The Greatest Mihawk Theory Ever Made

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[Music] I believe that Dracula mihawk was originally a member of the red hair Pirates maybe even the original first mate up until mihawk's ambition drove a wedge in their friendship and catalyzed the duel that would be felt the world over my name's hidden and a year ago I made a video talking about this exact idea and today lovely internet people I'm going to do it again welcome once again to the hidden island and this is my final take on dracul mihawk [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] man oh man who doesn't love a good rivalry Goku and Vegeta Naruto and Sasuke sakuragi and rukawa Musashi and kojiro Onision and Chris Hansen the list goes on and on whether it's the classic optimistic protag and his best friend with an attitude or two uncontested badasses who have finally met their match rivalries are a core part of any Shonen manga they drive the plot forward give characters motivation and force the reader to pick a team competition is a really good way to make a plot interesting very quickly it's the reason tournament arcs are a staple of the genre and Rivals create this competition in Spades because oftentimes they're also paired with an emotional investment which then vicariously transfers over to us the reader in other words it's a tried and true formula for some Primo [ __ ] and so I want to take the opportunity today to theorize about and highlight one of the most important rivalries in one piece a tumultuous past that is very likely laid the foundation on which our number one and two straw hats currently stand changing the trajectory of their lives forever I'm talking about red hair Shanks and Hawkeye mihawk the question of the day is what happened between these two they used to be such good Frenemies such wasted potential for anime violence at one point they famously dueled each other but we've never been told the outcome what led up to their duel in the first place and why is mihawk dodging the rematch so hard why is he a pirate without a ship a crew or a Jolly Roger why is he spent all these years sitting around reading newspapers and why a Shanks spent the last 10 years bar hopping what actually happened between these two and what are we missing well apparently they used to be great Rivals but not anymore mihawk claims that shanks's missing arm is the reason he's lost interest in dueling him and on the surface this appears to imply that Shanks can't fight at his full strength anymore and thus he's no longer a worthy rival today I'm going to explain why that's not the case and why Shanks sacrificing his arm actually means something else entirely we all can see through this [ __ ] guys if he couldn't take his arm no one else could the rest of the world seems to fear him even more now that the arm is gone see it doesn't mean that he's become weaker and can't compete no no I think it's the opposite I think the giving of the arm means that he's found a greater rival than mihawk not to speak to his strength I just don't think mihawk is after the one piece he presumably like Zoro wanted to be the greatest swordsman that mission's been accomplished for quite a while and he hasn't gone looking Shanks however presumably wants to find the one piece Mission not yet accomplished so what if he discovered a new rival someone who could match his fire and ambition as a pirate one that reminded him of his former captain and wood in 10 years grow to surpass him in a race for the greatest treasure in the world but for this to make the most sense we need to timeline this let's rewind back to chapter one this is Shanks Shanks is a very powerful pirate at this point in the timeline he's famous but not an emperor yet he has a straw hat and two arms and his Rivals with Dracula mihawk this info is going to be important when we have to consider the relationship these two held at the time we now know when in the time line Shanks achieved his yonko status which was six years ago chapter 1 takes place 12 years before the present day meaning six years before Shanks became an emperor film red also gave us a Canon bit of information where it's revealed that 12 years ago the shanks we see in chapter 1 at the time had a bounty of 1 billion 40 million berries and we know that mihawk stopped being shanks's rival at this point in his career because it's just after this point that Shanks loses his arm why is all this important let me answer that question with another question when did mihawk become the world's greatest swordsman was it before this point this info leads me to believe the answer is no when he and Shanks were Rivals mihawk had not yet become the strongest and shanks's Bounty and reputation at the time is the biggest reason I believe this Rivals tend to parallel each other in their growth that's how they're written in fiction typically or at least in one piece Roger and Whitebeard had comparable notoriety so does Luffy and kid and law they all have the same Bounty right now in the story and with these two their duels gain notoriety within the pirate World grabbing the attention of even Whitebeard who spends half of his introduction talking [ __ ] about the younger generation even this guy was impressed in other words this was not Zorro at baratier this duel did not sound like a one-sided