These AI glasses broke my phone addiction | Meta Ray-Ban 2 months later

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these glasses from meta have two microphones four speakers a 2K camera and have an integrated chat GPT llm model inside in them and they've enabled me to be able to break my iPhone addiction I spent 6 weeks with these glasses and in this video I'm going to go through why I think they're so amazing and how they've empowered me to be able to leave my phone at home how's it going folks my name is Marcus welcome back to the channel if you're new here on this channel I'd like to talk about technology EDC and anything that can help me live a happier balanced more productive life today we're going to be talking about these meta Rayband glasses this is the second iteration of glasses from meta Rayband So Meta being formerly Facebook and Rayband being the glasses that you know and love the the Branded glasses that have been around for a very long time so they've had this partnership before and a number of years ago they released something called stories which was their first attempt at having a camera integrated into a set of glasses this time they've done a much better job so in this video I'm going to do two things I'm going to run through exactly what is about these glasses that I love and two how it's helped me break my phone addiction so let's get started first with what's so important about these glasses So Meta brought these glasses out this year they've been out about 6 weeks or two months and as soon as I saw that they were launching them I was like these are perfect I need to get a set for me so I'm someone who wears glasses all the time and I think that when meta brought these out they intended them to be sunglasses initially because when you look at the different versions that they have available they're the two main brands of sunglasses that Rayband have which are the headliner or these the way farers which are the ones I have on the kind of classic Buddy Holly look for me as someone who wears glasses every single day I decided to go for Clear lenses I thought I would get more use out of them honestly even though I live in California I don't really wear sunglasses a lot anyway sometimes when I'm out in the truck I just keep a pair out there but I knew I'd get more use out of having these all the time so what's great about these let's run through some of the characteristics so first and foremost when you get these glasses you get them in this case and they it looks like your typical Ray bands case if you've had Ray bands before but you'll notice there's a glowing hinge on it so there's a little button here which glows and there's also a little U USBC port on the bottom as well as a button for a reset on it so a really sturdy little leather case fantastic but when you open it you'll see it's slightly different so your glasses when they fall when they go inside they're in a very structured place they have this little nose hole this little connector here with two prongs which you can see which are for charging the glasses when you push them in and when you put them in and out they they go in nice and firmly and snug and you can see they're charging there the indicator light shows that they're charging when they're in this case and I found I get about 6 hours of use once I put these glasses on if I'm using them a lot so when I put these glasses on I stick them on my head and I got a little reassuring hum to say that it registered on my head and I hear a little noise which tells me that it's now connected to my phone so these glasses are good and they're ready to go on these glasses I have in here which you can see I have a little LED indicator which tells me what's happening in terms of am I taking a photo am I recording um and it also on the outside more importantly has an indicator in the rim here that says if I'm recording or not so other people can see it and a 2K video camera on this side now straight away just looking at how these look these look like typical glasses now yes they are a little bit chunkier on the sides than maybe I would typically wear on a normal day I like to have clear Rim glasses typically um so that you kind of see more of my face but these look like a design statement they look like a stylistic thing more than them being clunky glasses I just want to take a quick break from the video to ask you to like And subscribe to this video I've got a small YouTube channel so everything helps the algorithm find me okay back to the content this is not the first iteration of glasses that people have brought to Market when I go back through time and think about previous iterations like Google Glass I definitely tried those out back in like 2013 2014 I thought they were cool but I also thought you looked ridiculous um and and previous iterations have come out from snap and even the meta Rayband ones had big thick sides in them and you knew something was going on they weren't just a pair of glasses I feel like this is the first time where people don't know I'm wearing smart glasses when I have these on so the compromise really isn't there in terms of you know you're looking like a total dork while getting the value from them so what do I use these for well talking through it first of all I usually wear airpods when I'm on calls but because there's four speakers two over each here I'm able to watch content listen to my audiobooks listen to music take phone calls without putting anything into my ear now the quality of these speakers is pretty good given that they're integrated into the to the sides of these glasses into the arms of these glasses I have noticed when I'm walking down the road if I'm outside and it's a busy road when I have them up on full volume it's still sometimes not enough for me able to hear the person clearly so I have found myself putting a airpods in for that if it's a really really noisy place like for example if I take BART or underground into work I can't use the integrated ones on this because they're just not loud enough I've also noticed that if I do have them on very loud other people can hear them so like my wife or kids have said oh what are you listening to because they can hear a kind of a muffled noise but on Mid volum volume if you're in a room and mid volume it's not intrusive people can't really hear what you're listening to I think they're pretty good secondly though they microphones there's integrated microphones in this to pick up my voice there's a one just above my nose here um and there there's another one for noise cancelling I think it's in the arm of it um but it does a really good job for the person on the other end so the feedback I get is that people don't know that I'm talking through my glasses when I am taking a call it's just the same as if I had my airpods in so I've done a really good job with the microphone in terms of noise cancelling and picking up my voice when I first got these glasses the audio broke in and out on them my voice wasn't very clear but there are some settings you can do in your phone they've updated over time to make it better and for anyone who's having any problems with this and haven't found it to be very accurate I'd say go into your phone look at those settings you can update it and make it work much better for you but after that is a 2K camera now in here you'll see and I'll start recording here so you can see my setup when I start recording you'll see a light comes on a little LED indicator a white one so people know I'm recording so I can't do like creepy you don't know I'm recording a video type things but the quality of these videos is pretty good now it's not 4K it's definitely not as good as your iPhone but it's pretty good it shoots in portrait mode so not in landscape so it's good for doing you know um Instagram content shorts things like that and I mostly use it for being when I'm out with my kids you get this interesting perspective where you can see your hands in photos you can interact with your kids you can you know when I'm reading books you can just capture