Why there is only one good spongebob movie

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i remember one time when i was eight years old my mom was making dinner she yelled at me to come eat but i was busy watching the spongebob episode where they're in rock bottom my mom comes in and says that you've seen this episode 100 times you're not missing anything come eat but i didn't care i was glued to that television i was hooked it was just so good that i could watch it a thousand times over and laugh at something new each time there was always something new to care about and even if i've seen every episode a million times over i still wanted to watch it again and again until my brain rotted this is how early episodes of spongebob were constantly rewatchable for dumb kids that just wanted to laugh it held something insanely distinct from most other cartoons at the time it was so wacky and so goofy that its mere existence just seemed fake i mean a talking sponge lives in a pineapple working at a mcdonald's for a money-hungry crab what kind of premise is that that's insane that's the kind of premise that can only come from someone truly wanting to put their heart into the most wackiest entertainment for kids and a man who came up with that premise is stephen hillenburg spongebob was his creation it was his idea he was a teacher of marine biology for many years who noticed how the kids that he taught were just so in love with the world of undersea creatures so he created this little educational comic book for his school that slowly evolved into the idea of spongebob squarepants himself from the very beginning spongebob squarepants was an idea formed from passion and creativity to entertain but also educate before spongebob even aired a pilot episode it had more heart put into it than anything else around it because it was made by one guy who wanted to make kids laugh with marine life and so spongebob squarepants became one of the most popular cartoons to ever exist with the first three seasons being some of the funniest most well-thought-out episodes of cartoon television that still hold up to this day i mean i literally have been re-watching so many of these episodes and they are just perfect in animation voice acting comedy it's insane when i say these episodes are funny i mean they are funny not exhale through your nose funny not laughing emoji funny they are loud snorting funny man they're allowed funny you know this was everything this was amazing but it could not last this good this perfect forever and steven knew that leading him to focus on the very next evolution in the spongebob universe when season three of spongebob squarepants ended steven left the show to focus on a movie he wanted to put his whole heart and soul into a massive movie he knew that focusing on the show and the movie at the same time just wouldn't leave him comfortable to focus on both so he just fully focused on the movie and when that movie dropped in 2004 the spongebob squarepants movie oh baby oh baby this was a celebration of spongebob a true love letter to the franchise and everything it represents it didn't just feel like another episode but longer or just another tv special or anything it was a movie to be seen by everyone it was what many to believe to be a perfect ending for spongebob himself even steven thought that himself steven then left the show for a while the show continued to decrease in quality and became just another dumb kids show soon stephen expressed his desire to return even though he himself was struggling to come up with new stories for spongebob he and another longtime showrunner for spongebob paul tibbett worked on creating a brand new movie with tibbett directing and steven just writing we got spongebob squarepants sponge out of water and to be honest the movie just isn't anything special doesn't hold a candle to what the first one represented and honestly just feels like another episode of the show that aired after steven's first departure it holds a lot of references to old episodes but feels very disjointed and very marketable for trailers rather than be anything else it felt like it was made of fans of spongebob and people who have worked on the show since the beginning but without the true heart and passion that came from steven's directing of the very first soon after the movie it came out that steven suffered from als and he sadly passed away at the end of 2018. steven created a beautiful iconic legacy for many of us to enjoy to this day he created a great show in what he believed to be the perfect ending to his own show and while he came back for one last hurrah that wasn't my favorite it still felt more spongebob than the most seasons did for years but after his death oh man after his death nickelodeon said oh we could do anything we could do anything with spongebob now and so their first movie immediately after his death was a literal ad for new spin-off shows a movie that exists to advertise a spongebob baby show spongebob squarepants sponge on the run it is the most egregious and disgusting things i have ever seen at first time watching this movie i was like oh it's not that bad until a certain part of the movie that just left me speechless it led me to curse nickelodeon and viacom with a vengeance and left me angry man it left me upset i i i hate it it's just it's disgusting it's so bad it's just not good not at all but these are the three spongebob movies that we have right now and it's crazy to see how they simply just show a downward trajectory on a graph of sucking from one to three the quality has just declined from peak to piss so today let's go over all three and compare just how hard they have fallen off starting with the first one feels almost unfair it's literally so good that it feels wrong to compare it to the other two movies apparently i was taken to the theater to see it but i barely remember that because i was five years old but i have watched this movie endlessly on loop for years and years to come and so did so many the thing is that this movie just feels like a celebration of spongebob the movie just has this absolutely perfect opener we see a bunch of pirates in the middle of the ocean which instantly brings us to the fact that this movie is bigger and has more of a budget than all the tv episodes there's a reason that it's a movie this time around and they're gonna show us there's these cute smelly pirates singing the opening song in the most adorable little sequence and all this is because they have tickets for the spongebob movie itself omg that's the movie i'm i'm watching right now they're going to see it too that's crazy the simpsons movie did the same thing three years later and to be honest they didn't even do it as good wow simpsons you're ripping off spongebob that's not cool as the spongebob movie begins in front of these smelly pirates we're brought into this intense bomb defusal type situation where spongebob is called upon to save a man's life and bring him cheese to his krabby patty now this is all just a dream but it shows us just how confident spongebob is in himself and how much he thinks that other people rely on him he loves himself and he thinks that he's deserving of a reward for all of his hard work over the years as a fry cook at the krusty krab he holds a wall of employee of the month awards that stretch longer than even conceivable so of course this man is deserving of that right of course he should be given the big promotion that he's been dreaming of his old life i'm ready promotion oh man uh if only life was that sweet my boy we then see spongebob get dressed and a bunch of great gags that throw us off in each step