The Millerson Case 1947 / George Archainbaud

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dr. Edwards office no isn't in yet I don't know when will you talk to his assistant dr. Shaw dr. Dre's office no sir oh yes professor I'll connect you with miss white miss white speaking yes professor Jennings your psychology class next Thursday afternoon yes I'll remind him goodbye did you wait to see someone doctor odd way what on earth do you dressed up for my dear miss white for five years now I've been promising myself a vacation but you and have in final book of yours have always managed to upset my plans this time nothing is going to upset them but how can you go away when your time is booked solid with appointments and lectures for the next four weeks I'll show you come in with a chaw whatever now I've seen everything are you about to psychoanalyze a trap shooter no I'm about to leave on my vacation oh but you can't do that inspector Manning is counting on you to give an insanity test to that young matricide I had him on the phone just now and you promised professor Jennings you'd address the psychology class Thursday afternoon mm-hmm well dr. Shaw will keep all my appointments there you are the place is all yours where will you be suppose we want to get in touch with you well if that happens then you'd better consult a clairvoyant goodbye come on here BP it ain't polite to stare at folks you wanted some tears oh yeah give me five pounds oh so tis Squire but I I can't seem to get going this morning my head keeps a buzzing like a swarm of bees you got hot flashes Ward what do you think Hank maybe he's gotta text you someone complaint could be I hear Goldie show order and sign well the air down with it go get your Butler dr. Sims completely I reckon I'll close up my shop and go home I'm gettin the misery in my stomach sit out and check on me Luke you got no shirt vendor new oh hey did you want him to know CD thanks well I reckon you're next mister are you uh John we're dogs yep that's me I Robert all the way from New York oh yeah you're the fella would rip me a while back wanted me to fix you up with some huntin and fishin that's right well you're too early for the huntin season don't begin for about know the month yet oh well that'll give me some time to do a little fishing first ya reckon Jed rooks still can take you to the best chopped streams there is so roast oh well you Ritchie one of the guide didn't you oh yeah yeah he'll judge about the best woodsman is in the whole state hey judge come here you'll have to do better than that Sheriff you want me to watch it this mr. Ardwick from New York the man with the hiring into Gardens huntin howdy wladim it's a jug now you can take him over to doc Sam's I fixed it up with there maybe even bed and board what he's here yes ma'am oh thank you very much mr. Dobbs I'll be back later to buy my trout flies I'll pick you up you're looking for the kind of trot flies that will catch them whoppers you better drop into my drugstore next door I got the biggest line of Township maybe you got the biggest mind but there ain't seen your face is any better than they are so better whose fly's catched the priced Rock last year you're in a mine you're getting my dander up ain't Nixon well I'll be back later I'll see you both anyway yeah now look here Hank you got no right coming in my store talking business to my customers who sold anything dead body I was just watching the checker game over there I was a hunting around here well you might get a deer off the South Ridge then again you might all depends on how smart you are with a rifle I'm only a fair shot I'm out of practice oh I can't mainly for fun and get away from my work I like folks that don't pretend to be ordained kvetch couldn't come a little later though Canada's run a summer complaint we didn't have some our complaint what's that don't exactly know except that some folks died of it real quickly one judge won Emmy this here's mr. Dreier on a bed and board a spell with you according to Jeremiah dog mine [ __ ] way audio miss Millicent wine and makes alcohol thank you I'll get you things oh my god spare room is right over here j-bot city folks you sleepin in but it's clean there's a new mattress on the Belliard well I think it's grand I do appreciate your taking them do unto others the Good Book says now namesakes what happened to Eve he got shot just one of them accidents doc Sam home no but he should be here any moment he was over talking streaking in the zoo for some a complaint will you hurry him home Mose yes bring even to past office I'll tend to him to Paul gets here put him over there Jay how'd you get shot Eve I was carrying a deer on my back somebody took a shot at it that's what the honey season haven't opened yet you kids must have got their dates mix here lie down son you know who shot GE not it come from far off yeah like a son the bullet just grazed your skin say Judd when you get my first aid kit it's off my car and will you get me some sterilized dressing and some antiseptic please oh wait I reckon you better not touch him football gets here he might not like it oh don't you worry I treated lots of wounds he was right here in your office duh what's been going on here I mean I've been awaiting Yeah right bad wound you got him you've been awaiting for water for you to meet this outsider mr. Ordway whose to bed and board here for a spell on it he started to take care of Eve but I told him he'd better wait for you is it good mr. Andre