Here's the GOOD STUFF at CES 2024

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as most of you guys know it's CES 2024 this week and I didn't have the opportunity to make it to the show but my buddy Matt did and he made a video of some of the coolest Tech coming out for 2024 so Matt take it away I am at CES 2024 in Las Vegas showing off a bunch of really really cool stuff um right now I'm actually just heading home and uh just saw some really really cool things as far as elect your scooters and bikes and a bunch of stuff that I've never actually seen before so right now I'm riding outside on my EU and uh that's why I'm going so fast but yeah so we got some really really good stuff for you I'm excited to put it all together as soon as I get back to the hotel and uh hope you enjoy my legs are exhausted and my brain is numb and it's all for you guys so I hope hope that you enjoy and we will do part one and as tomorrow we'll put together part two so hope you enjoy it later hey so today here at CES 2024 we're at the horwin America Booth part of horin global we've been selling electric motorcycles since 2017 in Asia and in Europe and we're proud to announce that we're launching here in the US later uh this summer we'll be opening a brand experience Center in Marina delr California and our first production model is the cemente zero which is a fully electric motorcycle top speed of 125 mph 0 to 60 in under uh 2.8 seconds it has a range on the battery of about 186 mil and the best part it recharges in under 30 minutes up to 80% of the charge we also are showing our uh cemente X which is a production prototype that will be available in 2025 it's really a amazing feed of Technology all our bikes are um Incorporated through AI so all the bikes uh all around the world communicating with each other and then learn from each other in terms of adjusting to your individual driving Journey our 2026 production model is going to be the cemente 11 and this is really a fantastic piece of design if you'll notice on the back of the uh bike it's got two wheels that make up the back they will separate as you go around turns so you virtually will not be able to topple this bike so uh really exciting stuff coming from horwood America very much appreciate it and uh look for us in Marina del re if you're in California to visit our brand experience Center and look for Us online at H rwi fantastic so our cemente zero line here at horwin is the our very first production model again it's going to be coming out in November of 2024 we are taking orders now on this model is a fantastic uh motorcycle again 186 miles on the Range and uh 0 to 60 in under 2.8 seconds so this is not only small but it's mighty that's really really cool hi my name is mammed and we're from turkey and uh now in CS uh we are uh producing and uh representing ourselves with the US models and uh the uh models we are uh available now on the Amazon Marketplace tell me about these two models this model is the name uh California this is the the room for the battery and he has an hop motor in the rear axle is the motor the the motor power is 750 watts and the battery capacity is will be uh 48 volts and 18 Amper it's going to be get uh 50 m range to this bike and the top speed for this model is uh 20 m per hour and the same uh specs is also for the uh Miami model also same spec yeah same specs the designs is little bit different for each other I love it love it I like how you can't see the battery it doesn't look like an electric yeah yeah yeah it look like some motorcycle but it's actually ebike it do you want to show me these guys yeah it's actually available in Amazon the retail uh price is 1,000 us for this model it's uh you can use pedals for this model and also you can use throttles to go for the top speed the top speed also for this model is 20 mph and the range is uh 35 miles that where the battery stored underneath yeah it's underneath the chassi in that part is the room for the battery and you can plug and specs what kind of brakes are these are they drum brakes yeah drum brakes in the rear uh rear and also front axle okay how powerful is the motor 750 yeah 750 also all right tell me about this little guy and it's a three cycle model you can use these models in the hotels uh like uh very big calls like convention centers you can use this model in the uh airports there is a hub motor also in the front axle and you can go 25 miles per hour and the also the B battery is underneath the chassis very good all right hi M I'm JJ um with Mia Global we're uh actually bringing in these electric scooters 100% electric for the first time into the US uh they're cute they're fun everybody loves them tell me a little bit about him what uh what makes him special you know what's so special about it is really the battery it's a lithian iron phosphate battery so on a full charge it'll go about 35 miles on a full charge it'll get you up to about 16 M an hour max speed great for in the city is that the miles per hour that you chop in half and that's your actual miles