Inside The Secret $280,000,000 Life of One Piece’s Eiichiro Oda!

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21 billion dollars Garnet from over 500 million copies sold video game and Anime adaptations and a plethora of merchandise and film releases one piece is one of the highest grossing IPS in existence it's worth more than Grand Theft Auto game of thrones and Demon Slayer all combined this mind-blowing amount of berries has ranked one piece as the 20th grossing media franchise of all time with a net worth between 230 and 280 million dollars Otis Sensei is easily the richest mangaka ever in our last video the dark rise of one piece we learned about all the sacrifices he's had to endure to make all of his dreams come true but there is just as many wonderful things that also came with all that he has achieved so on this video we will shots a lot on the positive side of his workaholic nature and explore some of the creative ways Oda has found the blow some of his well-earned riches parties virtual waffles and an indoor roller coaster in his priority mansion and I even guarantee that some of the splurges we will cover by the end of this video will make you respect Oda more than you ever thought you could so let me know what you think about Oda or his lifestyle in the comments this is oda's own words about a spinning philosophy I've been earning much money despite me just enjoying my ridiculous drawings so I've decided to spend my money on ridiculous stuff Oda is basically just the anime Willy Wonka and I'm the pirate Diaries and this is The Eccentric life of Ichiro Oda Oda is notoriously one of the most private people on the planet it's been nearly a decade since anyone has even been able to capture a photo of what he currently looks like he doesn't much care for the fame side of being a mess-selling mangaka he does do the occasional interview but his face is always hidden variously clever in hilarious ways but over the last few years a few Japanese Comedians and internet entertainers have been given the golden tickets with the opportunity to explore the author's home thanks to them we have been able to piece together how The elusive Creator Spends His free time and money when you walk down the stairs in the oldest gorgeous living room the first thing you notice is the Towering life-sized giraffe I couldn't even find the exact reason for this interesting but awesome purchase though there is some threads claiming that Oda just has a comedic obsession with giraffes and even stating that you can find one in almost everything one piece art but this isn't the only wild animal in Oda Safari lock home you can take a ride on his robot zebra the zebra can move on its own and can even carry you around his house but if this still doesn't impress you how about the four thousand dollar life size Bruce Lee statue Oda is a massive Bruce Lee fan heavy watches movies countless times when he was growing up the statue was designed and built to scale by Infinity studio and it really is insanely detailed I can honestly say it looks like it may be worth the price tag if you can afford it the money y'all there's poor people around in the same room as a pirate ship that ought to build himself and in the center of it it's a gigantic 10-person table it's perfect for hosting several guests at once because Oda doesn't get much free time to spend with his friends or family when he is feeling social he wants to see everyone he cares about so he throws parties that are so awesome even the straw hats will be proud this is a picture from a big barbecue through for all the one piece of voice actors look at this massive grill that is cooking the biggest decks I've ever seen and the person that is Shifting up to me is toshio for akawa voice acted for portraits the ace the other priority guests include Luffy's VA bore hancocks Brock's Jean base Usos Nomis and sabos and even J-pop singer yusuke kamaji along with many more star-static guests notes about the party said that Usos VA was particularly drunk in the photos but honestly I'm just surprised it wasn't Zoros who did make it but got lost during the group photo shoot and got a photo with Kaku instead and what's a party without dessert singer Kara pamupamyu shared an image of a big mom Kate that would even satisfy linland but if whole cake Island wasn't your Bob and you're more of a fan of the sea train Arc you can take a ride on oda's personal indoor train that runs along his entire residence [Music] of course Luffy's voice Hector was the very first one to take a Joyride on the one piece Express sitting behind my Yumi is J-pop Superstore makiatuski known by one piece fans as the singer behind the iconic OST memories and sitting towards the rear is Japanese professional wrestler mini Suzuki when Oda has a spur of the mama idea he doesn't have to travel far to get to work on it as he had a massive home manga studio built in to really appreciate the size of his home studio you have to remember that Japanese houses are way smaller on average than Western ones even having a yard in Japan is considered a luxury on the way to the studio watch out for the Thriller bark zombie they might jump out and scare you to actually enter the studio you have to spin a pirate ship stealing wheel design doorknob Otis personal workstation is huge but a lot most creators is very messy his desk is covered in the tools of his trade as well as thousands of books research papers along with previous and future one-piece Concepts he creates hundreds of ideas that never make it into the story but sometimes he has an epiphany or a better spin on an old idea so he keeps the references close on one of the shelves we can see it completely full with wano Concepts Oda also has a love for history and various mythologies so books on these topics take up most of his shelf space his impressive level of knowledge on these topics is reflected and its Talent as a World Builder and lorecrafter oh yeah there's also just Legos everywhere but that's just because Oda loves Legos Oda keeps a Rubik's Cube nearby at all times that he uses for a brain exercise he can solve it with one hand in under a minute just in case she was wondering if he's an actual genius and of course as the creator of the greatest pirate story ever told you could find pirate memorabilia just laying around like several authentic pirate pistols Oda doesn't forget about his assistance they also have their own workstations not too far from his own compared to most mangaka assistants their workspace is huge much bigger than industry standard plus it even comes with some unique amenities like digital atmospheric windows that can project any scenery in the entire world his assistant said that they loved the Oda added this feature for them and