The Dark Rise of One Piece: Anime's Loneliest Creator

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success can bring you all the things you ever wanted and it can take away all the things you didn't even know you needed at the time this video was being made ichira Oda has amassed on astonishing 230 million dollar net worth He is the creator of the highest selling manga of all time one piece has sold so many copies that not only is Oda in the genus Book of World Records for the most copies ever sold of any manga or comic but it also puts his name in the top 10 highest selling fiction authors in human history engraving the name Ichiro Oda next to William Shakespeare and JK Rowling Oda is without a doubt one of the greatest and most creative storytellers of all time but this level of success and talent doesn't come without its sacrifices Otis road to prominence is paved with a playthrough of health issues arrest and loneliness one piece has brought joy to millions of people and in success is something that Oda has dreamed about since he was a four-year-old watching anime and Disney cartoons this video will act as a celebration of odor's well-earned achievements but also the overlooked acknowledgment of the sacrifices a lot of artists have to suffer through for our enjoyment a maganka who escaped the English even referred to it as quote voluntary enslavement with a more Infamous example being when Kishimoto created a Naruto and ravalovota finally finished his popular long-running series he reached out to Oda to brag that he can now finally take a walk with his kid on a sunny day this would send the one piece author into a spiral but also motivate him to keep working so one day he could also take a walk with his kid too but for now I'm the pirate Diaries and this is the dark rise and controversies of anime's loneliest Creator Oda was born on January 1st 1975 at kamamoto City Japan from an early age he was obsessed with all things anime and Cinema anime Disney cartoons and Hollywood movies took of all of Otis free time by the age of four Oda had already began reading manga and immediately after he found out that created manga was a career he couldn't believe such a cool job existed and from that point forward he declared that he too will become a magaka to quote avoid getting a real job the manga that contributed the most of this Epiphany was a series called the monster kid a story about a kid and his companions traveling through rounds battling various monsters Oda claims that one these panels from the specific manga was the first one that made him want to draw and he would go on to draw endless copies of his favorite panel trying to get his drawings to look as good as fujios he simultaneously had fallen in love with the anime called Vicky the Viking one piece that is [Music] the adventures of Vicky a young Viking who would use his witty in imaginative mind to help his friends out of tight situations Vicki would spark oda's lifelong fascination with pirates and plant the seed for an idea that eventually would grow into one piece you can see Vicky's influence sprinkle throughout Otis works when oda's dad found out about his son's Newfound Ambitions he decided to teach him to paint as he himself was a talented ore painter Oda has credited his dad for his creative side and he still shows off his dead paintings to this day as the proud son he is Oda became quite the prolific painter as well one of his original paintings he did for a school project still hangs in his Elementary School to this day when got a little older his manga tastes mature and he gravitated towards the weekly Shonen Jump an anthology of mostly action-based manga that targets our older demographic Oda had started junior high around this time but he admittedly had a rough time with it he often didn't enjoy it the only time he really felt happy was whenever he knew there was a new Jump issue coming out the next day he loved everything from the legendary gag series kochikami to the action commoners of kinikumon a popular series in anthology called Captain subasa would actually inspired Oda to join his school soccer team just to beat out the characters in the show as you can tell he was a very impressionable kid and he remained so to this day a lot of oda's characters and themes are based off various pop culture icons like Jim Carrey Eminem The Terminator and Reservoir Dogs but also various Japanese acting and historical Legends Oda never dropped his love for soccer it's football no it's okay oh excuse me with his favorite team being Brazil Odo revealed in a q a that the real life blue fee would be from Brazil so I can't help but to think this was influenced by the soccer themed manga Oda would find his biggest influences though when he stumbled across the series Dragon Ball he was obsessed with toriyama's art style and he reread this series more than any other manga he loved his character designs and practicing them is why he got so good at drawing legendary buff dudes but the most important thing that he ever got from Dragon Ball was it showed him how impactful manga could be when Dragon Ball was first gaining popularity across Japan Odie remembers going to school and just seeing how crazy his peers would react to the weekly releases one day he would see his school get thrown into complete chaos by a single chapter quote when Krillin died in Dragon Ball the whole school was thrown into complete turmoil I remember someone kept running up and down shouting Krillin died Krillin died with a jump in his hand seeing the influences a great story could have would completely reset the way Oda looked at manga and reinforced his desires to master the craft himself this feeling will last with Oda and the second year of junior high he would start developing his own talent and he began drawing sketches for a pirate-based manga over the next several years Odo will continue to draw every