Johnny O'Clock (1947)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] paper all about it big camera shot while resisting arrest paper paper get your evening blow big camer shut paper thank you paper paper big camera shot while resisting [Music] arrest excuse me in a minute thank you we have ashtrays h excuse me we're all filled up uh I imagine nice hotel thank you looking for a man I think he lives here you're not sure name is Johnny O clar Johnny Oar that's a funny kind of name does he live here never heard of him how about Joe Finch Phil Briggs George Baker I thought you were looking for one man I am he just has different names perhaps if I describe DED him to you I'm sorry I really haven't time oh [Music] well he about 6' tall dress is very well daer you might say he's in 1514 thanks you're very Cooperative he never gets up till 9:00 I know he works very late doesn't like to be disturbed I wouldn't dream of it I'll wait got lots of [Music] time [Music] there they go come on Johnny time to get up good morning [Music] Charlie all the curtains out the sun will [Music] you what does it look like rough I think it'll rain I wish I could get a good day sleep the breakfast in there I already had mine now I wonder if this will mix with orange juice some things don't mix what's eating you Charlie well come on what's eating you certain things like what she called you a little while ago yeah chump I'm starting mad as Charlie stay on your side of the fence hey where are these come about a half hour ago nice stuff huh I like the strip one you like it yours thanks I got a present for you too to my darling with unending love how's it to get this she brought it up herself when a couple hours ago you were asleep what did you tell her what you told me too that you weren't in what did she say nothing just for me to give it to you that's what you called about to see if you got it do you want me to repeat it I heard you now a trigger happy cop that blaton always with a gun 1514 please any mail for me Johnny Laden it's written all over you we'll take a walk you'll talk and I'll listen there's somebody to see you I left something in the room he's in a hurry kot is my name how do you spell it c o p uh the lady I prefer to talk to you alone I'll wait you outside Johnny no I've got no secrets well it has to do with a policeman named bladon Chuck Bladen okay wait for me outside bradon's a friend of yours isn't he everybody's my friend this man too I knew him have it Clayton's in trouble serious trouble trouble he's a cop he won't be one much longer you're his business associate aren't you now you're guessing or shall we come to the point I'm way ahead of you you got a very quick mind your flower Mr O how much of those cigars two for a quarter I'll take a couple yeah take it out of this no no it's all right I make it fresh every morning all right shoot question number one no questions proposition I wonder what it could be simple in return for certain information you'll do what I'll give you a break my arms are my legs Mr O clar from what I know about you you're a man who looks at a situation says what's best for me and acts accordingly that's right that's why the answer is no is he in trouble do you care Mr o' clar I'm sorry you're taking this attitude I really am we could be useful to each other me to you not you to me the young lady you haven't introduced us I'm on a blind [Music] date he hit me BL him hit you why I don't know he got mad at something I tried to reason with him that was your first mistake I'm full of mistakes I wish I could oh easy now he laughed at me he said what what did he say he said for me to go to you to tell you oh is that what he said Johnny I never know anything like this could happen to me all right it's over no it isn't at least not for me it isn't what'll I do Johnny blow your nose and wipe your eyes in the order named don't kid with me what do you want me to tell you how to get to the nearest Subway come here I've been there come here I said look kid you got to grow up when the things over is over not for me I'm not like you will you help me Johnny will you [Music] [Music] sure Devin the winner ,000 worth the yellows five five Stacks $10 chips big night huh pretty good how do you feel now fine ling a winner man with the glasses makes the most pass he's outside where in the alley you going to see him now get to eat Fleming's hat he's a dealer on Wheel too did you see him get the hand do you want me to go with you no take this into maris's office and then him get Fleming and haul him there go on answer me Johnny bladen's outside I'm going to see him now Johnny maybe I ought to oh go check the coat baby [Music] how you he you've been reading my [Music] mail just the evening paper there's a story in about a trigger happy cop you also been entertaining your friends I didn't know I had any outside of you don't let it go to your head jack two people came up to see me about you Harriet and a a guy named cutch also in your line of business CCH you're not interested in the first party frankly no and treat her right or let her go you sound like you hold the first mortgage you know that isn't true then why don't you mind your own business I asked this in a friendly way kid don't know whether she's coming or going take a message to her tell her she's going you afraid to tell her yourself I'll tell her that's fair enough only don't start up with her again I tell you this in a friendly way you don't need to worry she don't fit in with my plans anymore oh running no why should I Martis is raising my bit he's taken me in as a full partner does he know he will in a little while I'm just waiting for foring the show he's got a partner you he had one you mind if I laugh in your face that's the way it's going to be me and Martis the grease ball and me want to bet look Johnny you know me you get in my way I'll kill [Music] you you took the words right out of my [Music] mouth this your hat yeah what about it I'm trading it for your coat what is this a new game maybe you need a little help okay you Inn yeah it's a nice gimmick know the guy who makes him you just work here you know you're not a partner okay save the chatter I'll get out yeah go on back to work no use firing you just have to hire another dealer might be smarter than you are so smart I couldn't catch him go on Takes a Thief to catch one nobody ought to know that better than you I told you I know did Charlie I got the watch do you like it not enough to keep it I gave it to you for Old Time sake you're getting it back for Old Time sake Hello Johnny hio I thought you say you meet me in the bar I came in here to talk to Johnny that's that's all right isn't it sure honey that's all right sure glad to see you Johnny glad to see you GTO that know you were back and that Johnny he's cute hey Chuck all the time he kids sit down Chuck go chair boss yeah chuck all the time he kids how we do while I'm in Mexico we're do fine that's what I expect how was the trip oh fine fine that's nice place Mexico reminds me of the old country it's magnifico that means in Spanish is terrific I buy a lot of nice things there beautiful when you come up the house I show them to you yeah that's a nice place Mexico I think we could open a spot there what do you say marus that's late oh honey I got a little business okay she's all right a Jenny all the time I'm away she thinks of me I'll meet you at the book are wait a minute honey I want to show Chuck and Johnny what you give me for a welcome home present she had it special made for me Chuck must have cost plenty how you like it Johnny it's beautiful thing like this has to be special M show us where I stand with NE you know how you stand with me gido sure I know but I want everybody else to know you're a lucky man you think I'm a lucky man ch I always have what do you think now I think I'm thirsty Chuck here meets me in the alley he says he's got business with me you in on this journey no he's not in on it that's all right if he sits around and listens no it's not all right let me tou you on this guy go ahead unload him I listen to what he's got to say see you around Chuck sure I'll see you six and an eight now [Music] rolling for the Hardway number four field ring 11 come now l seven nice coming old Lane you give us both the same kind of watch it's like buying us both Asing I didn't think about it when I bought it I had to buy you something who said you had to I had to ah you play very cute and nasty either way you can't lose I can lose take it you know I never take anything back Excuse [Applause] me give me a pencil and piece of paper yeah Johnny did you see him yeah I saw him what' he say this uh case here yeah see that Mrs marus gets it oh all right I'll see that you get it what about Chuck he said he' talked to himself he must have said more than that he's in with Martis now I'll probably send him for you in a few minutes Johnny tell me now okay you're through with him you mean he's through with me you want to take my advice no then don't ask for it what were you going to say Johnny don't say him anymore not even tonight he's no good for you or anybody else now listen to me all right I'll listen good Johnny where do I go from here we'll talk about that tomorrow hey look ah it's a man's coat well don't throw it away are you crazy it might fit me well we can HCK it maybe get a Fin all right hold it over the fire let's get it dried out maybe we can get more what do you got sir a coat where'd you got it we didn't steal it did we no we it out of the river was floating down look it's wet dripping [Music] wet Excuse me yes you're the proprietor M this coat you want it cleaned it want it's cleaned here this your serial number serial number I'm not responsible for spots like that what is it blood huh who brought this coat in here why should I I tell you business good Fair a murder could be a woman brought it in to be cleaned the other day a woman yep there is her name next to the serial number Harriet Hopson address now I remember this code belongs to a policeman how do you know because when she brought it in the badge was left in the pocket I remember I chased after her I don't want to be responsible for badges policeman Harriet Hobson thank you very much let me know if it's a [Music] murder hey hey you what do you want Mrs Wilson Mrs [Music] [Music] Wilson [Music] that's him that's the man I'm the land lady open the other window this is cotch homicide and the wagon over 52 and 1/2 Beaker Street Parkman 8 suicide yes no no promoter too late out out out let's get out of here baby did you see her when she came home last night no I did was she alone no she had a man with her and if you ask me I think they were both drunk did to describe the man no his back was towards me how should I know what he looked like besides I stay in my own apartment and mind my own business she live here alone yes any relatives I don't know she came here about 6 months ago she rented the room a man paid the rent this the man uh yes would you say this the same man came home with the last knife no I don't think so besides his back was towards me and I stay in my I know you usually stay in your own apartment thank you very much that's all no more questions everybody out please Hur right no more to see outside BL [Music] date Charlie hey Charlie morning W good morning this could develop into a nasty habit Charlie what gives he stuck his foot in the door which one like he's stuck in your eye Copp is all the same always with a strong arm stuff if I meet this monkey without his badge lay off him you I don't like get out of here you keep Bad Company Mr O clar late hours too speak your peace your blind date what about her her name was Harriet Hobson what do you mean was she's dead come again committed suicide early this morning gas I was the one who found a body suicide