What's inside COOL TECH of CES 2024?

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(upbeat instrumental music) - Welcome to CES 2024. I've been coming here for eight years and I like to find the coolest tech and the weirdest tech and put it all in one place, in one video. So that is my goal, we're gonna see some amazing stuff, but also find the weird stuff. Let's see. Oh, and that's the other part. There's lots of interesting people we'll call it, that are here, and I'll try to get some shots of that. But overall, we're gonna keep it fun. We're gonna find small booths, big booths. Let's go see what the best things at CES 2024 are. (upbeat instrumental music) Okay, my arm's really tired from getting that shot. Time to go inside. This booth is Augmental, it's a company that their tagline is the world at the tip of your tongue. And what do they mean by that? Well, you've heard of Tesla's or Elon Musk's Neuralink where they're putting a chip inside of people's brains. That's a little scary. Like how are you gonna take that thing out? What if it goes wrong? Well, this has a real world application. You take this, you put it inside of your mouth and if you look at the top, it has like a little metal thing on here. This becomes your mouse pad for your computer. So you don't even have to use your finger or anything. You use your tongue and push it against the top of your mouth to control your mouse and to tap. Now obviously there's a use case for people that have lost their function with their hands and they can't use the mouse. That's a pretty cool feature. Now we are talking. Look at this guy. He's got hands coming out of his back. Oh, the lightsaber. This is amazing. This is maybe the greatest tech that I've ever seen at CES. Oh yeah. Yes. He's controlling his backhand with this human hands. Yes. What happens if I shake his hands? What happens, what if I shake your hand? Oh hey, that's good. This booth right here has a device that's able to track cows and cattle, like check this out. As she shakes that, imagine it's on an actual cow and then it tells you exactly what your cow is up to. You've heard of ChatGPT for humans. How about ChatGPT for animals? ChatAI for animals. A drone for humans. Look at those blades. That would definitely cut a human in half, but hey, if you wanna have a drone and fly around, this actually could become a thing. (upbeat instrumental music) All right, check out this car from Hyundai. Hyundai. Hyundai Mobius. It is one of their concept cars. The wheels and the suspension, I'm not quite sure how it works, but it can go in basically any direction. Both of them can go at the same time. It can go in a circle. If you wanted to parallel park, you could just turn and go directly sideways, which is cool. Versus like the G turn that the G wagon does. This is a very cool way to do it because you're not ripping your tires and all the tread off of it. You're just turning the car. I mean, I've never seen a car do that. So that is really cool tech and it's first released here at CES. Always one of my favorite parts of CES is coming down here to the Venetian on the first level because you get startups, you get small companies and you get big sneezes. That was the largest sneeze. You also get representation from all the different countries in the world. And right now I'm at the four corners. We've got Korea on this side. We've got Tawaiian, Tawaiian? Taiwan over here. We've got Japan over on this side, and then Hong Kong is over there. ♪ Won't you stay ♪ ♪ (upbeat instrumental music) ♪ ♪ Stay ♪ ♪ Won't you stay ♪ (upbeat instrumental music) Check out this bench. It is a solar smart bench from some people in Poland. You can charge your phone right here with the hotspot. There is a Wi-Fi hotspot coming out of the bench. These are the kind of smart solutions that we need in the world. (upbeat instrumental music) (upbeat instrumental music) (upbeat instrumental music) - CES is great. - I don't quite know what folly I'm looking at here. There's some tubes, some liquids that are going into that body-like shaped thing. I don't think I'm gonna ask what it is. One of the things that I've noticed more at this year of CES than any other year is there's a lot of different types of headsets and immersive things. My head is definitely too large. How about this? The coolest looking electric car charger I've ever seen. This is the way cable should look and then it turns red when you're done charging. This is something that needs to be on the market. It needs to be in my garage. Dyslexia means you really can't read all the words and the letters get together and get combined, and it's hard. This is what it's like when you have