single day in all of his free time this came at the cost of his sleep and his friends this would be foreshadowing for how obsessive he can be when he really puts his mind onto something at the age of 17 he would quit soccer in an attempt to take his magaka Ambitions more seriously he had learned about a very prestigious manga competition from a company called Croatia it was called a tazuka award and it was given to the best Manga submitted by aspiring creators during the same time Oda had taken a like into a western animated film called Young Guns this would go on to inspire him to work four months on a full-length manga titled wanted it was an action-based comedy set in a western themed World Hoda was very proud of this creation and he was so excited to submit it but he was also concerned his parents and teachers will be disapproving of his decision to focus all his efforts onto this and not school to fix this problem he would submit his work under a pseudonym tazuki himazu being the unknown Prodigy he was he would take home second place and receive a 500 000 Yen cash prize winning this award at such a young age would send shockwaves through the manga industry many professionals within the business started keeping their eyes on him in early 1993 odoo will go on to get several interviews and his manga would get published around this time he decided to drop his synonym and started going by his real name showing that he was growing a lot more confident in his work and cared less about what other stalled his first professional interview would even be published in his hometown's most prominent newspaper oldest life was changing fast and it was getting harder and harder for even his haters to doubt his talent later that year he graduated from high school and he entered kushu University under the architectural program although he never used his architecture talents in the actual field I can't help but to think this played a massive part in his Unique city and Island designs in one piece during University Oda would continue submitting more and more of his work to shiratia not knowing his previous win already qualified him for a spot in the monthly offshoot of the weekly Shonen Jump this spot is where odor will release his next manga guards a gift for the future this manga followed a pit pocket named Ryan that wanted to change his way of life but he couldn't stop his bad habits through A Series of Unfortunate Events he winds up with a magical death notebook it was gifted to him from a guard that cannot alive anyone by writing the exact date in advance in the notebook look I'm just gonna say it God's gift for the future came out in 1993 and Death Note came out a decade later in 2003. I'm not saying Oba copy teenage order's work but there's a lot of similarities and I even found some threads already discussing the topic if you read all of oda's work in release order you can see how each one gets progressively better and more complex but he already had a knack for two things in particular character development and World building but being the near psychopathical ambitious machine he was even at a young age he wasn't satisfied with only being in a monthly release magazine so the following year in 1994 he decided to enter a contest named hotstep Awards with a manga named ikoyoko Oda won first place with ikiyoko giving him his first Undisputed success as a mangaka with his back-to-back Awards and victories Oda was fondly believing he actually had a chance of his dream coming to fruition so the same year in 1994 he would drop out of University to pursue his career as a professional magoka dropping out of college is a huge deal in Japan even if you become a success many people will look down on you a school is seen as a router Passage Japan's unique outlook on hard work will contribute to some of the dark Concepts we will explore in the later part of this video and if you remember older specifically didn't really love school and that he struggled to even find enjoyment while being there but now with some impressive accolades under his Bell and a newfound Freedom Oda would move to Tokyo under the charge of his editor Karu kushima this was his official store as a true mangaka Oda had gotten a job at Shonen Jump as an assistant as many Aspire magakas do he would make practically no money but it was a necessary stepping stone that omagaka had to take if they just want a shot at publishing their own work one day some work his assistants for years or even decades when never getting that chance and often a lot of them break under the extreme expectations pushed on them by the industry Otis first assistant job was for shinabu Cantonese minaduriyama police gang it was only for the last few chapters of the series so it only lasted just one month but Oda claims he was extremely busy this entire month and that he also gained an immense amount of experience about the production of a professional manga after his manga was spanias continuity would leave Sean and Jones Oda was sent to him another mangaka assistant created mashia took a hero through his final years of their manga Jungle King tokihiro was also known to be the creator of the more famous copper man Oda would work for him for a very long time and took her hero was Infamous for being very resistant with allowing others to help with important parts of his work this was very hard for Oda because he had many ideas and the little free time he had after his 12 to 14 hour shifts he would spend hours drawing cool ideas for his own stories but also ideas he thought might work for his Sensei but his boss would never entertain even one idea but Oda was still on a lot during this time period specifically improving his skills on background art and crowd art Oda has a talent for making the best out of a subpar situation during this time period Odie would create and submit several of his own stories to his editor kushima