affair they wouldn't be considered Rivals if mihawk was already the definitive strongest in the world and was whooping shanks's ass or something but if we are to assume that he's the best already by this point then we also have to acknowledge that his opponent and his so-called rival was an up-and-comer with only a yonko commander level Bounty and sure bounties aren't the most accurate measure of strength or whatever but if the world's strongest swordsman was being given trouble by a pirate with a measly 1 billion Berry Bounty then this story would have very different connotations dueling with the world's strongest before becoming an emperor and walking away from it alive if anything that would call the legitimacy of mihawk's title into question are we truly suggesting this guy reached the top two decades ago and never progressed beyond that point never improved in the last 12 years what would that say about Zorro if this was the case then Zoro should already be at the level necessary to challenge the title himself what seems more likely is that at some point between the beginning of the story and the present day after his rivalry with Shanks came to an end after Shanks lost the arm mihawk earned the title of the world's strongest swordsman much like how Shanks earned his own title as emperor of the sea more specifically I believe that when Shanks and mihawk were Rivals they were competing with each other as Swordsmen for the same title however this changed when Shanks lost his arm so then the burning question is why did a guy this powerful give up his sword arm one of his most important assets well I think this was his way of pulling himself out of the running because from then on Shanks pretty much disappeared into the Shadows of the world he didn't go after the one piece and he's been doing nothing really besides hanging around his territory waiting all this time for Luffy to fulfill his promise and catch up to his Cruise level only after which he would then begin to search for the one piece I believe the day Shanks gave Luffy the straw hat the day he gave him his arm something mihawk couldn't even claim from him he put his dreams on hold he stopped all his ambition as a pirate and began a sort of hibernation that would last until Luffy fulfilled his end of the bargain and so for the next 12 years Shanks wouldn't seek the one piece and patiently awaited his new rival to meet him on the high seas and challenge him to the title of pirate king maybe mihawk recognized what this symbolized and thus stopped dueling with him and Shanks conceded their rivalry because now he had his sight set somewhere else I believe it was in this 12-year span this Gap in his career that Tony Hawk became the best in the world I wouldn't be surprised if this was a title that was awarded to him by the world government once he became a warlord or maybe even the inverse he was offered a warlord position once he achieved the title but I don't think he did this before 12 years ago as we learned recently there must have been a period of time when he wasn't known as the strongest swordsman but in instead known as Marine Hunter he famously held an anti-marine epithet for a portion of his career and then at some point did a 180 and allied with the Marines I'd imagine they wouldn't continue calling a marine Hunter if he was working as a warlord kind of fostering a toxic work environment there so what if around the same time his title was changed from Marine Hunter to just Hawkeyes or world's strongest swordsman something to think about here's another way to look at it the youngest mihawk we see is at raja's execution 19 years old I think we can safely assume that in a world full of all these other insane Swordsmen Odin and a prime rally included mihawk was certainly not the best as a teenager Shanks set out and formed his pirate crew only two years after this at 17 years old the same age as Luffy was at this point mihawk would have been 21. once again it's possible that he already achieved the title at this young of an age but there's so much s-tier competition out there still left over from Roger's generation that stacked the odds against him this is also a whole 10 years before Shanks had a billion Barry Bounty so this means the two of them had to have at least one close duel with each other over the years prior to even this happening when Shanks didn't even have his first billion safe to say that these two guys fighting at a sub 1 billion ELO are probably not the best in the world once again it was after Shanks lost the arm after their rivalry ended once they both matured and went their separate ways that both mihawk and Shanks acquired their respective titles at least in my opinion at the beginning of this video I talked about how rivalries are great catalysts have changed but in this case some of the biggest changes in the lives of these two characters happened after their rivalry-ended why is that well without competition you have no one standing in the way between you and the top Shanks loses an arm and waits around for Luffy pulling himself out of the running for strongest swordsman mihok becomes a warlord of the sea no longer a pirate effectively pulling himself out of the race for the one piece without any competition from each other they both moved to the top of their respective ladders Shanks parties all