The Coolest Tech at CES 2024!

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[Music] four letters that we're going to talk about right now c o o l cool why is that because there's so much Cool Tech here at CES it's been honestly overwhelming what did you see today no no it's so cool it's cooler than the polar bears toenail it's cooler than the snap cold snap cold snap it's also cooler than the other side of my pillow is that cool here at CES Cool Tech coming up it's cool right super cool cool cool dude we're always looking for things that catch our eye here at CS 2024 we're here in the vehicle Tech section and nothing's going to catch your eye even more than a hot red concept CLA class for Mercedes-Benz now this is their entry level into this EV space right you have the eqs which is like about two three steps higher in the car class based on this modular architecture there's going to be four cars that are kind of based on this whole platform you'll have the CLA class you have a shooting brake and you'll have two SUVs you'll also have in this car it'll be using their mbos this is mercedes-benz's operating system so it's both hardware and software that they can adapt to the entire family now if you look at this this is not just a concept car this is a car that we will be seeing officially premiering by the end of the year they aren't giving us any official dates but if you look at some of these Design Elements here on the CLA class up front here this is called the star panel all right typically it's been a you know a pattern of stars that were physically metal well what you see there now is it's actually individually lit LEDs they can have fun patterns with it to kind of give this a little bit of personality you can also see over here the rims very shiny very modern very futuristic and then even the slopes you see this metallic detail this curve that goes from the door all the way to the hood this looks like a sexy Future car that I'd want to drive but it's not the future this is going to be officially announced sometime by the end of the year also in this car it has their next Generation MMA electric drive system so what is this this this is engineered specifically for electric efficiency how many miles do you think you'd roughly get in it right typically a car this size when you look at it maybe around 320 eh-uh 466 miles 466 that that is amazing and obviously we'll have to see how it performs let's take a look at the interior modern like highlights really cool details on the chairs you got the dash again that features the Mercedes-Benz OS but this is a car that does not only feels modern it feels like it's like 5 years ahead what we're looking at just from a design element what can we expect again end of the year no pricing no availability but the world premiere will happen but this car the concept CA class is coming in [Music] 2024 there's one thing missing from all of the wearables that I currently have on right now and that is blood pressure well charm care is here and they have solved this issue so I love this because it's it's small it's portable and it's Compact and you can just wear it on your wrist you can think of it as a conventional blood pressure monitor but we can read the signal archery from the wrist so that's how we can downside the cup like this it's very light and very easy to measure cool can I try it y sure okay great now does this connect to an app yes okay it has a Bluetooth cff should be located on your radio AR here mhm now is this something that I can wear all day long all day long okay so try to relax like this and then make it make the device to Your Heart level like this okay and press the button so I can feel the pressure now so it's kind of inflating slightly you know like those normal traditional blood pressure monitors but it's on my wrist how long does it usually take uh less than a minute cool it just vibrated okay so it's 111 over 65 in my heart rate is 70 I do normally have a pretty low blood pressure so it's pretty accurate so is this already out or is it something that's we just started selling in Korea and we are still working on FDA right now amazing it's awesome I cannot wait until it comes to the [Music] US okay so we're here back at the gaming demos here at Samsung but look I know you can't really see what this display looks like right now but this is Samsung's 2D 3D gaming monitor this is a tech demo here at CES and what this is is basically think of this as a lenticular display but what makes this so crazy is there are actually two cameras up here and what it's doing is it's using AI to track where my head is it's using an AI to track where my eyes are and it's presenting the game to me in the optimal position so that I can play this game in 3D without glasses and we know that there have been some 3D displays on the market before but I got to tell you the way that this looks how immersive it is the resolution the Fidelity the color this is an incredible experience I think everyone is going to want to gravitate towards I think everyone is going to want a display like this now this is not going to be available anytime soon again they're showcasing it as a tech demo but here's another beautiful thing