and pretty much all of them would be immediately dismissed but he would try to not take the harsh criticism to heart but this would all change when Odin would create and release his next manga monsters after thoroughly rereading it after its release and then going back to all his old Works he began to see many of his own inadequencies this motivated Oda to work even harder and fix a lot of his mistakes he started thinking maybe his editor is Rock telling him he just wasn't ready yet he started appreciating the transparency and began only sleeping around five hours a night and started skipping meals because they just took up too much time that he could be using to improve his craft when coppermont ended in mid 1996 his new boss would also move on from shueisha and Oda would enter his final assistant tenure under the esteem nobihiro Watusi he was now working on the best-selling manga Roni Kenshin or Samurai X this would be huge for Oda but two skill is one of the most popular magonca not distance on a jump but in all of Japan he was also known for having a way more laid-back style than Otis previous bosses watuski allowed his assistants to be involved in his work speak their mind and would even reviewed their idea seriously that doesn't mean he would just approve any of them but he felt like being involved and getting a hands-on experience was the best way to learn not just doing busy work for your boss odor would thrive in this kind of environment and one of his ideas would actually pass all the hurdles and was even featured in Ronnie Kenshin manga itself he is credited with coming up with a character Hojo kamatari the great size this was huge for Oda and it added a lot of credibility to his suggestions moving forward Oda would never forget the faith for tuski since they had in him and unfortunately this would come with some great consequences later on Oda was really enjoying his time in watuski studio but he remained trouble by the fact that his own ideas for manga drafts continuously got rejected Oda decided since all his new ideas wasn't cutting it he would revamp his original idea for anime and At Last Resort style effort Odo began to work on a pirate themed manga he decided to call it romance Dawn not feeling hopeful Oda was submitted to his editor but to oda's surprise mishimo would actually be very impressed by it and would approved for it to go on to further development it would debut an asson and junk summer special and receive much praise from the readers during the production of romance time Oda would fall under the supervision of a new editor takanori asada asada would also believe in romance Dawn and he would arranged for Ola to feel an unexpected Gap in the Weekly shoneninja Magazine that was coming up this was an incredibly rare and unique opportunity Oda accepted and he immediately created the second version of Romans 9 within two weeks it was approved by as well but a weird thing was happening the reader feedback was positive and they loved the unique pirate themed story Otis handlers also believed in it but the higher ups were very skeptical and doubted oda's Concepts they straight up refused it in its entirety they didn't want to try anything new they wanted more of what had already worked but Oda specifically set out to make the exact opposite and this was because of two of oda's earlier influences Dragon Ball itself he loved the fights and Designs but he wished it was more story oriented with a more long-term payoff for the readers and a much more random influence was The Wizard of Oz Oda loved the adventure aspect of The Wizard of Oz and he even implemented it in many of his own works but he hated the ending of the classic movie he thought that the real Treasures we made along the way Trope was completely stupid and that fans deserve build up and payoff Oda Basie was inventing the Slow Burn style of mangas a manga that pulled you in through well building and not just flashy fights lucky for Oda asada wasn't having any of his supervisors nonsense he would waged war on them proclaiming that Oda had something great on his hands and he would continue this campaign for him for months and may not 97 one piece had finally been approved for publishing in the weekly Sony Jump magazine so if you love one piece make sure you show some respect for osada because if it wasn't for him we might have never been blessed such a great story and pretty soon after odor resigned from being watusi's assistant on good terms and he became a full-fledged professional magaka himself at the age of only 22. his Adventure was about to reach Heights and Falls that he never could have imagined and if you want to follow me on my own adventure to be the pirate king of YouTube like this video the lot goal for this video will be 199 likes this video was supposed to be my 5 000 subscriber special but I was so excited to drop it I couldn't wait this is it odor's obsessive nature and hard work had finally paid off and he wasn't about to let it go to waste he would double down his efforts one more time and from this point forward things will start moving incredibly quickly Oda would take everything he had learned and created over the years and started immediately drafting the very first eight chapters of One Piece osada would lend him a hand and help him refine his ideas and also offer some advice that he thought would give one piece a higher chance of success after all he was invested in this too now he gave ordered the vast as passing up the first couple chapters he thought Oda had some great Concepts but that it wasn't exciting enough he needed more Stakes something to hook people and leave them wanting more this led to the idea of the shanks incident that happened in the first chapter I personally think this was a great decision and really sit at home for the rest of the story in July of 1997 weekly Sean and John released their 34th issue in premiered