day mihawk is bored all day and they both wait around until someone else finally comes along worthy enough to challenge them and so I think their initial rivalry with each other was only the setup for something more important the cultivation of the Next Generation and their second rivalry with their future successors Shanks directly competing with Luffy for the one piece is the culmination of Luffy's entire Journey so far the ultimate answer to the setup given in chapter one it Shanks his entire purpose the entire reason he put his life on hold for 10 years at least as far as we can tell Luffy is the man Roger was waiting for and Shanks would be the one to see him Truly Come into form likewise mihawks eventual fight with Zorro is not only the peak of Zorro's Adventure but mihawks as well his journey to the top was likely an unsatisfying one because the man he dueled with and may be considered his greatest challenge became handicapped and took himself out of the game mihawk became the strongest without truly defeating everyone who stood in his way and he sat at the top uncontested for years with no one left to light the fire of competition in his heart no wonder the guy seems so bitter Zorro is the answer to that boredom instead of defeating yet another wannabe swordsman mihawk saw the potential within him and transformed Zorro into the ultimate opponent put simply Shanks and mihawk were Rivals before the story of One Piece began after it began this relationship ended they both reached the top of their respective ladders and spent many years just sitting around killing time since Luffy and zoro's Adventures have started they have each climbed those very same ladders and are now closing in on the top thus shanks's rival has shifted from mihawk to Luffy and mihawk's rival has shifted from Shanks to Zorro and surpassing Shanks and finding the one piece Luffy will have completed his character Arc as established in chapter 1 and by defeating mihawk in a rematch for the title of world's strongest swordsman Zorro will have completed his character Arc as established in chapters 5 and 52. the importance of these four characters cannot be understated their connections lie at the very core of one piece and although the progression of their plot lines in relay relation to each other has moved along very mind-numbingly slowly every time it does move that is when one piece is at its best Luffy is the spitting image of Shanks in a lot of ways the perfect rival his values and ideals as a pirate were taught to him by this man if there's any pirate in the story that Luffy is modeling himself after it's not gold Roger although the comparisons are there it's actually Shanks Luffy's goal is to surpass him first and foremost before Roger that's the promise that was made in chapter one their Crews possess a lot of similarities which I'll go over later and they themselves visually share a lot in common Luffy and Shanks are both regular-sized dudes with mid-length hair walking around in shorts and sandals they both wore the same hat both have scars on their left eye both have heavy associations with the color red and both love to have parties onigashima Luffy was a direct visual callback to Shanks in chapter 1 as a way to show how far Luffy is common lo and behold at the time Luffy had roughly the same Bounty that shangs had back then in the 1 billion range maybe this means the Beast Pirates are really just cracked out Mountain Bandits maybe kaido is actually higuma's long-lost Apprentice Oda you [ __ ] genius sorry about that don't know what came over me anyway in the same way that Luffy has a lot of resemblance to Shanks Zoro shares a lot in common with mihawk they both have a cold demeanor proclivity for drinking and a tendency to nap their visual Inspirations both come from oda's one shot monsters they both share visual associations with the dead Zora with the Grim Reaper and demons and mihawk with vampires they both strive to be the greatest swordsman and while mihawk currently holds the title Zoro wants we've more recently learned that mihawk once shared a very similar title to the one Zorro currently has he was known as Marine Hunter much like Zorro's pirate Hunter which is even more fun in Japanese actually because marine and pirate both start with the same word particle Kai meaning ocean becoming kaigoon and kaizoku respectively and so mihawk was the kaigon Gotti while was the Kaizo kugari mihok went from hunting Marines to fighting alongside them like how Zorro went from hunting Pirates to becoming one himself but where it truly gets interesting is when we start making the connections between mihawk and Shanks if we have this many connections between these two and their respective successors and if their successors have a direct connection to one another wouldn't it make sense to look at the other end and hypothesize about the nature of this relationship as well for one thing apart from their rivalry these two are a lot alike they both share the same birthday are almost the exact same height fight with the sword have a badass eye related thing and lack devil fruit Powers I can only imagine a fight between them would involve a lot of staring a lot of hockey and a lot of cutting they both had a parallel moment with their successors wherein Luffy and Zorro both made a tearful declaration that they would