I think she' do a thing like that when did you see her last leave me alone your grief is very convincing Mr O clar get out of here before I knock your brains in you knew her well yeah very well can you think of any reason why she should have done it I can think of a couple Bladen one of them he didn't check in this morning seems to have disappeared did you look in the gutter did you say the river no I didn't thought you did youve no idea where he is no have you yeah I got a lot of work ahead not that I know anything about this but uh do they usually put a detective on inspector an inspector on a suicide and I'm not investigating a suicide no I'm looking for blad oh sure you don't know where he is you said you did I said I had an idea you know I'd hate to have to arrest you on suspicion look friend you can shove Charlie around not me I once got a ticket for passing a light that's all that's on my record I know you've been a very careful young man man but I don't believe everything I read according to law the young girl's body has to be identified I'll do it no relatives she had a sister sister where I don't know she's off the road someplace with the show name's Nancy Nancy Hopson check with Equity I'll do that hey if you run into Vaden you'll let me know won't you yeah sure I'll let you know glad didn't break Charlie's very clumsy yeah very Crums going to be a hot day M very hot hey Charlie Charlie I want to ask you something where did you go when the club folded out was that all right did you see Harriet before you left was I supposed to I just asked you no I didn't see her when did blade leave I'll find out for you skip it I'll find out myself you keep Bad Company Mr o clock oh so that's what it is you can shove Charlie around not me shut up you know the way I met it no tell me but I have to tell you it's no good maybe it ain't oh don't get your gug I put some beef on that eye fion what time you getting up oh early afternoon about 3:00 I'll wake you [Music] she was 22 years old 22 quick years yeah I made some coffee thank you I um I found this you can never tell land ladies reporters thank [Music] you she didn't have very much money did she why why you uh you didn't notice this look at the back to my darling with unending [Music] love Bladen wrote this didn't he could be when did you see your sister last oh must be almost a year did you R to each other yes a about once a week did you ever mention blad in her letters yes she said that she was going with him that was about 6 months ago she wrote you she was in love with him now that I think of it I I don't think she mentioned that she ever write you about what she did no you ever mention any other men in her letter what Johnny o' clar yes I thought that was a very funny name what did you write you about him I don't remember clearly something about his helping her to get a job oh yes and that he was very good to her he was very good to her this man Bladen where is he I don't know who does might ask Johnny o' Clark mind if I keep these for a while no I where can I get in touch with you if I want you I don't know here I guess here a room is a room you're all right yeah hard as Nails nothing ever moves me now get out of here let me cry by myself [Music] same to another horse what did he do Bill run dead last hey Johnny there's a doll outside she wants to see you she says to tell you her name is Nancy Hobson all right punchie yeah did you see Bladen leave the club last night me I never see nothing I'll be back you're right I don't trust [Music] you got a light I came to thank you for what for being nice to my sister she was a nice kid I [Music] what I don't know what else to say want to come in well I don't want to take up too much of your time come on in they setting up up for the night Lush suckers money what are they use for bait kids like my sister you got it wrong you sure sure hey Johnny will you take a look at the new wheel all right come [Music] along that's a beautiful instrument roulette wheel you say that like you'd say that's a beautiful woman do I okay Belle set it [Music] up want to drink no no I do [Music] uh you Tau me into it to as the [Music] usual that's slow down and mean you want to change it I'll drop a nickel in a slot leave him be it's the way I [Music] feel about my sister what do you want to know about her anything what she did what she said who she saw what's us to beating your brains out you would too if you felt about her the way I did if you knew down deep in your heart part of it was your own fault she was old enough to know what she was doing old enough not smart enough I knew that I knew it when I left her but you know who I was Nancy Hobson on the road to Fame and Fortune out of my way everybody I made it too forth from the left in a traveling girl show you can tell him to stop playing now it's bad for my eyes hey you with the hands go home now tell me where I can find Chuck Bladen why me I was told you might know who told you a detective named kot what would you do if you found him cut his heart out ah you're just saying that all right so I won't so I'll tell him off so I'll spit in his eye look these things happen a girl falls for a guy it didn't have to finish the way this did she walked into it with her eyes wide open it was all right with her you seem to know a lot about it she used to talk to me a lot anything else you want to know anything else I ought to know close the book she was a nice kid let it go at that the words don't go with the music Goodbye Mr O Clock goodbye therey how long you going to be around I'm leaving tonight oh see you sometime [Music] maybe a kid in Mexico Drew this young squirt no more than about 16 he spots me coming out of the hotel he says seor you have such an interesting face I'd like to draw you a picture imagine a young squir about 16 drawing a picture like that what do you think TK how much it cost you what's the difference it's good [Music] eh [Music] how you like it then it looks like [Music] you I'm thirsty punchie get her a drink turn it up I want to hear man can't hear think I got a bet going $2 on the nose if I win I'll have spending money for the week cutting up and they're off it's Sand's boy going to the front shooting star is second lur third at the quarter it's Sandy's Boy by three lengths lbur is second by ahead shooting star third to length from the rail into the stretch it's Sand's Boy by one length and going to a drive lur second to NE on the rail shooting star third and here comes C in the middle of the track it's a driving finish lxer and seab breze lxer and seab breze head and head and now it's cbze taking the lead at the Finish it's sees by 3/4 of a length LX for a half a length Sun bunet Su and [Applause] Mercury how did you do Mrs Martis you win or lose I don't know I know boss you know Turk don't you Johnny yeah sure hi Turk hi you Johnny sound like the fa got a bad ride what can you do with those monkeys you can't prove it by the horse Turk's here for the big poker game yeah you going to play Johnny I never gamble I you like this Johnny kid in Mexico made it a young scre no more than about 16 that's right he spots me coming out of the hotel he says seor you have such an interesting face how you like it it looks like you you two been rehearsing what's on your mind Johnny he he came up to see me yeah what goes you told me you'd be alone all the time heat kids I hear you've been looking for Bladen yeah for free huh he gave that hat check kid a bad deal about last night Johnny I'm taking your advice I'm unloading Bladen you like to see the things I brought back from Mexico you know Turk that Johnny he's got good taste if he says that thing's got class it's got class how long you going to be in town T long as the game lasts me and Turk were talking over all times I've been telling them how many years we've been together all the things we've been through you remember Johnny yeah I remember that's why I know I'll never have to worry about you what's the matter with you I I choked on a piece of scotch Punchy repeat you punch drunk idiot P bone he works for me then put a ring in his nose wasn't his follow as mine I dropped the glass I dropped it because I'm drunk I always drop glasses when I'm drunk I drop a lot of glasses Mister na I don't like for you to act that way in front of people you got a way out when I wanted not you you ever let go of anything when I'm through with it stop it it's all right they'll think you said something funny it did in front of people you can give me a kiss it'll make you look good in front of people [Music] it's getting pretty late if we're going to make the fights we'll have to eat her early hey Johnny do me a favor huh huh stick around with her for a while maybe take it to dinner maybe a show do this for me huh okay you know it's done thanks Johnny come on let's go hey you who asked you to [Music] stay [Music] you did come up to see me didn't you Johnny sure couldn't stay away from you you know why he left us here alone don't you you're afraid of him you heard him tell about how many years we've been together what we've been through ah Johnny baby he'd be the first one to stick a knife on your back already I can feel the blood sticking to my shirt you there's something going on I don't know about what I don't know I don't like you can help me me how find out what Bladen and him talked about last night find out where Bladen is and if I do I'll ow your favor 14 karat you're a 14 karat H all you ever think about as yourself you and me both get out I was never here all right so I flew off the handle look we don't have to kid each other I never kitted you Johnny no I was money from home for you till you met Mar K I told you the way was you didn't have to tell me with that fine conniving mind you decided to fall in love what' you expect me to do just what you did marry Marquett is for what you could get out of it it wasn't enough rings on your fingers bells on your toes that's what you wanted and that's what you got it isn't enough it was your deal you made it you'll stick to it things changed John stop playing us off against each other n it won't work what are you going to do about it a you won't tell him Johnny I know you you'll play it safe like you always do that's right M I'll play it safe that's why you got the watch back what' you say I got back the watch I never got it back well I gave it to Harriet the kid in the check room I never got the watch back Johnny well you the new hot check girl yeah I'm Johnny Oar oh Johnny o' clar can I be of any help to you not right now no thanks what you looking for Mr clock a package what size big small medium there's a small one a jewelry box I left it here why I God I'll never ask you but you did ask me did you find it or didn't you no but I'd like to try Mr O clar thanks GL to be of service Mr oock when did you get out of college College is [Music] okay yeah you play rough I wasn't taking any chances who were you expecting oh Chuck bladon I thought maybe he might come up here you perspective finding in from the dresser I was looking for something something i' had uh loaned him what' you think you'd find it here you're still shaking sit down have a cigarette I've got to catch a plane I'll get you there time I've got my car [Music] outside sit [Music] out how did my sister meet [Music] Bladen I introduce her to him [Music] you over your Jitters now couple more drags what's that it's a corn Mexican corn brand new one I'm ready is this all you got yeah I uh hope it didn't break anything when you dropped this if you did I'll uh there's nothing in there of any importance oh what's the matter my arm you heard it I'm sorry I let's get out of here if I stay here another minute I'll bust wide [Music] open [Music] [Music] [Music] here [Music] all right I know you now thank you what are you doing later if