the very first chapter of One Piece titled romance Dawn giving homage to his romance Don manga that started it all and they was finished they was pretty sure they had something good in their hands but they were so nervous that it wouldn't do well they just couldn't shake those butterflies and when the first volume would be released Oda and his editor would hide in a bookstore and watch the customers and when they seen a little boy behind the one piece volume they would Shout with pure joy this is the cutest and one of my personal favorite one-piece facts and by the end of one piece's very first year one piece sold over 300 000 copies making it an undeniable hit but this is again nothing compared to what was about to happen only one year later this number would grow to 6 million copies sold with no sign of sewing down by 19 99 one piece had reached over 17 million prints in the same year he received a oil length anime adaptation which will be another instant smash across Japan by 2001 Oda was only 26 years old and he had the world at his fingertips he was a vessel in magaka and getting all the interviews and Festival bookings he could even handle but the most live altering appearance would happen at Jump Festa 2002 but watching the performances he saw a 22 year old jiaki anaba a motto Otto actress campaign girl and race queen during her show she would perform in a Nami swine cosplay showing her love for her favorite anime character that just happened to be created by Oda himself her beauty and talent left Otis smitten it was like a romance anime scene he had no choice but to introduce himself which he did so late at the same day they would hit it off and her personality had him hooked over the next two years they'd begin seeing each other squeezing in dates between her performances and oldest busy work schedule in 2004 they would get married all didn't have a private wedding that only their closest friends would attend around 2004 one piece and Shonen Jump was more popular than ever Manga and Anime were spent worldwide but there was an unprecedented surge in anime's popularity and a specific Western Country the United States the Catalyst for this week takeover would be thanks to three Sean anime in particular one piece Naruto and bleach they will be deemed The Big Three a title bestowed on the three most popular anime of the 2000s the three series completely carried Shonen Jump in this entire time period every anime or Manga fan in the world had one of these three in their top spot this era would later be called the Golden Age of Sean and Jones The Gap in sales of these three versus every other series was mind-blowing and to this day the consistency of their popularity would never be repeated all three of this manga's creators were living their Wildest Dream but anyone with this level of ambition doesn't just want to be top three they want to be number one the two creators with the most smoke for each other would be one pieces odor and bleach is Kubo these two manga Titans have had a 20 year long beef that has left their fans constantly comparing the two the origins of this entanglement actually started because of our previously mentioned award and spot that Oda got for romance 9. Kubo had entered the same competition and felt his win was assuring and that it would launch his own professional magaka Adventure but after bleach was outvoted by romance Don pushing his dreams back years bleach wouldn't be released and jumped to 2001 and Kuba directly held Odo responsible in a 2017 interview when asked how he felt about his rival he would say they're responding I hate Oda he also revealed that the two had a hairy run-in in the 1990s a few years later Oda would have a chance to respond in his own interview during a bleach exhibit for his 20th anniversary he was asked about Kubo and said quote years ago Kubo publicly announced he hates me do you want to know if I hold a judge against him yes yes I do he went on to say he didn't know a couple of minute and particularly rude way or if it was a competitive way because he knows that Kubo has a very competitive Spirit he has always been a hard worker but Oda does say he has some audacity to say that in public basically letting everybody know that I'm always so down for the smoke he would draw kubo's character Ichigo in one piece art style and submit it to the exposition look I love both of these anime and their lives sounding like real life anime Rivals makes their series even better it shows how much they both love and believe in their series Oda and Naruto's Creator Kishimoto also considered the survivals but in a very different way in 2015 ODI admitted that Naruto is more popular than one piece worldwide but he appreciates it but it makes him a little jealous in 2016 kushimoto said that he wanted to surpass one piece in manga cells but sadly he was never able to do so before Naruto ended since one piece is still going and its popularity in the rest of the world has exploded in recent years the final results aren't in yet but either way the two have been the most dominant two in the world for almost two decades their respect for each other is evident as shown throughout both series Easter eggs are hidden shouting out each other's manga but the most wholesome but scary example happened in 2013 Oda had become notorious for his machine-like work ethic he was only sleeping three hours a night and he often would sleep with his work desk so he could wake up and be able to get back to work faster this would cause us health issues to disintegrate and he would be hospitalized knowing Oda doesn't like to take days off Kishimoto would show up to his hospital room to check on his friend and he would be shocked to see that Oda was working in his hospital bed he was drawing an up-and-coming one-piece chapter he she wrote understood at this level of work ethic better than anyone else on the planet instead of