The Crime Doctor's Gamble 1947 / William Castle

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] but gentlemen crime detection is but a small part of our responsibility not until the full scope of modern psychiatry is used for crime prevention can we obtain the ultimate in modern criminology we should exercise our best judgment wildly psychotic is still under observation criminal tendency must be studied during this period a star Penal institutions become further blooded it is a never-ending responsibility but one that reaps rich reward or in our devotion to this end we will be preventing our cases of maladjustment from becoming cases for police history thank you your lecture dr. Cordray was most inspiring like it'll be published next month I see you receive a copy yes see and the superintendent of this institution I wish to express my gratitude to you for coming here not at all it was a great privilege doctor Ordway yes mr. Mohan begs to apologize he was detained he sent me to bring you to his office oh that's fine thank well goodbye goodbye dr. Audrey thanks again [Music] doctor our way to see mr. Morelle oh yes yes victor is waiting for you going like it all the way dr. earth way I am so glad to see you again after all these years it's good to see you again too I must apologize for not meeting you Oh but police affairs you know how they can interfere with one's private affair ha ha ha let me look at you 9 years 9 and yet hardly changed just a little here maybe oh no no not when I stand up straight oh sit down to that right and how is everything in that wonderful city of yours Oh New York hasn't changed much about the same as when you were there yes how can I ever forget the World's Fair and the wonderful time we had together I haven't thought about it and wondered if I would ever be able to return your hospitality what are your plans I expect to be here about two weeks I've got three lectures to give and after that my times my own but remember I don't intend to become involved in any affairs of the police good that will give me the opportunity I've been waiting for and we will begin tonight tonight I will show you pass fine and with no interruption sir [Music] [Music] oh wait a minute this looks like a place we shouldn't go into without police protection [Music] similar Cocos Island we have done naughty room what will our American friend think oh I'm so sorry what is you wish for editing all right - been editing with kinetic Jackie I miss you suit [Music] the [Music] excuse me please [Applause] the gangs in this year now we'll give you the great Maurice and his partner New York I'm glad we got here in time this is the act especially what a dude asleep [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that fella plays with murder very handy with a knife I wonder you'll never detectives look on your face it's nothing nothing really and yet it would have been so simple what would have been so simple for a knife thrower to murder with a knife [Applause] well are we on a busman's holiday forget it my friend we are out for good time tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so now gets in the great noise does he look like a mother of two a whole looks don't touch you you know better than ask a question like that particularly I promise to show you a good time tonight yes and without any interruptions I have a luncheon engagement with him similar or he's expecting you thank you right on the dot remember you're my guest today come here I have a surprise for you american-made cigar where's our Julien friends now what more could one friend do for another you don't mind I think I'll smoke cigarette your vitality amaze me I didn't expect to find you it works so early oh but even me I could have used a few more hours sleep but look if you'd rather postpone mm-hmm I just have to talk to the prisoner out there for a moment and then we go alright I'll wait outside don't bother come to think of it this case should interest you it is as you would say right up your alley yeah that man is accused of killing his own father metal case yes but I just remember you don't want to be bothered with any police affairs that does that large now I'll see the prisoner late oh no no luncheon wait see him first Sanjay vain you may wait outside Arie I want you to meet dr. out--we an American psychiatrist this is a reach out there Jacque why are you doing this you know that I am as seen as you are do with me as you would with any other criminal let the decision as to your sanity come from someone who is qualified to judge me please don't make it impossible for me to help you I appreciate what you're trying to do but it's no use alright believe that I am mentally unstable but my released from the hospital proves that I was cured what prompted you to commit this crime do you remember all the details leading up to it frankly I'm not so sure I do so much happened that day in yen and I had known each other for only a short time against many objections we decided to get married when we came back from the mayor's office our food friend on 20 who surprised us with a wedding breakfast we had already consumed several bottles and I was feeling very gay to the bride and the lucky groom and what one our best friend remember the stories about the best friend I'm not afraid and speaking of stories I have a surprise for you I sort went to Macedonia good this calls for another drink you publish it next month that's wonderful darling yogurt belly no no no you had enough remember the doctor told you to go easy with you in my arms are not one of the reasonable distance oh no the drink won't do me any harm and now I have a surprise for both