CRIME DOCTOR (1943) - Warner Baxter, Margaret Lindsay

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] a hit run I guess he's still breathing still breathing we better get him to a hospital do we have to in my car finding him was bad enough boy you're a real humanitarian come [Applause] on anything doing yet not yet not a glimmer I wish he'd come too so we can take the bandages off his eyes where I sit he threatens to be good-looking wonder if he's married if he appeals to me he's married when you can't do anything in an unconscious guy you should know some of the men I've been out with well this patient seems to be getting plenty of attention good morning good morning Dr Carrie good morning good morning odway is our star border odway has he regained Consciousness oh no doctor no we just call him that because he's in the oddway room oh is there anything new about him doctor not yet missing person's Bureau has no report on him still no response to the radio and newspaper publicity apparently nobody misses him I would if you were mine well it's about time my eyes they're bandaged we're going to take care of that right now close the blinds the light will hurt his eyes if he can still [Music] see oh who are you I'm a doctor you're in the hospital H Hospital you were probably hit by a car all right now keep your eyes closed when I tell you to open them open them very slowly there we are all right slowly enough H open your eyes can you see my hand yes fine fine you had us a little worried there for a while who are you I'm Dr Carrie how'd I get here just a minute just a minute one thing at a time case history blank please I'll ask all the questions now we start right at the beginning what's your name my name is it's a uh I I can't think my head well never mind you're still a little weak there's no hurry for this no no wait a minute uh I can't remember I don't know I don't know who I am oh take it easy take it easy I don't know who I am this yours yes thanks I'm visiting a relative up here brother-in-law he told me about your trouble you got that uh Amnesia can't remember who you are yes I I suppose everybody in the place is talking about it too huh too bad tell me uh what do they do for IT how do they cure you well it's hard to say the doctor says it it may clear itself up anytime then and again it may never happen don't you believe it Phil I don't Phil do you know who I am sure I know so would Pearl Nick and Joel Pearl Nick Joe what lay off will you that AIS phon is a $3 bill you know who I am tell me no you tell me what'd you do with that bise go on you tell tell me where's the police the real one did you hide [Music] it for um odway can't shoot a girl for try there was a man here he knew me he he he called me Phil there are other names too no no no no no no there give me give me a pencil may I keep that for you we'll start your case history with this was there anything he said that brought back any kind of memory Association no no it's too bad I didn't see him you may go n well anyway he left your lunch mind you eat it of course he may not actually know you at all Betty tell you you're leaving the hospital tomorrow leaving the hospital yes they need your room for sick people but but I can't doctor you're only leaving the hospital you're still my patient I live alone I have plenty of room but I I can't pay you can you can help by beginning a body of knowledge it'll be invaluable in treating others like yourself besides my my interest isn't only clinical how do you know you haven't got a million dollar stuck away some place possibly in that mysterious B Phil of course I can't guarantee to dress you in the style to which you're accustom Mr uh Mr no doctor I'm I'm afraid it's just Mister well pick out a name for yourself any name for John Doe leave that name behind well the nurses here have been calling me orway so long that I I just answer to it naturally orway it is that now tomorrow we start finding out who you really are are you with me good good first thing we'll do to have your fingerprints checked Police Headquarters your hand tells me you're going on a long trip up the river [Applause] Dr carry can't can't we do this tomorrow sooner we get your fingerprints checked the better well one day more or less isn't important is it what's the sense in putting it off I don't feel very well why don't we have a smoke out here first and relax shall we no no thanks no there's nothing to be afraid of or is there no no of course not then what's troubling you you can tell me oh I'll be all right in a minute let's have that cigarette h why don't you get wise to yourself and tell us where the dough is you'll cut your sentence in half okay but you're only cutting your own throat we'll get the dough and we catch up with the rest of your mug Nick Joe and Phil no you won't it's like I told you a mastermind took it and just disappeared all right I'll bite who is this master mine what does he look like oh he's about so high and about so blonde I ought push your face right down your throat no you don't want to do that with good behavior I ought to get off in about 10 years then I might become