Fishman Island Is Hilarious

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Fishman island is hilarious and I think that might have been a huge reason why most people didn't exactly gel with this Arc initially like most people might have even found it a bit skippable and that's understandable you know we were fresh off the heels of marineford you know so if you were going into Fishman Island expecting like a serious Arc I'm sure you would have been disappointed I myself was definitely in that camp as well but luckily we here on the mug you are no goofy Channel we know what makes one piece really great is the comedy and so today we are going to focus on how objectively funny Fishman island is and as we highlight some of these truly ridiculous moments it's my hope that you decide to give Fishman Islands maybe a re-watch maybe you give it another shot but before we get into all that we need to talk about today's sponsor rage Shadow Ledges this free to play MMORPG has been taking the World by storm for over four years now and it's easy to see why with over 700 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most boring one-dimensional antagonist that Oda ever created hordie Jones but before we get to him I think we need to take a look at how the story starts Through The Eyes of the king of Fishman Island himself King Neptune so follow me you are King Neptune you're a good king and a good father and as a matter of fact you are on your way into town to thank these pirates for saving your daughter's favorite pet shark apparently as soon as they got into the island they beat up this Kraken that was trying to eat your daughter's favorite pet shark and you just want to meet them to thank them for doing that because you love your daughter so much and you know she would be devastated if her shark was eaten and you also realize that the captain of this pirate crew is actually Jim bae's close friend who jinbei himself has been telling you about for quite some time now so you leave the palace to go find jinbei's friend and it's at this point I think I have to emphasize you've never met these people you don't know anything about them the only thing you do know is what jimbei has said about their captain and so remember this is jinbei so from jimbei's eyes he described Luffy as this really kind energetic and oftentimes even inspiring young man that is worth believing in so when you go out into the town to meet this guy this Paragon of virtue and you instead find a crackhead in his band of lunatics robbing a store as the store owner begs and pleads for them to just take less than what they're taking that makes you think a little bit but you put it out of your mind you know you don't know there could be a receipt in one of those bags you know it's rude to assume so you swim down and make sure that these are the people that you're looking for and you greet them you go hello I am King Neptune what might your names be and the crackhead's like hey ugly I'm Luffy and these are my friends ah yes I thought it was you you were all invited to the Palace please come with me and the crackhead's like they're gonna be some food there so you're like uh yeah yeah there will be dinner and so he's like all right I'm in so you give them all a ride back to the palace and on your way to the throne room you're giving them a tour like everyone's having a great time and you're giving them like the backstories of all the ancient artifacts in the palace they're like oh ah it's a great time it's a wonderful time and that's when you finally make it to the throne room and you're like all right so here we are here's the throne room we can just wait in here okay dinner should be ready shortly and it's it wait a minute where's your captain and the long nose guy is like oh well would you look at that looks like he's gone you're like what he's gone what do you mean he's gone yeah so Luffy can't sit still for longer than like five seconds so I guess the story you were telling was longer than five seconds and and and so he's gone so but anyway you said one of us was already here should be like a green-haired guy with some swords so you go yeah we found him earlier we brought him back to the palace and he just went straight to the bar and started drinking until he was absolutely hammered and then he just passed out and the crew's like yep that sounds like him so you're just like I'm sorry your Captain's missing and like none of you care like shouldn't we go look for him I mean this entire place is underwater and he's a devil fruit user and the long nose guy is like I mean yeah we should probably go look for him before he does something stupid that's true um but I'm gonna be honest if you let us walk around the palace this one right here she's gonna steal everything so you're like what and the girl next to him says I mean to be fair that is true actually I was gonna do that no matter what to be honest so you're like what okay so if my options are to let myself be robbed or let a crackhead just run around my Palace I guess we can just wait for him here then so you're frustrated but you think you know there's not much a crackhead can do in my heavily guarded Palace let's just wait for him to get back from his bathroom break or wherever he went and right as you think that your Royal grand vizier comes walking up behind you and he's like King Neptune get away from them they're all evil your guy goes on to tell you that a bunch of mermaids have been going missing in Fishman Island and they are accusing the captain crackhead of being responsible and so you go come on guys don't be silly this guy is Jim bae's friend obviously he's not kidnapping mermaids and you turn to look at his crew and you're like right and his crew is silent they don't say anything you're like guys you have to tell me that your captain isn't