THE DARK AND THE WICKED (2020) Ending Explained

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[Music] hello what's up everybody welcome to found flicks on today's inning explained we're looking at the dark and the wicked following in a strange family that reunite for the impending death of their father but soon a darkness grows marked by waking nightmares in a growing sense that something evil is taking over the family yup you know a lot of people ask me does a movie even scare me anymore because you've seen so many and the answer is sure of course for the most part i am desensitized but there are still plenty of things out there that can make me go you know give me that feeling and i have to say in this regard that the dark and the wicked really delivers as it's pretty dang scary along with being quite brutal and violent boasting many memorable moments that are really effective much of this is thanks to the very grim atmosphere and kind of loneliness to the cinematography lots of wide expansive shots this style is really hammered home throughout and does a lot to make the shocking beats really work and there's some decent jump scare stuff in there too there's also the important family dynamic that is the real drive of the story as we peel back further layers of the distance that has grown between them that in many ways winds up being their dooms nobody in this family can talk to each other about anything you gotta open up about your feelings you know what i mean this comes from brian bertino the same bro behind the home invasion thriller the strangers which also had many effective moments of suspense and this actually doesn't feel that different in a way rather than a trio of faceless killers our intruder this time is a demonic entity that proceeds to destroy everything it comes across of course also including the family i say this because understanding how the family and the supernatural stories connect is important to getting the full scope of the movie and to really understand and appreciate the ending so let's pay a visit to the fam on the goat farm in the dark and the wicked breaking down the story in particular the arcs of siblings mike and louise looking into what we do find out about the devil and explaining the sudden ending it's early morning on a rural goat farm in the middle of nowhere in texas yeehaw hearing a woman deeply sighing all alone and going through her daily routine she sings while doing some sewing the song a hymn about going through trials and tribulations and what a friend we have in jesus hearing bottles clanking she stops and they get more agitated but she pays them no mind going to visit her ailing husband she does some writing in a journal startled by a distant howling wolf and this really establishes off the bat the fear and loneliness that she feels in her life allowing on a spooky ass farm biting her time until her husband passes though there is way more than that going on as we return to the barn the bottle's rattling more violently and something is very briefly glimpsed among the goats freaking out which is pretty clearly a demon looking dude i actually totally missed this until re-watching this the second time for the video and even this time i was like wait what the heck is that and i had to rewind and get like three inches in front of the screen and went oh so i did see something there point being it's quick y'all and actually seeing this entity so early clues us in that there is indeed something evil afoot because a big part of our story as we'll see is the arrival of the mother's estranged children who to a fault think that nothing is amiss supernaturally at least though even if we miss this sighting back in the kitchen she is deliberately chopping an onion a chair starts to creak and slides over to her the devil letting it know that it's here the next day her children michael and louise visit the farm knowing that their father isn't long from death's door and immediately things feel off with their interactions there's no warmth to anything and rather than appreciating the company mom chides them as she told them to not come in the first place good to see you too mom jesus louise but the whole point is the family is obviously very disconnected as well as the other side of things that mama doesn't want more people to get tied up into the evil on the farm so tell them about it just tell them what's going on the kids know the physical toll that life has taken on their mom michael mentioning that she looks tired louise correcting that she looks like [ __ ] all right well i guess you're not wrong but still very pretty rude thing to say their distance is further highlighted at dinner the trio munching down in total silence until mike compliments the food but mom says nothing keeping her head down he tries to talk to her about the goats but she shuts them down saying it doesn't matter daddy said to keep working so that's what she's doing they try to assure her things are gonna be okay and she gets upset calling the whole thing stupid and is upset that the kids never listen to her she yells for them to go home and leaves things clearly a bit tense and awkward between the family the siblings are taken aback by her caustic behavior but it's also apparent that they haven't exactly been around much in each other's lives either with vague mentions of asking if she still works at the post office or asking how his kids are apologizing for not calling for their birthdays they seem to acknowledge their negligence in their relationship with their mom mike not wanting to leave her alone out here she agrees muttering she should have done something i don't know hugged her or something she returns inside and locks the door yet when looking back it swung wide open seeing someone standing out in the darkness she doesn't find anything there though telling her mom it was just the wind but mom knows better staring on edge into the wilderness back to choppin she does kind of vaguely tell her son something is going on mike's suggesting that she gets some sleep and she tells him again to go no ma'am he asserts but she warns that it's not what he thinks he's all well then what is it but she stays silent appearing straight terrified of the evil but again illustrating the divide in the family and their absolute lack of communication she returns to chopping and you just know she's gonna get that finger the same chair moving itself behind her in a kind of trance she starts chopping intensely and wait for it yup slices all of them bad boys clean off yes she doesn't react much sobbing softly and then grotesquely