The DARK Lore of Punch-Out!! - THEORY

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what's up guys Leopold the brave here and Wow have we got a video today so last night I was talking with my friends over on crossover X and the idea of a punch-out cartoon popped up okay in reality I was lonely and just spewing punch out cartoon ideas in the text/chat because no one else was online but people eventually did come online and started chipping in with the ideas and one of my ideas was to have Doc Lewis be the star of the cartoon instead of Little Mac because I just find him a much more interesting character he has a mysterious past as a former heavyweight champion and he's quite eager to trade Macklin typically mentor characters are quite hesitant so then I really began to theorize on Doc's past and what's going on even down to why he likes chocolate bars and the mysterious warehouse for him and Mac trainin so I hope you're ready let's try and figure out why everything is the way it is in punch-out since I brought up those two minor questions like why doc likes chocolate bars or where he trains let's go into why doc stopped boxing because that feeds into both of those my theory is that doc never wanted to stop boxing he was forced to quit picture this Doc Lewis just became the heavyweight champion he's super proud of his title and decides to relax now that he's finally reached his goal unfortunately he relaxes and slacks off a bit too much and starts to lose some serious weight officials will warn him that if he doesn't bulk up soon he'll be moved down a weight class and lose his belt and so to fix this Doc starts scarfing down chocolate bars trying to gain some fat that he can turn into muscle due to this unhealthy decision though doc loses his title defense match and sustains heavy injuries forcing him to retire as you can imagine being forced to retire at the top of his game would have doc completely mentally destroyed he keeps scarfing down chocolate bars thinking all I need to do is bulk up let me fight I can still fight but due to his heavy injuries doc wouldn't have the stamina to turn the weight he gains from his chocolate comfort food into muscle leading to the pudgy doc we know today and there is lots of evidence and punch out to suggest that doc was heavily affected by some past injury in the punch out we demo titled Doc Lewis's punch-out Mac gets to spar with doc in the ring doc will exclaim various things like you're too fast when talking to Mac and he sounds seriously hurt like ow Mac when you hit him plus doc is the only fighter besides King Hippo that quits after one knockdown being retired is one thing but there's definitely something else going on here but the story does also explain why doc is so eager to Train Mack doc still wants to be back in the game so badly and training Mack is the closest thing he'll ever get to boxing again speaking of training what exactly is this old warehouse that Doc and Mack train in I mean think about it for a second there's a lot of boxing supplies in there it has its own ring punching bags boxing gloves jump ropes it even has lockers doc couldn't and wouldn't have done this just for Mack that stuff has been there and Doc knew about it my theory is that this warehouse was Doc's old training gym the gym he trained at during his journey to become the heavyweight champion but when he was forced to retire the gym would go out of business with the lack of any big names there people would show no interest in coming to train there the place would have to shut down but you know what I think doc had a happy ending look at the ending to punch-out we this room that doc is in I think this is a room in the exact same warehouse they were training in after retiring little Mack would say thanks to doc Lewis for all the training by donating his winnings to doc allowing doc to reopen the gym as its new owner but that raises another question why did Mack retire so soon to figure that out we're gonna have to go to the Past again doc Louis's forced retirement would impact a lot more than just a gym like what about his fans a fan mr. Sandman that's right growing up mr. Sandman would be a huge fan of Doc Lewis even inspired to box himself but after Doc Lewis's injury forces him to retire mr. st. man's passion for boxing would burn even brighter wanting to avenge his favorite fighter he was determined to get that belt and keep it until the day he dies for Doc Lewis but then Little Mac shows up trained by Doc Lewis himself mr. Sandman would become extremely conflicted is he fighting for duck or against him this mental distraction would cost him the fight not only having him loose but also getting severely injured just like Doc Lewis when Sandman wakes up in the hospital and is told by doctors that he shouldn't box anymore mr. Sandman decides that he's not going down the same way as doc late at night he'll break into a secret in the hospital and destroy his medical records before breaking out of the hospital on his way out he'd see a poster of Mack on the brick wall of a building his legs and everything else from the waist down may have been severely weakened due to his injuries but Sandman was gonna prove to himself that he could still use his fists he punches through the brick wall and demolishes the building overnight later on he returns to the boxing league in fights glass Joe again he wins but realizes during the fight that he clearly isn't fit to box anymore but he doesn't care he knows he'll never make it back up to Mack again with his current injuries so he begins to cheat his way back up oiling up the mat so piston Hondo's speedy feet slip on it paying super macho man even more money to throw his fight bribing King Hippo with food you name it but when he finally does make it to Mack where he plans to cheat again to take his belt back he sees Doc Lewis as a huge fan he knows deep down that doc would never ever cheat to get to this point so Sandman drops any intentions he had of cheating and decides to take on Mack fair and square during the fight his injuries really begin to take their toll and it becomes clear to everyone but it's too late before the towel could be thrown in Mack punches Sandman in the jaw making him spin around before Mack strikes the back of his neck with the damage already done to him this final blow would be enough to permanently paralyzed him from the waist down mr. Sandman he let his motivation become an unhealthy obsession and he paid the price and that is why Mack would choose to retire early after paralyzing mr. Sandman he'd realized that the damage he does goes far beyond just the ring for example piston Hondo's lost to Mack to bring shame and dishonor to his whole gym and sodapoppin skis losses to little Matt could cost him his government funding for his training program credit the pineapple guy carmine for those two ideas so yeah little Mack who would have lost maybe one or two times at this point would realize that he's doing a lot more damage than he thought then he decide that his next loss would be the one to end it and of course doc wouldn't be happy at first he was forced to retire and was building back up so Mack would never ever have to face that and then Mack just chooses to retire at the top of his game - this explains stock Lewis's little outburst and punch-out we are you sure losses and you want to call it quits but it wouldn't take long for doc to understand what Mack was feeling and decide to help him go out with a bang not to mention doc would also finally find peace in his own retirement as well after seeing mr. Sandman get paralyzed he realizes what he could have lost if he just kept boxing like mr. Sandman did Mack then goes in for his final fight having a gut feeling that he's not gonna make it but still trying his best anyways Mack gives it his all but ends up losing his final fight against bald bull the one who casa da clue was his final fight as it's implied they had some history together so now with a smile on his face little Mack is done he gets doc his gym back thanks him for the training and pays mr. Sandman spell as it's likely he got arrested for destroying that building I mentioned a while ago Mack hangs up his gloves and goes down in history as one of the greatest boxers of all time and that is what I fear is the full story of Nintendo's punch-out days good job son good job you
Channel: LeopoldTheBrave
Views: 112,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Punch-Out, Nintendo, Little Mac, Super Smash Bros., Switch, Wii U, Wii, Gameplay, 2009, Super Punch Out, Arcade, Video Game, Theory, Game Theory, MatPat, The Game Theorists, LeopoldTheBrave, Dark, Lore, Story, Boxing
Id: 6w0i3ZBfUjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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