per hour or is that real that's real that's real yeah fantastic we really are a battery manufacturer that bought a scooter manufacturer and a golf cart manufacturer and an ebike manufacturer to put our batteries in so it's it's our batteries really truly that set it apart so um no they're a lot of fun they're all app driven it'll tell you where you parked it it'll tell you what your batter's at um and nice display you got there yeah they they are so much funy battery s in the seat here these are our first ones that came over so they're still in Chinese on the software our first containers is coming over in about 2 and 1/2 Weeks weeks actually all English software um and so and I will say at the show yesterday being the first day uh we couldn't believe how many hundreds of people stopped by and just fell in love with the look of them and how much fun they are so yeah we're very excited to bring these in cute little colors what uh is this all the colors they come in or no this is our main five colors but as you know being in Utah yourself we've got some red and some blue ones coming um to Utah as well so yes yes we can do other colors we're big on colleges college campuses um young adults love these things on college campuses so we're going to do a lot of different colors for different campuses as well hi my name is Alejandro and I'm here with L fast the company is originally from Vietnam and they're expanding here in the US market this bike you see here is called the dragonfly uh it's an ebike with a max speed of max speed of 20 M an hour it's a class two bike uh obviously that Max Speed is throttle only which you can find right here uh now this is one of the prototypes we had last year and it was the most popular by far so it's the one that binas decided to develop um the battery you can find right below here and once you unlock it it swings out and it's detachable for charging uh you have 20 in 20in by 4 in wheels and a 750 wat battery right here so it will have over the a connectivity and updates and a little infotainment system here that will show you your speed as well as it has different modalities that you can choose for the bike um it takes between 300 320 minutes to fully charge the battery and yeah it's going to be in the market first quarter of this year in the us and it retails are about [Music] $2,800 [Music] I'm Nick stickler I'm with Brunswick Corporation and I'm working on a uh a newly acquired business that we had exciting business on efoils yeah so we we we acquired this company and got interested in efoils um because it's a great way to experience the water in a different different manner it's it's all all electric it's uh completely wakeless uh and it is it is very exciting now you do have to learn how to do it but that's uh We've solved that piece of it as well we have hundreds of flight schools where you can get a lesson and within 45 minutes you can get pretty much anybody up and running on one of these and then you're off enjoying it on your own uh and feeling confident in what you do so again it's just it's a new way to experience the water first ex came a new existence in 2018 so a very new product in a new market and that's why we invested in at brunwick Corporation the largest recreational Marine company in the world so there's three different battery options and if you get the largest battery it can go for a good two hours and your legs are going to give out probably before the battery does so this is this is the battery box uh just the you the two leads for that so it's pretty simple all the electronics are actually embedded up here in the Mast and they do that purposely because this can act as a heat sink uh and you don't need any active cooling at that point and then you have your motor your gearbox and your prop all contained you know contained in this nice uh tight package there that's very uh um you know very slim all right so we got the Live Wire production vehicle this is 15,500 beautiful beautiful vehicle he told me all the stats and all the specs I don't remember them already forgot them the mitubishi electric continues to work tirelessly to bring in it is governed at 108 mph top speed 108 10 what 108 yeah 108 here we've got Honda's briefcase style scooter look at that guy that is really cool going to go next to this yti place over there sorry [Music] [Music] a lot of models I want start off with your name and who you're with u hello I am franisco f um I am the sales manager for Mexico for yadia which is the biggest electric motorcycle uh producer and seller in China which also makes us the bigger in the world so uh we're going to present some of our small guys here so this one is the easy go it's a quite uh new product it's it's uh ready to to ship since December and January this this year it is codesign with por with k design studio with uh by uh Bush uh it comes with several configurations so the uh the version has an 80 km uh as a top speed and uh 90 km as a range it comes with uh 3,000 wat motor and uh the battery is 72 volts and uh 27 amp this