dyslexia. This is what it's like with my eyes. Well, with these fancy glasses at CES, you can look inside of them and see all the electronics. When you put these on, if you have dyslexia, it is able to take the technology and make it. So these words look like these words, like it's a legit thing. I don't have dyslexia, but if you have dyslexia, that's cool technology. This is the second booth that's related to dyslexia. This mask says the power of beauty and the power of dyslexia. Oh, nope. Can't do it, it's too bright. Apparently this mask can make you look beautiful and help you read better. I am not much of a drinker. I've never had alcohol in my life, but this is a really cool innovation in tech. You put this cap on top of a bottle that's being used and it will pour out the precise amount that you want. So right now it's set to two ounces. I guess that's a common amount for whatever drink this is. But if I just turn it over, it doesn't go. But then as soon as I give it a little shake, two ounces exactly to the drop, I don't know. I appreciate efficiency, that's pretty cool. One of my favorite booths every year at CES since I've been coming here for eight years is Kohler. Inside of our house, we have Kohler, everything. Thank you to Kohler for sponsoring this video. So I'm gonna show you my four favorite things inside of the Kohler booth, and it starts right here in the bathtub. This is the stillness bath by Kohler. (upbeat instrumental music) This is one of the most unique bathtubs that I have ever seen and it's definitely something that I want to put inside of our house. Water can spill over the infinity edge down into this little basin right here and feed out. It looks like it's straight out of Tokyo, right? You might be wondering how are you going to sit inside of a square bath? Well, it is circular on the inside. And if you look right here, there's a shelf. From the moment that you turn it on and start filling it up with water. The water fills up from the very bottom of this so that you don't hear loud water going inside of the tub. It sounds peaceful. If you want to have the aromas they come out of right here. So you can put your aromas inside. There's three different buckets for three different phases that are already automated and set up. They call them journeys. And this tower is for the scents and for the fog, and it goes into the tub and makes your life amazing. I can talk about this tub all day long. It's a bathtub. It sounds so luxurious. If there was a Ferrari of toilets, has anybody ever used that term before? I don't know if they have, but if they did, it would be about this toilet. This is the Numi 2.0, the smartest toilet that I have ever seen. You can actually talk to this toilet. This is the remote that will be on the wall. You can order things on Amazon and talk to your toilet while you're sitting on the toilet. Watch what happens when I push this. It turns red and lets you know, Amazon will not hear anything that's happening in the bathroom. It's on mute, unmute. When you walk up to it, it opens for you. Look at that. Once you leave the room, it closes and it actually cleanses and cleans and deodorizes itself. Heated seats, bidet function. It is game-changing now. In our last house we had 11 Kohler shower heads, which is a lot. And in order to control something that big, you have to have hardware. This is the Anthem+ Digital Showering. You can actually have an app to control all the shower heads, everything. Or you can just control it on here. Control your temperature, have custom presets. It is a feature that is severely underrated to know exactly what temperature your shower is every time. This Anthem+ is controlling all of the new statement hardware that Kohler has just released. These little guys are just moving. How nice would this be on your body? And a couple other things that we do not have in our home that I would love to get, are one, down here. The Anthem+ can control steamers. You can have two different steamers in your shower. Something that we did do in our shower, but now Kohler provides it. Speakers, you can have speakers controlled. This is the hardware that goes in like a hidden place. In our last house, we had a smart shower and we had all this tucked away up in a crawl space up stairs, and we never actually had to go up there for the full four years. It all worked great. But yeah, a lot of times you don't see what's inside of the world's smartest shower. We're seeing it here at the CES booth. I bet that feels really nice. - Experience our walkthrough. Come check us out. AI Motion Fellow. - I do snore. My family would love it if I went in there. I'm a little scared to go in there. I'm