AOE2:DE | TheViper vs 1 & 2 Extreme AI

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so we're gonna play against the extreme AI of the definitive edition as you can see all the settings here remember to stand there I get to look standard Arabia game with a testing of the extreme AI from hom press to tough intubation I am NOT try to empire were snow so I'm going random saved I'm leaving the AI with a random self as well even though we mostly have played a new civilization so far I think we also would like to see how the old civilizations look so yeah I'm just gonna jump in and start playing against the extreme AI so I wishes look I'm not sure how good they are we're gonna find out we're gonna start against one and if it's too easy against one or I don't like even gonna beat it but if it's too easy against one then we'll play against two and we'll go on and on until we lose probably so where else further ado dart game boy oh boy oh boy pressure so we have nice against Franks what a civil win for them full sibling let me know about game volume how the balances as well for you guys not sure how I feel about it nummies music so far it's annoying music too loud really all right now there's barely music so unless the music goes ham again we'll keep it a disc for now you can see my enemy though that's good debatable if it is music I can as well you just still talk a lot yes they're cueing of villagers on sheep is kinda it's actually really helpful to make sure you have efficiency so good this time again guys most music starts going nuts if I should lower it or not I presume the other stuff is fine because I don't see any comments about that graphics are such a breath of fresh air I love the graphics as well look really good do I not see a boar yet I do see a boar anyone I already cured it kudos we'll just to shoot this boar once that runs out once the Sheep runs out so let's see how that works and lion with Paris so when this code runs out they should start shooting the boar right away there we go beautiful beautiful thing is I don't I don't really trust this mechanic 1% yet so I'm gonna always be double checking that it's actually working but once I get comfortable and feel like I feel like this is really good then I will start just letting it like doing it quick and not even paying attention to it right now I'm always double checking everything hey why pair don't you think the D it will not be a popper because most ears have all PC not powerful enough graphics I'm pretty confident that they will optimize the game or that the game will be optimized enough depth that it should not be a problem of course I don't know for sure but I just can't imagine the game not being playable for the audience right it can't have such high demands that again it's not playable right this is my opinion but I'll just come we're just gonna have to trust the devs in this not really much else to say so we are up against the Franks score wise we're looking pretty good so far so not sure if we have any indication yet of how good they are but I'll probably do something like a brush into archers sort of approach don't remember if what was the changes I think Vietnamese now have husbandry as well yeah that is correct and there was one more thing I think they made paper money cheaper I think those are the changes that the Vietnamese have if I'm not mistaken those are the balance changes to the Vietnamese now yeah paper Murdoch I think paper money is now 500 and 300 would instead of 802 and 200 gold I remember correctly that's can IQ a garrison Oh sick you can cure a garrison that's so sick man that i cued the villager to garrison once the borer ran out that's cool to say the least happy Woodman my am I completely forgot to do my militia build there are my Josh that I was going to do so we have to switch to a few late approach now there and then there Oh too late guess I'm doing a rush or minimums first now hold it part of the plan I presume the sound volume is fine start for checking on so often but since I want to upload this type of content to YouTube as well I do want to make sure the sound is decent rainbows are back really I'm dropping quite a bit of frames I'm sorry about that I might change and remove faster at house I might remove faster in right after this game changed that hopefully the screen tears aren't too bad and what she will still for you guys just lets hindering my melons rush a little bit but hey ho why is the TC glowing it's because it's a researching fuel age when a your building is researching something it was tasty they do quick Falls or something when a town center is Reese or something is researching something it will have a glowing effect so we'll add to our changes as well prepare arm and arm swish the micro did micro oh boy well you guys going I don't think that Watchtower is gonna work out for you okay so far this game seems over so one AI of extreme does not seem to be too powerful making some strange decisions they are as well as you can see on top left as well that is also a command like a global queue so you can see what units are being produced right now okay so not very impressed with the level of the AI so far I think this will be a very quick one look at score I am looking at sport and it's looking very good so they are in the fuel a building a barracks right now they meet at our [Music] twitter firing back i was wrong with you guys don't fight i'm alarms go to brave not that one how the lion the lion boys Simba Mufasa don't do this don't do this poor lion it was built the mills are so annoying hope to fix that what do you mean okay I wish we had humans now so we can make zero shops and just end the game because they are pretty good I don't like to brag but I think we should probably wait for flexing to do maximum damage I think you guys are running the wrong way Town Center has got away especially research can we get this guy probably not and these guys are brave standing out first talking what why do I have villagers here I've no idea why I have villages there but okay doesn't look too extreme yep right now I'm not all impressed by the level of extreme AI but yeah they have a stable so good job long distance mining no no chopping trees I will idle my town soon now another thing guys watch tourists have less HP only has 700 HP now oh boy this is dinner served 700 HP nose of watchtowers are way worse than they were which I like again it encourages units rather than buildings to fight with hopefully the volume is fine for you guys again sorry that I keep repeating it it's just what's on my mind