Who Is Figarland Garling?

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the One Piece manga just dropped a ton of shocking new information about some of the most mysterious characters in the entire story in fact we now know that the leader of the incredibly hyped up Knights of gods has to be somehow related to Shanks but that's not even the craziest name reveal of this chapter because after Decades of mystery we now finally know the full names and jobs of every single member of the gorosei but if you thought that that was it for this chapter you're completely wrong because we also learned emu's ancient family name plus the true nature of this island destroying weapon that might have the power to destroy the entire world and with all of the secrets of the world government being revealed right now they are clearly being set up as the single most powerful group of enemies in the entire story amongst others that is because in this chapter we meet this older looking gentleman with possibly the most epic hairstyle in one piece which is saying something who is called garlic figure lens and we're being told that he is the leader of the Knights of gods who protect marijuana and now we do know that he is undoubtedly going to be an absolute Powerhouse of a fighter even at his admittedly Advanced age and that is because he has the same family name as Shanks at least that is extremely likely because the gurose speculated that utta would be a figure land too if she was shanks's daughter and I guess the only way they could come to that conclusion would be if Shanks was a figure lens and if you didn't know in one piece power usually is inherited pretty well from generation to generation so just like Luffy is super powerful in Parts because of his ridiculously overpowered grandfather and father shanks's power must have partially come down through his family lineage which should mean that Garling should also be an absolute monster of a fighter in fact back in chapter 1082 buggy even revealed that Shanks always Shone so brightly with potential even from a very young age so him coming from a super strong family just makes even more sense and if you have any doubts that Shanks and Garling are absolutely related then listen to this because this chapter also very casually dropped one of the most unexpected reveals that I can remember for a long time because Garling himself is actually the previous king of God Valley and in case you've forgotten God Valley was an island where Goldie Roger and GARP teamed up to take down the legendary rocks Pirates which included big mom kaido and Whitebeard and of course rocks himself we do know that the celestial dragons used to live on this island however after this battle the island was completely wiped off the map and while Roger rescued little baby Shanks from that Island which by the way basically confirms I think that Garling is shanks's Dad or grandpa or something since they were both from that Island in both figure lands I personally never really expected to meet someone from God Valley so it was a complete shock to see the former King who must surely know many of the secrets of what took place on that day including the true reason that Rock's attack got well in the first place and what actually happens to the notorious pirate but all of that will surely be revealed in the future and this brings up a few burning questions though like what are garling's powers and who are the rest of these incredible Protectors of marijua really I only see see two options for the rest of the Knights of God here the first is that Garling here could just be their leader and the rest of them are all other super strong Fighters not necessarily related to the figure land family it could even be that they are the strongest Celestial dragons from the other original 20 ruling families I will say though to me personally the other and much more interesting possibility is that the Knights of gods are entirely made up of this figure and family and you might be asking well why is this the more interesting option well that's simply because if Garling is shanks's father grandfather Uncle I mean some other distant relative then we could see his mother siblings or other relatives in the story as well and if that's the case then surely we have to see Shanks interact with these people at some point as well I mean why else could they be introduced into the story so late and I'm not sure if this would necessarily mean a fight if Shanks actually comes to marijua or maybe Shanks actually gets a along with his long-lost family and we could see them interact in a more meaningful way there is also the theory of course that shangs is actually still a member of the Knights of God and that theory is kind of supported by this famous scene here with Shanks apparently speaking with the gurusai back in chapter 907. however I don't really believe this Theory especially because of the possibility that this figure could just actually be shanks's brother or even a twin and honestly generally is it just me or has Oda just been delivering one 11 out of 10 chapter after the next recently like everything we're going to discuss in this video is gonna be absolute top level material which is why it also deserves an absolute top level sponsor which is holtzkern who's speaking of top level material have been the single most unique sponsor on this channel that I'm honestly really excited to work with a second time here now holtzkirin is an austria-based company close to where I'm from that produces these incredible looking watches and accessories made from natural materials like wood Stone and metal that will make you feel like a powerful pirate Captain yourself like I guarantee you that Blackberry would absolutely try to get his hands on a ring like this or this incredible looking watch that just makes me feel extra confident whenever I wear it when I go out but the reason I really appreciate them so much as a sponsor is because Healthcare really cares a lot about a healthy earth and its resources like right from the start they have been cooperating with Charities to make the world a little bit better just like Luffy and right now until June 16th each person who uses my coach donate O'Hara and the link in the description below will not only get a 10 discount but haltkron will also donate five percent of your purchase value split equally between three Charities supporting reforestation and Senegal animal shelters for Street talks in Bucharest and humanitarian aid for children in Bangladesh so not only will you look stylish like these one piece characters here but also make