one uh is the orand it was uh designed especially for the Vietnam Market Vietnam after China is our our biggest market so uh we took uh another product as a as a benchmark this would be actually the uh product that we have today and uh it comes with ,200 Watts motor and uh uh 60 volts and and 26 amp battery it's a graphin battery actually we were the Pioneers in the industry to uh uh have ACD batteries CED with uh ring layers and uh yeah so this is this is and uh this one is the vard it's it's also one of our Top Line Products um and the uh lithium battery version comes with a 3,000 W Motor and uh it has a speed of 80m range 12 are they sold in the US uh we hope so yeah we hope so I mean we uh have some Distributors already in the US um but you know we keep changing we we keep uh updating our produ lines so uh we will have to certificate them to certify them with the dot certificate but the idea is uh to bring some of them to to the US okay and what are the US prices at this at this moment we don't have the retail prices I could only give the pricing in Chinese port so for example uh this one um this one in the US would be something around $5,000 okay but it depends on the margin right that the distributor wants to want to put it uh this one uh which is a graphing battery perhaps we're not going to bring it to to the US because uh it's not uh you know fast enough but uh the the price in the US will be around $1,500 yeah and that one the lium battery uh it should be around $44,000 the price of the US go Ora and great all right thanks so much appreciate it thank you this hope they'll get it here soon Andrew you're master master you're a master look at that I'm a master now guy of work I'm not a master I'm not a master I don't know anything hello guys my name is Jerry from yadas uh Technology Group so my position is uh I'm responsible for the uh ebike and a scooter for the whole North American Sales nice so show me what we got here so we've got uh the first the first model we would like to introduce is the innovator so this folding bike pounds it's 53 lb with less than 1 cubic meter after it's F it's got a magnesium magnesium alloy frame offers a lighter is this the same bike as the one that's folded yes the both bikes are are the same so this one it's got a 10 m battery off the range of 25 to 30 Mi per charge last one mid Drive motor 350 Watts from Yia manufacturer hydraulic brake leather seat and foldable paddles affable paddles very nice save the maximum space l the highlights with the r lights too we step to this way this series are the Troopers we do have the pink color the trooper 01s the dual motor also the tent and the black okay which ones available in the US right now these two are available in the US right now you can buy them from dealership from online and you the information on YouTube so let's introduce this bike to the public this bike Flagship Flagship bike that we have we have right now with 20 hour battery 21700 LG battery uh I sell offer you a render 45 with thr only 45 miles with s only 60 Mi 60 to 60 65 miles with pedal assist we've got three levels of pedal assist Eco mid and high hydraulic brakes texal hydraulic brakes offer you higher performance of braking we turn it on as three levels power assist one two three we got start over here we've got lights fully LED lights and also you can get the uh uh pass flash function I also got a horn too this bike is a dual suspension bike so we've got bikes over here we've got a a suspension over here as the front uh sorry rare and we've got front reverse shock not many bikes using the reverse shock yes we've got a protector too also the whole bike is a UL certified uh is that on the battery certification or the bike whole bike whole bike including the battery whole bike and also 4.0 F Tire 750 H motor pretty much that's our bike beautiful mhm all right thanks so much appreciate it thank you guys oh sorry hog in your shot yeah hog in everybody your shot that's got like that shot, $44,000 this this part so it's magnets obviously it is electromagnetic so that part will stay stationary in the middle when you are riding yeah my name is Evan I'm with goow motorcycles awesome and what do we have right here uh this is our Ori Flagship uh model so it's uh if you want to know more about spe it's 100 km um in range and 100 km an hour top what is that in us so about 60 60 yeah and what uh sorry what were the specs one more time so it's 100 km an hour top speed and 100 km okay tell me about the shocks the suspension yes the suspensions are uh preloaded um so you have uh you can adjust the preload and you can adjust the um uh the dur the the hard hardness of the suspensions awesome there's Andrew what's up dude so what about the display and the assistance and everything like that uh so display you have on the left side you have uh uh you know your control panel here you have the toggle for the uh speeds um number gear number one goes up to 35 km an hour gear number two goes up to 65 and then gear three goes up to 100 this this uh mode setting