Apple Vision Pro EPIC Review - Is This The Future?

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Siri open Messages Siri open photos so cool I'll put this over here and look up and oh wow wow Siri take me to Yos Siri close all my apps are you kidding me holy [Music] oh hey there what's up everybody Brian Tong here and this is is my review of yes the Apple Vision Pro I've had it for about a week been one of the few lucky people to really dive deep and get into this and you know if there's one word that I could say to explain this like one word it's immersive and we're going to talk all about this because there is truly no other thing out there on planet Earth like this this is one of a kind and I'm sure you know everyone wants to try to make comparisons but this is a whole new approach to the mixed reality space augmented reality virtual reality mixed reality and this review is going to happen over multiple days because there's just so much to show you and experience and the Apple Vision Pro this is just different from the moment you look at it the hardware the Elegance the quality materials like you can check out my unboxing for a real up close look at it and just even how to properly fit either this Solon nit band or the Dual Loop band I show it to you all but for me in this review I want to bring as much of the experience to you as possible right I want you to see what makes it special what makes this different and obviously look I'm going to say it right at the top go check this out at an Apple store for yourself for those of you that pre-ordered it on day one hey that's you but that's not everybody most people are still considering is this something that I really want to invest in $3,499 starting so uh that's that's what we're going to hope to answer now enough of that talk right let's talk about setup setup starts with a eye measurement then you do a hand scan your palms put your palms out and then there's three different calibrations for tracking your pupil because of dilation so it's done in different lighting it's this fun little pattern of dots that you tap with your finger this is kind of like the universal sign for Apple Vision Pro right um because look this is what you're going to use you don't have to have you don't need controllers except you know if you want to do some certain games but it's your eyes and your hands um and these are your primary tools so let's show you how to use them all together now we already did the setup all the calibration and obviously ey tracking is a big part of this so let's go to the home screen I'm just going to click the digital Crown here and I can what you'll see is right now what I'm staring at is what will be in focus for you but I'm staring at the icons here and that's just using my eye you see them kind of come forward all right because everything I do is with my eyes if I want to select something let's go to somewhere like messages let's just do a pinch a single tap it opens up the app look everywhere where I look you're seeing it get highlighted the ey tracking is incredibly accurate and so when you first use this you you'll be flying all over the place but it's amazing okay so we have the single tap I can close this or if I want to show you something else let's do a pinch and hold and on that Bottom bar here that allows me to manipulate this window however I want bring it close push it out far I can even look on the on the right hand corner to expand the size of this this is like scaling it right bring it out smaller depending on where it is so there's difference between positioning it closer to you or further away from you and then also if you want to do something like pinch and drag look I can scroll up and down here by pinching and dragging holding it and going up and down that's pretty neat let's go to somewhere like um our photos Okay I'm going to select this here's our photos again pinch and drag hold it in spot right to move it up again I can move this window around um let's go into a specific photo here and this is a fun one and also similar to like multi-touch in your on your phone I have this photo here let's take two hands now and I can scale increase the size to zoom right pinch to zoom pinch to shrink it in within the space of the window here all right and then I can s single hold and move this around wherever I want oh this is so so freaking cool and then I just tapped it to kind of get back to the regular size but then let's also show you s other gesture here I'm going to go to let's do a pinch and drag to scroll through this right one move and there's an app called jig space and it brings in 3D objects into environment so I'm going to go to this Alpha Romeo and it's going to load it in a moment but I'm going to show you some other cool things that you'll be able to do all right tap to place your jig this is a 3D render model but think of this I'm going to I'm going to rotate and manipulate this space as well so I'm going to take my two fingers pinch together and look now with this app and this specific gesture I'm rotating the Alpa Romeo I can also scale it and bring it up really big right I can push it in and Tiny this is all done real time um I can even get closeup and I think I can look at get parts and pinch pinch off the tire here all right I can basically break this car down and pull it apart oh this tire is really big here can you get out my way okay thanks buddy but this is again some of the magic ways of using the gestur from tapping a single tap pinching a hold manipulating rotating zooming hold up I almost forgot there's so much stuff here that sometimes I do forget things so let's just go to my mail real quick and I talked about a press to drag but for Content let's say you want to share things hold and typically contextual menu will pop up and it gives me options like open link add a reading list copy link I could share this click on that and then here I can share it to friends airdrop message mail however I want there's just so many things that you can do here app developers can make their own ones specific to their app so when I say multiple times here we're just scratching the surface we are scratching the surface but so many really cool things that you can do here with vision OS and uh yeah we just get started it just feels so natural and you're going to pick up using the OS right away so I think the big thing about the ey tracking is we've seen it on something like