a good impact which of course brings me back to this insane chapter besides wondering who they are there is actually even more that we can analyze about the Knights of God from this mind-blowing chapter and it all starts in the original Japanese because the most literal translation for this group is the Knights of God and with this translation I strongly suspect that these Knights don't actually serve the entire group of celestial dragons but instead only serve emu and maybe the five Elders the one that's because Sugarland here is actually addressed as a saint himself but it is even more supported by the reveal of the guru says names which we will be discussing in just a moment but if they really do only serve the top leaders then I wonder if they're actually from the void Century as well I mean it's not likely but maybe the reason that the world government was so desperate to retrieve the opeopenomi was because they wanted to preserve all of their strongest Fighters and not just emu I mean who knows there could be another magical way to keep people alive but regardless we all also have a clue that they directly serve emu back in chapter 908 because when we first see emo revealed in their Garden you may have ignored the fact like me that there is actually some kind of servant in the background as well and while I've always wondered who would have the right and even know about emu it would make sense if that person was actually one of the god knights in fact we even see this large sword that emo uses to cut up the pictures but emu doesn't take the sword with them so it is kind of possible that this sword belonged to the servant which would be further support to the idea that this is in fact one of the Holy nights and so with this direct chain of command it makes even more sense that someone like Garling has authority to deal out Justice even to the celestial dragons themselves which is exactly what happened in this chapter because we see this guy myosguard having been executed because office support for the straw hat grandfleet members who be beat up the Celestial Dragon in the last chapter also because he probably beat him up himself but on top of that we actually also know that meals guard helped PSY and Leo get away because back in chapter 1054 Akainu kizaru and this other high-ranking Marine are actually talking about the event we just saw in the last chapter and so because of this he has apparently been executed on the authority of the Knights of God and while we don't 100 know that they were the actual ones who ordered the execution were at least told in chapter 1054 that they have complete authority over anyone in the Holy Land although I'll say I'm dying to know what kinds of Power these holy nights actually have I mean is it some mysterious power like we just saw with the gurose and emo in the last chapter or will it be something a little bit more quote unquote normal like crazy devil fruits and hockey well no matter what the powers of the Knights of God will turn out to be they are basically spring chickens compared to the insanely destructive powers of this weapon right here and while we already know what this device's powers can actually do in this chapter we learned that this legendary machine is in fact not an ancient weapon not the weapon Uranus as many including me probably suspected but instead it seems to be some sort of technology created by the genius scientist Dr vegapan and you cannot imagine just how much this would change the direction of the story because if this thing is really technology that can be recreated then that means that the world government might be able to make more of those weapons to wildly increase their potential for Destruction across the world and while I don't think that Oda will go full rumbling in the one piece World here we have seen super powerful Tech be recreated and used in the story before after all when we first saw the cyborg Posse fista on Saba ODI we could not imagine that these super powerful awful robots would become an entire Army like they have been at Marine forts well actually hold on let's let's back up and add a little bit more context here because even though this was made by DR vegapunk this device could still be related to Uranus in some way or form because remember way back in Enos Lobby Frankie had the blueprints to a weapon that was supposed to be able to counter the ancient weapon pluton so what if we have a sort of similar situation here what vegapung somehow made a device that is similar or even a counter to Uranus and that is what we're actually witnessing destroying La Lucia which is actually even crazier to think about because it seems like the destruction of Lulu Lucia was just a test run to see if the weapon actually works because after everything that happened during the revelry it seems that the world government decided that they needed to move forward with their great cleansing plans and decided to test out this weapon and after it was apparently successful in destroying this entire Island they probably probably thought that they will now no longer actually meet vegapunk and could have him assassinated which is actually incredibly sad when you think about it because I wonder if vegapunk originally made this weapon for something other than destruction just how Dragon seems to be wandering in this chapter as well I mean we have seen in many of the recent cover pages that vegapunk was pretty much a pacifist but many of his Creations now get used for war and Military purposes because they have fallen into the wrong hands again even in this chapter we do see the Dragon and also ivankov are shocked that emo would have created a weapon with the potential for such massive destruction honestly kind of interesting to think about what would have happened if vegapunk had never even joined the world government in the first place might have been the better choice and actually there is one more detail about vegapunk and his connection to this weapon that you might have missed and that's because back in chapter 1065 the Lilith version of vegapunk mentioned that it would be great if they had a powerful Alternative Energy so source and she specifically mentioned the phrase eternal flame that was actually a ton of speculation about what this could be back when this chapter was released but now in this chapter we learned that this destructive weapon is called the mother flame a very intriguing connection which makes me think that vegapunk possibly designed this thing to gather energy and then it was somehow corrupted into a weapon of mass destruction but all of this talk about