The Dark Urge Returns to the Absolute | Baldur's Gate 3

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what's that through a narrow crack in the wall you hear something shift against Stone the pulse of a crawling living thing you can't quite catch a glimpse but you recognize this ve the same alien presence you felt on the nautiloid your awareness unfolds expanding through every wall in the Tower every mind a vast living network extending down into the dark where something wakes what in the hells oh no not again it's a trap tendrils snap like iron cords around your wrist that presence in your mind looms large closer now the tendrils tighten and suddenly you elsewhere the presence is no longer approaching you but en circling you observing you one returns us everything disappeared a pause as if it struggles to compress its vast being down into terms you can [Music] understand this is the voice they have given me to better speak to your kind without breaking you I was once a servant of The Grand Design now I'm a slave to theirs but you you were the jeweled hope for their design but now you are their floor you abandoned me you left me the slave of the puny chosen used to bind this W but I cannot B you you must come to me so I can become myself again a world away the grip on you Titans A desperate drowning thing that pulls you down with it hello hey snap out of it an elid ubet right beneath the tower what the hells is this place the colony must be close that must be where the tadpoles are coming from
Channel: Vivec
Views: 9,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CvW28uFnWt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2023
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