a private detective and compete you right out of business anybody got a nail file take him smart guy hello doc how have you been thank you you got my message sure thing Murphy will take care of you well murf take care of the dock the name please Robert orway Robert orway oh the Amnesia man well left hand please no record at headquarters or in Washington that eliminates that well let's get on with a search start with the telephone directory tell what do you mean names you stop me at the first one that means anything to you Abby Adin a agard agon hacker Albert Al Michigan Minnesota no Nebraska no Nevada no New Jersey no North Carolina no oron Pennsylvania no Rhode Island G Pon no Cate no rer no p no duuke no Brown no no no no no happy New Year doc find any clues happy New Year Robert no no clues doc why don't you be sensible like me forget it is that what you're doing sure sure it's it's the only sensible thing to do wipe the lipstick off your face huh [Laughter] oh you don't approve do you doctor might at least change your brand I can think of less nauseating methods if you insist on destroying yourself destroying you can't destroy a blank think of many men who'd be grateful if their passed through obliterated magic Presto 30 years of a man's life vanish Now ladies and gentlemen see the great Dr Cary create a new man a man born into the prime of life with no past no profession no training you too old to learn no but I can't start like a school boy no of course not that takes courage you won't find it in that maybe not but what I do find there is what I need what I like wait a minute what's all this what are you trying to say these are better cleaner quicker more efficient and no hang over oh no maybe you're look car but I'm not there's an answer to this thing somewhere there there's got to be maybe you're too old to find it too tired but I'll find it it's not in any of these books okay I'll write my own book it won't be easy it'll be grueling hard I don't care you talked about beginning a body of knowledge that's just a pretty idea to you doctors scientists but to me it's real if you can't can't cure me I'll cure myself I need that knowledge I'll get it do it do it be a better doctor than I am will it'll be difficult heartbreaking you'll have to start from scratch sit in classes with youngsters yes like a school boy but do [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it happy New Year doc happy New Year Robert [Music] hello oh yes Mrs gradar how are you feeling today when did I come again Dr orway oh suppose we don't want to make another appointment see how things work card and if you feel you need to see me while call me we'll arrange it thank you so much doctor Goodbye Mr Goodbye Oh doctor this came while you were busy with Mrs Harrington I didn't want to interrupt you MH Mr sh is next Doctor shall I bring him in huh uh no no heav wait with please yes busy no uh take over Shale for me will you what is it this time that's more important than a 10,000 a year patient a thief a girl named Myrtle parin but Bob after all no I know doctor I'm neglecting my regular practice and all this prison work won't pay the rent but we both know that I I've got to do it I just can't help it shades of your dark and mysterious past there's a clue to something here but I can't read it maybe I ought to try a good psychiatrist can you recommend one what for we promised let sleeping dogs lie didn't we there's no need to start them barking again send Shale in thanks oh by the way way how's Mrs Harrington I told her there was a war on to stop loafing what and it worked just a minute Dr odway will see you now thank you will you wait here mytle please sit down mtle I uh well the uh warden's letter didn't quite prepare me for someone like you you shouldn't judge from appearances doctor I should think a psychiatrist would know how dangerous that is yes I'd like to know just what it is you've been doing that threatens to break your parole well we find susceptible Sailors on Shor leave and steer into a certain little bar yes and we get them good and drunk and rolling for their pay mhm uh would you care to tell me something about your background why not I was gradua from VOR in the class of 33 with honors how do you happen to get mixed up with this crowd I don't know just lucky I guess look here you're not mytle parin I'm sorry Dr orway but you really LED with your chin I'm Grace Fielding a social worker attached to the parole board I brought Myrtle here oh I see I wanted to talk to you a little bit about her before you saw her uhhuh I may possibly have something in my files on her let's see you keep your own case history that's rather unusual isn't it that's just an old hobby of mine here we are H sent to prison for stealing a dress behaved well pared immediately after completion of minimum sentence that's as far as this goes well her Behavior's changed and we're very much afraid that she's going to break PE and have to go back mhm what seems to be the trouble frankly we don't know she freezes up completely whenever we try to talk to her and we thought maybe you might be able to break through MH