and this is a good representation of the humor for this movie and the early episodes of spongebob this is exactly what you won't see in the next two movies in literally any single way like it's small but when spongebob grabs a toothbrush with just two bristles on it you think it's for his buck teeth obviously but no the trick is that he goes for his two eyes instead it throws you off and this happens consistently throughout the movie it's small it's witty it's cute and it adds up a lot when this kind of thing happens a lot and the next two movies are completely void of any kind of visual gag such as that instead it's just loud obnoxious yelling without context or point when we see spongebob greet patrick in this movie they yell they yell to each other because they have something to be excited about it's a big day they're good friends they're dumb kids and they're just insanely happy oh thanks patrick and tonight after my big promotion we're gonna party to wear purple yeah i love being purple meanwhile cut to the third movie and they just start yelling to simply yell just to annoy squidward why are they yelling that no reason that that's the joke that's the joke of the beginning of the movie that they're just yelling they have no reason to yell we see the krusty krab as having a grand celebration of a new restaurant right next door the krusty krab 2. oh oh great gag classic we see plankton the serious titular bad guy he freaks out over the new krusty krab and how he's never even had a little taste of that success the greatness of seeing this in this movie is that it feels like the ultimate spongebob story you've had all of these episodes with a spiteful plankton wanting to steal a recipe and he's never succeeded so obviously for a movie it's perfect to bring that kind of dynamic into the focus but it gets stale it gets boring when it's also the focus of every movie to come after it you did it once and then you did it again and again why in this movie it feels like the dynamic is reaching its climax its literal peak plankton's always failed and has shown to try quite literally everything or so he thought and he pulls out this juicy delicious plan z and he realizes that he has one more great chance to win against the krusty krab and crew this is simple gorgeous and poetic which i can not for the life of me even attempt to say about the next two movies plots the great thing is that during all of this the animation shows such a grotesque hand-drawn moments from time to time that give you just such a gut reaction that you can't help but chuckle at while plankton is yelling to himself about his new plan spongebob steps on him leading for a horrific screech from plankton plankton tells him how much he wants to rule the world and spongebob says good luck with that plankton then calls him stupid kid a kid a kid oh a kid you say hmm huh i wonder how if that's gonna be important or something at the krusty krab ceremony mr krabs starts to announce the new manager for the krusty krab 2. with spongebob being so unbelievably excited that he doesn't hear when crab announces that it's not him it's squidward spongebob believes him to be the manager i mean of course he does he's been the hardest working man in the industry for years but in crab's eyes he is just a kid you're just a kid this is how everyone else views him and the only one that doesn't really view him like that is himself and patrick i guess we then see plankton go to king neptune's castle oh god what's he gonna do what is he up to we didn't see king neptune who with just this movie alone become such an iconic character with all these tiny scenes he makes such an important impact that i just can't say about the other characters in the later movies neptune in this movie is a strict ruling dumb guy who asks for things but contradicts himself when people do the things that he's asked of them he's a balding man who feels strongly insecure about it and so he keeps his crown close to him as a symbol of authority but oh oh oh whoa whoa plankton has stolen it he's still in the crown what you what why why would he do that dude that's so not cool that's that's rude we then see spongebob at the goofy goobers where he cries his poor little soul out him and patrick didn't get drunk with ice cream i mean it's so simple and you wouldn't really think about it except just laughing at it but having spongebob being told that he's a kid by so many people around him and then getting drunk off of ice cream is so great it's it's so simple but so well done he even has a disgusting crusty hangover afterwards where he's late to work for the first time ever but that doesn't worry him because he's angry about what happened to him yesterday and not getting the recognition that he deserves mr krabs king neptune arrives at the krusty krab and thinks that mr krabs stole the crown spongebob then arrives drunkenly defacing crab's character to neptune which causes crab to get freezed with a deal made that spongebob must get the crown back in 6 days or crabs will be executed oh no this means that spongebob finally has a chance to prove himself to prove himself responsible and adult even when he must save that one guy that disrespected him so many times over spongebob's good heart still wants to set out and save his crabby ass we also have mindy who was the one who helped convince neptune to let our boys go on this quest to save the day mindy is sweet and patrick has a nice little crush on her the boys didn't head out with the help of the paddy mobile a clever way to create a joke for the audience but also get around the fact that spongebob does not have a license you don't need a license to drive a sandwich but when frozen crabs is left all alone it his solitude plankton just waltzes in there and grabs the secret formula for the krabby patties it's a sad day a very sad day indeed however will this be fixed i don't know i don't know i've never seen this movie before i don't know what's going to happen now how's the day going to be saved very soon the boys lose their car stolen by a handsome man i may not see his face but everything else i see i like i i like big ben but on the flip side small man plankton is already selling krabby patties he's doing it he's doing what he's always dreamed of and he's getting success through his crimes he has the whole bikini bottom fooled and sends a terrifying ominous guy after the boys to cover up the rest of his tracks we get a great gag of plankton hyping him up as the most terrifying being ever just to be named dennis now that's a good joke that's a good joke and they don't explain it they don't explain it in the movie but if this was spongebob two or three they'd be like oh his name is dennis that's why it's funny i'm not kidding they they actually do that they tell you the jokes they explain the jokes to you and it's terrible it's bad spongebob and patrick then attempt to take their car back by visiting the average waffle house in the waffle house they do some childish antics that almost get them hurt beaten chewed and spat out now this is the part where i want to quickly remind everyone of the importance of these moments this is essentially a road trip movie but unlike most road trip movies every single stop that they make along the way is important to the central theme of the characters there's a reason they exist a reason to actually include what feels like random hiccups in their journeys but is just beating our heads in with the same point over and over again that the movie wants us to remember by the end you can't say that about a lot of road trip movies which you think you should be able to but screw all of that squidward is on to