going around kidnapping people so they're like I mean he's been with us all day so like yeah I don't think he's involved but if you're asking me if he would do it honestly there's no Talent with that guy man so you're frustrated you're like all right look until we get to the bottom of this I'm sorry but you guys are under arrest so you start sending people to arrest them and one by one the crackheads friends are just knocking out everybody you're like all right this is nonsense I guess I got to get involved so as soon as you try to go arrest them with your Triton the green-haired samurai comes out of nowhere and stops you and he's ready to run the ones now you're kind of taken aback by him you're like okay this guy seems kind of strong actually they all seem pretty strong this doesn't look good but you know what that's it's not a problem you know we this whole place is still underwater we'll just release this air bubble we'll pop it and that should be enough to take care of him I mean you know the lack of oxygen and the water pressure alone that should take care of them long enough for us to at least arrest these people and right as you think that the thief presses a button in the middle of the throne room that expands the oxygen bubble to the entire Palace your home field advantage has now disappeared right in front of your eyes you go damn it guys I told you we should not have put the most important button in the palace in the middle of a room where anyone could get to it that was a terrible design flaw so you're out of options you have to run the ones with this green haired guy so you start to try to fight but immediately your back gives out so you can only watch as the green haired guy just knocks out every one of your guards and they tie everybody up so now you're sitting there you're kidnapped to it and you're tied up in your own Palace you go oh wow okay so that's it all these guards all the security and that's it that's just like that a crackhead in his band of lunatics have occupied the palace what is going on and so amazingly while the palace is occupied this entire other group of people starts trying to occupy the palace too some people other than these lunatics so you start to get anxious you think that the person responsible for this attack has got to be this guy called Vander decken this incel that's been sipping over your daughter for like years this guy is a weirdo like every time she doesn't text him back he just starts throwing axes at her and you have tried many times to explain to him that you you can't just throw axes at women when they don't want to go out with you but he's not hearing any of it he is a lost cause he is mad because he can't get laid and he can't get laid because he's so mad so you freak out and you ask these lunatics if they'll untie you so you can go check on your daughter or at least like go see if she's okay like she might be in danger and you regret asking these lunatics for help almost immediately because right as you say that afro skeleton is like wait a minute your daughter as in the mermaid princess as in mermaid princess panties I'll say no more I'll find her wherever she is and that's when one of your advisors speaks up he asks if he can go too because he's the only one that knows his way around the palace so he can make the situation go a lot easier an afro skeleton hears that and he's like oh you dirty dog you must want to see the mermaid panties too all right let's go so he picks up your advisor and they both take off a little while later they come back and this afro skeleton is like well bad news the mermaid panties were not where you say they were then your advisor chimes in and it's like King Neptune this is awful uh princess shirohoshi she's not in her room she's gone and you go I knew it that crackhead was kidnapping mermaids and now he's kidnapped my baby girl and so his Crews like look we don't know what really happened here like there is an entire other group that's trying to occupy this place let's just let's just wait let's get some more information let's figure out what's going on here like I just wanted to say thank you for saving my daughter's pet and invite you to the palace for dinner and you beat everybody up kidnapped my daughter and now you're holding me hostage in my own house like who are you people why are you doing this then out of nowhere the incel you were just talking about comes walking into the Alice with his homeboy horty Jones now horty Jones used to work for you he used to be a part of the royal guard until he got kicked off the force of being a big dumb ugly racist like more than usual like this is Fishman Island like there's an active slave trade that the world government turns a blind eye to It's Perfectly reasonable to not like humans but this guy takes it to comically absurd levels of ridiculousness so these guys come walking into the palace and the end cells like hey yo daddy what's going on is dinner ready yet the king's like I should have known it was you what have you done with my daughter and the answer is like what you mean Shorty's not here oh my God she must have finally got my text and she must be meeting me in town for our first date like we always wanted man it's about time you finally fixed the reception in this place King Neptune it was really getting in the way of our love well uh you got this don't you Hardy looks like I got a date so the end cell leaves and King Neptune freaks out he's like guys we have to stop him please someone go after him and that's when horty Jones is like wow King Neptune I can't believe you'd stoop so low as to ask some humans for help what is wrong with you and that's when the green hair guys like hey we were here first if you want to occupy the palace you gotta wait your turn shut up human wide nose breathing all the fish man's water