those moments that ordinarily you can't capture by having your phone out you're not in that moment you can still be fully immersed in what you're doing looking with your own eyes and still capturing that moment so it's a really unique feel and I'll talk about that a little bit when I talk about how it's enabled me to leave my phone at home a little bit more too so you've got that camera with you all the time you can do 60c recordings 30 second 20 seconds it's all in the settings I've got mine set up for 60-second recordings but if I don't want it to be 60 seconds I can start recording and then you can stop it but at any time you can also take photos just by tapping one time and as I'm taking that photo I get a little shutter release noise in my ear just to confirm to me that the photo was taken and I've had really good success with those photos both in terms of quality and capturing them in time there is a slight Delay from when I hit it to when the photo's taken so if I wanted to get my hands out in front of me I don't have to have all my photos with one hand on my ear it's about a second delay so for this photo here if I want to do a photo clasping my hands I'm able to do that and in that photo I'm clasping my hands in that photo so I'll show that on the screen in addition to having a camera and having speakers and microphone it's got a side panel where I can swipe so I can swipe to the side to turn the volume down to turn the volume up again I can tap on it if I want to pause my audio if I want to um change songs there's different things I can do with the swipe panel on the side but most interesting about this more interesting than all the things I've talked about before is having meta integrated having a large language model integrated into these glasses so I can be more more productive in the things that I do so what I'm going to try and do is see can I record the audio it's fully tailored to just go into my ear but I'm going to stick this here and see can you hear what meta says to me so let's give it a go hey meta explain to me what an llm is like I'm in high school an llm or large language model is like a smart assistant that can understand and communicate in human language similar to how you text or write essays it learns from vast amounts of Text data to predict and generate sentences helping you perform various tasks hey meta tell me what an llm is like I'm a 5-year-old kid an llm is like a magical talking robot that can understand and say lots of fun things in human language it learns from stories and conversations and can chat with you play games and even help you with tasks Isn't that cool that is super cool so let's see if that recording he can you hear it so having that integrated into my head I found that a lot so when I'm working when I'm trying to get something done I'm actually able to ask you know I'm able to learn without even doing anything without even having to open chat GPT chat GPT is one of the most used apps on my phone I've really gotten heavy in adopting that and having meta in my head just on my glasses and I don't have to think about it really enables me to be able to integrate or to work better with AI as I go so that's that's one of those really good side benefits now one of the capabilities that's coming to these glasses and about 5% of users have it already is the ability to be able to ask meta what am I doing and what it does is it looks through it you enable your camera it looks at what you're doing and it can to look at the image and understand what you're doing so you should be able to pick something up and I'll be able to say hey what have I got in my hand and it'll be able to analyze from the image using my camera what I have in my hand and be able to communicate with me so I don't have that capability yet I'm not in their Early Access program I've tried to get in there but some people have reviewed it like M MKBHD if you want to have a look on there he has access to that already and as soon as it comes online I want to be able to use that a lot I think that having my glasses just be an extension of basically the entire internet and that I can query it without having to do anything is going to be next level Game Changer but what does that mean in terms of breaking my phone addiction so for a long time I've really battled with this phone addiction that I have where I'm on my phone all the time I pull my phone out of my pocket all the time to I start by checking my work email and my work slack but that sends me down the rabbit hole of checking Instagram checking X checking my YouTube account checking do I have any new comments from people all of this stuff and it and it become it's like a 5 to 10 minute Loop once I pull it out and I pull it out every couple of minutes so it's a bit of a killer so I've tried various experiments where I've just used my Apple watch but it wasn't quite enough because I felt like I wanted to be able to take photos and videos of my kids that was a big friction point for me and just I I ended up putting that dumb phone back in the drawer and getting even more addicted to my phone over time so what I'm doing at the moment is and it's early days I've only been doing it for about a week is using my Apple watch for all my calls messages using things three to capture all my thoughts if I have a video idea or if I have something for work I need to do sticking it in on my phone doing all my fitness tracking doing all my steps all the things that I need from a smartphone using my watch but using my glasses for the things like audio and video capture for listening to audio books so I don't even have to bring my airpods with me for you know all those other things that I typically use my phone for without being stuck on the social media trap and it's been really great so far it's been the first time where I haven't really been missing my phone in the way that I do I just stick my glasses on so one of the limitations is the glasses do need to be connected to my phone so I do bring my phone with me it's in my pocket but the excuse of pulling my phone out to take a photo or video has gone away and it is actually an instinct for me now because I've had these glasses for 6 weeks here's a funny one is that when I'm wearing my regular dumb glasses I find myself doing things like tapping the side or talking to my glasses or reaching up to take a photo with my regular glasses so I have integrated these glasses into my life so much that kind of dumb glasses are they're really they really suck and I keep finding myself kind of going oh oh yeah I have to get my phone for that now and it's such a faf it reduces so much friction in my life just having these on my face so if you're somebody who wears glasses all the time anyway or you're interested in kind of getting into this kind of smart glasses scene these are definitely a great first step I don't think you can go wrong they come in a bunch of colors there's a couple of different Siz as well they're definitely a statement people kind of know that you're they're like oh those are cool glasses but in terms of them being like obviously smart glasses I think this is a great first start they've certainly helped me in terms of managing my phone addiction and moving away from being so connected to my phone all the time so it's a good first step I hope they might be able to do something like that for you what are some of the things that you would want from these smart glasses what you think's creepy do you think it's weird that people have cameras on their faces all the time now is it something that we're just going to get used to and this is the new world I'd love to get your feedback on it what do you think are they for you leave some comments in the description below good luck
Channel: Marcus O'Brien
Views: 742,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta ray-ban, chat gpt, phone addiction, addicted to phone, smart glasses, google glass, meta stories, ray-ban, meta, edc
Id: 2fYRpCRlqXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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