thanks nice of you offering to help but I reckon we can take good care of Eve ourselves ain't gonna do any harm let him help is it you might learn something new learn something new you say that's what them County clinic doctors keep harping about but I don't cut them to them - losing IDs give me a basin of water and some rags in me yes ha now fix me up Otis a hit creations and black pepper yes pop aren't you going to sterilize the wound don't need to the pepper will draw out the inflammation the ashes will soak up the poison I'm back here in the office Matilde well what's the matter you look scared I am what's terrible sick and he swooned and my sister Belle and I can't bring him to know how has she had any fever and chills one minute he was hot in the next a freezing uh-huh just as I suspected summer complained well you come over and happy I hadn't daughter Matilda after him sneaking over at the county clinic for his doctor please come I was very sick enough to die get me a bottle of my complaint bitters I mean yes calm now there there don't take on imma gonna help warn you can't indeed the complaints more important in the wound what does your husband think causes the sickness you call summer complaint par says it's the edibles and the violin hot weather oh well have they ever made a bacteriological test of the drinking water or the milk around here a lot a microscopic test which shows if germs have made the water or milk unfit to drink oh I never heard of anything like that uh that's all right never mind I reckon I oughta mosey along and you want me to wait for you your wager I'll only be a few minutes but Paul said I was the 10 today you're going to only I'm going to show you how they treat wounds back in New York you're mighty pretty cowbell you know what do you think so sometimes I wished you wasn't my sister-in-law howdy bill how's the sick man he's come to a little yeah appears that way give me a big spoon yes sir is he all right it will be when I get some bitters down him now Mathilda don't beat the fluttery word word hmm oh no I'm dog Sam open your mouth and I give you a dose of Medicine mmm Oh doc you do give such awful taste and stuff wanna get well don't you ha Gary miniatures in a kitchen once no if you want another jug of corn squeezings tell him to leave it you're gonna write him down for some barber work Oh possibly leave another jug and take it out barbering okay you think your Mars mine enough and I took a look at Ward and wished him well now come on you keep on taking the bitters every two hours I'll be back again tonight motox am hello Eddie ah yes we must wish you well well I Swan when I heard you was down with a complaint I was spectin a fine just sick underdone but you ain't sick at all I don't feel so good well don't let it worry you none you'll be fit as a fiddle by the first of the week and ready to single my hair ah your bangs do need a German fetch me my shears well kneel down Ezri here y'all boy I'll be back to keep you company in a little spell see that you do stoop over I just can't seem to do it every oh that's alright it can wait what tarnation's going on here maybe them state policemen are dropping in to tell you how to do your lawn what's the idea you can read can't you all right falls across the street what's wrong wish look for those of you who can't read this sign means that the County Health Officer is putting the whole village of Brook Falls under quarantine all this room is just because a few folks you gotta touch this home complaint maybe that's what you call it but it's actually typhoid fever and nobody's gonna leave this village without permission from dr. Wickham well I find dr. Wickham he's standing with that car the fellow in the gray suit dr. wick assumed oh yes I'd like your permission to leave here I'm on my vacation I'd like to do a little hunting and fishing before I return to New York how long have you been here just a few always not long enough to contract any typhoid how do you know you're not a doctor yes yes but I am Robert Lord way Andy PhD well this is an unexpected pleasure doctor thank you shake hands with dr. Prescott a staff surgeon at our County clinic how do you do dr. Lee Prescott we're in luck perhaps we can draft dr. Ordway into staying and helping us fight this epidemic he'd certainly be welcome home please please gentlemen don't spoil my vacation I haven't had one in years all kidding aside doctor we're so short-handed at the clinic Prescott's the only man I could bring and these people need help desperately well my practice has been limited to psychiatry I'm afraid I wouldn't be much help now doctor don't tell me you've forgotten how to use a microscope or make a subcutaneous vaccination oh no all right I'll stay and help thanks very much and we're uh we're making our headquarters here to school suppose we meet you there in about an hour all right I'll be there doc Sam's gonna be good and riled over outsiders put him into his business now won't that be too bad Sam Miller will do what he's told or else I reckon accountant others you sure about that in case you don't know it acres you'll be taking orders from the state police until the quarantine is lifted why are they putting the quarantine on the whole village just showing off I always said duck Wickersham was too short for his britches he's just mad cuz most two folks won't go to his conic link for doctrine I'll tell mine ears well ain't nobody gonna poke medicine in the folks of my anything the ain't sick and