I'm sure something else guys see up here it shows the number now how many villages are idle so right now you can see we have two villages idle because there's number two there what I need to do to make them resign I mean game is obviously clearly over I'm gonna surround the town center then kill we're looking forward to playing Vivian in history of course okay Vietnamese still pretty loud by the sounds of it sounds strange why are you there I'm being attacked by spam we go again are they trying to fast cast or something because they're not making any fuel Asian it's what I should loosen my Verger oh I could What did he say I could not build a bond or in the dark age no Vonda Tolbert victorious i shat appliquéd abdicate so that was the extreme AI and a 1/1 they didn't put up too much of a fight that is not in a futile age I wonder me I'm wondering if they try to go to Castle eight straight away confusing stuff anyway that was the only one against extreme AI we're gonna carry on I'm gonna attempt to do a one versus two as well for next time and maybe I won't worse is three one versus four maybe even make it all the way to one versus seven we will find out let's check the stats quickly economy yeah they're just like way behind on everything what stole the fuel is as well it's definitely a fast cast and build so yeah they lost this Scout early as well don't know that makes a difference but yeah either way what you guys enjoyed I'll see you guys for the next one so back at it we're gonna play one versus two against AI you can see all the settings in front of us pretty much the same exact same settings as the last one last one wasn't didn't prove to be too challenging but we're gonna try now Wong vs. - we should give them a little more time to build up at least one of them um but I do predict that this one is also not gonna be too difficult so we're just gonna go ahead and start the game again we're gonna go random save I would like to go through all the sales by a chance I don't want to pick six so see golf only thing I would reconsider restarting was if we got Vietnamese again but we're God so all good we can do some metal arms play again wait the Gov always have this infantry plus one attack against buildings I have never never noticed that before did they always have that since HD ok learning new things every day and it comes on goth practically being nervous by everyone getting supplies and them not getting anything I think it's completely fine because supplies like when is got the problem they are a problem in the post-imperial age when they can spam units non-stop do you ever go infantry to counter goth in feudal age in Castle age if you guys you're never gonna do supplies to counter golf in the castle age you might do supplies but still you have you have to actually upgrade that and that means that you're already making it you probably don't really want to make so honestly I don't think supplies it's a problem it's a big investment and it's probably a big step for people to actually make the switch to to make infantry so I have no problems whatsoever with the supplies if anything is gonna make more infantry being built I still don't think it's gonna affect the game too much but I like it a lot these ostriches look really good honestly they're actually looking really really nice look at this bad boy looking good my butt my dudes goth do not get supplies but they already have 35% cheaper in countries so it's not like they need supplies they had supplies there'll be redonkulous okay right so far so good yes when you go to the board you finished up and go to bore some showing off some cue commands there then I had to and I had to manually drop off resources group which raise are using I'm playing at the Gaul as the golf right now while we are up against the Teutons and the Spanish we went random so all good game is running very smooth for me really enjoy the game so far hopefully a phone release game will be running good for all you guys as well so I'm think about going full infantry here just like full minute arms in fuel age and transition to Castle age don't think I should have a problem with that an extremist showcased the person also changed nope so if I remember correctly the person or person our change was pretty much dead they don't cost gold was it was a debt was it that cost like that gold cost transitions to a two would cost because it just doesn't cost gold okay I haven't seen that an accident yet the only thing I think we'll see what that is probably that cross women are gonna be used more in post-imperial age for like when you're out of gold and they're moving to bowl here I think when you're out of gold you will see more cross women from Persians besides that I don't think it's gonna change too much so we know where our opponent to read the pawn this year two barracks you guys are done go to that or you guys are done go to that my goal is nicely in the back look at all this queuing loom futile age villager too shabby not sure why my overlay is a little bit off are you kidding me the disrespect of this guy I'm not sure why he's stuck in that site okay I'm telling want small trees as well they said preferably he's a more wood what did I want to do here I wanted to check something I do not remember what what was I just talking about I think about a unique pathing de honestly seems completely fine so far and where it's improved from before I can't really tell what I've not really had any issues so far I have completely forgotten what I wanted to check here still see enemy units using building foundations I don't know [Music] I waited until I was in futile age to get the use of the cheaper infantry bonus its microing easier or harder on the e4 now I would say it's harder because I'm not used to the animations in such yet but I think is that two or one three years - right I want need - I'm buying my tombow it's mostly because I'm not used to the animation do you think enemies should be able to see glow when building is upgrading something don't think it makes that much of a difference it makes it gives more value to scouting so maybe yes okay both time it's futile age remove out an attack blue first thank a score is just lower because he lost his Scout earlier wait that's blue Scouts maybe didn't know I'd like to make a blacksmith quite soon because I want to get up question oh what's terrible Jarrell doing their power to try arts I don't understand why they're fighting back is not worth it skirmishers that's the great news for me let's taste looking pretty pretty good already not the smartest on