the psvr2 but it was only used in maybe a few functions of games but it tracking here with um Apple Vision Pro and the vision OS is used the entire time to navigate it using hand gestures are being used the entire time so it you don't hold anything it just really right away just feels second nature I will say that you know because when you jump into this for the very first time you're going to be Juiced up you're going to be amped up just because of the Fidelity that you see you've never seen anything like this in a consumer device and I found myself just my eyes fluttering all over the place looking everywhere and so you almost have to like settle yourself down when you get inside here but you know in the very beginning of this video video I showed you multiple apps um you can literally surround yourself you can put different apps in different rooms of your house and then they'll stay in that place then when you walk over that area you'll be able to navigate with them uh you can do a lot of that but look let's just get into the first experience and that's starting off with spatial Computing you know we're going to do a little showand tell here because this is all about experiences I'm so excited for you because look this is the first time that we're going to be able to see this in Act so I have Vision Pro on obviously look over here I have my M1 Max MacBook Pro this is my Workhorse and I'm using Adobe Premiere so you see the option to connect to it so I say let's connect right I'm going to select that and it's literally just going to take a few moments and voila we have a 4K display Mac OS in front of me now integrated into Vision OS I can take right just like you'd expect this app and I can move around it went to the screen saver so let me get back here all right I can move this around wherever I want in space I can bring it up here let's just put it right here in this nice sweet spot for me right my trackpad on my Mac is obviously what I'm to use to control Mac tab this is my desktop right just in a large screen so I can scroll through video here I can play let's do this on the alternative light seal cushion and again I can go over here and look at my assets and just drop them in however I want just like I'm I'm just like editing this is real time the latency you don't feel it at all so that's pretty cool but should we bump things up a notch yes of course we should Siri open messages so the vision OS app appears I can move it around again however I want let's do another Siri open Safari oh that's pretty cool maybe we'll have to revisit that later but okay I have these three apps around me Mac OS and vision OS but here's where it gets Saucy I'm going to take my mouse cursor and just pull it over and what do you see here see that little white cursor what you're familiar with with iPad OS because that's the foundation of vision OS apps I can freely I'm using the trackpad on my Mac to control this Vision OS app I'm navigating through it I'm using it like this is freaking wild and amazing I can play you know whatever media content I can scroll up and down all right let's go back here now you can see my trackpad on the Mac in Adobe Premiere and let's go over here to Safari oh there you go uh should we play a little bit of this what is what's what's your hair stripe going to look like I it's I mean you it kind of looks Blended y all this is Mac OS Vision OS two completely separate os's working seamlessly in spatial computing this is insanee and it works flawlessly right out of the gates uh it is so impressive right this is again Apple's ecosystem coming together and oh I could see myself doing things like instead of bringing a Workhorse like this maybe something like an M2 MacBook Air smaller in size portable more light and then with Vision Pro on a plane while I'm traveling pop this open to edit on a huge 4K screen that's a higher resolution than the M2 MacBook Air this is something that I'm absolutely going to do the text rendering is so sharp and clean um when you're looking inside the headset this is just an amazing experience and you can even see when I stare at things on here right it still is using Vision OS and my ey tracking if I want to but you also have the capability to use it either Vision Os or Mac OS like that are you not W yet I'm wow and I've done this multiple times and there's a lot more to show you now you have native apps that are built for vision OS you also have compatible apps that are either iOS or iPad OS that have been turned on um you will find those in a folder on the home screen that's called compatible apps but enough of me talking let's now show you another example of just some of the very very first apps that are out there what's up everybody Welcome to Club btz coming to you from the Moon that's right I'm in the moon environment and you know what you might have heard of the DJ out but they're doing a whole lot of different things here in Vision OS so let's launch this let's get going Siri open DJ and you might be familiar with this the two- turn tables I've already loaded it with two different songs you can select them from your music library but I'm just going to play the first song on my left Play This Record uh the gang and then I'm going play the right record over here and you have the fader that can slide in between right you know how to do this right this is fun but you know this is pretty standard mix around play with Tempo but let's take this to the next level all right I'm going to go in here to that icon here for basically like environments let's go to the wall and just give it a moment it's asking me if I'm ready to get immersed and here we go oh the DJ table pops up I'm going to even take this DJ table move it down to my actual table all right and again you can play with different things I can even scratch this what I can switch between here the fader oh but then you want to have some fun here look at this icon over here right that headphone I'm going to click on it this allows me to use a gesture now to preview the song on either side so let's go here on the left side put my hand over my ear you can't hear it but I can hear the song on this record that is insane I can play here I can scratch the records if I want oh okay also let's go in here to FX and a new kind of panel will show up here what I'm going to do here well hey let's just play around I mean look at the club everything is on me uh uh uh uh uh okay you're