effing they try to I'll take a hospital you're dang right square we got to show these outsiders they can't run things in not met your wife your wedding a sheep and you've been a ball and fraidy-cat I have Berlin come on Annie your next sheet over to death patty bill your name please see Jill you were a brave little girl will you come and pick come on I am seedy Heisey hey Jed do you suppose vaccinate and hurt Jenny no it's just the ID that scares you little now don't be alarmed if you become nauseated or your arms start to swell up it'll just be the reaction to the vaccine it won't last long well whoever here in the making folks sake to keep them well come on man we've gone home and tell your PO bout this next this mo woman need you mr. Wayne oh you know mr. drug still pleased to meet you well I'm glad to find that neither one of you are prejudiced against modern medicine why and sakes no but I ain't let doc Sam touch me not since our lies are died from his doctrine well I told him so to his teeth didn't I uh which one of you shall I take first time you go ahead Jed well up your sleeves Godwin oh please that highfalutin Wickersham in there yeah and bigger than all get-out I'll take him down a peg or two hello Sam don't hello me you got a lot of gall to come in here scaring folks and trying to make a fool out of me nobody's trying to make a fool out of you but you'll make one out of yourself if you don't cooperate with the clinic when you've got a typhoid epidemic on your hands typhoid nothing just the regular on the summer complaint look Sam I'm not gonna argue with you I've got my orders from the State Board of Health and I intend to carry them out I suppose cause you get the law on your side you're thinking the folks are gonna knuckle down to you but I'm telling you they won't they will if you tell them to me you must be touched in their head I'm a telling them not to you'll obey the law be put in jail all right put me in jail and see what that gives you well doctor we've completed a survey of the village and collected some water and milk samples how many cases of typhoid you find eleven positive and four suspects two deaths last night from one about a half an hour ago Ward beachy the barber you hear that Sam three of your patients dead already part my fault they're dyin some of your patients die too don't they yes but not from homemade portions brewed by ignorant practitioners like you now lookee here I've been a talk man and beast round here for more than 30 years never had no complaints till he opened that clinic at the county seat I'm sorry we've been over all that before I haven't got time to argue with you you better plan on doing your post mortems tonight all right I found a place where you can do the work yes Hank Nixon's undertaking parlor and back at this drugstore good discover something very peculiar here compare these three blood specimens tell me what you think Marcela's typhus hosts of them relaxing a specimen from deceased number one this is from number two more bacillus tan forces right now take a careful look specimen number three here well this specimen shows no typhoid whistle at all right that means a third victim didn't die of typhoid but he did die that we know coming from something that produced the same symptoms as typhoid who was the third victim the village barber walked beachy or well there's one report we won't have to send to the state laboratory yeah yeah and I'm still puzzled by the symptoms he had I ran into something similar a few years ago in a poisoned murder case for look Lord with a typhoid epidemic is bad enough without driving murder and oh I'm not I was just reminiscing well is Prescott well do you get through in a hurry you flatter me I was just starting when I found something very puzzling what sigh well I wasn't surprised to find evidence of perforated peritonitis in the intestinal tract but this is the first tight Ford victim I've ever seen who had perforations extending through the hole alimentary canal such as might have been caused by some corrosive poison exactly was it BG's body you examined yes how did you know well always been puzzled too because BG's blood specimens showed no typhoid bacilli I think you have a slight case of murder on your hands it seems to me that a chemical analysis of the perforated tissues in order what do you think well sure sure well let's get to work bus guy all right Martin Callahan good morning morning dr. Ferguson recipe well good morning prowl are you um food doctor so we've got a case of murder on our hands huh yeah Oh meet doctor Ordway from New York he's been helping us out with the vaccination problem here and he's the one who discovered that beachy didn't died of typhoid this is Mort Crowell our County Prosecutor know your doctor and a Harley run for his investigator oh yeah got any suspects one dr. Sam Miller sue got a motif figured out that'll hold water I think it was revenge beachy quit him for the County clinic several months ago and Millicent's been fighting the clinic ever since it opened what do you think dr. R Duane who I don't believe I'm entitled to an opinion life I've only been in Brook Falls such a short time BG quick doctoring with no mercy how could the ladder of poisoning no listen was called in the treating the day before he died well maybe it was just ignorance rather than criminal intent oh-ho you don't know him like we do he may be ignorant about doctoring but he's cunning and vindictive Harley it looks like your first job is