the ancient weapons makes me wonder if the original 20 Kings actually used the ancient weapons during the void Century to defeat the Ancient Kingdom after all someone must have had used them at some point before so that everyone knows what they're actually capable of including destroying entire islands and even the world itself and if these weapons were indeed used to overthrow Joy boy it would actually be kind of fitting that in the present day they might be used by Luffy and his allies to combat whatever super weapons the world government now possesses plus speaking of crazy super weapons we finally get to see the seraphim versions of the other original Warlords specifically crocodile Moria and doflamingo who just has crazy I mean all of them have swag but doflamingo here fantastic which brings up another Super interesting question that I've actually been wondering about ever since the seraphim were introduced specifically for crocodile and that is what's vegapunk actually able to recreate logia devil fruits using the green blood technology because so far all of the other Sera theme have only had paramecia type devil fruits so it will be incredibly interesting to see if he was able to give ascrog the sandlogi powers and I mean if he was able to reproduce them then wow I mean is it possible that we will be seeing even more ridiculously powerful logia fruit users in the near future I mean I wonder if it could even lead to a Genetically Enhanced type of soldier with insane logia devil fruit Powers nothing's impossible at this point but wow I mean this is a lot to think about and all of it has me super excited for what we're about to see in the final battles of the story but now more than ever we seem to know that the gurosei will actually take part in those battles and in this chapter we don't learn any more about their powers but we do get their full names titles and roles as leader of the world government so let's go through each one of them and see what types of Secrets we can learn here and first of all each of the godosei has the title of warrior gods senshinokami in Japanese and this actually further supports the idea that they are Fighters but also is interesting in another way because they're specifically called godsier and as we all know they are not the first self-proclaimed God that we have seen in the one piece world of course the lightning fruit user animal calls himself a god of skypier before he was then defeated by the straw hats the celestial dragons basically consider themselves Gods the lunarians were once considered a tribe of gods plus the d-clan is known as the natural enemy of the god so clear really the DS will be opposing these Warrior gods in the near future and in fact now that you mention it the way that these five are titled kind of reminds me of uh these guys here all of these have specific roles under NL and were all defeated by various straw hats and of course this guy so is this a hint that the gorosei might fall in a similar way later on in the story anyways let's start with Saint Ethan Baron van nasuduro who is the warrior God of Finance now there are a few details here that we can actually pull from this name and his title first my original idea from chapter 1073 the review I did back then was that each of the godosei were related to planets in the solar system and this turned out to be basically true I mean although we have to play with the names a little bit here to make it work for Ethan Baron we can basically make Venus by combining the V and the nasu to make vinasu it is his first name I think that is especially interesting here that's because the Judo portion of nasojiro bears a strong similar polarity to some names that we do know from wano for example Zoro was called zorojiro by many of the Wana citizens so it is actually possible that this man is originally from wano plus he wields what many suspect is the shodai kitetsu which is one of the most famous cursed blades from wano but enough about his name we also learned that his responsibility is related to finance however one thing that is kind of unclear about each of the gorose's role so far is whether this responsibility extends to the entire world and all of the kingdoms part of the world government or if their roles only deal with marijua and honestly it is probably a mix between the two depending on the godosei because in this case I could see that Saint Ethan Baron could be in charge of the Heavenly tribute which World Government kingdoms are required to pay now next up is Saint Marcus Mars who is the warrior god of the environment and I'll be honest I really don't have a great idea for what this guy's role in the world government is supposed to be I mean environment is basically as vague As It Gets a term and unless he's somehow in charge of the weather and can alter the weather all around the world or maybe they really do worry that too much technology will be bad for the environment I mean who knows maybe they have climate change in one piece another possibility is that he could be the one in charge of this giant bridge that you probably all forgot about but I'm really not 100 sure about this one however his first name is Mars so there's an easy one for the planets here interestingly Marcus is an ancient Roman name including one of the most famous Empress Marcus Aurelius also interestingly Aurelius was known as one of the five good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana which was an age of peace and stability for the Roman Empire which does seem kind of similar to the era of One Piece although it hasn't been entirely peaceful let's put it that way maybe and then we have Mr mustache himself Saint Topman Valkyrie whatever name who is the warrior gods of legal Affairs and there's a few things that stick out to me right away first off Valkyrie is a clear reference to the Nordic Valkyrie who were mythological female warriors who usually guided the dead souls to Valhalla now my initial thought was could this mean that he might be from elbaf since that is a country based on Nordic mythology and it is a little bit harder to connect his name to a planet but I have seen someone successfully combine the man and Curie to make something like Mercury so we'll count this one as well now in terms of his role in the government's legal Affairs remind me a lot of the judicial island of Anna's Lobby and the prison in pull down so perhaps it was his job to oversee these important government facilities so maybe he's the one to ask if the one piece is actually at the bottom of the hole underneath Anna's Lobby and he would probably also be