The Dark Urge Remembers His Past | Baldur's Gate 3

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thank you Triumph after Triumph you have excelled in base villain for he who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself becomes a monster when you gaze along to the abyss the abyss also gazes into you you have reached the time of majority and you shall come into your Birthright it has been [Music] your father loves because [Music] shall have but one chosen memories flood back snatches of your story written in the blood of a thousand victims years spent in worship of Bal leading his Savage congregation in prayer sacrifice and Slaughter you were their master and he was yours a cruel Master a dreadlord a devoted father all is greater than you could have dreamed but are a spawn of Baal his hair has Zion cruelty of the Slayer leaps around Within you are not the last of your name not yet there's another the Abomination wrapped in flesh you saw in The Colony all right dear sister Must Die by your hand an offering in baal's sanctum your heart Pines for the love of your lord today is a wonderful day for murder Holt we do not know how you gained entry but your trespass shall not be punished Lord gotash has been expecting you the Watcher's presence fades but another takes its place confident dominant commanding greetings old friend orange told me you're on your way here but I scarcely believed it welcome back to Baldur's Gate welcome home allow me to formally invite you to my inauguration make your way to the ceremonial Hall we shouldn't have any more trouble from the guards
Channel: Vivec
Views: 168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uKfJedpQcfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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