to call it the BT home and get the medicines dr. Miller s'en prescribed for the deceased yes sir Callahan you get the suspect and bring him here for questioning yes some other Hank you're all out of breath prosecutor will not be berry war how come they won't let you they're performing a post-mortem on to find out what he died you mean to say they sure after telling us at wartime for Peter I don't know except me I can't bury ward peachy till they say thank you Oh Farley wrong I can't they let the dead rest in peace just docs and Miller's in here I'm here I have orders to bring you over to the school for questioning questioning about what you'll find out when you get over there I'll be damned if I will nobody's gonna make a fool out of me twice your moves fer I'm asking you to come peaceably but if you won't I'll take you you literally now you keep out of the square reckon I know when you're exceeding your authority you need a touching doc Sam listen you're arresting him for something an F Pierre he's got a right no what fer all right Ward B tchy died of poison and the county prosecutor thinks he was murdered all fall they're all who'd want to kill a likable fella like warg how'd you know he was Tyson chemical tests don't lie I hope the prosecutor don't think i poisoned him well you doctored him didn't you looks like them County clinic doctors are up to get me yeah Oh square and will you tell the sheriff to drive to the county seat and bring linked hazing back here to defend me my shore oil Sam I reckon I'm ready now to go with you all right now why should I want to kill a lifelong friend and hurt his family you were very angry worried you and vici went to the county clinic for treatment yes I was and I told him so to his face but being a Christian man when Matilda come a crime that word needed help I did the best I could to take care of it you treated him and he died I've been abducting a lot of other folks too but none of them ever died a poison but the others didn't go to the county clinic in fairness to Melissa I feel it my duty to advise inlet he hasn't been charged with any crime so he may refuse to answer any and all questions why should you advise him you're not his counsel I'm afraid you were letting prejudice bias your good judgment we're not trying the man he's we're always seeking information hardway is right in your opinion when you examine Ward beat you the other day what was ailing him summer complained I still think it was so you gave him what some of my complaint bidders dr. Miller s'en do you mind telling us what ingredients you use to compound your complaint bitters not at all to boil some sassafras bark and some bloodroot and some burdock leaves and some gold and sealed and then I had a little pulverized bone and a little oil of wintergreen to give it a good taste did he you mention anything there that sounded like a poison to you listen well I'm not an herbalist but I'll concede the formulas perfectly harmless however that is no proof that he didn't poison bici I didn't so help me I didn't that's all no listen you may go now aren't you going to arrest him not without some justification you're making a big mistake I'm not telling you how to run the county Clinic am I thank you I'm sorry I popped off liquor she it's all right won't forget it I had it coming ah guess there isn't much we can do now to run Fergus back so we might as well enjoy a short recess right certainly a beautiful day I should be out doing a little fishing no doctor don't run out on us now we're only halfway through right here's the bottle of bitters of peach she was taken before he died according to mrs. Beach he took about ten spoons for sure what awful stuff said this the state clinical laboratory for analysis yes now I'd like to offer a suggestion if is in order go ahead so obvious he's probably slept your mind but why not let rompford find out if Nixon sold any corrosive poison lately if so to whom we of course who else could've been the source of the poison why didn't you think of a Romford why didn't you according the druggist he sold one part of that poison to doc medicine and five pastor as a miniature the nurserymen what of medicine tell you he did with a pound he bought he claims they use it to make up an ointment for boils and carbuncles ah old pound does that make up enough women for all the boils in Carrboro the United States he only used about three ounces what a medicine do with the rest of it he still hasn't well I presume the nurseryman uses the poison in some sort of a fly spray yes and a rock poison which he manufactures well and and makes every person who was bought his plant spray and rat poison a possible suspect look good way you seem to be trying awfully hard to remove suspicion from Miller's was that somebody shot at me yeah I'm I'm afraid they did good thing for you doc with that little have been a couple inches lower and taking most of your head off there's a bullet hole in the window over there it should have lodged back here somewhere oh yes why would anybody want to shoot at me well that's what we've got to find out whoever it was didn't hang around after you find the shot but he left his calling card oh that's a 30-30 shell the same as I use in my rifle doctor Hardaway did you bring a 30-30 rifle with you yes yes and he lives at dr. Miller syns don't you think we ought to have a look at it oh boy yes by all means I'm just as curious as you are come on hello if you came see the doctor he ain't home Martha McVitie