minces the ends to bloody bits dinner serve the next morning the kids can't find her and after searching around the farm she's discovered hanging in the barn again she seemed almost possessed by the entity here and preying on her weakness the entity forces her to instill violence upon herself which we'll see more of as our story continues even after this the siblings don't really talk much sitting silently at the table and louise smokes a cigarette honing in on that magic chair neighbor charlie lends a hand with the goats appearing upset over her unexpected death one of the few friends that he had as well sitting with her father his nurse arrives and didn't want to say anything before but brings up that their mom was saying things talking when she thought she wasn't listening they asked what she would say but she would just sit beside their father whispering and didn't appear to be talking to him as though someone else was there mom had been caring for him at night the nurse offering to find someone else to step in but luis offers to take over instead trying to now show that she is part of the family and indeed loves her dad she visits her mom's studio and under a covered up mannequin finds a quite lovely wedding dress with a tag for her a hopeful future that she'll never see it appears louise getting emotional at the site she wonders with mike who their mom was talking to but he retorts it doesn't matter thinking that she had just lost her marbles or something she yells that they should have talked to her him huffing back well we didn't later luis takes a shower confused as the door creaks open and hears looming footsteps she assumes it's her brother but it's really her father with white eyes who pisses himself she shakes violently screaming and turning away and when mike comes in dad is still in bed and unresponsive as usual she's positive that he was in there regardless but ultimately dismisses it as being stupid mike about to head off for supplies happens to knock off mom's diary and join sarah outside and guess what she still doesn't want to talk about it he brings up the diary and then he read the last page which sounds at least a bit concerning i know he's there in the darkness help me help me please he's killing david he can't breathe anymore and there's nothing that i can do to stop it devil devil devil he wants david's soul well there you go mom was more than aware of the so-called devil plaguing their farm and it's after her husband's soul and must also be behind his ailing condition they very slowly start to piece together what's going on back in the barn the cops said that their mom used the tub to hang herself but it hadn't actually been moved until luis used it to cut her down and thusly it makes no sense how she even got up there they read more from the diary the voices in my head his voice makes me want to be dead just as we saw with her death she was sort of being coerced by the devil to taking her own life breaking her down until she finally snapped they go to a corner to see their mom's body and he hands over something curious he found in her pocket a collection of small crosses as he recalls the kind that you would get at sunday school the kids are confused as their mother didn't go to church showing that perhaps after this thing showed up she started getting a little more faithful in hopes of surviving luis takes care of her dad him weekly coughing and wheezing he alarmingly starts hacking harder and a spider crawls out of his mouth she tries to catch it her brother coming in asking if everything is all right she still keeps it to herself stammering it was nothing just talk to each other people this is madness mike is later awoken by the lights flicking on but there's no one in the room and the door is still closed well that's odd they come back on again and mike gets a little uneasy seeing no one else in the room still he checks a window hearing only more howling wolves but when checking another window his mother is standing outside she smiles and starts to levitate in the air he then hears her eerily singing inside and she appears right behind him vanishing when he turns the lights on the devil appears to have a kind of sick playfulness based on what he's done to louise as she wakes up in the morning with lipstick marks all over her face and when peeling away her dad's sheets finds a tube there trying to convince her it was somehow him responsible but we know better the phone rings and it's oddly a recording about their number being disconnected but the second call is even odder her mom crackling that she told her not to come here sending louise cowering in fear in the corner michael comes back from town to a priest waiting at the gate that appears to know him or at least knows his name what do you want to bet this is actually the devil guy since he's apparently able to take various physical forms he's hoping to talk and hands over one of those little crosses found on their mom making mike think that he must have known her hoping for answers about their mother they read from her diary about the voices that call but what if it's a lie he won't stop they will die we're dead already spiders on my face like tears just as louis saw with her dad the priest says he started coming around to see her describing her as being scared and alone but loved them both so much he thought he could help and that's all mike fuming you've done enough the priest defends that he didn't know about any of this stuff while they think he put these ideas in her head well that is kinda true since this definitely is the devil dude mike brings up that the whole family wasn't religious thinking her newfound faith was only because of him the priest chuckles it doesn't matter if you don't believe asking if they think a wolf cares if you believe he's a wolf it won't matter when you find him alone in the woods it's obviously relevant for our family and knowing this is the devil guy he knows the family doesn't believe and is trying to prove that it doesn't matter because the evil is quite real that is all that really matters michael wants him to go him saying you both know they both needed someone and were both alone maintaining that he helped mike asks you think the devil's out there and he reminds him of their mom's warning you think that she's crazy because she saw a wolf but did see him coming mike maintains that there's nothing out there he's already here the priest threatens and with that ominous declaration takes his leave the rain pouring down marty at least has someone that he can talk about his true feelings with on the phone with