uh changes the type of traction that you're working with um each one is associated with like for example mud snow rocks dirt stuff like that and then you have a dynamic button which changes the acceleration yeah and we got a Twist throttle yeah and just a bit more about the uh d r you can just focus your camera here um you can show that it has three and an additional one so this you just have to press it a bit um so if this is the customized one it starts at um sheep which the slowest uh or the least quick acceleration and it kicks up to W uh no that's a dog oh it's a dog all right then it kicks up to Jaguar okay okay sweet sweet and is this available in the US So currently we're uh we have stock in the US but we're looking for Distributors that's right now yeah very good it is selling in in Europe that's right now and how much in Europe are they going for uh they're going for about 5,500 okay [Music] perfect I'm going to walk around on some of these things because you got a lot to cover here I'm going to um walk so I was walking around and suddenly this strange strange human being very strange very strange and Andrew from fresh freshly charged freshly charg totally forgot the name two second I've been hanging out well we've been hanging out with each other for a few years this is my good friend Matt and um yeah so I told him he needs to check out the Segway Booth some cool things here at the Segway Booth is these brand new ebikes and they're semi cool okay not super cool they're cool looking but they're both Class 2 ebikes which is kind of astonishing they only go up to 20 M hour do not go up to 208 m per hour when you look at him you would assume they should go faster so what I'm going to do I asked him to be the Nar I asked him to be the narrator here uh and so I'm going to switch cameras really quick and then switch it yeah we're bike which is kind of like a super 73 got the big fat tire it's bigger than the super 73 tires it's got this interesting light the way you turn this thing on is one of the weirdest ways I've ever seen too oh actually it's this one I'll turn on this one this one doesn't turn on from yesterday looks kind of like the x260 sirons so it's a blend between a super 73 and a siron as you can see the battery in the center big fat oversized tires but looks really mean full suspension but only goes 20 M hour and the other thing it is is it has this GT2 blend on here where it's got these handlebars half twist throttle these little knobs and bumpers where you hit the buttons looks just like the GT1 and GT2 electric scooters this is their other full suspension Mound bike this thing is very weird too the power button on here is very unique you have to press in and out so instead of just pressing a button you actually have to press down or I'll show you got to press down and twist to turn it on and off I don't know who thought of that but it's a very poor design but we'll look at this thing the seat thing I've never seen this seat post this drops like this so that is pretty new I've seen a lot of bike seats but I've never seen a bike seat that shuts up and down like that okay see watch we'll do do it quick action rockt in full suspension as well adjustable ver suspension supposedly they think it's a torque sensor they're not 100% sure with the Hub motor but another thing that only goes 20 mph so I would have wished that this goes a little bit faster it's a cool looking bike looks similar to the scooter as well where it has these controls but it doesn't really have a throttle a half throttle has a little thumb thrott so very interesting um I like the looks of them but I wish they went a little bit faster call this smart e smart e so first of all we have we integr the apple apple F this is the first one second one we also have the integrated Auto sensor inside so the bike understand your your the Riders they know you are on up in the downhill so well we automatically adjust the assistant power okay so that's nice and the second third one one I think we also build the GPS Lo they can check you you can through the app you know the where it's about and also I do like your guys' app but one thing is is why does it only go 20 M hour both of these cost has to well it could be a class three PL of class three bikes yeah because class three is not not it's a uh class two is more uh popular most and legally you have legally yes all throttles can only t go up to 20 mph but I think at least with pedaling on both of these bikes I should be able to go up to 20 mph they look like they have plenty of power they look beefy and Powerful but I'm just kind of dumbfounded at least is regulation yeah it is Segway Segway is all about regulation but they have their electric scooter that goes 43 and half miles per hour so I'm not sure that doesn't really make any sense but yes tune in next tune in on the next episode of electric Revolution and CES this is the go Kart Pro 2 uh we actually reviewed the version one of this and it was super crazy fun so fun so here's the second version the goart Pro 2 I