The Creation of Eorzea - Myth & Reality - FFXIV Lore

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this video contains main story spoilers from ff14 shadowbringers to end Walker aortzia was the first realm added to Final Fantasy 14. and from there where our story would begin but more than that it's our home regardless of new lands and Realms that we discover we always find ourselves back there aorzi is a realm steeped in myth and Legend and the tale of its creation is one that has fascinated people for a long time let's go over the creation of aorzia according to myth then dive into the truth of the Realms passed according to mythology in the beginning there was nothing no land sea Sky no light and no Darkness it was a void endless empty however one thing did exist a swirling Vortex of energy its name was the world for time unknown for time did not exist yet did the world remain until one being naked and new emerged from its Center this being was out thick and with his emergence did time first begin to flow he would then be known as Altec the keeper and the element of Earth was his alone he was the keeper of change in space and the god of time he carried with him the weight of what was to come and with this weight where the lands of the Realms and firmaments laid down time passed new as it was but for althek it would be time spent alone that was until the world brought forth yet another like him this new being was not more than a crying babe who could do not more than weep tears these tears collected on the land below and formed a vast Lake this was namir who would be known as the spinner goddess of fate and Watcher of celestial bodies her element was that of water I'll take sore and her companionship in this empty realm and took namia under his wing and raised her as she grew so did the love they felt for one another the time would come when they would be joined together the union of which resulted in the birth of two daughters the first was a zameter warden Keeper of the Sun and goddess of inquiry who commands the element of Fire the second was manfina the lover Keeper of the Moon and goddess of love whose element was Ice from their arrival into the realm what the cycle of day and night be born the cycle of light and darkness would begin and continue on at a later time yet another being would step forth from the world this new arrival would be known as daliak The Scholar upon entering the realm he took interest in the silent and unchanging Lake created originally by namia with his command of the element of water he coaxed it to life making it spread for to carry its blessed Waters to all corners of the realm giving form to the first Rivers daliak would therefore be known as the ruler of rivers and wisdom and the god of knowledge Dima found herself drawn to thaliak and professed her love to him their Union would result in the birth of two daughters the first would be Lim Lane who commanded the element of wind she would take the waters left by her grandmother the Mia and would form the Seas of the world she would bear the title of limb Lane the Navigator Watcher of the Seas and goddess of navigation the second daughter was nafika she would find her early years to be a lonely experience to remedy this she created her own Playmates and by doing so brought forth life into the world she would thus be known as nafika the matron tender of soils and harvests and goddess of abundance the element of Earth was under her command with these seven deities the realm would begin to grow all by itself as life spread to every corner of the realm walking the land carried by the water and thriving in the seas conditions proved just right for the emergence of another deity the others did not know where he came from however for the world still remained dormant his name was oscon and whereupon the realm he walked did hills and mountains rise from Level planes as they Rose to Heights both great and small cold winds flowed from their peaks to the warm Seas below and Back Again carrying life from the land and sea into the sky for his nature he would come to be known as Oscar The Wanderer he was the ruler of mountains and God of Wanderers and vagrants the element of wind would guide his path Oz Khan continued his wandering ways sharing an elemental Bond and for her love of the wind Lim Lane would be drawn to him but due to his ever wandering ways they were never together long and thus never had children of Their Own with the coming of uscon a balance had been struck it was a time of great creation but also great chaos as uskhan wandered mountains would rise and fall before him daliak's Rivers continue to grow and wind their way through the realm and Lim Lane Seas continue to expand swallowing the lands before it or exposing more the chaos was in need of order to balance it nemia as The Watcher of celestial bodies guided a comet from the heavens making its striped around below this act would destroy the excess her children created bringing a Harmony to all of creation there is another deity that would appear soon though his exact Origins are not fully understood I speak of relgar the Destroyer breaker of Worlds and God of destruction who commands the element of lightning given that he's known as an attendance in emea it's implied that she was the one that created him in her role as the spinner though it's speculation on my parts I feel that ralgar was given life informed by the comet that namir herself brought forth it would make sense given his title of Destroyer life would flourish and the realm would prosper in the calm that followed the destruction the daisy gods were content in the order of all things under their watch this calm would last for a long time until one day the world would awaken once again from its dormant Slumber and bring forth not one but two deities the first was Byron got the Builder purveyor of architecture and Industry who commands lightning the second was his sister hallone the fury who commands the element of ice is the Mover of glaciers and the goddess of war at first the other deities feared for the peace they managed to attain with two more deities on balancing the scales and so namir would make them the wards of ralgar [Music] was a builder by Nature hence his name rolger could only teach him about the aspect of Destruction however