surpass them and Shanks and mihawk both declared in response that they'd await them at the top Shanks gives Luffy a hat as a reminder of their promise mihawk leaves Zoro with the scar and then the both of them wait even now in the story Miha is is part of a yonko crew and despite not being the official Captain he has the highest Bounty and is likely the strongest person in his respective Group which in my book makes him the same tier of pirate as Shanks even if it's not entitled if I haven't made it clear enough already there's a lot of comparing we can do between these two so with all these connections a fun idea couldn't help but cross my mind a little over a year ago a theory about the true nature of mihawk and shanks's history and prior relationship a theory that attempted to answer the question of why mihawk seemed to lack a crew a ship and a Jolly Roger of his own the answer I believed was simple mihawk was never the captain of his own crew but instead was part of someone else's that before he became a warlord dracul mihawk was part of the red hair Pirates this theory in my video faced some objections back then so I'm going to use this opportunity with all this context established to re-explain why my opinion on this theory has not changed it goes something like this once upon a time Marine Hunter mihawk became a part of the red hair Pirates although Shanks had his own goals mihawk had the ambition of becoming the world's greatest swordsman much like Zorro does today mihawk and his captain did not agree on a lot of things eventually creating a rift between himself and the red hair crew little by little mihawk becomes inclined to leave eventually he becomes such a good swordsman that not many people stood in the way between him and the top but Shanks his captain was also a swordsman a sword Mane if you will and so mihawk's very own Captain was the only person left in the way of his goal and when faced with the choice of either his own ambition or his captains in an opposite fashion to Zorro he chose his own mihawk and Shanks have a famous duel one tragically between captain and first mate that is spoken of across the sea we do not know who wins but mihawk leaves the red hair Pirates and now cruelis takes up an invitation to join the seven Warlords guaranteeing his protection from the law as a lone pirate and giving him an excuse to fight all the other Swordsmen out there as a warlord in the singular pursuit of his goal and why not trust him he just fought his own Captain Shanks meets Luffy gives him the hat and 10 years later Luffy and Zorro run into mihawk at baratier introducing us to his character for the very first time with that established these are the most common objections I've received in response to this idea there's no way mihawk would be subordinate to Shanks he's older than him and was more famous than him back then Shanks became famous by fighting mihawk not the other way around this is one of the most common objections and I'm not sure why the first half doesn't really matter and the second half is just flat out fan fiction Zorro is older than Luffy Ben Beckman is way older than Shanks Rayleigh was even a year older than Roger if anything the precedent set supports the age Gap here there's no rule that says older Pirates don't answer the younger Pirates almost every single person on Luffy's crew is older than Luffy what about Fame well jimbei was famous for decades before he met Luffy he was the captain of his very own crew at one point and wasn't Zorro already famous before Luffy met him he heard about Zorro in passing before they met and fact if it weren't for his Fame as the pirate Hunter Luffy probably wouldn't have stumbled into him in the first place I wouldn't be surprised if mihawk's Fame as the Marine Hunter had similar results mihawk doesn't trust people he's a lone wolf he doesn't need a crew well first off that's just not true or at least incredibly unlikely mihawk has to have been part of or captain of a crew at some point you're telling me this guy booked it across the grand line solo since he was a kid with no crew at all that would probably make him the all-time greatest pirate not even gold D Roger or Whitebeard or rocks or Luffy or any of the other greats could do that none a big lesson of the story is Teamwork Makes the Dream Work the grand line is serious business and until mihawk became strong enough to become the best there's no way he could do it completely alone and sure he's a lone wolf now he doesn't trust people but that's typically a position you take after learning from experience if he doesn't trust people we should be stopping to ask ourselves why who broke his trust previous crewmates why else does mihawk seem to be on such a friendly basis with Shanks despite their history why was mihawk completely unfazed by having to fight Whitebeard in his entire fleet but the moment Shanks arrived at Marine Ford he refused to engage a simple answer would be that he has deep-rooted history with this man perhaps he doesn't want to fight his old friend to the death some might say no he was a captain himself well if so what happened to the rest who was his first mate or his doctor and so on why haven't we seen those characters wouldn't it make more sense to make him a part of an existing crew of people we already know instead of suddenly establishing