just wanted to get a shot of this yeah you're all good now yeah yeah if you yeah absolutely where you with hi I'm Selena from Mar new headquarter in s night awesome and what's new in 20124 okay so we have released four models uh three of them from the micro ability so one of them the most amazing one is SD SD is our super kick Shooters it has a range of over 16 kilm is the this one all this one this one and have double suspension and the Dual brakes disc brakes we have that the indicators for the B and you can see that we have a new display which is quite different than the rest of those okay have a high clearance here and even we can fold it can fold it in your car tank great uh what else is new in 2024 okay what else uh let me introduce our best seller in SE night it has a export Max G2 it's a it's prev version is Max G30 it's well Lo by the all over the world so now we have the double suspension the front and the and the rear and it has 10 in C ceiling tires and that's what's new from the previous model yeah yes quite new is the uh adaptive with apple find M and uh you can trace and track the location of your kers so and also you can check on your web what's the range and what's the rest of the battery it is okay and the most important is we just uh upgraded the software which we called the M Drive M Drive is applied in the emote so e we call the E Scooters so that one we have um uh we have have a very good feature is uh heel hold control that means when you go to the San Francisco that H City so you can stand still and the load not slide away cool [Music] yeah how you doing Brandon with Phantom goo and we're based out in Irvine California and uh we're going to talk about one of our new products that we have right here so basically our new product that we just released is a utilit so set up as you see now to go in the snow so you ski track got a 4 watt battery pack that detaches so if you want to take it with you you can Center mle Watts 2000 watt engine which is great uh everything flaps is down very modular and when you're done with the snow we actually have the off-road tires that convert over so you can go ahead and pull the ski up the front pull the tracks off the rear pop on the tire on the front pop on the tire on the rear and you're in the summertime mode right and everything goes back and what's great about our system is when you power down you still have enough juice to go back down the so you don't just lock up done right and on top of that all the abuse that you give the engine in the winter time you're not doing the same thing to the uh wheels and tires in the summer time so you get kind of mul so we just got these things in uh they're available now on our website also be available inside Costco here within the next 2 weeks so uh yeah this is a new one check it out and uh thanks for stopping by you got the whole line up here don't you top to bottom so this is similar to what I saw over there it's just got the off-road tires on one yeah they're the exact same exact same different colors fantastic yeah that's cool what are they running for these days um we're not yet in the market uh they're coming very soon um online and then trying to get these in the Costco a couple of our products already in Costco like this one two over there okay little kids bike that's adorable [Music] yeah there it is so apparently reok is um in the ebike business which is surprising they say this is the first time that they've got into this area they've licensed with rebok and to be able to carry their brand name uh this is one of their more exciting bikes uh full suspension I couldn't get anybody to uh share with me details but um but here it is they also have a bunch of different bikes in their lineup as well looks like a good array of different different types got some road bikes got some off-road bikes looks like some of them are mid drive others are Hub motor so very good hey fasy new here don't I want you guys have oh no some fun little bikes here yeah definitely double seat so there you have it 40 minutes of lovely CES footage and uh I for one am ready for a bath to soak these sore muscles cuz these legs are sore anyway uh tomorrow brings a whole another day with a whole another slew of of vendors that we get to go see and new products that we get to explore so make sure you like And subscribe if you want to see uh what's coming up tomorrow so that way you don't miss out and we'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Electric Revolution
Views: 268,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electric scooters, electric bikes, CES, CES show, CES 2024, CES 2024 show, CES 2024 tech, CES 2024 micromobility, CES 2024 electric vehicles, CES 2024 electric rides, CES 2024 electric micromobility, best in the CES 2024 show, lates tech in the CES 2024 show, who made the coolest electric vehicle in ces 2024, top vehicles in ces 2024, electric rides in 2024 ces show
Id: 9QYTnQtLCmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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