sprained her knee he's over tended to it no we didn't come to see him mrs. Mollison this way gentlemen oh that's funny what's funny why I can tell for the weight that my rack was not in the case when did you last see it yesterday I was showing it to judge rook store are you laughing it does Judd have access to your room when you're not here why no not that I know of well do you need any more convincing that your host is the logical suspect oh ho it'll take more than that well why don't you confront listen and see what he has to say for himself a good idea coming along our way certainly I wouldn't miss this for anything understand we've been checking up on you on me but for how long have you been here oh five minutes maybe what are you getting at for all according to mrs. McVitie he arrived at her place about 75 and left about half past it's now 825 you mean to tell me it took you 15 minutes to get from McVitie's here certainly not any fool would know better than that what were you doing in the meantime appears to me that what I do with my own times my own business you will give me a civil answer I'll put you under arrest in just a minute mr. prosecutor now it's alright with me if you want to arrest it but if you do I'm gonna have to ask the squire here to hold an immediate hearing so I can have him released on bail that is unless you are figuring on charging him with some ridiculous offense like murder which you can't prove yes say the word link and I'll give you a hearing right here now well I I'm not ready yet to file a murder charge against anybody no I didn't think you was go ahead would you check a plain Sam well I think I'll call it a night and get some sleep they're not boys I was just turning back the coverage to be billion bikes I'm pretty tired tonight am i nice of you to stand up for parking them County doctors we both admire you for it well nobody should be accused of murder unless it can be proven no Paul wouldn't do such a thing he's too tender-hearted to kill a fly mrs. Mollison you've lived in Brook Falls a good many years who do you think could have poisoned bici I'd rather not speak my mind then I wouldn't be a hurt in anybody maybe so you you just forget that I asked have you been in the house all evening satin for a spell while I was out milking why my rifle wasn't in this case when I looked about an hour ago now it's back been fired hiya lieutenant hello little s'en one of these days those breaks of yours are not gonna work then the Treville gazette will lose its Star reporter not so fast pal I'll have to announce you to the prosecutor ha ha this has arrived I see hiya chief I understand you're investigating a nice little murder yes that's right well how about giving me a break who did it - who Warren Beatty the town barber came to his death from poison at the hands of a person or persons unknown is that all you can give me I'm sorry but that's all I know why doctor Ordway what are you doing in this outpost of civilization I'm Littleton formerly - the Times Tribune remember I covered that famous case you solve the paper doll murders do you mean to tell me he's a detective - right now don't hold that against me please well no wonder your suggestions of proven SAR helpful I hate to ask you to give up any more of your vacation but I certainly would appreciate it if you'd see this thing through with me wait a minute now you've you've already got a competent man on the job thanks for them kind words but I'd much rather you take over this thing's too deep for me what do you say go ahead you wouldn't deny me the greatest new story I've had in years or I crawl oh then what I'll start by interviewing the family of the deceased I believe if you can get enough people to talk enough you're bound to stir up something sit down please now don't be upset mrs. Beatty because if you're frightened you wanted to serve what I'm talking about but I didn't Pisan ward I loved it nobody said you poisoned him how long were you and ward married 18 years mostly mostly we used to split up monster twice to year over his romancin but toward his fault he was the handsomest man in Brook Falls why eat my own sister Belle got fluttery in slow eyed when he was around can you think of anyone who might have hated him enough to have poisoned him no I can't well thanks for your cooperation mrs. Beatty what else do you know all I know he's dead naina grieving none cuz he's lowdown me no mom did you kill your father Jonas no so help me I couldn't kill my own flesh and blood I know you couldn't have son you're my going on thanks come in why you looking at me like that you're a very attractive girl miss angle hi I can readily understand why your deceased brother-in-law was attracted by him well I guess he was kind of taken with me cuz he was all the time trying to spoon when when Matilda ride around she mustn't rest Clem he didn't pies Ward who's Clem he's my boat plan Mears works for no he plank at the blacksmith shop although I see do Clem know that Ward was infatuated with you well I told him cuz I wanted to get him a little jealous but Clem wouldn't kill anyone over a little harmless flirting who did killing Belle I haven't got the slightest idea cross my heart alright thanks for the information anything you mean yep you're also talking to me well for now yes huh mornin mr. Crowl morning clam I'd like you to meet dr. Ordway who's helping me investigate the murder better meet you all right claim was Ward really poison yes yes he was I understand you're kind