the micro either this AI it's the music or sound too loud guys it's fill out my ears so I'm also the word that is to help you guys do some damage here already I think we can use patrol these things or to read good here okay mine's sounds perfect alright a bit too loud it's loud music represent last music I'm buzzing here trading goods and well I'm moving forward I gotta get used to look over there to see if we have idle villagers that's one of the things to have to get used to I think will take a long time much fresher or enemy units to me others this one tower that's about it I was gonna trade her they don't make any units it looks like only thing I've seen so far has been some scams looks like we might have to up our ante a little bit here don't think two of them is enough either but looks of it so I think maybe next time I go for and mm make it a one versus poor maybe mister not really proving to be much of a challenge at the moment considering how extreme it sounds doesn't feel that extreme just yet getting so much value of this micro blocking this yeah nice oh boy christmas came early let's go only a skirmish on this side so my mine arms still do very good very well just gonna go to castes and try to end the game they're fast it's going to finish the market right so cannot queue attack okay oh is castle age you can make you attacks okay we will mix in some pikemen as well cuz ready some casters are making Knights we don't like that as we see now they're all moving like sort of similar paths if you click alt and click they all collect and group on the remoter right here they will all follow their own path but if I click with alt they will it's not really showing here but if it's like all hold alt when you're clicking they will all meet up at the very spot so quite peaceful still skirmishers I'm fine with that click boss the Beast nice good stuff I want to make a foreseeable shop on red give me a little bit of gold please I'm not gonna make any counters because I just want to get enough army out there to kill them immediately because oh wait that's the wrong one that's why also mrs. game used to play it when you were young you can that's the same for a lot of us men a lot of us played it when we were young and it's still going so strong to this very day game is going strong there's competitiveness there's tournament to pick prize pools LAN events this is about a good a time as ever to get involved get back into it as I should do arson it's a night here okay so blue is to a few layers red is Castle age but we have Pike now good-looking black man might add an attack you think do you think there will be played in the competitive scene you think de will be played in comparison or is he not good because of the high power nice I think as long as tourneys are hosted in de that's where competitive play is gonna be happy it all depends on what Microsoft invests into and where the big tournaments are so looks like this game is post on and honestly we're gonna crush red now okay like buildings you can cue command we cannot to command killing units on the building this again we have a Spanish and making full spearmint and skirmisher hope to improve networking code that one of the biggest improvements I've seen so far is the networking code I mean I've been playing with people from all around the world I played an 8 game player in the beta where were pairs from China from America from rooms everywhere and it was pretty much like playing Europe only game on gublin with the delay was barely any delay at all why did I only have a hundred stone I haven't built a town center why did I only have a hundred stone why won't you use reset queue thingy and I want to have my wood invested where like I probably use it for late-game but it's not as I'm in the feud laser early game I will want to be able to have more control or my wood solder ah maybe a solder camp would make sense like if I want to make a battering ram yeah oh if I want to make a battering ram and then they keep constantly with farming right then I will not be able to get a better enough battering-ram out they constantly keep remaking farms we don't want that okay let's take that out a lot shorter we will be optimization and performance improvements all the time guys as well so shouldn't worry about that this ramp seems bugged I have clicked it to attack but it's not at a Technical Center now it is here's something there was strange Henry the lion has resigned good riddance carry on will dominate Jaleo of Asturias here yeah I think people will turn down the graphics when they're playing multiplayer I for sure will probably use one of the lower graphics settings when it comes to multi-purpose performance and also it's probably easier to see things in general if it's not too much too many graphics on it we're just gonna run in there I think [Music] fetching some tungsten just okay but try I have arson as well so I think we should be able to take the town Centurion with justice well my first early when PC games were in the giant box good time Viper what's your favorite ship best honestly I'm not sure if long I know how to play more with a new series before I can make up my mind on what's the best Civ but favorite civilization wise competitively probably Mayans or Franks while most favorites to play probably Coomer or any sale would come or a lie to make scorpions and Portuguese prowling they have some special units and bonuses that I like to okay this is weird pass things I submit that passing is quite strange stay filter inside of Townsend right now but okay I'll take it okay Pelayo of my story us did you hear me have you heard me Pillai oh hello I repeat I have power here hoped max brings Berberian to de we'll see I hope that as well so extreme one versus two AI not that tough either so I think our next challenge is gonna be a 1 vs. 4 will double the stakes add two more players to the fray and see if that will bring more of a challenge we'll check out statistics quickly don't think there's too much to see here honestly you can pause the video at any time if you want to see something in more detail actually a decent amount of villagers thinking of one versus four I would probably have to do more economy focus I cannot go full military like I did now so yeah we'll see right that was one versus two against the extreme a I hope you enjoy it I'll see you guys next time for a one versus four
Channel: TheViper
Views: 147,608
Rating: 4.9469495 out of 5
Id: HI_egMwL5_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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