about this whether you're gaming let's say you need to use this for XL Spreadsheet it'll automatically detect the content and then turn this into a pure 2D display or if you want to you can manually switch between 3D and 2D sometimes maybe you don't want to see a game in 3D without glasses you want to play it how you're used to this display does it all it's hard to explain just how incredible this looks I even moved around you can see it Shifting the image it is amazing as a tech demo so one of another cool things to see here at cs224 I'm going to get back to gaming we are at insta 360 and this is one of my favorite small portable action camera companies now their name is insta 360 they've got a lot of 360 cameras but actually their newest camera is this one this is the Ace Pro and this one's kind of interesting because it is co-engineered with Lega and it shoots up to 8K and I love that it has this little flip up screen so you're able to actually see what you're filming so they have a whole magnetic mounting system that makes it super easy to just magnetically attach this to different accessories and of course they've got their insta 360 selfie stick now what makes insta 360 so incredible in my eyes is they have such amazing software on their phones that allow you to take all the footage that you shot and automatically edit it on the go now instant 360 wouldn't be instant 360 without 360 cameras we're actually not going to see a 360 camera just yet we have got the insta 360 go now they have the new go 3 that just came out now the original one was this white one but they just came out with a matte black which is so beautiful so the little tiny camera is inside of this little housing you can just pop this right off and you can mount it places it has a little magnetic backing to it and they have all these really fun accessories this is my favorite accessory though okay everything's like mounted down so so you don't run off with it here at the show floor but this is a little necklace Mount so you can wear it around your neck and you can wear it basically right here to get really cool firsters action shots they've got a little hat Mount that I really love so you can mount it right here on your hat and if you want you can use this as kind of like a little remote so you're able to put this place and you can see the picture here loading the preview here it [Music] is there I am and it is cool because you can shoot in either vertical or horizontal so depending upon how you have this framed it'll automatically adjust but I just love this little camera so much it's come a long way since the first version so I'm so excited to see that camera still in play a little gimbal over here come see come see so this is the insta 360 flow this thing is so fun and what I love about it is it's so small it's portable it's Compact and it also does have a little extender if you do want to make the selfie stick a little bit longer but this is so much fun and one of the things that I also like about insta 360 is they have so much AI built into these devices they have this thing called insta 360 Flow State so all of the footage that you're shooting on a lot of these devices they're able to keep it so steady and the Horizon is always straight and it's beautiful the tracking is something that I'm obsessed with as a sometimes solo Creator I'm able to trace myself and it'll keep me in the frame look at that oh there you are it's so so great hello hello I'm here so I know I keep saying insta 360 we're finally going to get to a 360 camera come see it [Music] and here it is finally we get to the 360 camera this is the insta 360 X3 and with this we able to shoot really incredible 360 video but why I love this is when you shoot 360 you can actually go back and reframe the shots so if you're picturing this motorcycle scene here I could be filming the back I could be filming the front so you can basically reframe anything that you want but this is hi Michael hello are you I heard a rumor you might coming by and I made something very special for you you want to see it yes hang on one second oh my good is this a life siiz this is a life siize X3 camera and and guess what what might be your next Halloween costume you want to try it on wait this is a costume you can put this thing on would you like to be an X3 for a minute honestly that is a dream come true let's see how you look at it all right let's do it so what I just put it on okay here we go I hope I fit okay I fit all right now put your arms out okay okay all right to hand you a smaller X3 on a gigantic selfie stick okay okay how do you feel good go ahead can you hold my hand okay one more step all right this is everything CES where dreams come true oh my gosh this is the happiest moment of my life okay I will send you this version a new one to your to your uh to your house okay thank you she's back everyone Round of Applause everybody Justine it was such a pleasure oh my gosh thank you for making my dreams come true thank you so much thank you appreciate you so good I'm so [Music] happy now you come out here to check out vehicle Tech at CES 2024 a lot of times you see Concepts ideas things that aren't actually happening but you know give