his wife becky relaying how [ __ ] up this whole thing is and how he just wants to come home saying mom was all he had left uh well what about your ill father and your sister i guess the point being he doesn't actually even care about anyone else at this point and even when he walks around the farm he tells her that he feels nothing alright at least you're being honest for a change luis is alone with the goats reading from her mother's diary about him watching and being everywhere glass shatters and the bottles ring as she yells out for her brother seeing a shadow growing longer on the wall behind her she now is starting to think maybe mom wasn't so crazy after all wondering if she really did see something out there mike opens up about seeing her out the window and knows for certain that it wasn't a dream mom was standing right there and he saw it last night he still knows that it wasn't her but admits it was scary still thinking it can't be real later that night there's more wolf howls and sarah comes to in bed hearing scratching right outside mike comes in afraid of something at the door they cautiously approach it and fling it open to the priest back telling them to come outside mike is all what are you doing here it's 3am man luis flashes the light on him seeing he has white eyes knowing again it's not really the priest him growling you want some rope and the phone starts ringing the priest is gone and mike runs outside the phone ringing again he tells her not to answer it so she hangs up the call and rips the phone line out however it was actually neighbor charlie calling pleading for her to pick up the phone it seems for trying to help them the devil turns its attention on poor charlie hearing creaking and thuds approaching in his little cabin he readies his shotgun coming to something just out of frame that gets to its feet it's louise saying he doesn't belong here charlie tells the demon to get out get out of here and luis starts carving up her arms with a knife he falls to his feet begging to know what it wants and he's overwhelmed by a loud screeching another louise appears whispering indistinctly into his ear another saying you did this to me and he blows his brains out with his gun now we've seen in detail how the devil works appealing to his victims with persuasion to take their own lives in order to claim their souls the next day the siblings survey the area baffled as usual as there are no tracks or footprints to explain the priest's reappearance they decide that it's time to take dad to a hospital but we'll have to get a doctor out here first both affected by the priest's face and white eyes to verify the priest and their mother's relationship luis directly calls him and quickly learns that she was bamboozled he's confused how she got her number louise sang that she got it from him but he's actually in a hotel room in chicago and hasn't ever met their mother or even been to texas though there is a strange connection the priest's own daughter was called louise but she killed herself years ago choking up that she sounds just like her they are able to get a doctor for their dad who has bad news when they bring up wanting to bring him to the hospital he won't make it to the highway they try to maintain that it's their choice but doc says that he can't let them kill him mike crying that they just want to make him safe but there's no further options beyond what they're doing thanks to his current condition the nurse has her own previously private thoughts on the matter when mike brings up about how her job must take his toll she optimistically says that's not all she sees she sees a lot of love she believes the worst thing in the world is for a person to die alone a big factor to an overall story going on that there is love here and a soul needs love to keep it safe as long as you have that you're okay but we've already seen how loneliness and not feeling love has taken its toll with the kid's mom the nurse goes on that she can see the kids fear and can feel it in the house she knows that they don't believe in god but she does and thinks that there are horrible wicked things in the world and that they come for whatever they want the goats somehow managed to flee into the wild and later one three-legged one bleats back to the farm and they discover pretty much their entire herd has been brutally slain knowing it couldn't possibly have been wolves and mike is just wanting to get out of here suggesting to call another doctor and to get him here asap louise cries well she did tell us not to come a frustrated mike yelling god damn it they make a big bonfire to burn the goat's bodies now a scant handful of the animals left on the farm there's still one that's a mama about to give birth and he vows not to let them die not today sitting with the cute fresh baby animals in the barn a small glimmer of hope in their current misery he chokes if he's here he's gonna work echoing his father's creed but orders her to stay back in the house with him mike is starting to really open up about things a little bit more bringing up about what the nurse said about the worst thing being someone dying alone the reason for his decision to stay she wanted him to feel something and he wanted to feel something too but cowers away that now all he wants is to forget about this place i'm scared louise me too she agrees now that we know that mike is even starting to break down the devil takes advantage out in the barn the bottles and horseshoes crash mike gets his knife at the ready aggressively yelling for them to go he then hears his mother singing about what a friend we have in jesus and she steps into the barn dropping the bottles on the floor you're not real he grumbles but she keeps walking towards him backing him up to the wall and gets right up in his face before disappearing she just as we saw with the louis spirit and charlie whispers in his ear and then he loses control he takes his knife to his own throat but unlike the others is able to wrestle dominance away from the devil for the moment however he is more scared than ever sitting alone in the bedroom and shaking still clutching the knife luis is in bed with her dad the door is slightly creaking but it doesn't sound like mike a shadowy hand reaches over them and gets in bed the mattress creaking it gets more aggressive and sarah opens her eyes in terror hearing snarling and a soft growl inches above her head she whimpers and jolts up seeing her dad is gone and when looking up strangely sees him pinned to the ceiling he reaches out growling to run away and she wakes up terrified he's