you don't mind I won't tell nobody I can keep a secret I'll come in later and tell you all about it the land lady's mad at you for smashing her when cost her money to fix it she'll be paid she's awful stingy it must be very interesting to be a detective it says here there was poison in her stomach too what does that mean that means you're a very nosy woman are we you get out of here and let me work please all right handle it yourself [Music] then [Music] this is C I want you to pick up what [Music] when I'll be right [Music] [Applause] over I don't think anything's going to get off in this weather I'm cold attention please all flights have been cancelled please check your department time with Airline reservation de you want me to stick around do you want to you're hungry I could eat good enough for me hey Pierre you want to go through that again but for I already know what in it who ordered these did you ever eat here no you'll need them what'll it be oh small steak too they'll be small does that go with the dinner he's a good customer if you don't like it keep putting nickels in the Juke Box well load the thing up and put it on the check do you mind if I Whistle Too and a different key you've seen me before I don't think so [Music] atmosphere look Mr O Clock Johnny Johnny yeah in an hour maybe two that plane will be taking off so so keep it funny I can use the laughs and this don't you drink I drink now give me a cigarette and a light and a [Music] question personal it's the only kind I ever asked got a guy had a guy split up he was killed accident yeah the war oh now that's enough out of me period how about you what do you want to know about me what do you want to tell me what I want you to know you're KY does that go with being a gambler no I'm not a gambler gambl is a guy who takes a chance you never do took a few never take a chance you never know what do you know you always lose learned that when I was a kid what were you like when you were a kid cute what were you like skinny you fell not nice oh i' better to call the airport I'll do it for you [Music] [Music] Hello Operator get me the municipal airport [Music] please hello what's the deal any planes going on thanks no nope not before 1 or 2 in the morning oh what time is it now it's early want to stay here do you want to no want to go back with me [Music] yes Charlie Charlie I guess he's gone to the fights who's Charlie it's my man you say they're like you're used to it he's a guy just got out of the jug I give him a place to live he cut off his right arm for me up the elbow can I get you anything no want to go any place no it's very nice here nice yes it's a fine reproduction I saw it liked it want it just like that you're a lucky man I think so what's it mean I don't know whatever you think it means a lot of people walking couple of people riding well there's too much of that looks better than lights off me too all right sounds good when you're out of it music goes with rain and a fireplace that's a fake everything's a fake I don't think you are you never take a chance you never know hey think stick in your head yes just like you read about soft lights sweet music rain [Music] guess I'm kind of [Music] tired excuse me it seems like such a long time since I closed my eyes I've got to go to the club why don't you get some sleep while I change my clothes no don't go away stay here and talk to me tell me things sweet and pretty things I'll close my eyes and make believe they're [Music] true I'm sorry look can I tell you why no please no don't like it here front door swings both ways I asked for that you got it will you let me tell you the way what are you going to do told me your life story the part that counts as you've got time to tell me I've got time to listen oh stop it what are you trying to prove that you're great boy with the ladies and who you're trying to prove it to me or yourself answer me you know all the answers I like you Johnny O clar if that's what you want to know put that in writing and I'll paste it in my scrapbook I mean it that's why what I backed away from you you're a strange kid I'm a mixed up kid [Music] you look nice showcase for the suckers how long will you be gone couple of hours just long enough to get the play starting long time couple of hours want to come with me and these clothes Johnny oock and his rag doll the rain stuff it looks like it'll be a beautiful night I guess the planes will be taking off they'll be taking off tomorrow and the day after I like you very much johy like that's just a word then let's be clear about it let's make the words mean what they say if it's going to be for Laughs okay only I want to be in on the choke right from the start you speak your mind all the time do you I want you to stick [Music] around [Music] hey Phil I want a room for Miss Nancy Hopson well we're pretty short make it the same floor as mine what's the name again please Nancy Hopson it'll be ready in a few hours she'll be down the register a little while and uh send her some flowers and know yeah that Thief you got in the lobby the Jeweler is he around he's out to dinner when he comes back tell him to come to the club and bring some jewelry tell him it's for me ear tonight Mr O and I don't know where Bladen is Nancy Hobson she didn't leave if she did you wouldn't know where to find her Laden's dead body was fished out of the river a couple of hours ago was a sloppy job whatever they had tied to his legs came untied your flower sir give me a couple of those cigars yeah take it out of this no no it's all right this pinch now just some questions I'd like to ask you at headquarters according to law you can either come voluntarily quit your kitten let's go looks like you've been out fishing yeah cons seers through with them yeah we're through take them outside all right on your feet this a statement yes sir haven't signed it let him go right give me a copy yes sit down who