brand new crewmates without any mention of them anywhere prior in the story would explain his lack of a Jolly Roger would explain his lack of a ship and crewmates too because they never existed maybe the simpler answer is better here Ben Beckman is already shanks's first main that's fair the interesting thing is though Luffy and Zoro met First and Roger and Rayleigh met first those two pairings formed the starting core members of their respective Crews but although Beckman is the first mate shanks's first crewmate didn't seem to be Beckman it was yasop but yasap isn't the number two of their group so this first mate position was not as clearly locked in with Shanks as it was with Luffy and Roger we never actually see the moment these two met does this imply that Beckman came around later we see most of shanks's current crew in chapter 1 but there's a 10-year gap between when we meet his crew and when they were first formed a lot can happen in 10 years that's a lot of time for a crewmate to potentially leave and for the crew Dynamics to change but we'll talk more about Batman in a bit anyway you guys get the picture there's a ton of reasons I believe this is what happened not including all the similarities and parallels and the Rivalry stuff that I listed out before believe it or not there's a lot more so let's work from the outside in mihawk like I said before has some heavy visual carryovers from the villain of monsters Serrano Serrano used a horn to call upon the power of a giant red dragon for his dirty work which ryuma would later kill if we can trace his Inspirations to mihawk and if me Hawk were at one point the right hand to Shanks then what a coincidence that the figurehead of their ship is a red dragon this would have a double meaning if the figarland family mentioned in film red are Celestial dragons meaning mihok's former Captain was a red-haired Celestial Dragon another thing to point to since we're talking about his ship is its inspiration Shanks is now officially confirmed to have deep ties with elbaf meaning that the red force is most certainly inspired by the Nordic dracarships from The Real World Viking age so what else in Nordic Society does Shanks pull from one thing the Vikings were very famous for is falconry the act of training Birds of Prey such as Falcons Hawks and Ravens to hunt small animals Ravens don't listen to humans very well but Hawks and Falcons do making them the most common to train the Vikings were largely responsible for the popularization and spread of this practice in Europe it was core to their culture they believed a giant Divine Eagle was perched atop the world tree and their Chief god Odin was said to have ravens as pets training birds were a very real part of Viking society and one of the most prized and expensive possessions one could own back then was a hunting Falcon now this is where it gets a bit crazy falconers usually use their non-dominant arm to hold their Birds their main hand needs to be reserved for the important stuff like their weapon or their horse's Reigns so their Hawks would typically perch on the offhand well Shanks was originally a lefty and had to switch to using his right when he lost his arm see where this is going if Shanks is Left-Handed then his right arm would be his falconry arm meaning the right arm is the arm on which his bird sits and so we have mihawk shanks's right hand man who eventually leaves the crew and begins a rivalry and all that mihawk presumably wanted to best chanks in the test of swordsmanship but then uh-oh Shanks sacrifices his left arm his sword arm for Luffy's sake now that he only has one arm and the Rivalry has ended his falconry arm has become his sword arm and coincidentally mihawk uses this arm as his reason for ending their rivalry while we're on swords let's talk about shanks's sword a character's sword can speak a lot to their nature and receiving enma Zoro has come to embody the king of Hell raja's sword was named after his own son mihawk's sword is just called Knight which is very fitting for his aesthetic freaking Edge Lord and then there shanks's sword Griffin a griffin is a mythical creature said to be half eagle and half lion so once again bird of prey symbolism showing up in his sword's inspiration but what about the lion half what kind of reach do I have to make for that one in Vibra card number 17 Oda said that shanks's animal resemblance is a lion Luffy shanks's successor rides around in a ship with a giant lion on the front of it so if he represents the lion then maybe Shanks and mihawk make up the two halves of the metaphorical Griffin bit of a reach but you never know another supporting detail is the current framework of the red hair pie carrots Luffy was inspired by this crew specifically out of all the crews in one piece if I had to guess a single one that would be the closest in resemblance to the straw hat Pirates I would probably say it's the red hair Pirates but when we match the two Crews against each other we'll find that there is a slight imbalance aside from himself Luffy has four main crew members that started this adventure with him Zorro Sanji Nami and usop Shanks seems to only have three Beckman lucky Roo and yasop if hypothetically the two Crews were to meet and fight over the one piece or something what would the matchups be the obvious choices are Luffy