let's have a TR try thank you doctor mtle Dr orway this is Myrtle parin sit down Miss parin I'd like to hear your story miss paron that is if you if you don't mind telling [Music] me like it mhm I haven't been to a place like this in years should come more often do a lot of good so that's what you've been doing these past weeks theaters concerts this you've been prescribing for me it's not a hard medicine to take is it doctor you are just what the doctor ordered and the doctor says you have to dance Too oh no no wait a minute oh let's try a w or something I don't think I could dance today you'll [Music] learn Hey Joe what's the matter Mor pH [Applause] Morgan you're doing beautifully thanks what' you do to yourself what you do to you see oh doctor doctor waiter look like a little excitement waiter here get a doctor quick excuse me a moment you better come into my office sir f f let's have a look I'm a doctor that doesn't look very serious uh which way is your office oh right over the S just just just follow me please there you are that ought to hold you until you can see your own physician thanks I uh I didn't catch the name though no I didn't mention it it's odway odway mhm Dr odway didn't I ever meet you before D no I I don't think so do I look familiar to you yeah you look like a guy I used to know have you seen him recently no long time maybe 10 years what was his name Morgan Phil Morgan who is Phil Morgan what does he do his business I mean hey hey take it easy do uh you a friend of his yeah do you think I'm Phil Morgan no how could you be I just got a letter from him he's in the Army ah but you say he looks like me not so much now that I think of it what's his address uh C something or rather I got it home tell you what give me a callard I'll call you tomorrow and tell you yeah what's your name and address my name yeah Jim Warren 172 Eastern Avenue phone Hy 69912 oh all fixed uh call you tomorrow doc uh oh uh is everything all right uh yes yes I guess so oh well U nothing personal doc uh I would have been in here to help you but uh I hate having anything to do with doctors makes me nervous I'm sure glad there's nothing wrong with me give me a c are you kidding hi Joe hello Nick Amy when did you get out all couple 3 weeks you look nice and healthy yeah don't I it's a prison life regular ours good for you I wouldn't know I try not to spend much time there yeah what' you see inside what do you think I'd see inside a nightclub I mean the show how is it terrible you ain't going in there are you I don't know maybe what are you doing around here anyway just walking around what for it's nice I didn't get a chance to do much of this this past 10 years put it on the line Amy that was Morgan in there wasn't it huh oh oh you saw him too huh nah no this guy is a respectable doctor it's just one of those freaks a Dead Ringer Morgan might have been a doctor for all we know about him he was smart enough he might have been anything it ain't Morgan take my word now that you give me your word I ain't worried No More yeah Morgan's dead you were there we he what's a big idea shut your face what a no good cockeyed liar you wore ain't I though don't spread it around that's Morgan what's his angle it's that Amnesia can't remember who he is hey is that on the level that's what I'm trying to find out if that's straight then the real Val is around someplace 200 Grand just waiting to be picked up you're a smart fell Nick what are he's bluffing you know putting on an act you'll pay off to keep the ACT going I just want to steer clear of Bright Eyes Bright Eyes the Dame think she spotted me a couple of times she liable to get cops in our hair I didn't count on little bright eyes I didn't count on you boys either but you're here yeah proves are some justice after all don't it you don't have to say it Bob I know you know what what you were going to tell me that 10 years ago you awoke in a hospital with your memory of blank I made it a point to find Alan I told you before there wasn't a Mrs Hardway but there may be a Mrs whatever your name was well perhaps it's intuition maybe I'm just leading with my chin but I don't think there is but we've got to be sure I meant what I said Bob Robert Ordway is the man I know that other man the past they don't exist I wish you were right tonight for example that man whose hand I treated he seemed to know me and then for some reason he denied it I think he was lying maybe I'm getting neurotic but for the past few weeks I've had the feeling that someone's been following me oh don't ask me who I haven't really seen anyone I have you have who is he I don't know and I don't care it's take me a long time to find what I've wanted it's worth risks for hi dog oh hello hello Dave I well it's good to see you on I thought you were in solitary oh not anymore doc thanks to you that's good thanks again doc how you feeling Jim lot better sure glad we had that talk oh anytime anytime kid you know that thanks well [Applause] done hello slipy hello doc say there's something I want you to see how do you like that tubis cavon over there and that Bogen Fe I'm getting started looks like