My First Major League Fishing Event | Lake Okeechobee Pro Circuit

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not sure how this tournament's gonna go because because of the way uh last day of practice i wake up at five in the morning for every day of practice i wake up i get out of the bed you know how it is when you just wake up first thing you do when you wake up and get out of bed is go straight to the bathroom right i go down get ready to lift the toilet seat up so i can do my business lift the toilet seat up i feel like i'm dreaming because i've been sleeping all night i get up i don't know if i'm wake or if i'm having a dream but i just know i'm looking down i'm getting ready to do my business i feel it coming and this kermit sitting in the toilet i come up with the great idea to flush him down the toilet i finished the toilet finished doing his thing i look in there he's still in there i don't know what happened but kermit is still in that house somewhere so wherever the homeowner is kathy i didn't get to take care of kermit i don't know if that's a pet or whatever the case i don't know if that's gonna be good or bad but all i know is i really don't like frogs at five o'clock in the morning when i'm trying to practice for a tournament [Music] got one rod left put up curious to see how this is gonna work out oh cause me like we got a bad relationship very toxic relationship we don't we we fuss and fight and body slam each other most of the time one being body slam but um i feel a little bit more prepared this time for some reason even though i was worried to death because now we have two days of practice years past we had three days of practice right before our cut-off and i was worried i was like oh god two days i'm not going to be able to find enough uh that's not gonna have enough time okeechobee's 600 000 acres that's not enough time to be honest with you thank you major league fishing for making it two days because i didn't have time to confuse myself i went to the areas where i know the fishing traditionally at and i sat down and i did my little thing figured out a few little bites here and there and that's all i got to go on i didn't have time to try to come to confuse myself and convince my uh you know my insecurities that there was something else better out there i got my one or two spots to go to and that's all and i feel fresh don't i look fresh look at me beard's crisp i got a lot i got up this morning i had enough energy to cut my hair faded sharp cuz look at me boy gq y'all got a senior boy invoice cause i'm gonna send you a bill starts tomorrow it's gonna be good [Music] all right so i tell them to be up at 4 30 set my clock up i'm up let's go check on my man to make sure he's not dead cameron cameron cameron he's not coming up he's not getting up good thing you do things a little differently on the vlogs this year um this year we're going to be doing uh documenting all the tournaments just like we normally do but it's going to be a little bit more better than what it normally does usually it's walking me walking around and uh doing what i do pointing the camera in my face like this and you either get it right really close to my face like that or as shaky or as oh cam's gonna help me with it if we can get him up cam i can't get him up out of bed but these videos are also sponsored by stanley this year so stanley is the maker of stainless steel coolers mugs flask cookware and like a bunch of cool stuff that you can like drink and eat out of so yeah i'll leave a link in the description box for stanley so you can check it out and we're gonna do a giveaway for every video everybody likes free stuff because you're always asking about it in the comment section well it's gonna be a year you're gonna be able to get all the free stuff you want to from stanley not everything that you want to but at least one person from every video that comments and follow stanley on social media you'll be able to get stuff like uh check this out i'm sure sure some of you granddad had like stainless steel cooler like that the whole green mug since 1913 they call it and uh you know like we've been cooking this week using something like the stuff that they use for camping that's isn't that cool that looks cool i don't even really cook that good but you gotta admit i'll just leave that on the stove i might even leave that for the homeowners when we get done with the house so check out stanley all right stanley pmi link in the description box oh does that mean oh that's cam cameron's out this is karen we gotta go man we got a tournament to uh to try to do good in try to win try to knock out this week should be fun let's go let's get it i got i got some snacks for us to eat today snacks were provided by stanley the fish today will be provided by stanley the oatmeal that i'm eating today is provided by the people at stanley kodak oats the breakfast of the bee lats i need a spoon first though [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] so it's actually a normal field 160 odd boats which is uh that's that's a lot of people but you got you know you got 600 000 acres to spread people out on but here's the thing it's not the 