plankton's evil doings and is then attacked by a mind-controlled bikini bottom wasteland recipe is squidward man ripped to the goat for real back in the paddy mobile the boys stop for ice cream in a very nice looking florida neighborhood the ice cream is being given out by a sweet old lady but a sweet old lady is not a sweet old lady she's actually a tongue of a giant fish monster oh go golly oh gee that's scary when they escape the fish monster they reach a part of their journey that seems impossible it seems like they won't be able to make it past this point and that they'll need to turn back because they are just kids there's no way that they'll be able to make it to shell city like this patrick and spongebob break down feeling like failures and believing that they're incapable of a job this size because of them just being kids i mean they're kids how could they even attempt to do something this grand or this heroic they lack the responsibility they lack the willpower and they lack the brains but mindy shows up in hopes to get them back on track she does this by telling the boys that she can use her mermaid powers to make them men their kiddush brains actually believe that mindy has magical powers and they're made to be men god they're so dumb so dumb kids are so stupid when believing that they have become men the two kids foolishly jump into the trench and continue onward this leads for a glorious song full of energy and incredible moments every second of the song is accompanied by visuals animated to the beat creating a moment truly spectacular something i can't say about the third movie song and dance sequences that feel like low end trash in comparison to this when the boys get through the trench they are stopped in their tracks by dennis dennis quickly ruins their entire newfound manliness by ripping off their crappy mustaches dennis with his simplistic villain ways is a great way to have spongebob and patrick realize that you can't just become responsible or a man simply because of a mustache they were fake of course they were fake i mean sure you can grow a mustache in two seconds if you're an actual man but that's just a bonus it takes a lot more to become responsible like an actual man and these kids need to realize that dennis is about to end the lives of these children until he's stomped on by a cyclops the cyclops kidnaps the boys and sticks them in a fishbowl in this moment i can't gush over enough this is one of the very rare moments of spongebob when they rip them out of the underwater animated scene and stick them in a real life scenario it's uncomfortable and cold and insanely scary we can see why everyone is so scared of this place because it's so unnatural to everyone that lives in bikini bottom it's not welcoming to fish life all fish life here is googly eyed and made to be a prop and sadly our boys are next they're placing a heat lamp to dry them up and sell them off for a dollar in a gas station spongebob and patrick lay there dying genuinely dying spongebob tells patrick how he thinks that they failed how he thinks that they didn't accomplish anything he says their goofballs their kids how could they ever even attempt this but it turns out they made it they made it to the crown they made it to shell city the one place no one ever believed they would make it to they did they did it and with those final moments spongebob and patrick both accept that and embrace their death singing together an incredible song of friendship the goofy goober song [Music] [Music] soon they dry up together with a final tear in the shape of a heart being their last final moment together this is probably one of the most emotional moments probably ever put in an animated movie accompanied by both voice actors putting in some of the greatest performances of their careers especially from spongebob it's it's just it's just incredible but it's not over yet the camera pans out and the pirates are seen crying thinking that it's the end of the movie but don't worry guys it's not the end of the movie their heart-shaped tear causes the sprinklers to go off saving them and allowing them to go for the crown the cyclops attempts to stop them but all other sea life is saved and gets revenge on his one-eyed ass the boys then run outside to find themselves on the beach but needing to get home the bikini bottom fast before mr crab fries to death this is where oh man oh i love this moment this is where david hasselhoff comes to their aid this moment is so ungodly funny in ways i don't even think people behind the third one especially even knew why this movie at the end just includes an insanely random 90s actor who starred in a show on a beach it's amazing out of nowhere and played off with almost zero explanation in the third movie they include a loved famous actor but without any of the charm of hasselhoff keanu is amazing and i love him but they simply include him just to recreate the magic of the hasselhoff moment but without any of the actual creativity this entire sequence has soon dennis comes back and they battle it out and they best him and you know he's gone forever hasselhoff then uses incredible pectorals to launch them quickly into the krusty krab and the day is saved the crown has returned the day is beautifully saved by our boys yes let's go actually no it's not that easy because plankton has a plan for this and now even the king is mind controlled with his little bucket hat and this seems like it this seems like another end for our boys leading for a discussion between plankton and spongebob plankton says that he lost because he's just a dumb kid which i mean he is this entire movie we have seen how stupid and dumb he is as a kid and spongebob realizes that that's okay he's a kid but he accomplished everything everyone said he couldn't even though he's a little goofy even though he's dumb even though the ways he accomplishes something is not the most normal he still does it he still does it even when everyone says that he can't he may be a kid but he did it he stuck to his guns and finished what he had to do this leaves for a spongebob to explode into an incredible goofy goober sequence spongebob completely accepting who he is and owning it with an intense amount of confidence he's not wrong for being a kid in fact he's better for it because he knows that he's a kid he knows himself which is more than most people can say about themselves i'm looking at you the person watching stop being a fake ass person accept who you are and grow up without really growing up spongebob saves the day blasting off the helmets of everyone and freeing their mind controlled lives the sequence ends with plankton being stepped on once again just like the beginning of the movie crab is returned back to normal and finally gives spongebob his promotion as manager it's a beautiful gorgeous ending leading for a smile from ear to ear god i just love this movie i love everything about it the animation the voice acting the editing the directing the story the message the colors the feeling the humor the music it's just all too good especially if you grew up on spongebob and always wanted more out of bikini bottom this movie travels through the entirety of bikini bottom until we are no longer in bikini bottom it feels like an ultimate tour of the underwater spongebob universe on the surface this movie can seem like just a goofy road trip movie in which the boys come across a bunch of hiccups but every hiccup further proves to us that spongebob and patrick are just kids this entire movie no matter how hard they try to act like they can handle the responsibilities that come with being an adult they blow bubbles they do petty