you've got the Green Thumb slipy I can take that com from you doc I got you the time for getting me started on this you really like raising flowers don't you great but the next con that CS me fting and I'm going to split his head wide open oh say Doc wait a minute I almost forgot come here the Y W Rose slipy I think you've been seeing too many movies yeah see I wish you talk to the warden about that we had a double feature last week two prison pictures all right slipy all right all I know is that before you started working with the men I was afraid to walk across the yard without a couple of Tommy guns I sent so many cons in the solitary that the ones on the outside were getting Lonesome now my job is like taking a walk in the park oh just use a little common sense that's all and trouble with common sense it isn't common I wish you could drill a little of that into the uh parole board well there's nothing I like better but I'm afraid uh Psychiatry and politics don't mix very well you know Norton's leaving for the Army he's resigning as head of the board oh really who will I get to replace him there's only one logical man that I know of you me head the parole board why not look you have name [Music] [Applause] [Music] gate do I know him no is new here sent to us from Hartsville why he made five attempts to break out over there lead in two breaks who is he William wheeler manslaughter sentenced for 30 years which where man as old as he is means life of course ex Captain a decorated several times for bravery and action wheer huh I'd like to have a talk with him no don't waste your time with him doctor this wheeler is a bad character manslaughter is no casual crime you know you say he led two breaks yeah that's right well that's significant he's apparently able to influence others and that makes him important come in come in oh yes I saw what happened just toss him in the solitary but that sort of thing makes martys of them it only increases their influence every time I get into an argument with you I lose no not every time only when you're wrong that's what I say every time but I'll bet you a new hat you don't get anywhere with this wheeler I wear seven and 1/8 I'm Dr odway cigar I have to see you make that that break this afternoon that was a good try I was particularly interested in meeting you a man serving a sentence not for a crime that marks the habitual three-time loser like burglary or blackmail but but a crime of passion socalled a moment of uh emotional Insanity a man who otherwise would have never seen the inside of a prison a military officer who served with distinction in the first world war now our country wheelers in mine is at War again so he keeps trying to escape not realizing that there's no place for him in the Army but there is a way you can you can serve Captain wheeler get out get out sit down Captain wheeler where'd you get that fine military training who paid for it don't you think you owe your country something for that I can tell you how you can pay that debt but if you won't listen you're a thief and a thief who who wants to remain a thief you come in here with these secondhand sermons do you know what it is to be locked up like an animal 6 years of your life blotted out I've had more than 6 years of my life blotted out 10 years ago I had an accident my life began 10 years ago and you expect me to feel sorry for you wait a minute what can I do 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 hun 2 3 4 hunt two one back 2 back three back four back 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 yes ladies and gentlemen this has been a strange but inspiring spectacle that we have been witnessing out here at Rockford prison this afternoon this is really an army that's been drilling Behind These Walls the men are now lined up at the far corner of the yard waiting for a command to tackle this obstacle course that's been laid out for them William wheeler their Commander is with them his arm is raised and here they come [Applause] hey [Applause] it's wonderful warden in a month prisons all over the country will be following our example well thank you Governor but you know of course who's really responsible of course I [Music] do [Music] ladies and gentlemen his Excellency the governor this has been a thrilling afternoon ladies and gentlemen has made me feel very proud of our state and our penal institutions and I am proud too of the man who is responsible for what we've seen here today A man whose work in our penal institutions is already noteworthy in recognition of the great service he has performed both for this state and our country I am tendering the post of chairman of the State Board of paroles to Dr Robert odway hey it's a mighty nice hat is it new yeah take the careair with your Excellency and friends I am deeply grateful for the privilege of serving as as head of the parole board to you men and women I understand that all the inmates of the prisons are listening in this afternoon I want to say only one thing I want you to look upon me as a pal but not a pushover I give you my solemn word that all of you who deserve paroles will get them but