you make me sick and as a matter of fact I think I know how to get rid of you so it's at this point I guess we can switch our perspective to horty Jones Okay so follow me you are hoardy Jones all right you don't like humans that's like your whole thing you believe fishmen are superior despite you needing to take some steroids to do half the stuff that you do now these steroids these fish pills make you really strong but they actually manage to reduce your lifespan also it's a really dumb trade-off but us Hardy Jones you're so stupid and addicted you don't think about the consequences of really anything that you do to be honest but as stupid as you are you at least know one thing you know that no human should be able to fight you underwater you know underwater fishmen clearly have the advantage you know they become faster and stronger while humans obviously cannot breathe and they become slower and weaker so you keep flooding the palace to get rid of the humans and while you're flooding it The green-haired Swordsman goes you guys go on ahead I'm gonna take care of this guy the long nose guy is like are you sure about that I mean you can't breathe underwater he might just try to outlast you down there I don't care about that this guy has to be stopped his beliefs are wrong and I'm gonna prove it to him all right then we wait what'd you say what I'm just saying this guy is a hateful bigot and that's not okay screw this guy and you you don't like that huh of course I don't it's disgusting you can't be violent towards people just because of their skin color or what they look like I mean I know that but you what nothing I'm just glad to have you as an ally Zorro go get them buddy all right Brooke let's get out of here so you hear all that and you are flabbergasted like how dare this pathetic human think that they can fight you at all much less in the water so you just start beating them up underwater you were throwing them around left and right and you were taunting him the whole time you're like ha take that that'll teach you to be a human you idiot so you gotta land the finishing blow but something doesn't feel right like you're sure that you're winning this fight but the green haired guy looks kind of bored but you're horty Jones so you put it out of your head being even just a little bit cautious is for losers so you go to land the finishing blow and in the blink of an eye before you even know what's happened the green hair guy has used his coolest attack to knock you out in one blow in one blow it is over your big dumb fish ass just got knocked out underwater in a fair fight against a human that is something that has probably never happened before and it might be the sorriest thing that's ever happened in one piece a fish man got into a fight with with a human underwater and lost one-shotted even but again you know you're horty Jones you don't let it get to you even though the next thing you remember is another one of your homies feeding you more drugs so as soon as you recuperate now even stronger than ever because you're high you don't take the time to think about your actions no no no you go right back to the attack now when I say attack I mean you go back to cheating because even though you are back from the brink of death after being saved by drugs you realize the last thing you want to do is fight that guy again but he still can't breathe underwater so you grab the King to prevent them from escaping and you wait till they just pass out from being underwater from too long and after that you maniacally laugh like you actually did something so for now everything's going exactly the way horty Jones wants he has managed to occupy the palace he's captured some of the straw hats and he's managed to hold the king hostage as well so horde continues his big damn evil plan and we're gonna give him some space to continue that plan so we're gonna switch the POV to our beloved photographer with the world economic press Jimmy Scoops now if you remember from our last video when we were in sabari archipelago Jimmy managed to mess up all the pictures he was supposed to take of the straw hats so big news Morgans dropped him back off at zabouti and he caught him an Uber down a Fishman Island but Jimmy's not messing around this time he left his lens cap at home so he does not leave it on when he's taking pictures and he is ready to make everything right and get pictures of all of those lunatics so Jimmy gets out of his Uber and he looks around and he's like okay well nothing's on fire yet like everything looks normal maybe I made it before any action actually happened like maybe I can actually make this right so you start walking around the island a little bit until you see a mermaid that's doubled over in pain and she's holding her head like she's got a really bad headache and the rest of the town is trying to help her and she's like oh this is terrible I see a terrible future that boy in the straw hat he's gonna destroy Fishman Island and so you hear that and you're like but I could have told you that and so the whole crowd turns around and looks at you and they're like what did you say and you're like well no no like you don't understand like I'm just saying like you know maybe he'll destroy the island but by the end of it you'll be calling him a hero and sharing his name and so the fortune telling mermaid is like how dare you my fortunes never lie you must be part of his crew and so you're like no I'm not a part of the straw hats but just listen like this guy isn't what you think he is okay he might not even destroy the island he's really only here to eat all your food punch a bunch of people and then steal all of the treasure inside of the Royal Palace after the banquet's over the mermaid's like banquet what are you talking about and so you're like yeah there's usually