that their personal favorite theme is the aquarium quote when they were fish on display we just feel less stressed the studio also comes with a full bar a candy Island a popcorn machine and even a crane game with rare items inside of it none of these things are cheap but it shows that Oda really cares a lot about his crew but if they ever do slack off they have to deal with their supervisor that looms over them at all times a life-sized Terminator I would have loved the Terminator franchise and it even inspired his lifelong fascination with cyborgs and robots as I'm sure you can tell by watching One Piece a fun fact about this studio is it has a 100 inch TV what Otto was buying it the store clerk said it was way too big and he even recommended the 90 inch TV for Oda instead but Oda thought it would be way cooler to surprise his friends assistance with his original idea so he bought the one he envisioned and when he got back to the house it was too large to fit through the entrance so he had to destroy the entire wall of his house to have it carried in I swear this sounds exactly like something Luffy would do I know they're hilarious part of the tour that would make any one-piece fan jealous is that Oda has a humongous figure collection but the entire exhibit is only filled with one piece figures I guess when you make the best series ever you don't really need any other series merchandise if you thought you could even poop no more odor's house you haven't learned anything from my videos you have to sit on a shark toilet with giant sharks to hover over you and an entire shark themed bathroom that is only a little bit terrifying why just because Oda really loves the classic movie Jaws when Oda has an idea he just goes for it which is one of the main reasons he is able to build such an interesting world of filled with unique character designs he just doesn't do normal Otis bath is a dragon bathtub they designed himself he likes it so much that it even got a cameo and a one piece cover art featuring BB scrubbing it but what do you do when you're tired of just drawing waffles and you want to talk to one for real well when you're as wealthy as Oda you just buy a real one Oda admitted in an interview that he bought a AI holographic wafu the virtual anime girl can carry on full conversations she can tell you good morning when you wake up bye when you leave for work it even welcomes you home after a long day many Japanese men in the videos I found said it's amazing the quote finally have someone waiting on them when they get home she even has the ability to text you throughout the day so you know she's thinking about you when Oda bought his they only had one size available but they just recently released the life size one and since we know how obsessed Oda is with life size purchases this mod just with the next thing on a shopping what do you think about this device would you buy one this is an older only holographic purchase he also has a projector that can create virtual soccer or football fields Oda is basically living in the future and if you want to help me with my own future and rise to the pirate king of YouTube all you gotta do is like this video And subscribe the like go for this video will be 146. thank you so much for helping me hit my 5 000 subscriber Milestone I only cried a little bit hey but soda senior pink and he is still more manly than all of us Oda has bought a lot of cool stuff but in Japan he is also renowned as a hero for using his vast resources to help out those in need on April 16 2016 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated the common Moto prefecture the massive earthquake destroyed thousands of homes businesses and several important historical sites and the following weeks two huge donations were made to help out the recovery effort the first one a 300 million yen donation by etrotta Oda was born and raised in kamamoto and seeing it destroyed really hurt him but not just Oda apparently because shortly after there was another donation and this one for 500 million yen and it was submitted under the name monkey D Luffy making Luffy the only anime protagonist to do real life philanthropy Oda has helped and donated to several other rebuild projects and Charities like making train mappings and giving away custom art that can be sold and donated to other recovery Charities he's also did several other collaboration projects that donated 100 of their progress to Charities helping out earthquake videos across Japan in case you didn't know Japan suffers from the most earthquakes of any country he did another art giveaway to help with covert efforts as well in 2018 to show their gratitude for Otis numerous contributions the local government erected a broad statue of Luffy outside of their office they announced a project that eight more statues were coming soon for other members of the straw hats each in an area that was damaged the most by the earthquakes immediately after 31 other statues were requested by various areas sanjis was placed in the town of mashiki usops in front of also station Tony Tony Choppers was revealed in front of kamamoto City Botanical Garden Brooks is located in mafuni town and Frankie's is guarding the takamura station and the most recent additions were Roar Noah zorros Nami swans Nico Robbins and of course Big Daddy jinx and if you're wondering why are they spending so much of their relief money on statues it actually makes a lot of sense besides honoring Oda the idea is that it will make the area a new tourist attraction in hopes of drumming up some new business and rebuild the local economy which does seem to be working Soca University surveyed thousands of people between 2019 and 2020 who had visited the loopy statue the study estimates that around 55 221 visitors per year come just to see the straw hats bringing in at least 2.6 billion yen directly into the city if you thought this story couldn't get even more wholesome Oda wrote up back so that's how all these statues together giving The Monuments their own Canon lore according to the story Luffy's crew landed in komamoto they saw all the damage and decided to help out Luffy deployed his crew around the prefecture sending one to a place where their skill set would be the most useful each statue has an information board teaching visitors about the local areas and the damage is abstained so if you didn't know the Oda was the real life Joy boy now you do and if you want to learn more about the rise and life of Oda check out my last video the Ichiro Oda story
Channel: Pirate Diaries
Views: 32,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, pirate diaries, anime, one piece theory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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