in your face moments they wear fake moustaches they stop for ice cream they drive a sandwich and they are naive they are kids and they will always be kids but like spongebob himself says loudly into the microphone that's okay this entire movie just perfectly encapsulates what a perfect ending for the series this is it feels finite it wraps up everything in a way that a movie should this feels like the end of spongebob and the end of his journey it's too good genuinely it's way too good of a movie based off of a cartoon on nickelodeon but that's what it is this is steven's masterpiece it's the end to his character but it's not actually the end there are two more movies and they just don't live up to this they don't hold a torch a candle or even a mini bic lighter to the absolute perfection of this movie which is why i think it's time we talk about spongebob squarepants sponge out of water released in 2015 this movie represents steven's return to the series but not really in a way he's not directing this movie and he's not really writing it instead directing it is paul tibbett who has worked on the series since the beginning even helping writing on this movie because of paul this movie stays the most true to spongebob as a brand than the next movie that follows it's because of paul that this movie feels like an episode of spongebob and the wackiness and the goofiness even though it may not contain the cleverness of the humor like steven's work but at times it can feel just like a classic episode of spongebob but it's that classic spongebob feeling that actually works against the movie this movie was and is marketed as the spongebob crew coming into the real world and interacting with the real world i mean the name is sponge out of water which means you know they're leaving the water but instead they're leaving in a 3d cgi form and interacting with more humans than they ever have before that's what's crazy about it basically this movie simply ignores that the first movie even exists i mean spongebob and patrick were out in the real world for a long time in the first movie and early episodes of spongebob even had gags where real life of them looked like actual real-life versions of these characters but in this movie it's adding a third option where they're 3d cgi characters because that's what kids like that's what they like you know not only are they 3d cgi but they're superheroes because it's the early 2010s and superheroes were having a gigantic boom in movies so everything needed to be superhero like at the time and the trailer suggests that it will be a majority of this movie but it's not it's not at all it's the very last 30 minutes of the whole movie the very last and while the normal majority of this movie is just a nice 2d animated spongebob movie it feels like a boring slog because the entire time you're waiting to get to the big draw of the movie the big premise this movie is two movies and the first part feels incredibly disconnected from the second part it's a mess with terrible pacing and almost no point the movie begins with a brand new real-life pirate scene just like the first movie but instead this pirate is going to be an actual character throughout the movie played by antonio banderas we see the pirate finding the book of spongebob or something i don't know it's a wacky premise basically this real-life pirate grabs this book about spongebob and writing it to steal the secret formula but it's also a book about spongebob's life that's happening in real time and leads for them to be interacting eventually in real life i can't really explain it well i don't know it's confusing but it's a fun premise that doesn't really go anywhere it has the bones and originality to be a fun storytelling device but like i said it doesn't really go anywhere they have the power guy writing in his own little parts of the story to like make happen in real life but it's like very lame it's very very lame spongebob does the same thing but it's also very lame also what even is this book who put this book here on this island yeah i i don't get it like what what what is the book once the pirate guy steals this random book from this random island he goes back to his boat where it turns out to be a bunch of talking birds these talking birds are incredibly annoying these birds exist simply for new children with their three-year-old brains because you know they're animated talking birds but they are annoying they have no point in this movie except just to be annoying i think back to the first movie with all those pirates and how there's a random parrot who says like one goofy line and that's it instead of just like being an annoying ass little animated bird i promise not to sing basically the entire live-action interaction here is annoying in the first one it's a bunch of random pirates going to see a movie about spongebob they're fans they don't matter they don't exist it's just a way to get us into the movie and feel more grand than ever before but here for some reason this pirate has to be a character which could be interesting but you get his character at the beginning of the movie and at the end of the movie and that's about it for him you don't really know who this pirate is you don't know anything about him except that he's a pirate that wants the crab patty formula to make some money that's it okay cool when he opens up the book to read it to the birds around him we begin our first part of the movie it opens up between a battle of spongebob and plankton which like you know didn't didn't we just do this like then we just do this while there is no reason to connect these movies with any underlying consistency it still feels annoying that this movie completely ignores the fact that the first one even exists the movie just like the first features a story of plankton trying to steal the krabby patty formula and sure this movie is over a decade later from the first one but you're really just gonna start it with the same exact kind of plot basically the first 20 minutes is just a slapstick action sequence between both restaurant employees they fight until plankton is pretty much about to grab the formula but then oh no out of nowhere the formula just completely disappears oh no where did it go i had no idea okay it could never be that guy right this entire opening sequence is it's okay it's fine there's some funny jokes for people that grew up on spongebob [Music] there's a lot of random humor and puns but absolutely no cleverness that the first one has there's no joke that subverts your expectations there's no joke that fools you or even a visual gag or well if it is a visual gag it's immediately explained to you like danny's your enemy so is he an anemone or plankton well someone had to do it soon after the formula disappears there's riots for krabby patties spongebob defends plankton because he knows that he didn't actually take it this time and he runs away with plankton to figure out what's going on meanwhile in real life the pirate guy who writes a fake ending for the book and the birds get mad at him you better keep reading mr pirate or else i mean okay yeah sure i i really just don't care i just don't get how the first movie begins so strong it has so much character and purpose built up in the first 10 minutes alone it sets up spongebob's desire and conflict but in this movie here's a setup a setup conflict joking conflict desire then conflict and desire and conflict again it's a messy unorganized mess it doesn't explain any character the new characters that we meet it barely like shows us any personality about them they're very one-dimensional and it's annoying the riot in bikini bottom continues