those of you who don't deserve them and well each one of you knows that pretty well about himself those people will find out that I can be as hardboiled as they are Morgan sincity though I'm I'm hoping I can turn all the prisons in this what's the with you haunted house if I can be sure do you believe in ghosts how soon is Miss feeling here not yet doctor but there's another patient waiting now oh we shouldn't have made another appointment for today well I didn't it's this gentleman's first visit well uh I can't see him now I'm leaving in a few minutes that's what I told him but he insists on seeing you what's his name he wouldn't tell me that's interesting uh send him in yes doctor good afternoon sit down won't you thanks Doc I came for a a little advice well I'm afraid we can't do much more than get acquainted this afternoon I have to leave in a few minutes maybe a few minutes will be enough if I get the right answers well that's not always so simple but we'll see what we can do how did you happen to come to me um mutual friend told me about you oh really who fell you fixed up in the nightclub oh he gave me a phony name and address why do you suppose he did that must have had a lapse of memory or something you know how that is yes what seems to be your trouble did you ever get the feeling that you've been someplace before that you met someone before but you ain't sure like like in a dream that's a frequent experience as a matter of fact I have that feeling about you now ain't that funny I have that same feeling about you yes but that isn't really what you came to see me about no not exactly did you ever get the feeling that that you being followed but you don't see nobody yes I have well you see I'm the opposite I get the feeling that I'm following somebody man I know but when I catch up to him he acts like he don't know me then all at once I remember he's supposed to be dead and I ain't so sure it's him it's uh got me all mixed up what do you want with this man $200,000 my door have you ever thought of going to the police uh-uh cops ain't no good for this why not they might find out something they oughtn't to know what is it they shouldn't know wait a minute who's supposed to be helping who here I'm trying to help you you ain't doing so good wait a minute wait uh I'd like to see you again if I uh give me your name and address and I'll arrange for another appointment that won't be necessary doc I'll be seeing you [Applause] around [Music] what [Music] sit down Bright [Music] Eyes hey Mac two beers I ain't been able to go home on account of you tailing me makes me nervous what do you want what do you want Oh million dollars Castle in Spain know where I can get it you won't get it from Dr orway I never go to doctors I'm healthy besides the man you saw coming out of Dr ordway's office was tall and thin I'm short and [Music] fat I only want to know one thing what's your angle sister please I've got to know was there a woman did he have a wife I don't know the man how would I know his wife all right but I'm telling you right now if I ever see you trading Dr orway again I'll have you arrested in love with the guy that's a great angle that is listen bright eyes don't come looking for me anymore I don't like it like I said it makes me nervous Beat It [Music] what does she want women what do they always want she wants to get married how did she get here I waited for her we got a steer clear Morgan if she spots anybody she'll call Copper what'd you get out of him kg is a cat I still can't figure out what he's bluffing what are we going to do I'm getting a feel if we don't get that dough out of him I'll make him like he's supposed to be yeah if we knew he's bluffing yeah otherwise not so hot Bright Eyes just gave me a better idea you boys know where we could get a hold of Pearl Adams Pearl gee I I haven't heard of her in years that's a great idea Pearl Adams yeah only first we got to find her so it is Morgan huh Nick always said you didn't know how to use a gun butt no man is perfect you telling me well what are we going to do about our friend we're still not 100% sure it's him I don't what to say so number one you put in for parole parole are you kidding with my record that's just the point brigh eyes if you get the parole we'll know exactly where we stand with Dr Robert J orway so on the basis of The Splendid record of your activity at Rockford prison the board has decided to recommend your immediate release on parole good luck wheeler thanks thanks Dr orway thank you thanks for what you did for those men well who's next Pearl Adams all right Pearl Adams that chair please I'm Dr rway pleased to meet you Doctor sit on Miss Adams please Miss Adams are there are there any facts you wish to add to what we already know it may have bearing on your appeal well as the politicians say the record speaks for itself there's the nordon payroll job $200,000 worth the record speaks for itself too well that $200,000 was never recovered according to the record that's right the guy who crossed us up and got away with that money was a smarter crook than any of us doctor well you rest of your record