seeing my view from inside but this is just a day one app Vision West just to give you a taste of what's possible not only mixing music coming into these environments and then the gesture to sample and preview the other song Oh this is wild you want to see more cool apps of course you do so I'm a huge NBA junkie during my downtime I have NBA League Pass I'm watching games on my TV all the time but there's an NBA app for vision OS so maybe we should check that out all right Siri open NBA so this is the app you know you have uh the games that you want to see during the day but again this is either games that are archived or games that are live so you know there's no games happening right now but obviously that Lakers Warriors game was insane two of the great ones LeBron James and Steph Curry so if this was you know the day of I would hit yeah I'm going to watch now and what you'd get is a stream of the game playing now I'm going pause this so we can talk about this right so let's say the game is playing but I want to see what other games are happening I also want to see what's happening in this game so I can click on team stats and real time they update while you're watching the game field goal percentage three-o or free throws do I want to look at player stats over here on the right side you can look at the teams and each individual Players let's obviously go check out the warriors uh Steph Curry had a beast of a game 46 points also got a wrap my man up and coming Jonathan kaminga right here 22 and9 but you can look at all this real time as it's happening and I was instantly already freaking I'm like oh my gosh this just made my viewing experience so much better but then I look up there and I was like games and so I click on I'm like oh wow all the games that are being played whether they're live or archived for the day are here um let's go to a rivalry like Miami New York and I click on it it says watch game I could swap it in or I could add to multi view so all of a sudden one pops up that I'm like oh crap like I can watch on the big screen or I can have it here let's let's go to another game Philadelphia Denver yes please add to multi view so now I have three three screens three games um what else LA Clippers Boston yes please add to multi view that goes there uh New Orleans Milwaukee add to multiv view do you see what I'm seeing here with we literally have five live streams or archive streams of NBA basketball in my face I'm freaking out already I'm like this is incredible I can take a game over here and if I want to I can swap it in and play it on the big screen and then my Warriors game and Lakers game maybe it's during halftime goes over there I can watch the game here then what do you normally do when you're watching sports um yeah I'm messaging my friends with the group text Siri open messages so that pops in over there I could be browsing the web here this is insane this is a sports fan wet dream and it is incredible this is again a day one or we're we're at day zero right now launch app for the NBA you can only imagine how other sports leagues will model this then you also think about the future of Apple has MLS Apple has Major League Baseball Apple also has their apple immersive video platform which we know can do sports games so this is just again scratching the surface of what is possible and it is so exciting look if you're an NBA fan how can you not freak out about it I'm freaking out about this this is incredible are you freaking out yet you should be freaking out because this again these is just the fir first day one apps that just shows just the just a sliver of the potential of what is possible and your mind just starts going in all these different directions now the biggest thing using Vision OS the speed of the OS running on an M2 I never questioned whether it was too slow whether it was laggy where where if if it didn't feel like it was flowing the display here supports 90 HZ 96 htz and 100 HZ refresh rates those different refresh rates um are depending on the type of media content or even overseas in let's say like in Europe they have a standard 50 HZ so you got to have 100 to kind of match that with the multiplier if you're watching something like 24 frames per second uh movies that multiplies into 96 seamlessly and then 30 frames per second uh that multiplies into 90 HZ so there's a reason why this display it looks bettery smooth um you know some of the screen captures that I have yes I'm screen capturing it so you might be like that doesn't look you know maybe there's a moment or two where might be choppy but trust me like when you have this on uh you you'll never question everyone that said oh why don't they put an M3 in it yes we know like the nextg GPU is in the M3 I I said from day one the M2 has more than enough overhead to support this and try this experience it go to store to check it out you will never say oh this feels this feel slow also um we talk about eye tracking and hand gestures you're going to be relying on on Siri a lot more I used it to launch apps to close apps to jump between environments and even because let's be honest uh you can use the virtual keyboard um and I've gotten a little more used to it but it's still not ideal ideal when I have to yeah I'll deal with it but you know even using your voice to send text messages through Siri that's going to um really be one of the main ways that you communicate with it yes you can use a trackpad yes you can use a physical keyboard and they can over Bluetooth nicely but you're not always going to have those accessible next to you um and handy so look you're going to rely on your voice your eyes and your hands a lot also if you're talking about okay well how do I make payments what if I'm purchasing new apps well you're not using face ID because your face is covered but you're using their optic ID system which basically does a scan of your eye which is unique to each person so that's how they know who you are but also optic ID ties into your persona right if you haven't heard about this or seen this the Persona this is your digital Avatar and you build this directly on the Apple Vision Pro now this headset is also for one person but there is a guest user mode so this is you know I talked about optic ID this is really truly tied just to one user but you can share it you can give them access to the apps that you already had open before you hand it off or you can give them