for a very long time even having sandy the squirrel go insane because of it spongebob and plane can try to figure out where the formula went and they go to patrick but in this movie out of nowhere patrick betrays spongebob all for a gag it's a pointless gag that honestly just feels cold and distant this entire beginning sequence of rioting betrayal and craziness would be funny in a longer episode of spongebob but as a movie and a movie theater after the greatness of the first it's just so boring although spongebob's friends don't really act like his friends simply because they think that he stole the krabby patty formula they act like they never knew spongebob as a person for the entire time that they known him when you go back to the first movie these characters may not be the best towards spongebob but they still act like that they know him like they truly know him and that they've been around him forever here they just feel like they just met for the first time and they don't really know each other it's it's so stupid there is no overall character arc for spongebob in the first one the boys had to find and receive an item to save the town in this one they must do the same but they do the same without any semblance of learning anything towards the end they do the same without going through something that will affect them and have them appreciate or realize something about themselves there's no reason for this conflict to even wrap up in the end because in the end all the characters stay the exact same as they did in the beginning it just feels like a filler movie it feels like none of these characters have any depth in them even though these are characters that have existed for 25 years and since they have existed for 25 years you would think that they would be given something new for their characters you don't watch a movie adaptation of a tv show to see a longer version of the tv show with slightly better animation you watch a movie to experience a story and if this movie has almost every single spongebob character in it why doesn't a single one of them have any story they begin and end this movie as the exact same person the first one doesn't do that it doesn't do that for spongebob for patrick or mr krabs or even squidward for his tiny role each character in that movie comes out of the end truly learning something and being a better person because of it not a single character in this movie does that and without that without a message or a lesson or you know a story you would think this movie at least replaces it with good comedy and it kind of does but it is few and far between between all the gags is filler it's messing around it's running away it's yelling at each other it can be entertaining but it's dumb entertainment but not dumb entertainment in the same way this is and that's important we see spongebob and plankton alone together outside of bikini bottom and now here would be a great way for him and plankton to have a conversation between each other and grow as characters but instead it just becomes an opportunity for a gag without any takeaway yes throughout the movie plankton does learn a tiny superficial message about teamwork but it comes from nowhere and simply grows with runtime not with the actual story which is just lazy i can't pinpoint moments to you when plankton actually grows when plankton actually learns something and when he actually does something for other people he's very contradicting to himself of when he wants to be in a good mood or an evil mood it just makes no sense we also get a whole sequence that is like a redo of the original f is for friends song but shorter this all leads for an incredibly drawn out sequence with plankton and spongebob trying to sneak into the chum bucket and reach karen to make a time machine it's all a 15 minute long sequence that just exists to pad time and create a couple jokes with no groundwork soon when they create their time machine though we get a lot of fun sequences of time travel which i actually like quite a bit they may be short but they are very enjoyable simply because when they're traveling through time the art style is trippy and the music accompanying it is very fun when they travel through time a lot they run into a dolphin named bubbles that apparently watches time and space bubbles is the best part of the movie it's so wacky to the point where it's just insanely enjoyable to laugh at he'll play as a larger part in the movie later but i wish that there was more bubbles in this movie back in the real world the pirate reaches land on a beach to set up shop and create a food truck stand with his new stolen krabby patty formula this eventually scares all the birds away though thank god because i just hate them so much i i think these birds are the worst addition to any of these movies they simply just exist to annoy you that's all they do back in the 2d world of spongebob spongebob is about to get sacrificed for krabby patties but then bubbles the dolphin shows up and says that he'll take him to land to save the day this entire sequence is just so lame it feels so boring it's just the ultimate padding of a movie all the characters that have betrayed spongebob and plankton from the very beginning all of a sudden just are like okay we'll come with you it feels very disconnected it doesn't feel tight it doesn't feel contained the writing kind of sucks but soon don't worry here we go boys here we go the second half of the movie finally happens and the spongebob crew is transformed into a 3d cgi form for the real world here we get a bunch of antics and shenanigans where they interact with beach life they see people laying down and they call them whales and they interact with feet and toes and cotton candy they just walk around and you know interact with things that's about it it just feels so different from the first half of the movie this is just a brand new entirely different movie but if this was going to be the main draw of the movie why didn't it happen earlier into the movie instead all this begins an hour into the movie an entire hour and mind you that there's only like 30 minutes left of run time and while like i might find it cute that all of our spongebob characters are interacting with real life people in like a goofy dumb way it still doesn't feel worth it it feels like the journey to get here was just so pointless so throughout all these antics on the beach they eventually reached the pirate guy who stole the formula but the guy is one step ahead of them and takes a page out of the book and writes them onto a dangerous bird island spongebob then figures out what is going on and how he's been doing all this stuff and the weird stuff's happening so he uses a page himself to write all of them becoming super powers to overcome the pirate guy the entire crew and now has amazing cool superpowers like it's a marvel movie wow that's so cool amazing that's that's great superpowers yay then out of nowhere we see the epic rap battles of history guys for a second because they create a song for the end credits i like that it's best part of the movie i love these guys i'm glad to see them but with these superpowers we just get a very long action sequence where each character shows off what power they have each power relates to them in some way and their personality it's a long sequence that doesn't really have much to talk about it feels like a drawn out tom and jerry skit and it's kind of fun but you could just skip to the very end of this movie just for this part and get the exact same experience as watching the whole movie eventually they of course beat the pirate guy and plankton has a realization about being