like a banquet when all the fighting's over it's a good time you'll have fun I promise that's when one of the fishmen in the crowd is like you know there might be some truth to what this guy is saying because the last thing that everyone's heard the crackhead was actually invited to the palace for dinner by the king and so you're like see I'm sure everything is fine I'm telling you the crackhead really isn't such a bad guy and right as you say that you hear a loud noise behind you you turn around and you see the mermaid princess crying next to an unconscious shark and next to them both screaming at the mermaid princess is the crack kid hey what are you doing I told you to stay in that shark and keep your mouth shut so nobody sees you oh I'm sorry Luffy I'm sorry are you crying again God shut up the crowd sees all of that and then slowly turns back to look at Jimmy and you're just like okay so and maybe he might also kidnap a princess or two I'm sorry I forgot that part arrest Ed he had like a oh dang it so the angry angry mob ties everybody up including you because they think you're a part of his crew or at least a sympathizer or something and the angry mob starts encouraging the princess to go back to the Palace where it is safe but in the middle of that the crackhead sees something in the sky hurling towards everybody in the crowd crackhead looks up and he's like what the hell is that nice try crackhead but you're not gonna get out of this God we already did this joke in Alabaster is hilarious part two just shut up and turn around and so they finally turn around and they look up at the sky and it looks like a giant piece of coral but no it's not a giant piece of coral it's an end sale riding a giant piece of coral and it's coming straight for the princess the angry mob continues to urgently tell the princess to return to the Palace where it's safe and the crackhead says don't you move cry baby don't you dare move and the princess responds to the crackhead she says okay I won't move the crackhead has the princess so scared she listens to him even though he's tied up so the instel starts talking to the princess as he gets closer to her baby damn is that a new fin looks good on you girl she was making me want to act up you know what I'm saying so like uh what you what you trying to do and the princess tells this incel in the politest possible way that she is not interested she lets him down as gently as she can to preserve his fragile ego she says I'm sorry you're just not my type and he's like see but you you just saying that because you don't understand my value you see see I'm I'm a high value man and if you would just listen to the podcast I'll be sending you you would understand like you don't really know what you want uh no woman does that's why it's it's a man's job to know what a woman wants so that he can tell a woman what she wants so that she finally knows what she wants you know it's like it's like science so biology you know the data shows the crackhead hears all that and he gets bored it's officially been more than five seconds and he's lost his patience he uses magic to knock out the people around him and while he's still tied up he's jumps up into the sky and he one shots the end cell the angry mob sees all that happen and they don't know what they just saw from their perspective it looked like he protected the princess but they still don't fully trust Luffy of course so they pick up their pitchforks and they go after him they leave Jimmy there and he's still tied up so for now we're gonna leave Jimmy there too okay we're just gonna leave them there for now let them figure everything out so now we're going to follow Luffy's group to the Sea Forest by switching to another perspective and that is of Boss Jim Bay you see jimbei gave a message to the prince to make sure that he gives to Luffy the first message being do not fight horty Jones which haha and the second message to meet him in the sea Forest now despite Luffy never getting this message for obvious mermaid kidnapping reasons he still managed to make his way to the Sea Forest so as soon as they finally get there jinbei greets the crew Luffy my friend oh it's so good to see you ah and this must be your crew hello and the princess is like hey jimbe and jimbei is like oh wow and Shira ho she's here wow I haven't seen you since you wait a minute what the [ __ ] why are you here Jim Bay what Hachi what are you doing here what happened to you and actually just like you know at this point I've just accepted that every time I run into these lunatics I'm gonna end up like this I mean seriously it's like every time and then the crackheads like jinbei a lot of weird stuff's going on here let me know who am I punching what no I specifically told you not to fight horty Jones that's the other part of the message I left for you 40 Jones what's that is that the guy I'm gonna punch no you're not punching anybody look just just sit down and I'll explain everything I'll give you the whole story with all the context and by the end of it you'll understand why you can't fight horty Jones so Jim base sits down and he gives everyone the whole story of Queen otohime and Fisher tiger and he explains why he held so much faith for both of them and why their deaths deeply affected everyone of fish ban Island himself included that's it that's the whole story of the tragedy of two people with really good hearts that ended up with hey hey is he asleep oh oh oh man that was that was a good nap oh hey jimbe did you ever finally tell us where that 40 Jones guy was you can't look you can't fight him just let me explain it again okay I'll try to condense it so you can pay attention all right just look wait whoa whoa whoa no I'm gonna have to stop you right there Jim Bay I do not care what I don't care about any of it the culture