of you a wedding gift voila oh it's beautiful once you are you madam thank hot one this is a lovely present now Monsieur you have the original and the copy this certainly goes for one last dream no actually you had enough and I really mean it no one turns my darling how many times does a man get married oh you were a fool to bring that up today to you a great artist and their wise counselor ah I feel wonderful in fact I'm not the whole world even Tata yes given him What's Wrong daddy you know I think if Papa could see how happy we are in he might relent I'm afraid he never will wait a minute Papa has influence and he is rich no oh he will make his own way still with Papa influence and Papa's money and on ways artistic soul it's nonsense to think of ever going back there must be the wine that gave me the idea you're right darling leave well enough alone I think you both are very foolish and you re you it to your wife to make at least one more attempt to bring about a reconciliation no out one No why should you be forced to live in this sordid environment what his father can provide a home of ease and luxury why should she be made to skimp and struggle while you are still unable to provide for her trade and so at 1-over minions protest talked me to going back to see my father what happened then there was no room for love in his heart he called me every kind of name he even threatened to disown me and you to the marriage world it was no idle threat while I was there he found his attorney and told him to cut me out of his where is that when you killed it No no I I'm sure they'd intend it was after that he started to calm in your names and made horribly insinuations that I couldn't stand I went blind with rage he struck at me my head was burning everything went dark before my eyes next thing I knew I I was in a bar pouring down one drink after another did you go back to your wife after that my men picked him up about 4:00 in the morning wandering the streets aimlessly how long have you known him we're in the concentration camp together for almost three years mm-hmm I did not like the time you became friends like close friends but what constantly amazed me was his peculiar reaction to everything about him did you keep in touch with him when the war was over no no I more or less lost track of him all I know is that he was returned to France and spent six months in a psychoneurotic institution his record shows that he was religious cured I suppose those records still available certainly Morell in your mind is there really no question of the boy's guilt no all he went to his father in high spirits the quarren the boy found himself in the depths of despair and in his rage killed him well you just to find the actions of a typical manic-depressive then you agree with you the man is not saying oh wait not so fast oh there are other things to be considered how is his father killed he was stepped to death with this oh so that's the reason he washed me last night if that knife thrower looked like a murderer that's right but what I haven't told you yet is that Ari's wife is the knife throwers daughter well I could very easily be persuaded to live here myself tell the butler to coming to the library already in a room like this murder seems a little out of place murder my fan is out of place anyway no Chardin lewis psychology what do you mean why the size of the desk anyone having a stand this far our way to talk to him would be bound to feel ill of these y'all wish to see me Monsieur yes come in Tara this gentleman would like to ask you a few questions very well Monsieur what is it you wish to know how did you happen to overhear the argument between father and son which supposedly led up to the murder it was my night off and as it is my custom Ettrick doors and windows before leaving its then I heard miss Jahnavi quarrel was his father Oh in an in spite of that you left the house oh I didn't think much of it at a time I had become accustomed to their disagreeable arguments did you hear what this one was about in particular oh yes indeed they spoke about miss Gary's wife the master system unkind things about her that's when Ari threatened him you're sure you're very threat or certain no but as I did no more than rash words mm-hmm what did you spend the evening we checked on that he stayed at his sister's home in the country until 12:30 and when I returned at 1:00 o'clock I found a master lying on the floor with a knife in his back that door was partly open the chair was knocked over and that picture was crooked tell me did you recognize the murder weapon oui Monsieur it was a letter opener that mr. Chaddha always kept on his desk Morell I was told I'd find you here oh I'm so glad you came darling you may go in now Tara Yama's here this is my good friend doctor all the way from New York really all the way I have so many interesting things about you you don't know how happy I am that you are here well thank you sir doli was not an attorney he has graciously offered his services as re defense counsel unfortunately I never practiced criminal law but I've taught it's my duty to the family I understand the doctor or Duane you talk to Ari oh yes yes but and I really owe you an apology I'm not calling you in Oh No have you been able to learn anything that might help me his defense no nothing except what he is undoubtedly told you and Morell over and over again and that's it is complete indifference his lack of interest in life he has no will to fight oh oh by the way to lay there always father call you about changing his will yes the night when he was there he called me and wanted me to come over at once but I had a previous engagement