good at the end for almost no reason literally like five minutes ago he was writing himself with the intention of doing something evil i'll show you a happy ending but then just nothing happens with that like okay his character kind of just falls off in the end and he has no actual arc no actual purpose to the story he's just there to say evil lines but not do anything actually evil okay overall this movie is a half-baked attempt at a spongebob movie it features little to no actual point or story while separating itself into two whole different movies entirely the first hour of the movie isn't bad it's not but it just feels like a really long episode that could have been on nickelodeon there's some funny random humor just like the current stage of spongebob it released at but it's not anything insanely special he repeats the arc of plankton wanting to steal the formula but kinda just abandons it before it ever reaches any type of conclusion whatsoever in favor of a live-action villain who just exists to be a goofy villain to fill the quota and not have to create an actual story for spongebob doesn't have an arc and doesn't leave the story with a message or anything new to affect him while i don't think every story needs to have a lesson learned by the end who replaces that aspect for spongebob as a character is nothing all of his friends turn on him and betray him simply to just be part of the crew again when it becomes the most convenient they never have any reconciliation or growth or even joke growth or gags it all just fizzles out into nothingness so a new movie can begin to market itself in trailers and that marketing was successful because this movie made an incredible amount of money and when you watch the movie it is very obvious how almost every scene in the ending is simply made for a trailer this is just a pointless return to the theater for spongebob it's a movie that didn't need to exist but i'm not upset at it for being a thing while it doesn't hold a candle to the first movie it doesn't trample upon spongebob as an identity and a character it doesn't do anything new but also doesn't do anything necessarily bad it doesn't stomp all over the creator's grave and spit on its tombstone is what i'm trying to say which is exactly what the next movie does spongebob squarepants sponge on the run is an absolutely terrible movie in almost every sense of the word terrible it hides its ugliness inside a cute beautifully animated exterior to distract you from the fact that this movie only exists to sell you on new spongebob spin-offs the movie contains no heart soul or anything worthwhile to even justify its advertisements this movie released in 2020 on paramount plus as one of the first paramount plus originals to be featured on the new streaming service and because of this movie i don't subscribe to paramount plus that's how bad of a taste it left in my mouth the movie's trailer released very very shortly after death of steven and it came with a new marketing promise and a new origin of spongebob at a place called camp coral it's just how quick they came out with this trailer after his death that it almost seemed like they were waiting for him to die just to release this the movie's trailer also brought us a familiar storyline from an old classic episode into the forefront with this movie story seemingly being centered around gary spongebob snail and him going missing and spongebob needing to find him this is all yet another genius distraction it pulled from many people's nostalgia about the gary come home song and everything heck it even had hundreds hoping for a new version of this very song for a new emotional rollercoaster spoiler alert it doesn't have any of that the outer husk of this movie serves to trick people into believing that this movie will be an emotional powerhouse between spongebob and gary it makes you think that this will show how much spongebob loves his pet and that he will do anything to get him home back safe and it's nothing like that the gary and spongebob dynamic of this movie is an absolute afterthought i think gary has a total of four seconds of screen time in the whole movie and only interacts with spongebob maybe twice and yet that's supposed to be the driving force of the movie not only that but this movie also reuses the concept of neptune and has him renamed as poseidon it completely disregards how genius the first incarnation of this type of character was this movie honestly just completely redoes a lot of what the first did even copying the road trip format situation in a much more boring way this movie i honestly just don't even want to dive into it because of how much i despise it like truly despise but i'm here i'm doing this for you the person watching we've come this far so we might as well go all the way right right oh god the movie opens with a new spongebob narrator welcoming us into bikini bottom the animation here is stunning it is the detail the lighting the claymation feel it's all absolutely perfect if they were ever going to ditch 2d spongebob art style this is honestly a great way to adapt it into a 3d version the narrator shows each of our classic characters until we land on spongebob and here right here is where my compliments for this movie ends like i mentioned earlier in this video this movie begins with spongebob and patrick simply just yelling at each other to annoy squidward there's nothing going on today like a new promotion or anything no it's just funny to be loud that's the joke [Music] we didn't get a tiny montage of spongebob and gary hanging out it's a little cute but it's sadly the only moment in time in this movie where spongebob and gary have any bonding emotional moment honestly i'm not even going to compare this aspect to spongebob movies or anything spongebob related i'm going to compare this to phineas and ferb across the second dimension remember that movie and how incredible it is at showing a dynamic between the brothers and perry it opens up with an adorable sequence almost the exact same way as this spongebob movie but throughout the phineas and ferb movie we see the dynamic of the brothers and perry tested and strengthened in new ways when perry is lost to the boys and found again there are actual moments to reflect their relationship that they've had for all these years this movie that came out 10 years later doesn't have that instead it features the disgusting advertisement i so very much despise soon spongebob goes to start his day at the krusty krab and we see plankton once again plotting to take the formula yeah yeah yeah i know for the third time the third time the base of the plot is plankton stealing the krabby patty formula but this time he realizes in order to do that he should attack spongebob directly we also see sandy who introduces a robot character into this movie who just acts as a small gag character the robot is thrown in the trash by mr krabs and adopted by karen and plankton and once again i just want to talk about the first 10 minutes of yet another movie so far neither of the two movies that have come after first have packed as much purpose to the story as the first one did in the first 10 minutes honestly even if the second one's intro was messy at least it had things going on but most of the runtime here is padded with boring slow pacing very very slow pacing out of all three of the movies this one feels the absolute slowest makes the first 10 minutes feel like 30 when almost nothing has even happened at night when the krusty krab closes plankton is close to taking the formula but is foiled again by spongebob and this has him realized that maybe he should actually finally attack