access to all apps on the Vision Pro it's also recommended that a person who wants to try it on as a guest gets their own light seal gets their own uh sizing for Vision Pro just because that'll give them the optimal fit that cost $1.99 but they can get their own through Apple but this does support guest users so let's set up our Persona I'm going to jump in here and go to my settings and then we're going to find Persona go there now I have one in here but I want to walk you through the process here so I'm going to go to rec capture and here you go capture how you'll appear in FaceTime and other calls so let's get started okay refine your handset I'm going to put my hands out flip my hands over this is for hand tracking and hand scanning okay to set up your persona you'll remove Apple the walk this tutorial video which I've done before so I'm just going to say continue take your time getting ready and make sure nothing's covering your face to start capturing hold Apple Vision Pro continue tips for the best capture find a well out area use a symbol background be in front of neutral background hopefully this is good enough okay remove Apple Vision Pro to begin capture okay let's do this okay okay let's do this okay when you're ready hold Apple Vision Pro at ey level slowly turn your head to the right now slowly turn your head to the left [Music] now tilt your head up then tilt your head down next let's capture your facial expressions smile with your mouth closed then make a big smile with your teeth showing now raise your eyebrows Close Your Eyes For a Moment capture complete okay Vision Pro back on to continue let's see what happens y'all see what happens tastes what maybe the whole process a minute a minute and a half and there I am there that's me oh my gosh hello watch this the mount tracking look look you can choose a natural lighting Studio I think is a little brighter okay I can go to Contour I think it gets a little bit of my stripe all right gets some of the aspect of it I think with better line my previous one I it it popped a little more so you you might want to try it a few times but look it also captures your your actual clothes that you did the capture in which is pretty incredible as well but look I'm doing my eyes open the my eyebrows I'm doing that this is this is your persona capture this is a beta so because there's so many people um and so many different skin tones and sizes and shapes Apple's making this a beta it is available for everyone that has Apple Vision Pro but it'll improve over time but yeah that's pretty impressive you can also change the temperature of you know if I'm going if I come back from ha I'm a little Tanner that that's more like me um you can play with the brightness as well okay let's keep it in the middle but look it scans my hands I can do I can do things with this right it shows me like ah this is my Persona oh my gosh it's crazy next oh yeah I forgot that I wear if you wear glasses of any kind you can select different frames I'm not going to so I'm going to go back here and say none and go to next and there you go that's your persona that you can save so after I got my Persona locked in you know what's the first thing that you would do well I tried to FaceTime call with some friends all right so now Brian has joined us oh my gosh okay we were just debating like what is what's what's your hair stripe going to look like I it's I mean you it kind of looks Blended out right it doesn't get the spikiness but it's there yeah right yeah what do you think about the shape though oh I mean actually your hair and my hair is kind of like the same shape Mar we kind of got a little cone like a little bit of cone head action going up you know what I'm saying but um I mean it's better than anyone else has been able to do my hair so far so you know like there you'll never be able to get like a stripe in it so I'm like this cool but the face stuff is kind of wild I'm just like still the faces are impressive I think right very very it's it's just at the edge of uncanny valley like I know what you guys look like so I know that they look like you like the facial hair cuz have you ever tried to design a character like in a 2K game yeah like you try you really try like as hard as you can to get it looking and it never quite looks like you this in what did it take you a minute maybe yeah basically I D i' do a few tries few scans after a few yeah but the hard part too is the hair too especially for me cuz it's like you had to have the perfect amount of separation between like your face and the ears because it kept like blurring to the side of my face oh that's interesting I feel like I can do better but at this point I was like we're done we're going to go with this but but like whatever you scan yourself in like that's what you're wearing so it's like my necklace is crooked I like I need to fix that that's so cool part of you now that's part of your persona you guys like you said we know what each other looks like in real life and this is like like I mean I feel like this is like a nine out of 10 like of how we actually look it's pretty good and also like skin tones too cuz we all three of us have very different complexions too and I feel like it actually I think it did a pretty good job yeah you know what I'm the most impressed by the audio right now like our mics are attached to our heads right now they sound really good and they're like positioned based on I'm like pointing like you can see my hands but they're like positioned based on where you are in front of me yeah yeah the spal audio is crazy right good like the first time I saw this I was kind of freaked out but like the what are you doing what what are you are you moving around I I moved you I'm sorry I moved you on purpose so I could hear like hear you spatially move in the room based on where I but then when you move me you're moving okay now you're moving still cool wow oh wow yeah over here now exactly like I could put you behind me in the room I'm going to put you I mean it's weird for you to see but talk talk real quick okay exactly behind oh my gosh your neck is like broken I'm behind you oh my God now you're a shadow I'm back I'm back y'all wow so something that just kind of was so shocking for me right now is I just put you guys into an environment and it completely changed the sound like like so when I go out of my my environmental it sounds like you're in room but then