that promised I'll see him next morning the prosecution will contend that this establishes the motive it is very damaging evidence and you mr. delay will naturally be forced to admit it on the witness stand dear me and I am supposed to defend him how do you propose to defend him there is only one way I hope dr. Ordway you will help us I'll plead insanity what else can I do [Music] how did or my name's odd way I've come to see you madam jardin mignon is not in she will not be home until late oh I I'd like to wait for if you don't mind come in thank you I certainly enjoyed your show the other night that reminds me of an act I once saw in Pittsburgh and I suppose you come here especially to tell my daughter that all of the artists know the real reason for my visit is to ask her to help me help her husband I don't believe it you were sent here by the police on our right you're wrong again oh I happen to be a friend of inspector Morel but I'm not here in any official capacity forming young she would not listen to me I warned her I told her no good would ever come from a jar then were you acquainted with the father you said you came here to question my daughter and not me I'm sorry is this the pictures you're all painted as a wedding gift yes but how did you know well obviously you prefers your route on raise your dad my parents had nothing to do with it still you you opposed the marriage most certainly I knew only as something wrong appear but a ruse a smart fine man it would have been well able to take care of mignon I'm getting old my hands are shaking when I threw those knives and my own daughter I'm afraid someday I might miss yes I can readily understand that don't you agree with you ah not for me now thank you you knew of course that whole Giada had money lots of money just anymore what good did you do ah Marie no good no good but as it stands your daughter someday will be very wealthy providing of course it can be proven that all ryu was insane when he committed the murder why do you tell me this Monsieur because I'm well I'm not so sure that Andre did kill his father yep the fact remains short I was stabbed to death when a knife thrower kills he does not stab he throws the knife like this you seem a little bit unnerved today [Music] and you are looking for someone Monsieur no no I I just couldn't resist the temptation to see an artistic work oh if you're interested in paintings come in oh thank you not a bad copy of an old master is it Monsieur No Oh judging the photograph ah I call it absolutely perfect even to its aging ha that is the art of making a true duplicate well it's not for my conscience I could many times before have sold the reproduction like this as an original well if you're that honest you might tell me why you spend your time making copies when you can paint originals you are an American now you're not that's right then you will understand for many years I paid originals and I starve now I paint copies and I eat well I guess the price you get from one of these must be really something then huh oh no they do not pay zero so much the people who make the big profit are the art dealer and the owner of the original well who are their customers mmm some little graphene companies in America they are given the rights to reproduce these masters on a royalty fee oh I see and then we find their likeness on calendars and in books and magazines my mama see now you understand why they need an artist like me the owner will not send them the real picture but to make a good little graph you must perform a painting and not a photographic copy well obviously these are not copies ollie no but what I can sell them for today we not even pay for the materials well I'm sure things will improve and they tourists are coming here again that's what we all waiting for Paris without its visitors is like an oasis without water oh what a beautiful girl hmm mignon she's an angel so sweet so happy Sookie but now she is in great trouble yeah trouble well she married worthless idler who turned out to be a lunatic have you not read in the papers about our each other oh the man who killed his father mignon she is his wife you talk like you're in love with yourself - no mananas - love her oh but then there are many others just as beautiful just as charming and after all how could he prove man like me support a wife oh I was only jesting but supposing it were the case and mignon were also in love with you but you see what might be said you're right Monsieur I talk too much don't let it worry you I'll have to be running along now thanks for letting me come in before you go Monsieur is there perhaps some item here you would care to own maybe a good replica like that or certain more your friends they will believe it to be an original away you said that wasn't for sale I do not mean that particular one but I can make you another just like it oh wait maybe we'll be thrown one of these well it's it's really too hard to tell from a photograph then you must come to chaperone a zone with Santa jack that's what the paintings are but you must come tonight because tomorrow he will ship them to New York you can make a rural selection there and then would we produce it for you cheap look I won't promise but if I can if I can make it out people oh please do not disappoint me I'll be waiting for you until 8:00 like a real girl here's your dress yes thank you goodbye oh please you're Monsieur Beauvoir dr. RV I'm so happy I didn't miss you forgive me for coming without telephoning first oh well that's all right I hope you didn't have to wait too long oh no not at all where could I talk to you privately I have something very important to