The Craziness of Straydog | Part 2

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all right he's definitely picking homes we have the straight dog again at this this time we have ecoboost in dark age because i will do double bit x you ever dreamed about being a pro football player yeah when i said when i was a kid i was like i want to grow up and be football player matches united you know see i'm working from home and i'm making a thousand dollar an hour you can do it too that sounds like a great start of an ad i think i read about that one the other day so it actually works nice i hope manchester united signs me as a hm prize player i'm very happy at gl i mean if if manchester knocks on the door what can you do right why not twitch channel points because i don't think there is any value in offering twitch channel points for anything i don't see what benefits my channel would see from having channel points i don't think rewards will be good and fun for you guys and i just find it unnecessary obviously a streamer can earn a lot and especially when you come combined like uh that there's income from youtube from twitch you have donations you have sub revenue from twitch there are tournament wins when you win a tournament of high caliber obviously the salary has a spike for that month and then whatever sponsors you have and such there's income revenues from a lot of angles or avenues with as a streamer and like the income can vary a lot from month to month but um i mean you can just take a look at my sub count and you will understand that i i do make enough for a decent living simple as that and i've always been open but i've been open and i'm very fortunate in my position especially now doing corona and everything and i'm very fortunate in my job didn't get hit by any corona restrictions or anything like that always very very thankful for for for that whether it's worth or not there's a whole different story i'm also missing two ships though i think don't forget your legacy fans of course we've seen some good lessons for that over the last couple of days only people do like a full yolo of you like forward again he also has played like normal just like scouts into what not super aggressively so he does that as well but i'm not sure how aggressive he will go astral thank you for the six months i still have a loud beeping noise in my ear go away beeping noise okay it's gone oh there were my ships [Music] i can't go up yet yeah also okay he just clicked up so he's doing a 20 pop-up or it could be like queued up after another villager but i don't think so i think it's trying to pop up yeah with streamers as well is like wise b dot last one gave some crazy donations right suddenly my income for that month took a big spike it's it's there is no typical salary month for streaming it's very much varied [Music] indeed you have tinnitus i don't it happens very rarely what does that mean so how do i want to fight him this time we can do like this because we have a safer stone there i got a tower up there i can eat that stone you know it's coming yeah it's definitely something going on here [Music] i wonder oh look at that i think that's a tower i allow that's why i also didn't want to commit on the second alarm camp yet because i will i will have to move that from the camp yeah this time we're gonna have more of a response to ourselves with our own units that is still haven't had to make our own defensive tower which is good an option to go up here for stone and [Music] gold now i have to make a decision if i want a counter attack because i have enough scouts to make a really solid counter attack here do i count attack or do i go for defending i think i will go for counter attack we'll try to minimize our damage though obviously at the same time i wouldn't mind fighting a little bit okay that's um that's a tower i'm going to counter tower yeah this will be action-packed there's gonna be a lot of stuff happening now oh nice pickles annoying part about these towers is that they also hit my my farms i'm gonna send these scouts forward as well with six scouts i can i can really do a good good amount of i can fight spears what i'm trying to say oh he has a lot of spears though maybe send some skirmish forward i have enough to do a defensive there's a stable i'm gonna send this guns forward still very risky you're towering my woodland here oh there it is this is dicey stuff right here all right let's go there's enough scouts though probably to fight me here [Music] looks like elsa is going to compete for that one with that villager i don't think that's gonna work [Music] i have spears another tower i might counter tower that [Music] kill go inside there we go [Music] well that's a good clear-up you can say is he just going to go castle now would be the next question like i'm thinking now he just greets up and goes castle but then again i'm also thinking it's stray dog we have armor here should be a good fight for us it's not on gold there yeah straight up he plays like this every game this is pretty much his uh this way of playing edgeman purse and blame him i can imagine this being really fun but playing only like this oh he has advantage in the long run here because he gets bloodlines for his scouts he has armor now as well no bloodlines okay nice for him for gold okay i think i'm just gonna go to cast stage oh he's going forward we will lose more here trying to wall everything i think i'm going to go back make sure i take as little damage as possible because i'm still fairly open compared to him live oh that's i guess we just kill those no bloodline still at this position where we don't have i don't want to do more farms now because i i'm not about to click up and i don't have horse collar it also feels wrong to not use the villagers to collect food i don't think town watch is necessary because i already know pretty much everything that's going on so thomas would be overkill at this point guys look there's a second forward the first forward fails i think the second one looks like he's still going full fuel is right this guy man [Music] gotta love it [Music] [Music] a lot of unnecessary damage here potentially actually [Music] how to survive this you have to envision how you will save how you can save your economy that's not oh my god i opened up well that's gonna be a pain but well it's gonna be a lot of deadls painful very painful you're still going full tilt ledge though we will obviously have attack advantage here to the point but we should be able to stabilize