just gonna keep snoring. (upbeat instrumental music) I'm gonna be honest. I never knew that tractors were so large. This is the first step right there. And it's like five feet high. I am not a farmer clearly, but tractors are really big. (upbeat instrumental music) (upbeat instrumental music) - Check this out. Underwater scooter. Okay, that looks fun. Look at that. Oh, I almost dropped it. This is a company based out of New York that makes very stylish old school looking cars. Timeless as they call it, but they are electric-driven cars. Some really cool things about this. There is no touchscreen inside of here. So they want tactile mechanical buttons. So actual real buttons, real knobs, real mile per hour things without a screen on it. And then the door, you just like open it and shut it with like an actual door. So apparently this company has 300 pre-orders and they're delivering their first ones in Q2 of 2024. It definitely feels like a concept and I wonder like about safety and different things and if it really is going to be made in mass, but they're really focusing on the design and kind of the feel of it. And then they're letting other companies that make like the skids and the electric side of it, they're buying that from them. And then these guys do the design. (upbeat instrumental music) Look at that. It turns out you can't go to CES without seeing the Boring Loop or whatever it's called that Elon Musk is doing. I've got my ticket here. I just go in, show it to the camera, enjoy the ride. Grant, who's holding the camera, he needs the ticket. Look at the army of Teslas rolling in. I know Elon said traffic sucks and we're gonna get rid of traffic, but you still have traffic even in the biggest loop. We are coming out of the ground. There's plenty of sun. Have you ever been to Chick-fil-A? I would imagine that you have, if you haven't, give it a shot sometime, but just don't go on Sundays. One of the things that I love about it is everybody is so polite. They even say my pleasure, like all the time and they always get me. I'm like, oh, you said my pleasure. They're so nice. The Boring Loop, whatever they've done, I feel like they have similar hiring standards because everybody is always so nice at the Boring Loop. The drivers, the people that are checking your tickets, some of them have been in the ground all day like a groundhog and haven't seen the sun and they're still happy to see you when you walk up. So yes, good job. Chick-fil-A, Boring Tunnel, same type of vibe. Grant, do you have back pain a little bit right now? - Yeah. - Go in there and in 10 minutes you'll be fixed. - Perfect. (upbeat instrumental music) (upbeat instrumental music) - This is a big giant building that you can't see inside, but it is a Netflix activation. So it's promoting a show and the line is so long. (upbeat instrumental music) The things you see at CES, Harry Potter inspired drone battle by some Korean drone pilot. I don't know. Hey, step on my phone. Okay, I stepped on it and then check this out. What a good display. A phone in water, a rugged phone here and a phone on ice. And a nice booth. Good job. There is definitely a crowd for this. I think it's a machine that makes tea or coffee or food, but wow, lots of people. The robot is making lunch apparently. The electric G-Wagen is here, we went to Gratz, Austria and I drove this. It does some really cool things. This thing is going to be an off-road beast, just like the G-Wagen always is, except this one's electric. So it'll be the quickest G-Wagen that's ever been made. That is the G-Wagen that I would want. I don't need to pay a bunch of money for gas. Gimme that electric G, I would be all about that. Mercedes also launched here as CES the CLA class. I haven't seen much about it yet, so I honestly don't know much. But it looks pretty cool, with Mercedes sometimes their concept cars are a lot cooler looking than the ones that actually come to the market, but they still look pretty rad. Like this is the EQS over here wrapped in a matte black and it actually looks really good. So hopefully this one looks as good as the EQS once it's out. But I would love to know the specs. I may have to talk to my friends in Mercedes-Benz. The big cellphone case! You may have seen these before. These are like air cooling things that you put on your neck when you're like in a really hot environment. My wife takes them when she goes to the golf tournament to watch Lincoln Golf, but this is the world's first air conditioned thingy that you put on your neck. 