could hardly be called an improvement Miss Adams for all twice each time sent back for New offenses frankly I can see no basis for graning parole aren't you being kind of tough on a girl Dr Morgan uh I mean orway why did you call me Morgan the did I call you Morgan I guess I got mixed up Dr Morgan what's the matter with me orway why do you mix up the names of Morgan and orway I can't imagine why who is Phil Morgan how should I Know Thee the name just just popped into my head for no reason at all you had a reason for coming here and calling me Morgan what where'd you get that idea doc no convict with a record like yours would normally apply for parole what was your reason for coming here I don't know what you're talking about yes you do no I no honest I now who is Phil Morgan what what is this Dr hard way I minut just a minute Mr Martin who is Phil Morgan let me out of here sit down who is he I don't know you're lying who is he he's a crook a no good lying crook what was your connection with him me he thought he was too good for me but he was good enough to plan the biggest robbery this town ever saw the nordon perro job he was smart and smooth like you Doctor used his brains his fingers never touched any dirty work that was for us he made the plans the Dirty Work was left to mugs like Amy Nick and Joe am I fil Morgan what is the meaning of that am i Phil Morgan yes you're Phil Morgan uh gentlemen I I have no choice but to give you my resignation Bob Bob I know what happened today was a shock but well I I just can't pretend it didn't happen but you can't had a destroy your life your work you're needed at the parole board that's exactly the point how can I sit on the parole board half believing that I'm a criminal myself because you've proved your value suppose you do succeed in recovering your past are you a better more useful man for having found out don't you think I'd like to forget what happened today to play it safe to think only of what's ahead Bob yes Grayson I mean for us too I'll take my chances Bob I don't care look the date of the nordon robbery was one day before I was found on Queens Road one day I looked up the records the criminals involved were Pearl Adams Nick Ferris Joe Dylan alelo Casper Nick Joe Pearl alilio must been the one that came to see me that nordon payroll money has never been recovered that's why they're after me and they're going to keep after after me I've got to find them and if you do well I'm not sure uh details places anything might help perhaps even reenactment don't start this Bob please please for my sake he's a dangerous man he'll kill you I know it he who the man who came to your office I I spoke to him when where I I followed him what did he say nothing he Grace where'd you follow him to don't go Bob please don't go where was it Grace on 9th Avenue a bar it's called Frankie how would I know how she made out you'll find out next visiting day you know I I got a hunch that maybe Morgan don't remember you hit him hard enough hard enough but not good enough he should have stayed dead what's the matter Nick don't you want the 200 G's sure but no one is waiting around someplace and you can't get it just because he don't remember it drives nuts you're shaking the machine it's it's like a bad dream it's like when you dreamed of this there's money all around you it's in the gutter and it's on your plate and it's in your bed but you can't pick it up it it keeps slipping out of your hands Pearl don't get pared I'll I'll kill him let him be dead I want to talk to you I want to talk to you about $200,000 over here hi fellas sit down and have a drink come on hold it here go buy yourself a Distillery all right talk is it all right Honest Phil don't you remember us where's the money I don't know you got to help me don't give us that hand over that toe sh will you don't holler Nick how do you mean help I mean help me remember who I was oh I don't care about the money we do all right and answer my questions that's your only chance of getting it how did I get to Queen's Road where they found me who do you think you're playing with Morgan come on Amy let's get him out of here oh wait a minute fellas tell him why don't you how did I get to Queen's Road you got slugged on the head and you went for a ride oh I see who did it I did where did it happen look Morgan there's nothing wrong with my memory I know you from way back you can take my word for it this is no time to be brainy brainy I'm talking to you as a doctor can't you get that through your heads you better stop talking like Morgan and quick that's what I want to do the only way I can is if I can remember Morgan if I can find out exactly what took place that night if if I can reconstruct it it may come back to me tell me where it happen all right this the way we were it's close enough is anything coming back to you he wasn't there he was on this side near the door yeah yeah Amy I I think maybe he's right you don't have to be so exact for 10 years ago it's close enough I'd like to be just as exact as we possibly can come on come on will you it's hot in here Amy try letting them sit over there for a while