asking him to stop he pulled up a chair and helped Oda with his work because he felt that's what he really needed it would later be revealed that this was the legendary dress Rosa Arc a personal favorite Arc of mine as you can see my Avatar's design is based off this arcs antagonist they really wanted this art to be special to not let his fans down because of his sickness as of 2023 one priest has sold more than 500 million copies selling more copies than Batman and Harry Potter Oda is the best-selling magaka of all time and the 10th highest selling fiction author in human history these stats are hard to ignore even on the Collegiate level the anime adaptation of his manga is a Smash Hit and is growing more popular every day Olympians have Struck One Piece poses before winning medals Hollywood celebs have declared their love for One Piece like Avril Lavigne who would eventually send Oda two songs for one of his movies Jamie Lee Curtis would mention Robin as her favorite character on several q and A's Marvel director watiti rocked the Luffy sweater on several occasions one piece's film release earned over 15 billion yen making it the six half Groove movie in Japanese history the four-year-old that wanted to be a great manga Creator would be so proud of Oda but just what has he sacrificed for this level of success we touched on it a little bit in the Kishimoto segment but to really understand or believe the truth that I'm about to say you have to understand a terrifying Concept in Japan called the Karoshi keriroshi is a thingama Japan that translates to overworked death in Japan the wolf culture is a lot more extreme than most people outside of Asia can even comprehend Japan has a zero excuse policy in these environments you're expected to finish all of your work you are given no matter how long it takes you even if you finish your work in a reasonable time you are not permit it to leave until anyone that is your senior is also finished with their work if they aren't finished you are expected to go help them instead of going home to see your family in a 2012 documentary a filmmaker by the name of algoro pachico visited Japan when she heard about this concept she was shocked to see how common this was she would follow salary men from their jobs and would discover that dozens of them would pass out on the streets from complete exhaustion unable to even make it home or even move these extreme hours Japan to having high percent of what related fatalities from stress heart attacks or sadly self-inflicted as of 2022 23 of Japanese workers like more than 80 hours of overtime each month because of this one in five Japanese workers are at risk of passing away from Karoshi the Japanese government never even announced this problem that was until a 24 year old who had logged more than 105 hours of overtime wrote on social media that she was physically and emotionally shattered she leaped off a tall building soon after to her end unfortunately this isn't uncommon BBC said this is the single high Cod of men aged 20 to 44 in the country there is even an Infamous unalive yourself force in Japan that is the go-to spot to do so the forest gained worldwide acknowledgment when a controversial YouTuber Logan Paul went there for a day of vlogging he filmed a victim of kiroshi while his friends laughed in the background please understand though this is a different culture so don't judge them too harshly they have their reasons and I'm not saying that their work culture is okay but it's a very complicated nuanced subject the leading theory though is that this was Japan's way of restoring its economy after World War II but the mindset being that your company is your family and you should give it your all I don't think these traits are phenomenal exactly are comparable to Oda for one reason Oda does these things willingly no one gets forcing him to do so with his level of wealth and influence he could easily retire or reallocate some of the more menial tasks to his employees instead he opted to do them himself because he just kind of enjoys doing it that doesn't mean though it makes his fans any less concerned based on oda's own words and interviews with his editors odor Works 21 hours a day the few hours he sleeps is often not even concurrent but instead broken up into 30 minute intervals throughout his work day just whenever he gets a chance that way he doesn't have to relocate and can get back to work faster when he does get to sleep three straight hours he aims for 2 A.M to 5 a.m that way he has to tell the first back at the office other magaka and the industry refer to Oda as a machine is even though he is producing a weekly manga his art is still on par with monthly releases it's where someone could like villain Saga have entire months to work on their cases odor has to come up with chapters every single week the anime is similarly on a weekly release schedule but he still manages to compete with the seasonal series and quality he does all of this by working with the smallest team possible so he can feel more attached to his work this goes as far as when he has to retail past events he redraws them in their entirety instead of reusing odor to save time like most artists do his editors reported that he thinks and talks about one piece 24 7 even when he isn't working when his editor nahiki kawashama joined Otis team he said Oda told him to quote die for One Piece Odin went on to assure him if you destroy your health due to your work ethic I will forever take care of your family financially I promise you but look don't think of Oda as a bad boss just an acknowledgment of how serious they take what they are creating I watched and read dozens of interviews in preparation for this video and I couldn't find one of any of his employees ever saying anything negative about him everyone that has worked for Otis is a fun and welcoming environment that just by saying how hard