of sweet on Belle Engelhardt oh you dang right I am I'm aimin to marry come next June well and it's no wonder you were mad when [ __ ] he wanted to make up to her I thought man I was fixing to swing at him but I gotta feared the folks might get to gossiping about Belle but somebody else did swing on has he come to a shop one one with a black eye you know gave it to him brother not say we don't care what he would rather do it's against the law to withhold any information so start talking well one night Bellamy was to the picnic grounds we've seen Ward and he'd erupts through a hole in hands then pretty soon we seen jeddah watching and the next morning Ward showed up with a black eye well you've been very helpful Clem thank you very much we appreciate come Arnie clamp dr. Audrey do you think Judd killed beachy well he's a likely suspect but so is everyone else I've talked to so far who's next the man who makes that plant spray and rat poison morning Ezra morning boy doctor RDA would like to ask you some questions about the poison you use in making your pants spray and rap killer what you want to know I'd like to see the book you keep four signatures of everyone who buys these poison mixtures from I ain't got no sex book didn't you have to sign your name when you bought the poison that nixon's drugstore no Hank said he'd do it for me cuz I can't read nor write well didn't the druggist tell you that it was against the law to resell the poison without getting the buyers to sign for it no is it again the law certainly you can be put in jail for what you've been doing I'll get me a book right smart you know I thought twice you come to ask me about the shooting at the schoolhouse what do you know about it well I was a plant in some cuttings by Latin light when I heard a shot so I blowed out the light and stepped back in the shadows by and by a man come a-runnin by carrying a gun it was dr. Sam Miller sin' you don't like my listen do you know look what he done to my boy PG playing horsey what did he do he brought him into the world a dunce can't you see get up horsey well much obliged wished a minute glad to help you be a horsey you think he actually saw Miller soon as he claims oh I don't know it's hard to believe a man when he's nursing such a deep grudge against another it's too bad though that he should blame Miller soon for what was probably a biological failure on the part of nature yeah if it were a biological failure well who's next on the list Judd rooks Toole I'm gonna try a little experiment on him tonight I'm gonna ask you some questions Judd you're gonna answer them truthfully yes ma'am why did you first suspect that your wife Edie and what beachy were on such friendly terms last year at the summer festival when I watched him dancing together what did you do about it you pretended I was going fishing and then I sneaked back to see what went on did you see anything that looks suspicious I sure did I seen him a woman leaving the picnic grounds I was hiding behind the bandstand and I watched her slip through the woods toward the creek I was right on her heels as she sashay toward the swimmin hole I'm glad to see you eating honey are you just a feeding me traffic why ain't cross my heart I'd rather see you than anybody in the whole world Oh would you say such pretty words I gotta say pretty words to the berteus woman in the county I'm stuck on you honey go on home where you belong Edie I'll tend to you when I get there yes Chuck I reckon I did you wrong Jud I like to get up and fight me you're lowdown skunk I can't fight you and I'm to blame all right I'll let you go for now but I'm warning you you keep away from me or I'll kill ya and I weren't fooling when I told him that and did he keep away from her you sure did did you give water drink a moonshine with some poison in it no man so help me no I know you didn't Jedi Huck was only fooling come on wake up wake up John you can't sleep here all night what happened to fall asleep you slept so sorry you didn't even hear these men come in all of you son of a gun say what was it you told me you wanted me to do i plumb forgot you're going to travel tomorrow to do some shopping for me and I was right sure now I remembered well I'd better be catching some more sleep if I'm gonna get an early start yeah that's right dad I'll see you tomorrow now you know why they call him the crime doctor oh I'm afraid you gentlemen are overestimating my accomplishments I regret to say my experiment was a failure what do you mean a failure did you notice the emotional expression on Judds face while he was asking my questions sure sure first speaking while in a state of hypnosis merely articulates words from the subconscious mind therefore having no consciousness there can be no expression of emotion you mean judge wasn't hypnotized that's right you can't hypnotize a person against his will and judge was too strong-willed I sensed that the minute I started he told us that cock-and-bull story just to take suspicion off himself or probably to sheetal somebody else maybe his wife he did well the deeper we get into this affair the more muddled to become so it looks that way when you stir up dirty water you've gotta wait for it to settle well gentlemen shall we adjourn here's mine as well here in a minute howdy mr. Adler good morning why would you come in and set a spell thank you I sent judge de Treville this morning so I can have a little talk with you I haven't expected you sooner wondering when you could take