discuss with you well come up to my room with your life I thank you very much after you may see your hat may I offer you some refreshments oh no no no I must refuse that the penalty I have to pay for being a lawyer all I have left in life are briefs analysis oh well for the elsens I can suggest a very simple prescription relax and forget your briefs setup today thank you are you sent for me today when I got there I found him a terrible state of mind yeah one of his slow spells again I suppose exactly his wife was with him in the visitors room he sent for her to doctor Otway you will find this difficult to believe or he wants his wife to divorce him he said he doesn't want her to carry the stigma as the wife of a murderer what doesn't he realize that if she divorces him she look forward any possible claim to his father's estate I pointed that out to him but he seems to be so convinced that he's going to be a judge same at the time of the murder and convicted that he says the entire estate will go to some relatives anyway and the cousin in Canada whom he didn't see for 20 years suddenly will find himself a rich man Hey I don't believe already killed his father odd way I could kiss you for dead have no fear I'm not the emotional type but I agree with you there are several others who had as good a motive or even better such as Maurice the girl's father Giroux performance treat her they would indeed benefit if they were in collusion with me no that's really what you wanted to tell me what yes there Audrey you must be a mind reader no I'll let you in on a little secret I just called on both Maurice and Giroux you came to the same idea well did you find out anything no no nothing definite except that they both try to impress on me the fact that Ali is insane I wonder how a minion really fits into this picture [Music] I see you like to pace for you have the best table in the house thanks I didn't come to see the show I want to talk to one of your performers mean yours your dad me and you then where we miss I was DeLeon the defend of les become well wishes to converse with it did you wait right here [Music] for the actual second door to the left now see oh damn Sharda doctor Hardaway please come in I am sorry I wasn't home when you called today well I'm rather glad you're worth it it's not often my profession takes me backstage hi I love this atmosphere of make-believe everything that goes with it I hate it I hated it from the very first moment I stepped into this place this place you mean this is your first experience as a performer yes my father had a partner until six months ago when he was working in the Cafe de Monaco when that engagement ended and he could find nothing better than a jobbing in this rathole his partner left him I had to take your place to keep his boss from starving so Mary seemed the only way out oh is that when you became engaged to Antoine Giroux yes but I soon realized we're not suited to each other not suited was it because you met on Ray's yard I seem to better catch how did not marry only for his money I loved him deeply and I still do is that the only reason you didn't agree to the divorce he offered you today did all he tell you about that too please answer my question could there be any other reason oh yes yes money you know very well if Ari is a judge insane he can't be held responsible for the crime he committed when the state is settled you as the nearest of kin wouldn't benefit materially doctor Hardaway you and inspector ma have pretty well conclude in this case haven't you both of you as well as Monsieur delay seem definitely Nicole then always a lunatic well let me tell you this always as sane as you are and I will testify to that effect do you realize what I would mean to him yes if you were guilty but you're no ease and or you will not have talked to my father the way you did today you're right I hope you'll forgive some of the harsh things I said to you but I had to find out exactly where you stood will you help me prove that all Ray is saying even though it involves someone else very dear to you I wouldn't hesitate for a moment even if it were my own father but he's not the one believe me what makes you so sure about that I met him here not more than 20 minutes after all we had left to see his father did your father know about the marriage then no no and I had to do a little convincing to make him agree to it well the way he spoke to me today about her husband I don't think you succeeded anything well I changed his mind again seems always trouble started but that night he came home with me to welcome him as his son-in-law you know the rest but if your father a perfect alibi but what about your rule 20 who Oh even hurt a fly that isn't my impression of the man I don't think he stopped short of anything to get what he wants and I know he still wants you oh they calling for me to go on will you excuse me and doctor all the way don't let the inspector give up in their search for the real murderer and please stand by are we and me you can trust me I will goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I admit it was a good idea to let him mistake you for a potential customer but I still say that you should not have taken the risk of coming here tonight well I couldn't stop to worry about that after my talk with all reason wife I figured you are most likely suspect upper that very useless one now why couldn't that thief have picked another night to do his burglarize well yes I agree leo dr. Ravitch have you completed your examination multiple fractures of the skull death was instantaneous if you have fun with your investigation we will remove the body now go ahead but please