you kidding H well you don't think Charlie would turn stool he once did time because he wouldn't honor among Thieves huh so you were right about your record there's nothing on it couple of things when you were a kid nothing important oh yeah discovered you were in the Army yeah I did four years what'd you learn what I knew before I got in who killed bladon I don't know how did you first meet him who badon how do you meet a cop or like him any a cop says in my book that any confession obtained by so-called third deegree methods is not admissible in quot it's nice to know you can read camon your boss Johnny youo C Mr Martis I got worried the fights how are they they stunk you want to see me what's the rumble blame oh yeah I heard about it good news travels fast you through with me no I'd like to talk to both of you together we might frame a story between us I'll tell the story going to take long I got things to do yeah you're a very important man Mr marus a very busy man I'll save you time it's my opinion you both had reasons of murder Bladen it's my opinion that you're whistling through your teeth let him whistle I think you had more reason than he did if you're going to put it that way Copper from here on in you make with the lawyers no charges being made it's just an opinion I'll call you if I need you actually you both can leave if you want to I just thought it'd be better if we discussed this thing Frank ly and openly okay we'll discuss it your deal Revenge profit jealousy those are the three most important motives for murder check revenge for you maybe profit check all three for you three strikes I'm out I've yet to hear a man make a joke in the electric chair I think your motives coincided at a given moment I'd like to try one of your cigars it's not the cigars it's logic it's a cigar first let's examine the relationship between the two of you presumably you o clar work for him I'm his partner Junior partner but a partner the true nature of the relationship is as follows I hope you won't be insulted Mr marquet go ahead say anything you like Martis the muscle o clar the brain the smart boy in my opinion Mr oock you're being exploited I do all right I'm glad you're satisfied because in a situation such as this it's necessary for both of you to trust each other isn't that true Mr marus profound silence up until now while you've gotten away with many things it's always been a little dangerous suddenly a bright idea occurs to who you said You' tell us doesn't make any difference a bright idea hire a legal killer hire a Bladen take a cop who earns a couple of hundred a month and corrupt him I've got the newspaper clippings in my file they all read alike Gambler Shot For What for resisting arrest a lie the truth Gambler shot for opening when he was told not to who's your witness for all this Bladen I think he would have been a witness if he hadn't been murdered the girl Harriet Hopson would have been one if she hadn't been murdered come again the carner's report revealed there was poison in her stomach now it isn't logical to suppose that anyone intending to commit suicide by gas would also take poison is it no it isn't but it is logical to suppose that the fact that she was murdered if she was murdered yeah if she was murdered she was murdered the same night Bladen was done very cleverly too the door locked key left on the inside a trick used by old hotel thieves Bladen called for her every night didn't he I don't know that's a lie you do know you know everything about her did didn't he did he I saw you with the night it happened this was in a person I picked her up is your handw ready let me see that watch sure yeah it's my handwriting she give you that watch nice piece of jewelry yeah she gave her the watch cost a lot of though watch like that has to be special made there was bad blood between you and blad on account of this girl and he wanted to cut you out with Martis at least that's my opinion can I have the watch back sure you can have it back that's all you can go not you Johnny Mr Martis unless he has anything to say to me I got nothing to say I can reach you if I want you you can reach me there's nothing you have to say to me Spider-Man spinning webs I feel sorry for you yeah you got tears in your eyes I offered you a way out all you had to say when I showed the watch was just what I said Johnny O clar the hero he wouldn't talk they'll erect a monument to me a slab and I first met you I thought maybe I had some human feel ings a girl's been murdered I know that I se I was wrong you're a hood a cheap h a cop hater I should have treated you like one put that coin down and listen to me you're mad you're stupid smart boy stupid stupid how much money have you got how much time of you got to live Johnny I waited for you Johnny M C is come out yet about 5 minutes ago I didn't tell him nothing he say anything to you who Mar ctis no no they had me in there for 2 hours like a stone wall that was me where did my cus go I don't know I guess to the club where are you going Johnny I don't know what do you know Charlie about what anything if I knew anything I'd tell you wouldn't I Johnny yeah I guess you would hey cab where you going Johnny I don't know I told you ride around for a while can I come along any calls for me I'll see give him the airport sir no calls the girl Nancy Hopson come down to register yet yes sure she came down she said she'd do it later told me to tell you she went for a walk come on baby cancel a reservation but cancel it hello hello airport what about flight four okay Johnny Johnny hello I went for a walk yeah the clerk told me it was nice everything smells so clean and fresh like the flowers you sent me is this Charlie yeah hello Charlie Johnny told me what a great friend of his you were your plane leaves in a half hour what's that is your check for the baggage just like that yeah just like that I'll drive you oh W I said I'd drive