oh shut up turn off the radiator open the window or something no no wait leave them as they are don't tell me what to do well do you get away from there you heard him Amy it's awful hot in here we'll all catch cold after it was a hot night you said wasn't it yeah but we don't want to all catch cold we want to really reconstruct what happens every detail now important so what are we're supposed to do the whole NN job over again hpe down Nick all right what else uh where did you say the V was like I told you right here on the table in front of you why why what why in front of me you were just about to make the cut oh then I was the leader so what and you were just a trigger rat is that right I'm a big-hearted guy Morgan don't get me sore cut it out I mean play why don't you get me sore either how did I get the F we slip at you on the getaway you wasn't hot oh so then I brought the F here is that it no you brought the phony one is that why you slugged me how do we know it was phony until we dumped you why did you slug me because you were chisling on our cut oh I was huh what's so funny oh Amy let the guy why do you suppose I brought the phony because you figured we'd beef on our cut oh so you killed the goose that laid the golden egg you got got your cut all right wipe that laugh off your face what are you getting sore about you Fred you won't get your cut this time we'll get it what makes you so sure I told you before margan don't play around with me you were pretty sure last time too weren't you you know where that money is no not yet but uh we're getting warm he's lying he's lying Amy he knows turn over that door Morgan don't make me laugh give me that money come on get that claw off me go go get thanks Amy that did it for me pal you're a lot faster on your feet 10 years ago man can take a bump like that once but not twice Nick and Joe you boys haven't changed a bit come on get your hands back your heads get them back there Phil Phil where's of Poli you're right remember don't you yeah sure I remember I remember everything come on get away from that window hurry up what do you think you're going to do with that heater Phil Morgan never used a rod in his life I know you from way back maybe Amy but you don't know Dr orway come on get over in that corner move now come on Face the wall fast give me police [Music] headquarters sure you can set up your headlines the da spiking all of Morgan's guns but good the money is just like I said he had it all time bunked up in Westchester some place if he even mentions how he reformed or his prison work the jury's going to laugh right in his face a they're just sitting out that $3 with the DA's got all 12 of them e out of his hand a lawyer Nobody seen here make a cup of coffee sure I'm sorry times are tough enough without taking more goodl looking men out of circulation ladies and gentlemen your problem as the jury is not to determine the guilt of Philip Morgan he has fully confessed to having stolen this money you are concerned Millie with recommending to the court what length of term Philip Morgan should serve but I would like to remind the jury that there are two men concerned in this trial one the defendant and the other an innocent victim one a self-confessed law breaker and worthy of little consideration or Mercy but the second of physician a respected member of his profession yet both of them AR occupying the same physical shell I don't envy you your task ladies and gentlemen I confess that if I were in your place I wouldn't know how to decide I only ask you to remember one thing in pronouncing the guilt of Philip Morgan you are sentencing Robert Ordway an innocent man to prison [Applause] the jury will please rise the jury's still out orway gave him a tough nut to cck what a psychologist I'd hate to play poker with him five will get you 10 Morgan's name is a number did I ever give you a bump Ste sure you can set up your headlines if he gets away with this you can knock me on the head and I'll start robbing B tomorrow F okay yes has the jury reached a verdict we uh have your honor the defendant will please rise and face the court what is your verdict we the jury find the defendant guilty as charged with a recommendation for clemency thank you ladies and gentlemen J uh Philip Morgan you have heard the verdict of the jury the court has no alternative but to pronounce the minimum sentence prescribed by law I hereby sentence you to a term of 10 years in the State Penitentiary but in view of the jury's recommendation for clemency I hereby suspend that sentence and place you on probation our country needs men like you today you are free to leave the courtroom Mr Morgan thank you your honor oh uh your honor the name is not Morgan it's Dr Robert Ordway oh congratulations
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Views: 790,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Margaret Lindsay, Crime Doctor, Warner Baxter, Mystery and Suspense
Id: 4S8Ok1gcFFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 3sec (3963 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2015
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