and Shanks Zoro and Beckman usap and yasap but what's left is presumably lucky Roo and Sanji Which is less obvious of a pairing and Nami is left hanging in the wind so allow me to suggest a potential set of pairings that makes a lot more sense keeping this theory in mind Shanks versus Luffy mihawk vs Zorro Beckman vs Sanji Rue vs Nami and versus yasop the first two pairings are obvious and so is the yasop one but I believe that while Beckman is currently the first mate he Stacks lower on the totem pole than mihawk here this makes him the number three in This Crew battle and pitting him against Sanji makes a ton more sense to me Beckman is the resident cool guy of the crew he's Suave he's a chain smoker and believe it or not it was revealed in volume 4 billion that Ben Beckman is in fact a Playboy and a womanizer imagine for a second how a Playboy like Beckman would react to meeting these two [ __ ] goddesses over here and imagine now how angry Sanji would be in response to this that is a match made in hell my friends not only that but Ben Beckman is a gunslinger what a coincidence that in the conceptual stages of One Piece what looks like an early version of Sanji was also meant to be a gunslinging cowboy type character and what an even greater coincidence that one of beckman's most famous moments is pointing a gun at kizaru a man themed around the color yellow who can kick really fast the same dude commonly thought to be sanji's ultimate matchup in the Marines then there's lucky Roo and Nami which kind of makes sense they're both big and round they're both carryover designs from romance Dawn the lucky moniker could play off of nami's obsession with money plus in that sense they're both greedy but in different ways one with food and the other with berries which are an unfortunate name for your currency when you're trying to make this specific distinction speaking of berries despite the world government giving mihawk a higher Bounty than his own Captain they didn't give him a higher Bounty than Shanks Shanks is around 4 billion mihawk is around 3.5 assuming the rest of shanks's crew isn't made up of guys with three plus billion a piece I can't imagine any of theirs being as high as mihawks Beckman maybe hits three bill or something but anything beyond there is quite High we're talking the same number as Luffy kid in law right now if I slotted mihawk in the red hair Pirates I'd feel pretty safe assuming his to be the highest bounty on the crew second only to Shanks himself and in this case the former first made Dynamic still holds up anyway as you can see if mihawk were to somehow be reunited in a fight with his old crewmates the 5v5 dynamic between Luffy's main Squad and shanks's Main Squad would be ideal it would truly feel like Luffy living up to the I'll gather a crew even better than yours common plus this would be a perfect situation for Oda to resolve many major plot lines at once they would all converge here Luffy and Shanks Zorro and mihawk usop and yasop would all be reuniting at the same time in the same place the tension in the air my friends will be so [ __ ] palpable you'll be able to reach in and grab it off the page and where will this showdown of Titans occur where else but elbaf the land of giants pretty fair assumption especially now the greater question here is how now that the cross Guild is established how is it that mihawk will end up back on the red hair Pirates and the answer in my opinion is incredibly simple a Davey back fight it's become a popular theory for the Davey back fight to be the means by which Luffy and Shanks compete for the one piece after all they're not enemies they don't want to kill each other they'd opt for a more friendly but still serious means of competition if anything and I think it'll be a Davey back fight over the last row Road poneglyph there's also the idea that it will be over the straw hat but I think in this case a pony glyph makes more sense why well the poneoglyphs being at stake could potentially attract a third party looking to catch up to finding the one piece and who else but the newly established cross Guild which mihawk is currently a part of and buggy Shanks his former crewmate captains these guys and their Carnival aesthetic are a perfect fit for a Davey back fight and buggy being an opportunist would absolutely want to take part but here's the kicker remember throughout the rounds of the competition you are allowed to wager crewmates and if you lose the round your crewmate must swap Cruz buggy being a [ __ ] idiot will almost definitely overplay his hand and lose mihawk to the red hair Pirates if such a thing happened all Oda would need to write is a single line to connect all the dots together in an instant good to have you back Hawkeyes and suddenly everything would become clear me how talk is back on their crew even if only temporarily and faces off against the straw hats alongside his former captain and crew don't believe this is gonna happen that's fine but before you come to that conclusion take a look at this recently we got a look at the red hair pirates and their various associate Crews stationed at elbaf in one panel we catch a glimpse of a docked ship with a fox as its figurehead and soon after this we see a character running up and hugging big bro Shanks and curiously enough Oda chose to obscure his face but