notify me if anyone comes to claim it oh but certainly inspected by the year I think the first thing I understand you suffered a severe blow this year if you would like I would consider the pledge to examine your head well the inspector thinks I should have my head examined for coming here but no thank you everything's all right just just another swelling to add to my many bumps bonsoir Monsieur say yeah doesn't seem hard to you apparently nothing has been disturbed in this place I am we supper late I own this table where is the inspector inspector Milan Ivy Vova you have rendered Shabbat a great service you have caught the burglar no no oh but as far as I can see nothing has been taken and you may thank this gentleman for it Oh Monsieur fini Morris you may have seen two more tell me FC beaucoup thank you very very much it is indeed fortunate for me that you happen to pass my store just at the right moment know that there's no coincidence no I had an appointment to meet you here tonight he's here zebu you had an appointment with Leo oh yes didn't he tell you no he said you had to stay late to touch up one of the paintings I'm standing away tomorrow seems like Giroux had a slight touch of larceny what does he mean Monsieur he wanted to sell this man a copy of one of those pictures you intend sending away apparently without your knowledge she who would do that see who would do that oh no my origin is sincere yes he's a teef robber he had no right to make copies of my original copies I will fire him at once is it a little late for that she always dead we found his body back there when we arrived no no that cannot be I will not permit it she who is a fine man what will I do in all of France there's no artist like my poor hot one to make the perfect copies come Monsieur come with me I will show you his work you may judge for yourself is is feeling for life or for coloring and for beauty the copies the arc on every one of them stolen what will I do now my old life it is ruined compose yourself remember they were only cheap copies cheap copies Monsieur it was art it was great well it was almost impossible to tell the copy from the original yeah she's right I saw one of them at a studio today if they were that good then the burglar also must have mistaken them for the real thing and kills you when got in his way but the copies if they are sold the owners of the original we accuse me a fraud my own application it will be low and I don't worry don't worry the police will tell them that you are not to blame oh of course I forgot that I'm so excited I never think of it prepare a full description of those paintings and I will notify the robbery detail to contact you later oh thank you very much again thank you miss yeah oh hello there Leigh I suppose you heard about your rule oh I'm alright yeah I'm speaking from the Sheridan home I just discovered something of vital importance I cannot give you the details over the telephone but if you could come over here well yes yes I'd be glad to but if you don't mind I'd like to bring inspector morale along yeah well alright we'll be right over goodbye wait you look as excited as a schoolboy before a holiday when you hear what I found you'll be excited too when I was cleaning out Jordan strongbox this morning I found this amongst the other legal papers it's an old contract to change our den and minions father according to this Maurice owned some income property which he put up for a loan from Java what's the date of that agreement 33 14 years ago oh oh so the to and laws knew each other than a long time before the marriage anyone who would sign such a document is a complete fool unless you had engraved his trace see Maurice wife was an invalid taking care of her drained all his resources where did you get all this information from the butler he also told me something else a year before the war Maurice came back to repay the loan mr. Adair refused to accept it but why he claimed the grace period for repayment expired another property belonged to him but all this happened many years ago why do you think it is of any value now Maurice waited long for his opportunity finally it came a golden opportunity to avenge himself with the help of his daughter by killing them and letting Ori take the blame I'm certainly girl had nothing to do with it at all dr. Ollie you were taken in by a pretty face but let us say for the moment that minion is innocent that still leaves us Maurice of course he had the motive and more than that he knows only too well how to handle a knife I'm going to arrest him on suspicion of murder maybe you're right oh the lady is out we came to see her father you do that do not wish to see anyone he's asleep if you do not stop I shall call the police oh my goodness you I could not know but now that you do know could you unlock the door for us oh it must be a lair apparently develop could sleep through anything Laval get up he's dead looks like he died me sleep where does that leave us now welp see who and now mullets and he where our only suspect center a good day you know doctor all the way don't you yes hello sit down please I received this in the mail today it is postmarked the day before your father's dead you recognize the end writing yes it's my father's pair we did know it's not only confesses to the crime but also gave the motive he killed your dad we've been an old score and purposely led to blame for now he goes on to say that when you realize however but he's actually meant to his daughter he decided to tell the truth and then take his own life I don't believe a word did you believe this confession to be the truth yes I do in that case my names are there it is