160 people it's the who is the 160 people i don't even really get into who i'm fishing against it's really uh really this is offensive sport right the only thing that matters is what you bring to the scale i can't do anything to stop anybody else nobody else can do anything to stop me that's what i love about fishing it's more like a home run derby everybody jumps up to the plate and they hit the ball as far as they can that's that's really what a fishing tournament is like but you know we got we got bassmaster classic champs in here uh we've got cup winners we've got aoy winners from both organizations here it's like dude you got some very experienced anglers and then you got brian lernerman comes along it's like five years in the game so it's a good place to kind of test where you are in the sport because uh you're fishing against people that literally have have been fishing never had another job all they've done is tournament fishing so this year you kind of get a good good uh get litmus of where you are in the sport and how well you compete because you're competing against some very experienced anglers you're pretty early right yeah i got here about uh probably quarter to six oh god good spot to park anyway you did find a good parking place yeah i sure did yeah that's not that uh that's not that easy yeah i think you're being filmed yeah of course yeah you got a room in your crew that's it yes right too he said i think you're being filled that'll be a thing first thing first i saw bill taylor the first time since i come back about 10 minutes ago hey bro how you doing i said hey bill how you doing where's that mlf sticker really bill but in the first five minutes of seeing you in a year you supposed to be the sheriff or something sit down because all right here we go 600 000 acre lake i'm about to fish about two spots for all day long i hope it goes well today i don't really know what to expect what's gonna happen but i'm just gonna go to my areas have fun and enjoy the day i'm gonna be intense y'all know i'm gonna be intense but i'm just gonna have fun enjoy the day and hope i have some laughs all right let's do this bucko be all jacked up like this and get to your first area and don't get a bite for four hours anybody can relate to that it's still exciting it's favorite part of the day favorite part of the morning [Music] do so what do you want he's a small one definitely a small one giant trd that wasn't that one couldn't have been a bass oh come on baby girl that's a big one dude that's a bass that's a big one oh god oh god that's a difference maker right there guys dude that might be the biggest mass i ever caught dude i said the hook on it was like oh daddy i thought it was like oh crap dude i was like do i got him yeah that's good for missing all the ones that i missed right oh crap dude that's freaking awesome all right right in here is where i want to that's a big that's a big sorry he was just sitting still i think i'm more nervous now i thought he was going to be big i still flipped it in that mother-in-law tongue it goes he looked like he was huge when he come up out here [Music] so [Music] [Music] what time is it five to one almost two minutes sure i have it did i hit him i thought he was to be 10 pounds i don't think he'll help i think i think look he just came back came too i knocked him completely [Music] unconscious have a hook together i kind of had him skin hooked on the inside yeah all right dang it he's a two pounder i might not be doing as bad as i thought two pounds [Music] yeah two quarters this is what you said it's about what you said i guess about 16 again somewhere 15 and a half 16. all right so day one i'll take that that big and saved me that big and really saved me i got one that's probably over seven or so what up jay so um caught a lot of fish today i already know it like dude my mind is already on tomorrow the day is over [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what it felt like too yes sir all right man latimer from belton south carolina brings that limit to the stage another man that has tasted championship love on this station before man i'm looking at it late seminole i don't even remember how many years ago it was like three years a year so it's like you know it's two years but it feels like a year i heard that man here is b lap with a limit and a good day one for you they got 16 pounds and 11 ounces right anybody bigger i need to wear a big one there is no doubt that the quality is here man 14 ounces to be left yes sir [Music] hey brian hey man how are you good to see you again yeah man good to see you too buddy yes sir let's go down 16. something 16 something that's a good day i'll take that man let's go down the boat get get something to eat today oh my god i can't believe i stood around today i'm compromised get over here so you can see it so you can see that no okay dude i looked down there i thought it was a piece of wood at first i was like yeah that ain't wood there dude and i like to keep up that pace that's going to be hard to do this crap's fun like catching them how i'm catching them today i could do that crap all day like that it's fun flip it in there hey cam