still in bed and as a pulse well that's a relief but when searching for mike is distraught to learn that he's up and left her what a coward dude now she's all alone just as mom was and will only make her an easier target for the devil waste no time messing with her louise startled by knocking the door and it's a young girl claiming to be charlie's granddaughter and informs her about his death she's baffled as they just saw him but the girl plainly states well they found him and he's definitely dead i don't know what to tell you lady hearing her dad cough she invites the girl in while she goes to check on him the girl stops at the door asking do you smell him he's rotting a beaming smile crossing her face she then appears behind her he's rotting she repeats all alone and gets up over her all alone she says again her voice turning distorted [Music] louise turns away and she's all alone again she calls her bro only getting his voicemail and is still hopeful to get her dad out of here now pretty much chain smoking the nurse arrives asking how he's doing but louise is distracted and distressed luis tries mike again after plugging the landline back in and at least does answer he says he's been driving all night and wasn't going to stay there anymore she can't believe that he really left him excusing that his family needs him at home she asked why he didn't just come to talk to her a huge sticking point for the family as we're seeing here but he says he knows what she would have said as she starts sobbing you left me the nurse in the other room overhearing the emotional call in the middle of knitting she suddenly stops her eyes glazing over and a smile crosses her lips devil's got her mike tells her that she just needs to leave her crying that he's all she has left but his wife and kids are clearly more important to him saying they're his life what about dad she asks he's gone he responds coldly and asserts there's nothing that they can change at this point telling her to save herself and hangs up the nurse screams bloody murder and has jammed the needle into her cheek why don't you listen she shouts and stabs herself in the stomach and tells her to leave violently slamming her head into the wall knocking louise unconscious the nurse sniffles i hear you you're with me jesus i feel you well didn't help too much jamming the needle in her eye and then in the other one for good measure surrounded by voices whispering jesus is here for you clearly the demon just messes with her it gets louder and she laughs holding up her hands before collapsing to the ground dead mike makes it home and learns the hard way that escape is impossible searching around the house for his family he tragically finds them all dead and breaks down falling to his knees and crying taking out his trusty knife he considers for a moment before taking it to his own throat gagging he looks back and the table is now empty oh dang you got demon duped real bad mikey boy it was all another illusion as his family comes home and finds him bleeding out leaning on the wall becky's screaming her head off at the site pretty brutal for sure now all that's left is louise her apologizing to her dad but knows she has to go making it outside but doesn't get too far hearing her father coughing and refuses to leave him and goes back in after all i'm here she tells him getting down by his side promising not to leave him still a little bit of love going here so that's nice she hears her brother calling for help outside then becoming a chorus of overlapping voices the candle flickers out and dad wheezes the floorboards creaking luis tells her dad she loves him and won't leave no matter what he starts to gasp erratically her begging him not to leave and he stops breathing finally passing on leaving her an absolute anguish she tries to shake him awake to no avail then hearing her mom singing her song and dad attacks her with a growl essentially she was doomed once her dad died the one shred of love that was keeping her soul as well as his protected without that it's all over folks and actually the whole family was pretty much screwed in the first place due to how estranged they were and made them pretty easy pickings for the devil guy as the nurse says a soul that is loved is protected and as we know there really ain't much love left in this family from the get-go i was also left wondering just how much of what we saw was the devil guy behind there's some strange moments like louise calling the preacher and appears to talk to him and brings up his dead daughter also called luis that feels dangling a bit but i suppose the idea is that it really was behind literally everything we saw it even was able to bend reality in many ways as well as take on the physical form of anyone it encountered so reality can't really be trusted throughout and that phone call was still when louise and mike were certain there was some reasonable explanation behind this and as we've seen the devil enjoys kind of preying on their fears and messing with its victims another major question that i had watching is if the devil can so easily force others into killing themselves and why does it take so long with the dad i mean everyone else is killed over the course of like a week i considered that the devil happened across the family and saw that they were easily exploitable i was kind of feeding off the dad slowly trying to bring the rest of the family and really anyone else it could into its radius to also claim their souls keep those souls coming boys soul kebab with that we reached the conclusion of this inning explained video for the dark and the wicked sure it's a little slow at times but these moments helped draw out the character's stories and ultimately made what happens way more impactful anyway you can check it out to rant on any of the vod services out there prime voodoo or whatever you fancy and don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the dark and the wicked are there any other questions you're left with in the end and what was your favorite horror movie you've seen this year let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 983,735
Rating: 4.9581566 out of 5
Keywords: dark and the wicked, dark and the wicked ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, meaning, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoiler, review, plot, the dark and the wicked, bryan bertino, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, top horror 2020, new horror movie
Id: 6hiNK9l6vPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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