the one who's the most unpleased about the straw hat since they busted both imple down and Anna's Lobby and moving on we're now going to Saint Shepherd Jew Peter guy who is the warrior God of Agriculture and this blonde fellow is clearly tied to the planet Jupiter now as far as other secrets from his name it could have been inspired by Saint Peter who was one of Jesus's first disciples in the Christian Bible so perhaps this means he was also one of emu's first followers when they took power over the world governments in Catholicism they also believe that Saint Peter guards the Pearly Gates which is basically the gates that someone must pass through to go into heaven we do have the gates of justice so might make sense they are connecting kind of all of these locations that we talked about in this Lobby and pull down and of course Marine Forge or at least what's left of marineford and Saint Shepard's role in the government is agriculture honestly this one is also a bit of a head scratcher for me I mean clearly it does seem to deal with food in some way or form but farms and other agriculture are not super common in the one piece world so I'm kind of wondering if he's just in charge of food on the ritual or if again it's kind of encapsulating the entire world and you might have actually forgotten that we have seen Island specifically related to food before in fact in chapter 827 we see a few of big mom's children stealing flower eggs and fruit from islands that are designed specifically for these fruits so maybe Saint Shepherd is the one who is in charge of these types of islands only on a world scale but then again some people consider fishing a part of Agriculture too and there is certainly a lot of fish in the one piece world so it might just be that and then we have Saint J Garcia Saturn and while we already knew his name we now also know that he is the warrior God of scientific defense which actually perfectly explains why he's coming to eckhead Island since his role in the government basically to oversee the technology that is mostly developed by vegapunk but now that we do know all of their names we can add these to the list of the nine original ruling families that we currently know about these family names are the nifatari Jay Garcia Marcus Hoffman Shepard Ethan Baron donkey shot figure lands and narona which if you read this chapter you will know that there was actually a saint Emu from the narona family among the first original ruling family so here they seem to be your secret ruler of the world narona emu which is kind of crazy that we went five years basically knowing nothing and now in three chapters we have a ton of insane information about them but let's explore all of the secrets that we can speculate based on what was revealed in this chapter first off because there was a saint emo we have to wonder if this emo in the present story is actually the same one from the void Century or if they are a descendant of the original Saint emu who somehow took power over the world and I mean who knows there could even be some other interesting body swapping Shenanigans going on here since that was another key power that doflamingo highlighted from the ope opinomi and now that we have their family name I'm super curious if you could eventually see someone else with that name as well in the story I mean certainly if emo is a descendant of the original ruler there would have been another member of the family specifically emu's parents for instance but we'll have to wait and see if such a person actually exists and what role they could possibly play in the story however that's of course not even the most interesting thing here though because the actual name nerona May reveal some more secrets about emu itself on its own now we already mentioned Saint Marcus's possible connections to ancient Rome but did you know that Nero is another Infamous Roman Emperor and pretty much unlike emu Nero's rule was incredibly chaotic as he was known for his cruelty and selfish behaviors however interestingly Nero was born only a few years after Jesus from the Bible was killed which is an odd coincidence with emu and the world government taking over the world by defeating joyboy who was possibly called the sun Gods beyond that Nero was eventually betrayed by the Roman senate and after his death Rowan had a brief period of Civil War which might actually fit pretty well with one piece considering we're technically about to enter a civil war between the world government and the Revolutionary Army but enough history because there is at least one character in the story who thinks that emo is Immortal and that is the Revolutionary ivankov who speculates in this chapter that emo received the Perpetual youth surgery from a former user of the ope opinomi which honestly is not surprising I mean we've all been speculating about this possibility for years but it is interesting honestly seeing it brought up as an option for the first time in the story as well but then you know what's coming since Oda is actually bringing it up right now I do wonder if this is not just another red herring to kind of get us away from the actual source of Emo's abilities and all of these secrets are about to spark an unbelievable era of Chaos in the one piece world because we Leaf of this chapter with big news Morgans hinting that he's about to send out his loyal flock of news Clues with information that will shake the world and it's pretty easy to Guess that he's going to Spill the Beans about emu but maybe it will also include some other secrets about the world government emu or even the poster boy of the Revolutionary Army himself Sabo because more than ever it seems like Sabo will be playing a much larger role in the story than anyone could have ever imagined when he was first reintroduced into the story as an adult way back in chapter 98. wait hold on chapter 98 yeah that's right I bet you didn't know that Sabo was probably shown in the manga right here all the way back in loketown and if you want to hear more about that and 100 other incredible secret facts about One Piece you probably didn't know then you can watch that video right here thanks for watching don't forget to check out holtzkern in their insane products and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ohara
Views: 557,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ohara, one piece theory, grandlinereview, bda law, morj, tekking101, anime balls deep, one piece, ohara one piece, one piece latest chapter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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