you know how you remember that sound although we're making that sound bro when i hit that big one that six pounder he was so big he looked so big when he came up i thought i told my co-angle i was like i think i got a turtle because he like turned sideways and so you could see like all this gold brown flashes like that ain't ain't no way that that's a bass and then he came up his mouth so big like a freaking paint can or bucket when it came up that's why i called him a big mouth right but um that one that one went a long way today because without that one i probably weigh in see if that one was six that that big fish was like 6 14 i think so and i had 16 pounds but i still had four that weighed 10 pounds probably that's not too bad and i i went through a lot of fish today i caught i caught maybe i'm gonna say i might have caught 20. i don't know maybe i'm exaggerating y'all saw the video so i don't know maybe i'm exaggerating when you catch 10 it feels like 20 in the tournament but um you know like my stuff was working that's all you can ask for i'm just i'm so hungry right now i'm so hungry like i'm so hungry because i fished two spots today i never moved so like i've been standing up since i blast off [Music] [Music] [Music] needed straight out i didn't even get a plate says you get eight plus for me this rib eye dude look at this real look how thick this thing is i'm gonna just put them for here that is a ribeye cup and so i got food for cam and myself and the guy he kind of called out my total i was like he told me how much the food was i handed him my card but he didn't he didn't sense that the lack of confidence and when i handed my card i was like bro i hope that card go through for as much as you just told me the total was cause brother i was nervous buddy when he slid that card it went through but they might give me a call back in a little bit say sir uh looks like your uh credit card was post declined today my little boy just what's that what y'all do for y'all the floss what's my little boy oh i feel fresh this morning i might not look that fresh but i feel fresh i feel good oh god these cups right here see give me a fresh bagel braigle what is the heck is a brego let me get a good a good first bagel cheese bro incredible all right cuz bagel two gopros pockets point and shoot selfie camera youtuber go to truck let's go all right cam let's go let's go i need a couple three of the right bikes oh honestly i'll let them worry about how big they're gonna be i'm just gonna dive my little plastic around and you know in the garage until i get a bite catching fish flipping grass is what punching people in the mouth is mike tyson you know what i'm saying just how mike tyson get off of knocking you out that's how i feel when i'm not flip one out of the grass same gratification like setting the hook on that grass man going up on one that's i literally get happy on the inside [Music] i'm telling y'all like i'm not saying this to be negative but there is a steep mountain to climb today yesterday looked really great i had one big one without that big one i got 12 pounds furthermore i know we caught the crap out of them in my one best area like we called like there's at least four of us in my area there was a 24 pound bag there was another another 16 another 15 and a 17 out of one area so uh you know out of the top 30 there's like six bags six people out of the top 30 were in the area that i'm fishing so i already know i'm gonna i'm gonna make a stop through there this morning but i already know that i'm gonna have to kind of you know i'm probably gonna have to move around today there's no doubt about that i'm gonna have to really fight for the bites that i get today that's fishing that is fishing okay just go come on man doing all this talking calling boat numbers let me out of here man let me go to my areas let me let me get in my areas first before everybody else get out there that's my beginning thoughts on this 56 i can't believe i found it oh man four o'clock four o'clock sorry about that don't get text and he's going to open up his live wheels 76 4 o'clock you heard that cam 4 o'clock count him one two three four what time cam four o'clock we're coming back at what two o'clock four o'clock what am i p.m p.m p.m how many baths five five what time four o'clock four o'clock 25 pound back 25 pound bag 27 minimum 27 when coming in all right i'm not catching more than 27 that's the only thing i can promise y'all today i get 26 13 with cutting it out pulling these kind of conditions when the fish are spawning they can be beside any little piece of grass take your time and pick it apart so i'm gonna go out here take my time in a few areas i'm sure i'm gonna have to move y'all but i hope you enjoy my b-lab special today have you enjoyed the series let me know in the comment section how you guys liking the video so far it should be fun i'm having fun out here fishing so i'm hoping it'll continue to be fun today as well and tomorrow and sunday let's hit it let's hit it y'all you know [Music] i had just fished that 15 minutes ago i had just fished that stalk come back by they caught a keeper number four that's why you don't kind of get in a