you all right I just came along for the ride anyway I going to the airport be back in about an hour [Music] [Music] okay you got my car keys hello I guess I got the wrong number your man Char a guy answer the phone yeah are see you later yeah [Music] later [Music] hello yeah this is gido all right Charlie call the [Music] [Music] club [Music] get you didn't go out with Johnny no I was tired I had a headache I fell asleep it's late past 11: I'll get up no you have a headache I'd like to get up I had a dream yeah keto take me out tonight take me some place I can't the boys are all waiting for me the big game you know how those things are once you start them I came up to say goodbye to you goodbye yeah you know I've been showing this off all day it's a beautiful thing perfect workmanship there's only two of this kind of watch around mine and who else GIS get I ought to kill you it could be so easy too just like this on that white throat of yours that pretty white throat of yours this is gido marqueta saying this your husband the grece ball that's what you thought all the time didn't you take him he don't count who is he a grease ball go ahead say it that's what you've been thinking ever since I met you give me a better reason than I got say it o clock o clock o clock all the time it kept ticking in my head he had nothing to do with it only me only you there's never been anything between us ever since all the time John to come up here ask him Johnny's dead I just heard about it on my way up some guys knocked him off when did this happen 11:30 by this [Music] watch [Music] now get out of here I'll get my things you'll go the way you came gido gido listen get out of yeah anything you say anything you [Music] want what flight [Music] please thank you light 4 now loading at gate three all passengers aboard please you'll miss your plane [Music] [Applause] n are you hurt Bud here I'll help you out call hold up let him go take a look at that car look at Johnny why don't you stop following me why don't you get on that plane this is why you wanted me to go you're crazy because you knew I didn't know a thing don't lie to me now Look you've only known me for less than a day meot you never met me meot this week only had 6 days in it to listen only once before was it everything with me the beginning the end day and night I never thought it could happen to me again but it has Johnny and I'm not going to lose it will you get on that plane no with me it's trouble and grief and capital letters you got some place to go go no place to [Music] [Applause] go [Music] I who is it Nancy Hopson what do you want Charlie I've got to talk to you it's about Johnny what about him he's hurt he's hurt bad he wants you to get him a doctor where is he I'll take you wait a minute the body's still warm shallie you couldn't wait could you take it my ktis I want you to tell me I tell you this next time you won't be lucky Johnny it shut up why did you finger me why shouldn't I Johnny O Clock with the girls Johnny O Clock with the clothes I'll get you out of the J Charlie boy here's a bone here's a shirt here's a bed keep it straight the cop comes in who gets pushed around Charlie where's Johnny o' CL where he always is looking out for himself everybody else let you R when you got out you went on your knees to me okay okay I did like you do I traded you in for someone that could do me some more [Music] good my pal nobody's your pal now you're dead lay down you and me both now I'll tell you why you did it you at the club last night after it folded that's when Bladen got it he had nothing to do with it you knew about it that was enough I had nothing to do with you you had to stick with Mar Kar his back up the river Johnny listen I'm a two time loen this time would have been life you couldn't have stopped I I'd have G nuts up there John then you were there now when the girl was murdered I didn't see nothing with the girl when I heard she was murdered who was murdered all right let's get out of [Music] [Applause] here [Music] ncy sick I feel sick oh sick cut it out all [Music] right where are we going around the world in 30 days Johnny tell me we're running far and fast far and fast go ahead say it say what what you got on your mind I want to get out of here driver pull up here want to sit down yeah I used to come here as a kid to play and to hide nothing changes the Big Green bed of a big-hearted town everybody's equal rich and poor on a hot night anybody can sleep on the grass who killed her my ctis I think you think nobody will talk the police they think too I don't know they can't prove how much do you know Johnny more than they do and if you told Mar ctis and I were Partners cut didn't s me he would you ever wait for a guy in stir I waited for a guy in the war and Mark KY what happens to him you get paid off when the time comes when the time comes you don't get it I get it Nancy Nancy I get it I said no you don't now first I'll go settle up with him settle up with him he owes me money you'd go back for that it's my money isn't it it's you who don't get it what do you think we're going to do ride in Freight cars living furnished rooms we're going to have everything except a conscience what do you want me to do you tell me nothing I don't want you to do it play Hero for you dead hero not for me don't do anything for me don't you think I want to pay him off myself don't you think I will in my own way but I'll pick the spot and I'll pick the time and I'll get away with it all my life I've operated that way and all the time I've won what have you won whatever I've wanted to I'm no fool no you're no fool you're smart stop it my sister's been murdered but Johnny o' clar's no fool stop it I'll shout it they'll all wake up even my sister Johnny you CL no fool stop it it had to be you nobody in the whole world for me but Johnny O that's right baby nobody else for you or for [Music] me wait here I'll be