us a glimpse into the future but behind me this is the pebble flow this is its own thing it is incredible and I'm here with the CTO Stefan Pebble flow is from what I've seen so far an incredible piece of technology so I'd love for you to maybe tell us what we're looking at and uh let's get into all the tech that's inside it absolutely yeah uh so we are looking at Pebble flow this is a fully electric uh travel trailer really the idea behind the company is to resolve and erase all the hassles that are has had to deal with for many many decades this is incredible because I've talked to people that are RV owners and they they honestly kind of didn't believe it they're like oh no and then when they saw some of the features of how you're addressing to make things even just more efficient for them uh they were blown away can we can you talk about the actual technology let's say on the exterior of the pebble flow and and what it involves absolutely so let's start off with uh the power so this thing has a 45 kwh battery this is a EV battery more or less the size of a Tesla Model 3 lithium iron phosphate it's one of the safest battery technologies that you have on the market we also put in two Motors so what this means is that the vehicle can actually move itself this is really cool but why are we doing this we want to solve resolve the hassles one of the biggest issues with travel trailers is backing it up I have friends who are saying I'm never going to buy a travel trailer because I don't want people to just sit there and watch me trying to back this thing up uh and and that's that's a real concern because it's physics it's hard it needs skills not with the pebble flow you are using the pebble app and this thing is remote controlled so look at this space there are very very narrow Pathways we remote controlled in the vehicle at the beginning of the show this thing came in here on its own feet oh wow and so also with those Motors I know when let's say you have a truck even an EV and you're towing something because it's not really assisting it that takes out a lot of the energy so this helps assist as as well you're absolutely correct so if you're looking at uh the industry today what happens is if you are having a electric vehicle and you are trying to throw a 4,000 5,000 6,000 lb trailer with it what happens is that you are losing more or less 23 of your range and this is all physics what we are doing is we are using these uh powerful Motors we are using the battery to help to assess we are not going to give you back the full 100% range that you have but you will recup at the majority of it you mentioned solar panels on top and I heard this can also be used as a battery backup for your home absolutely absolutely with this large battery what you can do is hooking up your home to it power goes out now you have a full power B that is an emergency power back up for your home Auto hitching is also part of it as well I mean I'm not an RV owner but they say hey that's a pain in the butt too oh absolutely and um and and and I know it myself and it's always doing it with my wife she's helping me she's uh looking at the back and communicating and and you know it it is stressful it is stressful it doesn't need to be that way so what you do is just push a button and this vehicle will find your your car it detects your your uh hitch ball goes there connects all the way oh my goodness okay you know I'm already excited about the exterior but uh I'd love for you to kind of give me the grand tour inside this looks amazing and just kind of point out all St I've never been inside one of these but I got to let you lead the way okay all right go inside this is the pebble flow interior uh immediately what you see is a very nice open uh space light design it's very Scandinavian design very clean here on this side is the dinette we can sit four five people here actually this is where we meet sometimes in the mornings it's very very uh comfortable and and the good news is that if you take this table and you push it down it turns into a bed so you have two people my side you know fresh legs it's not an issue you would push that down and a platform yeah exactly as a platform you take the cushions you put it on pretty standard stuff then but this is big it's really [Music] big this is a really nice uh kitchen area Chef's kitchen and you have space you really have space to work no more more propane this is fully electric this is a induction cooktop and one of my favorite features is that you just take it out and you can go and cook outside oh my gosh speaking of cooking outside we open this up for you so you have access you can talk you can be with your friends and with your family um if you're look at appliances really high quality soft clothes on all of them you put a little push in pull out just like that exactly right and this is securing it exactly right if you look up here uh you have lots of storage um over up up there down there can I do this is a push the same it's the same the same over stage it's it's the same thing oh my gosh love exactly right so so this is the office area right you can have two people working here playing or or whatnot uh we have a very nice uh surface here