hurry just kind of stay and hang out now that's not big but i can't go nowhere if i ain't got five y'all know this right you gotta have five first right there all right so i got my five fish you know it's only 11 30. it feels like i'm way behind schedule but honestly i'm okay i got to four o'clock i just got to get moving real fast man because things about to change like between now and one is when i got to make things happen so let's move we're gonna go to another area another area that's pretty good run hopefully i can make it do ah [Music] right there now comes the hard part we got to try to get some you know some five pluses he's just two and a half's ah man i'm a little disappointed i um last part of the day i went to this one area just maybe four or five hundred yards from where i've been catching all my fish sets up just perfect i should have spent more time there i should have threw away the keys today i don't know why i didn't just um i should have just fished right there in that one spot all day just threw the keys away but you know pretty much all the fish that i was catching were spawning and i didn't really feel like there was any more fish coming or just the area was so small and such good fishermen in there on day one that everybody pretty much we caught them out of there so i'd be curious to see what anthony had gagliardi was in the area james nigmar was in the area uh bill mcdonnell there was uh you know quite a few good bags in that area so you know i'm curious to see how they caught them i didn't feel like i was going to get a bite if i stayed in there so i just hurry up and left um ended up catching what maybe seven fish today seven eight fish could have easily come out there with nothing so i guess i should be thankful but i see it crystal freaking clear what i should have done anyway go go well [Music] [Applause] [Music] today he's on the scale 16 pounds 11 ounces on day one a limited bag today that is gonna weigh 10 pounds and two ounces here on day two for me sir let me know how that went oh it went down the drain hey i was just waiting to get this microphone it feels like i'm in church up here the first thing we're going to do church is getting collected because i don't think they're going to get a check it was fun this week um just trying to break that floor foreign just learning every time we come here there you go man well hey also a pleasure to have you on stage man thank you so much ten pounds and uh two ounces so uh i might get to fish again tomorrow that's good so we'll see let's go put these fish back so everybody always wonders what we do with the fish when we're done with them we got a live release boat so you can see it's basically a big aquarium that we all dump our fish into and they'll take them and disperse them back in the lake they don't just dump them in one place they put them in different places all over the lake uh pretty much inhabited cohabitate this whole area here so fish are real really well taken care of at these tournaments that's probably a hundred thousand dollar pontoon they got there with the aerating system and everything in it so we don't eat the fish we don't just throw them over the side of the bank take good care of them so when they get back in the water that you can come to catch them when you come to okeechobee too the u.s army high school fishing presented by favorite fishing are you going to edit that edit that out don't forget to add to that rob yeah he can cut that yes all right baby so we made the cut i can't believe it i was i'll be honest with you i was all down and out because i knew that i didn't really catch them that good today but i made the cut i did fall back to i think 40th place end of the day and 40th place i'm gonna get the fish tomorrow top 50 now and and the pro circuit goes to the third day so come in at 40th so i got another chance to redeem myself make some more money make some more points level up right so uh it's exciting i'm glad i'm gonna get to fish because i know exactly what i did wrong today what i should have done is i should have stayed in my area i should have took the keys in my boat threw it away until it was time to go don't ever throw the keys to your boat away but i should have just did away with my keys until it was time to go and uh just expanded my area there's some more places in there to catch fish because that's a huge massive spawning flat where i'm fishing uh just that area that i've been fishing is the best area so tomorrow i'm just gonna i got nothing to lose right tomorrow i'm just gonna expand really wide on that area that i was fishing today or the last two days and uh probably come in with like 18 26 pounds i don't know but i'm gonna catch him tomorrow i really do feel like i'm catching because i know exactly what i did wrong get a this almost like i got a second [Music] chance [Music] you
Channel: Brian Latimer
Views: 191,285
Rating: 4.9466443 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish tips, bass fishing, bestfishingvideos, brian latimer, flw fishing, pro angler, lake hartwell, blat
Id: Gdh4PSlrq5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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