he left a tiny bit of his hat visible and on the front of this hat you can catch a small glimpse of a Jolly Roger what seems to be the very same jacked up looking Jolly Roger that Luffy Drew for the foxy Pirates two years ago now that we look at this guy he also has some similar proportions and fashion sensibilities to our foxy friends so is it possible that foxy this entire time was a part of the red hair Grand Fleet and is it possible that Shanks is actually the one who taught foxy about the baby back fight in the first place who would then go on to challenge Luffy and lose and because foxy is such a goofball the version of the Davey back fight we saw was probably much shittier than the real deal and so I'd imagine one hosted by Shanks or maybe even buggy would be a lot more accurate and more importantly exciting if this is the payoff to Long ring long land I will apologize for every bad thing I've ever said about that Arc okay now regardless of whether or not you believe in all that contextual evidence let's wrap up this video by scaling things back down and just taking a look at Zorro for a second a fairly recurrent underlying theme with Zorro is the notion that he would leave the crew if Luffy gave him a good reason to doubt his leadership when they first meet Zorro tells Luffy that if he gets in the way of his dream he'll cut him down in water 7 Zoro took the notion of leaving the crew very seriously and threatened to do so himself if Luffy word of displayed bad leadership more than one straw hat has already left and rejoined at various points in the story showing us that not even the protagonists are safe from crew restructurings but when we arrive at Thriller bark something changes with Zorro's character with everything on the line Zorro offers his life to Kuma essentially sacrificing his dream so that Luffy can be spared no longer is Zorro putting his goal before his captains this comes up a second time in sabahori where Zorro is the first one to get telesmacked by Kuma in defense of the others and a third time when we arrive at the time skip where Zorro bows to mihawk the person he made it his life's goal to defeat and asks for his mentorship why to become strong enough to support Luffy Zorro went from prioritizing his own personal goal to prioritizing the goals of his captain and crewmates he is willing to sacrifice his pride and ambition for the sake of his friend and when mihawk realizes this he goes from from dismissing Zorro as a worthless fool to breaking character completely and having a hearty laugh for the first time in the entire story at which point he acknowledges him and agrees to take him in and so I can't help but wonder why the laugh well what if mihawk was once presented with a similar Choice his ambition or his captains what if at one point his very own Captain was the one thing standing in the way of his goal and he was forced to choose one or the other and so it would follow that mihawk made the opposite choice that Zorro did chose himself famously dueled with his captain and spent most of his time since bored and alone I wonder if there's a feeling of regret the idea that he wasn't strong enough to put someone else's ambition before his own and so imagine his surprise when he arrives at baratier and meets a guy with the same moniker as himself who shows bravado strength and flashes of Brilliance despite being a mere frog in a well a guy who doesn't back away from a blade to the heart because he'd rather die than face defeat someone who Bears no scars from running away and bears no shame as a swordsman in other words someone who gets it mihawk finally met someone on the same wavelength as himself with some true potential and he's allied with the very guy Shanks and trusted his hat to the very guy he abandoned their rivalry for and at every possible turn Zorro keeps living up to and surpassing his expectations but then not only that he goes above and beyond and does the only thing mihawk could not do forego his own ambition and maybe in this instant he realized he's finally found a worthy rival a man who although not ready yet would one day challenge him for the world maybe if even for a second mihawks boredom was cured thanks once again for stopping by the hidden island I couldn't do it without you guys so please make sure to like And subscribe to keep the music alive hope you enjoyed the show today because I sure enjoyed putting it on and until next time have a beautiful day a good night and a wonderful romance done also Shanks High dips mihawk and the 1v1 fight me [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
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Keywords: The Duel that Shook the World - My FINAL Mihawk Theory, Duel, Mihawk Shanks Duel, One Piece Megatheory, Mihawk Theory, The Truth About Mihawk, Shanks, Elbaf, One Piece 1079, 1079, OP, The Hidden Island, Hidden, Theory, Analysis, Red Hair Pirate, Mihawk is Shanks first mate, first mate, mihawk is a red hair pirate, best theory, one piece, oda, zoro, luffy, gear 5, pirate king, ultimate, buggy, davy back fight, sanji, benn beckman, rivals, rivalries, worlds strongest swordsman, manga, anime, thi
Id: z6VNDtQ0FHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 48sec (2148 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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