it switches to now you're in Joshua Tree yeah I'm in Mountain Hood right now yeah it's like the the deadness of no reflections of the wall like and like I can kind of hear like an echo of your voice like bouncing off the Rocks this is so weird yeah wild jeez man it's it's a lot of like that whole immersion stuff the immersion stuff is so crazy like how good it is when it's like the attention to detail too like I know we all make fun of Apple like oh when Apple does something like then it's going to be a thing but man they really made this super impressive I did not realize that that yeah when you just said like the audio changed and I tried it I didn't realize how much it made it feel like you guys were in the room with me until it changed and now it's like yeah I did Mount Hood also and it's like now we're out in the wilderness and it sounds like that that's crazy that's so it's just it's so shocking so you can even see during that call if I actually move um the video box you know from on my right side they will actually see kind of a side profile on my face if I move it over to my left side they'll see a side profile so there's a little bit of um spatial awareness but also when you talk about spatial you've got to talk about spatial audio now there are two audio pods here and these are incredible I actually yeah I tried using airpods here at home but it sounds so good it obviously feels so natural where you don't have to have anything over your ears the the spatial audio and just the audio period that is produced in here is incredible depending on where someone's located on the screen you feel that directional sound spatial audio whether it's movies um but with FaceTime you know video conferencing and every moment that I've like experienced this it is definitely an immersive experience I mean one of the most immersive um and the audio pods they just sound awesome another mode that the Apple Vision Pro has is travel mode so you can take this on a plane and basically it compensates and calibrates for you being in a moving uh environment or I guess a moving vehicle right now um I believe it supports just airplanes but I'm going to try it out I'll have a video on my channel um but I wasn't able to experience that yet because this product hasn't even come out you can't just go out and public with it another big thing that people want to know about this what is the Vision Pro like for gaming right so we have support for iOS and iPad OS apps I mean gaming on here is pretty ridiculous let's say if you uh Apple arcade games there's about 250 games on launch so think of this you have a controller that's tied to uh connected over Bluetooth and you can basically just have something around it feels like around 150 to 200 in screen smoothly just like drag and change the scale of it the Fidelity of the image and the resolution of those games does not break down so it doesn't get like all super extra pixelated the the the image quality still holds true and then you have other apps like Steam and steamlink you could actually have a game on your PC on the same network with the controller and use that window blow it up really big you can take apple arcade games blow it up really big this is arguably if you want to use it that way your largest biggest and best gaming display in your house a lot of the games here on launch um they aren't what I would call like full take over over VR type games this is going to take time for developers to get at it so there's fun games like Stitch where you're you're like you know drawing in kind of like it's like a color sluzzle game there's stuff here on launch but you know you got to wait for developers to really get their hands on it um for us to see you know games tailor made for this and that's what I hope to see now if there's one word to describe the Apple Vision Pro that word is immersive this is the most immersive headset I've ever experienced you know I got to um use it and you know test it out in half an hour um Hands-On experiences before this review but now that I've had it um from an immersive video standpoint and experience this thing is incredible I mean you first have those environments that really transport and take you away from where you are whether you want to do work while you're in an environment whether you want to watch a movie you know hakala you have yosity you have the this like cool sand area you have hood and they have daytime versions nighttime versions they can also change like the weather can change um as well in here but they really transport you to different locations you even have something like uh the meditation app that you feel like you're in a different world and then when you start talking about actual immersive video content right we have the Apple immersive video platform there's you know a rehearsal stage with Alicia Keys and this is again their acquisition of next VR you're watching 180 degree video all right in front of you so it basically covers your peripherals uh it's it's shot in 8k it's 3D and it supports High dynamic range this just it's incredible to see this and you you feel it if that makes sense you you actually feel the video and there's not anything out there like that today and then spatial audio on top of that that has been able been able to capture that just yet also we talk about 3D movies Apple TV will have 150 3D movies available on launch if you already have purchased the movie and it's available in 3D you have the option to either watch the 2D version or the 3D version of the movie this is also incredible because you're of course you're wearing um you know a headset but you're not wearing actual glasses that you know sometimes you get a screen door effect when there's a lot of action the frame rate can break down a tiny bit but this is the best looking 3D that I've ever seen and I was the 3D junkie who bought you know uh the Panasonic TVs back in the day and bought all the different 3D glasses and bought a huge collection of 3D movies and now TV today don't support it this is the best Fidelity of a 3D experience we've ever seen it supports High dynamic range uh and also sports high frame rate so that means movies that are like 48 frames like a avatar way of water you get the original original director's intent in a headset like this you throw in the spatial audio it's it's just incredible all the things I can do and then look I just had to add this part here because it's important