the hint you wanna sit at mrs. Brooks toll I'm afraid you misunderstand that I'm here on official business investigating the death of Ward beachy well why should you ask me I don't know nothing about his dying feel kind of sweet on him weren't you who told you that le manager I'd rather not say well a fella did this because he shook her and came running after me but I didn't encourage him I got a man of my own you were the cause of him getting a black eye want you did Ellie say that why that old huffy I oughta snatch her bald-headed you didn't answer my question Ward didn't get no black eye on my account and if she says so she's a big liar and what's more she was so jealous of him that I wouldn't have put it past her to do the poisoning well I wonder if she will speak as well of you but well thanks very much mrs. Brooks toll good morning good morning dad a minute hello darling is your mother in oh what a nice doll that's la maid she's getting pretty old she's almost three you know yes if you want to ask me about Ward peachy I don't know nothing certain there's thought that he was poisoned I understand he was kind of sweet on you and until he started running after ET rook stool that's a big lie who told you that Edie you used to meet him on the sly didn't you no no he was nothing to me the poison was easy for you to get your husband kept it in the nursery I don't care if he did I never touched it but Edie she bought some to kill rats so she said why don't you ask her about it well I think I will at least I'll be able to find out which one of you is telling the truth good day mrs. Minich hey Rox doll huh so she's been running me down well I'll show her that mean we can leave town if we reminder yeah you go anywhere you like now hooray Oh mister orderly like a Morty's over folks of tearing down the sign just say the quarantine is no more here and what he said then I'll have to get up the advertising for the summer crystal yeah I was getting up here but you have to postpone the test tomorrow on the come to the quarantine but now we won't have to well sounds interesting it sure does Luke's got something settled right this year you bet they have and it's like one a fine weather forget my you're gonna talking about me behind my back no more knew but I'm talking about me Ellie minutes you're jealous a little huzi that's what you are come on here fellas if you want to see a couple of females a fight yeah how do you shame yourselves go on whom your home come over here everything like that well wonder what started that brawl God calling the kettle black I reckon for me sorry sheriff by the way though they ever have any target shooting contest at these festivals well not I know of why well I should think such a contest would be popular I'd like to donate the prizes yeah sure sounds like a good idea I'd like to into that contest Michelle me too yeah look will you make the arrangements then sure we'll all right there'll be three prizes for the men and three for the women $25.00 15 and 10 won $25 jumpin Jupiter for $25 you'll have everybody in town shooting her head off yeah that's the general idea the more the merrier mighty generous heavy a dr. K I'm very happy to do it alright go ahead Amy Miller's every minute the judges have reached the verdict I think the decision first prize for the man goes to judge rooks to before whose eyes and the second prize to docks and Miller's were three bull nine and the third prize to Playmobil now the contest for the ladies was the prettiest tie you ever see 380 rook store and any minute oh not Broadway's a warden to first friars kettle won the second prize goes Jamie Miller's a knight and the third prize to miss bill Englehart how few winners come up here I'll give you the money hey Luke did you win the shooting prize nah I couldn't hit the broadside of a barn see a common much obliged Nellie you wait here while I go see who it is it's doc Sam and he's been shot go get the sheriff what I recognize your voice clam do you say doc Sam's been shot yeah felony here the gun then we found him layin here I thought I hear the shot - horn somebody just shot doc Millicent over the swimmin hole huh somebody's got to carry me now whatever wait a minute I will but not right now no use telling anyone else until we know more about it I'm afraid he's dead if you don't want to get put in jail meet me down by the swimming hole when it gets dark I can't figure why anybody want to kill poor old doc ganged up again well it's quite obvious he knew something it was dangerous to somebody probably the personal murdered ward yeah but how did he biji come here boy where did you get that gun give it sure yeah wait am i Sheriff let me handle it with him well Daisy now you look like a real soldier real soldier BG real gun will you will you let me see nice gun and fired recently and this shows on here s/m Jim why thought you locked up all the rifles for safekeeping Sheriff again dr. samus's a moment I took it from the Michelle less irony for you Miller Singh gets killed by his own gun AG where did you find gun Bush's throw all the way there did you see who threw it away boom is Elias what he is maybe years or maybe Inc why should I want to shoot dark Sam you can't believe what I've done says maybe he's a lot smarter than any of us calculate what you're going alongside the river bank what's down here looking for et yeah take your finger in swimming no but I found it down here before get rooks soul I'm resting you for the murder cam but I didn't