica if she told him about meeting Colette Erica replies that they can never reveal that they are aware of his secret unless he opens up first she spends the rest of the day recalling her encounter with Colette she believ that the next time they meet will be when Harold Reveals His secret to her her delusional self thinks that if Colette were to meet Harold again she would be head over heels for him and would confess somehow she has managed to convince herself that Harold the CEO of Me Myself and I would s for for Colette she admits that Colette is a nice person so she wouldn't mind having her as a love rival absolutely nothing has happened and this girl is already imagining Harold and Colette's future babies meanwhile Harold is assessing the area where the combat tournament will take place he remarks it is massive but his analysis is interrupted by a bunch of drunk men who are fighting to prove who is more manly one of the men almost stumbles into a girl who seems to be carrying important luggage however when he's about to bump into her Harold lands a forceful kick on him that KS his trajectory after that he lifts him up and smashes his head into a pot of cold water while claiming that he hopes this will sober him up this anchors the victim's peers and they all roll up their sleeves one of the shick orders units named the Cody unit arrives at the scene their Lieutenant seems annoyed that the citizens can't hold their liquor enough and always end up causing a scene a huge man rushes towards Harold clearly intending to harm him the lieutenant starts running too in order to save Harold but H soon realizes the doesn't need anyone's help he single-handedly cuses the old gezer to take a nap in the middle of the fight there is a pin Dro silence in the crowd and even Cody is left speechless he asks Harold if he's all right and requested to debrief him on the situation Harold turns around and literally snears at him he looks like a bull with a fly buzzing around its nose that's how annoyed he is he tells the lieutenant to ask the bystanders about what happened and not waste his time after saying that he disappears from the scene and the lieutenant regrets not asking the kid his name meanwhile inside Harold's body hirasawa's inner Fanboy is kicking in he admits that he got flustered after running into Cody and he has no clue what he's doing in the shck unit at this point in the storyline apparently in the game Cody occasionally joins the protagonist party and enjoys exploiting them he's the type of character you can rarely get your hands on he is fundamentally a supporting character and isn't really a bad person the anti-death flag brain cells in here was Sawa start doing their work and he comes up with a plan to get along with Cody so he can find out about the internal affairs of the protagonist party in the future the next day the tournament officially begins ituki informs Herold that he has signed him up with an alias with a smirk on his face Herold claims that the name doesn't matter to him he's just here to beat people up however the smirk soon disappears when he's standing in the middle of the ring with a stupid mask on his face and the crowd cheering him on with the name Mr Lord
Channel: ActionToon
Views: 157,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ActionToon, SS-Rank Hero Dies & Returns to Real World with Max Skills, manga rec, my manga, anilife, manwhacapped, manga explained, webtoon, manga recap, demon master, fantasy, manga, shonen, ss rank, ss rank hero, ss rank hunter, op protagonist, Manwha Recap, Manwha, Manga, manhwa recap, manhwa capped, manhwa cap, manhwa
Id: cZ93Y8btqsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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