when we talk about the I word immersive so when you watch a movie you can go into the cinema View and apple teased that it just doesn't translate as well in the headset and it's really shaky but you can actually get the prime spot whether it's a middle seat front row back row or even up on the balcony and the theater that you're in changes perspective while the movie transitions into these different locations uh it is special and when we talk about just being in an immersed environment that is another way it does it and then on top of that you have the ability to take and record spatial photos or spatial videos from either your iPhone 15 Pros or take them directly on this device you have this top button here on the left side and that allows you to when you tap it it puts you in kind of the spatial capture mode you either hold it for video you press it once for single photos it saves them directly to the device but on your phone you kind of get that large wide landscape aspect ratio for videos and photos and so that's my preference then you just air dropped in here and you can really capture intimate moments that just come alive on this headset like nothing you've ever seen or experienced before so we're talking about from top to bottom Apple immersive video 3D movies immersive environments and your own personal spatial video this is the most immersive headset we have ever seen and from someone who loves to consume content this is really special now of course the question is okay Brian you're talking about this battery life what do what do we got for battery life well you know with normal use apple said 2 hours and then with watching movie Apple said 2 and 1 half hours but what I can tell you is I put this to the test I've been wearing this a whole lot just for you and which is normal normal use we're talking about running multiple apps doing FaceTime calls even playing uh like YouTube TV on the side while I'm doing other things playing music I was able to push this out um for 2 hours and 26 minutes so it's almost we time out 2 and 1/2 hours of normal day-to-day use and I was pushing a lot harder than I even would in a normal way but that's good to know right at least from a from a day-to-day real world you're basically getting around 2 and a half hours now for watching a 3D movie I made it all the way through Avengers endgame and then I just had like a couple minutes extra of juice this headset for a movie 3D Movie lasted 3 hours and 9 minutes so what that tells you is that both of the whether it's using it for regular use or using it for movies both were about half an hour more than what Apple officially stated battery LifeWise which has been typical for Apple but at least you know now it's really real world 2 and a half hours of day-to-day use and then three plus hours of watching a movie and that's really incredible now you have your battery right if you need to recharge it it it takes one and a half hours to go from zero all the way to 100% I did just for fun a 30-minute charge and I got it to 37% so yes you do need a battery pack and there will be caveats that come with that as well so look I've been saying a lot of great things about the Apple Vision Pro and again there is nothing out there like it but there's obviously this is the first gen there's some things some drawbacks that you need to know about and I'm sure some of these things that are missing will likely you know come in time again this is this is day one of this device um but I think the big one of the first things I noticed is you know you download all these different apps but there is no app customiz ation right now meaning after Apple's apps on the home screen the rest of the apps are actually listed alphabetically so you currently cannot move them around or customize the layout um create a different order or even create folders to group your apps together you do have compatible iPhone and iPad apps um those are in the compatible apps folder um you could also use Siri to launch an app specifically or you can go to control center and then use Spotlight to find an app but you know right out of the gates you're kind of like thinking that oh I can customize this like iOS you can't right now we also have YouTube and Netflix right those they do not have native apps they don't have compatible apps that they ported over from uh iPad OS so my Hope was that I could you know go to the website and then add it as an app on my home screen uh you are not able to do that so that's pretty inconvenient because look Netflix YouTube and YouTube TV those are three services that I use quite a lot and I'd like to at least be able to hey take that you know web page and turn it into a web app you can't do that right now um as of day one so it is inconvenient um my hope is that this gets resolved and so for now that's something that you can't do now will this stop me from saying oh get this device I think it's obviously an inconvenience but let's give them the benefit of down in I'm pretty sure it'll be worked out but what you could do right now is you know set one as your homepage in Safari as it launches or you know create them as favorites now also things to be aware of right this is a list of more caveats battery swap right now remember this device it hasn't changed once this battery runs out if you want to like you know change over to a new battery there is no time where oh it has like you know you can't like hot swap it and this is still running the actual Apple Vision Pro will shut down once you remove a battery and connect a new one but the time is not too bad I mean I put in a battery fully charged from start and you know from from a cold start it takes about 37 seconds to warm up you're going to hear this um deep bright chime that is a little different sounding specifically for Apple Vision Pro and once you hear that chime you can put this on your head and then in about 5 more seconds you'll see an Apple logo and then the video feed shows up inside the Apple Vision Pro but right now once you swap batteries the power will turn off and then you'll have to wait for it to boot up again also I think one of the things that I noticed over time um is movie lens Reflections and what do I mean by that so you know this happens in other VR headsets but specifically when maybe there's some really bright scenes it's kind of funny like the displays are so good and the high dynamic range is so good when you have certain