back in a little while keep it running listen Johnny maybe it's a mistake maybe ought to forget it my dough baby I'm going to get it [Music] [Music] you're at the airport what happened did you tell you anything about your sister why did he go in there Daniel clar's [Music] [Music] girl that all you how long are you playing now I'm tired and sleepy I won't play much longer that's the Beau for my H I could use more coffee I about me still have H want more I'll it's empty I'll go down to the kitchen and make some more anything else you want no just [Music] coffee hello GTO Johnny you can have my hand Old Clock I've had enough no thanks Turk you know I never gamble did you want to see me about anything Johnny yeah I want to see you feel me out your bet well of course you blw one I'll see it I'll raise it a grand good I'm play what's on your mind Johnny I came from my end you going away yep all right you're entitled it it's your money you know the combination Johnny help yourself you want to count it no I'll take your word you always had a lot of nerve Johnny didn't take any nerve youo I figure it's worth it to to see me go so you're gone away yeah far can't be too far for me or me either well I guess this is it so long GLE now we're quits yeah now we're quits so long Johnny goodbye now stand still Johnny you're not going no place you don't know why not let him go turn around Johnny I don't want to give it to you in the back what are you win if you shoot my wife no tell him tell me he won't come back you'll go after him it's over in your eyes I can see it ain't ever since he first walked in I seen it in your eyes turn around Johnny 20 years together down the drain there was nothing between us but cash now a Dame my wife mine this is just what cut wanted what's happening you like a sucker fall for it he was right he was right about a lot of things wasn't he gido you'll never know I know you gave it to blayton ask him when you see him then to the kid Harriet she was waiting for bladon she was there when it happened who you talking to the walls you you took her home put her lights up made it look like suicide orot tell thief's trick who did you mean gido you left your calling card I found it a brand new Mexican coin the dying man makes a statement get out of here now no G let him go if you do I promise don't bait for me it could have been nobody else get out of here NE but you nobody else could have killed that kid what was that somebody's got a nasty [Applause] [Music] C Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny get away from me listen you did it didn't you Johnny you got what you wanted didn't you when they come the police you get away from me don't tell them how it happened they won't hold you now it's all yours yours are mine yours you can have it Johnny if you walk out of me now I swear I'll tell him that you I know what you'll tell him now get away from that door before I give it to you I should [Music] anyway [Music] it was Johnny O clar he tried to hold up my husband to steal money from him my husband wouldn't give it to him and he shot him in Cold [Music] Blood C blood he went out the back way through the kitchen he's hurt thank [Music] you [Music] [Music] guys hey you [Music] got [Music] money I told you to wait not to come here I heard the shots I thought you were I'm alive you need a doctor don't need anybody you need me nobody now just me alone you're not alone yeah take this it's money lots of money keep it it's a good thing I got money isn't it take it run you little fool I just killed my ctis you said the I know what I said big joke I said I'd pick the spot pick the time she picked it for me she yeah she the form chart was wrong it's still wrong please self-defense birdie guilty I know what I know trouble and grief Johnny you said that yourself I said okay I meant what I said now I got to prove it to you I don't care what you do where you going would you run I can't the bullet hit me too [Music] don't bother to raise your hands just keep at your side you're out of your mind that's right crazy crazy smart put that gun down I tell you what you're going to do catch you got to walk me out the front door past everybody if they stop us you'll tell them I gave myself out you arrested me you think I'd say that listen to me I got a bullet in my gut and Fir in my brain it wouldn't take much for me to let you have it right now Johnny you don't know what you're doing you don't know what you're saying all I know is in this gun all I know is I got to bring you in when we get to the door I'll tell them to shoot all right so they'll shoot no it's not all right not for me it isn't oh Johnny give yourself up Nancy I haven't got a chance all my life this guy's been chasing me Johnny it's the pain you're weak you're hurt I know what I'm saying he's been looking to get something on me now he's got it even if I told the truth what is the truth it was self-defense his wife said you shot him a cold blood for money it's a lie if it's a lie it'll come out in story books this is too good a frame nobody's out to frame you old clar if you want him alive tell him to drop that gun no I don't want him alive I want him dead I want to cry for him I had enough tears I want more I want to be able to say to know who I'm crying for Johnny oock you know who he was the smartest man in the world I know because he told me so Johnny Oak's no fool he said no fool that's why he's dead because he's no [Music] fool Johnny Johnny well looks like it's going to be a hot day not too hot want a bet bet I'll lay you out [Music] h
Channel: In The Domain
Views: 326,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: johnny, o'clock, free, full, length, feature, film, public, domain, movie, 1947
Id: 2eC775Wu9TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 38sec (5738 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2013
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