'cause everybody else just has a fan that blows air and it's nice. And maybe they'll spray a little mist. This one's legit air conditioning. Okay, let's try it out. That's actually freezing cold. That is cold, my goodness. Okay, so it is cold on my neck and then it's blowing air conditioned cold air on my face and kind of down the back of my shirt too. I think I look really cool and I feel cool. Hey, your display matters. I came here for this just to get one little dumb shot of me and they had me stick around and show me their products. Good sales rep in there. And the products are actually really cool, and I would like to buy that. (upbeat instrumental music) This guy's controlling this giant RV thing with the remote controller and I think it's electric. Trying to figure out what this guy is. It looks like a tennis ball shooting cannon that shoots at this Volkswagen Beetle. - You're ready? (beeping) - Oh, that was the worst! Check out this truck. It looks pretty cool. We've done some videos on VinFast at VF 8. Well, they've announced a lot of things at VF 3, which is a future car that's coming out. It's gonna be low cost, but they also announced a very cool pickup truck. It does look cool. I don't really know when it's coming out or whatever, but nice job, VinFast. I like Vietnam. I like VinFast. (upbeat instrumental music) Wow. Actually it looks really cool. Some people are afraid of tech, what if they get too advanced and they want to take over? I would not want to go up in a fight against that guy. (upbeat instrumental music) Not sure about the clearance on this. (upbeat instrumental music) This is my buddy, he has an awesome channel called DragTimes and he races all kinds of cars. Everything. Do you have a cyber truck? - I ordered, but not yet. - Oh, not yet? Yeah, I don't have one either. I don't think they're doing any like special treatment for the cyber trucks. Unless for Pharrell. - Honestly I thought maybe the Las Vegas loop would've had Cybertrucks. That would've been awesome. - They have one. - Oh they do? - They have one in the Las Vegas loop and they said it's just in the parking garage next to all the other ones, but they're not bringing it out for some reason. I don't know why. - That would've been fun. So McMurtry Spéirling, this car is absolutely insane. It's a one seater race car. It's got a fan system, which sucks it to the ground. 4,000 pounds of downforce and it's not even moving. You can literally hang this car upside down and would just sit there. - What is the point of the suction to the ground? - It's downforce, this is rear wheel drive, 1,000 horsepower, all electric, and it sucks it to the bottom of the ground, rear wheel drive, not even all-drive, it just rockets, it does a zero to 60 in 1.4. - [Observer] 1.4... - [Host] That's kind of insane, right? - Unbelievable, yeah. - So while we were filming that, after I was done, the guy that runs the booth said, hey, do you want to get inside of it? Like I'm gonna say no. (chattering) - We're going in. I do own a Tesla Roadster and it is very small. Not this small though. Oh my gosh. - You just push on, get this aligned. - Putting the steering wheel on. We're in. I'm inside this amazing thing. Think about it. You'd probably have to wear a helmet inside of here. The windshield is tiny. It really is a rocket ship. There's my view looking out. Record holder. All carbon fiber inside of here, side window right here does not open and shut. You're not rolling up to Starbucks or McDonald's and taking an order. Okay, so this is the gas pedal. This is the brake pedal right here. And in between, there's like a bar. I mean, honestly, it does make more sense to use two feet when you're driving. I feel like the reaction time would be better. Okay, I'm gonna sneak out of here without damaging it. Getting in I think was the easy part. - Anywhere up there you can grab. - Oh there, okay. There's like, no leverage for your feet. Your feet are actually elevated. And so it's really easy to just slip right into this, but getting out... Oh yeah. I'm just going to stay here. 'Till next year at CES. Thanks for watching the video. See you at CES 2025! (instrumental chime)
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Keywords: What's inside COOL TECH of CES 2024?, tech, ces 2024, ces, technology, ces tech, best of ces, las vegas, ai, artificial intelligence, gadgets, smart home, new tech, ijustine, ces 2024 preview, ces 2024 samsung, ces2024, ces unveiled, ces las vegas, new technology, consumer electronics show, consumer tech, tech news, mobile tech, brian tong, ai news, consumer electronic show, transparent tv, cnet, las vegas trip, vegas vlog, ces smart home tech, ces 2024 smart home, ces ai
Id: iatzGjR2De8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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