if you want to project MH uh but what I'm most excited about is that this is a dual purpose if you come out I show you what it does in the evening what you do is just you pull this one down and it turns into a Cen size bed two people my size not a problem very nice area please do yeah this is legit this is legit but there's a skylight here so right right so you have a skylight there look at the stars yep yep we want to make sure that this is very use useful and multi-purpose so you can use it in in um during the day for working next to your home as a ad like I said let's talk about the bathroom so as you see very very nice design it's all glass why is it glass it's glass because it opens up the space now there are some obvious privacy issues here right what we have done is we did this it's it's mod glass so what happens is what happens is oh that's so sick okay uh what happens let's say this is a silly question but maybe if the not not that there's a power outage but yes right is there something along those lines yes in this case what happens is that when this fails it needs to fail opaque just like you said what if power goes out or whatever what not happens this thing will be opaque wow that is incredible okay so can you tell everyone when it will be available pricing wise and things of that nature this product is already available for pre-order it was since uh a few months back uh it starts at $109,000 that's where you get the battery and it's the base package really and with $125,000 you get all the features and the motors the assist the moving around the auto hitge uh available on PEB start of production is end of this year I'm blown away by this I love the shower I love the you know modular way that this works and uh this is classy so Pebble flow H I got to start [Music] staving we now with Gucci from DTA and there is something under this massive cloth yeah what's under here I mean we're used to unboxing but can we do what is it unveilings yeah for sure should we do it okay all right all right do you want to take one side right three two one W ladies first shotty all right W okay I got my leg over here what okay this is sick do you need a license for this uh it could depend on the state you want to fly in actually but the machine is totally a to fly by it own so is this a touchcreen yeah hey Gucci can you tell us about some of the technology here we see a is it an eight propeller system eight propell eight Motors eight batteries and one parachute with a rocket actually on it wait what you said one parachute at Le one parachute for the war machine meaning that if something happens not for us who's going to who's going to share one parachute for the machine that that you just have to pull that and the parachute will will deploy and the war machine will L safely actually and can we talk about like kind of safety aspects like comparing this to other types of I guess flying vehicles I mean this is a little bit different than anything I've ever seen there are eight P so it can fly on five so meaning that you can lose three pedos and in case of you lose too too much P then you just pull and you you've got the parachute so in terms of safety I don't know something that is the same in in what have you learned you know through taking this off in the air what are some of the learnings you have it's just it's the first time you don't pilot your airplane actually because if you want to move forward you move and if if you let everything the machine stops in the three dimensions and it waits if you try to fly an helicopter that won't happen it it hovers in place when you don't do anything you're saying right so it's kind of like the fpv drones like the DJI of where you can put it into fpv mode but it gives you that hover feeling so you don't have to as soon as you take your hands off the throttle you're going to stay there is this available now like what's the availability like it will be delivered in 2026 and we we are sending pre-orders right now oh pre-order I love when there's a pre-order what is the name of this vehicle that we're in EV to so electrical vertical takeoff and Landing so if we wanted to do a test drive test fly where would we have to go next year at the CES we we have a spot in the in the desert and you you will be able to test we will be here um we will get your info and we'll we'll do a followup for you guys all right thank you so much Gucci Gucci you can close the windows now we're just going to we're going to head on out of here Jay let's let's just go all right he's gone so I'm going to be on my best behavior yeah dude this is sick hit it side okay go forward go forward [Music] work
Channel: Brian Tong
Views: 130,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ces 2024, ces, tech, ijustine, brian tong, samsung 3d gaming display, gaming monitor, samsung 3d gaming monitor, mercedes benz concept cla class, mbos mercedes benz, concept cla class, insta360 go 3, insta360 x3, insta360 cameras, pebble flow rv, pebble flow trailer, pebble flow electric rv interior, pebble flow camper, iphone rv, dta flying car, technology
Id: jT3yoq1VsK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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