the politics Boo's so boring I just need you to get to the part where we go beat up the bad guy that's what the people want to see and that's about all I care about Luffy you can't beat a party because he's a Fishman so if you beat him up it's just gonna look like another instance of humans beating up fishmen you're gonna turn him into a martyr that's the big deal I already beat off one fish man that was like the first Arc we did you could understand why if you would just listen to my story well why do I have to take a history class just so I can whoop somebody's ass that doesn't make sense Luffy listen no you listen every island literally every island we get to people are always trying to give me their whole story this faction's good this faction's bad there's a rebellion that's happening in my hometown blah blah blah I don't care I came here to eat all your food punch a bunch bunch of people possibly kidnap a princess and then steal all of the treasure in the palace after the banquet wait you're gonna do what guess what jinbei no part of that plan involves learning anything Luffy just shut up and listen to me okay I'm serious no you listen jimbei if you want to talk about history then you better go find Robin and speaking of Robin where is Robin and like the angel she is Robin comes walking out of the woods and she tries to calm everyone down so we can try to think of a way forward and while she's calming everyone down horty Jones actually manages to send out a broadcast to the entirety of Fishman Island he says he's got the king in the square and he's planning to execute him for being a human sympathizer like his late wife otohime so you as jimbei you understand this is quickly getting out of control and your best bet would probably be to let Luffy get a crack at horty Jones okay but you still need to do it with tact so you try to explain to this crackhead you're like okay Luffy look you can fight Hardy but we need to find a way to make you look like the hero of Fishman Island when you do it here we go with this again jinbei I'm not a hero and I'm never going to be a hero just let it go I'm saying we find a way to make sure the people think you are so that they don't think you're just some crazy crackhead that just wants to beat up Fishman yeah well I'd rather be that than a hero okay what is up with you why do you keep fighting that so hard listen jimbe say you got a bunch of meat okay a hero would share all of his meat with the rest of the town but I don't want to do that okay I want all the meat for myself it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard look okay forget about all that if you go with my plan to fight Hardy Jones I'll give you all the meat you want and another thing oh really wow that's all you had to say you should have led with that everybody listen up Jim Bay's got a plan and we're gonna go with it because there's something in it for me now so Jim base size and he explains his plan and from here I think we can go back to the perspective of horty Jones who has gathered all of the residents of Fishman Island to the main plaza where he plans to execute the king for being a human sympathizer like his late wife otohime and in the crowd Jimmy is Walking with the fortune telling mermaid as he tells her more about Luffy's character and so she's like wait a minute so he broke into any Lobby and challenged the entire world government to a fight there's like a fight he's gonna have for the rest of his life that's insane Jimmy's like I cannot tell you how little he cares about that he is truly insane so she's like well but he cares about his friends and he saved the princess but he also took the King High hostage and my vision said he's going to destroy Fishman Island all right Jimmy please you have to tell me seriously is he a pirate or a terrorist he's whatever you need him to be baby and you stay safe I gotta get back down there and get some more pictures so now Jimmy's in the crowd as horty Jones is giving his passionate speech against humans and now we can finish out the story from horty Jones's perspective so at this point as Hardy Jones you have gotten everything that you need the one thing that you are waiting for is the princess princess shirohoshi she's the last threat that she really need to take care of and that's when a few of your Pirates are like hoardy look the princess and her pet shark are here and they brought jinbei too so now that the entire royal family is here U.S horty Jones tell them that it was actually you who murdered their mother you do a whole maniacal laugh and the crowd is watching on anxiously they know horty Jones is evil and they know that someone needs to take care of him but they don't know who they can put their faith in and that's when the fortune teller who now has all of the stories about Luffy fresh in her mind from Jimmy she starts telling the people that they can trust Luffy and that the cure to this entire situation is one crazy crackhead and we just all need to believe now the crowd is still skeptical but they need to place their faith in someone but luckily the fortune telling Mermaid has managed to sway most of the people there and so they start believing in Luffy and all at once they start Shannon get him Captain crackhead save us Captain crackhead so you turn to King Neptune and you're like stupid humans they keep cheering for this captain and they don't know I already beat him already back at the palace King Neptune's like you what yeah the stupid human thought he could beat me underwater but we see how that turned out didn't we King Neptune King Neptune's like that wasn't that wasn't the captain what do you mean that wasn't the captain he was the strongest one there he was definitely the strongest person at the palace but that's not the straw hat Captain so hard he's like well if he's not