my duty to arrest you as an accomplice after the fact you lied when you say your father was with you at the time of the murder well before you commit her I'd like to have a word with you alone very well you may wait outside madam shall wait here until I send for her again you're a fine policeman morale but you're not a very good judge of human nature the girl originally told me the truth she lied to you just now and you still believed announcin said mices whether I'd attempted murder yes I'm sure of it you where do you get the coroner's report you are in whose report how can it possibly prove anything like that because I talked to the autopsy surgeon he farmer Reese had been suffering from an incurable disease why even it the best he only had a few months more to live or be that as it may I have a signed document in which Moyes admits his guilt and that's good enough for me to absolve Olli I'm not suggesting you take him into custody again he's not gonna run away all I want is a chance to prove my point I claim that we've been barking up the wrong tree but concentrating on the wrong motive would you mind being a little more explicit well I can't just yet but if you play along with me for anything to make you happy all right that poster guard at the Jordan home just to make certain nothing will be disturbed Oh me you hardly touched your food I'm not hungry oh please try what is it darling let me alone all the time I was in there I kept thinking of this place and you it didn't seem possible that anything could ever come between us nothing has it's just that you've been through a great deal you under strain you're nervous don't say that I'm not nervous I know exactly what I'm doing well we hadn't mean anything by it I guess I'm a little nervous nothing has changed between us I'm sure of it arie there is something what is it it's nothing no please are we all right then when I found out today it was your father who have to my father you don't believe that okay I don't know me alone who is it it's me dr. Ordway I hope you'll all mind a visitor this are I know please come in Oh No don't have me you're a rupture dinner we have already finished a list me is if you hadn't even started what's the matter mignon oh yeah and I had a misunderstanding it's more than that I just can't get it out of my mind minions father was a murderer if you're a finally the confession that was a hoax you can you about this how could I oh no no no you mustn't blame honoree he didn't know minion I'm sorry please forgive me I was a fool but doctor all the way we still don't know who killed my father have you after all I'm out out here you get that out of your mind I think I know a simple device to make the killer expose himself however I need your help we can hardly do anything you ask oh yes all right your father's will goes to probate tomorrow morning now as soon as the house and its furnishings have passed into your hands offer everything to be sold at auction 3,300 francs for this beautiful clock who will give me three thousand five hundred thirty-five three thousand five hundred is bid who will give me 3,600 3,600 3,600 I am offered three thousand six hundred francs who will give me three thousand seven hundred thirty-seven hundred three thousand seven hundred Frances Bean who will give me three thousand eight hundred that's an awful lot of money not for something I've always wanted who will make it 3,800 3,800 the American gentleman seems to be the only one who appreciates values here with any one give me 3,800 are you all true bidding so 3700 friends well you haven't make out my bill please I bought about everything I can afford no certain mom was you if you buy as much more he'll be able to open an antique shop but it'll never make a profit at the prices he's paying but darling you know your father left us hardly any cash if it were not for dr. always generosity we would realize very little from this auction we do not stay for the sale of our most important item well maybe I will if I must I have to wait too long oh it is the next on my list Madame's a Monsieur la PS there I see storms he's going to set it now an old master an original by the famous 17th century painter Emil borrow however before putting up this picture for bidding I want to welcome here to connoisseur of fine art mr. Brown and Monsieur or early this gentleman no doubt are interested in this beautiful piece of art and we'll want to bidder it to some extent therefore to facilitate matters for our American friends I will accept from them all bids in dollars at the present rate of exchange in conclusion may I say that because of the unusual value of this item I have been instructed by the owner to accept for a no bid not less than 2 millions 500 thousand francs or fifty thousand dollars American money fifty thousand dollars now see mr. Brown never seen an bid $50,000 who will make it fifty five fifty five thousand madam Jamis you are you trying to steal this picture do you realize what this gem is worth at least a hundred thousand dollars twice as much as I am offer so far more sure miss you O'Reilly will you not like to make a little bit better knock it down to brown I wouldn't give you $50 for it but this is most extraordinary I do not understand water if he knows what he's talking about that was my father's prized possession a man must be insane Brown you can take this for what it's worth but I think you're a fool dab it on something you know nothing about I took special care yesterday to examine this masterpiece while it was on exhibition believe me it is not an original but only a copy and I'll prove it to you would you please place that painting facedown on the