look so help me you don't believe I killed him do you mr. Glee don't make no difference what anybody thinks come along maybe you better go John he won't be able to hold you long I am Not sure that get it go on Jack I must have a good reason for believing Judd in us yes I have tell you more about it in the morning now go to sleep Ellie Mae my mommy ain't home oh I came to see you oh come here while I was over travel this morning I bought you a little present this is sort of an addition to your doll family and a sister to Ella Mae thank you Oh black piranha did you ever see this piece of paper before I sure have I wrote it myself you did yes it's just some write and practice my pop got me to do so I get to be a first-rate writer at school and I can read too if you don't want to get put in jail meet me down by the swimmin hole when it gets dark is your father home I reckon he's out back somewheres I think I'll see him before I go okay thank you again for the beautiful doll morning as right hottie it's pretty hot day innit yeah it sure is let me pour you're good - cool side okay that'll be fun Mike Seidel on a hot day that's right well here's looking at you see it smells good you know what I'll tell a man it's good yeah I'd like to buy that whole jug full oh it ain't for sale why not it ain't for sale why did you put the same poison in it as you did the corn whiskey or sold [ __ ] I was assured that until Myra just confirmed my suspicions that you'd shot doc Millicent think you're pretty smart don't you getting a little child to give a poor way no there's nothing smart about it it was the obvious thing for you to do since you can't read or write you killed Becky because he was trying to break up your home didn't you yeah but you ain't gonna get no chance to prove it again me cuz I am what's the matter nobody's gonna fetch it what you trying for Eddie you take care come on power arrest him for the murders of Ward peaches and Doc Villa see you mean to say that every here - Ward yeah see he put poison in the corn whiskey sold peachy and he tried to kill me the same way to the cider in that jug in the last house is poison why you get dang fool you made a kill Tremblay I'm locking you up come on don't forget to release judge rook stool he's as innocent as killing docma listen as you are here sure okay you sure you're all right doctor hard way oh I guess so thanks for the glad of that why of course he's touched in the head nobody in his right mind could carry on like that want to thank you again mr. Ward wave for getting me out of jail that Sheriff sure had me scared to pieces well I was glad to be able to do you a good turn judge I heared why is repose in Ward but I came for the life of me figure out why he shot Sam well when he was planning to murder beachy he asked to dock miss and how much plant spray it would take to kill a man and then after the crime he got afraid that doc would remember and tell the sheriff well goodbye John goodbye dang shame and spoils a vacation you didn't get a chance to do any shootin well maybe I'll come back next year that is if you promise not to have any more murders prowl want you to come right over to the jail there's four miniatures acting crazier than alone what are they expect me to do give them a sedative they don't know what to do with him Carl wants to put him in the county jail the sheriff wants to put him in a nuthouse alright I'll Drive right over I'll meet you there I was in trouble huh yeah this way he's been acting yeah frankly I'm stumped he's actually deranged at the miscarriage of justice to prosecute him well feigned insanity is quite easy to prove I know a very simple logic test get me an oval newspaper with it yeah sure yeah you've been using pre-build reject by now bring him up with it yes sir all I have to do is place some paper in his hand and set fire to it if he's actually insane he'll hold on to the paper even though the fire burns his hand I didn't know that yes a sane person will will drop the paper the community gets burned for every touch tini no no he's the same as any of us the game's up minutes do you just trapped yourself as I expected you would you heard what I said about the test so you held onto the burning paper because you reason that that would save your night what an insane person does not reason and he would have dropped the paper at the first sensation of things having his burns for you then take him to trains don't put him in the county jail I'm taking a load off of my mind doctor odd way and I want to thank you for all the help you've given me all right yeah me too doctor Hardaway I've learned a whole lot working with you and something I can do to show my appreciation gestational no alpha yes yeah there is something you can do for me name it I'd like to have that set of antlers over there yeah you can have it but what for well if you remember I really came here to hunt and fish now if I get back home without even as much as a set of antlers are living in the last of it I say she's your doctor odd waiter I know where I can get you a half a dozen more
Channel: D D C
Views: 301,507
Rating: 4.7629099 out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, public domain, black and white, black & white, oldies, classic, movies, mystery, crime, 40s, crime-doctor, epidemic, pandemic, poison
Id: -UCDovoIUjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 11sec (4331 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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