the captain then who is and right as you say that the crackhead jumps out of the mouth of the shark and hits you so hard you go flying to the other side of the battlefield you are literally in shock up until this point the hardest you have been hit was by that green haired guy that one shot you back at the palace but this crackhead has hit you so hard that you pass out for a second only to be revived by the power of drugs and then out of nowhere the rest of the straw hats show up behind him and they stare down your entire Army of over 100 000 fishermen and they are not impressed so you struggle to pick yourself back up and remember you are horty Jones so you don't look at anything critically so you call that a fluke and you think you're about to beat up this crackhead but the crackhead is not giving you room to breathe or move or do really do anything he's giving you laughs he's giving you rights he's throwing you everywhere so you freak out you're like what the is everybody standing around for you I don't see him beating my ass jump him so you send the whole Army after these lunatics but before the fighting even starts the crackhead walks into the middle of the battlefield and uses his magic to knock out half of the army that's 50 000 fishermen they are all knocked out and you hear someone screaming in the distance now this is big news so you see all of this go down and you get scared and you think to yourself yup it's time to cheat and you immediately try to take the fight to the water where you have the advantage and at the same time the end cell has now thrown a giant boat at the mermaid he's been simping over so now the crackhead has to worry about beating you in water where you have the advantage and stopping this giant boat from crashing into Fishman Island and killing everybody so the crackhead teams up with the other fishmen and gets in an air bubble and starts heading towards the boat this is Captain crackhead I'm approaching the big ass boat please advise all right Captain crackhead we need to figure out how to stop the ark without damaging it it's a national treasure after all got it imma punch it but no I said we need to stop the boat without damaging it it's a Priceless artifact Roger that I am about to punch the boat with no no don't do that Captain crackhead out so you as Hardy Jones you're like all right I've clearly got the upper hand just in case let me take some more drugs so you take a big old handful of fish pills and you put them in your mouth into your surprise the crackhead is still beating you up like throughout this entire ordeal you've gotten like three hits in and yeah he's bleeding but honestly it still doesn't even look like he's trying meanwhile every hit he gives to you makes you want to die and also every time he hits you you just start taking more drugs I don't there's not I don't really think there's a plan anymore I think you probably just want to be high for whatever's going on right now and what's really crazy is the crackhead is a devil fruit user so every time he punches you he has to touch water thus weakening him but that is not changing the outcome of this fight at all he is beating you down so you take one more big handful of pills and you shove them in your big fat fish face and this gives you the confidence to Lunge at him to make your final attack and right before you land the blow that you hope will put an end to this crackhead the crackhead uses a new magic attack he stretches his arm out and he turns his fist into fire while he's underwater like physics be damned he just stretches his arm it turns black with armament and then he lights it on fire and he hits you so hard you go flying into the boat that's coming down on Fishman Island so you're just there like okay I'm I know I'm stupid but didn't he say his devil fruit was the rubber fruit what what part of that implies that he can create fire out of nowhere like that I'm so confused and you look up and this crackhead has turned both of his fists black and made them giant again as he prepares an attack he's called elephant Gatling you see your whole big dumb racist fish life flash before your eyes and he gives you a combination of lefts and rights that sobers you up almost immediately he beats the drugs right out of your system and the next thing you know you are waking up behind bars is an old man this crackhead has beat the youth out of you and sent you straight to jail your whole plan was stupid but you'd been planning it for years and you might have gotten away with it too if it weren't for a crackhead and his band of lunatics getting involved with the country they had nothing to do with so that's about it I really do not like horty Jones I think he's a terrible villain but you know he he had a plan and it probably would have worked if the crackhead didn't get involved so I think that's funny honestly and to be honest all the Fishman island is hilarious I strongly encourage you to watch it again for yourself because it truly is one of the funniest marks ever you just have to not take it seriously because it's not serious no part of it should be taken serious but that about does it for this time guys thank you so much for watching thank you for being interested and I cannot wait to see you in the next one and don't forget to use my link in the description or scan my QR code to get those insane bonuses like the Epic Champion Talia from the sacred order faction and other useful items like energy refills skill tomes and XP boosts
Channel: Mugiwara No Goofy
Views: 242,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Fishman Island, Jimbei, Luffy, Monkey D. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Nami, Hordy Jones, Vander Decken
Id: jawMvCuWJX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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