scenes in movies that are really bright you'll sometime it'll sometimes reflect because you're looking through lenses and these are curved lenses you'll see a little bit of like some Reflections on the edge now there is a really sweet spot to see the video like when you're watching movies but it can happen um and look I'm just letting you know that it's it's not something that is going to you're going to hate I think the ultimate video file will will probably be a little annoyed by it I noticed it because I'm the person who like you know gets the 4K oleds and pays attention all that stuff so it's a little distracting it happens in some scenes but also I noticed because a lot of the demos are typically in bright rooms when it when you're in a bright room or bright environment you actually don't really see the reflections that much it's only when I was Pitch Black in a room or Pitch Black in an environment where I could see a little bit of it it's just something to let you know it's really Dynamic scenes that are bright now I think the biggest thing that everyone knows and has heard about it is the weight of the headset and I will tell you that you will feel this right 30 minutes in for me it gets a little uncomfortable 45 minutes to an hour is really the most that I can use it for like straight through but like I told you to test um using it dayto day I kept it on for two almost two and a half hours to watch a movie and see how long it lasted I kept it on for 3 plus hours but I know that in a normal situation if I wasn't doing that for you all um I would not be able to wear it that long I personally need to take breaks so for me 45 minutes to an hour was the absolute like threshold for me to be like I need to take a breather from this you know even I I'll be honest with you after two days I didn't realize it but like I touched over here and I got you know it's this is an all new device this is things that we haven't done before I I got a little like a little bit of tenderness around my forehead after two days it didn't stop me from using it but I did feel it and that was something different so for me someone needs to make a headset um that can help distribute the weight better there is the Dual Band Loop that does help but even with that I still after you know once I hit that 45 minute Mark specifically then I'm like oh I need to take these off I might be able to push it out to an hour but that's when I felt it some of you might feel it earlier some of you might not I think that quite honestly people with bigger heads it helps distribute the weight a little better for you because it's pulled uh wider but I hope either Apple Works on making something that has a little bit of a counterweight to pull this off your face we know like with other brand like meta the quest 3 and the Quest 2 they've had that Elite strap with like the battery pack here that just helps lift it a little bit um the weight difference here this is around 600 to 650 g The Meta Quest 3 is like 5 515 G so this is a little heavier it's not significantly heavier but no matter what every headset you wear you will feel the weight and I felt the weight here so I'm hoping that we can get other um head head strap options that might alleviate that a little bit the other thing that I didn't really think of and didn't expect is um when I use this I think I'm get I get a little more exhausted than normal because uh there's just a lot I'm over stimulated like this is definitely using our brain in different ways and there's so much sensory overload from the video feed from me looking around from me like swiping in graphics from things like just like coming at me I can tell that I definitely get a little fatigued after using after using that so that's why I also need to take a break and I again to my point is I think this is triggering our brain to uh act and take in information uh just CU there's just there's just so much there and it's exciting like don't get me wrong it is really fun and I I love being inside it but it can also be a little exhausting from over stimulation so I think maybe part of it is I've been a week into it now I'm learning to maybe slow down the way I use it a lot of times when you're you're looking at things because you want to jump around so fast you know you might want to you know tap to select something and you're already looking at the next thing just take your time a little bit in it also I did test it um using it in the dark more and when it's too dark it will tell you where it may not be able to see your hand as well there are IR illuminators here on the bottom that you can still use this in the dark but when it gets too too dark or certain situations it will warn you that it may not be able to see your hands as well um but it still can be used um I didn't have a problem with it but I just want to let you know the even sometimes uh like some of the sensors it would at least give you a warning when it it couldn't see them as well so just be aware of this I think this definitely performs the best in well light conditions it doesn't perform poorly in Darker situations it just may not be as as effective when you get those warnings but also I think another thing that I've noticed that I wasn't expecting is this tap move you know when when we were using the iPhone we were using like our thumbs a lot and I would always joke like oh man I'm building IPS this tap move there I mean I you know when you're using it so much you even get fatigued here too so again we're using these new devices in different ways and our body is having to adjust to that but guess what we adjust uh this thing is still unreal so we've talked all about that the caveats of what makes this great what makes this special how immersive this is and then some of the things that oh maybe you might consider okay what what are some of the challeng that come with this for you know the first time that Apple's put on a headset but I think obviously the biggest thing that everyone talks about is not only the comfortable comfortability is that a word how comfortable this is uh you know the weight of the headset but the price right and let's be honest I've said this multiple times this is not priced as a headset for everyone we know this right I don't expect everyone to go out and buy this but everything I've showed you it's up to you to make that determination of if this is worth $3,499 starting you saw my pre-order video it