Parkour in Among Us

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so today and among us we have one of our best mods yet this is parkour master as the parkour ninjas we're jumping from rooftop to rooftop with some crazy monsters trying to eat us will we fall to our death stick around till the end to find out and here's the deal if you've ever played parkour in a video game hit the like button down below the video and if you're good at it it'll turn blue what hit the subscribe button let's do this all right i'm a crewmate who's with me pimple bevel run bible wait before are you here piffle are you here biffle okay listen listen biffle we have ten seconds we got okay hold on here come here we are parkour masters climb up the building look at this oh i just gotta shoe okay biffle check this out top left right we have one shoe to help us parkour what we need to do run over here i have another shoe have another shoe coming here look at the monsters you guys are psycho you can't get us up here we're all safe up here idiot look i can vault over this wait no i can't fault over this one yeah go ahead keep spitting keep spitting ugly all right listen listen we can't tell them our plan what we have to do we need to get shoes right we need it before we leave this area we need to get four shoes we also we need to build a mech and kill these monsters these evil anti-parkour people oh oh they're spitting at us oh i got a shoe down here parkour parkour dodge poor born parkour look at my trip no no [Music] all right so we have four lives each you can see up top center we each have four lives right and we have a stamina bar as we run around we waste our or we lose stamina and when they spit on us we lose stamina they take our lives by punching us or tornadoing us they get extra abilities bible we also get extra abilities too as we do more stuff i have three shoes dude okay wait they just went invisible oh no okay hold on let me get this last shoe let me get this last shoe okay bevel listen now that we have four shoes we are the ultimate parkour masters we get access to another ultimate park or ability follow me bevel our ability we unlock the ability to ability the abilities let me know if you have the ability to know what i'm saying what i don't even know what you're saying because i don't have the ability to know abilities abilities listen you are so just farted what does that mean the aliens are weird man guys i don't want to be with this guy guys hit the like button if you've ever farted oh what all right oh the final art not a final ability are abilities of abilities of parkour long jump come on over bible don't mess this up biffle don't mess this up i'm hungry oh he did it i did it okay you see this hand right here yeah that is the the hand of the the thingy the mech mech justice sprint you jump roll do the roll i blinded them look they're blinded oh okay they can't touch us up here all right so every time we get a mech piece it gives us another heart so we have five again okay but what we have to do since we've been training so much parkour in the past four minutes we are professional parkourers piffle we have to make this jump from here from these boxes up to that platform right there can we do it bevel it will go into their mouth i don't think we can i blinded him out jump come on before i believe in you biffle come down here hey [Music] oh you lost the life biffle that was embarrassing it's slippery up here man that was pretty embarrassing i witnessed all of it it's slippery up here man all right before you ready now we have to run across this plank and jump down into the trees okay okay here we go oh no oh i'm hitting the mushroom they're spitting at us people oh no don't let him eat you biffle ah i just got eaten oh run run run oh i made it run biffle run run fall faster oh no you're parkour park road parkour parkour we have 20 seconds okay biffle check this out we have access to a new ability wait what kind of yeah perfect that's the trip why are they tripping they get okay check this out since they are dumb monsters they're half blind they can't see our names above our heads so we can hide back here and they'll have no idea watch this as soon as they hit those traps oh and also i forgot once we get one of the abilities later we unlock an insane ability [Laughter] oh like i said once we keep building up this mech right once we build it up a little more we get a final ability it is insane before so stick around down the end also hit the like button hit the subscribe button tell biffles a foot in the comments what don't do that don't tell me that i don't like that before what do you see wait the mech helmet toaster it's a toast it's a it's a mech toaster i found them i found them run run run parkour park hold on dude where i didn't see one i see them go down here down here get him i know i got i got oh i'm sorry i'm going around i'm going around this tree oh biffle got hit tornado no i got hit people in four lives wait how we need we need six shoes to leave this area six of them we need six of them i have five how many do you have i have five one more shoe do you think it's down below over here let's go down below over here no he's invisible sprint parkour parkour oh i have three lives no so whenever we take damage we get a little buff to where we can't take any more damage for that time frame oh he just spit that was a loogie are there any parkours down here any shoes any parkour