still but yeah that was uh very unnecessary did i just drop a castle here i think i'm made trust me you will continue this the rest of the game i mean we're gonna have cavaliers to stabilize the economy and we're fine cast is also unnecessary i think but rather safe than sorry let's make one character kill those guys looks like a campaign [Music] i think i can just work on his tables and that it should be fine like that i forgot that i was waiting there my coastal here how expensive are they 55 55. it could be a good unit here you ask me about the economy situation right now i think we should be slightly ahead um it's going pikeman he's just going python like midnight we use knights to chase down pikeman to chase down his knights and probably just get equal up and running here we go again boys it never stops it never stops you haven't really used the cousteau after the nerf buff i don't really have a general sense of how good they really are i'm not curious how he chooses to follow this up now will he just go what will he do you should expect him to just go full yola somehow it's really hard to imagine as well yeah cabbages is probably his best option right now but then i can also just continue with like cavalier if he goes cavewatcher pikeman that's that's definitely something i feel like he has to do something right i cannot just sit knowing that i probably have a better echo than him what he took the relic oh my god you cannot allow that it was a relic right in front of my face you just took it oh my god got a forecastle oh my god this guy this guy man i love it probably just fight here castle will go up we did some damage in this eco as well the issue with this is that i i am now idle like a lot of my eco is now idle what is happening there hello why are we not killing this so that was in the end i think a really good move for him but he also has an issue in that his eco is likely complete shambles doesn't look like the other town's nurse looks like he went for the full yolo which means he went for one tc bush okay they're really bad after they use their charge they seem really bad after that probably don't want to go there because he has vision okay i'm making petars here kill it boyd lay's eggs i think if we take that castle down we should have this game won i think that has to be our main focus i will continue to go close to there though i want to see it wait no no i need to make the cards what am i saying we need eight i remember correctly eight is the magic number he's going for a round push is now focusing on the villagers now we're fine seems good to me that works for me i should i want to play really safe i would add a manganal here i'll try to defend with units guitars eat castles even after like a feudal age that wasn't really i wouldn't say it was unsuccessful it wasn't as successful as you would have liked it still follows that up with like complete blind i wouldn't even call it blind like it's just blind aggression with no logic or little logic behind it but he just doesn't care man he goes for it oh what are we doing there one-shotting university [Music] i think there is no way for us to lose this game logic it's war game man i don't think we can lose this game anymore [Music] right now he's kind of keeping us off of gold though [Music] we got tc up there we're gucci why not hand cannons i'm not sure if you are familiar with the game but hand cans aren't available in the castle age hence why no hand cannons yeah this should be safe to go up now blaming the flemish revolution a little bit tempting they too shot that nice yeah i'll go in and go for flemish evolution i'm just gonna get ballistics and i'll idle everything let me go for flemish evolution let's do that okay now we idle everything i actually have five theses what what kind of boomer am i doing the deals and inflammation i think if we wait that long we won't get to play it i think the only way to get to play them is to go in and do it now let's go for a big night switch the flemish have bonus damage against that should be fine don't kill him on slimp that's kind of gonna have to be the play here we should probably add more town centers to up the flemish militia production wait what is it i can make spanish militia from my castles right now from from town center okay from townsend yeah it's all good all right it's true you're right you're right about that i just love how he just doesn't care right he doesn't care if they have a castle there if i have town centers i have castle two towers and a town center he's trying to kill wills he doesn't care man i love it guys do no hanker and those upgrades shouldn't affect i'm gonna lose that cc possibly i'm losing all those car washes that's for sure what how oh my god how did they get on garrison what did i do what did i do okay we need flemish revolution then my bills can fight and save their save the towns by themselves i must accidentally i'm in here 800 food oh my god that better be worth it i'm gonna be i'm gonna have zero villagers you know they're now they have 100 military rights all right let's see how this goes not bad not bad ggs uh these guys have good attack against buildings as well if i do arson i think i just i think i just clean up everything right he has no setup to make rangers or cavaliers to deal with this so no matter what this will clean up everything look at seat workshop forward everything is three zero shots forward three different positions in the on the map this guy dj khan thanks for the prime chaos thanks to one of bits wish you all the luck man i am sure you're earning well already i hope you buy a porch soon thanks man appreciate the bits estrell thanks for that six months they taken away the bonus damage to cap i still think they should just take away the whole upgrade man and change that into something else timeline looks funny though it's still it's such a meme strat though it's like when you like i've always said i said it's from the start of the introduction of this this uh technology the second this technology is researched the game ends one way or another either you win the game or you lose the game of course it might take a minute or two for you to lose the units but it's like either you win the game we lose the game and i don't like upgrades that have that type of impact
Channel: TheViper
Views: 25,483
Rating: 4.9431615 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: UGboYe-JA-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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