spongebob this time we then get a very lame transition into keen poseidon we go to poseidon in his cool city or whatever and we get a complete redo of all the neptune scenes from the first movie complete with the same sire character and the same issue of insecurity this poseidon guy has a wrinkle and his issue is that he loses his snails that keep him without wrinkles so instead of neptune with the crown to hide his baldness it snails to stop wrinkles this neptune feels lifeless and hollow sure he has a deep insecurity of appearance but he doesn't carry the same contradicting nature as the other neptune did when neptune freaks out it's a bellowing cry that can be heard throughout bikini bottom when this poseidon guy freaks out it's like a little baby crying [Music] there's almost no reaction and no emotion coming from him i don't even know if he's actually even that insecure he seems like just more bothered than anything soon plagueton sees this as an opportunity to take spongebob snail and send it to neptune i mean poseidon yeah whatever and while plankton just does that i mean like okay he just takes gary snail and i guess he's missing already there wasn't really much like build up to it spongebob instantly notices that he's missing 30 seconds later and freaks out and tries to find him during all this freak out we get our first advertisement for the baby spongebob show we see him at camp coral as a little baby at a little summer camp where he meets baby gary oh so adorable it's so cute it's so adorable these little babies wow you're really doing this in this movie huh you're really really doing this your first emotional moment of spongebob losing gary is your advertisement thanks thanks i i i hate it but like this advertisement itself is honestly pretty harmless it's a little annoying but i could put up with it if i didn't know that the spin-off existed it just seems like a small moment in the movie but later on in the movie it gets way worse it gets way worse and you can't ignore it patrick comes over and plans to help spongebob find gary so basically it's like the beginning of the first movie as well but instead of going to find a crown they go to find gary on the same type of road trip plankton then uses that one robot that they have to drive the boys far away on the road trip the boys argue and the run time is padded yet again their conversations have no weight to them they don't matter they just argue for no reason they don't argue throughout the movie and have to like come to a better friendship by the end they just argue here it's it's it's completely out of nowhere meanwhile there's some writing over the lack of krabby patties at the crusty crab you know classic rioting in the last two movies back at the road trip the boys hit their first stop this stop is in some desert town seemingly in real life but here's where we meet keanu reeves as the sage this part like i've already mentioned is an attempt to be like the hasselhoff stuff but instead sage is an actual character that appears throughout the movie to help the boys it's all played off as some random joke but not in the same vein of random as hasselhoff the sage basically moves the plot along and helps the boys whenever they seem stuck in their journey but it doesn't contribute to anything worthwhile in their character arcs or story it just seems whenever they hit a road bump the sage gives the answer they don't really have to like actually search for something for example when mindy stops to help them seemingly out of nowhere it's beneficial to their overarching kid-like story here the sage character just helps them to help them that's it spongebob and patrick here are instead just dumb and they don't know how to get through anything by themselves they're not even so dumb to the point where they fool themselves into actual success they they are just dumb they don't fumble into success even with their dumbness they are just dumb to be dumb because it's funny this is really where the movie just falls off the rails it simply just becomes random to be random with a character called el diablo approaching with random editing that thinks it's funny el diablo the wicked approaches it just tries way too hard it's it's so embarrassing oh and here's the best part the greatest part a dance song sequence about this character featuring snoop dogg it's a long drawn out stupid live action dance sequence that doesn't have anything to do with spongebob or patrick it doesn't need to be in the spongebob movie this could be in any other kind of movie this could be in a disney channel original movie it has nothing to do with spongebob or patrick nothing it's just here to sell a song to kids to listen to when they're done watching the movie that's so fun the el diablo character shows up and is played by danny trejo they fight and battle with him until they beat him and escape the saloon and it turns out that all of this wasn't real it was just a vision okay all right the sage character says that they lack courage and this vision is important for that but that has nothing to do with them and their conflict and what they're struggling with as characters in this movie from the beginning of the movie they don't have a lack of courage and by the end of the movie they don't have a lack of courage so i don't get what this courage sequence was about it doesn't really play into anything that was never set up beforehand and it doesn't play into them towards the end of the movie courage is just not an aspect that matters for this movie so simply that entire annoying vision sequence truly has no point but in order to move the plot along the sage character just simply shows literally shows where gary is exactly and what is happening to them the mystery of finding gary and going on a long journey to get him back was just solved because they know exactly where he is and he's just like there they can go get him whenever they want think back to the rumors of the crown being at shell city but yet the boys have no idea what cell city is or what it looks like and when they finally reach it it's so incredibly powerful and used for one of the greatest emotional moments all over reaching the crown but this movie with the opportunity to have something powerful like that about spongebob reuniting with gary and finding him and all of that just doesn't happen it's just not possible because the movie just simply doesn't care it doesn't matter when they'll find gary or how they'll find gary or anything because it's just guaranteed to be successful for these boys there's no stakes there's no emotion no importance because they can easily just reach gary anytime they want there's no mystique no drama no journey the entire road trip journey ends very shortly after this because they reach the city that gary is held in and mind you they reach this like 40 minutes into the movie and with this movie's title being sponge on the run you would think it would be a road trip movie with hiccups and stops and all the works but no there was just one stop actually wait technically in the movie story it wasn't even a stop or a hiccup it was just a vision so actually they never stop or have a hiccup they just immediately reach their destination they reached their destination less than halfway through the movie then the entire movie just grinds to a massive halt in order to pad with montage fun in this city in the city just for the boys to gamble for like 10 minutes and mess around for 20 minutes oh my god why wh what is the point of this movie what is the point of this movie they distract themselves instead of going for gary immediately because i mean if they went for gary instantly the movie