shoes we need we need oh i just got spit on yeah i just lost so much stamina right there parkour parkour no ronnie's right there run sprint sprint sprint park park park hello parkour parkour parker where is it i need a shoe where is this last shoe so we can leave parkour oh i also have a jumping roll jump roll rifle we only have three lives left this is not good oh i found it pimple i found it you got it we got it we got all six okay we have six shoes for all two of our feet let's do this oh no oh yeah he's invisible he hit it he hit it okay where's the tree here's the tree come here we gotta climb this tree to get out of here climb here it is climb it parkour climb no you can't stop us you literally can't what are you guys doing down there you're so dumb looking dude their teeth through the trees looks terrifying if we fall we're dead you can't you can't do a slime doesn't do anything branches okay just don't fall don't fall don't fall shake the tree shake the tree you're good you're good we got this forgot this oh oh we're in bible get over here ha ha you nerds can't do anything we're on the other side of this giant wall you idiot go go go climb carry run run run oh there's tr oh here's a part people here's a part right in the middle oh dude oh i got the is that the foot i got the boot i got the boot of the mech wait climb oh okay we're safe up here okay so this area hey hey listen zod listen listen listen i think there is a briefcase somewhere in this area if we can get that we get access to a really strong ability and we need to get that right now bevel we need the briefcase okay hey you stopped spying on us long jump don't want to jump okay we don't don't fall here before you only have two lives left look at me what i'll do i'll do it for us i gotta get this last shoe over here calm down okay got it so we have eight shoes we need we need to find two more shoes in this area it's time my final move [Music] [Music] i don't see anything we have to find it where is it up here oh up here what is this what is that that's a jet pack i got a jet pack we got a jet pack yeah oh i fell what's up here anything up here anything nothing okay we got an extra life though because we got the jet pack we got two lives come on climb club go go go go go go go go go go go go whoa run wow no look at that psycho right here they're right here oh no i gotta find it oh pimple come here two lives before two lives yeah people has one life no stop it no stop it no no give me that no i have nine access to the next ability since we have nine boots tic tac watch our skills parkour yeah see you later oh there's a boot in the window look at our parkour skills biffle there we go okay we got 10 boots that's all the boots in this area but we need to get the briefcase of money we need to become billionaires listen biffle we have been training for the past 16 minutes and 12 seconds of all of our parkour skills we are the ultimate parkour if we don't make this long jump we fall into their mouths and they haven't brushed their teeth in like 30 minutes if we don't make this long jump from this building to that building we die one go we get the briefcase of money bible and that gives us full lives we have five lives now biffle and we have the sonic punch all right let's blind here i'm gonna punch him from here because i got long arms please don't oh my okay this is okay and now before it's zipline time oh oh oh oh easy oh biffle we have to find four shoes inside of this maze before it unlocks the final mech ability so in this maze if we do the parkour right we can dash through the walls we also have a front flip ability that makes a lot of sense when you say it with your mouse dash oh skills biffle oh wait hold on i gotta jump roll through this nice nice stand up stand up stand up drop jump rope no dash dude oh i got another shoe oh there's biffle okay you're good you're you're good you're good you're good you're good okay good good good oh bible has two lives now [Music] dead corner no stop stop it stop it stop it [Music] run no stop it stop it stop it biffle dash through the walls pitfall dance through the wall i got him where the heck did sunday go i don't know i killed before people people i'm sorry i tried i tried everything i will vend you i will get these last two shoes i will become the parkour master and then i will get the final ability to take them down before i got to how do i get out of here though crap oh there we go okay where's the shoes where that i must become the parkour master if you become the parkour master you need 14 shoes i will wear all here's a shoe i will wear all four sprint right there nope stop it i still have four lives go spread bread sprint i'm too fast look too fast the last shoe the last shoe oh no run run run now i gotta find this flamethrower hi hey hey oh stunned he's over there the game pac-man right yeah whenever pac-man gets the bigger orbs the hunters become the hunted yeah [Music] tell that to my flame thrower you crazy monsters gary you die son oh gary gary zud do you have any final words you have been tormenting me for the past 23 minutes and 35 seconds i am the parkour master and now you die we are the parkour master we no longer have to jump we can fly guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,655,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dKewL24aCvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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