so bio-regard would also spend time learning from taliak The Scholar he bestowed upon him the knowledge and wisdom he craved so we could fashion the tools and techniques of creation helone however was much more open to welger's teachings but even she would grow Restless seeking an outlet to test her strength the opportunity came when uscon seeing her desire invited her for his next Journey to the realm as they traveled what started as ambition would be transformed and forged into a lust for battle she challenged every creature that crossed her path which allowed her to hone her skills and develop new combat techniques this wanton destruction of life however brought forth the discourse namiya had tried to avoid not forget the matron found out about heloney's slaughtering of many of her creatures angered she swore revenge on the fury but haloni would ignore her which caused a rift between them that would only continue to widen oscon for his part in stoking this battle lost in heloney felt responsible to nafika and quickly came up with a plan to appease her within the mountains of his creation he would draw forth great volumes of magma which would spill forth upon the land as this magma cooled it would come together and take on a new form this was the creation of now tal the Traders their element would be that of the fires that created them oscon decreed that now Tao will be the overseer of the underworld who would oversee the souls who met their demise and provide them with peace in the afterlife naltal would later also take the title of God of Commerce with Nal Dal nafika's Creations when they died would no longer have to wander the void aimlessly which was something which satisfied her and she would thus make a truce with heloney with Nal Dal by their side the pantheon of The Twelve would be complete they had brought forth a realm where life could be born die and be reborn with a cycle that would endure this satisfied them greatly enough that they felt they could end their toil but first they required a new realm of Their Own one where only they would dwell so they could keep watch over their creation they then created the seven heavens and it was there that they finally retreated leaving the realm in the hands of their children the newly born races of aortia so that's the myth of aorzia's creation the truth as we have learned these past years is quite different once the world was whole and the Ancients as we call them considered it a paradise nonetheless their final days would arrive and the Ancients would Resort as summoning the Primal zodiac to stop it summoning him however required a sacrifice which was half their world's population even after zodiac culted the final days they again sacrificed half their people to bring order to their world which was now in a state of Chaos burned and changed beyond recognition [Music] this is where we get to aorzia the Ancients or more specifically their leadership in the convocation plan to sacrifice the younger races that were beginning to emerge on their star with the goal of restoring those they had originally sacrificed as we know now this never came to pass for heidelin was summoned and she sundered the world into the source and 13 reflections on the source and these newly created Reflections life and civilization would begin again haven't been given a fresh start this is how ayorzia looks on the source and this is northrant on the first note the similarities in land mass it's likely the other Reflections also mimic The Source in their Arrangements this also means that pre-sundering a theorist likely looked the same or even on a bigger scale the stories in midst of The Twelve stretched back thousands of years even during the time of the Allegan Empire the 12 were already ingrained in society in our own world most myths are based on truths but seen through the lens of those who wrote them it's like a person a thousand years ago seeing an airplane how would they even describe it except through the knowledge they currently have Science and Technology would be akin to Magic for people back then perhaps the midst of eorzi's creation have true ties to the creation of aortzia before and after the events of the sundering the Ancients had a Mastery of creation Magic the myth of the 12 creating eurozia could indeed be a reference to such power switch to fight comprehension this was when my light bulb moment happened as I read the creation of aorzi again I began to see much of what was written as metaphors of Real historic events in the ancient past the section where the twelve emerged and start to mold the world sounds just like what the Ancients did and shaping a theorist with Croatian Magic crafting the paradise they desired Croatian magic can not only create life but Shea pretty much anything the Caster desires or can imagine the shaping of the lands and creation of mountains would also apply when namir guided a comment of the world to destroy the excess our children had created it sounds like a perfect metaphor for heidelin and her sundering of the world the final sections of the text where the twelve are happy with creation as it is now left the realm to the Mortal races this could be a reference to The Disappearance of the ancients from the site of the younger races on aetheris after the events of the Sun during when the world was then left to them then you have smaller references like that of the underworld which we know as the Ethereal sea the Ancients also use the term underworld makes you wonder when the name ethereal C was created but that is the creation of aorcia myth and reality foreign [Music]
Channel: Wyrm Limion
Views: 1,371
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Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy 14, gameplay, final fantasy xiv gameplay, final fantasy 14 online, final fantasy xiv online, final fantasy 14 gameplay, wyrm limion, wyrmlimion, lore, history, endwalker, ffxiv endwalker, ff14 endwalker, story, main scenario, msq, ffxiv 7.0, ff14 7.0, eorzea, the twelve, nophica, the whorl, myth, the creation of eorzea, althyk, nymeia, byregot, azeyma, the first, seven heavens, ancients, hydaelyn, zodiark, nald'thal, menphina, halone, rhalgr, omphalos
Id: pxYNFhmJUtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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