pushed up because I got an extra battery I got the highest capacity got Apple Care it basically PS it to near $5,000 that's a huge investment I cover tech for a living but that's a decision that you have to figure out for yourself I think first of all no matter what through this whole video this is a device that I highly recommend that you go to an Apple store if there's one near you go through the demo process feel it out it experience it I think it's going to be really exciting you're be like oh my gosh oh my gosh but just do that first before you make a decision I know there's a lot of people that bought bought this and purchased it side unseen and you know that is that is the true you know Apple believer the also someone who just wants to be on The Cutting Edge of tech this is The Cutting Edge of Technology there's nothing out there like it we will see what the future holds and what direction um this pushes things and where people move towards but obviously Apple in this for Long Haul but you've you've got to try it on for most people this is a huge investment this is a luxury device uh but you know I'm I'm loving it I'm already loving it uh I can't wait to see where this is honestly in 3 to 5 years when it's going to get lighter in weight it's going to get more comfortable the price will likely be a little more affordable I'm not going to no anyone who's asking for a $500 headset from Apple uh that's not happening anytime soon this this is the Vision Pro and this is uh just the build quality alone would would not get it to that area so don't don't think of it that way look at all the tech in here and look at all the experiences that I've been tried to convey to you and this is an incredible incredible piece of technology this is up to you to decide for yourself is it worth it or not and also all that chatter about this is a beta product um using it it doesn't feel like a beta product you know this is a polished product developers yes have to get on it the price is not you know the most consumer friendly it's not we can all say that admit that but for people that haven't used it that are just outright calling this uh you know a dev kit I think that's selling it short and use it just from a pure entertainment standpoint it's prime time already and again it's only going to get better like I'm excited to see what developers do and what Apple does with this product over time I think if you love Tech and you want to experience something you have never ever ever have before and you have the resources then you should get an Apple Vision Pro if you don't have the resources to do it look don't do it like these are the grown up decisions that we all make for ourselves we all value things differently right it's up to you to decide if it's worth it to you after everything I've shown you because for everyone that loves their fancy handbag and I know a lot of you have multiple handbags hey this is my fancy handbag and you know if it's too expensive for most people which it is like I don't expect everyone to get one I really don't just follow along with this journey the it's going to um develop in so many incredible ways we still don't know if this will be a true success however that's defined but we know that apple is in this for the Long Haul uh you know all of Apple's DNA is in here from design from software from compatibility with all their other platforms and products and you know even the media relationships they have like this is everything you know for all these years put into here and every time I jump in it just feels like I'm using the next Frontier of computing and entertainment that is just right on the horizon we'll see if we actually get there we'll see if everyone gets there right there's still considerations the Comfort the price yes but the experiences that this has the they they they they're already they're already changing my brain a little bit like this is really wild stuff I mean someone who's loved Tech and has followed this for all these years that when you see something like this that can do that to you like that that's what it's all about it is appropriate that the time of this comes um just within a week of the 40th anniversary of the Mac because that was a paradigm shift in how we saw Computing and how we worked and interacted with computers and how accessible it was this feels like another shift that is happening and could happen I'm not saying it's going to but the way that we interact with Windows and media and content and the immersive nature I'm not saying like we're all going to be wearing these outside every day but all the learnings that are com that are coming from here and as this gets smaller and lighter it's it's going to take us in new places and this this really feels like it introduces A Whole New World and a whole new shift of what is possible with technology and bottom line look this is the most amazing piece of tech that I have ever ever experienced in my life and this is just scratching the surface of its potential and that is an exciting uh development in itself you know you wonder like am I saying go run out and get right now no you don't have to follow along make the decision for yourself you're a grownup but hopefully what I showed you um could really inform you and be like oh wow wow I see why this is special or what this does and why you really yeah it's a headset but you can't you can't compare it to anything out there you just can't there there's nothing out there like that so if you want my final verdict right good apple bad apple guess what nothing like this has ever been done this is a blow my mind Apple I I I still can't comprehend like everything that I feel about this thing it's it's freaking incredible Apple Vision Pro you blow my [Music] [Music] mind
Channel: Brian Tong
Views: 464,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, apple vision pro, apple vision pro review, iphone 16, iphone 16 pro, iphone 15, apple vision pro spatial computing, apple vision pro unboxing, apple vision pro reaction, apple vision pro hands on, apple wision pro apps, spatial computing, apple immersive video, apple persona, spatial audio, iphone, visionos, iphone 15 pro, ijustine, mkbhd, brian tong, meta quest 3, apple vision pro vs quest 3, apple vision pro vs meta quest pro, apple vision pro vs meta quest 3
Id: GkPw6ScHyb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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