would just be over and that's not movie length also i just want to note that in this sequence we can see a sign for the crusty crab which just why huh what is the point of including this as a visual or anything why is there another crusty crab in bikini bottom plankton could just go here whenever he wants and get the formula so why does he bother with all this gary nonsense when there's another crusty crab without spongebob apparently why does he go after spongebob in mr krabs there's no point there's no point why why is this here why is this in this movie i don't get it i don't get it anyways after all the montage excitement the boys attempt to go see poseidon they eventually reach him and gary in a lounge area but are thrown in jail for trying to steal gary back meanwhile all of spongebob's friends back in bikini bottom noticed that spongebob is gone off to save him whoa and they go after him in the paddy mobile yeah that paddy mobile and they try to play it off as a nod to the first movie but instead feels like a lazy way to get to the city and if it wasn't nod to the first movie that just begs more annoying questions than anything and i just don't nothing in this movie makes sense when you try to think about it for more than a second the french didn't reach the city when the boys are being put through court and this this is this is where i start to condemn the movie i i just fully condemn i i hold a holy cross to the movie what i've been talking about from the very beginning the dreaded advertisement for the next 20 minutes the movie simply halts ceases stops everything to advertise the spongebob baby show this whole court sequence is supposed to be or as it's presented it's supposed to be a way to convince poseidon how much gary means to spongebob and how spongebob is a good person but the gary stuff completely takes a back seat during all of this and doesn't really exist instead every single one of spongebob's friends show up and each individually gives a little baby backstory at the camp coral place they literally come up one by one showing their little baby designs and showing flashbacks at camp coral and none of it really shows how spongebob is a good person it just shows that he used to be a baby it's disgusting genuinely disgusting all of this i mean all of this every single second has no place no place whatsoever with the rest of the movie these friends giving flashbacks about spongebob haven't even been in the movie these characters have not been in the movie they have barely been seen so the only time we see them is when they advertise the spin-off show by fakely talking about how much they love spongebob now the worst part about all of this and i just want to talk about this aspect as well is that the camp coral show even if it's being advertised in this disgusting way you would think it would look like this right well no no it doesn't it's uglier it's disgusting it looks nothing like it it's so cheap so muddy and doesn't reflect how the movie looks at all like of course it's a smaller budget than the movie so they can't fully add as much detail but come on this is just bad this is unholy anyways this whole sequence is the worst it's the worst it's the worst thing to ever come from all three of these movies and each flashback goes on for way too long it has no effect on any other second in the movie and has no point being in this movie it's a faceless attempt at hiding in advertisement and i will always despise this till the day i die after the sequence the gang then steals gary away leaning for a little battle between poseidon's guards and them at the end of the lame action we get a fake feeling speech where spongebob just says how much he loves his friends when granted most of his friends just appeared 20 minutes ago for flashbacks so wow they were so important to the movie totally we then see poseidon talk about his insecurity and then letting himself just be free and open and yeah whatever this entire conclusion is just so unearned i just want to talk about how insane the ending of the first movie was i mean even the end of the second at least had a cute nod where the pirate guy was the pirate of the opening song from the show here it's just nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing really happens it's like okay the movie's over and to top it all off with a poop flavored cherry they place an in memory of stephen hillenburg at the end no no you don't get to you don't you don't get to do that you don't get to literally defile everything spongebob grew to be in just one simple movie and act like it's okay what makes me so angry is that they did this and they honestly just stole his first movie and redid it in their own code of paint they changed the art style so it's not obvious but this entire movie just has so many ideas and shots just ripped from the first i mean just look at this you can't hide it you literally stole steven's masterpiece and took a giant dump on it you thought you were slick by disguising it in gorgeous animation but i see right through you you messed with a legacy that could have ended perfectly i would have been fine with just a second movie even existing because it wasn't as harmful as this movie is this unofficial trilogy of spongebob just represents how out of touch the current state of nickelodeon is with spongebob and how most likely will continue its downward trajectory the first movie is a powerhouse that represents the end of a beloved character with a story so perfect many filmmakers just dream of reaching that kind of magnum opus the second was okay it was a pointless return to the theater that proved to be insanely successful due to easy marketing and this is just the worst out of all three movies the only one to have a clear-cut story was the first it presented you a story about spongebob that isn't viewed as responsible by anyone around him and consistently beat that into your head for almost every single second of the run time almost every single second of the movie has a purpose it all contributes towards the ending towards the theme towards the message the second nothing it's just a goofy time for no reason and the third full of fake messages and lessons that exist for two minutes of run time and are never explored again the difference between the road trip of the third and the road trip of the first is that there's no point for the third to even attempt to be a road trip not a single place these characters arrive at leaves them with something new when they reach the end of their journey but you can look at every single stop in the first as a perfect way to build towards the finale stephen hillenburg created and ended spongebob the exact way he wanted to at least to me he created a beautiful character in a beautiful story and a beautiful ending everything after that i just simply don't believe is worthy of the name spongebob squarepants i will forever be grateful to the legacy that stephen created and the message he wanted so many kids growing up to receive from this goofy little sponge he wanted us to stay kids forever even when we needed to grow up anyways thanks for listening [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 24 Frames Of Nick
Views: 2,670,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nostalgia, nickelodoen, universal, spongebob, spongebobmovies, animation, animatedmovies, comedy, parody, analysis, reviews, netflix, minions, minions2, minionsmovie, illumination, disney, disneyplus, newmovies, nickelodeon
Id: dajxEyhq5Vo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 42sec (3402 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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