table come on please please yeah I'll watch this brown well somebody please explain to me how a 17th century painter could have possibly used a canvas manufactured in 1927 [Music] never in all my experience have I found myself in such a position of course I am withdrawing this item from sale may I speak to you for a moment excuse me in a way this is really amusing I fail to see the comedy oh I am sorry you see I remember when the orders are then bought the picture it was just after the war and EP their ridiculous sum for that he thought he outsmarted the other fellow well I put on it'd be funny if he Chardin were here to realize that he was pleased unfortunately now the children are the losers that's what I wanted to talk to you about to help them out a little I'd like to put in a nominal beat for the copy well that's very generous of you miss you bleep war we miss you donate for sentimental reasons I'd like to put in a $500 bid for the reproduction a certain long if it meets with your owner's approval I can't allow that he has done so much from your writing or don't worry Andre he can well afford it I'm offered $500 for this any other bids sold $500 to Monsieur Dali I'll send the money to you as soon as I get to my office that will be fine could you please deliver it to this address without fail this evening Monsieur merci thank you sir delay that was a very nice gesture Binion and I are greatly indebted to you thank you very much please think nothing of it I we here Monsieur [Music] mr. Dooley yes sign here please yes [Music] I wouldn't do that if I were you delay that's the picture you have it is only a copy [Music] [Music] get up [Music] you really deserve a lot of credit the auction was a very neat trick it's gotten completely unawares don't forget that Brahma O'Reilly actually made it the great success it was Oh No that magic act of yours surpassed theirs by far where was a trademark actually on the canvas when I substituted the copy for the original I figured that'd give you something to worry about it no I I put it there after O'Reilly examined the picture and short meat was a phony I like a full plate right into your hands yeah you had no choice you were afraid unless you took that copy out of circulation the trail would eventually lead you through your connections with Shibani would it be material and irrelevant if I would ask you when did you first suspect the picture was the motivating factor in the case not at all mr. Turney well I visited Giroux he showed me photographs of paintings he's copied one of them happened to be short dies Giroux paid the price for his double-dealing deal there if I've just killed you all so instead of just knocking you out it would save me a lot of trouble now but what would you do with another corpse and this time in your own house don't worry I shall dispose of you if I am going to dispose of all the masterpieces of the late mrs. rule in the furnace move [Music] [Music] that's it all the way signal [Music] there's your man is your eminence boys only let scheme of viewers really turn to trick well it was the only thing to do with our flimsy case why you couldn't gotten a warrant to search his house come on let's see if we can't find your dad's original around here son and you know how much mr. O'Reilly family paid fight no $85,000 though they certainly knew a good thing when he saw it and he took advantage of the opportunity when it presented itself and that reminds me why didn't you tell us at the time you asked me to auction everything that you suspected him because I wasn't sure oh but I figured the sale of the picture would make the guilty man show his hand well we finally got a full confession from Tully he admits he killed your father when he caught him switching the pictures unfortunately you choose that night to quarrel with your dad and threaten him let me do job you suspect and the real motive for the murder was not a parent then what prompted him to act as my attorney knowing you a friend of mine he planned to have you plead guilty that would have closed the case for the police and put him on easy street but how you ever expected to get away with that substitution is beyond me god I knew that a copy existed in fact it was the only we suggested that he had that valuable old nursery produced and because he needed money badly well Jordan's decision to changes well gave delay the idea to snatch the original he figured that the fraud would never be discovered by the heirs but why did he keep Portwenn and steal those other paintings sure who happened to be in his way when he went for the original which he had hidden at the store he stole all the copies to make it appear like a common burglary but how could he go in and out of Shibani so freely in the middle of the night it was a partner in the store as business was bad he took Shabani into that reproduction ID to make some extra money yes same I mean doctor what we you had made we said Bernie a very happy man since he has his copies back now Shabani makes you very happy also for you the he wore the magnifique well thank you but what is it it belonged to Napoleon he used it to keep his feet warm in bed when it was cold at night this bar [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: D D C
Views: 465,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic movies, public domain, black and white, black & white, oldies, classic, movies, 40s, crime, action, adventure, stabbing, cabaret knife-thrower, knife-thrower, crime doctor
Id: 0VUaMQuYe6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 26sec (3986 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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