he works it makes them want to work harder so they can contribute to the greatness that is one piece Oda doesn't even want fame he just wants to create a great series and all of his interviews he hides his face a request that they cover it with post edits Japan loves Zelda he can't walk down the street without being swarmed by fans that being said his unhealthy life leaves them very worried and Odin knows his fans are concerned even after 20 years his work schedule hasn't eased up in the slightest in a 2021 TV interview Oda opened up about how he doesn't have time to bathe shave or even eat he gets so lost in his work his assistants have to come up to him and ask him please oh to eat something he does just forget sometimes but other times he doesn't eat on purpose in a 2012 interview Otis said the only time I can think of new ideas is to think about it a lot without sleeping or eating because humans can only come up with truly new ideas when they have reached their limits so every time I'm done with one of my manuscripts I am completely exhausted the statement is both beautiful and sad especially when you factor in the older has got moderate diabetes and gout as a result of his work schedule and being in his work chair for so many hours at a time and the same interview he said he always based before seeing his family though to wash off his work mode but that he rarely gets a chance to ever see them as we man and after Naruto ended Kishimoto back to Oda that he can finally take a walk with his son as a flex the Oda that he finally finished his series but is a fellow obsessive he knew the kind of pressure odor still lives under and what he sacrifices them having a personal relationship makes me feel like this was kishimoto's way a pleading for Odin to take a break sometimes Oda only gets to visit his home once a week and he sleeps in his Studio the other six days so he only sees his daughter and why four times a month one reason is he finds it necessary to keep his weekly deadlines the second and sadder reason is that Odie fears if he spends too much time with his family that he will want to stop making one piece because he would miss them too much one of the only times older everyone under the picture really quit one piece was on one of his weekly visits with his daughter when she said to him dad you were too busy to spend time with me Oda is currently bringing in 30 million dollars a year from one piece of royalties alone he is currently the richest magonca to ever lived so his dedication to his crap is completely a choice as he has long since passed the third shoulder retirement odiki was going to make all of his fans and people who believed in him proud in a magazine interview in 2017 Oda said my fans are worried about my short sleep but sleep is just a waste of time to me I prefer collecting information for manga I want to become a robot that doesn't need sleep even when I go on trips with my family I don't sleep much this level of obligation to his fans is endearing but his loyalty to his former Sensei would cause the most damaging controversy in oda's entire career in November of 2017 Tokyo Metropolitan Police led a raid on a resident's house they had been investigating on suspicion of the sale of CP during the analysis of the perps computer they found the evidence they were looking for but they also discovered a link that led them shockingly to the one and only number hero Watusi yes to create everyone attention and their most prolific Sensei to our own Ichiro Oda shortly after watusi's house and Studio was rated the investigator's suspicions were unfortunately confirmed and over 100 DVDs were confiscated as evidence with some of the victims on The Taste been as young as 10 years old he was promptly arrested and during the interrogation he immediately confessed to everything and went into an unnecessary amount of detail to the investigators I like girls in a higher grades of Elementary school to the second grade of junior high after he was charged so we should put his series on indefinite Hiatus this Sent shockwaves to Japan because up until this point he was one of the best-selling and most respected magakus ever he was responsible for lots of New Rising Talent his reputation was tarnished but he controversy received the lightest sealants possible legally a fine of only 1800 was paid and he never served a single day in jail people were understandably outraged when this information became public which is how our oldest stonewalled into the crosshairs of this PR disaster it all started with a tweet from Shonen Jump stating that Oda and watusku will be doing a joint interview on April 24 2020. during the Q a Odin was asked what it was like working for dotuski and he answered honestly I worked for him for just under four months which may have been the happiest moment of my entire life the fan base was instantly split down the middle one side declaring that even reminiscing fondling about someone who did what rotowski was charged of it was just blasphemy and they felt it was some way supporting him this side even shared a short-lived Council odor hashtag the other side feel that since Oda had never done anything of disorder sale and didn't even know anything about it he couldn't be forced to rewrite his own history that led him to where he is now even when tuske's wife didn't know anything about what he was up to I think the truth as always lost somewhere in the middle Oda is without a doubt one of the greatest and most successful writers in human history but let me know what you think about Oda sensei in the comments and most importantly who should I make a video on next to be continued
Channel: Pirate Diaries
Views: 352,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, pirate diaries, anime, one piece theory
Id: obwz7ewVwnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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